Total wiretapping is being introduced - page 35

Alexandr Saprykin:
Here's a gimmick: they found Stalin's tablet in the Kremlin's vaults with the last date on the screen being 2020
But seriously, not many people realise that "Stalin" was essential to the country at the time.

You guys, so many lives were ruined. All right, not everyone knew about it then. But now, and still arguing about it....

IMHO. The difference between Hitler and Stalin is. that one of them is the winner.

За открытыми дверями: российское приложение FindFace и тайна частной жизни
За открытыми дверями: российское приложение FindFace и тайна частной жизни
«Занимаемся разработкой алгоритмов искусственного интеллекта на основе нейронных сетей. Одним из первых алгоритмов мы сделали алгоритм распознавания лиц, который позволяет находить человека по фотографии среди больших баз фотографий», — сообщил сооснователь компании N-Tech.Lab Артём Кухаренко. С февраля нынешнего года российское приложение...
Don't forget to cite the source of the "quote". Cause you're the master of artistic whistling.

Go on, to the dumpster, without me.

And don't get all personal, or you'll be a shalapin.

Arkadii Zagorulko:

You guys, come on, so many lives were ruined. OK, not everyone knew about it then. But now, and still arguing about it....

IMHO. The difference between Hitler and Stalin is. that one of them is the winner.

And how many people Russia lost after the collapse of the USSR. Who's to blame? Yolkin? Let's equate him with Stalin and Hitler.
Yuck on you) Keep on admiring your executioner.
And twice as much for you)

The funny thing is that we have never had a liberal economy. But, everyone scolds liberals)

Read about liberalism, the gist of it is that you need freedom. What's wrong with it or you like to live like in North Korea. So go there, they will be happy to see you there.)

I would like to take this opportunity to ask: are there people here who want to live in North Korea?

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The funny thing is that we have never had a liberal economy. But, everyone scolds liberals)

Read about liberalism, the gist of it is that you need freedom. What's wrong with it or you like to live like in North Korea. So go there, they will be happy to have you there.)

they want to build their own north korea here

In the meantime: