Thomas DeMark's Sequential (TD SEQUENTIAL) using artificial intelligence
In this article, I will tell you how to successfully trade by merging a very well-known strategy and a neural network. It will be about the Thomas DeMark's Sequential strategy with the use of an artificial intelligence system. Only the first part of the strategy will be applied, using the Setup and Intersection signals.

Cross-Platform Expert Advisor: Signals
This article discusses the CSignal and CSignals classes which will be used in cross-platform expert advisors. It examines the differences between MQL4 and MQL5 on how particular data needed for evaluation of trade signals are accessed to ensure that the code written will be compatible with both compilers.

MQL5 Cookbook - Creating a ring buffer for fast calculation of indicators in a sliding window
The ring buffer is the simplest and the most efficient way to arrange data when performing calculations in a sliding window. The article describes the algorithm and shows how it simplifies calculations in a sliding window and makes them more efficient.

Trading with Donchian Channels
In this article, we develop and tests several strategies based on the Donchian channel using various indicator filters. We also perform a comparative analysis of their operation.

Cross-Platform Expert Advisor: Order Manager
This article discusses the creation of an order manager for a cross-platform expert advisor. The order manager is responsible for the entry and exit of orders or positions entered by the expert, as well as for keeping an independent record of such trades that is usable for both versions.

How Long Is the Trend?
The article highlights several methods for trend identification aiming to determine the trend duration relative to the flat market. In theory, the trend to flat rate is considered to be 30% to 70%. This is what we'll be checking.

Comparative Analysis of 10 Trend Strategies
The article provides a brief overview of ten trend following strategies, as well as their testing results and comparative analysis. Based on the obtained results, we draw a general conclusion about the appropriateness, advantages and disadvantages of trend following trading.

MQL5 Cookbook - Pivot trading signals
The article describes the development and implementation of a class for sending signals based on pivots — reversal levels. This class is used to form a strategy applying the Standard Library. Improving the pivot strategy by adding filters is considered.

Ready-made Expert Advisors from the MQL5 Wizard work in MetaTrader 4
The article offers a simple emulator of the MetaTrader 5 trading environment for MetaTrader 4. The emulator implements migration and adjustment of trade classes of the Standard Library. As a result, Expert Advisors generated in the MetaTrader 5 Wizard can be compiled and executed in MetaTrader 4 without changes.

Graphical Interfaces X: Word wrapping algorithm in the Multiline Text box (build 12)
We continue to develop the Multiline Text box control. This time our task is to implement an automatic word wrapping in case a text box width overflow occurs, or a reverse word wrapping of the text to the previous line if the opportunity arises.

Universal Trend with the Graphical Interface
In this article a universal trend indicator is created based on a number of standard indicators. An additionally created graphical interface allows selecting the type of indicator and adjusting its parameter. The indicator is displayed in a separate window with rows of colored icons.

Patterns available when trading currency baskets. Part II
We continue our discussion of the patterns traders can come across while trading currency baskets. In this part, we will consider the patterns formed when using combined trend indicators. Indicators based on a currency index are to be used as the analytical tool.

Graphical Interfaces X: Sorting, rebuilding the table and controls in the cells (build 11)
We continue to add new features to the rendered table: data sorting, managing the number of columns and rows, setting the table cell types to place controls into them.

A Universal Channel with the Graphical Interface
All channel indicators are displayed as three lines, including central, top and bottom lines. The drawing principle of the central line is similar to a moving average, while the moving average indicator is mostly used for drawing channels. The top and bottom lines are located at equal distances from the central line. This distance can be determined in points, as percent of price (the Envelopes indicator), using a standard deviation value (Bollinger Bands), or an ATR value (Keltner channel).

Calculating the Hurst exponent
The article thoroughly explains the idea behind the Hurst exponent, as well as the meaning of its values and the calculation algorithm. A number of financial market segments are analyzed and the method of working with MetaTrader 5 products implementing the fractal analysis is described.

