FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1667

Alexey Busygin:
You don't have to invest yet, but keeping an eye on him won't be a waste of time.
Leave me alone, Lyosha, don't lead me astray.
This is guessing by coffee grounds. You have to work for the long term on the basis of facts. The main thing is to develop clear criteria.
This is not guessing, it is almost a fact that has happened.

I had plans this morning as soon as it reaches zero, so I'm closing.


I saw and remember this picture.
Server Muradasilov:
Leave me alone, Lyosha, don't lead me astray.
Are you sure you're on the right track?
I like Ilya the most, within a few hours he has shat on audi, pound, now look at the euroyen, if nothing here too he will show something else)
I like Ilya the most, within a few hours he shat on the audi, the pound, now look at the euroline, if nothing here too, then he will show something else)

Can you prove it?

or I'll send you away for a long time!!!


Ours is chasing theirs...

Nice job, I started it yesterday, it was a bit different, but okay.

Being offended is too great a luxury. A smart man doesn't get offended, he draws conclusions. I haven't cooled down because I haven't warmed up. I don't care. I won't answer any more of your questions, for you are intemperate and hot-tempered. Regarding your intelligence, my opinion is that your inflated self-esteem prevents you from showing your intelligence to the fullest. A clever man will try to understand first, because he does not consider his opinion to be the final truth. If you don't like something, you have three choices:

- don't believe, shit and forget.

- believe and trust without reason

- verify and accept or not depending on the outcome of the verification.

You chose the fourth and most unproductive option, shit. So, son, did your shitting help you?

I'm not your son, that's one! I'm not my teacher, that's two. For the rest - do not bubble for nothing here - you have not shown your mental faculties to me. or even tried. although no - I tried and did not show it. I thought you were smarter. sorry! thought that finally - at least some rational grain flew into the thread, but no, wrong! but nothing - will fly back. I am sure of it. if it does not fly back it does not fly) not a great loss! and you can fluff

So, sonny, why did you tell me about the swaps and everything else? Do you understand? How did they help you? You don't know what you're talking about! If you see a pretty picture or a big-sounding word and rush to post - and voila - you're good enough to be a Guru! If you make others look stupid - you might even qualify as a Sensa... But such tricks don't work on me - I see through all the heretics.
So what pose are you in? ....
The poses are the ones I put in it.
Alexey Busygin:
Are you sure of the truth of the path?
For four years now.