Are there any trading robots in our galaxy that make money instead of losing??????? - page 22

I want to correct the conclusion came to this thought, if you can lose you can also find it, I have not met these people, but they probably exist that earn in forex, I mean private investors (traders) with regard to the owl I ran across a toptator owl that does not shed, rather it can shed but you have to try if beginners want to test it for free, but it is generally paid.
Vladimir Suschenko:

What grounds do you have for such categorical generalisations? If you, or even thousands or millions of others, do not have any, that is not a reason to say that they do not have any at all.
The situation resembles the attitude of many losers in life, when in order to justify their failures and inability to succeed you can simply declare something like "life is shit" and then it somehow makes sense to fit into that concept..., it's all bad, not me being a loser.

Why do you think that successful traders necessarily have to shine in public near-trading hangouts and events? A truly successful trader is usually sufficiently motivated and warmed by his achievements, he has less need for public approval, recognition, delight of the public than unsuccessful ones or just novice amateurs. Hence the situation follows, that a man is crying about a loss of $100 for a long time, loudly and with gusto, while he prefers to rejoice quietly and in a narrow circle (often in front of himself) over a earned dozen or hundreds thousand.

P.S. On the subject of the topic of the thread - they definitely exist, but it is not a fact that the authors or owners of such robots will be at your beck and call to report to a "respectable public" and confirm all the figures and facts.
In addition, many have repeatedly voiced on this forum a reasonable argument that the robot is just a tool, and like the use of any tool, it requires certain skills and effort to work successfully. Otherwise we will get to the old proverb: "Give a fool a *** glass one, he will break his *** and cut his hands". I would add that most likely he will say that the *** was defective.

Vladimir you are so smart? Apparently you think so!, But judging by your comment it is far from it and I am sure that your annual income is no more than -1%, if it is not so monitor the real account in a studio, and your empty unproven wording of your personal opinion is you know how you put it about the glass, dust in the ****!
Maybe there are, but I've never met any private investors. When I talked to more than 1,000 traders not one of them said that he has a robot that does not lose, but a system error is possible in principle, because everything has an end, which means that a handicap has an error and it has to be extracted from the real market, not from the tester.
Mikhail Gorenberg:
Vladimir are you so smart? .....
Does the thought hurt you? Sorry...
But that's no reason to be complex and rude. Try, work on yourself and you will succeed (maybe). And for the beginning by way of a little help in this difficult matter I give you a hint - literate people (clever ones are out of speech) write the form of polite address "you" with capital letters.

Mikhail Gorenberg:

...the monitor of the real account in the studio...
Do you need a key to the flat?
Vladimir Suschenko:
Does that thought hurt you? I'm sorry...
But that's no reason for you to be complex and rude. Try, work on yourself and you will succeed (maybe). And for the beginning by way of a little help in this difficult matter I give you a hint - literate people (clever ones are out of speech) write the form of polite address "you" with capital letters.
Don't you want the key to the flat?
Yes gramotey :) Perhaps in referral links earn forex or forex spelled with a capital letter, and then we are here at dictation of the Russian language, not on the forum how to make money from these exclusive people, but you probably do not understand it. All for themselves, and the grass grows nearby, or maybe you have not heard ... such a proverb :)
Mikhail Gorenberg:
Yes gramotey :)........... or else we're here at a Russian language dictation, not on a forum on how to make money from these exclusive people, but you probably won't understand it...
Certainly, I cannot understand this twisted logic that thinking about making money is the lot of illiterate ignoramuses, for whom the word gramotay sounds like a terrible swear word...
Vladimir Suschenko:
Clearly, I cannot understand this twisted logic that thinking about making money is the province of illiterate ignoramuses, for whom the word literate sounds like a terrible swear word...
There is no dispute, literacy is necessary for a cultured and educated person, and ethics are essential in advertising goods and services, especially in customer service, otherwise trust in firms, their products and, in general, business is undermined!
Vladimir Suschenko:
Definitely, I cannot understand this twisted logic that thinking about making money is the lot of illiterate ignoramuses, for whom the word literate sounds like a terrible swear word...
Vladimir, different people have different logic, there is no need to equate them all under one roof, you started the discussion in this vein, you are too stubborn, I think to stop trying to display wit here, I am an adult family man with a decent education and a good job, I am not a market vegetable seller, I have lost a lot of money in this field and recently, I sit at a PC until 6 am and type, and you're going to stand over my head like a teacher and convince everyone that you are an adequate person, and I am ignorant dark. If it makes you sleep better, you think so.
Mikhail Gorenberg:
... I am an adult family man with a decent education and a good job, not a vegetable vendor at the market...
I believe you (almost, well, almost), though I'm alarmed by some stylistic resemblance to a widespread pattern on the net: "...I myself am from the Crimea, the daughter of an officer...".
But never mind, let's put aside excessive incredulity, of course, anyone who has read your posts, there is not a shadow of a doubt - the person wrote with a decent education.
Mikhail Gorenberg: started this argument in this vein, so you are stubborn as well, I think stop it for now...
You have not mixed up anything? Have you got memory problems? Then let me remind you where it began:
Mikhail Gorenberg:
Vladimir you're so clever? Apparently you think so!, but judging by your comment it's far from it....
If you do not want to be distracted from typing until 6 am, then you should not engage in assessments of someone's mental abilities ... And then they'll give you a pennant for typing...
Vladimir Suschenko:
I believe it (almost, well, almost), but there is a certain stylistic resemblance to a common online pattern that makes me wary: "...I myself am from the Crimea, the daughter of an officer...".
But never mind, put aside excessive incredulity, of course, anyone who has read your posts, there is not a shadow of doubt - he wrote a man with a decent education. Have you got memory problems? Let me remind you where it began: If you do not want to be distracted from typing until 6 am, then you should not engage in assessments of someone's mental capacity ... You might even get a pennant for impact typing...
I feel sorry for you, you must have had a hard time in life and at school, but you will get over it.