Does the Grail exist? - page 186


There's only one way to win at roulette - by stealing a chip from the table! © Albert Einstein

Turn on the terminal and you will see the GRAAL in front of you. Whether you drink from it or not is up to everyone.

to the topic of the thread:

Some forex users believe there is a grail in forex. Others believe it does not exist. Both are unprovable. For he who has a grail does not disclose knowledge of it.

The optimal strategy for a Forex user is to believe in the grail. For if it is absent, the user loses nothing from fruitless searches of it (he is in the subject anyway). If there is one, the user can find it!

All of you are funny :)))

Is there a grail? Or there is no grail? No one will tell you about it because they do not know :).

You need to live for today, and not look for the perpetual engine pumping your purse strings.

You could spend your whole life looking for that, couldn't you? Get out of here before it's too late... I've got myself a telescope looked, Michel will advise a good fishing rod, not that I have for 800 rubles. Well, to each his own :)

It doesn't exist.

You're all funny, though :)))

Is there a grail? Or is there no grail? No one will tell you because they don't know :)

You have to live for today, not look for the eternal engine pumping your purse strings.

You could spend the rest of your life looking for that, couldn't you? Get out of here before it's too late... I've got myself a telescope looked at, let Michel have a good fishing rod, not that I have for 800 rubles. Well, to each his own :)

Telescope and daughter - good, but still people are drawn to exploits :)

Telescope and a daughter - good, but still people are drawn to feats :)

Telescope and a son, but who cares :)

You see, and you were afraid that the topic was unfashionable - stealing, drinking, telescopes, sons, daughters...

There may not bea grail, but there are profitable EAs... One of them, I propose to test in one of the threads on this forum.

You see, you were afraid that the topic was unfashionable - stealing, drinking, telescopes, sons, daughters...

Your nickname, dear one, has inspired me to the following message (never mind the previous one):

The devils are eating us, the entities. All these are terms, words. Everyone understands them in his own way.

And not always on the tongue exact formulae in relation to the situation.

It is not so much about demons as it is about loss of perception (distortion) and loss of time.

There are a great many of them and they are not always understood. For example: I reinstall the Windows and

lost the password to the WebMoney file. As a result I am in rehabilitation.

Stinginess is not a brake. Ignorance again. And you don't always have the health and time

to keep my eyes wide open. Otherwise, you could have...

steal, drink, telescopes, sons, daughters...

and find a grail.

Speaking of grails: a concept from the realm of the ideal. In reality there is a 90% grail, an 80% grail, a 14.78% grail.

I do not create programmes myself - there is already an abundance of them on my mind. But I searched the Zigzag average

for the period - couldn't find it. Again, I did not find average candle. That's 100%.
