Does the Grail exist? - page 118

Andrei01 >>:

Нужно немного в другом порядке: водка, балалайка, бубен... и тогда успех гарантрован. :))

That's fine. The main thing is to put a name on it: "GRAAL".

leman писал(а) >>

That's fine. The main thing is to put the name "Graal" on it.

Two sets:
Graal 40% Russian and 45% Siberian.
Andrei01 >>:

Нужно немного в другом порядке: водка, балалайка, бубен... и тогда успех гарантрован. :))

Or like this.
ad, forum, demo, grail, real, nikolai, beer,vodka, balalaika, tambourine, more tambourine, big tambourine, forum, ......

We, being true Russian patriots, do not imagine ourselves without four basic elements which have promoted Russian nation to number of the main nations of the planet the Earth. These four elements form the merged, collected and indivisible essence, ruling deeds and thoughts of all Russian people, being an integral part of our life. All the ideas about the four elements (Parmenides) or the four elements (I-jing) are black and insidious enemy speculation. In their crystal clear and unclouded essence the true four primary elements are as follows: *There is a fifth element (quintessence), which ensures the unity of these four essences, but which is secondary in origin and, therefore, not so important. It is the essence of the *Bath*. 1) *VODKA* The blood that should flow in the veins of every Russian patriot. The divine drink given by Perun to Prince Igor on the Moscow Seven Hills in 985,000 BC. The universal commodity equivalent (in Masonic Western countries its role is played by the so-called "money". It is consumed in the *Bath*, sitting on the *Birch*, to the sweet-sounding tunes of the *Balalaika*, assembling and disassembling the *MATRESH*. Also used in all other situations. 2) *BERESA* A sacred tree with a white trunk. Curly, fragile. A true Russian patriot should shed tears and yearn for his homeland at the sight of a *BERIZA*, even if he has never gone anywhere. The Birch is used to make a *MATRESHKA* and a *BALAYKA*. The bath is heated with *Birch*. They climb on the *Wood* after drinking *water* (mistakenly believing it to be an apex). In our humane tradition, the Enemy is torn between the two *Trees*. 3) *MATRESHKA* A sacred symbol of the universe, a truly Russian model of the world. Contemplating *MATRESHKA*, a patriot plunges into the depths of his mysterious Russian Soul and admires growing there *TREE*. It can also be used as glasses for *VODKA*. 4) *Balalaika* A sweet-voiced musical instrument, progenitor of guitar, bagpipes, flute, piano, organ and SoundBlaster AWE64 sound card. To the sound of *Balalaika*, true Russian people drink *VODKA* and yearn for their homeland. Some Russophobes, succumbing to Masonic intrigue, refer to the primordial essences of the so-called *DEVKA* (plural DEVKI). The *GIRL* is not a separate entity and her functions are to lead roundels around the *BERESA* and go after the *VODKA*.
SergNF >>:

Упс. :( Я думал здесь стебаются, а здесь серьёзный спор :)

It's not that serious. You don't think you can explain (let alone prove!) anything to anyone. Define your position, read (if possible, carefully) someone else's - no more.
And to explain... I am not a teacher, but a swine-saurus. Typical. I'm a pond-prudy....)))

paukas >>:

Две комплектации:
Грааль 40% - русский и 45% - сибирский.

Cocktail names (from the price list at the bar):
- Drodown
- Margin Call

MetaDriver >>:

.......... ..........

In short, searching for the inner Pinocchio.

Svinozavr писал(а) >>

Cocktail names (from the price list at the bar):
- Drodown
- Margin Call

- "piper" (25 grams)

paukas >>:

- "пипсовщик" (25 грам)

And the risks on the measuring cup are 3 - 5 - 8 - 13 -...

Svinozavr >>:

Названия коктейлей (из прайс-листа в баре):
- Дродаун
- Маржин колл

- Stop Out

- Zig-Zag (!)