A great method so far - page 8

Bejjii...can you confirm one thing does a move from 1.61064 to 1.61048 = 16pips or 1.6 pips?


If you can give us 5 more continous trade like this, i will delete all my earlier post. else you should disappear... we do not need more liars and scammers around that takes money away from newbies..

pathetic..... i have proved my system works twice now, and you want another 5.... use my method and you wont need me to tell you, but all you done is ridicule me, i just hope that members took my advise and profited in approx 10 min.

Originally Posted by Hooya Bejjii...can you confirm one thingdoes a move from 1.61064 to 1.61048 = 16pips or 1.6 pips? well?

check again hooya, see you jump in too soon like your review (i now shake my head)


which one is it.


i will tell you what it was.....it was profit, did you profit yourself, thought not, why? becouse your too busy writing free reviews and stopping others from profiting. theres your answer, work it out or would you like another guide.


1.6 pts on a hourly chart may be profit but it is also alot of risk.!


trading is a risk thats why there are guides out there (good ones as well as bad), going to tesco is a risk thats why they got pedestrian crossings (some work and some dont)

I have prooved my system works and you want me to prove again and again.


but do you understand the risk of your system (the one that you pretended not to be selling earlier)? I don't think you do and if you do you fail to explain it to your traders. And that is a big issue imo.


you purchased my system and a few hours later you write a negative review, you did not test it, you simply made the review and posted a link to your site, how much traffic did you get from here?

Yesterday i gave this forum an alert to trade (success in about 15 min), you still attack me, now today an alert was given by rudlofi i think for a reversal (still waiting), then i gave another alert to trade about 20 min ago (success in about 10 min).

What else do you want me to do?


Hold on as second...as I said in my review....it is not a personal "attack" on you.

The system does not provide a testable framework. 10 people could test it and all get completely different results.

I don't want you to do anything. But I stand by what I said in the review.

But neing honest wouldn't hurt. YOu started off this morning pretending to not be the retailer of the system. Don't you see why that may anger people?

You sell and unclear system but rather than try to make it clearer you get all agro.

If you truely believe in your system...take some time to write a proper document explaining how you select trades properly. Examples of trades you would not take an why? Explain how much risk you are will to take in each trade.

And stop claiming it to be the "holy grail". I think it is unfair and misleading to new traders who may believe this to exist.

Rather than just be another crap system seller...try to be the best one? Give your traders all the information they need.

If I sold a system that said "sell the crossdown on the MACD and buy the cross up...but demo test until you can make a profit" would you be happy? Wheres the methodology in that? I would have provide a better framework. Like " wait for a new high on the macd and wait for a cross down and at the end of the current candle go short with a stop at X and target profit at y etc etc". Do you see the difference?