Tell me the release date of mql5? When will mql5 be available? - page 4

zxc >> :

So why bother putting out an alpha version for six months of testing when they can find out about bugs in just one day?

1) at least to exclude beforehand such errors as "password is open!?" or such or .....

2) do you agree to find out about your depo being drained one day after it has been drained?! :))))

Rosh писал(а) >>
Still we won't tell :)

That's strange. I would learn from those who know how to promote a software product. And become very rich. Look at Windows 7 PR.

Prival >> :

That's strange. I would learn from those who know how to promote a software product. And become very rich. Look at the PR for Windows 7.

And there is another example: our energy supply, the redneck said "We won't tell anyway... when electricity is cheaper... ">> and he was very rich and he's still very rich and he's even getting richer.


Prival писал(а) >>

Rosh wrote >>.
Still we will not tell :)

That's strange. I would learn from those who know how to promote a software product. And become very rich. Look at the Windows 7 PR.

why so strange - just an honest answer. you just need to be able to read between not a line but at least the words: we won't tell - because it will never come out (the boy - gone) :))))

ForexTools >> :

Why strange - just an honest answer. you just need to be able to read between not a line but at least the words: they won't say - because he'll never get out (the boy is - gone) :))))

Right, what is there to say. If there is no boy to write the engine for the forum.

Dry residue((((It's impossible to say when it will come out because HE hasn't shown up yet)))

Around autumn this year I decided to make a bit of a joke on the main MQL forum. I wrote a thread something like "Mythical MT5" where I wrote that MT5 had become something of a myth that no one had seen, but everyone had heard about it. That in the meantime something could have been released by now. I think Renat replied that the product is complicated and cannot be written so quickly. I said something back. But that's not the point. I wanted to look it up now, but I couldn't find it! It was deleted!!! DIDN'T EXPECT THAT FROM METAQUOTES!

I'm actually waiting for MT5. Don't want to believe the blackest thoughts can come true :)

falkov >> :

I'm actually waiting for MT5. I don't want to believe that the darkest thoughts may come true :)

It seems there is a new kind of scam in Forex (in order to keep people in trading longer when there is nothing to keep them), a tale is invented and muzzled - muzzled - muzzled - muzzled .......

I didn't really think about it, but I decided to write a post, to listen to my comrades' opinion... However: I read a branch and what do I see? The same question was asked more than a year ago (29.08.2007 19:22) !!!! and the answers were the same :(

I just need to start a new project and I don't know what to expect - maybe by the end of it (the development time is expected to be considerable) MQL5 will come out and all that I had to twist in MQL4 will turn out to be just one line of code in MQL5. Well, it will be too long in the full sense of the goddamn word (I already had this situation: finished working in MQL3 just about to "display" it and here - MQL4.... I've already missed everything - not even a primitive converter from 3 to 4).


Apparently, you think that big projects are written quickly.

Each of our subsequent trading platform projects (don't forget, platforms, not client terminals) was almost exactly twice the size of the previous one due to increasing demands. That is, FX Charts took 1 unit of volume, MetaQuotes 2, MetaTrader 3 - 4, MetaTrader 4 - 8 units. So far, everything is moving towards the fact that MetaTrader 5 will take 16 units of code volume.

Every time we rewrite all our systems from scratch, we develop a new architecture of information and trading platform. It is imperative to do this even at the loss of time for the sake of a nicer/more correct structure and to get rid of the generic traumas of previous systems. Many developers are afraid to rewrite systems, but we are not, and we do it all the time.

We also constantly support a huge number of our customers (brokers and traders) by releasing new versions of MetaTrader 4 - the number of builds of the terminal alone is already 220, not to mention several hundred builds of various server components. The Automated Trading Championship 2006/2007/2008 shows the level of our experts - no one in the world has ever held such an open competition.

We find resources for all this, as well as for MetaTrader 5. Don't think about "the person who left" - Slava Starikov (stringo) has developed MQL4 and he continues to develop MQL5. The other developers who created MetaTrader 3 and MetaTrader 4 are also in line.

Do not worry, as soon as the first alpha versions will appear, we will start public testing. That's what we always do.


We would like to thank all of you, our readers and developers, for sharing the experience and knowledge with us. Indeed, many developers are now writing their EAs and indicators with scripts and have only one fear: the time spent on the development in MQL4 will be implemented in MQL5 in a few lines. And knowing the approximate date, many will simply postpone the implementation of their ideas, and many will thoroughly prepare, collect statistics, etc.

In short, everyone needs a PRIMARY release date.