Graphical Interfaces X: Updates for the Rendered table and code optimization (build 10)
We continue to complement the Rendered table (CCanvasTable) with new features. The table will now have: highlighting of the rows when hovered; ability to add an array of icons for each cell and a method for switching them; ability to set or modify the cell text during the runtime, and more.

Visualize this! MQL5 graphics library similar to 'plot' of R language
When studying trading logic, visual representation in the form of graphs is of great importance. A number of programming languages popular among the scientific community (such as R and Python) feature the special 'plot' function used for visualization. It allows drawing lines, point distributions and histograms to visualize patterns. In MQL5, you can do the same using the CGraphics class.

Graphical interfaces X: New features for the Rendered table (build 9)
Until today, the CTable was the most advanced type of tables among all presented in the library. This table is assembled from edit boxes of the OBJ_EDIT type, and its further development becomes problematic. Therefore, in terms of maximum capabilities, it is better to develop rendered tables of the CCanvasTable type even at the current development stage of the library. Its current version is completely lifeless, but starting from this article, we will try to fix the situation.

Graphical Interfaces X: The Multiline Text box control (build 8)
The Multiline Text box control is discussed. Unlike the graphical objects of the OBJ_EDIT type, the presented version will not have restrictions on the number of input characters. It also adds the mode for turning the text box into a simple text editor, where the cursor can be moved using the mouse or keys.

3D Modeling in MQL5
A time series is a dynamic system, in which values of a random variable are received continuously or at successive equally spaced points in time. Transition from 2D to 3D market analysis provides a new look at complex processes and research objects. The article describes visualization methods providing 3D representation of two-dimensional data.

Embed MetaTrader 4/5 WebTerminal on your website for free and make a profit
Traders are well familiar with the WebTerminal, which allows trading on financial markets straight from the browser. Add the WebTerminal widget to your website — you can do it absolutely free. If you have a website, you can start selling leads to brokers — we have prepared a ready-to-use web-based solution for you. All you need to do is embed one iframe into your website.

Auto detection of extreme points based on a specified price variation
Automation of trading strategies involving graphical patterns requires the ability to search for extreme points on the charts for further processing and interpretation. Existing tools do not always provide such an ability. The algorithms described in the article allow finding all extreme points on charts. The tools discussed here are equally efficient both during trends and flat movements. The obtained results are not strongly affected by a selected timeframe and are only defined by a specified scale.

Graphical interfaces X: Advanced management of lists and tables. Code optimization (build 7)
The library code needs to be optimized: it should be more regularized, which is — more readable and comprehensible for studying. In addition, we will continue to develop the controls created previously: lists, tables and scrollbars.

An Example of Developing a Spread Strategy for Moscow Exchange Futures
The MetaTrader 5 platform allows developing and testing trading robots that simultaneously trade multiple financial instruments. The built-in Strategy Tester automatically downloads required tick history from the broker's server taking into account contract specifications, so the developer does not need to do anything manually. This makes it possible to easily and reliably reproduce trading environment conditions, including even millisecond intervals between the arrival of ticks on different symbols. In this article we will demonstrate the development and testing of a spread strategy on two Moscow Exchange futures.

Graphical Interfaces X: Time control, List of checkboxes control and table sorting (build 6)
Development of the library for creating graphical interfaces continues. The Time and List of checkboxes controls will be covered this time. In addition, the CTable class now provides the ability to sort data in ascending or descending order.

Patterns available when trading currency baskets
Following up our previous article on the currency baskets trading principles, here we are going to analyze the patterns traders can detect. We will also consider the advantages and the drawbacks of each pattern and provide some recommendations on their use. The indicators based on Williams' oscillator will be used as analysis tools.

Statistical distributions in the form of histograms without indicator buffers and arrays
The article discusses the possibility of plotting statistical distribution histograms of market conditions with the help of the graphical memory meaning no indicator buffers and arrays are applied. Sample histograms are described in details and the "hidden" functionality of MQL5 graphical objects is shown.

