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MQL5 Cookbook: Monitoring Multiple Time Frames in a Single Window

MQL5 Cookbook: Monitoring Multiple Time Frames in a Single Window

MetaTrader 5Examples | 29 October 2013, 14:11
26 874 3
Anatoli Kazharski
Anatoli Kazharski


When choosing the direction for opening a position, a price chart with multiple time frames displayed at the same time may be quite useful. The MetaTrader 5 Client Terminal provides 21 time frames for analysis. You can take advantage of special chart objects that you can place on the existing chart and set the symbol, time frame and some other properties right there. You can add any number of such chart objects, however it would be quite inconvenient and time-consuming if done manually. On top of that, not all chart properties can be set in manual mode.

In this article, we will take a closer look at such graphical objects. For illustrative purposes, we will create an indicator with controls (buttons) that will allow us to set multiple chart objects in a subwindow at the same time. Furthermore, chart objects will accurately fit in the subwindow and will be automatically adjusted when the main chart or terminal window is resized.

In addition to buttons for adding chart objects, we will also have buttons for enabling/disabling some of the chart properties, including those that can only be modified programmatically.


You can manually add a chart object using the Insert menu->Objects->Graphical Objects->Chart. For example, this is how the objects with H4 and D1 time frames are displayed on the 1 Hour chart:

Fig. 1. Chart objects

Fig. 1. Chart objects

Modifying the object parameters, you can only manage a limited set of properties:

Fig. 2. Chart object properties

Fig. 2. Chart object properties

Yet, such parameters as the ask and bid price levels, indent from the right chart edge, trade levels, etc. can only be displayed when appropriately programmed.

So we begin the development of the indicator. Let's say, we name it ChartObjects (working title of the article). Using the MQL5 Wizard, create a template for the indicator in MetaEditor. When selecting Event handlers of the Custom indicator program, opt for the ones as shown in screenshot below:

Fig. 3. Event handlers of the indicator

Fig. 3. Event handlers of the indicator

When opened in MetaEditor, the template source code will as a result look as follows:

//|                                                 ChartObjects.mq5 |
//|                        Copyright 2013, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                                     |
#property copyright "Copyright 2013, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#property indicator_chart_window
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
//--- indicator buffers mapping
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const int begin,
                const double &price[])
//--- return value of prev_calculated for next call
//| TradeTransaction function                                        |
void OnTradeTransaction(const MqlTradeTransaction& trans,
                        const MqlTradeRequest& request,
                        const MqlTradeResult& result)
//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)

We will basically not need the OnCalculate() function in this implementation but it is impossible to compile the indicator without it. Further, we will need one of the major functions - OnDeinit(). It will monitor the deletion of the program from the chart. Following the primary processing of the template, we have the following source code:

//|                                                 ChartObjects.mq5 |
//|                        Copyright 2013, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                                     |
#property copyright "Copyright 2013, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#property indicator_chart_window // Indicator is in the main window
#property indicator_plots 0      // Zero plotting series
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
//--- Set the short name for the indicator
//--- Initialization completed successfully
//| Indicator deinitialization                                       |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- If the indicator has been deleted from the chart
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const int begin,
                const double &price[])

//--- return value of prev_calculated for next call
//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)


Now, we need to create an indicator that will be used as storage (subwindow) for chart objects. It will basically be a dummy indicator. Let's name it SubWindow. Its code is provided below:

//|                                                    SubWindow.mq5 |
//|                        Copyright 2013, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                                     |
#property copyright "Copyright 2013, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#property indicator_chart_window // Indicator is in the subwindow
#property indicator_plots 0      // Zero plotting series
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
//--- Set the short name for the indicator
//--- Initialization completed successfully
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const int begin,
                const double &price[])
//--- return value of prev_calculated for next call

The SubWindow.ex5 indicator will be stored as a resource within ChartObjects.ex5 after compilation. So the program developer will ultimately be able to provide the end user with only one file instead of two.

