[Archive! - page 119

Does it hurt a lot?


All right. What do you want to say?


Well, don't picket with me. - You'll blow it. Anyway, I don't need any of this shit. Have fun...



Ok. What do you want to say?

You have already said, or rather asked at 118, how to calculate the sum of Open values in Excel, for example:

It needs to be dynamic, i.e. a new Open is entered and the sum changes
The easiest way is to put a filter on the left-hand column (value = "Open") and summarise.

Enter: =SUM(.

Highlight a range of cells with the mouse.

Close the bracket, enter.

The easiest way is to put a filter on the left column (value = "Open") and sum it up.

And if at the same time in RIAL time mode to find out values not only OPEN but also LOW... etc. ????

Integer 25.06.2011 11:25

Enter: =SUM(

Click on a range of cells.

Close the bracket, enter.

I certainly do not consider myself an expert in Excel, but it's more like an answer for DIRECTLY, but to be honest, I do not think so. I will answer that it would be easier to do it in a spreadsheet and it would be possible to show all the data in Open and Low, etc. I want just dynamically, ie add a new Open, the amount is immediately displayed in any cell or the new values.

For example how to Sheet2 count the sum of all Open on Sheet1 ??? given that new values can be added, below the range!

file attached


And if at the same time in RIAL time mode to find out values not only OPEN but also LOW... etc. ????

Of course, I don't consider myself an expert in Excel, but it's more suitable as an answer for a DIRECTOR, but to be honest, I don't think I am one. I will answer that it would be easier to do it in a spreadsheet and all the data could be displayed there by Open and Low, etc. I want just dynamically, ie add a new Open, the amount is immediately displayed in any cell or the new values.

For example how to Sheet2 count the sum of all Open on Sheet1 ??? given that new values can be added, below the range!

file attached

What the question is, is the answer. The question is like a dummy's and the answer is like a dummy's. And the fact that you are a dummy is also confirmed by the quoted message.


And we need exactly dynamically, i.e. a new Open is entered and the sum changes.

If you are not a dummy, so at least formulate your problem adequately, and this is exactly my answer.


You must have missed page 118, where I was being specific, and on page 119, I answered Swinosaur's question very briefly.

Again... On the Sheet1 there are two columns A and B. I need on the Sheet2 in one cell, to calculate the sum of all prices Open from the Sheet1, and when you add new prices Open the sum changed, the file in attache post above ...

Zxell experts, please respond!!!


If you are not a dummies, so at least formulate your problem adequately, and this is exactly the answer I gave.

Good afternoon all, went to the balcony for a smoke and think about how to add the sum of the numbers in Excel by VPR? More precisely, I need to add several numbers from column B, when the cell I'm looking for in column A is the same.

Ie one value is easy to find, for example =APP(A1;Sheet1!A:B;2;False) but how to know the sum of the values, if the Sheet1!A in column A will be a few values equal to the desired A1??? Or may be it is done differently at all?

Podskazhivat geeks Excel.

PS Wanted to write in a branch of "issues not related to the topic forex" not found :)