Graphical Interfaces X: Text Edit box, Picture Slider and simple controls (build 5)
This article will consider new controls: Text Edit box, Picture Slider, as well as additional simple controls: Text label and Picture. The library continues to grow, and in addition to introduction of new controls, the previously created ones are also being improved.

Universal Oscillator with a GUI
The article describes the process of creation of a universal indicator based on all oscillators available in the terminal, with its own graphical interface. The GUI allows users to quickly and easily change settings of each oscillator straight from the chart window (without having to open its properties), as well as to compare their values and to select an optimal option for a specific task.

Universal ZigZag
ZigZag is one of the most popular indicators among the MetaTrader 5 users. The article analyzes the possibilities for creating various versions of the ZigZag. The result is a universal indicator with ample opportunities to extend its functionality, which is useful in the development of trading experts and other indicators.

80-20 trading strategy
The article describes the development of tools (indicator and Expert Advisor) for analyzing the '80-20' trading strategy. The trading strategy rules are taken from the work "Street Smarts. High Probability Short-Term Trading Strategies" by Linda Raschke and Laurence Connors. We are going to formalize the strategy rules using the MQL5 language and test the strategy-based indicator and EA on the recent market history.

LifeHack for Trader: A comparative report of several tests
The article deals with the simultaneous launch of Expert Advisor testing on four different trading instruments. The final comparison of four testing reports is provided in a table similar to how goods are represented in online stores. An additional bonus is that distribution charts will be automatically created for each symbol.

The 'Turtle Soup' trading system and its 'Turtle Soup Plus One' modification
The article features formalized rules of two trading strategies 'Turtle Soup' and 'Turtle Soup Plus One' from Street Smarts: High Probability Short-Term Trading Strategies by Linda Bradford Raschke and Laurence A. Connors. The strategies described in the book are quite popular. But it is important to understand that the authors have developed them based on the 15...20 year old market behavior.

MQL5 Programming Basics: Global Variables of the MetaTrader 5 Terminal
Global variables of the terminal provide an indispensable tool for developing sophisticated and reliable Expert Advisors. If you master the global variables, you will no more be able to imagine developing EAs on MQL5 without them.

Graphical Interfaces X: The Standard Chart Control (build 4)
This time we will consider the Standard chart control. It will allow to create arrays of subcharts with the ability to synchronize horizontal scrolling. In addition, we will continue to optimize the library code to reduce the CPU load.

MQL5 Programming Basics: Files
This practice-oriented article focuses on working with files in MQL5. It offers a number of simple tasks allowing you to grasp the basics and hone your skills.

Graphical Interfaces X: Updates for Easy And Fast Library (Build 3)
The next version of the Easy And Fast library (version 3) is presented in this article. Fixed certain flaws and added new features. More details further in the article.

Neural network: Self-optimizing Expert Advisor
Is it possible to develop an Expert Advisor able to optimize position open and close conditions at regular intervals according to the code commands? What happens if we implement a neural network (multilayer perceptron) in the form of a module to analyze history and provide strategy? We can make the EA optimize a neural network monthly (weekly, daily or hourly) and continue its work afterwards. Thus, we can develop a self-optimizing EA.

Statistical Distributions in MQL5 - taking the best of R and making it faster
The functions for working with the basic statistical distributions implemented in the R language are considered. Those include the Cauchy, Weibull, normal, log-normal, logistic, exponential, uniform, gamma distributions, the central and noncentral beta, chi-squared, Fisher's F-distribution, Student's t-distribution, as well as the discrete binomial and negative binomial distributions, geometric, hypergeometric and Poisson distributions. There are functions for calculating theoretical moments of distributions, which allow to evaluate the degree of conformity of the real distribution to the modeled one.

The Easy Way to Evaluate a Signal: Trading Activity, Drawdown/Load and MFE/MAE Distribution Charts
Subscribers often search for an appropriate signal by analyzing the total growth on the signal provider's account, which is not a bad idea. However, it is also important to analyze potential risks of a particular trading strategy. In this article we will show a simple and efficient way to evaluate a Trading Signal based on its performance values.