A great method so far - page 3

Come on! Who doesn't know during London session and new York session has big move. Big more specific!

so you must have had a nice 20 minutes yourself, but i knew before it happened


do you believe me now


I do not mean to be nasty or difficult. But your first post didn't say much about the system and neither the video. The video is edited in the middle and the footage is cut and jumped to a different account value. We did not even see if a trade was taken.


So how much have you profited and if you mind to share the joy with us via a mt4stats ?



I agree post some live stats,because the way i see it you have posted over 20 posts on this forum telling everyone what a great system it is,so prove it.

Enough of the BS

My 85 yr old grandmother can make a vdo showing a candlestick chart and nothing else so prove how good it is BUD!


Benjii....now that you trade the real system do you actually know how it works?

Have you crawled through charts and worked out the risk to reward ratio? Do you know the profit factor. Do you understand the system you are trading?

You seem very keen on it but do you understand the risks involved? Others on here do.

Do you guys want me to buy the the system and do a review for you? Obviously I won't reveal how signals are created but I will tell you if you are wasting your time or not.


Purchased...review will be done as soon as I have it.


Thanks so much really appreciate that it very worrying that Benji grow his account from 75-185 doing Asian session as we all know the movement is not much and he must have use like Some big leverage to get the result.

Purchased...review will be done as soon as I have it.

well we will see. Will post it as soon as I have done the review.


Hi Hooya,

How fast did you receive the system after payment?