Total wiretapping is being introduced - page 50


It's Ukrainian Culture Night)

Thank you all for watching.
Vladimir Zubov:

You wouldn't believe it) The people, i.e. ordinary people, are behind it. Without them there would be nothing. It's all fairy tales about the state department and Nato and the EU.)

That's the same bullshit that was drummed into the Baltics. And most importantly, they were taught that this is the right way to live!) On the 4th forum at the start of the Maidan,
everything I wrote came true. And about the quotas and about the reduction of the population, social benefits, industry, etc.. About the fact that after the "kids"
mothers and old ladies would come out to the rallies. They didn't believe it, they were in a frenzy))))
Vladimir Zubov:
Who's arguing? We'll figure it out on our own.)
There is no you and us, there is no bulbandia, there is us. Historically, the Russians and the people back and forth))) many times, but they always come together.

As soon as you realise this, you'll be able to throw a punch to the GOP about Alaska)))). Think big.)))

Alexey Volchanskiy:
And I'm sure there will be some bad boys who will help the aliens for a jar of jam. Now swap the aliens for Americans and match them with those who have staged coloured revolutions.

They already have))

Хиллари Клинтон: «Украина - для переезда США»
Хиллари Клинтон: «Украина - для переезда США»
«Неожиданное заявление сделала кандидат в Президенты США от демократов Хиллари Клинтон, в интервью относительно будущего Соединенных Штатов»

One clown makes up "quotes" from Novodvorskaya.

The other clown makes up Clinton's "statements".

It's contagious...


You have to admit - all the clones in this thread are clones too - no exceptions.

Entered, posted = clown.

This bullshit has been drummed into the Baltics as well. And most importantly, it was drummed into them that this is the right way to live!)) On the 4th forum at the start of the Maidan,
everything I wrote came true. And about the quotas and about the reduction of the population, social benefits, industry, etc.. About the fact that after the "kids"
mothers and old ladies would come out to the rallies. They didn't believe it, they were in a frenzy.)
Did it make you feel better? No one thought it would get easier. And you, too?))) What do you think is right?