Are there any trading robots in our galaxy that make money instead of losing??????? - page 12

Dina Paches:

Green. It promotes calmness, which is not unimportant when making trading decisions, and therefore kind of weighs them down. However, like blue, it does not contribute to quick reactions, so it is not suitable, for example, for "fast" manual trading.

Alexei, I meant simply the normal numbering of the bars in order. And the ordering of the bars does not depend on the volumes. I also gave it as an example that there are indicators, which don't need volumes in their calculations. It means that the absence of the volumes in the calculations is not a criterion for believing or not believing an indicator.

I roughly understand what you're trying to convey, but if that's what I think it is, I'm indifferent to it (although it's probably for good reason that I'm indifferent). Everyone has their own techniques, preferences, visions. In addition, I have long had a taboo on discussing the details of trading systems. I am not a "guru".

For further discussion here, I'll pass. In private now a little later just a few things will write to you.

P./S.: The lines on the chart can sometimes advise you a lot. It is not connected with the volumes. The cursor to the candlestick, on the other hand, shows the price marks, which by themselves may be insufficient for making trading decisions.

The numbering does not depend on the price either.

The lines on the chart can help us a lot, if they are drawn correctly. Lines are just a display of information, nothing more. The information they are based on will determine whether they are drawn correctly or not.

Alexey Busygin:

The numbering is not dependent on price either.

Lines on a chart can advise you a lot, if they are drawn correctly. Lines are just a representation of information, nothing more. What information they are based on will determine whether they are drawn correctly or not.

I doubt anyone will dispute that.

I would only take the liberty of assuming, though of course I could be wrong, that it is on particular paths that you may get a lot of interested interlocutors. Both with their own points of view and with an interest in yours.

Alexey Busygin:
Yes, there is a whole system of brainwashing here. I don't believe in indicators unless they use volumes in their calculations.
Is this belief mystical, or does it have a rational justification?)
Is this belief mystical, or does it have a rational basis?)
What do you think? Is it possible to ignore the obvious?
Dina Paches:

Green. Promotes calm, which is important when making trading decisions, and therefore kind of weighs them down more. However, like blue, it is not conducive to quick reactions, so it is not suitable for 'speed' manual trading, for example.


Darling! All you have to do is look in the cupboard and everything falls into place at once, and no colouring is needed:

Artyom Trishkin:

Darling! All you have to do is look in the wardrobe and everything falls into place, and there's no need for any colouring:

So there's no Leo in my wardrobe. (

Although... Do you mean to put his photo in the wardrobe?

No way. I should have his picture in a prominent place, not next to "skeletons".

P./S.: Thanks for the photo of Lyovushka! Such a Pawnee he is!

Dina Paches:

So there's no Leova in my wardrobe. (

Although... Do you mean put his photo in the wardrobe?

No way. I should have his picture in a prominent place, not next to the "skeletons".

P./S.: Thanks for the picture of Lyovushka! Such a Pawnee he is!

I couldn't help sharing the happiness with you ;)
Artyom Trishkin:
Thank you, Artyom, once again! I love it immensely!
Alexey Busygin:
What do you think? Is it possible to ignore the obvious?
:) I assume that volumes should always be high, there's nothing to do on illiquidity (in terms of algotrading).
:) I assume that the volume should always be large, there is nothing to do on illiquid trading (in terms of algotrading).

I was talking a little bit about something else, in short, the whole current Forex market industry is sharpened so that traders lose as much as possible, and forgery is practically everywhere, starting from educational materials, excluding the basics, and ending with everything else, the conditions of brokers, company policies and other "authoritative" opinions. If at the very beginning you are steered in the wrong direction you will trade with mixed success and write programs that will not meet the requirements, and you will defend this point of view to the end.