A great method so far - page 32


in fact 24 out of 26 winning traders were closed for more than the stated closing level in your 'system'.


Profit hooya, profit, keep searching hooya i aint finnished yet.


you are more than finished. You openly lie, get caught out, lie again, get caught out. Its just a vicious cycle with you.


Run my system down, call me a fool and your buddy, what do you want me to do? sit down like a little boy in school?

No, that would be scamming hooya

again you don't understand as a user could lose a vast amount more than you guarantee them? And without any trading rules that lose could be limitless where there is a limit on the profits. As you have shown in your statement.

Run my system down, call me a fool and your buddy, what do you want me to do? sit down like a little boy in school?

just be honest as to what you are selling (if in fact you should be selling at all). Refund people who are unhappy that your system is not as you describe.

Just stop telling lies.


You might get a refund but you need to test it first, and if you have been trading for years then you cannot lost can you, or will you scam me and say you lost.


"if you have been trading for years then you cannot lost can you,"

of course you can. The only reason why I have survived in trading is because I understand risk to reward ratios and proft factors and strike rates. That doesn't mean you can trade any made up system.

I/we can't test it because you have provided no rules to test!!!!Don't you get it!!

"if you have been trading for years then you cannot lost can you,"of course you can. The only reason why I have survived in trading is because I understand risk to reward ratios and proft factors and strike rates. That doesn't mean you can trade any made up system.I/we can't test it because you have provided no rules to test!!!!Don't you get it!!

Yes i get what your saying, this thread is about trading systems, so you purchased the system (and thought, hey i can do a review on my site and place a link for traffic)why dont you use your wealth of knowledge and use your strike rates, profit factors, reward ratios and i dont know is there anything else apart from them 3 important factors, you know like 6 x 9 7 x 2


well I can use them but I didn't pay you £14 for me to design a system...like I said....you don't get it.