Does the Grail exist? - page 192


Speak up - you will feel better



They don't use money management correctly or at all...

Besides, there are basic trading rules ... most people know about them but do not follow them on a regular basis!


Is it amongst all those who have visited even once? who have lost $50 once?

on the 5 min chart too?

A trend is the purest abstraction that exists only in the mind. If price fell slightly for 95 bars and rose sharply at 5, is it a 100-bar trend?

That's bullshit.

Does your philosophy allow you to make money ? Do you have real money to spend on real things that nobody needs ?

Are you here to determine "truth" or to make money? I do not care what you call it, as long as the deposit grows.


Two people go long:

1 - "I got into a rising trend".

2- "I went long from the lower limit of the channel".

The price went up. Both have a take on the same level. Who is right and who is wrong? Don't you think such reasoning is inherently stupid ?

That's how people spend years searching for the right definitions, and they don't have enough time to make money... This pseudo-scientific approach: "Let's start by defining the phenomenon" is bullshit.

What the fuck do you need it for?


Yes, I will basically agree when I am shown a trader who has implemented this in real life.

If everything is so simple and a trend is all that is needed for happiness and can be identified by the naked eye, then why all this? why this forum? why ATS?


Mm-hm! I will basically agree when I am shown a trader who has implemented this in real life.

If everything is so simple and a trend is all that is needed for happiness and can be identified by the naked eye, then why all this? why this forum? why ATS?

there is a proverb: playing the piano is very simple - you just have to press the right keys at the right time...

Yes, I will basically agree when I am shown a trader who has implemented this in real life.

If everything is so simple and a trend is all that is needed for happiness and can be identified by the naked eye, then why all this? why this forum? why ATS?

Indeed, why do we need a steam locomotive, we can ride a horse.

All these steam trains are rubbish.


Does your philosophy make you money? Do you have real money that you can spend on real things that nobody needs?

Are you here to determine the "truth" or to make money? I don't care what you call it, as long as the deposit grows.


Two people got into a long position:

1 - "I got into a rising trend".

2- "I went long from the lower limit of the channel".

The price went up. Both have the take on the same level. Who is right and who is wrong? Don't you think such reasoning is inherently stupid ?

That's how people spend years searching for the right definitions, and they don't have enough time to make money... This pseudo-scientific approach: "Let's start by defining the phenomenon" is bullshit.

What the fuck do you need that for?

This is a forum where people socialise. That's what it's there for.

One thing is certain:

1. Illogical strategies.

2. Breaking strategies.

3. single-digit strategies.

4. tardiness.


on the 5 min chart too?

A trend is the purest abstraction, existing only in the mind. If the price fell slightly for 95 bars and rose sharply at 5, is that a 100-bar trend?

That's bullshit.

The trend is always the same - the direction of price movement - so trade on it!!!!