FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1674


and the blabbermouth is dedicated:


I read (including recent forecasts on audi) and I get convinced that no one still knows the future. I have learned the stock market science, I will not teach it, because I do not believe in their (I am not talking about others) stable success with so much information, rules and variables.

Remember the fairy tale:

The owl put her ear to Pinocchio's chest.
- The patient is more likely dead than alive," she whispered and turned her head back a hundred and eighty degrees.
The toad squeezed Pinocchio's wet paw for a long time. It pondered, looking with bulging eyes in all directions at once. She slapped her big mouth:
- The patient is more likely alive than dead...
The Mantis folk healer began to touch Pinocchio with hands dry as grasses.
- One of two things," he murmured, "either the patient is alive or he is dead. If he is alive, he stays alive, or he does not stay alive. If he is dead, he can be revived or he cannot be revived.
- Quackery," said the owl, flapping her soft wings and flying off into the dark attic, and Toad's warts were all swollen with anger. - it squealed and, belly flopping, leapt into the damp cellar. Healer Mantis pretended to be a dried out knot, just in case, and dashed out the window.

Ring any bells?

That's not the way the conversation is going. It is not possible to know all knowledge and it is impossible to put one's own foundation on everyone. Different knowledge and skills must be combined for a common goal, for example, to make the most accurate forecasts.

Try to combine them! One is smarter than the other and one is cleverer than the other! All to no avail!

If you try to do something, they will call you a joke. The one who does not know would think he is as silly as Pinocchio, the one who is half dead

. There is only one thing left - to piece together everything by oneself - one takes a forecast of one and two, glues it together and gives you something. They do not want to show them. They say there's no need to waste the right inputs... You put it out, and whether it is right or not - then everyone decides for himself!

and the blabbermouth is dedicated:

Why is it the second time you have traded both ways? I do not get it:)))) you posted the same picture a few days ago ... why do not close the sale, but opened a buy, what kind of tactics?))

You don't need to know the future to trade successfully. You have to trade with probability.

An analogy about stock market science.

Imagine an aborigine entering a toilet for the first time. Do you think he can use the toilet? And if he can, for what purpose?

And what is your probability?
Evgeniya Balchin:
Why do you have a second round? I do not understand:)))

it's not me, it's KUCKL chasing the pound (on the field, with his butt unclothed...)

There was a debt of 5000 (I said..., that's what we went for), it's all up there now, unless they draw up something later...


Nah, a cosmopolitan.

Politicians to launch politicians into space

What planet are you from, dummy?
What planet are you from, dummy?
Watch your mouth, you're being so stupid...
What planet are you from, dummy?

are you tired of it?

Sell the henna now for everything, get a present for the New Year

Limit 123.58

TR122.77 and TR122.25.


I wanted the best, but it turned out to be the same as always.

As I promised Ivan, I am posting the indicator and tapping into the theory.

If you're interested, find the "private forums" thread on the onyx-trade forum, there's a "geometric working methods" thread with all the threads where Vadimchi's channels and Vadimchi's swings are presented and analyzed.

You can also use fxtde, where the author will answer all your questions. But I advise to study the branch beforehand, questions will disappear by themselves. There is a branch on the Alpari forum in 2011, which I led. It's called "structurization of chaos".

In brief, you apply the indicator to extrema and it automatically draws the channel and levels. You work with levels. The channel is considered valid when its right border - the filter line (LF) is broken through. After breaking through the channel, you can work.

It looks like this

Thanks, I'll have a look at it, but I doubt I'll find it useful. I'm very sceptical about trading. I don't use anything that doesn't make "physical sense".
Evgeniya Balchin:
Watch your mouth, you're fed up with your stupidity...
Did anyone ask you? Go draw sticks, maybe you'll get a clearer picture of the world and your mind will clear up - you won't be attacking people - just breathe.