LET'S SAY THAT ... - page 36

Tantrik >>:

Я реалист и скорее писсимист чем оплипист. Не верю в чудеса и прочую чепуху. И никакие техники со мною не пройдут. Просто не хочеться на форуме о личном...

Already gone. All right, let's move on.
Did the starter find the answer to his question in the first post?
If not, please send him a message. I will give him a password and a key in one package, which he may be able to use to find the answer.
MetaDriver >>:

Рискну попробовать:

Интеллект: способность к оперированию символами.

Интеллигентность: склонность делать минет при помощи вилки.

Разум = реалистичноть * интеллект

Ум и интеллигентность ... ммм .. почти синонимы, не знаю как различить..

Начитанность и манеры... это разные заболевания, значимо не коррелируют, хотя могут друг друга усугублять..

Образованность и знания ортогональны.

Как-то так... :))

And the point of fasting?
The runes of fertility where?
I don't know.
I mean, the writer's looking for something...
It's just we're getting in the way of focus.
I believe that education and knowledge is not so ... at least a 40-degree angle!
avatara >>:
Я считаю, что образованность и знания уж нет так ... хоть угол 40 градусофф позвольте!

Let me not! ;)

All right. At least that education and sanity are orthogonal agree?

We could stop there for now.


MetaDriver >>:

Позвольте не позволить! ;)

Ну хорошо. Хотя бы с тем что образование и разумность ортогональны согласен?

Пока на этом можно было бы остановиться.


Parsing the brain with the brain, that's the fun part
And it's always personal.
not everyone's skull can penetrate the wall behind which hides something rational for the brain
I remember seeing a Russian translation of TROM with the frightening and slightly sadistic title "Dismantling the Mind".
P.S. And in general, thanks, MD, for reminding me of Stevens - I've even started to have some vague changes . And it's very good that there's an English version in the archive. Otherwise, you often read translations and don't understand the meaning (from the beginning I perceived sciento in English - not counting DMSMH, of course).
I didn't know traders were such chatterboxes! well it's nervous, nervous...
OK. A bedtime poem ("Cloudy Land")

You'll stop smiling,
♪ when it's all over you ♪
♪ And when you're tired of screaming ♪
He'll gently crack your skull open
# And he'll climb up with his feet
Into your thoughts and hopes
♪ And the shreds of bloodstained clothes ♪
Of bloodstained garments.
The kindly mouth, the peaceful one,
Will maim with its claws,
And with a tongue that speaks.
He'll nail it to your forehead.

Sleep well, dear comrade.
Tantrik писал(а) >>

Let's say you have the Grail at a steady 20 points a day.
The question is - What's better than the Grail?
what can you trade the Grailfor ?

for the cash equivalent, daily 20pp, for one year.