[Archive! - page 122


exactly so. ( on wires ).
The Kornet doesn't even need wires anymore, it gets by with a laser beam.

Armour penetration is increasing, but the "shoot and forget" systems in Tula RTGs are still not catching on.

It is quite possible that it is the laser that will act as a conductor and "guide" in the transmission of electricity in the immediate vicinity of an object. I wonder how the problem of transmitting electricity through an obstacle, such as a concrete wall, will be solved. What will be the role of the "guide" in this case...
:) A ban on clapping has been introduced -- here. Waiting for a ban on mooing and stomping. Soon people waiting for transport at the bus stop will be considered an unauthorised action.

Amendments to the Administrative Code of Belarus (in force on Wednesdays)
28 June, 13:20
Article 26.1
Indecent silence in a public place, offensive walking on Wednesdays in full view of citizens and other deliberate acts violating the cleanliness of streets or the peace of citizens (silence) - shall entail a fine from two to thirty basic units or administrative detention.

Article 26.2.
Smiling cynically and resisting an official in the exercise of his duties and with the intention of influencing the social and economic situation in the country (smileyvirism) - shall be punishable by a fine or administrative arrest.

Article 26.3
Deliberate applause with the aim of destabilising public order (smiling) or intimidating the population or influencing the decisions of public authorities
shall entail the imposition of a fine or administrative arrest.


It is quite possible that it is the laser that will act as a conductor and "guide" in the transmission of electricity in the immediate vicinity of an object. I wonder how the problem of transmitting electricity through an obstacle, such as a concrete wall, will be solved. What will be the role of the "guide" in this case...
A depleted uranium sub-caliber core.

How can you seriously discuss what will act as a guide if you don't understand the physics of the energy transfer itself.

The TV story has nothing to do with anything at all. " Sultonov indicator on TV screen "

Who's seriously discussing this? It's a smokehouse!
Oops. Right. )
Jolly good, Michael, as always :)

How can you seriously discuss what will act as a guide if you don't understand the physics of the energy transfer itself.

The TV story has nothing to do with anything at all. "Sultonov's indicator on TV screen"



When I was a student our electrical engineering teacher told me that there was a method of power transmission via one wire and that it was patented, he even gave the author's last name (no Tesla, the year of the patent was about 60-80), but the principle is classified, the patent has only one name and no information. The professor is a rather serious person, not prone to leftist jokes.


I wonder how it can't still be transmitted through one wire?

The only difference is that now it is divided into phases, while zero is zero as it is, grounding can be done from any source, even a pipe stuck in the ground as long as it reaches the water. I remember in the USSR, they used to puncture Soviet meters, removed the zero and instead stuck a pipe in the ground, and here you have zero, and the Soviet meter did not work, it was done in the private sector in a flat, the scheme of cheating the state was different.

I do not know if they had a patent, they would know, but the teacher's name is not Yusuf, he's also a serious person))))

Here is another Georgian stork, the inventor of the perpetuum mobile)))
