Does the Grail exist? - page 92

moskitman писал(а) >>

Makes sense...>>
Ubajal писал(а) >>

Go to the police department and shout at the cops, you're all cunts, can't you? Then don't do it. And Lena, there are NGOs made up of former drug addicts who have become very serious people with complicated backgrounds, who cover for drug dealers and look for honest cops and work with them. Is that what they are?

With all due respect, I didn't poke you.
Don't smear your basic snitching with noble causes. What do you have to do with these people? Not yours. You are an elementary snitch, jealous, etc. A mammal in Russia long known and quite despicable... but not by the authorities. You are manna from heaven for them. They've been hanging on to you since '17. You could say you're the powerhouse, the pillar of power.
Who are you drumming on... well, or are you going to "nobly" drum on. Pay attention to your words: "...looking for honest cops..." What kind of organization is it to look for "honest" cops? But to rat on someone who you do not like (apparently "noble" purpose), you can just go ahead. In this case, there is no need to choose. That is what your "noble" impulse is aimed at, right?
No apologies. I too have a genetic one. Just like the rest of non-muslim Russia. Only it's not fear, it's hatred of snitches. Even if they're just playing them. My great-grandmother was a beauty... Her husband, a snitch like that, he "ennobled" her... All in good order, with a "noble" goal - to punish the embezzler of social property in the amount of coal dust from sacks... He went to his great-grandmother's house. She gave him an axe. She cut off his ear and hit him on the forehead with it, with all her womanly simplicity and love. My friends barely had time to pull him away - she would have cut him to death. The Jackal became a paralytic. Great-grandfather died in the penal colony in November 1941.
He managed to scatter the seed... You're not the grandson or son of that "noble", are you? ...You relish your threats to whistle... It feels good... ...the thrill... well, each to his own.
It's amazing. Already on the forums they are being totally shameless :))
moskitman >>:

You're right, there's definitely a contagion here :). Just to conclude, if a man is a pamshik, you can't even learn anything from him, they cover up their mistakes with the volume of funds.

rumata1984 писал(а) >>

For example, do you have know-how about forex that you have not found on the internet?

Read my posts on many of the TCs under discussion I have spoken out on some not to the end... and addressed to you.... There's just a lot of fuss going on. Here for example the TS named inet "Draga" is pure theory, and I have a practical variant. There are ideas already morally outdated.
Helen >>:

... я вам не тыкала.
... Вы - стукач

1) There is culture - there is pseudo-culture.
Culture correlates with common sense, and
The reference in the plural to a subject in the singular is a remnant of monarcho-slavery. It is a "gift" from the French court, which preferred flea traps to baths, to the barbarians who chose baths.
2) Snitch is an element of criminal vocabulary. It is a person who knows where a crime has been committed and has shared that knowledge with law enforcement without incentive in the form of coercion. I.e. when your child is stolen and someone among your acquaintances, relatives or friends of the kidnappers helps you to get your child back, and deprives the kidnappers of the possibility to repeat the same thing for some time, then according to you, they will do something bad and let the child die. That would be the right thing to do.
Or is it about those who analyze the signals of citizens and make decisions? May be it is not eyes but a brain disease to blame for what happened to your ancestors and mine? If there were not enough educated informers there would not be the year 17. Russia would not have lost so many lives. There were almost as many of us as there were Chinese.

I am talking about making general notions concrete.


Trut, you've made a great point... point by point... understandable... But. Little points are missing. "Snitch" is a term not born in the criminal world. However, if you're a minister of the muses, then yes, the term is popular, hence criminal a priori.
"Snitch", in primitive terms, is a person who wants a flat, a car, a dacha (well, there are many things) or the wife of a neighbour, a colleague, just to crap on someone, for money, out of spite against people or self-loathing for failures in life, who knows that the authorities love to "inform" her and encourage fear "inside" the people-criminal, and takes advantage of it. In short, acting out of some self-serving agenda of his own. Despised by the same cops and gobies, by the way.
The example of the child is not a good one. You're making a distortion. And it is not certain that even the actual criminal environment would consider reporting a child's whereabouts etc. to be snitching. Anyway, you know what I mean. Please don't write numbered nonsense. Thank you.
The ignorance of history is astounding. Sorry.

Trut >>:

1) Есть культура - есть псевдокультура.
Культура соотносится со здравым смыслом, а
обращение во множественном числе к субъекту в единственном - пережиток монархо-рабовладельческих отношений. Это "подарок" французского двора, предпочитавшего блохоловки бане, варварам, выбравшим баню.
2) Стукач - элемент уголовной лексики. Это человек, который знает где совершено преступление и поделившийся знанием с органами правопорядка без стимула в виде принуждения. Т.е. когда украдут вашего ребенка, а кто-то из числа знакомых, родственников, друзей похитителей поможет вам вашего ребенка вернуть, а похитителей лишит возможности какое-то время повторять подобное, то он, по вашему, совершит нечто нехорошее, и пусть ребенок погибнет. Это правильнее, по-понятиям будет.
Или все-таки дело в тех кто анализирует сигналы граждан и принимает решения? Может не глаза, а болезнь мозга виновата, в том, что с вашими предками, да и с моими случилось? Если бы толковых информаторов хватало бы, то не было бы 17 года. Не потеряла бы Россия столько жизней. Ведь нас было почти столько же, сколько китайцев.

Это я по поводу конкретизации общих понятий.

1)You are deluded, more specifically, hiding your lack of culture behind old-fashioned facts.
2)Wrong again. There is incentive in the form of coercion. And what you are talking about is called a little differently.
Trut >>:

Wow, it turns out that this mistake of nature is just a smart C.I., cool.
And Lenya's probably an oligarch felon.
grell >>:

... то, о чем Вы говорите, называется малость по-другому.

What Helen meant by the ancestral story is called slander. And it was such a business, turning in a neighbour and stealing his property. It was a painful time.
A normal state has people who can distinguish between information that protects people and information that destroys them. A state without informants is like a blind man. Unfortunately, states fall ill, wither and die like people. And it would not matter if a sick state does not kill its citizens.
Disease is not only dementia. Blindness is also a disease.