Total wiretapping is being introduced - page 33

What do you mean by that? That we cannot know if Russia will fall apart in a week or a month? As long as Putin is in power I am sure it will not fall apart. But if the liberasts come to power, there are no guarantees, we may end up like the second Ukraine.

Of course it won't fall apart. There is too much at stake, too much responsibility. And again, the price of oil is too low. And what is the solution?

There hasn't been a war for a long time...

Dmitry Fedoseev:

There you go... "from the farm to the nuclear bomb". Joy full of trousers, up to his neck in shit, but with a nuclear bomb.

If it wasn't for the events of 1917 and Stalin, there would have been a lot more in Russia.

Here Sikorsky emigrated to America and became Mr. Helicopter, while Vavilov stayed and died in prison weighing 40 kilos or more, a man carried him in his arms and buried him.

All this is sad... Have many people failed to realize that they destroyed so many thinking people over the years? And then they wonder why we are lagging behind.

Yes, because they did not appreciate those people, and America creates all conditions for thinking people, until they realize it, it will be so.

Well, I can't understand why Stalin is useful.

The reasons for our failures should start looking at 1914, that's where it all started.


Had it not been for the events of 1917, there would have been no Stalin, then there would have been a lot more in Russia.

Sikorsky emigrated to America and became Mr. Helicopter, while Vavilov stayed and died in custody weighing 40 kilos or more, carried and buried by a man in his arms.

All this is sad... Have many people failed to understand that they destroyed so many thinking people over the years. And then they wonder why we are lagging behind.

Yes, because they did not appreciate those people, and America creates all conditions for thinking people, until they realize it, it will be so.

Well, I cannot understand why Stalin is useful.

The reasons for our failures should start looking at 1914, that's where it all started.

Since 1914, monarchy has become an ineffective paradigm. Multi-polarity should not only be global, but also in a single country.
СанСаныч Фоменко:

Trying to get your money's worth?

Here in detail

article about nothing

Had it not been for the events of 1917, there would have been no Stalin, then there would have been a lot more in Russia.

Sikorsky emigrated to America and became Mr. Helicopter, while Vavilov stayed and died in custody weighing 40 kilos or more, carried and buried by a man in his arms.

All this is sad... Have many people failed to realize that they destroyed so many thinking people over the years? And then they wonder why we are lagging behind.

Yes, because they did not appreciate those people, and America creates all conditions for thinking people, until they realize it, it will be so.

Well, I can't understand why Stalin is useful.

The reasons for our failures should start looking at 1914, that's where it all started.

He didn't steal from himself. Unlike everyone else.
Alexey Busygin:
He didn't steal from himself. Unlike everyone else.
Everyone else steals not from themselves, but from you and me. But we cannot or do not want to understand that!
Alexey Busygin:
He didn't steal from himself. Unlike everyone else.
Why would he steal, the whole country belonged to him. But before the revolution he robbed banks.
And to get back on topic, it's always the consumer who pays for everything!
Yuriy Zaytsev:

But we've come to it - already without a hint

And branches like this always get blown up.

Of course they do.

But dumb branches about "is there a grail" or "are there profitable robots? They appear one after another, like mushrooms after rain ))) The answer is obvious - there is no grail, there are profitable robots. But no, they appear 100 pages long.

At least we are discussing real things here. The whiners are those who have gimme-gimme to discuss serious things.

Andrey Davydov:
And to get back on topic, it's always the consumer who pays for everything!
No matter what topic you start, you can't go anywhere without Stalin... He's in almost every thread...