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Andere Klassen in der Bibliothek DoEasy (Teil 72): Kontrolle und Aufzeichnung der Parameter von Chart-Objekten in der Kollektion

Andere Klassen in der Bibliothek DoEasy (Teil 72): Kontrolle und Aufzeichnung der Parameter von Chart-Objekten in der Kollektion

MetaTrader 5Beispiele | 17 Juni 2021, 10:53
419 0
Artyom Trishkin
Artyom Trishkin



Dieser Artikel vervollständigt die Beschreibung der Klassen eines Chartobjekts und ihrer Kollektion. Alle im Client-Terminal geöffneten Charts sowie deren Unterfenster und Indikatoren sind bereits in der Kollektion der Charts gespeichert. Bei Änderungen der Charteigenschaften werden einige Ereignisse bereits behandelt, während ein entsprechendes benutzerdefiniertes Ereignis an die Karte des Steuerungsprogramms gesendet wird. Wir sind jedoch in der Lage, die Eigenschaften des Chartobjekts oder des Fensters zu ändern, und wir müssen die neuen Werte der geänderten Eigenschaften auf die geänderten Objektparameter setzen.

Glücklicherweise haben wir bereits das Objekt, das alle seine Nachkommen mit Ereignisfunktionalität ausstattet (das erweiterte Basisobjekt aller Bibliotheksobjekte). Unsere Klassen von Chartobjekten und Chartfenstern sind bereits von Objekten abgeleitet. Wir müssen nur noch die Standardbehandlung von Änderungen der Eigenschaften von Nachfolgeobjekten hinzufügen. Die Klasse wird automatisch alle Eigenschaften ihres Nachfolgers aktualisieren und eine Liste der Ereignisse erstellen, die bei ihrem Nachfolgeobjekt auftreten, wenn die angegebenen Eigenschaften geändert werden.

Alle kontrollierten Eigenschaften, die wir in unserem Programm verwalten wollen, sollten für das Objekt angegeben werden, damit die im Objekt auftretenden Ereignisse erstellt und an die Karte des Steuerungsprogramms gesendet werden. Das erweiterte Basisobjekt ermöglicht die Einstellung des Änderungswertes der angegebenen Eigenschaft oder die Überschreitung des angegebenen Schwellenwertes für eine verfolgte Eigenschaft oder die Kombination von Änderungen der verfolgten Eigenschaften.

Alle Änderungen, die an den Eigenschaften des Objekts vorgenommen werden, werden automatisch den Parametern zugewiesen. Wenn die Verfolgung bestimmter Objekteigenschaften aktiviert ist, "signalisieren" diese Eigenschaften über die durchgeführten Änderungen, die wir kontrollieren wollen.

Fast alle Bibliotheksobjekte haben eine ähnliche Struktur — eine Reihe von Eigenschaften (Integer-, Real- und String-Eigenschaften), Objektsortierkriterien, die ausschließlich den Eigenschaften jedes einzelnen Objekts entsprechen, einige Methoden zum Auffinden und Sortieren solcher Objekte in den Listen, in denen sie sortiert sind, die Methoden zur Beschreibung der Objekteigenschaften und die Klasse, die es ermöglicht, in der Objektliste nach der angegebenen Eigenschaft zu suchen und den Objektindex in der Liste mit dem maximalen oder minimalen Wert der gewünschten Eigenschaft zurückzugeben.

All diese langen Beschreibungen von Objekteigenschaften, die an das Objekt selbst angehängt und untrennbar mit ihm verbunden sind, verkomplizieren zwar die Erstellung des Objekts selbst ein wenig, vereinfachen aber die weitere Arbeit mit ihm erheblich. Dies hat sich auch bei der Klasse eines Chartobjekts herausgestellt. Sie hat sich zunächst als unvollständig herausgestellt (wie alle Hauptobjekte der Bibliothek), während ich mir die Arbeit dadurch vereinfacht habe, dass ich nicht alle ihre Eigenschaften separat geschrieben habe, sondern sie in den Eigenschaften des Chartobjekts, zu dem das Fenster gehört, untergebracht habe.

Wenn wir nun eine automatische Aktualisierung der Eigenschaften von Chartobjekten und ihren Unterfenstern implementieren, werden wir auf eine große Komplikation stoßen, wenn wir den vorherigen Zustand der Eigenschaften des Chartfenster-Objekts mit den Methoden seiner Elternklasse speichern. Deshalb habe ich mich entschlossen, das Fensterobjekt des Charts zu einem vollwertigen Bibliotheksobjekt zu machen, was die Implementierung seiner automatischen Aktualisierung mit der Suche nach verfolgten Ereignissen stark vereinfacht (all dies habe ich schon vor langer Zeit bei der Erstellung der übergeordneten Klasse getan — dem erweiterten Objekt aller Bibliotheksobjekte).

Verbesserung der Bibliothek der Klasse

In \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Data.mqh fügen wir die neuen Nachrichtenindizes der Bibliothek hinzu:

   MSG_LIB_TEXT_SYMBOL,                               // symbol: 
   MSG_LIB_TEXT_ACCOUNT,                              // account: 
   MSG_LIB_TEXT_CHART,                                // chart: 
   MSG_LIB_TEXT_CHART_WND,                            // chart window: 
   MSG_LIB_TEXT_PROP_VALUE,                           // Property value


   MSG_CHART_COLLECTION_CHART_OPENED,                 // Chart opened
   MSG_CHART_COLLECTION_CHART_CLOSED,                 // Chart closed
   MSG_CHART_COLLECTION_CHART_SYMB_CHANGED,           // Chart symbol changed
   MSG_CHART_COLLECTION_CHART_TF_CHANGED,             // Chart timeframe changed
   MSG_CHART_COLLECTION_CHART_SYMB_TF_CHANGED,        // Chart symbol and timeframe changed

und Nachrichtentexte, die den neu hinzugefügten Indizes entsprechen:

   {"символа: ","symbol property: "},
   {"аккаунта: ","account property: "},
   {"чарта: ","chart property: "},
   {"окна чарта: ","chart window property: "},
   {"Значение свойства ","Value of the "},


   {"Открыт график","Open chart"},
   {"Закрыт график","Closed chart"},
   {"Изменён символ графика","Changed chart symbol"},
   {"Изменён таймфрейм графика","Changed chart timeframe"},
   {"Изменён символ и таймфрейм графика","Changed the symbol and timeframe of the chart"},

Fügen wir im Abschnitt "ID der Kollektion" der Datei \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Defines.mqh eine neue Diagrammfenster-Listen-ID ein:

//--- Collection list IDs
#define COLLECTION_HISTORY_ID          (0x777A)                   // Historical collection list ID
#define COLLECTION_MARKET_ID           (0x777B)                   // Market collection list ID
#define COLLECTION_EVENTS_ID           (0x777C)                   // Event collection list ID
#define COLLECTION_ACCOUNT_ID          (0x777D)                   // Account collection list ID
#define COLLECTION_SYMBOLS_ID          (0x777E)                   // Symbol collection list ID
#define COLLECTION_SERIES_ID           (0x777F)                   // Timeseries collection list ID
#define COLLECTION_BUFFERS_ID          (0x7780)                   // Indicator buffer collection list ID
#define COLLECTION_INDICATORS_ID       (0x7781)                   // Indicator collection list ID
#define COLLECTION_INDICATORS_DATA_ID  (0x7782)                   // Indicator data collection list ID
#define COLLECTION_TICKSERIES_ID       (0x7783)                   // Tick series collection list ID
#define COLLECTION_MBOOKSERIES_ID      (0x7784)                   // DOM series collection list ID
#define COLLECTION_MQL5_SIGNALS_ID     (0x7785)                   // MQL5 signals collection list ID
#define COLLECTION_CHARTS_ID           (0x7786)                   // Chart collection list ID
#define COLLECTION_CHART_WND_ID        (0x7787)                   // Chart window list ID
//--- Pending request type IDs

Diese IDs ermöglichen es uns, die Kollektion oder die Liste zu definieren, zu der ein bestimmtes Objekt gehört. In diesem Fall erlaubt uns die ID, das Objekt zu definieren, von dem ein Ereignis gekommen ist, und die Ereignisbeschreibung zu erstellen. All dies wird in der Klasse des erweiterten Basisobjekts aller Bibliotheksobjekte durchgeführt.

Im vorherigen Artikel habe ich die Behandlung einiger Chartereignisse implementiert. Heute werde ich sie um die Änderung eines Symbols und eines Zeitrahmens erweitern.
Dazu setzen wir drei zusätzliche Konstanten in der Enumeration der möglichen Chart-Ereignisse in derselben Datei:

//| Data for working with charts                                     |
//| List of possible chart events                                    |
   CHART_OBJ_EVENT_CHART_OPEN,                        // "New chart opening" event
   CHART_OBJ_EVENT_CHART_CLOSE,                       // "Chart closure" event
   CHART_OBJ_EVENT_CHART_SYMB_CHANGE,                 // "Chart symbol changed" event
   CHART_OBJ_EVENT_CHART_SYMB_TF_CHANGE,              // "Chart symbol and timeframe changed" event
   CHART_OBJ_EVENT_CHART_TF_CHANGE,                   // "Chart timeframe changed" event
   CHART_OBJ_EVENT_CHART_WND_ADD,                     // "Adding a new window on the chart" event
   CHART_OBJ_EVENT_CHART_WND_DEL,                     // "Removing a window from the chart" event
   CHART_OBJ_EVENT_CHART_WND_IND_ADD,                 // "Adding a new indicator to the chart window" event
   CHART_OBJ_EVENT_CHART_WND_IND_DEL,                 // "Removing an indicator from the chart window" event
   CHART_OBJ_EVENT_CHART_WND_IND_CHANGE,              // "Changing indicator parameters in the chart window" event
#define CHART_OBJ_EVENTS_NEXT_CODE  (CHART_OBJ_EVENT_CHART_WND_IND_CHANGE+1)  // The code of the next event after the last chart event code

Wir entfernen den Index des Chart-Fensters aus der Enumeration der Integer-Eigenschaften:

   CHART_PROP_WINDOW_NUM,                             // Chart window index

Diese Eigenschaft gehört zum Objekt des Chart-Fenster. Verschieben wir einige gemeinsame Eigenschaften des Charts und seines Fensters an das Ende der Liste der Enumeration-Konstanten:

