[Archive! - page 56


It's about the immediate supervisor.

So what's up with them? I'm one of them. Trying. I try. Reading smart books about western management. Fuck it..... The level is wrong. The state must, first of all, turn its face to the real business, and not just blow the dust off subsoil users. Everyone understands this in words... And where do you think you are going? .... Eh, don't tread on sore blisters..... ( I am not against it, I am in favour of it.)

an interesting short read from this pyramid

Notes on motivation http://is.ifmo.ru/belletristic/_zametki_o_motivacii.pdf

A treasure trove of quotes! I'll save it for the future.


We do not have such problems, our leaders do not come from below but from somewhere unknown, that is, the leaders are not in the know. There is no need to be offended, we should have an explanatory talk so that work does not get in the way.

Cool! :-))


How do you imagine it?) I've seen all presidents of the Russian Federation live, I can't even get half a word in edgewise) And the protests like the ones in North Africa will suffocate us ...
The president can be ignored. You do not know who he is, where he comes from. I did not elect him. I have many friends, no one voted for him. "Elections" is nauseating, pharisaical... Bastards!

Truly chooses a trusted pocketbook izberkom :-)) He has a simple task. Anyone can make a choice out of one. You can't go wrong.


I have a suggestion. Make taxes free. Pay it or don't pay it. We'll vote with our wallets.

If state aid is needed (court, benefits, police, army) and you like it, you pay. If you don't need it and don't like it, you don't pay.

If elections have been banned, we can vote with our wallets.

They don't need our taxes, though. These non-suckers do not give a damn about the people with their taxes. They feed on other things.


So what's up with them? I'm one of them. Trying. I'm trying. Reading smart books about western management. Fuck it..... The level is wrong. The state must, first of all, turn its face to the real business, and not just blow the dust off subsoil users. Everyone understands this in words. And where do you think you are going? .... Eh, don't tread on sore blisters..... (I'm not against it, I am in favor of it).

Treat it as a joke:)
The world will change significantly for the better when the "rich" "help" the "poor". This is especially true in the former Soviet Union, where the income gap between the richest 10% and the poorest 10% is very large.
Imagine this picture. utopia.

Congratulations, on your new status )

The world can be returned to natural development by two actions.

Turn off electricity and ban its use.

There will be a society with true values.


The world can be returned to natural development by two actions.

Turn off electricity and ban its use.

There will be a society with true values.

And the second action is to turn on the electricity and make it free for all.