Avalanche - page 265

Demi, I watched "Classic Analysis Doesn't Work". Nikkei is a normal person who wants to know.
To know the truth about how price moves, not to flip a coin before every market entry.
It is true that one should not get excited about asserting one's point of view.
Oper >>:
Все стратегии-игра в "орёл-решка".Варианты заигрывания с теорией вероятности.
Окружить текущую цену отложниками-авоссь сработает.
Наигрался уже в эти игрушки.Пора взрослеть.Вы как хотите,а я пошёл.
Пошёл в астрологию.

I can't help but keep the following on the forum:
Mr. Alan Greenspan, Chairman of the Fed (formerly), stated literally the following in a speech on March 2, 2004 at the Economic Club of New York:
"Nevertheless, despite the extensive efforts of analysts, there is no model, as far as I know, that predicts the direction of exchange rate movements substantially better than can be done by flipping a coin. I know of thousands of people trying to predict, and some are quite successful. So do the winners of beagle-playing contests. The apparent ability of some banking organisations to make sustained profits from foreign exchange trading probably comes not from their penetration of future exchange rates, but from market making."

Source: "Alan Greenspan doesn't believe in the predictability of currency movements"
Oh, man... this thread is already a bit of a flurry... I'll go into more detail...
Anyway... Classic paramon - in a nutshell... break through the channel from the pivot... The pivot is on the previous day... And levels are built from the pivot by Fibonacci... work on the breakdown of the Fibonacci...
A classic scalp... This is very brief ... If interested - you can read the full strategy of Paramon... it's available on the internet and in the public domain... at least google it.
As far as I understood from the screenshots - you are trying to do something very similar

I find this style of work unpromising and uninteresting.

That's basically all I wanted to say
did you realise how deep your eagle-eye thought was?
lexandros писал(а) >>
Shit... this thread is already a bit of a clusterfuck... I'll tell you more about it.
In a nutshell... Classic paramon in a nutshell... break through the channel from the pivot... The pivot is on the previous day... And levels are built from the pivot by Fibonacci... work on the breakdown of the Fibonacci...
A classic scalp... This is very brief ... If interested - you can read the full strategy of Paramon... it's available on the internet and in the public domain... at least google it.
As far as I understood from the screenshots - you're trying to do something very similar.

I find this style of work unpromising and uninteresting.

That's basically all I wanted to say.

That's not what you're talking about, pivot... Fibonacci, breakout... Not even close.

Demi >>:
ты понял, насколько глубока была твоя мысль про орел-решку?

Friend, you've opened my eyes. Now I can trade on Avalanche again.

sever29 >>:

Не о том Вы вообще, пивот...фибоначи, пробой... и близко нет.

well then, write the full ToR in person... that's the conclusion I drew from the screenshots :)
Sorry if I was wrong...
sever29 писал(а) >>

Not what you're talking about at all, pivot...fibonacci, breakdown... not even close.

>> whatever.
You opened them too wide - squint.
or you'll go blind.
An avalanche is for the chosen few!
north... I've written to you in a private message.