As already described in the previous article entitled "MQL5 Cookbook: Sound Notifications for MetaTrader 5 Trade Events", resource files can be included in a program using the #resource directive. At the beginning of our ChartObjects program, we need to add the following string of code:

//--- Include indicator resource
#resource "\\Indicators\\SubWindow.ex5"

Then, using the #define directive, we set the sizes of arrays that will be attributed to the controls:

//--- Number of time frame buttons
//--- Number of buttons for chart object properties

And, as usual, we declare global variables at the very beginning of the program:

//--- Location of the SubWindow indicator in the resource
string subwindow_path         ="::Indicators\\SubWindow.ex5";
int    subwindow_number       =-1;               // Subwindow number
int    subwindow_handle       =INVALID_HANDLE;   // SubWindow indicator handle
string subwindow_shortname    ="SubWindow";      // Short name of the indicator
int    chart_width            =0;                // Chart width
int    chart_height           =0;                // Chart height
int    chart_scale            =0;                // Chart scale
color  cOffButtonFont         =clrWhite;         // Unclicked button text color
color  cOffButtonBackground   =clrDarkSlateGray; // Unclicked button background color
color  cOffButtonBorder       =clrLightGray;     // Unclicked button border color
color  cOnButtonFont          =clrGold;          // Clicked button text color
color  cOnButtonBackground    =C'28,47,47';      // Clicked button background color
color  cOnButtonBorder        =clrLightGray;     // Clicked button border color

This is followed by declaring arrays for time frame buttons:

//--- Array of object names for time frame buttons
string timeframe_button_names[TIMEFRAME_BUTTONS]=
//--- Array of text displayed on time frame buttons
string timeframe_button_texts[TIMEFRAME_BUTTONS]=
//--- Array of time frame button states
bool timeframe_button_states[TIMEFRAME_BUTTONS]={false};

Arrays of buttons to control the chart object properties:

//--- Array of object names for buttons of chart properties
string property_button_names[PROPERTY_BUTTONS]=
//--- Array of text displayed on buttons of chart properties
string property_button_texts[PROPERTY_BUTTONS]=
   "Date","Price","OHLC","Ask / Bid","Trade Levels"
//--- Array of states for buttons of chart properties
bool property_button_states[PROPERTY_BUTTONS]={false};

//--- Array of sizes for buttons of chart properties
int property_button_widths[PROPERTY_BUTTONS]=

And finally we have an array of chart object names:

//--- Array of chart object names
string chart_object_names[TIMEFRAME_BUTTONS]=

Before we proceed to functions that have to do with interaction with graphical objects, let's first write the functions that create those objects in the chart. In our program, we will need two types of graphical objects: OBJ_BUTTON and OBJ_CHART.

Buttons will be created by the CreateButton() function:

//| Creating the Button object                                       |
void CreateButton(long              chart_id,         // chart id
                  int               window_number,    // window number
                  string            name,             // object name
                  string            text,             // displayed name
                  ENUM_ANCHOR_POINT anchor,           // anchor point
                  ENUM_BASE_CORNER  corner,           // chart corner
                  string            font_name,        // font
                  int               font_size,        // font size
                  color             font_color,       // font color
                  color             background_color, // background color
                  color             border_color,     // border color
                  int               x_size,           // width
                  int               y_size,           // height
                  int               x_distance,       // X-coordinate
                  int               y_distance,       // Y-coordinate
                  long              z_order)          // Z-order
//--- If the object has been created successfully
      // set its properties
      ObjectSetString(chart_id,name,OBJPROP_TEXT,text);                  // setting name
      ObjectSetString(chart_id,name,OBJPROP_FONT,font_name);             // setting font
      ObjectSetInteger(chart_id,name,OBJPROP_COLOR,font_color);          // setting font color
      ObjectSetInteger(chart_id,name,OBJPROP_BGCOLOR,background_color);  // setting background color
      ObjectSetInteger(chart_id,name,OBJPROP_BORDER_COLOR,border_color); // setting border color
      ObjectSetInteger(chart_id,name,OBJPROP_ANCHOR,anchor);             // setting anchor point
      ObjectSetInteger(chart_id,name,OBJPROP_CORNER,corner);             // setting chart corner
      ObjectSetInteger(chart_id,name,OBJPROP_FONTSIZE,font_size);        // setting font size
      ObjectSetInteger(chart_id,name,OBJPROP_XSIZE,x_size);              // setting width
      ObjectSetInteger(chart_id,name,OBJPROP_YSIZE,y_size);              // setting height
      ObjectSetInteger(chart_id,name,OBJPROP_XDISTANCE,x_distance);      // setting X-coordinate
      ObjectSetInteger(chart_id,name,OBJPROP_YDISTANCE,y_distance);      // setting Y-coordinate
      ObjectSetInteger(chart_id,name,OBJPROP_SELECTABLE,false);          // object is not available for selection
      ObjectSetInteger(chart_id,name,OBJPROP_STATE,false);               // button state (clicked/unclicked)
      ObjectSetInteger(chart_id,name,OBJPROP_ZORDER,z_order);            // Z-order for getting the click event
      ObjectSetString(chart_id,name,OBJPROP_TOOLTIP,"\n");               // no tooltip

