A great method so far - page 16


guys, your accounts should be looking better by now

benjii...I don't need to use PM thank you. Did I test it....as I have said before you do not provide enough rules/framework to allow proper testing. If you want to provide those I will test it and review it again.

ok, you need to keep out of this now, you admit you dont want to use pm, you dont want to test it out but yet you want to write a review, not worth the paper its written on to be honest


Its not that I don't want to its that I don't need to. Why do I need to use PM?

I have tested it based on what was in the document/video. And with out a way of managing risk you leave yourself open for a loss many times larger than your potential win on an individual trade. I posted a chart of such a trade yesterday which you chose to ignore. I am just trying to prevent traders from losing money.


oh i know you dont want members to lose money, they should be well into profit by now.

so stop scaring and planting doubt into them, thats how they will miss out.


please look in mp


benjii....do you accept any responsibility in what you do? Don't you feel obligated to ensure your trades don't lose their house and can't put 'food' on their table (your term not mine).

You have an incredible responsibility to make sure what you say is the truth. Just like I did in my review.

The reality is regardless of what information you provide now in a PM/email or whatever you failed to provide it when someone has handed over their £25 in the first place. And that is all my review stated. There is no 'doubt' in what I wrote was the truth.


the current candle on gbpusd is a great example....currently would be 50 pips (by your counting) underwater if you traded it


has anyone made a profit yet?

the current candle on gbpusd is a great example....currently would be 50 pips (by your counting) underwater if you traded it

example hoolya.....trade is 1.60558 and drops to 1.60499 you place a £10 trade what is your profit

I didnt tell you to trade, i told you to watch it, nevertheless, you could of taken a profit within the 10 min i told you to watch. profit at.... 1.60993 - 1.60936

example hoolya.....trade is 1.60558 and drops to 1.60499 you place a £10 trade what is your profit

1.60993? I am not sure which currency you are trading but that isn't current GBPUS.

Triggered at 1.60657 but went up to 1.60716 before coming back into profit.

My point again (as you keep missing it) do you understand the risk you are taking on and asking your traders ot take on? Do you understand risk at all?

edit and in your answer to your question it would be £59 if you were short and -£59 if you were long