//| Chart integer property                                           |
   CHART_PROP_ID = 0,                                 // Chart ID
   CHART_PROP_TIMEFRAME,                              // Chart timeframe
   CHART_PROP_SHOW,                                   // Price chart drawing
   CHART_PROP_IS_OBJECT,                              // Chart object (OBJ_CHART) identification attribute
   CHART_PROP_BRING_TO_TOP,                           // Show chart above all others
   CHART_PROP_CONTEXT_MENU,                           // Enable/disable access to the context menu using the right click 
   CHART_PROP_CROSSHAIR_TOOL,                         // Enable/disable access to the Crosshair tool using the middle click
   CHART_PROP_MOUSE_SCROLL,                           // Scroll the chart horizontally using the left mouse button
   CHART_PROP_EVENT_MOUSE_WHEEL,                      // Send messages about mouse wheel events (CHARTEVENT_MOUSE_WHEEL) to all MQL5 programs on a chart
   CHART_PROP_EVENT_MOUSE_MOVE,                       // Send messages about mouse button click and movement events (CHARTEVENT_MOUSE_MOVE) to all MQL5 programs on a chart
   CHART_PROP_EVENT_OBJECT_CREATE,                    // Send messages about the graphical object creation event (CHARTEVENT_OBJECT_CREATE) to all MQL5 programs on a chart
   CHART_PROP_EVENT_OBJECT_DELETE,                    // Send messages about the graphical object destruction event (CHARTEVENT_OBJECT_DELETE) to all MQL5 programs on a chart
   CHART_PROP_MODE,                                   // Type of the chart (candlesticks, bars or line (ENUM_CHART_MODE))
   CHART_PROP_FOREGROUND,                             // Price chart in the foreground
   CHART_PROP_SHIFT,                                  // Mode of shift of the price chart from the right border
   CHART_PROP_AUTOSCROLL,                             // The mode of automatic shift to the right border of the chart
   CHART_PROP_KEYBOARD_CONTROL,                       // Allow managing the chart using a keyboard
   CHART_PROP_QUICK_NAVIGATION,                       // Allow the chart to intercept Space and Enter key strokes to activate the quick navigation bar
   CHART_PROP_SCALE,                                  // Scale
   CHART_PROP_SCALEFIX,                               // Fixed scale mode
   CHART_PROP_SCALEFIX_11,                            // 1:1 scale mode
   CHART_PROP_SCALE_PT_PER_BAR,                       // The mode of specifying the scale in points per bar
   CHART_PROP_SHOW_TICKER,                            // Display a symbol ticker in the upper left corner
   CHART_PROP_SHOW_OHLC,                              // Display OHLC values in the upper left corner
   CHART_PROP_SHOW_BID_LINE,                          // Display Bid value as a horizontal line on the chart
   CHART_PROP_SHOW_ASK_LINE,                          // Display Ask value as a horizontal line on a chart
   CHART_PROP_SHOW_LAST_LINE,                         // Display Last value as a horizontal line on a chart
   CHART_PROP_SHOW_PERIOD_SEP,                        // Display vertical separators between adjacent periods
   CHART_PROP_SHOW_GRID,                              // Display a grid on the chart
   CHART_PROP_SHOW_VOLUMES,                           // Display volumes on a chart
   CHART_PROP_SHOW_OBJECT_DESCR,                      // Display text descriptions of objects
   CHART_PROP_VISIBLE_BARS,                           // Number of bars on a chart that are available for display
   CHART_PROP_WINDOWS_TOTAL,                          // The total number of chart windows including indicator subwindows
   CHART_PROP_WINDOW_HANDLE,                          // Chart window handle
   CHART_PROP_FIRST_VISIBLE_BAR,                      // Number of the first visible bar on the chart
   CHART_PROP_WIDTH_IN_BARS,                          // Width of the chart in bars
   CHART_PROP_WIDTH_IN_PIXELS,                        // Width of the chart in pixels
   CHART_PROP_COLOR_BACKGROUND,                       // Color of background of the chart
   CHART_PROP_COLOR_FOREGROUND,                       // Color of axes, scale and OHLC line
   CHART_PROP_COLOR_GRID,                             // Grid color
   CHART_PROP_COLOR_VOLUME,                           // Color of volumes and position opening levels
   CHART_PROP_COLOR_CHART_UP,                         // Color for the up bar, shadows and body borders of bull candlesticks
   CHART_PROP_COLOR_CHART_DOWN,                       // Color of down bar, its shadow and border of body of the bullish candlestick
   CHART_PROP_COLOR_CHART_LINE,                       // Color of the chart line and the Doji candlesticks
   CHART_PROP_COLOR_CANDLE_BULL,                      // Color of body of a bullish candlestick
   CHART_PROP_COLOR_CANDLE_BEAR,                      // Color of body of a bearish candlestick
   CHART_PROP_COLOR_BID,                              // Color of the Bid price line
   CHART_PROP_COLOR_ASK,                              // Color of the Ask price line
   CHART_PROP_COLOR_LAST,                             // Color of the last performed deal's price line (Last)
   CHART_PROP_COLOR_STOP_LEVEL,                       // Color of stop order levels (Stop Loss and Take Profit)
   CHART_PROP_SHOW_TRADE_LEVELS,                      // Display trade levels on the chart (levels of open positions, Stop Loss, Take Profit and pending orders)
   CHART_PROP_DRAG_TRADE_LEVELS,                      // Enable the ability to drag trading levels on a chart using mouse
   CHART_PROP_SHOW_DATE_SCALE,                        // Display the time scale on a chart
   CHART_PROP_SHOW_PRICE_SCALE,                       // Display a price scale on a chart
   CHART_PROP_SHOW_ONE_CLICK,                         // Display the quick trading panel on the chart
   CHART_PROP_IS_MAXIMIZED,                           // Chart window maximized
   CHART_PROP_IS_MINIMIZED,                           // Chart window minimized
   CHART_PROP_IS_DOCKED,                              // Chart window docked
   CHART_PROP_FLOAT_LEFT,                             // Left coordinate of the undocked chart window relative to the virtual screen
   CHART_PROP_FLOAT_TOP,                              // Upper coordinate of the undocked chart window relative to the virtual screen
   CHART_PROP_FLOAT_RIGHT,                            // Right coordinate of the undocked chart window relative to the virtual screen
   CHART_PROP_FLOAT_BOTTOM,                           // Bottom coordinate of the undocked chart window relative to the virtual screen
   CHART_PROP_YDISTANCE,                              // Distance in Y axis pixels between the upper frame of the indicator subwindow and the upper frame of the chart main window
   CHART_PROP_HEIGHT_IN_PIXELS,                       // Height of the chart in pixels
   CHART_PROP_WINDOW_IND_HANDLE,                      // Indicator handle on the chart
   CHART_PROP_WINDOW_IND_INDEX,                       // Indicator index on the chart
#define CHART_PROP_INTEGER_TOTAL (66)                 // Total number of integer properties
#define CHART_PROP_INTEGER_SKIP  (2)                  // Number of integer properties not used in sorting

Die Anzahl der Chart-Ganzzahl-Eigenschaften hat sich um 1 verringert — korrigieren wir das auf 66 statt 67 und geben an, dass die zwei letzten Eigenschaften nicht an der Suche und Sortierung teilnehmen sollen und daher in den Chart-Eigenschaften nicht angezeigt werden. Diese Konstanten sind für die Klasse eines Chartobjekts im Chart-Fenster notwendig (es wird auch in einer vereinfachten Version gemacht).

Die in den Enumerationen der Chart-Eigenschaften implementierten Änderungen sollten den Änderungen in der Enumeration der Sortierkriterien des Chartobjekts entsprechen:

//| Possible chart sorting criteria                                  |
//--- Sort by integer properties
   SORT_BY_CHART_ID = 0,                              // Sort by chart ID
   SORT_BY_CHART_TIMEFRAME,                           // Sort by chart timeframe
   SORT_BY_CHART_SHOW,                                // Sort by the price chart drawing attribute
   SORT_BY_CHART_IS_OBJECT,                           // Sort by chart object (OBJ_CHART) identification attribute
   SORT_BY_CHART_BRING_TO_TOP,                        // Sort by the flag of displaying a chart above all others
   SORT_BY_CHART_CONTEXT_MENU,                        // Sort by the flag of enabling/disabling access to the context menu using the right click
   SORT_BY_CHART_CROSSHAIR_TOO,                       // Sort by the flag of enabling/disabling access to the Crosshair tool using the middle click
   SORT_BY_CHART_MOUSE_SCROLL,                        // Sort by the flag of scrolling the chart horizontally using the left mouse button
   SORT_BY_CHART_EVENT_MOUSE_WHEEL,                   // Sort by the flag of sending messages about mouse wheel events to all MQL5 programs on a chart
   SORT_BY_CHART_EVENT_MOUSE_MOVE,                    // Sort by the flag of sending messages about mouse button click and movement events to all MQL5 programs on a chart
   SORT_BY_CHART_EVENT_OBJECT_CREATE,                 // Sort by the flag of sending messages about the graphical object creation event to all MQL5 programs on a chart
   SORT_BY_CHART_EVENT_OBJECT_DELETE,                 // Sort by the flag of sending messages about the graphical object destruction event to all MQL5 programs on a chart
   SORT_BY_CHART_MODE,                                // Sort by chart type
   SORT_BY_CHART_FOREGROUND,                          // Sort by the "Price chart in the foreground" flag
   SORT_BY_CHART_SHIFT,                               // Sort by the "Mode of shift of the price chart from the right border" flag
   SORT_BY_CHART_AUTOSCROLL,                          // Sort by the "The mode of automatic shift to the right border of the chart" flag
   SORT_BY_CHART_KEYBOARD_CONTROL,                    // Sort by the flag allowing the chart management using a keyboard
   SORT_BY_CHART_QUICK_NAVIGATION,                    // Sort by the flag allowing the chart to intercept Space and Enter key strokes to activate the quick navigation bar
   SORT_BY_CHART_SCALE,                               // Sort by scale
   SORT_BY_CHART_SCALEFIX,                            // Sort by the fixed scale flag
   SORT_BY_CHART_SCALEFIX_11,                         // Sort by the 1:1 scale flag
   SORT_BY_CHART_SCALE_PT_PER_BAR,                    // Sort by the flag of specifying the scale in points per bar
   SORT_BY_CHART_SHOW_TICKER,                         // Sort by the flag displaying a symbol ticker in the upper left corner
   SORT_BY_CHART_SHOW_OHLC,                           // Sort by the flag displaying OHLC values in the upper left corner
   SORT_BY_CHART_SHOW_BID_LINE,                       // Sort by the flag displaying Bid value as a horizontal line on the chart
   SORT_BY_CHART_SHOW_ASK_LINE,                       // Sort by the flag displaying Ask value as a horizontal line on the chart
   SORT_BY_CHART_SHOW_LAST_LINE,                      // Sort by the flag displaying Last value as a horizontal line on the chart
   SORT_BY_CHART_SHOW_PERIOD_SEP,                     // Sort by the flag displaying vertical separators between adjacent periods
   SORT_BY_CHART_SHOW_GRID,                           // Sort by the flag of displaying a grid on the chart
   SORT_BY_CHART_SHOW_VOLUMES,                        // Sort by the mode of displaying volumes on a chart
   SORT_BY_CHART_SHOW_OBJECT_DESCR,                   // Sort by the flag of displaying object text descriptions
   SORT_BY_CHART_VISIBLE_BARS,                        // Sort by the number of bars on a chart that are available for display
   SORT_BY_CHART_WINDOWS_TOTAL,                       // Sort by the total number of chart windows including indicator subwindows
   SORT_BY_CHART_WINDOW_HANDLE,                       // Sort by the chart handle
   SORT_BY_CHART_FIRST_VISIBLE_BAR,                   // Sort by the number of the first visible bar on the chart
   SORT_BY_CHART_WIDTH_IN_BARS,                       // Sort by the width of the chart in bars
   SORT_BY_CHART_WIDTH_IN_PIXELS,                     // Sort by the width of the chart in pixels
   SORT_BY_CHART_COLOR_BACKGROUND,                    // Sort by the color of the chart background
   SORT_BY_CHART_COLOR_FOREGROUND,                    // Sort by color of axes, scale and OHLC line
   SORT_BY_CHART_COLOR_GRID,                          // Sort by grid color
   SORT_BY_CHART_COLOR_VOLUME,                        // Sort by the color of volumes and position opening levels
   SORT_BY_CHART_COLOR_CHART_UP,                      // Sort by the color for the up bar, shadows and body borders of bull candlesticks
   SORT_BY_CHART_COLOR_CHART_DOWN,                    // Sort by the color of down bar, its shadow and border of body of the bullish candlestick
   SORT_BY_CHART_COLOR_CHART_LINE,                    // Sort by the color of the chart line and the Doji candlesticks
   SORT_BY_CHART_COLOR_CANDLE_BULL,                   // Sort by the color of a bullish candlestick body
   SORT_BY_CHART_COLOR_CANDLE_BEAR,                   // Sort by the color of a bearish candlestick body
   SORT_BY_CHART_COLOR_BID,                           // Sort by the color of the Bid price line
   SORT_BY_CHART_COLOR_ASK,                           // Sort by the color of the Ask price line
   SORT_BY_CHART_COLOR_LAST,                          // Sort by the color of the last performed deal's price line (Last)
   SORT_BY_CHART_COLOR_STOP_LEVEL,                    // Sort by the color of stop order levels (Stop Loss and Take Profit)
   SORT_BY_CHART_SHOW_TRADE_LEVELS,                   // Sort by the flag of displaying trading levels on the chart
   SORT_BY_CHART_DRAG_TRADE_LEVELS,                   // Sort by the flag enabling the ability to drag trading levels on a chart using mouse
   SORT_BY_CHART_SHOW_DATE_SCALE,                     // Sort by the flag of displaying the time scale on the chart
   SORT_BY_CHART_SHOW_PRICE_SCALE,                    // Sort by the flag of displaying the price scale on the chart
   SORT_BY_CHART_SHOW_ONE_CLICK,                      // Sort by the flag of displaying the quick trading panel on the chart
   SORT_BY_CHART_IS_MAXIMIZED,                        // Sort by the "Chart window maximized" flag
   SORT_BY_CHART_IS_MINIMIZED,                        // Sort by the "Chart window minimized" flag
   SORT_BY_CHART_IS_DOCKED,                           // Sort by the "Chart window docked" flag
   SORT_BY_CHART_FLOAT_LEFT,                          // Sort by the left coordinate of the undocked chart window relative to the virtual screen
   SORT_BY_CHART_FLOAT_TOP,                           // Sort by the upper coordinate of the undocked chart window relative to the virtual screen
   SORT_BY_CHART_FLOAT_RIGHT,                         // Sort by the right coordinate of the undocked chart window relative to the virtual screen
   SORT_BY_CHART_FLOAT_BOTTOM,                        // Sort by the bottom coordinate of the undocked chart window relative to the virtual screen
   SORT_BY_CHART_YDISTANCE,                           // Sort by the distance in Y axis pixels between the upper frame of the indicator subwindow and the upper frame of the chart main window
   SORT_BY_CHART_HEIGHT_IN_PIXELS,                    // Sort by the height of the chart in pixels
//--- Sort by real properties
   SORT_BY_CHART_SHIFT_SIZE = FIRST_CHART_DBL_PROP,   // Sort by the shift size of the zero bar from the right border in %
   SORT_BY_CHART_FIXED_POSITION,                      // Sort by the chart fixed position from the left border in %
   SORT_BY_CHART_FIXED_MAX,                           // Sort by the fixed chart maximum
   SORT_BY_CHART_FIXED_MIN,                           // Sort by the fixed chart minimum
   SORT_BY_CHART_POINTS_PER_BAR,                      // Sort by the scale value in points per bar
   SORT_BY_CHART_PRICE_MIN,                           // Sort by the chart minimum
   SORT_BY_CHART_PRICE_MAX,                           // Sort by the chart maximum
//--- Sort by string properties
   SORT_BY_CHART_COMMENT = FIRST_CHART_STR_PROP,      // Sort by a comment text on the chart
   SORT_BY_CHART_EXPERT_NAME,                         // Sort by a name of an EA launched on the chart
   SORT_BY_CHART_SCRIPT_NAME,                         // Sort by a name of a script launched on the chart
   SORT_BY_CHART_INDICATOR_NAME,                      // Sort by a name of an indicator launched in the chart window
   SORT_BY_CHART_SYMBOL,                              // Sort by chart symbol

Wenn wir uns die Kriterien der Sortierung nach Integer-Eigenschaften genau ansehen, werden wir feststellen, dass die beiden letzten Eigenschaften fehlen, weil sie für die Sortierung unbrauchbar gemacht wurden und deshalb hier nicht eingestellt werden sollten — jedes Sortierkriterium entspricht streng dem numerischen Wert der Konstante aus der Enumeration der Objekteigenschaften nach einer bestimmten Eigenschaft.

