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In Putin's regime?

We should say he is the one who is personally stealing! And these are all excuses.

Putin, unlike many, is no fool. The deferred commitments of favoured "friends" will not stick. But there is a flip side to this: he must never lose control of power, otherwise the chain could be unraveled.
And one cannot produce simple statistics in court, even internationally. We are left to sigh in the corner, observing the surreal picture, where almost 10% of the country's assets belong to VV's associates in "Ozer", KGB, City Hall, sports, etc.
Putin, unlike many, is no fool. Deferred engagements of favoured "friends" will not stick. But there is a flip side to this, he must under no circumstances lose his grip on power, otherwise the chain could be unwound.
And one cannot produce simple statistics in court, even internationally. We are left to sigh in the corner, observing the surreal picture, where almost 10% of the country's assets belong to VV's associates in "Ozer", KGB, City Hall, sports, etc.

So, he should be stripped of power and put on trial.

It's crazy how in two presidential terms he has become a multi-billionaire from nothing.


All around are clever and cunning conspirators. Putin is deliberately making a mess of things so that everyone argues. He's a real bastard. :)

Conspiracy theory, in reality.

Putin is sick of a strong Russia, that's right. But with thieves it's in the housing and utilities sector. :)


All around are clever and cunning conspirators. Putin is deliberately making a mess of things so that everyone argues. He's a real bastard. :)

Conspiracy theory, in reality.

Putin is sick of a strong Russia, that's right. But with thieves it's in the housing and utilities sector. :)

You're right as always. And as always in particulars.
Putin does not have many faults. The first one is that he is a bad manager, I would not trust him with a brigade of more than a dozen people. That is, as long as you reach out to everyone personally, management works, but then it falls apart into fragments. I've been there, I'm like that myself.
The second drawback is that he is sick. He is sick with lust for power, with a desire to make history, with an ego hypertrophy, even to the point of losing his bearings in space. And the further he goes, the more he gets. Look how he grimaces when he is asked unpleasant questions, and in what language he insults those who do not accept his divine majesty.

And about thieves, it's not even to the housing and utilities sector anymore, just pickpockets. The sums transferred abroad from the housing and utilities sector already allow them to rank among honourable corruptors, and that is a different matter. There is a different arrangement there, the punishment is payment for the roof.

The country's largest airport is run by a company registered in Cyprus

Unfortunately, this is a completely typical situation for today's Russian economy, when the founders of Russian companies are hidden in offshore zones," says Nikita Krichevsky, a doctor of economic sciences. - The foreign owners of which can stand up at any moment and say: this property is ours and we will not do anything with it according to international law.

- Yes, but you can't take an airport abroad in your pocket!

- People do not register companies offshore for fear that the business might be taken away. The assets are still in Russia, and if desired, they can always be taken away. The point is that the beneficiaries (owners) of these offshore companies are likely to be Russian officials hiding behind them. There is no direct evidence of it, but come to think of it: up to 90% of large Russian companies are registered offshore, everybody knows this, but no one makes any special demands to business.

Poll: Do you think that Russia is a resource colony?
https://www.mql5.com/go?link=http://forum.ru-board.com/topic.cgi?forum=29&bm=1&topic=14174[hash] 1

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has said that Russia must not allow delegitimization of power, otherwise the country will collapse. 17.12.2011

"It is categorically unacceptable that there should be a delegitimisation of power," he said on Saturday at a meeting with United Russia party activists. "This process is unacceptable," added the head of state, not because "today this power is embodied by me, standing here before you, the Russian government, the newly elected State Duma, the Federation Council and the judicial system." "Simply because for our country it means one thing - the collapse of the state. What is Russia without power, everyone remembers well from history textbooks - it's 1917," the head of state said.


Dmitry Medvedev: "Russia without power is 1917."


You're right as always. And as always in particulars.
Putin doesn't have many faults. The first is that he is a bad manager, I wouldn't trust him with a brigade of more than a dozen people. That is to say, as long as you reach out to everyone personally, management works, but then it falls apart into fragments. I've been there, I'm like that myself.
The second drawback is that he is sick. He is sick with lust for power, with a desire to make history, with an ego hypertrophy, even to the point of losing his bearings in space. And the further he goes, the more he gets. Look how he grimaces when he is asked unpleasant questions, and in what language he insults those who do not accept his divine majesty.

And about thieves, it's not even to the housing and utilities sector anymore, just pickpockets. The sums transferred abroad from the housing and utilities sector already allow them to rank among honourable corruptors, and that is a different matter altogether. There is a different arrangement there, the punishment is payment for the roof.

You just don't understand, these are all nasty question markers, they are "lilliputians". What have they done even if only for themselves? If they are only capable of eating shit and sleeping, where did they get the brains to ask the right question.

Putin, sick of a strong Russia, is trying to rebuild it. At least to the level of "before the revolution" .

Is he a bad manager? Yes, maybe he is. But do not accuse him of stealing. Do you see how you look?

But IMHO he is not a bad manager. Just stability for a hundred years is what Russia needs right now. Even for 200 years.