Accordingly, creation of a chart in a subwindow will be performed by the CreateChartInSubwindow() function:

//| Creating a chart object in a subwindow                           |
void CreateChartInSubwindow(int             window_number,  // subwindow number
                            int             x_distance,     // X-coordinate
                            int             y_distance,     // Y-coordinate
                            int             x_size,         // width
                            int             y_size,         // height
                            string          name,           // object name
                            string          symbol,         // symbol
                            ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,      // time frame
                            int             subchart_scale, // bar scale
                            bool            show_dates,     // show date scale
                            bool            show_prices,    // show price scale
                            bool            show_ohlc,      // show OHLC prices
                            bool            show_ask_bid,   // show ask/bid levels
                            bool            show_levels,    // show trade levels
                            string          tooltip)        // tooltip
//--- If the object has been created successfully
      //--- Set the properties of the chart object
      ObjectSetInteger(0,name,OBJPROP_CORNER,CORNER_LEFT_UPPER);   // chart corner
      ObjectSetInteger(0,name,OBJPROP_XDISTANCE,x_distance);       // X-coordinate
      ObjectSetInteger(0,name,OBJPROP_YDISTANCE,y_distance);       // Y-coordinate
      ObjectSetInteger(0,name,OBJPROP_XSIZE,x_size);               // width
      ObjectSetInteger(0,name,OBJPROP_YSIZE,y_size);               // height
      ObjectSetInteger(0,name,OBJPROP_CHART_SCALE,subchart_scale); // bar scale
      ObjectSetInteger(0,name,OBJPROP_DATE_SCALE,show_dates);      // date scale
      ObjectSetInteger(0,name,OBJPROP_PRICE_SCALE,show_prices);    // price scale
      ObjectSetString(0,name,OBJPROP_SYMBOL,symbol);               // symbol
      ObjectSetInteger(0,name,OBJPROP_PERIOD,timeframe);           // time frame
      ObjectSetString(0,name,OBJPROP_TOOLTIP,tooltip);             // tooltip
      ObjectSetInteger(0,name,OBJPROP_BACK,false);                 // object in the foreground
      ObjectSetInteger(0,name,OBJPROP_SELECTABLE,false);           // object is not available for selection
      ObjectSetInteger(0,name,OBJPROP_COLOR,clrWhite);             // white color
      //--- Get the chart object identifier
      long subchart_id=ObjectGetInteger(0,name,OBJPROP_CHART_ID);
      //--- Set the special properties of the chart object
      ChartSetInteger(subchart_id,CHART_SHOW_OHLC,show_ohlc);           // OHLC
      ChartSetInteger(subchart_id,CHART_SHOW_TRADE_LEVELS,show_levels); // trade levels
      ChartSetInteger(subchart_id,CHART_SHOW_BID_LINE,show_ask_bid);    // bid level
      ChartSetInteger(subchart_id,CHART_SHOW_ASK_LINE,show_ask_bid);    // ask level
      ChartSetInteger(subchart_id,CHART_COLOR_LAST,clrLimeGreen);       // color of the level of the last executed deal 
      ChartSetInteger(subchart_id,CHART_COLOR_STOP_LEVEL,clrRed);       // color of Stop order levels  
      //--- Refresh the chart object

In the above code, we first set the standard chart properties for a chart object. After getting the chart object identifier, the special properties are set. It is also important to refresh the chart object using the ChartRedraw() function, with the chart object identifier being passed to it.

