Does the Grail exist? - page 98

IgorM >>:

ну вот я и смотрел пару дней в монитор, а демосчет уменьшается до безобразия :)
а Вы случаем не из оппозиции для трейдеров :), я про ДЦ :)

))) Nah. I have nothing to do with the Forex market. From any point of view. So, I am experimenting on a new (for me!))) platform - although on the plus side. I used to pay taxes on Forex in 2009. And so - the main capital on the stock exchange.
You're trying to convince me to trade on minutes, prove it to me and to yourself and ..... open a demo and by the end of the day surprise us with the password from the demo account :)

You're making this up again!))) I am not persuading anyone.

Svinozavr >>:

Опять вы выдумываете!))) Я никого не уговариваю.

so i was just persuading :),
why the convincing screenshot and the M1 story then?
grell >>:
Форекс у меня так, пощекотать нервишки, а работа - поработать. Уж всяко не наоборот. Пока ничего не хочу менять.

Don't want to or can't? It's a rhetorical question...
There was a conversation about how much time a day is the right amount of time to spend on trading. There were several options from those living paycheck to paycheck. Obviously, any answer from this category is wrong and not worthy of consideration. Only the answer from someone who lives on income from trading would be interesting. The options could be from an hour a month, to 20 hours a day, and they would all be correct, as they provide the result - enough money so that there is no need to go to work.

IgorM >>:

ну значит просто я уговаривал :),
ну а зачем тогда этот убедительнейший скрин и рассказ про М1 ?

What do you mean "why"? It's a little strange... I was answering your question. Just explained (to you!) my position about "following the market" and "NOT predicting".

Crazy about you...)))


))) And the trend never changed. On the same minutes. // Look, this is just an illustration of the explanation. Well, on the minutes. I may do it on the days. It's not important here.

And in the meantime, a continuation. Just don't ask why I'm posting this picture, ok? I'll tell you myself - to show off! ))) // just kidding - just think about the fact that maybe you didn't use the indicators correctly? It's like a thermometer - one doctor will prescribe aspirin and the other one - One doctor will prescribe aspirin and the other one purgen. And it gives the same temperature for both.

Anyway, I'm still in the dark as to what's going on. And it doesn't even interest me. As long as the falling trend is trading in accordance with this context. If the trend changes - we will work from the long position.

"Let things be as they will be. It has never been so that there is no way" (c) Hašek.

Svinozavr >>:

Поменяется - будет работа от лонга.

I said that on M30 it makes sense to watch where the market is going, but on M1 it changes a hundred times in 30 minutes.

IgorM >>:

ну так я и сказал, что на М30 есть толк смотреть куда рынок идет, а на М1 он по сто раз за 30 минут меняется, ладно и на том спасибо

"God, you guys are hard." ))))))))))

Where's the "a hundred times in 30 minutes"? It turned downward at two o'clock midnight (2:03 a.m.) and still does.


As a side note. And you can play the minutes at least once a week.

Svinozavr >>:

"Боже, как с вами сложно." ))))))))))

OK, I'll make life easier for you and the people around you - I'll switch off the computer and go out on business, I think you'll get three hours' rest, and then ...... :)

12.5 lots at a pound, just like out of the bush. :)
I quite like the way FantasYGold trades.
More precisely, I like the fact that he has a small number of trades. That is to say, it's more like meaningful trading rather than banal scalping.
Svinozavr писал(а) >>

As long as the trend is falling, trading will be in line with this context. If it changes, it will work from the long side.

"Let it be as it will be, because it will be somehow. Because it has never been like that, not in any way." (c) Hashek.

Question to connoisseurs, how do you determine that the trend has changed, that it is not a flat? and one more question, how much loss of pps. on a price reversal?