A great method so far - page 13


it does, amongst other things including helping you to make money, but you are nothing more than an ungrateful person, i dont think you like the fact that im welsh do you, you are looking to argue every second, you cannot say thank you due to the fact your not a man.


Hope the rest of you guys took my 3rd alert and I hope you made some money.


what do I need to say thank you for?

Have no issues with Wales or you being Welsh.


I done more to contribute to this forum in 5 min than you done since 2007,


really...you started pluging a system as a purchaser

Then you lied about being Forex Pecker

why does everyone think i own it lol, i purchased it and i agree that the written part is not as good, thank goodness for the video.

Then you spend all day ignoring questions.

You then call people (me) names.

You refuse to accept that you didn't provide enough information in your system to trade it with controlled risk.

Again...I offer for you to re-submit your system when you have addressed the issues in my review and get a better review.


nah you stick to your review, its crap and lies....thats it, im done with you.


it may be crap...that is a personal opinion but one thing for sure it is not lies. And you should be careful who you call a liar.

You are quite lucky I haven't reported you to eBay for mis-selling an item.


Let the people decide. They can read this thread and then read the forex pecker review.


Hi Benji,

I wantED to say sorry and was all out to press the paypal button and so does quite a number of members here who have PMed me. Then a very spine-chilling post you wrote stopped us. That is you said the sales from the system actually is bringing food to your kids?!!! Not the trading from the system?!!

1. You lied you not the seller..

2. Sales from the system to feed your family

So everyone who is reading this... Isn't it clear that the £25 system is absolutely not profitable? Because Benji has been trading this and loss all his money and therefore he needs to sell the system for an income instead of trading it. I do not mind you sell other stuff but you are selling a poisonous system that could cos other members have no food for their kids.... And you call it holy Grail? Shouldn't you be put behind the Holly Jail?


Can I plead the moderator to title this thread as scam to prevent some people who are indeed of money to get into deeper trouble?


Hold on a moment, i did not say i was trading to feed my family, i simply stated that hooya was doing all he could to stop sales, so in other words when someone is trying to stop you from making money he is taking food off my table (so to speak).

I dont care if you dont purchase my method, others are, so its your loss not mine, i have prooved 3 times now that this works a treat but its not good enough for you.

it is been said that the system is too cheap at £25 or £14 lol ok then shall i up the price, i wrote the guide, i founded the guide, so why can't i ask what i want for it, and it works, prooved 3 times now.