Crisis: Don't we care? - page 28

BARS >> :

At least somebody owes us one.

U.S. owes Russia $74.4 billion - expert
08.11, 21:42 RIA Novosti

Alaska will be repossessed along with that idiot Sarah Palen

and the rest of the states will be auctioned off on eBay.

California's a good deal, I'd buy it (with Schwarzenegger in it).

Georgia should make a reservation for all Republicans

Mathemat >> :

I decided to reread the article about the Americans' forecasts. The article is old, a year old, but how much faster things are going: oil has already gone down to almost 150 and fallen to almost 60 - in less than a year, and some of the most powerful financial structures in the states have collapsed.

P.S. And in Russia the stock market is down more than 70% - since May.

economists predicted the war in iraq 10 years in advance.......... "nothing lasts forever over the moon"......... there was a famous book about the oil crisis in the soviet union and the global war through it - something similar.......

The most interesting part. When hydrogen was built at 100 mgt, the delegation headed by Sakharov came to Kuznetsov (then Commander of the Navy): a plan to destroy states - 10 warheads with remote detonation along the Pacific coast, about the same along the Atlantic coast...... X hour - detonation - all washed away........

Who would have heard what he told them....... I don't..... but having served more than 20 years in the FARC, I can roughly imagine )))))

sabluk >> :

Alaska will be repossessed along with that idiot Sarah Palen

and the rest of the states will be auctioned off on eBay.

California's a good deal, I'd buy it (with Schwarzenegger in it).

Georgia should make a reservation for all Republicans.

Actually, Alaska and California are Russian ancestral territories. They should give it away for free.

We'll get something else for our debts.

Guys! I'd like a piece of land in California, please. By the time I get there... you'll have it all taken care of.
Zhunko >> :

Actually, Alaska and California are native Russian territories. They should give it back free of charge.

We will take something else for the debts.

Alaska was sold officially, i.e. you should forget about "give it back" and not show your ignorance in public.

America's "debts" are bonds. Has America refused to pay them, or is the interest on them behind? Not yet. And judging by the number of people willing to lend money to America even now, they are not in danger of default. Unlike many Russian companies that nobody lends to.

I don't know the structure of US bonds in Russia's portfolio, but I would venture to guess that the vast majority are long-term securities, 30 years or perpetual, never to be redeemed at all. It is impossible to demand repayment today or tomorrow.


I hear the Ameriabased bonds we have are mostly 30 year olds.

There are also mortgage bonds...

When the euro started pulling the Stabilization Fund, those bonds went up, and that inflation was smoothed out a bit. Considering the size of our corporate debt (which is almost the same as the Stab. Fund), who would lend money to our firms.

It is like in this joke:

A man came to the bank to withdraw money.

We will not give him any money...

timbo >> :

>> Alaska was sold officially, so you should forget about "give it back" and not show your ignorance in public.

I don't care about "officially"! This is our territory!


from this point of view I repeat!

1. any territory can be disputed, taken back, appropriated, etc.

2. a territory is held by force (for example, the law of nature: an aging lion - young lion wakes up, marks territory - that's it, he is the boss because he is stronger).

3. Who cannot hold his territory by force, will sooner or later lose it ( the entire world history to help).


as for the former territories, america is so strong at the moment that it would be absurd to consider it possible to acquire just one meter of its territory

If we're talking about Russia's territory, Russia is not as strong as the former Soviet Union

at least hold on to what it has.

Zhunko >> :

I don't care about "official", this is our territory!


I like words like, IMPERIA........ something about them though...... and WE, no matter who or what they say - IMPERIA!!!!!!!!!!

rider писал(а) >>


I like words like, IMPERIA........ something in them though...... and WE, no matter who or what they say - IMPERIA!!!!!!!!!!

we are not the 6th part of the earth anymore, thanks to talentless politicians


one gathers the land (conquers and annexes)

the other gives - (gives in battles - just gives it back no matter how it happens historically)

as an example, you can compare Peter the Great and Gorbachev -

one was expanding - the other was shrinking.


under one, the country gained spheres of influence - power

the second narrowed its spheres of influence - lost power (mostly voluntarily) ---


any empire sooner or later collapsed - as a rule, the basis for the destruction was the economy