MQL5 Programming Articles


Study the MQL5 language for programming trading strategies in numerous published articles mostly written by you - the community members. The articles are grouped into categories to help you quicker find answers to any questions related to programming: Integration, Tester, Trading Strategies, etc.

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MQL5 Cookbook: Position Properties on the Custom Info Panel
MQL5 Cookbook: Position Properties on the Custom Info Panel

MQL5 Cookbook: Position Properties on the Custom Info Panel

This time we will create a simple Expert Advisor that will get position properties on the current symbol and display them on the custom info panel during manual trading. The info panel will be created using graphical objects and displayed information will be refreshed at every tick. This is going to be much more convenient than all the time having to manually run the script described in the previous article of the series called "MQL5 Cookbook: Getting Position Properties".
MQL5 Programming Basics: Arrays
MQL5 Programming Basics: Arrays

MQL5 Programming Basics: Arrays

Arrays are an integral part of almost any programming language along with variables and functions. The article should be of interest primarily to novice MQL5 programmers, while experienced programmers will have a good opportunity to summarize and systematize their knowledge.
MQL5 Cookbook: Getting Position Properties
MQL5 Cookbook: Getting Position Properties

MQL5 Cookbook: Getting Position Properties

In this article, we will create a script that gets all position properties and displays them to the user in a dialog box. Upon running the script, you will be able to select out of two modes available in the drop-down list in the external parameters: to either view position properties only on the current symbol or to view position properties on all symbols.
MQL5 Cookbook: Using Different Print Modes
MQL5 Cookbook: Using Different Print Modes

MQL5 Cookbook: Using Different Print Modes

This is the first article of the MQL5 Cookbook series. I will start with simple examples to allow those who are taking their first steps in programming to gradually become familiar with the new language. I remember my first efforts at designing and programming trading systems which I may say was quite difficult, given the fact that it was the first programming language in my life. However, it turned out to be easier than I thought and it only took me a few months before I could develop a fairly complex program.
Calculation of Integral Characteristics of Indicator Emissions
Calculation of Integral Characteristics of Indicator Emissions

Calculation of Integral Characteristics of Indicator Emissions

Indicator emissions are a little-studied area of market research. Primarily, this is due to the difficulty of analysis that is caused by the processing of very large arrays of time-varying data. Existing graphical analysis is too resource intensive and has therefore triggered the development of a parsimonious algorithm that uses time series of emissions. This article demonstrates how visual (intuitive image) analysis can be replaced with the study of integral characteristics of emissions. It can be of interest to both traders and developers of automated trading systems.
Change Expert Advisor Parameters From the User Panel "On the Fly"
Change Expert Advisor Parameters From the User Panel "On the Fly"

Change Expert Advisor Parameters From the User Panel "On the Fly"

This article provides a small example demonstrating the implementation of an Expert Advisor whose parameters can be controlled from the user panel. When changing the parameters "on the fly", the Expert Advisor writes the values obtained from the info panel to a file to further read them from the file and display accordingly on the panel. This article may be relevant to those who trade manually or in semi-automatic mode.
Fast Testing of Trading Ideas on the Chart
Fast Testing of Trading Ideas on the Chart

Fast Testing of Trading Ideas on the Chart

The article describes the method of fast visual testing of trading ideas. The method is based on the combination of a price chart, a signal indicator and a balance calculation indicator. I would like to share my method of searching for trading ideas, as well as the method I use for fast testing of these ideas.
MQL5 Market Turns One Year Old
MQL5 Market Turns One Year Old

MQL5 Market Turns One Year Old

One year has passed since the launch of sales in MQL5 Market. It was a year of hard work, which turned the new service into the largest store of trading robots and technical indicators for MetaTrader 5 platform.
MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 Trading Signals Widgets
MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 Trading Signals Widgets

MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 Trading Signals Widgets

Recently MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 user received an opportunity to become a Signals Provider and earn additional profit. Now, you can display your trading success on your web site, blog or social network page using the new widgets. The benefits of using widgets are obvious: they increase the Signals Providers' popularity, establish their reputation as successful traders, as well as attract new Subscribers. All traders placing widgets on other web sites can enjoy these benefits.
Order Strategies. Multi-Purpose Expert Advisor
Order Strategies. Multi-Purpose Expert Advisor

