Avalanche - page 264

All strategies are "eagle-reckoning". Options for flirting with the theory of probability.
Surrounding the current price with pauses, maybe it'll work.
I've had enough of these games. It's time to grow up. I'm out of here.
I'm off to astrology.
lexandros писал(а) >>
by the way... north - channel breakdown trading is not interesting... I wrote it in the mail - but I guess you didn't see it... the topic has been chewed up and chewed over... not interesting and not promising... Paramon and his breakdowns have all but ruined everything.

it wasn't... duplicate it please
Oper >>:
Стратегии ни одна не работают.И Лавина туда же...Как жить?
Ребяты,где тут у вас ветка для псессимистов?
Я пойду и поселюсь там.Открою обменный пункт обмена шила на мыло.
Назову..."Рога и копыта".Вход-по предварительной записи.

there is one - Classical analysis "doesn't work"?
I cried when I read it - how can people like that live on this earth?
Demi >>:
читал и плакал - как таких людей только земля носит?

Who are you talking about?

Oper >>:

Эт вы кому,и о чём

there's one - Classical analysis "doesn't work"?
there was one writing there yesterday - a provocateur!
sever29 >>:

не было... продуплируйте плиз

I've already done that... I don't know why it didn't go to you... maybe a server glitch... in general I wrote the same thing in my email as I did here... not interested in the work on the breakdown of channels:) trampled already ...
if you have any other thoughts, always happy to discuss...
rumata1984 >>:

Что же у Вас просадка в полтора раза больше прибыли? Пример Ваш какой-то пессимистичный. )

no... it's not a prediction... it's practically a straight from the real... that's actually what happens most of the time :)
at least for me...
alas - i'm not from sirius... and I don't get 100% a week... but I don't get landslides either... and I'm honestly happy about that:)
lexandros >>:

да нет... это не прогноз... это практически стейт с реала... так на самом деле и происходит чаще всего:)
по крайней мере у меня...
увы - я не с Сириуса... и 100% в неделю у меня не выкатывается... но зато и оползни меня не накрывают... и я если честно рад этому:)

I was only joking. I get it. Nothing comes easy.

lexandros писал(а) >>

I already did... I don't know why it didn't go to you... probably a server glitch... in general I wrote the same thing I wrote here... not interested in the work on the breakdown of channels:) trampled already ...
If you have any thoughts yet, always glad to discuss...

Empty again. I do not understand what kind of channel breakdown? I've read Paramon, I've forgotten what he's got, but it's not what I suggested.