FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1102


Evgeniya Balchin

Zhenya, thank you. I don't drink beer for 30 years, I think horses are stinky, and for salu.... Well, our only problem is with the old one. He can't salt it.)


Evgeniya Balchin

Zhenya, thank you. I don't drink beer for 30 years, I think horses are stinky, and for salu.... Well, our only problem is with the old one. He can't salt it.)

OK, I'll keep that in mind)))))))) anyway, have more positivity!


old me, i'm fucking nuts. we've known him for 5 years, haven't we? i mean, i know discipline. pilot or flea-eye-eye-eye-eye-eye-eye-eye-eye-eye-eye-eye-eye-eye-eye-eye-eye-eye-eye-eye-eye-eye-eye.

it's my birthday. i want presents. 51.

Evgeniya Balchin:
OK, I'll keep that in mind)))))))) Anyway, have a good day!
I should add that I also like Ritz Carlton Moscow and Black Label and martinis)))) and yes, I like salo too)))) You just need to learn how to salt it))))
I lived in Turin for three years, there are such petrol tankers there, it says - martini. My wife and I call it a compote)
The back label is nowhere near Jamison. It's a papoose.
The bad label's no match for the Jamison. It's a Papoose drink.

Any drink for the Papuans. Any 'compote'. )


To make your desires dicker with your possibilities.

Have you tried the eighteenth?

Nah. the airport customs officers bring in 12.)
Anatoli Kazharski:

Any drink for the Papuans. Any 'compote'. )

Tol, are you crazy?
Evgeniya Balchin:
when a night in a house in the country, next to a fireplace and a good movie...
???it's all understandable.
Evgeniya Balchin:
Everyone has their own, I-maximum a glass)))) and that with a Coke in the evening when a night out in the country house, next to the fireplace and a good movie...
eh, zhenka... I listened to Piotrovsky Sr. as a schoolboy and Gumilev as a student.