Da das Chartobjekt nun vervollständigt wird, sollten die Enumerationen seiner Eigenschaften ganzzahlig, reel und Text gesetzt werden:

//| Data for handling chart windows                                  |
//| Chart window integer properties                                  |
   CHART_WINDOW_PROP_ID = 0,                          // Chart ID
   CHART_WINDOW_PROP_WINDOW_NUM,                      // Chart window index
   CHART_WINDOW_PROP_YDISTANCE,                       // Distance in Y axis pixels between the upper frame of the indicator subwindow and the upper frame of the chart main window
   CHART_WINDOW_PROP_HEIGHT_IN_PIXELS,                // Height of the chart in pixels
   //--- for CWndInd
   CHART_WINDOW_PROP_WINDOW_IND_HANDLE,               // Indicator handle in the chart window
   CHART_WINDOW_PROP_WINDOW_IND_INDEX,                // Indicator index in the chart window
#define CHART_WINDOW_PROP_INTEGER_TOTAL (6)           // Total number of integer properties
#define CHART_WINDOW_PROP_INTEGER_SKIP  (0)           // Number of integer DOM properties not used in sorting
//| Chart window real properties                                     |
   CHART_WINDOW_PROP_PRICE_MAX,                       // Chart maximum
#define CHART_WINDOW_PROP_DOUBLE_TOTAL  (2)           // Total number of real properties
#define CHART_WINDOW_PROP_DOUBLE_SKIP   (0)           // Number of real properties not used in sorting
//| Chart window string properties                                   |
   CHART_WINDOW_PROP_SYMBOL,                          // Chart symbol
#define CHART_WINDOW_PROP_STRING_TOTAL  (2)           // Total number of string properties

Schließlich müssen wir die Enumeration der möglichen Kriterien für die Sortierung von Chart-Fensterobjekten hinzufügen:

//| Possible criteria of sorting chart windows                       |
//--- Sort by integer properties
   SORT_BY_CHART_WINDOW_ID = 0,                       // Sort by chart ID
   SORT_BY_CHART_WINDOW_NUM,                          // Sort by chart window index
   SORT_BY_CHART_WINDOW_YDISTANCE,                    // Sort by the distance in Y axis pixels between the upper frame of the indicator subwindow and the upper frame of the chart main window
   SORT_BY_CHART_WINDOW_HEIGHT_IN_PIXELS,             // Sort by the height of the chart in pixels
   SORT_BY_CHART_WINDOW_IND_HANDLE,                   // Sort by the indicator handle in the chart window
   SORT_BY_CHART_WINDOW_IND_INDEX,                    // Sort by the indicator index in the chart window
//--- Sort by real properties
   SORT_BY_CHART_WINDOW_PRICE_MAX,                    // Sort by chart window maximum
//--- Sort by string properties
   SORT_BY_CHART_WINDOW_IND_NAME = FIRST_CHART_WINDOW_STR_PROP,   // Sort by name of an indicator launched in the window
   SORT_BY_CHART_WINDOW_SYMBOL,                       // Sort by chart symbol

Kommen wir nun zurück zur ID der Chart-Fenster-Objektlisten. Wie Sie sich vielleicht erinnern, müssen wir das erweiterte Basisobjekt CBaseObjExt verbessern, dessen Klasse in der Klassendatei \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Objects\BaseObj.mqh festgelegt wurde.

Alles, was wir darin tun müssen, ist die Handhabung von zwei neuen Listen in ihrer Methode EventDescription() hinzuzufügen. Die Objekte, die die Nachkommen der Klasse sein sollen (Chart-Objekt und Chart-Fenster-Objekt) gehören zu diesen Listen:

//| Return an object event description                               |
string CBaseObjExt::EventDescription(const int property,
                                  const ENUM_BASE_EVENT_REASON reason,
                                  const int source,
                                  const string value,
                                  const string property_descr,
                                  const int digits)
//--- Depending on the collection ID, create th object type description
   string type=
      this.Type()==COLLECTION_SYMBOLS_ID     ? CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_SYMBOL)     :
      this.Type()==COLLECTION_ACCOUNT_ID     ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_ACCOUNT)   :
      this.Type()==COLLECTION_CHARTS_ID      ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_CHART)     :
      this.Type()==COLLECTION_CHART_WND_ID   ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_CHART_WND) :
//--- Depending on the property type, create the property change value description
   string level=
      property<this.m_long_prop_total ? 
      ::DoubleToString(this.GetControlledLongValueLEVEL(property),digits) :
//--- Depending on the event reason, create the event description text
   string res=
      reason==BASE_EVENT_REASON_INC       ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_PROP_VALUE)+type+property_descr+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_INC_BY)+value    :
      reason==BASE_EVENT_REASON_DEC       ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_PROP_VALUE)+type+property_descr+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_DEC_BY)+value    :
      reason==BASE_EVENT_REASON_MORE_THEN ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_PROP_VALUE)+type+property_descr+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_MORE_THEN)+level :
      reason==BASE_EVENT_REASON_LESS_THEN ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_PROP_VALUE)+type+property_descr+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_LESS_THEN)+level :
      reason==BASE_EVENT_REASON_EQUALS    ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_PROP_VALUE)+type+property_descr+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_TEXT_EQUAL)+level     :
//--- Return the object name+created event description text
   return this.m_name+": "+res;

Mehr über diese Klasse erfahren Sie im Artikel 37.

Ich werde jetzt einen kleinen Fehler beheben, der während der Entwicklung unbemerkt blieb — die Klasse der Chartobjekte verbessern und zu einer vollwertigen Klasse machen, wie die Klassen der Hauptbibliotheksobjekte. Ich muss die Arrays zum Speichern der Objekteigenschaften, die Methoden zum Setzen und Zurückgeben seiner Eigenschaften (die vorgefertigten Methoden werden neu erstellt) und die Methoden zum Anzeigen von Daten zu den Objekteigenschaften hinzufügen.

Öffnen wir die Datei \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Objects\Chart\ChartWnd.mqh und nehmen die notwendigen Korrekturen vor. Die Datei enthält auch die Hilfsklasse des Indikatorobjekts im Fenster. Da ich einige Eigenschaften dieser Objekte geändert habe, fügen wir die Konstanten der neuen Enumerationen in die Methode Compare() der Klasse CWndInd ein:

//| Compare CWndInd objects with each other by the specified property|
int CWndInd::Compare(const CObject *node,const int mode=0) const
   const CWndInd *obj_compared=node;
   if(mode==CHART_WINDOW_PROP_WINDOW_IND_HANDLE) return(this.Handle()>obj_compared.Handle() ? 1 : this.Handle()<obj_compared.Handle() ? -1 : 0);
   else if(mode==CHART_WINDOW_PROP_WINDOW_IND_INDEX) return(this.Index()>obj_compared.Index() ? 1 : this.Index()<obj_compared.Index() ? -1 : 0);
   return(this.Name()==obj_compared.Name() ? 0 : this.Name()<obj_compared.Name() ? -1 : 1);

Zuvor waren dies die gelöschten Konstanten aus den Enumerationen CHART_PROP_WINDOW_IND_HANDLE und CHART_PROP_WINDOW_IND_INDEX.

Fügen wir im privaten Teil der Klasse die Variable m_digits zur Speicherung von Digits() des Chart-Symbols, Arrays zur Speicherung der Eigenschaften integer, real und string sowie die Methoden zur Rückgabe des wirklichen Index der Eigenschaften real und string in einem entsprechenden Array hinzu:

//| Chart window object class                                        |
class CChartWnd : public CBaseObjExt
   CArrayObj         m_list_ind;                                        // Indicator list
   CArrayObj        *m_list_ind_del;                                    // Pointer to the list of indicators removed from the indicator window
   CArrayObj        *m_list_ind_param;                                  // Pointer to the list of changed indicators
   long              m_long_prop[CHART_WINDOW_PROP_INTEGER_TOTAL];      // Integer properties
   double            m_double_prop[CHART_WINDOW_PROP_DOUBLE_TOTAL];     // Real properties
   string            m_string_prop[CHART_WINDOW_PROP_STRING_TOTAL];     // String properties
   int               m_digits;                                          // Symbol's Digits()
   int               m_wnd_coord_x;                                     // The X coordinate for the time on the chart in the window
   int               m_wnd_coord_y;                                     // The Y coordinate for the price on the chart in the window
//--- Return the index of the array the (1) double and (2) string properties are actually located at
   int               IndexProp(ENUM_CHART_WINDOW_PROP_DOUBLE property)  const { return(int)property-CHART_WINDOW_PROP_INTEGER_TOTAL;                                 }
   int               IndexProp(ENUM_CHART_WINDOW_PROP_STRING property)  const { return(int)property-CHART_WINDOW_PROP_INTEGER_TOTAL-CHART_WINDOW_PROP_DOUBLE_TOTAL;  }

Im öffentlichen Abschnitt der Klasse platzieren wir die Methoden zum Setzen und zurückgeben der angegebenen Objekteigenschaften:

//--- Set object's (1) integer, (2) real and (3) string properties
   void              SetProperty(ENUM_CHART_WINDOW_PROP_INTEGER property,long value)   { this.m_long_prop[property]=value;                      }
   void              SetProperty(ENUM_CHART_WINDOW_PROP_DOUBLE property,double value)  { this.m_double_prop[this.IndexProp(property)]=value;    }
   void              SetProperty(ENUM_CHART_WINDOW_PROP_STRING property,string value)  { this.m_string_prop[this.IndexProp(property)]=value;    }
//--- Return object’s (1) integer, (2) real and (3) string property from the properties array
   long              GetProperty(ENUM_CHART_WINDOW_PROP_INTEGER property)        const { return this.m_long_prop[property];                     }
   double            GetProperty(ENUM_CHART_WINDOW_PROP_DOUBLE property)         const { return this.m_double_prop[this.IndexProp(property)];   }
   string            GetProperty(ENUM_CHART_WINDOW_PROP_STRING property)         const { return this.m_string_prop[this.IndexProp(property)];   }
//--- Return itself
   CChartWnd        *GetObject(void)                                                   { return &this;   }

Alle Methoden, die die Flags eines Objekts zurückgeben, das die angegebene Integer-, Real- oder String-Eigenschaft unterstützt, geben true zurück — jede der Eigenschaften wird unterstützt, während die Methoden, die die Beschreibungen der Objekteigenschaften zurückgeben, hier einfach deklariert werden, während ihre Implementierung außerhalb des Klassenkörpers gesetzt wird (derzeit gibt die Methode, die die Beschreibung der realen Eigenschaft zurückgibt, die Meldung "Eigenschaft nicht unterstützt" zurück — ihre Implementierung wird außerhalb des Klassenkörpers verschoben, da die beiden anderen bereits geschrieben wurden):

//--- Return itself
   CChartWnd        *GetObject(void)                                                   { return &this;   }

//--- Return the flag of the object supporting this property
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_CHART_WINDOW_PROP_INTEGER property)          { return true;    }
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_CHART_WINDOW_PROP_DOUBLE property)           { return true;    }
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_CHART_WINDOW_PROP_STRING property)           { return true;    }

//--- Get description of (1) integer, (2) real and (3) string properties
   string            GetPropertyDescription(ENUM_CHART_WINDOW_PROP_INTEGER property);
   string            GetPropertyDescription(ENUM_CHART_WINDOW_PROP_DOUBLE property);
   string            GetPropertyDescription(ENUM_CHART_WINDOW_PROP_STRING property);

Wir ersetzen alle Zeichenketten "this.m_window_num" mit "this.WindowNum()" (natürlich ohne Anführungszeichen), da ich die Variable m_window_num entfernt habe und sich der Fensterindex nun in den Objekteigenschaften befindet, geben wir den Eigenschaftswert mit der Methode WindowNum() zurück.

