Does the Grail exist? - page 53

Svinozavr >>:

Да не. Это по стихотворению, посвященному Григорию Перельману.

That's right, a poem. Someone's thrown it in before. Misha, I think. :)

// Calm down RomanS, I was joking. I like to cross contexts. Sometimes it's funny, sometimes it's beautiful. Sometimes even profitable.

MetaDriver >>:

Правильный, стишок. Уже раньше кто-то кидал. Миша, вроде. :)

// Успокойся RomanS, я пошутил. Люблю скрещивать контексты. Иногда смешно получается, иногда красиво. Иногда даже прибыльно.

I'm as drunk today as I was yesterday, I must have got it wrong...

MetaDriver >>:

Правильный, стишок. Уже раньше кто-то кидал. Миша, вроде. :)

I did. // I don't care, but I'm all for justice! ))))))

Svinozavr >>:

Я и кидал. // мне все равно, но я за справедливость! ))))))

As much as I read you, I can't figure out...
What are you? A man? Or a righteous man?

Svinozavr >>:

Я и кидал. // мне все равно, но я за справедливость! ))))))

Guilty. I pay off with an archive of his own poems. Let justice prevail.

Bye-bye. :)

utisf.rar  594 kb
RomanS >>:

Скока читаю тебя, никак не могу понять...
Кто-ты? Человек? или праведник?

The truth is always hidden...
Truth always hides behind art...
Truth always hides behind the art of communication.............................
It's too natural........
And it inspires...
To the search for it...
MetaDriver >>:

Виновен. Откупаюсь архивом со стихами его же.

Yep. Thanks.

))) Listening to Vertinsky the other day I caught myself thinking about Forex:

"And how ridiculous the game is,
Where you lose big and win small,
"When your partners are cheats,
"and you can't get out of the game."


"Without Women" is a "sad song".

Svinozavr >>:
))) Тут, намедни, слушая Вертинского, поймал себе на мысли, что думаю о Форекс:

"И как смешна нелепая игра,
Где проигрыш велик, а выигрыш ничтожен,
Когда партнеры ваши - шулера,
А выход из игры уж невозможен."

Once upon a time there was an Imid. Or was there? Well, there was once... I think... At least there was an Opinion that He lived, existed, existed.
And He lived not in the middle of nowhere, but right in the middle of other images. Well, not like them, of course, far from it. It is a shame to capitalize them, they are so much different from ours. That is to say, if one looks closely, one has to say that he lived in the midst of his and other Opinions about himself and other images. It would be more correct to say that he did not live in the middle of them, but lived in them, such was his dwelling. He actually had a boss (at least so rumored), but the Image did not really care about him; he was extremely busy with his Image business, which in turn suited the boss just fine (because.... you will understand why later, and if you don't understand it yourself, I'll tell you), which is why it does not need to be taken into consideration and will only stand in the way of the matter, because he was not really a real host, but a formal owner. The real owner... but we'll get to that later. Phew. So what is the essence of the matter? Well, the point is that Image wanted to be Eternal. And for that he urgently needed to be Perfect. Well, how could it be? Only the Perfect Image can survive for centuries, if not millennia. Well, if to understand, by its nature an Image is able to exist as long as the opinions about it can exist, isn't it? It can be considered that it not only lived and existed in opinions, but in fact it was one of them. Judge yourself, may an Image exist without opinions? At least without one Opinion? Hee-hee. It is the same as a reflection without a mirror, or a lake, or at least a puddle. In short, an image without an opinion is a fiction, that is there is no fiction at all. If there were only a fiction, one could say that an image already exists! But as it is... a hole without a bagel is worse than the optimism of a slot machine the day before yesterday... . Ugh.
Are you familiar with the concept of identity? It is when a person does not actually exist, but only their "Wow!" and "Wow" about them.
The famous proverb "Man to man..." sounds like this in this system:
Wow wow wow!
I just briefly wanted to translate your post. It went: Wow wow wow wow!
Svinozavr >>:
Знакомо ли тебе понятие identity? Это когда человека, собственно, нет, а есть только его "Вау!" и "Вау" о нем.
Известная пословица "Человек человеку..." звучит в этой системе так:
Вау вау вау!
Я просто коротко хотел переложить твой пост. Получилось: Вау вау вау!

On the whole, the translation is correct. The Arts Council approved.

Catch another award: Pelevin. "Helmet of Terror".