Let's divide the setting of controls between two functions: AddTimeframeButtons() and AddPropertyButtons():

//| Adding time frame buttons                                        |
void AddTimeframeButtons()
   int x_dist =1;   // Indent from the left side of the chart
   int y_dist =125; // Indent from the bottom of the chart
   int x_size =28;  // Button width
   int y_size =20;  // Button height
   for(int i=0; i<TIMEFRAME_BUTTONS; i++)
      //--- If 7 buttons have already been added to the same row, set the coordinates for the next row
      //--- Add a time frame button
      //--- Set the X-coordinate for the next button
//| Adding buttons of chart properties                               |
void AddPropertyButtons()
   int x_dist =1;  // Indent from the left side of the chart
   int y_dist =41; // Indent from the bottom of the chart
   int x_size =66; // Button width
   int y_size =20; // Button height
   for(int i=0; i<PROPERTY_BUTTONS; i++)
      //--- If the first three buttons have already been added, set the coordinates for the next row
      //--- Add a button
      //--- Set the X-coordinate for the next button

When deleting the indicator from the chart, we should also delete the objects created by the program. For this purpose, we will need the following auxiliary functions:

//| Deleting the panel with time frame buttons                       |
void DeleteTimeframeButtons()
   for(int i=0; i<TIMEFRAME_BUTTONS; i++)
//| Deleting the panel with buttons of chart properties              |
void DeletePropertyButtons()
   for(int i=0; i<PROPERTY_BUTTONS; i++)
//| Deleting objects by name                                         |
void DeleteObjectByName(string object_name)
//--- If such object exists
      //--- Delete it or print the relevant error message
         Print("Error ("+IntegerToString(GetLastError())+") when deleting the object!");

Now, to ensure that the panel is set on the chart when loading the indicator and all panel objects are deleted when deleting the indicator from the chart, we need to add the following strings of code to the handler functions OnInit() and OnDeinit():

//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
//--- Add the panel with time frame buttons to the chart
//--- Add the panel with buttons of chart properties to the chart
//--- Redraw the chart
//--- Initialization completed successfully
//| Indicator deinitialization                                       |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- If the indicator has been deleted from the chart
      //--- Delete buttons
      //--- Redraw the chart

If we compiled the indicator now and attached it to the chart, we would see the panel as shown in screenshot below:

Fig. 4. The panel with the buttons

Fig. 4. The panel with the buttons

Now everything is ready to start creating functions for interaction between the user and the panel. Substantially all of them will be called from the main OnChartEvent() function. In this article, we will consider two events that will be handled in this function:

Let's start with the CHARTEVENT_OBJECT_CLICK event. The ChartEventObjectClick() function that we are about to write will get all arguments from the OnChartEvent() function (for other events we will create similar functions):

//| Event of the click on a graphical object                         |
bool ChartEventObjectClick(int id,
                           long lparam,
                           double dparam,
                           string sparam)
//--- Click on a graphical object
      //--- If a time frame button has been clicked, set/delete 'SubWindow' and a chart object
      //--- If a button of chart properties has been clicked, set/delete the property in chart objects

The ChartEventObjectClick() function code is simple. The panel button click event is determined using the identifier. Then the implementation logic is divided into two directions: handling the event of clicking on time frame buttons or the event of clicking on buttons of chart properties. The sparam string parameter containing the name of the left-clicked object is passed to the corresponding ToggleSubwindowAndChartObject() and ToggleChartObjectProperty() functions.

Let's have a look at the source code of these functions. We will start with ToggleSubwindowAndChartObject():

//| Setting/deleting SubWindow and a chart object                    |
bool ToggleSubwindowAndChartObject(string clicked_object_name)
//--- Make sure that the click was on the time frame button object
      //--- Check if the SubWindow exists
      //--- If the SubWindow does not exist, set it
         //--- If the SubWindow is set
            //--- Add chart objects to it
      //--- If the SubWindow exists
         //--- Add chart objects to it

You should be able to easily understand the implementation logic using the comments provided in the above code. The highlighted strings feature some custom functions whose code can be found further below.