Die Methode WindowNum() gab bisher den Wert der Variablen m_window_num zurück:

   int               WindowNum(void) const { return this.m_window_num; }

Jetzt gibt die Methode die Objekteigenschaft zurück:

   int               WindowNum(void) const { return (int)this.GetProperty(CHART_WINDOW_PROP_WINDOW_NUM); }

Zwei Methoden werden für die Rückgabe von realen Eigenschaften hinzugefügt und die bereits vorhandenen korrigiert für die Rückgabe und das Setzen von entsprechenden Objekteigenschaften anstelle von Variablen:

//--- Return (1) the subwindow index, (2) the number of indicators attached to the window, (3) the name of a symbol chart, as well as (4) the highest and (5) lowest prices
   int               WindowNum(void)                              const { return (int)this.GetProperty(CHART_WINDOW_PROP_WINDOW_NUM);     }
   int               IndicatorsTotal(void)                        const { return this.m_list_ind.Total();                                 }
   string            Symbol(void)                                 const { return this.GetProperty(CHART_WINDOW_PROP_SYMBOL);              }
   double            PriceMax(void)                               const { return this.GetProperty(CHART_WINDOW_PROP_PRICE_MAX);           }
   double            PriceMin(void)                               const { return this.GetProperty(CHART_WINDOW_PROP_PRICE_MIN);           }
//--- Set (1) the subwindow index and (2) the chart symbol
   void              SetWindowNum(const int num)                        { this.SetProperty(CHART_WINDOW_PROP_WINDOW_NUM,num);             }
   void              SetSymbol(const string symbol)                     { this.SetProperty(CHART_WINDOW_PROP_SYMBOL,symbol);              }

Um die automatische Aktualisierung der Eigenschaften des Objekts zu implementieren, das von der Klasse CBaseObjExt bereitgestellt wird, die eine übergeordnete Klasse für die bearbeitete Klasse ist, muss ich einige Korrekturen in ihren Refresh()-Methoden vornehmen. Um die Ereignisfunktionalität zu gestalten, wäre es gut, die Methoden zum Setzen der Werte der kontrollierten Objekteigenschaften und der kontrollierten Eigenschaftswerte hinzuzufügen, um die Schnittpunkte der angegebenen kontrollierten Werte mit den Werten der von uns verwalteten Objekteigenschaften zu suchen.

Es ist möglich, diese Methoden nicht zu implementieren, da die Klasse CBaseObjExt bereits die Möglichkeit bietet, die Referenzwerte und kontrollierten Eigenschaften zu setzen. Da die Klasse jedoch ziemlich vielseitig ist, sind ihre Methoden ziemlich abstrakt und wir müssen uns die Namen der Konstanten merken, die für die Verwaltung der Eigenschaften erforderlich sind. Das ist lästig. Deshalb erhalten die Klassen, die auf der erweiterten Objektklasse CBaseObjExt basieren, die Methoden, die explizit angeben, was genau auf das Objekt gesetzt wird.

Schreiben wir also ganz am Ende des Code des Hauptteils der Klasse die beiden Codeblöcke zum Setzen der kontrollierten Eigenschaften für den Abstand in Pixel zwischen den Fensterrahmen und für die Höhe des Chart-Fensters in Pixel:

//| Get and set the parameters of tracked property changes           |
//--- Distance in Y axis pixels between the upper frame of the indicator subwindow and the upper frame of the chart main window
//--- set the controlled (1) growth, (2) decrease, (3) reference distance level in pixels by the vertical Y axis between the window frames
//--- get (4) the distance change in pixels by the vertical Y axis between the window frames,
//--- get the distance change flag in pixels by the vertical Y axis between the window frames exceeding the (5) growth and (6) decrease values
   void              SetControlWindowYDistanceInc(const long value)        { this.SetControlledValueINC(CHART_WINDOW_PROP_YDISTANCE,(long)::fabs(value));         }
   void              SetControlWindowYDistanceDec(const long value)        { this.SetControlledValueDEC(CHART_WINDOW_PROP_YDISTANCE,(long)::fabs(value));         }
   void              SetControlWindowYDistanceLevel(const long value)      { this.SetControlledValueLEVEL(CHART_WINDOW_PROP_YDISTANCE,(long)::fabs(value));       }
   long              GetValueChangedWindowYDistance(void)            const { return this.GetPropLongChangedValue(CHART_WINDOW_PROP_YDISTANCE);                    }
   bool              IsIncreasedWindowYDistance(void)                const { return (bool)this.GetPropLongFlagINC(CHART_WINDOW_PROP_YDISTANCE);                   }
   bool              IsDecreasedWindowYDistance(void)                const { return (bool)this.GetPropLongFlagDEC(CHART_WINDOW_PROP_YDISTANCE);                   }
//--- Height of the chart in pixels
//--- setting the controlled spread (1) increase, (2) decrease value and (3) reference chart height in pixels
//--- get (4) the chart height change in pixels,
//--- get the flag of the chart height change in pixels exceeding (5) the growth and (6) decrease values
   void              SetControlHeightInPixelsInc(const long value)         { this.SetControlledValueINC(CHART_WINDOW_PROP_HEIGHT_IN_PIXELS,(long)::fabs(value));   }
   void              SetControlHeightInPixelsDec(const long value)         { this.SetControlledValueDEC(CHART_WINDOW_PROP_HEIGHT_IN_PIXELS,(long)::fabs(value));   }
   void              SetControlHeightInPixelsLevel(const long value)       { this.SetControlledValueLEVEL(CHART_WINDOW_PROP_HEIGHT_IN_PIXELS,(long)::fabs(value)); }
   long              GetValueChangedHeightInPixels(void)             const { return this.GetPropLongChangedValue(CHART_WINDOW_PROP_HEIGHT_IN_PIXELS);              }
   bool              IsIncreasedHeightInPixels(void)                 const { return (bool)this.GetPropLongFlagINC(CHART_WINDOW_PROP_HEIGHT_IN_PIXELS);             }
   bool              IsDecreasedHeightInPixels(void)                 const { return (bool)this.GetPropLongFlagDEC(CHART_WINDOW_PROP_HEIGHT_IN_PIXELS);             }

Jetzt sind wir in der Lage, die erforderlichen und zu kontrollierenden Werte für diese Eigenschaften zu setzen, und die Bibliothek wird sie automatisch kontrollieren und Ereignisse, die bei diesen Eigenschaften auftreten, an das Steuerprogramm Chart senden, wo wir sie behandeln können. All das wurde bei der Erstellung des erweiterten Basisobjekts aller Bibliotheksobjekte im Detail berücksichtigt.

Der parametrische Konstruktor der Klasse hat Änderungen erfahren:

//| Parametric constructor                                           |
CChartWnd::CChartWnd(const long chart_id,const int wnd_num,const string symbol,CArrayObj *list_ind_del,CArrayObj *list_ind_param) : m_wnd_coord_x(0),m_wnd_coord_y(0)
//--- Initialize base object data arrays
//--- Set object properties

//--- Fill in the symbol current data
   for(int i=0;i<CHART_WINDOW_PROP_DOUBLE_TOTAL;i++)
//--- Update the base object data and search for changes
//--- Create the indicator list

Hier holen wir die "Digits()" des Chart-Symbols (für die Datenanzeige) und setzen den Objekttyp gleich der Chartfenster-Objektlisten-ID.
Im Block der Initialisierung der Arrays der Basisobjektdaten, setzen wir die Größe der aktuellen Objektarrays (Speicherung der Objektdaten bei der letzten Prüfung) für die Basisobjektarrays und setzen alle Werte auf Null.
Im Block zum Einstellen der Objekteigenschaften, schreiben wir alle notwendigen Chart-Daten in die Objektparameter.
Im Block des Eintragens der aktuellen Symboldaten, schreiben wir alle in den Objekteigenschaften eingestellten Daten in die Basisobjekt-Arrays.
Im Block der Aktualisierung der Daten im Basisobjekt und der Suche nach Änderungen, füllen wir die Basisobjekt-Arrays mit den aktuellen Objektdaten und vergleichen wir sie mit dem vorherigen Zustand. Wenn die Flags für die Eigenschaftsverfolgung gesetzt sind, prüfen wir, ob es sich um eine handhabbare Situation handelt. Wenn die Prüfung positiv ausfällt, erzeugen wir ein Basisobjekt-Ereignis und fügen es in die Liste der Basisobjekt-Ereignisse ein.

Wir ersetzen in der Methode des Vergleichs zweier Chart-Fensterobjekte alle entfernten Enumeration-Konstanten durch neue:

//| Compare CChartWnd objects with each other by a specified property|
int CChartWnd::Compare(const CObject *node,const int mode=0) const
   const CChartWnd *obj_compared=node;
      return(this.YDistance()>obj_compared.YDistance() ? 1 : this.YDistance()<obj_compared.YDistance() ? -1 : 0);
      return(this.HeightInPixels()>obj_compared.HeightInPixels() ? 1 : this.HeightInPixels()<obj_compared.HeightInPixels() ? -1 : 0);
      return(this.WindowNum()>obj_compared.WindowNum() ? 1 : this.WindowNum()<obj_compared.WindowNum() ? -1 : 0);
   else if(mode==CHART_WINDOW_PROP_SYMBOL)
      return(this.Symbol()==obj_compared.Symbol() ? 0 : this.Symbol()>obj_compared.Symbol() ? 1 : -1);
   return -1;

In der Methode, die die Beschreibung der Objekt-Integer-Eigenschaft zurückgibt, ersetzen wir die Enumeration-Konstanten durch neue und fügen die Rückgabe der Beschreibung neuer Eigenschaften hinzu:

//| Return description of object's integer property                  |
string CChartWnd::GetPropertyDescription(ENUM_CHART_WINDOW_PROP_INTEGER property)
      property==CHART_WINDOW_PROP_ID  ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_CHART_OBJ_ID)+
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+(string)CBaseObj::GetChartID()
         )  :
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+(string)this.WindowNum()
         )  :
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+(string)this.YDistance()
         )  :
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+(string)this.HeightInPixels()
         )  :

Implementieren wir die Methode, die die Beschreibung der realen Eigenschaft des Objekts zurückgibt:

//| Return description of object's real property                     |
string CChartWnd::GetPropertyDescription(ENUM_CHART_WINDOW_PROP_DOUBLE property)
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+::DoubleToString(this.PriceMin(),this.m_digits)
         )  :
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+::DoubleToString(this.PriceMax(),this.m_digits)
         )  :

In der Methode, die die Beschreibung der Objekt-String-Eigenschaft zurückgibt, ersetzen wir die Enumeration-Konstanten durch neue:

//| Return description of object's string property                   |
string CChartWnd::GetPropertyDescription(ENUM_CHART_WINDOW_PROP_STRING property)
      property==CHART_WINDOW_PROP_SYMBOL  ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_SYMBOL)+
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+this.Symbol()
         )  :

Die Methode, die das Journal der Objekteigenschaften anzeigt, weist außerdem Änderungen bei den Enumeration-Konstanten auf, während der Codeblock, der für die Anzeige der realen Eigenschaften des Objekts verantwortlich ist, de-kommentiert wurde (zuvor wurde der Codeblock innerhalb der Schleife auskommentiert, aber nicht aus der Methode entfernt):

//| Display object properties in the journal                         |
void CChartWnd::Print(const bool full_prop=false)
   ::Print("============= ",CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PARAMS_LIST_BEG)," (",this.Header(),") =============");
   for(int i=beg; i<end; i++)
      if(!full_prop && !this.SupportProperty(prop)) continue;
   for(int i=beg; i<end; i++)
      if(!full_prop && !this.SupportProperty(prop)) continue;
   for(int i=beg; i<end; i++)
      if(!full_prop && !this.SupportProperty(prop)) continue;
   ::Print("============= ",CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PARAMS_LIST_END)," (",this.Header(),") =============\n");

In der Methode, die die Beschreibung der Fensterparameter im Journal anzeigt, fügen wir die Anzeige der neuen Parameter hinzu und ändern die Konstanten mit neuen:

//| Display the description of the window parameters in the journal  |
void CChartWnd::PrintParameters(const bool dash=false)
   string header=
      this.WindowNum()==0 ? CMessage::Text(MSG_CHART_OBJ_CHART_WINDOW) : 
      CMessage::Text(MSG_CHART_OBJ_CHART_SUBWINDOW)+" "+(string)this.WindowNum()
   ::Print((dash ? " " : ""),header,":");
   string pref=(dash ? " - " : "");

Verbessern wir die Methode zum Aktualisieren der Daten des Chart-Fensters. Wir müssen die Initialisierung der Ereignisdaten (Variablen) und den Codeblock, der die Änderung der Objektparameter behandelt für den Fall, dass es keine anderen Änderungen gab (Hinzufügen zum Fenster oder Entfernen des Indikators aus dem Fenster), hinzufügen.

//| Update data on attached indicators                               |
void CChartWnd::Refresh(void)
   //--- Initialize event data
   //--- Calculate the change of the indicator number in the "now and during the previous check" window
   int change=::ChartIndicatorsTotal(this.m_chart_id,this.WindowNum())-this.m_list_ind.Total();
   //--- If there is no change in the number of indicators in the window,
      //--- check the change of parameters of all indicators and exit
      //--- Update integer properties
      //--- Update real properties
      //--- Update string properties
      string symbol=::ChartSymbol(this.m_chart_id);
      //--- Fill in the current symbol data
      for(int i=0;i<CHART_WINDOW_PROP_INTEGER_TOTAL;i++)
      for(int i=0;i<CHART_WINDOW_PROP_DOUBLE_TOTAL;i++)
      //--- Update the base object data, search for changes and exit
   //--- If indicators are added
      //--- Call the method of adding new indicators to the list
      //--- In the loop by the number of indicators added to the window,
      for(int i=0;i<change;i++)
         //--- get the new indicator in the list by the index calculated from the end of the list
         int index=this.m_list_ind.Total()-(1+i);
         //--- and if failed to obtain the object, move on to the next one
         CWndInd *ind=this.m_list_ind.At(index);
         //--- call the method of sending an event to the control program chart
   //--- If there are removed indicators
      //--- Call the method of removing unnecessary indicators from the list
      //--- In the loop by the number of indicators removed from the window,
      for(int i=0;i<-change;i++)
         //--- get a new removed indicator in the list of removed indicators by index calculated from the end of the list
         int index=this.m_list_ind_del.Total()-(1+i);
         //--- and if failed to obtain the object, move on to the next one
         CWndInd *ind=this.m_list_ind_del.At(index);
         //--- call the method of sending an event to the control program chart

Hier ist alles in den Codeblock-Kommentaren beschrieben. Die Details wurden bei der Beschreibung der Verbesserung des parametrischen Konstruktors berücksichtigt. Dies ist fast das Gleiche.

