Avalanche - page 272

OlegTs >>:

все верно, только согласитесь, что срок маловат и депозит пока что не удвоен, т.е. вывести вложенные средства пока не удалось,

ведь идея в том, чтобы, как говорил Катана - играть на деньги ДЦ. Считаю, делать выводы еще рано...

Keep watching. We're not in a hurry, are we? )

Galina 11.05.2010 15:25
OlegTs писал(а) >>

This is what has also been said.

If pravlitelno use owl, then no more than 20-30% a month he will give, but stably.

Galina, I am watching with interest your and Dmitry`s experiment. Thank you for this opportunity.

Question: Why is the text of your answer permanently in a frame where there is a comment to which you are directly responding?

Why do you need it?

Inexperienced readers of this thread have not quite correct impression of your posts .....

lasso писал(а) >>

:) 1.attributes his quotes to forum members 2.thinks everyone else is wrong to use comments and replies in threads 3.doesn't own 4.can't 5.doesn't want to 6. female logic.


I (Mozilla Firefox 6.6.3) have this problem lately: I reply to a message, but after the frame where the message itself is, there is no new line. I have to twist it to reply in a human way.

I didn't have this problem before.

Mathemat >>:

У меня (Mozilla Firefox 6.6.3) в последнее время такая проблема: отвечаю на сообщение, но после рамки, в котором само сообщение, нет новой строки. Приходится извращаться, чтобы ответить по-человечески.

Раньше такой проблемы не было.

Lyosha, that's how it was solved, isn't it? It worked for me as before on the same FF 3.6.3.
rumata1984 писал(а) >>
Let's keep watching. We're not in a hurry, are we? )

Yeah, everything seems to be working. Maybe your hands?


Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; ru; rv: Gecko/20100401 Firefox/3.6.3


sever29 писал(а) >>

:) 1.attributes his quotes to forum members 2.thinks everyone else is wrong to use comments and replies in the threads 3.doesn't own 4.can't 5.doesn't want to 6. female logic.

Oh, run, Uncle Mitya... Run ... (c) from the film "Love and Doves"
Svinozavr >>:
Лёш, так ведь решили же вроде. У меня заработало как и раньше на таком же ФФ 3.6.3. // с версией, надо думать, у тебя описка
Yeah, right. I thought the problem wasn't fixed. But it's fine now.
Mathemat >>:

У меня (Mozilla Firefox 6.6.3) в последнее время такая проблема: отвечаю на сообщение, но после рамки, в котором само сообщение, нет новой строки. Приходится извращаться, чтобы ответить по-человечески.

Раньше такой проблемы не было.

Right. I too have an FF and the same problem happens.
rumata1984 писал(а) >>
Right. I too have FF and the same problem happens too.

It's nice to have some gentlemen on the forum.

Eight posts in defence.

Galina - rehabilitated!!!!!!!! (8 signs)