[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 733

That's it, Victor, you're in trouble, you can't get away with it. Tell me who you're working for, your names and passwords.
That's it, Victor, you're in trouble, you can't get away with it. Tell us who you're working for, your names and passwords.
We peasants are not used to tricks. All of it straight to the point.

Is it all right here?
My wife's younger sister was a ninth-grader 35 years ago.

Sorry, I do not understand. What does it mean?
What does "relaxation generator" mean and how does it relate to "blinker"?

Relaxationgenerator , relaxator, generator of electrical non-harmonic oscillations, usually having a wide spectrum (see Generating Electrical Oscillations). The main elements of the R.G. - a reactive energy store (capacitive or inductive) and a non-linear element with a voltage-voltage characteristic, which has a falling section, so that this element acquires hysteresis properties.... BSE

If you put an impulse lamp (IFC-120) instead of a neon and cover it with a blue bucket, you get what is called a "flasher" in today's jargon.

"A mock-up relaxation generator" was a plastic box with a flashing neon bulb and a variable resistor (in series with R2) changing the frequency of oscillation.
And no more fucking jokes, you'll never get rid of you :))


Don't think of it as a nag, dear Victor, but once again there is a discrepancy. In the schematic, R2 is marked as a DC resistor, not an AC resistor. You can't change the frequency. Accordingly, it will not be possible to adjust to the bi-waves of the relaxer and achieve the effect required to win the contest.
An experienced devil, you can't fool him!
You can't fool a guy like that, you can't fool a guy like that.

I was up all night. Thinking. Very worried. A neighbour of mine divorced his wife of 36 years at the age of 58 and married a 25-year-old.

So what the hell with the neighbour. AND THEN BANG! -granit77: To add to the theme. My wife's sister, the schoolgirl,

Well, it's all resolved now, but it's still a mess.


I was up all night. Thinking. Very worried. A cottage neighbour divorced his wife of 36 years at the age of 58 and married a 25-year-old.

So what the hell with the neighbour. AND THEN BANG! -granit77: To add to the theme. My wife's sister, the schoolgirl,

Well, it's all resolved now, but there's still the rub.

As an "experienced man" I can console you. At a certain age, the problem of schoolgirls will disappear on its own, and you will sleep peacefully without any residue :))



Hi!!! I figured it out at
your request: So the appointment for
for hemorrhoid treatment is on
Fridays at 9:00 a.m. Please have with you:
- clean underwear;
- Vaseline "The Good Wizard",
- surgical gloves
size 7, -
money (750 rubles) Sorry for
I wrote on the wall, I have something
my personal
and don't say thank you...
Always happy to help, bro.


- Don't call us anymore.
- Why not?
- When you left yesterday, we lost our spoons, and we found them later, but it still left a bad taste in our mouths.