FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 788

Page 787! Delete.
OK. You're going to tell me again anyway....
No, I'm not. I've read about the levels, and lo and behold - an unresolved problem, I want the end of the week) I just haven't lost my memory yet. Probably not the right mushrooms)
there is such a test - orders on monday and do not touch anything else! (but I would have to move the stop.)
there's such a test - orders on monday and don't touch anything else! (but then yes, the stop would have to be shifted)

here we go....

and move it where, I mean to where?

there is such a test - orders on monday and do not touch anything else! (and so it would have to be a stopover)

What if the GEP blows the stops and is worse than the order?

Will we make the sell immediately or on Monday?

//you don't have to answer. your sense of humour has run out...

Yes, Master, if you go against the wind, you'll have your pirogue covered. Up to your feet.
I skimmed your harrier )))))), the last one got lost. (you should also give me the number of the shield))))) what's the number )

here we go....

and move it where, I mean to where?

on m15 only the canadian has done TA and the euro is not ready yet so .... first pair put 70 pips SL and TP 1.1150
on m15 only canadian made TA and euro not ready yet so .... first pair put 70 pips SL and TP 1.1150
Yeah, you're a genius, though. I may have to switch to manual trading for this kind of thing.

What if the GEP blows the stops and is worse than the order?

Should we make the sell immediately, or on Monday?

//You don't have to answer. Your sense of humour has run out...

The deal will be done. Entries are 1% on 10 pairs and 40 pendants (m1 m5), i'm too lazy to make a forecast this weekend. Moreover, it turned out that the required movement is less than 50%.