FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 201

That's no indicator ))))There were millions in MMM ....
Find something to compare it to)))) With all due respect.
You won't believe it - I agree)))
You spoil him.)
You won't believe it - I agree).

Good day ..If I may say a few words about GBP/USD .Maximal point for the growth I see 1.5587 ( 1.5760 1 .5635 only by the impulse and I think, that when we will finally see the weekly candlestick in which the shadow remains 250-270 points (four figures)...If the market will stay above the level, the lower will be the target : I see the target 1.5331 after 1.5460 (Monday-Tuesday) If the market will stay above the level till the end of the month, the target is 1.5409 and already 1.5223 (4-5 August (1.5169)?
Strange, please explain, what do you agree with?
With the rise to 1.5635

Thank you !
Server Muradasilov:
Find something to compare it to)))) With all due respect
Money is always MMM ... production can never keep up with the amount of money ... And if there is nothing behind the money then it's MMM (there are hundreds of variations so far).
Strange, please clarify what exactly do you agree with?
With the rise to 1.5635

Thank you!
I did not write 1.5635)))

where? nothing will disappear, a lot of things are built on it.

here's some bullshit for the furnace, i get it ))))

It reminds me a lot of Strange's story about how the markets work.

Rena, please show me the drawing from July 17 to 21 on Euro.
(want to combine it with yours ).

Thank you!
Who told you that...
The government said it - expecting a rate hike soon and all that...

Z.U. Before that, when I talked about Audi at 0.7 and the government's unwillingness to see it strengthen Strange laughed... Where is he now?(Audi). I think roughly the same is waiting for the Pound in the end - that is the top
GopFX __:
That's what the government said.

There are no relatives there)))
Server Muradasilov:

Tuma, the Community is growing! There are already 675,000 of us - only those registered on the forum - who use Metatrader - and we can only guess how many others there are.

I do not know what is growing there, but I get the feeling that there are three cripples sitting on the Russian-language forum, their rants can be read in half an hour ... Where are the other supposed users?
Everything with money is always MMM ...Since production can never keep up with the amount of money ...And if there is nothing behind the money then it's MMM (variations of 100 so far).
I am amazed))) What's wrong with you ? (variations of a hundred so far ) - I don't get it ?