The CheckClickOnTimeframeButton() function returns true if the clicked button is associated with the panel of time frames:

//| Checking if a time frame button has been clicked                 |
bool CheckClickOnTimeframeButton(string clicked_object_name)
//--- Iterate over all time frame buttons and check the names 
   for(int i=0; i<TIMEFRAME_BUTTONS; i++)
      //--- Report the match

If the click on a time frame button has been confirmed, we then check whether the SubWindow is currently added to the main chart. If not, it is set using the AddSubwindow() function:

//| Adding a subwindow for chart objects                             |
bool AddSubwindow()
//--- Get the "SubWindow" indicator handle
//--- If the handle has been obtained
      //--- Determine the number of windows in the chart for the subwindow number
      //--- Add the SubWindow to the chart
         Print("Failed to add the SUBWINDOW indicator ! ");
      //--- The subwindow exists
//--- There is no subwindow

We then add chart objects to the created subwindow using the AddChartObjectsToSubwindow() function:

//| Adding chart objects to the subwindow                            |
void AddChartObjectsToSubwindow(string clicked_object_name)
   ENUM_TIMEFRAMES tf                 =WRONG_VALUE; // Time frame
   string          object_name        ="";          // Object name
   string          object_text        ="";          // Object text
   int             x_distance         =0;           // X-coordinate
   int             total_charts       =0;           // Total chart objects
   int             chart_object_width =0;           // Chart object width
//--- Get the bar scale and SubWindow height/width
//--- Get the number of chart objects in the SUBWINDOW
//--- If there are no chart objects
      //--- Check if a time frame button has been clicked
         //--- Initialize the array of time frame buttons
         //--- Get the time frame button text for the chart object tooltip
         //--- Get the time frame for the chart object
         //--- Set the chart object
         //--- Refresh the chart and exit
//--- If chart objects already exist in the SubWindow
      //--- Get the number of clicked time frame buttons and initialize the array of states
      int pressed_buttons_count=InitializeTimeframeButtonStates();
      //--- If there are no clicked buttons, delete the SubWindow
      //--- If the clicked buttons exist
         //--- Delete all chart objects from the subwindow
         //--- Get the width for chart objects
         //--- Iterate over all buttons in a loop
         for(int i=0; i<TIMEFRAME_BUTTONS; i++)
            //--- If the button is clicked
               //--- Get the time frame button text for the chart object tooltip
               //--- Get the time frame for the chart object
               //--- Set the chart object
               //--- Determine the X-coordinate for the next chart object
//--- Refresh the chart

The detailed comments provided in the above code should help you grasp the function operation. The custom functions that we haven't come across before are highlighted.

The InitializeTimeframeButtonStates() function returns the number of clicked time frame buttons and initializes the corresponding array of states. It also sets colors depending on the button state:

//| Initializing array of time frame button states and               |
//| returning the number of clicked buttons                          |
int InitializeTimeframeButtonStates()
//--- Counter of the clicked time frame buttons
   int pressed_buttons_count=0;
//--- Iterate over all time frame buttons and count the clicked ones
   for(int i=0; i<TIMEFRAME_BUTTONS; i++)
      //--- If the button is clicked
         //--- Indicate it in the current index of the array
         //--- Set clicked button colors
         //--- Increase the counter by one
         //--- Set unclicked button colors
         //--- Indicate that the button is unclicked
//--- Return the number of clicked buttons

The DeleteSubwindow() function is very simple: it checks for the existence of the subwindow for charts and deletes it:

//| Deleting subwindow for chart objects                             |
void DeleteSubwindow()
//--- If the SubWindow exists
      //--- Delete it
         Print("Failed to delete the "+subwindow_shortname+" indicator!");

Now we should look into properties of chart objects. In other words, we go back to the ChartEventObjectClick() function and consider the ToggleChartObjectProperty() function. The name of the clicked object is also passed to it.

