LET'S SAY THAT ... - page 7

timbo писал(а) >>

Wow! Looks like you're close to discovering the GARCH model.

I wrote that to Igor so he wouldn't embarrass himself. I'm not opening anything... I've got everything, I'm fine... Good luck! Profits!
Tantrik >>:

Это я Игорю написал - чтоб не позорился! А я ничего не открываю.. у меня всё есть, всё хорошо... Удачи! Профитов!

I don't see the shame, I'm just discussing :)
discussing in order to find some more ways
ZS: I'm OK too!
IgorM писал(а) >>

I don't see the shame, I'm just discussing :)
discussing in order to find some more ways
ZS: I'm OK too!

That's right look there is something to look for... there are reliable, stable (no multiple increases) methods of trading. Now (having found peace) I've taken up intuition on forex for now in real time... interesting when it works :-)).
IgorM >>:

насчет личного - спс, но я на форуме специально пишу, чтобы обсудить, поэтому на любое конструктивное обсуждение обижаться не умею :)

про интегрирование = сложение, в математических расчетах да, а в физическом изображении нет - как выглядит сложение физически - только цифрой, как выглядит интеграл я уже написал

"Mathematics is the queen of all sciences." (C) There are no other meanings other than mathematical. The area under a curve is also considered an addition.

Your "ideas" about integrals are akin to Mitrofanushka's reasoning about the door.

Mrs. Prostakova: Mitrofanushka, what do you know about grammar?
Mitrofanushka: Much. Nouns and adjectives.
Mrs. Prostakova: The door, for example, is it a noun or an adjective?
Mitrofanushka: Door? Which door?
Mrs. Prostakova: That one!
Mitrofanushka: This one? Adjective!
Why not?
Mitrofanushka: Because it is in its place. There is a pole by the closet, and the door is not hung up for a week, so it is still substantive.
Mrs. Prostakova : So that's why you have the word fool as an adjective, because it's attached to a foolish person.
Mitrofanushka : And so it is!

Tantrik >>:

Правильно ищи есть что искать... есть надёжные, стабильные (без многократных увеличений) методы торговли. Сейчас (найдя покой) увлёкся интуицией на форе пока в реальном времени... интересно когда получаеться :-)).

Check out GBPUSD - fascinating online trading - Bearish indicator :)
IgorM писал(а) >>

Check out GBPUSD - fascinating online trading - Bearish indicator :)

The pound is tricky! It owes me the first depo! I don't have this pair in my TS... (can't make all the money....(am))
moskitman писал(а) >>

I suggest trading Medvedium, Putium, Yeltsium, etc. simultaneously to all buy (or all to sell), and in an hour (two, three...), when in your opinion there are very few positive trades, and their profit is ok (well, if you do not look at the negative), take away the positive ones and double the negative ones

familiar, eh?
well, in some kind of non-veteran way ))))

Good suggestion. I'm sure it will show plus :)
Tantrik >>:

Фунт коварен! Он мне должен первое депо! В моей тс нет этой пары... (всех денег не заработать....(посл.))

I don't know what to do with them, they are very accurate for long term forecasts but the main thing is to notice when Medvedi crosses the horizontal :)
timbo thanks , so we'll keep looking for the mathematical relationship between valpars :)
Candid >>:

Для случайного приращения это эквивалентно утверждению, что после серии орлов монетка будет стремиться давать решку. То есть это такая древняя ересь. И те, кто в неё верит, не поняли в науке о вероятностях самого главного.

And in vain you yourself are convinced that you have understood the science :)) of probability theory.

Tantrik >>:

Вы скоро сделаете открытие! Вы обнаружите инерцию движения цены...

What do you mean by inertia? Discovery? Are you being sarcastic with a knowledgeable person? It's not very clear. I need to get the point across. Please.