LET'S SAY THAT ... - page 24

Svinozavr >>:
"А поцеловать?" )))

No problem. :)

But reasonableness has nothing to do with it. ;) I love Ritchie anyway. You, too, by the way. :)

Svinozavr писал(а) >>

Why don't we... better distort reality? A hundred grams to kick things up a notch, huh? Not enough? Make it two.

Have you ever wondered why the SYSTEM does not welcome such distortions? Now you invent a grail and excuse me, you shit on the SYSTEM.
And the other pigs, seeing this humiliation of SYSTEM by you, will want to do the same. The SYSTEM will take off. Destroyed.

Richie >>:

А вы не думали, почему СИСТЕМА такие искажения не приветствует? А вот изобретёте грааль и извините, насрёте на СИСТЕМУ.
А другие свинозавры, увидев это унижение вами СИСТЕМЫ, тоже так захотят. Полетит короче СИСТЕМА. Уничтожится.

Haven't you read ABC's A Billion Years Before the End of the World? I recommend it. Very on-topic.

Svinozavr >>:

Вы не читали АБС "За миллиард лет до конца света"? Рекомендую. Очень по теме.

A software thing for forum members! :)
... kitty kittens.

Svinozavr писал(а) >>

Haven't you read ABC's A Billion Years Before the End of the World? I recommend it. It's very on-topic.

Yeah, I haven't read it. >> Thank you, I will. There's an audiobook.
Richie >>:

Да, не читал. Спасибо, почитаю. Есть аудиокнига.

I assure you - you will not regret and will get much more intellectual (and aesthetic! - well written) pleasure than from communication with... I almost wrote with us - no, out of proper political correctness I will write - with me. ))))

Richie >>:
Про выход за пределы базы знаний если можно подробнее. А то у меня свои наработки, вступающие в конфликт с СИСТЕМОЙ.

It is unlikely to be very detailed. One can take comfort in the fact that letters are generally not a good help in this matter. I am a little zen, but sometimes (in the right context) a little zen works. That is what I indulge in sometimes.

As for conflicts with the system - and who has it easy nowadays? :) I did not promise applause in this way. You'll find out. :)

However, I can also console: the fears of such conflicts are mostly greatly exaggerated. As the saying goes... "Fear hath a great many eyes"...


Avatara, I'm sorry, but you're a sadist. I've been having a hard time with your Mashkauskas. Trying to figure it out. How did you optimize it? It's not working at all. And that branch has already been deleted for some reason.

Richie >>:

Аватара, извините, но вы садист. Я с вашей Mashkauskas-кой намучился. Пытался понять. Как вы её оптимизировали? Сливает по любому. И ветку ту уже удалили зачем-то.

Haven't deleted - no authority. For now ;)
on TF M15 most single scale pairs perform well with a 220 and 25 period mash tolerance of 10 pips and an established 33 with 33 1 3 parameters.

avatara писал(а) >>

Didn't delete - no authority. Yet ;)
On TF M15 most single scale pairs do quite well with a 220 and 25 period mash meeting tolerance of 10 pips and an established 33 with parameters 33 1 3.

Where is it? The search engine isn't searching. It doesn't seem to work at all. So you think there is a "long term perspective"?