//| Setting/deleting chart object property                           |
//| depending on the clicked button state                            |
bool ToggleChartObjectProperty(string clicked_object_name)

//--- If the "Date" button is clicked
      //--- If the button is clicked
      //--- If the button is unclicked
      //--- Refresh the chart and exit
//--- If the "Price" button is clicked
      //--- If the button is clicked
      //--- If the button is unclicked
      //--- Refresh the chart and exit
//--- If the "OHLC" button is clicked
      //--- If the button is clicked
      //--- If the button is unclicked
      //--- Refresh the chart and exit
//--- If the "Ask/Bid" button is clicked
      //--- If the button is clicked
      //--- If the button is unclicked
      //--- Refresh the chart and exit
//--- If the "Trade Levels" button is clicked
      //--- If the button is clicked
      //--- If the button is unclicked
      //--- Refresh the chart and exit
//--- No matches

In the above code, the name of the clicked object is in succession compared with the name of the object related to the chart properties. If there is a match, we then check if the button is clicked or not in the SetButtonColor() function and set the relevant button colors.

//| Setting color of button elements depending on the state          |
bool SetButtonColor(string clicked_object_name)
//--- If the button is clicked
      //--- Set clicked button colors
//--- If the button is unclicked
      //--- Set unclicked button colors

The SetButtonColor() function returns the button state. Depending on this attribute, the program informs the relevant function that a certain property must be enabled or disabled in all chart objects in the SubWindow. There is a separate function written for each property. The corresponding function codes are provided below:

//| Enabling/disabling dates for all chart objects                   |
void ShowDate(bool state)
   int    total_charts =0;  // Number of objects
   string chart_name  =""; // Chart object name
//--- Check if the SubWindow exists
//    If it exists, then
      //--- Get the number of chart objects
      //--- Iterate over all chart objects in a loop
      for(int i=0; i<total_charts; i++)
         //--- Get the chart object name
         //--- Set the property
      //--- Set the button state to the relevant index
      //--- Refresh the chart
//| Enabling/disabling prices for all chart objects                  |
void ShowPrice(bool state)
   int    total_charts =0;  // Number of objects
   string chart_name  =""; // Chart object name
//--- Check if the SubWindow exists
//    If it exists, then
      //--- Get the number of chart objects
      //--- Iterate over all chart objects in a loop
      for(int i=0; i<total_charts; i++)
         //--- Get the chart object name
         //--- Set the property
      //--- Set the button state to the relevant index
      //--- Refresh the chart
//| Enabling/disabling OHLC for all chart objects                    |
void ShowOHLC(bool state)
   int    total_charts =0;  // Number of objects
   long   subchart_id =0;  // Chart object identifier
   string chart_name  =""; // Chart object name
//--- Check if the SubWindow exists
//    If it exists, then
      //--- Get the number of chart objects
      //--- Iterate over all chart objects in a loop
      for(int i=0; i<total_charts; i++)
         //--- Get the chart object name
         //--- Get the chart object identifier
         //--- Set the property
         //--- Refresh the chart object
      //--- Set the button state to the relevant index
      //--- Refresh the chart
//| Enabling/disabling Ask/Bid levels for all chart objects          |
void ShowAskBid(bool state)
   int    total_charts =0;  // Number of objects
   long   subchart_id =0;  // Chart object identifier
   string chart_name  =""; // Chart object name
//--- Check if the SubWindow exists
//    If it exists, then
      //--- Get the number of chart objects
      //--- Iterate over all chart objects in a loop
      for(int i=0; i<total_charts; i++)
         //--- Get the chart object name
         //--- Get the chart object identifier
         //--- Set the properties
         //--- Refresh the chart object
      //--- Set the button state to the relevant index
      //--- Refresh the chart
//| Enabling/disabling trade levels for all chart objects            |
void ShowTradeLevels(bool state)
   int    total_charts =0;  // Number of objects
   long   subchart_id =0;  // Chart object identifier
   string chart_name  =""; // Chart object name
//--- Check if the SubWindow exists
//    If it exists, then
      //--- Get the number of chart objects
      //--- Iterate over all chart objects in a loop
      for(int i=0; i<total_charts; i++)
         //--- Get the chart object name
         //--- Get the chart object identifier
         //--- Set the property
         //--- Refresh the chart object
      //--- Set the button state to the relevant index
      //--- Refresh the chart