Damit ist die Umwandlung der Chart-Fenster-Objektklasse in ein vollwertiges Bibliotheksobjekt abgeschlossen.

Verbessern wir nun noch die Chart-Objektklasse in \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Objects\Chart\ChartObj.mqh.

Fügen wir im privaten Teil der Klasse neue Variablen zum Speichern des vorherigen Symbols und des Chart-Zeitrahmens sowie die Variable zum Speichern des letzten Ereignisses hinzu:

//| Chart object class                                               |
class CChartObj : public CBaseObjExt
   CArrayObj         m_list_wnd;                                  // List of chart window objects
   CArrayObj        *m_list_wnd_del;                              // Pointer to the list of chart window objects
   CArrayObj        *m_list_ind_del;                              // Pointer to the list of indicators removed from the indicator window
   CArrayObj        *m_list_ind_param;                            // Pointer to the list of changed indicators
   long              m_long_prop[CHART_PROP_INTEGER_TOTAL];       // Integer properties
   double            m_double_prop[CHART_PROP_DOUBLE_TOTAL];      // Real properties
   string            m_string_prop[CHART_PROP_STRING_TOTAL];      // String properties
   string            m_symbol_prev;                               // Previous chart symbol
   ENUM_TIMEFRAMES   m_timeframe_prev;                            // Previous timeframe
   int               m_digits;                                    // Symbol's Digits()
   int               m_last_event;                                // The last event
   datetime          m_wnd_time_x;                                // Time for X coordinate on the windowed chart
   double            m_wnd_price_y;                               // Price for Y coordinate on the windowed chart

Wir müssen die Daten des Charts in der Update-Methode des Charts ausfüllen, womit sie auch im Konstruktor der Klasse ausgefüllt. Das Chart-Objekt hat mehrere Eigenschaften. Um die gleiche Art von Code in verschiedenen Methoden zu vermeiden, verschieben wir ihn in separate Methoden und rufen Sie die Methoden auf, in denen die Objekteigenschaften mit den Chart-Daten ausgefüllt werden sollen. Deklarieren wir diese im privaten Teil der Klasse:

//--- The methods of setting property values
   bool              SetMode(const string source,const ENUM_CHART_MODE mode,const bool redraw=false);
   bool              SetScale(const string source,const int scale,const bool redraw=false);
   bool              SetModeVolume(const string source,const ENUM_CHART_VOLUME_MODE mode,const bool redraw=false);
   void              SetVisibleBars(void);
   void              SetWindowsTotal(void);
   void              SetFirstVisibleBars(void);
   void              SetWidthInBars(void);
   void              SetWidthInPixels(void);
   void              SetMaximizedFlag(void);
   void              SetMinimizedFlag(void);
   void              SetExpertName(void);
   void              SetScriptName(void);
//--- Fill in (1) integer, (2) real and (3) string object properties
   bool              SetIntegerParameters(void);
   void              SetDoubleParameters(void);
   bool              SetStringParameters(void);

//--- (1) Create, (2) check and re-create the chart window list
   void              CreateWindowsList(void);
   void              RecreateWindowsList(const int change);
//--- Add an extension to the screenshot file if it is missing
   string            FileNameWithExtention(const string filename);

Alle Methoden, die die Flags zurückgeben, die anzeigen, dass das Objekt eine bestimmte Eigenschaft unterstützt, sollten true zurückgeben:

//--- Return the indicator by index from the specified chart window
   CWndInd          *GetIndicator(const int win_num,const int ind_index);
//--- Return the flag of the object supporting this property
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_CHART_PROP_INTEGER property)           { return true; }
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_CHART_PROP_DOUBLE property)            { return true; }
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_CHART_PROP_STRING property)            { return true; }

//--- Get description of (1) integer, (2) real and (3) string properties
   string            GetPropertyDescription(ENUM_CHART_PROP_INTEGER property);
   string            GetPropertyDescription(ENUM_CHART_PROP_DOUBLE property);
   string            GetPropertyDescription(ENUM_CHART_PROP_STRING property);

Zuvor lieferte die Methode, die das Flag für eine Integer-Eigenschaft zurückgibt, false, wenn die Eigenschaft ein Abstand zwischen Chart-Fensterrahmen in Pixeln ist.

Fügen wir drei öffentlichen Methoden hinzu, die für die Arbeit mit der Ereignisfunktionalität der Elternklasse notwendig sind:

//--- Return (1) the flag event, (2) the last event code and (3) the last event
   bool              IsEvent(void)                                   const { return this.m_is_event;                                      }
   int               GetLastEventsCode(void)                         const { return this.m_event_code;                                    }
   int               GetLastEvent(void)                              const { return this.m_last_event;                                    }
//--- Constructors
                     CChartObj(const long chart_id,CArrayObj *list_wnd_del,CArrayObj *list_ind_del,CArrayObj *list_ind_param);

Im Methodenblock fügen wir für einen vereinfachten Zugriff auf die Objekteigenschaften die Methode hinzu, die das Flag zurückgibt, das anzeigt, dass das Chart-Fenster im Vordergrund ist:

//--- (1) Return, (2) enable, (3) disable docking the chart window
   bool              IsDocked(void)                                  const { return (bool)this.GetProperty(CHART_PROP_IS_DOCKED);         }
   bool              SetDockedON(const bool redraw=false)                  { return this.SetDockedFlag(DFUN,true,redraw); }
   bool              SetDockedOFF(const bool redraw=false)                 { return this.SetDockedFlag(DFUN,false,redraw); }
//--- (1) Return, (2) enable and (3) disable the display of the chart above all others
   bool              IsBringTop(void)                                      { return (bool)this.GetProperty(CHART_PROP_BRING_TO_TOP);      }
   bool              SetBringToTopON(const bool redraw=false)              { return this.SetBringToTopFlag(DFUN,true,redraw);             }
   bool              SetBringToTopOFF(const bool redraw=false)             { return this.SetBringToTopFlag(DFUN,false,redraw);            }
//--- (1) Return, set the chart type (2) bars, (3) candles, (4) line 
   ENUM_CHART_MODE   Mode(void)                                      const { return (ENUM_CHART_MODE)this.GetProperty(CHART_PROP_MODE);   }
   bool              SetModeBars(const bool redraw=false)                  { return this.SetMode(DFUN,CHART_BARS,redraw);                 }
   bool              SetModeCandles(const bool redraw=false)               { return this.SetMode(DFUN,CHART_CANDLES,redraw);              }
   bool              SetModeLine(const bool redraw=false)                  { return this.SetMode(DFUN,CHART_LINE,redraw);                 }

Die Methode gibt das Flag CHART_BRING_TO_TOP zurück.

In der Hilfe ist diese Eigenschaft als "schreibgeschützt" (w/o) gekennzeichnet, während das Beispiel zeigt, dass es möglich ist, das notwendige Chart als aktiv zu setzen, ohne zu erlauben, seinen Status zu lesen. In Wirklichkeit kann diese Eigenschaft aber auch gelesen werden, so dass wir herausfinden können, welches Chart gerade aktiv ist. Entweder ist dies ein Fehler in der Hilfe oder es handelt sich um eine undokumentierte Funktion (was höchst unerwünscht ist), aber in Wirklichkeit funktioniert es trotzdem. Wenn es plötzlich nicht mehr möglich ist, die Chart-Eigenschaft auszulesen (in Übereinstimmung mit der Hilfe), wird es schwieriger sein, schnell den aktuell aktiven Chart zu ermitteln. Das macht eine eigene Lösung notwendig.

Wir schreiben ganz ans Ende der Klasse die Methoden zum Setzen der kontrollierten Werte der überwachten Eigenschaften des Objekts für die Elternklasse.
Schreiben wir alle Eigenschaften (sowohl die ganzzahligen als auch reellen). Allerdings werden nicht alle von ihnen die Statuskontrollmethoden haben. Ich werde überlegen, ob einige Objekteigenschaften wirklich kontrolliert werden sollen. Wie auch immer, alle Eigenschaften werden in den Kommentaren festgelegt und es ist jederzeit möglich, neue hinzuzufügen:

