Avalanche - page 398

It looks like replacing one letter won't do
I don't understand you gentlemen and ladies, to be honest. If someone in retirement was able to realise a pay rise in such a way, the big one won't do so, I agree. So why not?
I don't understand you gentlemen and ladies, to be honest. If someone in retirement was able to realise a pay rise in such a way, the big one won't do so, I agree. So why not?

didn't catch the idea...?

didn't catch the idea...
Read it again.
Read it again.

many more seven have already been read in a row repeatedly
Read it again.

How many times do I have to read it? That thought escaped me too, went straight into the sand in front of my eyes, damn it.
I don't understand you gentlemen and ladies, to be honest. If someone in retirement was able to realise a pay rise in such a way, the big one won't do so, I agree. So why not???

Taking a dump?

In public and without taking your trousers off?

Like the top-starter (if that's him, of course)?


Doing the big one?

I mean in public, sorry?

I used to hover - "If someone in retirement was able to realise a pay rise"

I used to hover - "If someone in retirement was able to realise a pay rise".

Apparently a working pensioner is meant.

Do the big one?

I mean take a shit in public, sorry?

I don't understand your point, I'm sorry, I mean your presence here just to give a shit and stop believing in your capabilities - it's not like that. It's just that if a person moves the tactic, he will find the provision for the topic - we are all different. (Threats will come again - I'll snap.)