FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 782

Get married
Adler, you're all attributing some man to me.)
Anyone for sale?
Evgeniya Balchin:
Adler, you're all attributing some man to me.)
You want my advice? Don't trade, pussy.
I'll just keep Strenge and Eugenia company. It's more fun to sort things out together)))
I don't have a problem.)
and on the eu, yes, below parity 0.87 roughly, say.
Looks like it ))))
Server Muradasilov:
Looks like it ))))
brave, eh? pose? and you didn't close the year.

There you go...

up to 1.1050 hold ))))
brave, eh? pose? and you haven't closed for a year.
Cautious)))) I do not believe in eurovalut Britain plays a big role in their puzzle - when the eur collapses, even a volume of 0.01 lot, will be a disaster for many :)
Idler, there will be no parity or "lowering" in the next year and a half.
Idler, there will be no parity or "lowering" in the next year and a half.
...said one woman then dumped the deposit and disappeared ((