Order Strategies. Multi-Purpose Expert Advisor

This article centers around strategies that actively use pending orders, a metalanguage that can be created to formally describe such strategies and the use of a multi-purpose Expert Advisor whose operation is based on those descriptions
Neural Networks: From Theory to Practice
Neural Networks: From Theory to Practice

Neural Networks: From Theory to Practice

Nowadays, every trader must have heard of neural networks and knows how cool it is to use them. The majority believes that those who can deal with neural networks are some kind of superhuman. In this article, I will try to explain to you the neural network architecture, describe its applications and show examples of practical use.
MetaTrader 5 on Linux
MetaTrader 5 on Linux

MetaTrader 5 on Linux

In this article, we demonstrate an easy way to install MetaTrader 5 on popular Linux versions — Ubuntu and Debian. These systems are widely used on server hardware as well as on traders’ personal computers.
General information on Trading Signals for MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5
General information on Trading Signals for MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5

General information on Trading Signals for MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5

MetaTrader 4 / MetaTrader 5 Trading Signals is a service allowing traders to copy trading operations of a Signals Provider. Our goal was to develop the new massively used service protecting Subscribers and relieving them of unnecessary costs.
Interview with Alexey Masterov (ATC 2012)
Interview with Alexey Masterov (ATC 2012)

Interview with Alexey Masterov (ATC 2012)

We do our best to introduce all the leading Championship Participants to our audience in reasonable time. To achieve that, we closely monitor the most promising contestants in our TOP-10 and arrange interviews with them. However, the sharp rise of Alexey Masterov (reinhard) up to the third place has become a real surprise!
How to Prepare MetaTrader 5 Quotes for Other Applications
How to Prepare MetaTrader 5 Quotes for Other Applications

How to Prepare MetaTrader 5 Quotes for Other Applications

The article describes the examples of creating directories, copying data, filing, working with the symbols in Market Watch or the common list, as well as the examples of handling errors, etc. All these elements can eventually be gathered in a single script for filing the data in a user-defined format.
Interview with Sergey Pankratyev (ATC 2012)
Interview with Sergey Pankratyev (ATC 2012)

Interview with Sergey Pankratyev (ATC 2012)

The Championship is coming to an end leaving us with vivid impressions of many unusual trading strategies. However, the trading robot of Sergey Pankratyev (s75) is showing really peculiar things - it is trading all 12 currency pairs opening only long positions. It is not an error but just a response to some certain market conditions.
Interview with Enbo Lu (ATC 2012)
Interview with Enbo Lu (ATC 2012)

Interview with Enbo Lu (ATC 2012)

"Be sure to participate in the Automated Trading Championships, where you can get a truly invaluable experience!" - this is the motto of contestant Enbo Lu (luenbo) from China. He appeared in the TOP-10 of Automated Trading Championship 2012 last week and is now consistently trying to reach the podium.
Interview with Sergey Abramov (ATC 2012)
Interview with Sergey Abramov (ATC 2012)

Interview with Sergey Abramov (ATC 2012)

The trading robot of Sergey Abramov (26405) is staying in TOP-10 since the second week. However, it caused much anxiety for its developer. As it turned out, the robot contains a small error in position close block. The robot has been developed almost exclusively on the basis of the past years' results.
Interview with Ruslan Ziyatdinov (ATC 2012)
Interview with Ruslan Ziyatdinov (ATC 2012)

Interview with Ruslan Ziyatdinov (ATC 2012)

The Championship keeps providing us with new discoveries, as well as new interesting Participants and unusual ideas implemented in the competition trading robots. While interviewing Ruslan Ziyatdinov (rusland1962), we learned about his simple approach to trading and found out why it is better to trade less frequently.
Interview with Alexandr Artapov (ATC 2012)
Interview with Alexandr Artapov (ATC 2012)

Interview with Alexandr Artapov (ATC 2012)

It was during the second week of the Championship when the Expert Advisor of Alexandr Artapov (artall) found itself on the third position trading EURUSD and EURJPY. Then it briefly left TOP-10 to appear again after one month of struggle for survival. As it turned out, this trading robot is still having something up its sleeve.
Interview with Mariusz Zarnowski (ATC 2012)
Interview with Mariusz Zarnowski (ATC 2012)

