Does the Grail exist? - page 91

Ubajal писал(а) >> I'm just a man.

Usually, human beings are normal.

Ubajal wrote >> and you keep telling me all the secrets.

>> I ain't got no secrets.)

Ubajal писал(а) >> I'll call a friend tomorrow and tell her to delete this letter.

Sir, thank you for everything!!!! )))

LeoV >>:

Обычно, человеки бывают нормальными.

А у меня секретов-то нет )))

Tell us your pam name, since there are no secrets, so we know what kind of manager you are.

LeoV >>:

Господин, спасибо за всё!!! )))

Leo thank you, I can see why no one here is smart, I'm an idealistic naive... was

rumata1984 писал(а) >>

For example, do you have know-how about forex that you have not found on the internet?

I'm sorting gravel... and actually that word is indecent here... OK, that's the last one I wrote...
Tantrik >>:

Я граали сортирую... а вообще это слово здесь неприличное... ладно последний раз написал...

For example, do you have know-how about forex that you have not found on the internet?

Ubajal писал(а) >> Say your name on the pamm, since there are no secrets, at least to understand what kind of manager you are.

I have had enough contact with inadequate people on my first pamm and because of that I had to close it and open in a new name. I have been dealing with inadequate people in the first pammers and because of that I had to close it and open it in a new name. Therefore I feel good and relaxed now and do not want to disturb this state ))).

LeoV >>:

Мне хватило общения с неадекватщиками на первом памме, из-за чего пришлось его закрыть и открыть на новое имя. Поэтому сейчас я чуствую себя хорошо и спокойно и не хочу нарушать это состояние )))

Yes, yes, I remember, some people wanted to make a quick buck and even started rioting.


I read the last pages... Is this...? The '20s, '30s whistleblower craze is back in full force? Knock and run? Leonid, genetic memory works... The fear of snitches is in the blood...
Back then snitches were at least intellectually ashamed of their bitchiness... But now I see nothing... Bragging...

Helen >>:

Почитала последние странички... Это чего?.. Мода 20-х, 30-х на стукачизм снова силу набирает?.. Настучал и пробежал?.. Леонид, а генетическая память-то работает... страх переж стукачами в крови сидит...
Тогда стукачи хоть интеллигентно стеснялись своего сучизма... А сейчас ничего, смотрю... Бравируют...

Go to the police department and shout at the cops, you're all cunts, can't you? Then don't do it. And Lena, there are public organizations made up of former drug addicts who have become very serious people with complicated backgrounds, who are engaged in closing down drug dealers, looking for honest cops and working with them. Is that what they are?