Now, all the functions are ready for the interaction with the panel. We only need to add one string of code to the main OnChartEvent() function:

//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)


If the indicator is compiled and run in the chart right now, the chart objects will be added to the subwindow when the relevant time frame buttons are clicked. Furthermore, if we click any of the buttons of properties, we will be able to see the corresponding changes in the chart objects:

Fig. 5. Adding the chart objects with the specified properties

Fig. 5. Adding the chart objects with the specified properties

However, if the chart window or subwindow is resized, chart object sizes will not be adjusted accordingly. So, it is time to see into the CHARTEVENT_CHART_CHANGE event.

Just as we created the ChartEventObjectClick() function for tracking down the event of "click on a graphical object", let's now write the ChartEventChartChange() function:

//| Event of modifying the chart properties                          |
bool ChartEventChartChange(int id,
                           long lparam,
                           double dparam,
                           string sparam)
//--- Chart has been resized or the chart properties have been modified
      //--- If the SubWindow has been deleted (or does not exist), while the time frame buttons are clicked, 
      //    release all the buttons (reset)
      //--- Save the height and width values of the main chart and SubWindow, if it exists
      //--- Adjust the sizes of chart objects
      //--- Refresh the chart and exit

If the program has established that the main chart size or properties have been modified, we first use the OnSubwindowDelete() function to check if the SubWindow was deleted. If the subwindow cannot be found, the panel is reset.

//| Response to Subwindow deletion                                   |
bool OnSubwindowDelete()
//--- if there is no SubWindow
      //--- Reset the panel with time frame buttons
//--- SubWindow exists

If the subwindow is right where it should be, the subwindow width and height values are assigned to the global variables in the GetSubwindowWidthAndHeight() function:

//| Saving the SubWindow height and width values                     |
void GetSubwindowWidthAndHeight()
//--- Check if there is a subwindow named SubWindow
      // Get the subwindow height and width

And finally, sizes of chart objects are adjusted in the AdjustChartObjectsSizes() function:

//| Adjusting width of chart objects when modifying the window width |
void AdjustChartObjectsSizes()
   int             x_distance         =0;           // X-coordinate
   int             total_objects      =0;           // Number of chart objects
   int             chart_object_width =0;           // Chart object width
   string          object_name        ="";          // Object name
   ENUM_TIMEFRAMES TF                 =WRONG_VALUE; // Time frame
//--- Get the SubWindow number
      //--- Get the total number of chart objects
      //--- If there are no objects, delete the subwindow and exit
      //--- Get the width for chart objects
      //--- Iterate over all chart objects in a loop
      for(int i=total_objects-1; i>=0; i--)
         //--- Get the name
         //--- Set the chart object width and height
         //--- Set the chart object position
         //--- Set the new X-coordinate for the next chart object

To track down the event of modifying the size and properties of the main chart, the following string should be added to the OnChartEvent() function:

After compiling the indicator and attaching it to the chart, you will be able to see that the chart objects are adjusted to the subwindow size every time the main window is resized.



Let's end the article here. As a homework assignment, try to implement such feature as adjustment of symbols in chart objects when the symbol in the main chart is modified. You might also want to have time frames in chart objects set in succession from lower to higher ones (from left to right). This possibility has not been implemented in the indicator version described above.

You can find a video demonstrating the implementation of these features in the description of the ready made application - TF PANEL. The source code files are attached to the article and are available for download.

Translated from Russian by MetaQuotes Ltd.
Original article:

Attached files |
subwindow.mq5 (1.55 KB)
chartobjects.mq5 (39.85 KB)
Last comments | Go to discussion (3)
De Blues Fx
De Blues Fx | 12 May 2016 at 09:01
hi...can u create for mql4 indicator for multichart in main chart
James Hodges
James Hodges | 28 Dec 2016 at 19:56

Hello Anatoli,

   Thank you for such a great article! I was just wondering about the subwindow indicator.. I notice that you have it set to be on the chart window instead of separate window... is this a mistake?


JEEBSOFT | 5 Oct 2023 at 08:19
BIG UP! Verry Helpful !!!! 1000 Thanks !!
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