A great method so far - page 19


pay me £25 for the pleasure and I will tell you "buy low and sell high" but without any rules...just like you do. LOL

All my methods anyone can read any time they like. My fav was my Dax (and FTSE) mechanical trading system.


tell us clever boy, we are waiting for your amazing what was it mechanical, what are you an engineer, whats happened to your dax for you to purchase mine hahaha that shows me your still searching


Again...you suddenly go all odd and start ranting.

As I have stated at the moment...I am not trading. I only bought yours because someone asked me to do a review on here!! (re-read the thread).

The Dax system was breaking even when I last used it but others have been trading it recently with (from what they posted) good results. But as I haven't traded it I couldn't confirm.

I don't get why you are so negative on everything. And very aggressive in your postings


so did you do a review on the dax without even testing it yourself?



Is that clear enough:-0) I can't keep saying it....you keep blaming me for your shortcomings.


Use A Demo Account To Test It Then!!!

Use A Demo Account To Test It Then!!!

again to test what? there are no rules to test.

In essance you are asking the purchaser to devise his/her own system based on some loose concpet. You should just say that rather than pretend its our fault.


we best look back 3 months then shall we to compare the trades with todays candle yes, or shall we look back 2 hours and compare with the candle working now shall we.

lets all go back to the beginning of 2011 and base our trades on that yes, or shall we consentrate on the future.


"lets all go back to the beginning of 2011 and base our trades on that yes, or shall we consentrate on the future."

eh? you are waffling again.

Forward and backward testing is essential but you need RULES to test. Do you not understand?


crap, its a method drilled into traders for looking back and trading the future in hope that it will go as it did 3 months back, trade with the candle in front of you not behind you.