Going to allow the unacceptable in this thread. Not in the sense of breaking the forum rules, of course, but in the sense of understanding the price. :)))
To begin with, I want to continue the previously conceived topic of price randomness...
Let there be XXXth element of the table of Mendeleev. Medvedii. In honour of the leader of the same name. A precious metal, an analogue of gold, platinum and silver. That's what we'll be trading.
We know for a fact that the minute increment in the price of this metal is a random variable. Randomness, there is no question about it.
And that raises questions:
-How to trade it?
What will and will not work in this case?
What are your suggestions?

Bearish price generator - in the attached file.


The file is forgotten:

medvediy.rar  49 kb
If the price is random, the best trading strategy is no trades. Otherwise, if you trade long enough, you'll end up losing money because of costs like the spread.
I don't quite understand the point of this thread. In my opinion, this is the same as asking how to trade the Eurobucks) What is the difference? Who understands and will trade whether Medvediy or Putiniy or Eurobucks. Or is there some hidden meaning that the topic starter wants to say when he says how we will trade a random walk?
E_mc2 писал(а) >>
I don't quite understand the point of the thread. The same as asking how to trade Eurobucks, what's the difference. If someone understands it, they will trade Medvediy though Putin though Eurobucks. Or is there some hidden meaning that the topic starter wants to say when he says how we will trade a random walk?

Of course there is a hidden meaning, but how without it.

Lea wrote(a) >> If the price is random - the best trading strategy would be no trades. Otherwise if you trade long enough you will get a drain due to spread type costs.
Is that a mathematician's answer? Then you have given up :))
Richie >>:

Мы точно знаем, что ежеминутное приращение цены на данный металл - это случайная величина. Случайность, сомнению не подвергается.

What the hell made the price random?
Go into a grocery shop and tell everyone that their prices are random.
And when they give you 1% of your paycheck instead of your salary, be prepared to hear that you will now get random
Richie >>:

Конечно есть скрытый смысл, но как без него.

Это ответ математика? Значит вы lea сдались :))

I take it the hidden meaning is a big secret)
Richie писал(а) >>

Is that a maths answer? Then you lea give up :))

Eh, no) I don't give up as I don't consider price to be random rambling.

Mischek писал(а) >>

What the hell made the price random?
Go into a grocery shop and tell everyone that their prices are random.
And when they give you 1% of your paycheck instead of your salary, be prepared to hear that you're now getting random.

Mischek, you are confusing price and increment to it. See file.

E_mc2 писал(а) >>

I take it the hidden meaning is a big secret)

No, it is not a secret. If a trader learns to trade on such charts, he will be able to work on any chart. So I think.

lea писал(а) >>

Err, no) I don't give up as I don't consider the price to be a random rambling.

Once again, we are talking about price increment. And can you prove that it is not random? Where are the facts?