Interview with Mariusz Zarnowski (ATC 2012)

As December 28 is approaching, the list of leaders of the Automated Trading Championship 2012 is becoming clearer. With only two weeks to go until the end of the Championship, Mariusz Zarnowski (zrn) from Poland stands a good chance to be in the top three. His EA has already demonstrated how it can triple the initial deposit in just a couple of weeks.
Machine Learning: How Support Vector Machines can be used in Trading
Machine Learning: How Support Vector Machines can be used in Trading

Machine Learning: How Support Vector Machines can be used in Trading

Support Vector Machines have long been used in fields such as bioinformatics and applied mathematics to assess complex data sets and extract useful patterns that can be used to classify data. This article looks at what a support vector machine is, how they work and why they can be so useful in extracting complex patterns. We then investigate how they can be applied to the market and potentially used to advise on trades. Using the Support Vector Machine Learning Tool, the article provides worked examples that allow readers to experiment with their own trading.
Interview with Evgeny Gnidko (ATC 2012)
Interview with Evgeny Gnidko (ATC 2012)

Interview with Evgeny Gnidko (ATC 2012)

The Expert Advisor of Evgeny Gnidko (FIFO) currently seems to be the most stable one at the Automated Trading Championship 2012. This trading robot entered TOP-10 at the third week remaining one of the leading Expert Advisors ever since.
Interview with Juan Pablo Alonso Escobar (ATC 2012)
Interview with Juan Pablo Alonso Escobar (ATC 2012)

Interview with Juan Pablo Alonso Escobar (ATC 2012)

"Everyone who is struggling with programming and who were not able to participate in this year's competition, know that it becomes a lot easier in time", said Juan Pablo Alonso Escobar (JPAlonso), the hero of today's interview.
How to become a Signals Provider for MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5

How to become a Signals Provider for MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5

Do you want to offer your trading signals and make profit? Register on website as a Seller, specify your trading account and offer traders a subscription to copy your trades.
How to Test a Trading Robot Before Buying
How to Test a Trading Robot Before Buying

How to Test a Trading Robot Before Buying

Buying a trading robot on MQL5 Market has a distinct benefit over all other similar options - an automated system offered can be thoroughly tested directly in the MetaTrader 5 terminal. Before buying, an Expert Advisor can and should be carefully run in all unfavorable modes in the built-in Strategy Tester to get a complete grasp of the system.
Interview with Dmitry Terentew (ATC 2012)
Interview with Dmitry Terentew (ATC 2012)

Interview with Dmitry Terentew (ATC 2012)

Is it really necessary to be a programmer to develop trading robots? Do we need to spend years monitoring price charts to be able to "feel" the market? All these issues have been discussed in our interview with Dmitry Terentew (SAFF), whose trading robot has been occupying the first page of the Championship from the very beginning.
Interview with Anton Nel (ATC 2012)
Interview with Anton Nel (ATC 2012)

Interview with Anton Nel (ATC 2012)

Today we talk to Anton Nel (ROMAN5) from South Africa, a professional developer of automated trading systems. Obviously, his Expert Advisor just could not go unnoticed. Breaking into the top ten from the very start of the Championship, it has been holding the first place for more than a week.
Interview with Matúš German (ATC 2012)
Interview with Matúš German (ATC 2012)

Interview with Matúš German (ATC 2012)

It's the second time Matúš German participates in the Automated Trading Championship. By the end of the fourth week of ATC 2012 his Expert Advisor has been holding its positions in the TOP-10 having about $30 000. Matúš is from Slovakia, from the little town Bardejov. Matúš is interested in trading for about 5 years and he develops Expert Advisors for 3 years already.
How Secure Is It to Buy MQL5 Market Products?
How Secure Is It to Buy MQL5 Market Products?

How Secure Is It to Buy MQL5 Market Products?

