LET'S SAY THAT ... - page 14

TVA_11 >>: Как так, не существует?
Почему нужно считать окружающий мир иллюзией, какой критерий?

And why

It is most credible that chance as such does not exist...

Let's skip these platitudes. Randomness exists because it is a convenient human tool to explain and change reality. I don't care if there is the idea of pure randomness somewhere in the Higher plane of Being or not. Even if there isn't, some phenomena are incomprehensible to me as a human being and I attract the notion of randomness.

And reality exists too, no matter what the Hindu Buddhists say about it.
"- As Ishikawa Takuboku wrote," a grim-faced, mephistopheles-looking shopper who had meanwhile approached the counter intervened, " leave it, leave this argument...
I was told that you had Swami Zhigalka's pamphlet on 'Summer Thoughts of a Sansaric Being'. Could you have a look at it? Probably on that shelf, no-no, over there, on the left, under the tibia flute..."

What, are we celebrating already?

Children are happy because they live outside of time.
If I buy and the price goes up, it is the right price. I am happy for a moment.
After a moment, I am unhappy. Why didn't I buy more?


Mathemat, you are contradicting yourself. On the one hand you write that randomness exists, on the other hand reality exists.
For me, randomness does not exist. I believe that we live in a world where everything depends on everything. However, I admit that I cannot explain many processes due to my incompetence. Like you, I involve a phenomenon of chance in what I cannot explain, but what is the result of such involvement? There is no result yet. The question arises: why?

Svinozavr >>:

Чего, уже празднуем?

Long live Peace Labour May June July Av... October December MQL
Mathemat писал(а) >>

And why

Let's skip these platitudes. Randomness exists because it is a convenient human tool to explain and change reality. I don't care if there is the idea of pure randomness somewhere in the Higher plane of Being or not. Even if there isn't, some phenomena are incomprehensible to me as a human being and I attract the notion of randomness.

And reality exists too, no matter what the Hindu Buddhists say about it.

Of course, and by randomness you obviously mean the presence of unknown factors, there are causes that are obvious and those that are not obvious.

About energy, it's buttery. There is being, there is time. Being changes by quanta of time, at different rates. Relativism.
The past is likely to persist, and can be accessed for study.
Mathemat писал(а) >>

And why

Let's skip these platitudes. Randomness exists because it is a convenient human tool to explain and change reality. I don't care if there is the idea of pure randomness somewhere in the Higher plane of Being or not. Even if there isn't, some phenomena are incomprehensible to me as a human being and I attract the notion of randomness.

And reality exists too, no matter what the Hindu Buddhists say about it.

" In all the ancient isoteric teachings of the East, Matter and Spirit are one - for one cannot exist without the other. There is, as you know, the definition that Matter is crystallised Spirit." E.I. Roerich Sacred Knowledge.
Yes you are right, and who said what...?
TVA_11 писал(а) >>

The past is likely to be preserved and can be accessed for study.

The past can be read by specialists at a glance with all the details... and even past thoughts! The past is written by Akasha, a divine entity.

TVA_11 >>:

Вообще, это отдельный философский вопрос, есть ли чистая случайность в мире, или ее нет.
Наиболее достоверно, что случаности как таковой не существует..

Since we are talking about high stuff, what about Heisenberg's uncertainty principle? Doesn't it follow that random processes exist in principle, and even that all processes in general are in some sense random.

rumata1984 писал(а) >>

Since we are talking about high stuff, what about Heisenberg's uncertainty principle? Doesn't it follow that random processes exist in principle and even that all processes in general are in some sense random.

What processes? The movement of alcohol molecules in a glass of vodka? Happy Holidays Comrade Workers!!!
Or the movement of man during the day?