[Archive! - page 120

Many THANKS!!! Live and learn :)

A useful classification of behavioural meta-patterns.

// Especially recommended to Peter and Misha.

bsg-short.zip  73 kb

Useful classification of behavioural meta-patterns.

// Especially recommended to Peter and Misha.

You are a very sensitive man, Volodya! )))

Except that "meta" - is that for style?


Meta Quotas, meta patterns... :) Driver is also meta by the way :))

Met power :)


You are a very sensitive man, Volodya! )))

But did you use "meta" for style?

Yes, I am. ;)

Wapchetz is essentially correct, because "high-level" templates.


Blue Mood. What do you call a device that measures mood?

- Moodometer.

Yeah, I'm an Anglophile after all...


MU prevails!


I think the situation in Russia has to change. It can only change in two ways - in a revolutionary way, which I would hate to see happen, but that is the most likely way, and maybe by some pressure from society, from the elites, from the intelligentsia on the authorities. So that the authorities may understand that without organizing a real political life, without freeing the mass media, without real elections, they are doomed. Most importantly, it is ineffective economically. Everything it does does not lead to any positive result. And even perfectly fine, favourable economic conditions, such as the price of oil, lead to only one thing - simply to the fact that a larger and larger part of the budget is embezzled. Everything is falling down, education - it is impossible to imagine the abyss in which our healthcare system is today. Tens of thousands of medical offices all over the country have been shut down, there is practically no healthcare in the villages, towns and small cities. Today there is a genocide of the people. 15 million Russians are losing population over these years. 500 people every day, young people at the age of 15 to 35 years die from drugs. Every day - 500! This is practically every day Beslan and in a little while there will be two Beslans every day. Everyone keeps silent. And the quantity of vodka consumed? All this leads to genetic changes in the nation. The country is degenerating. But that is exactly the kind of country the current regime wants. They do not need smart, efficient, healthy, sane people at all, they are shown the road: guys, be nice abroad. A million and a half have gone. Small business is falling, medium business is falling, our high-tech sectors are only degrading. Because we do not need people thinking, because they will think, they will see and... they will fight.

Snob. Interview. Sergei Kolesnikov.

There are a lot of letters, but it is worth the read.


Tambourine dancing

- Hello," said Demiurge Shambambukli to Demiurge Mazukta, who was fiercely picking at the universe with a screwdriver. - What are you doing?
- Can't you see for yourself?" replied Masukta. - Working.
- Ah, I see, Shambambukli moved a little closer and observed his work with interest. - What are you doing here?
- I'm not doing anything," Masukta snapped back. - I haven't done anything for a long time, I'm having a creative crisis.
- How is that possible?" marvelled Shambambukli. - There's no such thing as a crisis in an artist!
- It's precisely creators who have an artistic crisis. By definition. That's why they are creators.
- And what do you do in that case?
- Correcting mistakes.
- Mistakes?!
- Yeah. Bugs, lags, whatever you want to call them.

Shambambukli shook his head in surprise.

- I didn't know you could make mistakes.
- Neither did I," Masukta muttered.

He jerked the screwdriver back one last time, set it aside and reattached the cover of the universe.

- There, I think it's done," he said, a little uncertainly. - I think I've fixed everything.
- What was there?" inquired Shambambukli.
- Rubbish and nonsense," Masukta sighed. - You see, it's a vice of human nature that they are always looking for ways to get around the laws of nature or at least use them for something they shouldn't have. And not only laws! Decidedly everything, give people will invent any new use for anything! For example... - He thought back, remembering, - I gave people such a useful grain as barley. And even I personally taught to brew barbet of it. And what is it? Almost immediately some experimenter was found, mixed up something in the recipe, and it turned out instead of wonderful barbat vile drink, only the colour and similar. And so passed just some two hundred years, no one and the name of this - "barbat" - do not remember, but beer continues to produce, drink, and it has even spread to other worlds!
- Why are you so. Beer - a good thing ...
- Better than my barbat?
- Well... -Shambambukli hesitated.
- Or, - continued Mazukta. - Tell me, why does it rain?
- Well, that's easy," snorted Shambambukli. - When saturated air masses rise into the upper, cold layers of the atmosphere, they condense...
- That's enough!" interrupted Masukta. - I can see that you know. Warm air currents, cold streams, cyclones, anticyclones, pressure gradients - well, the mechanics are standard, time-tested. Everything works, not without glitches, of course, but that's the little things. There is no such thing as a perfect system. It works and makes rain. Does it?
- So... (Sighs)
- Who would have thought that dancing around the fire would produce the same results?
- Do they?" wondered Chambamboukly.
- Not anymore. I've just fixed it. Do you want to see it?
- I do.

Masukta held up the worldarium to Shambambambukli and pointed with his finger: "Look here".
The shaman danced on the tilled ground for a second hour, under the disapproving glances of his tribesmen. The rain had not even begun to fall.

- Ha," snorted Mazukta contentedly, "have you eaten? It won't work, don't try, I've already fixed that hole.

The shaman could not hear the demiurge's voice, but he was beginning to suspect foul play. He paused, put down his tambourine and stared at the cloudless sky. The tribesmen frowned and shuffled impatiently from foot to foot.

- They will kill him now," said Mazukta. - As if he were not up to the task.

Some of the armed men approached the shaman, gathered around him and began discussing with a lively expression and waving their hands in a temperamental manner. Someone called to the women standing nearby and gave short orders, after which the women quickly dashed off towards the village.
The shaman squatted down and began to draw something in the sand, while the warriors scattered around the site, pacing it and calling over each other every now and then. The chief pulled out a wax tablet from somewhere and was now writing down the data.

Soon the women returned with baskets full of requested items: drums, rattles, a primitive barometer, a folding meter, and other useful junk. The shaman took a pea-filled gourd and shook it to try it out. The chief checked the barometer and shook his head in the negative. The shaman put the pumpkin aside and picked up a reed pipe, then a squeaker, then a harmonica, and so on, until finally the chief smirked triumphantly and showed his thumb.
Superfluous instruments were put away, new wood was thrown into the fire, shaman grabbed a drum and began his dance, beating a rhythm with one hand, faster and faster.

- A drum?" blinked Masukta. - Yes, of course... Why, that might work... And how did I immediately... Damn hackers!

A storm cloud began to gather slowly over the shaman's head...



http://www.vesti.ru/videos?vid=onair Urgent.

Late. Transmission is over. The experience of transmitting electrical power over ONE strand of 8 micron thick wire was demonstrated. (The thickness of a hair is 80 microns).


Probably have to wait in this section. h ttp://www.vesti.ru/videos?cid=1219

"Where to look" - I gave a link to "online" - looked it up until I realised I had to make a post about it. Unbelievable. Scientists have essentially replicated Tesla's experience of transmitting electricity. "The wire is only needed to transmit the direction of electricity and would essentially not be needed if that direction were to be indicated by an electromagnetic field, allowing no use of wires as such at all. Electricity is not transmitted through the conductor itself, but "next to" the conductor.