And then democracy can be introduced when most people will be well off.

Don't oversimplify the world order. Everything was studied long ago before we did. Even under Rome.


You just do not understand, they are all askers of unpleasant questions, they are "midgets". What have they done even if only for themselves? If they are only capable of taking a shit and sleeping, where did they get the brains to ask the right question.

Putin, sick of a strong Russia, is trying to rebuild it. At least to the level of "before the revolution" .

Is he a bad manager? Yes, maybe he is. But do not accuse him of stealing. Do you understand how you look at it?

But IMHO he is not a bad manager. Just stability for a hundred years is what Russia needs right now. Even for 200 years.

And then democracy can be introduced when most people will be well off.

Don't oversimplify the world order. Everything was studied long ago before we did. Even under Rome.

Don't give us a headache with Tupin's disease.

For four years the country has been "ruled" by a boy.

And the right questions are not asked by boys and Putin, they are asked by advisers and institutions.


Well, he's a dullard compared to you. He's nothing compared to you. So small-time politician in the DhP era. :)


Of course he's dumb compared to you. He's no match for you. So a political leader in the days of DhP. :)

Have you watched too much TV where there is only one Hero?

And you think that Prokhorov, Zyuganov or Yavlinsky can't lead. Amazing. Let's fall at Putin's feet and beg him not to abandon us sinners.

Miller rules Gazprom, doesn't that surprise you?

Kindersurprise runs the nuclear industry and that doesn't surprise you either?

Create functioning courts and laws and rule. Ruthlessly fire and rule !


You just don't get it, all these nuisance questioners, they are "Lilliputians". What have they done even if only for themselves? If they are only capable of eating shit and sleeping, where did they get the brains to ask the right question.

Putin, sick of a strong Russia, is trying to rebuild it. At least to the level of "before the revolution" .

Is he a bad manager? Yes, maybe he is. But do not accuse him of stealing. Is it clear how you look?

But IMHO he is not a bad manager. Just stability for a hundred years is what Russia needs right now. Even for 200 years.

And then democracy can be introduced when most people will be well off.

Don't oversimplify the world order. Everything was studied long ago before we did. Even under Rome.

Lies of Putin's regime / Leonid S. Martynyuk [2010, documentary, politics, TVRip] [2010, Documentary, politics, TVRip]


Lies of Putin's regime 2 (Leonid Martyniuk) [2011, documentary, TVRip]


Oligarchs rule Russia


Kursk: a submarine in troubled waters (Jean-Michel Carre) [2004, documentary, DVDRip] http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2461624

An Attempt on Russia (based on A. Litvinenko's book "The FSB Blows Up Russia") [2000]
Defending the Army - Saving Russia (Galina Tsareva) [2009, Documentary, DVDRip]
The secret of Lev Rokhlin's murder (Top Secret) [2010, Documentary, SATRip]


The list of strategic enterprises was approved by a presidential decree in August 2004. Since then the list has been changed several times, Vladimir Putin removed nine enterprises from it in January 2007. In March of this year, the head of the Russian government announced that the list had been halved. This time, the number of strategic joint stock companies will be reduced from 208 to 41, and that of federal unitary enterprises from 230 to 159.

Medvedev Signs Decree to Cut Strategic Enterprises by 5 Times: http: //www.rian.ru/economy/20100618/247620402.html
Week with Marianna Maximovskaya (editions 1 -55) [REN TV 02.10.10] (Vitaliy Dugin) [2009-2010, Information, analytical, SATRip] 48_Nedelja_s_MM-19.06.10. avi http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2260510

In captivity of a myth
The Russian army: revival or degradation

Our army (Invisible war) [2009, Documentary, TVRip(AVI)]

Magazine "Kommersant-Vlast", ¹7 (761), 25.02.2008 - Where is the Russian fleet going?

A little bit about Russia:
Where the Russian fleet is going. http://www. kommersant.ru/doc/1207560

"Russia's Strategic Nuclear Arms" http://www.kommersant.ru/doc/1288860

Troops of obscure purpose. h ttp://www.kommersant.ru/doc/1475967
At the height of its power in the late 1980s, Soviet airborne troops...

All Russian bases. h ttp://www.kommersant.ru/doc/766827/print

05.04.2011 04:21
Anatoly SITNOV on army and fleet rearmament.
...Is the defense industry capable of giving everything necessary to defend the homeland, why are state armament programs not implemented? These and other questions were answered by retired Colonel General Anatoly SITNOV, Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in 1994-2000, Deputy head of the Russian Military Industrial Complex Commission, to Oleg VLADYKIN, deputy editor-in-chief of NVO.


In democratic and market-oriented Russia, the procurement system has been created by vested interests to please the oligarchs. They are in charge of the state defence procurement and, naturally, in pursuit of their own and corporate interests, including those of foreign investors. Profit is paramount.





YADER PLAHA-01 ("Nasha Versiya")
Our Version: classified - Deferred Death [Documentary, TVRip]

This is only part of the information, in my opinion the most relevant.