We have launched the service for selling MetaTrader 5 trading applications paying much attention to security issues. We have minimized all associated risks to allow you to concentrate on more important matters - searching for the most suitable trading robot!
Advantages of MQL5 Signals
Advantages of MQL5 Signals

Advantages of MQL5 Signals

Trading Signals service recently introduced in MetaTrader 5 allows traders to copy trading operations of any signals provider. Users can select any signal, subscribe to it and all deals will be copied at their accounts. Signals providers can set their subscription prices and receive a fixed monthly fee from their subscribers.
Interview with Egidijus Bockus (ATC 2012)
Interview with Egidijus Bockus (ATC 2012)

Interview with Egidijus Bockus (ATC 2012)

"I examined many indicators before realizing that they are not necessary for making money on Forex" - our present interviewee Egidijus Bockus (Egidijus) told us boldly. We have all reasons to take his words seriously, as his Expert Advisor occupies the third place with more than $32 000 beginning from the third week of the Automated Trading Championship 2012.
Interview with Alexander Prishchenko (ATC 2012)
Interview with Alexander Prishchenko (ATC 2012)

Interview with Alexander Prishchenko (ATC 2012)

What can be more complicated than a multicurrency trading robot? Surely, it is an automated strategy based on Elliott Wave Principle. Can we imagine something more complicated than that? Yes, we can. It is a multicurrency Expert Advisor using Elliott Waves on each currency pair! Alexander Prishchenko (Crucian) believes that even a newcomer can learn the rules.
How to Write a Good Description for a Market Product
How to Write a Good Description for a Market Product

How to Write a Good Description for a Market Product

MQL5 Market has many products for sale but some of their descriptions leave much to be desired. Many texts are obviously in need of improvement, as common traders are not able to comprehend them. This article will help you to put your product in a favorable light. Use our recommendations to write an eye-catching description that will easily show your customers what exactly you are selling.
Interview with Francisco García García (ATC 2012)
Interview with Francisco García García (ATC 2012)

Interview with Francisco García García (ATC 2012)

Today we interview Francisco García García (chuliweb) from Spain. A week ago his Expert Advisor reached the 8th place, but the unfortunate logic error in programming threw it from the first page of the Championship leaders. As confirmed by statistics, such an error is not uncommon for many participants.
Communicating With MetaTrader 5 Using Named Pipes Without Using DLLs
Communicating With MetaTrader 5 Using Named Pipes Without Using DLLs

Communicating With MetaTrader 5 Using Named Pipes Without Using DLLs

Many developers face the same problem - how to get to the trading terminal sandbox without using unsafe DLLs. One of the easiest and safest method is to use standard Named Pipes that work as normal file operations. They allow you to organize interprocessor client-server communication between programs. Take a look at practical examples in C++ and MQL5 that include server, client, data exchange between them and performance benchmark.
Statistical Carry Trade Strategy
Statistical Carry Trade Strategy

Statistical Carry Trade Strategy

An algorithm of statistical protection of open positive swap positions from unwanted price movements. This article features a variant of the carry trade protection strategy that allows to compensate for potential risk of the price movement in the direction opposite to that of the open position.
How to Subscribe to Trading Signals
How to Subscribe to Trading Signals

How to Subscribe to Trading Signals

The Signals service introduces social trading with MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5. The Service is integrated into the trading platform, and allows anyone to easily copy trades of professional traders. Select any of the thousands of signal providers, subscribe in a few clicks and the provider's trades will be copied on your account.
Interview with Andrey Barinov (ATC 2012)
Interview with Andrey Barinov (ATC 2012)

Interview with Andrey Barinov (ATC 2012)

It was on Friday of the Championship's first week that the trading robot of Andrey Barinov (Wahoo) occupied the fifth place in TOP-10. Andrey is a newcomer in the Championship but he has already managed to execute more than 100 orders in Jobs and develop a dozen of products for Market. We have arranged an interview with him and learned that the development of a "simple multicurrency Expert Advisor" is not an easy but a fairly easy task.
Trading Signals in MetaTrader 5: A Better Alternative to PAMM Accounts!
Trading Signals in MetaTrader 5: A Better Alternative to PAMM Accounts!

Trading Signals in MetaTrader 5: A Better Alternative to PAMM Accounts!

We are pleased to announce that MetaTrader 5 now features Trading Signals, thus giving a powerful tool to investors and managers. While you are following the trades of a successful trader, the terminal will be automatically reproducing them in your account!