//| Get and set the parameters of tracked property changes           |
//CHART_PROP_ID = 0,                                 // Chart ID
//--- Chart timeframe
//--- setting the chart timeframe (1) increase, (2) decrease controlled value and (3) reference level
//--- getting (4) the chart timeframe change value,
//--- getting the chart timeframe change flag increasing the (5) growth and (6) decrease values
   void              SetControlTimeframeInc(const long value)              { this.SetControlledValueINC(CHART_PROP_TIMEFRAME,(long)::fabs(value));          }
   void              SetControlTimeframeDec(const long value)              { this.SetControlledValueDEC(CHART_PROP_TIMEFRAME,(long)::fabs(value));          }
   void              SetControlTimeframeLevel(const long value)            { this.SetControlledValueLEVEL(CHART_PROP_TIMEFRAME,(long)::fabs(value));        }
   long              GetValueChangedTimeframe(void)                  const { return this.GetPropLongChangedValue(CHART_PROP_TIMEFRAME);                     }
   bool              IsIncreasedTimeframe(void)                      const { return (bool)this.GetPropLongFlagINC(CHART_PROP_TIMEFRAME);                    }
   bool              IsDecreasedTimeframe(void)                      const { return (bool)this.GetPropLongFlagDEC(CHART_PROP_TIMEFRAME);                    }
//CHART_PROP_SHOW                                    // Price chart drawing
//CHART_PROP_IS_OBJECT,                              // Chart object (OBJ_CHART) identification attribute
//CHART_PROP_BRING_TO_TOP,                           // Show the chart above all others
//CHART_PROP_CONTEXT_MENU,                           // Enable/disable access to the context menu using the right click 
//CHART_PROP_CROSSHAIR_TOOL,                         // Enable/disable access to the Crosshair tool using the middle click
//CHART_PROP_MOUSE_SCROLL,                           // Scroll the chart horizontally using the left mouse button
//CHART_PROP_EVENT_MOUSE_WHEEL,                      // Send messages about mouse wheel events (CHARTEVENT_MOUSE_WHEEL) to all MQL5 programs on a chart
//CHART_PROP_EVENT_MOUSE_MOVE,                       // Send messages about mouse button click and movement events (CHARTEVENT_MOUSE_MOVE) to all MQL5 programs on a chart
//CHART_PROP_EVENT_OBJECT_CREATE,                    // Send messages about the graphical object creation event (CHARTEVENT_OBJECT_CREATE) to all MQL5 programs on a chart
//CHART_PROP_EVENT_OBJECT_DELETE,                    // Send messages about the graphical object destruction event (CHARTEVENT_OBJECT_DELETE) to all MQL5 programs on a chart
//--- Type of the chart (candlesticks, bars or line (ENUM_CHART_MODE))
//--- setting the chart timeframe (1) increase, (2) decrease controlled value and (3) reference level
//--- getting (4) the chart timeframe change value,
//--- getting the chart timeframe change flag increasing the (5) growth and (6) decrease values
   void              SetControlChartModeInc(const long value)              { this.SetControlledValueINC(CHART_PROP_MODE,(long)::fabs(value));               }
   void              SetControlChartModeDec(const long value)              { this.SetControlledValueDEC(CHART_PROP_MODE,(long)::fabs(value));               }
   void              SetControlChartModeLevel(const long value)            { this.SetControlledValueLEVEL(CHART_PROP_MODE,(long)::fabs(value));             }
   long              GetValueChangedChartMode(void)                  const { return this.GetPropLongChangedValue(CHART_PROP_MODE);                          }
   bool              IsIncreasedChartMode(void)                      const { return (bool)this.GetPropLongFlagINC(CHART_PROP_MODE);                         }
   bool              IsDecreasedChartMode(void)                      const { return (bool)this.GetPropLongFlagDEC(CHART_PROP_MODE);                         }
   //CHART_PROP_FOREGROUND,                             // Price chart in the foreground
   //CHART_PROP_SHIFT,                                  // Mode of shift of the price chart from the right border
   //CHART_PROP_AUTOSCROLL,                             // The mode of automatic shift to the right border of the chart
   //CHART_PROP_KEYBOARD_CONTROL,                       // Allow managing the chart using a keyboard
   //CHART_PROP_QUICK_NAVIGATION,                       // Allow the chart to intercept Space and Enter key strokes to activate the quick navigation bar
   //CHART_PROP_SCALE,                                  // Scale
   //CHART_PROP_SCALEFIX,                               // Fixed scale mode
   //CHART_PROP_SCALEFIX_11,                            // 1:1 scale mode
   //CHART_PROP_SCALE_PT_PER_BAR,                       // The mode of specifying the scale in points per bar
   //CHART_PROP_SHOW_TICKER,                            // Display a symbol ticker in the upper left corner
   //CHART_PROP_SHOW_OHLC,                              // Display OHLC values in the upper left corner
   //CHART_PROP_SHOW_BID_LINE,                          // Display Bid value as a horizontal line on the chart
   //CHART_PROP_SHOW_ASK_LINE,                          // Display Ask value as a horizontal line on a chart
   //CHART_PROP_SHOW_LAST_LINE,                         // Display Last value as a horizontal line on a chart
   //CHART_PROP_SHOW_PERIOD_SEP,                        // Display vertical separators between adjacent periods
   //CHART_PROP_SHOW_GRID,                              // Display a grid on the chart
   //CHART_PROP_SHOW_VOLUMES,                           // Display volumes on a chart
   //CHART_PROP_SHOW_OBJECT_DESCR,                      // Display text descriptions of objects
   //CHART_PROP_VISIBLE_BARS,                           // Number of bars on a chart that are available for display
   //CHART_PROP_WINDOWS_TOTAL,                          // The total number of chart windows including indicator subwindows
   //CHART_PROP_WINDOW_HANDLE,                          // Chart window handle
////--- Distance in Y axis pixels between the upper frame of the indicator subwindow and the upper frame of the chart main window
////--- set the controlled (1) growth, (2) decrease, (3) reference distance level in pixels by the vertical Y axis between the window frames
////--- get (4) the distance change in pixels by the vertical Y axis between the window frames,
////--- get the distance change flag in pixels by the vertical Y axis between the window frames exceeding the (5) growth and (6) decrease values
//   void              SetControlWindowYDistanceInc(const long value)        { this.SetControlledValueINC(CHART_PROP_WINDOW_YDISTANCE,(long)::fabs(value));   }
//   void              SetControlWindowYDistanceDec(const long value)        { this.SetControlledValueDEC(CHART_PROP_WINDOW_YDISTANCE,(long)::fabs(value));   }
//   void              SetControlWindowYDistanceLevel(const long value)      { this.SetControlledValueLEVEL(CHART_PROP_WINDOW_YDISTANCE,(long)::fabs(value)); }
//   long              GetValueChangedWindowYDistance(void)            const { return this.GetPropLongChangedValue(CHART_PROP_WINDOW_YDISTANCE);              }
//   bool              IsIncreasedWindowYDistance(void)                const { return (bool)this.GetPropLongFlagINC(CHART_PROP_WINDOW_YDISTANCE);             }
//   bool              IsDecreasedWindowYDistance(void)                const { return (bool)this.GetPropLongFlagDEC(CHART_PROP_WINDOW_YDISTANCE);             }
//CHART_PROP_FIRST_VISIBLE_BAR,                      // Number of the first visible bar on the chart
//--- Width of the chart in bars
//--- setting the controlled spread (1) increase, (2) decrease value and (3) reference chart width in bars
//--- getting (4) the chart width change value in bars,
//--- get the flag of the chart width change in bars exceeding (5) the growth and (6) decrease values
   void              SetControlWidthInBarsInc(const long value)            { this.SetControlledValueINC(CHART_PROP_WIDTH_IN_BARS,(long)::fabs(value));      }
   void              SetControlWidthInBarsDec(const long value)            { this.SetControlledValueDEC(CHART_PROP_WIDTH_IN_BARS,(long)::fabs(value));      }
   void              SetControlWidthInBarsLevel(const long value)          { this.SetControlledValueLEVEL(CHART_PROP_WIDTH_IN_BARS,(long)::fabs(value));    }
   long              GetValueChangedWidthInBars(void)                const { return this.GetPropLongChangedValue(CHART_PROP_WIDTH_IN_BARS);                 }
   bool              IsIncreasedWidthInBars(void)                    const { return (bool)this.GetPropLongFlagINC(CHART_PROP_WIDTH_IN_BARS);                }
   bool              IsDecreasedWidthInBars(void)                    const { return (bool)this.GetPropLongFlagDEC(CHART_PROP_WIDTH_IN_BARS);                }
//--- Chart width in pixels
//--- setting the controlled spread (1) increase, (2) decrease value and (3) reference chart width in pixels
//--- getting (4) the chart width change value in pixels,
//--- get the flag of the chart width change in pixels exceeding (5) the growth and (6) decrease values
   void              SetControlWidthInPixelsInc(const long value)          { this.SetControlledValueINC(CHART_PROP_WIDTH_IN_PIXELS,(long)::fabs(value));    }
   void              SetControlWidthInPixelsDec(const long value)          { this.SetControlledValueDEC(CHART_PROP_WIDTH_IN_PIXELS,(long)::fabs(value));    }
   void              SetControlWidthInPixelsLevel(const long value)        { this.SetControlledValueLEVEL(CHART_PROP_WIDTH_IN_PIXELS,(long)::fabs(value));  }
   long              GetValueChangedWidthInPixels(void)              const { return this.GetPropLongChangedValue(CHART_PROP_WIDTH_IN_PIXELS);               }
   bool              IsIncreasedWidthInPixels(void)                  const { return (bool)this.GetPropLongFlagINC(CHART_PROP_WIDTH_IN_PIXELS);              }
   bool              IsDecreasedWidthInPixels(void)                  const { return (bool)this.GetPropLongFlagDEC(CHART_PROP_WIDTH_IN_PIXELS);              }
//--- Chart height in pixels
//--- setting the controlled spread (1) increase, (2) decrease value and (3) reference chart height in pixels
//--- get (4) the chart height change in pixels,
//--- get the flag of the chart height change in pixels exceeding (5) the growth and (6) decrease values
   void              SetControlHeightInPixelsInc(const long value)         { this.SetControlledValueINC(CHART_PROP_HEIGHT_IN_PIXELS,(long)::fabs(value));   }
   void              SetControlHeightInPixelsDec(const long value)         { this.SetControlledValueDEC(CHART_PROP_HEIGHT_IN_PIXELS,(long)::fabs(value));   }
   void              SetControlHeightInPixelsLevel(const long value)       { this.SetControlledValueLEVEL(CHART_PROP_HEIGHT_IN_PIXELS,(long)::fabs(value)); }
   long              GetValueChangedHeightInPixels(void)             const { return this.GetPropLongChangedValue(CHART_PROP_HEIGHT_IN_PIXELS);              }
   bool              IsIncreasedHeightInPixels(void)                 const { return (bool)this.GetPropLongFlagINC(CHART_PROP_HEIGHT_IN_PIXELS);             }
   bool              IsDecreasedHeightInPixels(void)                 const { return (bool)this.GetPropLongFlagDEC(CHART_PROP_HEIGHT_IN_PIXELS);             }
//CHART_PROP_COLOR_BACKGROUND,                       // Chart background color
//CHART_PROP_COLOR_FOREGROUND,                       // Color of axes, scale and OHLC line
//CHART_PROP_COLOR_GRID,                             // Grid color
//CHART_PROP_COLOR_VOLUME,                           // Color of volumes and position opening levels
//CHART_PROP_COLOR_CHART_UP,                         // Color for the up bar, shadows and body borders of bull candlesticks
//CHART_PROP_COLOR_CHART_DOWN,                       // Color of down bar, its shadow and border of body of the bullish candlestick
//CHART_PROP_COLOR_CHART_LINE,                       // Color of the chart line and the Doji candlesticks
//CHART_PROP_COLOR_CANDLE_BULL,                      // Bullish candlestick body color
//CHART_PROP_COLOR_CANDLE_BEAR,                      // Bearish candlestick body color
//CHART_PROP_COLOR_BID,                              // Color of the Bid price line
//CHART_PROP_COLOR_ASK,                              // Color of the Ask price line
//CHART_PROP_COLOR_LAST,                             // Color of the last performed deal's price line (Last)
//CHART_PROP_COLOR_STOP_LEVEL,                       // Color of stop order levels (Stop Loss and Take Profit)
//CHART_PROP_SHOW_TRADE_LEVELS,                      // Display trade levels on the chart (levels of open positions, Stop Loss, Take Profit and pending orders)
//CHART_PROP_DRAG_TRADE_LEVELS,                      // Enable the ability to drag trading levels on a chart using mouse
//CHART_PROP_SHOW_DATE_SCALE,                        // Display the time scale on a chart
//CHART_PROP_SHOW_PRICE_SCALE,                       // Display a price scale on a chart
//CHART_PROP_SHOW_ONE_CLICK,                         // Display the quick trading panel on the chart
//CHART_PROP_IS_MAXIMIZED,                           // Chart window maximized
//CHART_PROP_IS_MINIMIZED,                           // Chart window minimized
//CHART_PROP_IS_DOCKED,                              // Chart window docked

