A great method so far - page 7


the time here now is 10:36, get ready to sell sorry... gbp/usd

You lied about you are not the seller earlier and I think it all speaks clearly about your system too. I did not say if my system is good.

your jumping from one thing to another, lets not argue about a system that works 100% all i can say is test it first before looking to pull my method down.


You lied because you are desperate to sell the system for money. And that's because this system is not making money..


Benjii....I do reviews for me site yet....because its a trading systems review site. Makes sense no? I review the systems fore FREE. It costs nothing to read them where as you charge for youe information so you haver a responsibility to the trade who purchases your system.

My responsibility is to be as honest as I can in my review. I believe I was. If there is something that you do not believe to be true let me know and we can discuss it.

As I said before if you want to create clearer rules for testing and then submit for review again I would be more than happy to do it.


Bejjii...can you confirm one thing

does a move from 1.61064 to 1.61048 = 16pips or 1.6 pips?


it is now 10:50, did you profit????????????? your review is worth nothing


my system is worth its weight in gold and only £25 blog ebay £14, i think you should rewrite or demolish you silly review.


have you profited or are you still taken my advise. lets to all the traders in here.

check out his review, hope you believe me now.


If you can give us 5 more continous trade like this, i will delete all my earlier post. else you should disappear... we do not need more liars and scammers around that takes money away from newbies..

it is now 10:50, did you profit????????????? your review is worth nothing

and all you have to do is check the time i posted, again i rest my case to the reviewer,