//--- The left coordinate of the undocked chart window relative to the virtual screen
//--- setting the controlled spread (1) increase, (2) decrease value and (3) reference level of the left coordinate of the undocked chart relative to the virtual screen
//--- getting (4) the change value of the left coordinate of the undocked chart relative to the virtual screen,
//--- getting the flag of changing the left coordinate of the undocked chart relative to the virtual screen exceeding the (5) increase and (6) decrease values
   void              SetControlFloatLeftInc(const long value)              { this.SetControlledValueINC(CHART_PROP_FLOAT_LEFT,(long)::fabs(value));         }
   void              SetControlFloatLeftDec(const long value)              { this.SetControlledValueDEC(CHART_PROP_FLOAT_LEFT,(long)::fabs(value));         }
   void              SetControlFloatLeftLevel(const long value)            { this.SetControlledValueLEVEL(CHART_PROP_FLOAT_LEFT,(long)::fabs(value));       }
   long              GetValueChangedFloatLeft(void)                  const { return this.GetPropLongChangedValue(CHART_PROP_FLOAT_LEFT);                    }
   bool              IsIncreasedFloatLeft(void)                      const { return (bool)this.GetPropLongFlagINC(CHART_PROP_FLOAT_LEFT);                   }
   bool              IsDecreasedFloatLeft(void)                      const { return (bool)this.GetPropLongFlagDEC(CHART_PROP_FLOAT_LEFT);                   }
//--- Upper coordinate of the undocked chart window relative to the virtual screen
//--- setting the controlled spread (1) increase, (2) decrease value and (3) reference level of the upper coordinate of the undocked chart relative to the virtual screen
//--- getting (4) the change value of the upper coordinate of the undocked chart relative to the virtual screen,
//--- getting the flag of changing the upper coordinate of the undocked chart relative to the virtual screen exceeding the (5) increase and (6) decrease values
   void              SetControlFloatTopInc(const long value)               { this.SetControlledValueINC(CHART_PROP_FLOAT_TOP,(long)::fabs(value));          }
   void              SetControlFloatTopDec(const long value)               { this.SetControlledValueDEC(CHART_PROP_FLOAT_TOP,(long)::fabs(value));          }
   void              SetControlFloatTopLevel(const long value)             { this.SetControlledValueLEVEL(CHART_PROP_FLOAT_TOP,(long)::fabs(value));        }
   long              GetValueChangedFloatTop(void)                   const { return this.GetPropLongChangedValue(CHART_PROP_FLOAT_TOP);                     }
   bool              IsIncreasedFloatTop(void)                       const { return (bool)this.GetPropLongFlagINC(CHART_PROP_FLOAT_TOP);                    }
   bool              IsDecreasedFloatTop(void)                       const { return (bool)this.GetPropLongFlagDEC(CHART_PROP_FLOAT_TOP);                    }
//--- The right coordinate of the undocked chart window relative to the virtual screen
//--- setting the controlled spread (1) increase, (2) decrease value and (3) reference level of the right coordinate of the undocked chart relative to the virtual screen
//--- getting (4) the change value of the right coordinate of the undocked chart relative to the virtual screen,
//--- getting the flag of changing the right coordinate of the undocked chart relative to the virtual screen exceeding the (5) increase and (6) decrease values
   void              SetControlFloatRightInc(const long value)             { this.SetControlledValueINC(CHART_PROP_FLOAT_RIGHT,(long)::fabs(value));        }
   void              SetControlFloatRightDec(const long value)             { this.SetControlledValueDEC(CHART_PROP_FLOAT_RIGHT,(long)::fabs(value));        }
   void              SetControlFloatRightLevel(const long value)           { this.SetControlledValueLEVEL(CHART_PROP_FLOAT_RIGHT,(long)::fabs(value));      }
   long              GetValueChangedFloatRight(void)                 const { return this.GetPropLongChangedValue(CHART_PROP_FLOAT_RIGHT);                   }
   bool              IsIncreasedFloatRight(void)                     const { return (bool)this.GetPropLongFlagINC(CHART_PROP_FLOAT_RIGHT);                  }
   bool              IsDecreasedFloatRight(void)                     const { return (bool)this.GetPropLongFlagDEC(CHART_PROP_FLOAT_RIGHT);                  }
//--- The bottom coordinate of the undocked chart window relative to the virtual screen
//--- setting the controlled spread (1) increase, (2) decrease value and (3) reference level of the lower coordinate of the undocked chart relative to the virtual screen
//--- getting (4) the change value of the lower coordinate of the undocked chart relative to the virtual screen,
//--- getting the flag of changing the lower coordinate of the undocked chart relative to the virtual screen exceeding the (5) increase and (6) decrease values
   void              SetControlFloatBottomInc(const long value)            { this.SetControlledValueINC(CHART_PROP_FLOAT_BOTTOM,(long)::fabs(value));       }
   void              SetControlFloatBottomDec(const long value)            { this.SetControlledValueDEC(CHART_PROP_FLOAT_BOTTOM,(long)::fabs(value));       }
   void              SetControlFloatBottomLevel(const long value)          { this.SetControlledValueLEVEL(CHART_PROP_FLOAT_BOTTOM,(long)::fabs(value));     }
   long              GetValueChangedFloatBottom(void)                const { return this.GetPropLongChangedValue(CHART_PROP_FLOAT_BOTTOM);                  }
   bool              IsIncreasedFloatBottom(void)                    const { return (bool)this.GetPropLongFlagINC(CHART_PROP_FLOAT_BOTTOM);                 }
   bool              IsDecreasedFloatBottom(void)                    const { return (bool)this.GetPropLongFlagDEC(CHART_PROP_FLOAT_BOTTOM);                 }
//--- Shift size of the zero bar from the right border in %
//--- setting (1) increase, (2) decrease and (3) reference level of the shift size of the zero bar from the right border in %
//--- getting (4) the change value of the shift of the zero bar from the right border in %,
//--- getting the flag of the change value of the shift of the zero bar from the right border in % exceeding (5) the growth and (6) decrease values
   void              SetControlShiftSizeInc(const long value)              { this.SetControlledValueINC(CHART_PROP_SHIFT_SIZE,(long)::fabs(value));         }
   void              SetControlShiftSizeDec(const long value)              { this.SetControlledValueDEC(CHART_PROP_SHIFT_SIZE,(long)::fabs(value));         }
   void              SetControlShiftSizeLevel(const long value)            { this.SetControlledValueLEVEL(CHART_PROP_SHIFT_SIZE,(long)::fabs(value));       }
   double            GetValueChangedShiftSize(void)                  const { return this.GetPropDoubleChangedValue(CHART_PROP_SHIFT_SIZE);                  }
   bool              IsIncreasedShiftSize(void)                      const { return (bool)this.GetPropLongFlagINC(CHART_PROP_SHIFT_SIZE);                   }
   bool              IsDecreasedShiftSize(void)                      const { return (bool)this.GetPropLongFlagDEC(CHART_PROP_SHIFT_SIZE);                   }
//--- Chart fixed position from the left border in %
//--- setting (1) increase, (2) decrease and (3) reference level of the chart fixed position from the left border in %
//--- getting (4) the change value of the chart fixed position from the left border in %,
//--- getting the flag of changing the chart fixed position from the left border in % more than by the (5) increase and (6) decrease values
   void              SetControlFixedPositionInc(const long value)          { this.SetControlledValueINC(CHART_PROP_FIXED_POSITION,(long)::fabs(value));     }
   void              SetControlFixedPositionDec(const long value)          { this.SetControlledValueDEC(CHART_PROP_FIXED_POSITION,(long)::fabs(value));     }
   void              SetControlFixedPositionLevel(const long value)        { this.SetControlledValueLEVEL(CHART_PROP_FIXED_POSITION,(long)::fabs(value));   }
   double            GetValueChangedFixedPosition(void)              const { return this.GetPropDoubleChangedValue(CHART_PROP_FIXED_POSITION);              }
   bool              IsIncreasedFixedPosition(void)                  const { return (bool)this.GetPropLongFlagINC(CHART_PROP_FIXED_POSITION);               }
   bool              IsDecreasedFixedPosition(void)                  const { return (bool)this.GetPropLongFlagDEC(CHART_PROP_FIXED_POSITION);               }
//--- Fixed chart maximum
//--- setting the fixed chart maximum (1) increase, (2) decrease controlled value and (3) reference level
//--- getting (4) the change value of the fixed chart maximum,
//--- getting the flag of changing the position of the fixed chart maximum by more than (5) increase and (6) decrease values
   void              SetControlFixedMaxInc(const long value)               { this.SetControlledValueINC(CHART_PROP_FIXED_MAX,(long)::fabs(value));          }
   void              SetControlFixedMaxDec(const long value)               { this.SetControlledValueDEC(CHART_PROP_FIXED_MAX,(long)::fabs(value));          }
   void              SetControlFixedMaxLevel(const long value)             { this.SetControlledValueLEVEL(CHART_PROP_FIXED_MAX,(long)::fabs(value));        }
   double            GetValueChangedFixedMax(void)                   const { return this.GetPropDoubleChangedValue(CHART_PROP_FIXED_MAX);                   }
   bool              IsIncreasedFixedMax(void)                       const { return (bool)this.GetPropLongFlagINC(CHART_PROP_FIXED_MAX);                    }
   bool              IsDecreasedFixedMax(void)                       const { return (bool)this.GetPropLongFlagDEC(CHART_PROP_FIXED_MAX);                    }
//--- Fixed chart minimum
//--- setting the fixed chart minimum (1) increase, (2) decrease controlled value and (3) reference level
//--- getting (4) the change value of the fixed chart minimum,
//--- getting the flag of changing the position of the fixed chart minimum by more than (5) increase and (6) decrease values
   void              SetControlFixedMinInc(const long value)               { this.SetControlledValueINC(CHART_PROP_FIXED_MIN,(long)::fabs(value));          }
   void              SetControlFixedMinDec(const long value)               { this.SetControlledValueDEC(CHART_PROP_FIXED_MIN,(long)::fabs(value));          }
   void              SetControlFixedMinLevel(const long value)             { this.SetControlledValueLEVEL(CHART_PROP_FIXED_MIN,(long)::fabs(value));        }
   double            GetValueChangedFixedMin(void)                   const { return this.GetPropDoubleChangedValue(CHART_PROP_FIXED_MIN);                   }
   bool              IsIncreasedFixedMin(void)                       const { return (bool)this.GetPropLongFlagINC(CHART_PROP_FIXED_MIN);                    }
   bool              IsDecreasedFixedMin(void)                       const { return (bool)this.GetPropLongFlagDEC(CHART_PROP_FIXED_MIN);                    }
//CHART_PROP_POINTS_PER_BAR,                         // Scale in points per bar

//--- Chart minimum
//--- setting the chart minimum (1) increase, (2) decrease controlled value and (3) reference level
//--- getting (4) the change value of the chart minimum,
//--- getting the flag of changing the position of the chart minimum by more than (5) increase and (6) decrease values
   void              SetControlPriceMinInc(const long value)               { this.SetControlledValueINC(CHART_PROP_PRICE_MIN,(long)::fabs(value));          }
   void              SetControlPriceMinDec(const long value)               { this.SetControlledValueDEC(CHART_PROP_PRICE_MIN,(long)::fabs(value));          }
   void              SetControlPriceMinLevel(const long value)             { this.SetControlledValueLEVEL(CHART_PROP_PRICE_MIN,(long)::fabs(value));        }
   double            GetValueChangedPriceMin(void)                   const { return this.GetPropDoubleChangedValue(CHART_PROP_PRICE_MIN);                   }
   bool              IsIncreasedPriceMin(void)                       const { return (bool)this.GetPropLongFlagINC(CHART_PROP_PRICE_MIN);                    }
   bool              IsDecreasedPriceMin(void)                       const { return (bool)this.GetPropLongFlagDEC(CHART_PROP_PRICE_MIN);                    }
//--- Chart maximum
//--- setting the chart maximum (1) increase, (2) decrease controlled value and (3) reference level
//--- getting (4) the change value of the chart maximum,
//--- getting the flag of changing the position of the chart maximum by more than (5) increase and (6) decrease values
   void              SetControlPriceMaxInc(const long value)               { this.SetControlledValueINC(CHART_PROP_PRICE_MAX,(long)::fabs(value));          }
   void              SetControlPriceMaxDec(const long value)               { this.SetControlledValueDEC(CHART_PROP_PRICE_MAX,(long)::fabs(value));          }
   void              SetControlPriceMaxLevel(const long value)             { this.SetControlledValueLEVEL(CHART_PROP_PRICE_MAX,(long)::fabs(value));        }
   double            GetValueChangedPriceMax(void)                   const { return this.GetPropDoubleChangedValue(CHART_PROP_PRICE_MAX);                   }
   bool              IsIncreasedPriceMax(void)                       const { return (bool)this.GetPropLongFlagINC(CHART_PROP_PRICE_MAX);                    }
   bool              IsDecreasedPriceMax(void)                       const { return (bool)this.GetPropLongFlagDEC(CHART_PROP_PRICE_MAX);                    }

Mit den Methoden können wir schnell die Objekteigenschaften festlegen, deren Werte gesteuert werden sollen, und die Ereignisse an das Steuerungsprogramm Chart senden, wenn die Werte der gesteuerten Erhöhung/Verringerung der Eigenschaften überschritten werden.

Der Klassenkonstruktor wurde in der gleichen Weise geändert wie in der zuvor betrachteten Klasse eines Chart-Fensterobjekts:

//| Parametric constructor                                           |
CChartObj::CChartObj(const long chart_id,CArrayObj *list_wnd_del,CArrayObj *list_ind_del,CArrayObj *list_ind_param) : m_wnd_time_x(0),m_wnd_price_y(0)
//--- Set the chart ID to the base object and set the chart object ID
//--- Initialize base object data arrays
//--- Chart ID
//--- Set integer properties
//--- Set real properties
//--- Set string properties
//--- Initialize variables and lists
//--- Fill in the current chart data
   for(int i=0;i<CHART_PROP_INTEGER_TOTAL;i++)
   for(int i=0;i<CHART_PROP_DOUBLE_TOTAL;i++)
//--- Update the base object data and search for changes

Hier werden die Chart-Parameterwerte in den Objekteigenschaften mit drei speziellen Methoden gesetzt:

Die Methode für die Zuweisung der ganzzahligen Objekteigenschaften:

//| Fill in integer object properties                                |
bool CChartObj::SetIntegerParameters(void)
   ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe=::ChartPeriod(this.ID());
      return false;
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_TIMEFRAME,timeframe);                                                     // Chart timeframe
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_SHOW,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_SHOW));                            // Price chart drawing attribute
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_IS_OBJECT,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_IS_OBJECT));                  // Chart object identification attribute
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_BRING_TO_TOP,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_BRING_TO_TOP));            // Show the chart above all others
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_CONTEXT_MENU,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_CONTEXT_MENU));            // Access to the context menu using the right click
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_CROSSHAIR_TOOL,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_CROSSHAIR_TOOL));        // Access the Crosshair tool by pressing the middle mouse button
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_MOUSE_SCROLL,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_MOUSE_SCROLL));            // Scroll the chart horizontally using the left mouse button
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_EVENT_MOUSE_WHEEL,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_EVENT_MOUSE_WHEEL));  // Send messages about mouse wheel events to all MQL5 programs on a chart
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_EVENT_MOUSE_MOVE,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_EVENT_MOUSE_MOVE));    // Send messages about mouse button click and movement events to all MQL5 programs on a chart
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_EVENT_OBJECT_CREATE,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_EVENT_OBJECT_CREATE)); // Send messages about the graphical object creation event to all MQL5 programs on a chart
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_EVENT_OBJECT_DELETE,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_EVENT_OBJECT_DELETE)); // Send messages about the graphical object destruction event to all MQL5 programs on a chart
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_MODE,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_MODE));                            // Type of the chart (candlesticks, bars or line)
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_FOREGROUND,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_FOREGROUND));                // Price chart in the foreground
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_SHIFT,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_SHIFT));                          // Mode of shift of the price chart from the right border
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_AUTOSCROLL,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_AUTOSCROLL));                // The mode of automatic shift to the right border of the chart
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_KEYBOARD_CONTROL,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_KEYBOARD_CONTROL));    // Allow managing the chart using a keyboard
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_QUICK_NAVIGATION,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_QUICK_NAVIGATION));    // Allow the chart to intercept Space and Enter key strokes to activate the quick navigation bar
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_SCALE,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_SCALE));                          // Scale
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_SCALEFIX,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_SCALEFIX));                    // Fixed scale mode
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_SCALEFIX_11,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_SCALEFIX_11));              // 1:1 scale mode
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_SCALE_PT_PER_BAR,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_SCALE_PT_PER_BAR));    // Mode for specifying the scale in points per bar
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_SHOW_TICKER,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_SHOW_TICKER));              // Display a symbol ticker in the upper left corner
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_SHOW_OHLC,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_SHOW_OHLC));                  // Display OHLC values in the upper left corner
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_SHOW_BID_LINE,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_SHOW_BID_LINE));          // Display Bid value as a horizontal line on the chart
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_SHOW_ASK_LINE,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_SHOW_ASK_LINE));          // Display Ask value as a horizontal line on the chart
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_SHOW_LAST_LINE,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_SHOW_LAST_LINE));        // Display Last value as a horizontal line on the chart
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_SHOW_PERIOD_SEP,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_SHOW_PERIOD_SEP));      // Display vertical separators between adjacent periods
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_SHOW_GRID,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_SHOW_GRID));                  // Display the chart grid
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_SHOW_VOLUMES,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_SHOW_VOLUMES));            // Display volumes on the chart
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_SHOW_OBJECT_DESCR,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_SHOW_OBJECT_DESCR));  // Display text descriptions of the objects
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_VISIBLE_BARS,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_VISIBLE_BARS));            // Number of bars on a chart that are available for display
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_WINDOWS_TOTAL,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_WINDOWS_TOTAL));          // The total number of chart windows including indicator subwindows
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_WINDOW_HANDLE,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_WINDOW_HANDLE));          // Chart window handle
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_FIRST_VISIBLE_BAR,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_FIRST_VISIBLE_BAR));  // Number of the first visible bar on the chart
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_WIDTH_IN_BARS,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_WIDTH_IN_BARS));          // Chart width in bars
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_WIDTH_IN_PIXELS,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_WIDTH_IN_PIXELS));      // Chart width in pixels
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_COLOR_BACKGROUND,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_COLOR_BACKGROUND));    // Chart background color
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_COLOR_FOREGROUND,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_COLOR_FOREGROUND));    // Color of axes, scale and OHLC line
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_COLOR_GRID,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_COLOR_GRID));                // Grid color
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_COLOR_VOLUME,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_COLOR_VOLUME));            // Color of volumes and position opening levels
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_COLOR_CHART_UP,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_COLOR_CHART_UP));        // Color for the up bar, shadows and body borders of bullish candlesticks
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_COLOR_CHART_DOWN,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_COLOR_CHART_DOWN));    // Color for the down bar, shadows and body borders of bearish candlesticks
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_COLOR_CHART_LINE,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_COLOR_CHART_LINE));    // Color of the chart line and the Doji candlesticks
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_COLOR_CANDLE_BULL,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_COLOR_CANDLE_BULL));  // Color of the bullish candle body
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_COLOR_CANDLE_BEAR,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_COLOR_CANDLE_BEAR));  // Color of the bearish candle body
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_COLOR_BID,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_COLOR_BID));                  // Bid price line color
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_COLOR_ASK,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_COLOR_ASK));                  // Ask price line color
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_COLOR_LAST,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_COLOR_LAST));                // Color of the last performed deal's price line (Last)
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_COLOR_STOP_LEVEL,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_COLOR_STOP_LEVEL));    // Color of stop order levels (Stop Loss and Take Profit)
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_SHOW_TRADE_LEVELS,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_SHOW_TRADE_LEVELS));  // Display trade levels on the chart (levels of open positions, Stop Loss, Take Profit and pending orders)
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_DRAG_TRADE_LEVELS,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_DRAG_TRADE_LEVELS));  // Enable the ability to drag trading levels on a chart using mouse
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_SHOW_DATE_SCALE,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_SHOW_DATE_SCALE));      // Display the time scale on the chart
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_SHOW_PRICE_SCALE,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_SHOW_PRICE_SCALE));    // Display the price scale on the chart
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_SHOW_ONE_CLICK,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_SHOW_ONE_CLICK));        // Display the quick trading panel on the chart
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_IS_MAXIMIZED,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_IS_MAXIMIZED));            // Chart window maximized
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_IS_MINIMIZED,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_IS_MINIMIZED));            // Chart window minimized
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_IS_DOCKED,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_IS_DOCKED));                  // Chart window docked
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_FLOAT_LEFT,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_FLOAT_LEFT));                // Left coordinate of the undocked chart window relative to the virtual screen
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_FLOAT_TOP,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_FLOAT_TOP));                  // Upper coordinate of the undocked chart window relative to the virtual screen
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_FLOAT_RIGHT,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_FLOAT_RIGHT));              // Right coordinate of the undocked chart window relative to the virtual screen
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_FLOAT_BOTTOM,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_FLOAT_BOTTOM));            // Bottom coordinate of the undocked chart window relative to the virtual screen
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_YDISTANCE,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_WINDOW_YDISTANCE,0));         // Distance in Y axis pixels between the upper frame of the indicator subwindow and the upper frame of the chart main window
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_HEIGHT_IN_PIXELS,::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_HEIGHT_IN_PIXELS,0));  // Chart height in pixels
   return true;

Die Methode für die Zuweisung der reellen Objekteigenschaften:

//| Fill in real object properties                                   |
void CChartObj::SetDoubleParameters(void)
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_SHIFT_SIZE,::ChartGetDouble(this.ID(),CHART_SHIFT_SIZE));                 // Shift size of the zero bar from the right border in %
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_FIXED_POSITION,::ChartGetDouble(this.ID(),CHART_FIXED_POSITION));         // Chart fixed position from the left border in %
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_FIXED_MAX,::ChartGetDouble(this.ID(),CHART_FIXED_MAX));                   // Fixed chart maximum
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_FIXED_MIN,::ChartGetDouble(this.ID(),CHART_FIXED_MIN));                   // Fixed chart minimum
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_POINTS_PER_BAR,::ChartGetDouble(this.ID(),CHART_POINTS_PER_BAR));         // Scale in points per bar
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_PRICE_MIN,::ChartGetDouble(this.ID(),CHART_PRICE_MIN));                   // Chart minimum
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_PRICE_MAX,::ChartGetDouble(this.ID(),CHART_PRICE_MAX));                   // Chart maximum

Die Methode für die Zuweisung der textlichen Objekteigenschaften:

//| Fill in string object properties                                 |
bool CChartObj::SetStringParameters(void)
   string symbol=::ChartSymbol(this.ID());
      return false;
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_SYMBOL,symbol);                                                           // Chart symbol
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_COMMENT,::ChartGetString(this.ID(),CHART_COMMENT));                       // Comment text on the chart
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_EXPERT_NAME,::ChartGetString(this.ID(),CHART_EXPERT_NAME));               // name of an EA launched on the chart
   this.SetProperty(CHART_PROP_SCRIPT_NAME,::ChartGetString(this.ID(),CHART_SCRIPT_NAME));               // name of a script launched on the chart
   return true;

Die Methoden, die Integer- und String-Eigenschaften zuweisen, geben bool-Werte zurück, weil wir innerhalb der Methode die Chart-Periode und das Chart-Symbol über die Chart-ID mithilfe der Funktionen ChartPeriod() und ChartSymbol() abrufen. Diese Funktionen können entweder Null oder eine leere Zeichenkette zurückgeben. In diesen Fällen geben die Methoden false zurück.

Die Methode, die die Beschreibung der Integer-Eigenschaft des Objekts zurückgibt (nämlich in den Codeblöcken, die den Abstand zwischen den Fensterrahmen und die Höhe des Charts in Pixeln zurückgeben, gibt die Eigenschaft direkt aus dem Chart und nicht aus dem Objekt zurück:

         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+(string)this.GetProperty(property)
         )  :
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+(string)::ChartGetInteger(this.m_chart_id,CHART_WINDOW_YDISTANCE,0)
         )  :
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+(string)this.GetProperty(property)
         )  :
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+(string)this.GetProperty(property)
         )  :
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+(string)this.GetProperty(property)
         )  :
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+(string)::ChartGetInteger(this.m_chart_id,CHART_HEIGHT_IN_PIXELS,0)
         )  :
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+::ColorToString((color)this.GetProperty(property),true)
         )  :

Obwohl das Chart über solche Eigenschaften verfügt, gehören sie zu seinem Fenster (das in diesem Fall das Nullfenster ist) und nicht zum Chart selbst, und wir erhalten diese Eigenschaften von den Fensterobjekten der Charts.

Die Methode zum Aktualisieren des Chart-Objekts und der Liste seiner Fenster hat sich ebenfalls geändert:

//| Update the chart object and its window list                      |
void CChartObj::Refresh(void)
//--- Initialize event data
//--- Update all chart windows
   for(int i=0;i<this.m_list_wnd.Total();i++)
      //--- Get the next chart window object from the list
      CChartWnd *wnd=this.m_list_wnd.At(i);
      //--- Update the window and check its event flag
      //--- If the window has no event, move on to the next window
      //--- Get the list of chart window events
      CArrayObj *list=wnd.GetListEvents();
      //--- Set the chart event flag and get the last event code
      //--- In the loop by the number of chart window events,
      int n=list.Total();
      for(int j=0; j<n; j++)
         //--- get the base event object from the chart window event list
         CEventBaseObj *event=list.At(j);
         //--- Create the chart window event parameters using the base event
         ushort event_id=event.ID();
         string sparam=(string)this.GetChartID()+"_"+(string)wnd.WindowNum();
         //--- if the event is on the foreground and the chart window event is added to the chart event list,
         if(::ChartGetInteger(this.ID(),CHART_BRING_TO_TOP) && this.EventAdd((ushort)event.ID(),event.LParam(),event.DParam(),sparam))
            //--- send the newly created chart window event to the control program chart
//--- Check changes of a symbol and chart period
   int change=(int)::ChartGetInteger(this.m_chart_id,CHART_WINDOWS_TOTAL)-this.WindowsTotal();
      //--- Get a chart symbol and period by its ID
      string symbol=::ChartSymbol(this.ID());
      ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe=::ChartPeriod(this.ID());
      //--- If a symbol and period are received
      if(symbol!=NULL && timeframe!=0)
         //--- create the flags specifying the equality/non-equality of the obtained period symbol with the current ones
         bool symb=symbol!=this.m_symbol_prev;
         bool tf=timeframe!=this.m_timeframe_prev;
         //--- If case of any changes, find out their exact nature:
         if(symb || tf)
            //--- If both a symbol and a timeframe changed
            if(symb && tf)
               //--- Send the CHART_OBJ_EVENT_CHART_SYMB_TF_CHANGE event to the control program chart
               //--- Set a new symbol and a period for the object, and
               //--- write the current symbol/period as the previous ones
            //--- If only a chart symbol is changed
            else if(symb)
               //--- Send the CHART_OBJ_EVENT_CHART_SYMB_CHANGE event to the control program chart
               //--- Set a new symbol for the object and write the current symbol as the previous one
            //--- If only a chart period is changed
            else if(tf)
               //--- Send the CHART_OBJ_EVENT_CHART_TF_CHANGE event to the control program chart
               //--- Set a new timeframe for the object and write the current timeframe as the previous one
      //--- Update chart data
      //--- Fill in the current chart data
      for(int i=0;i<CHART_PROP_INTEGER_TOTAL;i++)
      for(int i=0;i<CHART_PROP_DOUBLE_TOTAL;i++)
      //--- Update the base object data and search for changes

Die Methodenauflistung ist mit ausführlichen Kommentaren versehen. Kurz gesagt: Nach dem Aktualisieren von Chart-Fensterobjekten müssen wir das Flag jedes Fensterereignisses überprüfen. Wenn das Fenster Ereignisse aufweist, sollte jedes von ihnen an den Chart des Steuerungsprogramms gesendet werden. Nach der Aktualisierung der Chart-Fenster und der Überprüfung ihrer Ereignisse müssen wir einen Chart-Symbol- und/oder Periodenwechsel überprüfen, falls es keine weiteren Änderungen gibt, die den Chart betreffen.

Der Methode zum Erstellen und Senden eines Chart-Ereignisses an das Steuerprogramm Chart, fügen wir die Behandlung eines Chartsymbol- und/oder Periodenwechsel-Ereignisses hinzu:

//| Create and send a chart event                                    |
//| to the control program chart                                     |
void CChartObj::SendEvent(ENUM_CHART_OBJ_EVENT event)
   //--- If a window is added
      //--- Get the last chart window object added to the list
      CChartWnd *wnd=this.GetLastAddedWindow();
      //--- Send the CHART_OBJ_EVENT_CHART_WND_ADD event to the control program chart
      //--- pass the chart ID to lparam,
      //--- pass the chart window index to dparam,
      //--- pass the chart symbol to sparam
   //--- If the window is removed
   else if(event==CHART_OBJ_EVENT_CHART_WND_DEL)
      //--- Get the last chart window object added to the list of removed windows
      CChartWnd *wnd=this.GetLastDeletedWindow();
      //--- Send the CHART_OBJ_EVENT_CHART_WND_DEL event to the control program chart
      //--- pass the chart ID to lparam,
      //--- pass the chart window index to dparam,
      //--- pass the chart symbol to sparam
   //--- If symbol and timeframe changed
      //--- Send the CHART_OBJ_EVENT_CHART_SYMB_TF_CHANGE event to the control program chart
      //--- pass the chart ID to lparam,
      //--- pass the previous timeframe to dparam,
      //--- pass the previous chart symbol to sparam
   //--- If a symbol changed
      //--- Send the CHART_OBJ_EVENT_CHART_SYMB_CHANGE event to the control program chart
      //--- pass the chart ID to lparam,
      //--- pass the current timeframe to dparam,
      //--- pass the previous chart symbol to sparam
   //--- If a timeframe changed
      //--- Send the CHART_OBJ_EVENT_CHART_TF_CHANGE event to the control program chart
      //--- pass the chart ID to lparam,
      //--- pass the previous timeframe to dparam,
      //--- pass the current chart symbol to sparam

Die Code-Kommentare enthalten alle Details. Wenn Sie Fragen haben, können Sie diese gerne in den Kommentaren unten stellen.

Verbessern wir nun die Klasse eines Chartobjekts Kollektion in \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Collections\ChartObjCollection.mqh.

Zuerst leiten wir sie ab von der grundlegenden erweiterten Objektklasse und fügen die Variable zum Speichern des letzten Ereignisses in den privaten Abschnitt der Klasse ein:

//| MQL5 signal object collection                                    |
class CChartObjCollection : public CBaseObjExt
   CListObj                m_list;                                   // List of chart objects
   CListObj                m_list_del;                               // List of deleted chart objects
   CArrayObj               m_list_wnd_del;                           // List of deleted chart window objects
   CArrayObj               m_list_ind_del;                           // List of indicators removed from the indicator window
   CArrayObj               m_list_ind_param;                         // List of changed indicators
   int                     m_charts_total_prev;                      // Previous number of charts in the terminal
   int                     m_last_event;                             // The last event
   //--- Return the number of charts in the terminal
   int                     ChartsTotal(void) const;
   //--- Return the flag indicating the existence of (1) a chart object and (2) a chart
   bool                    IsPresentChartObj(const long chart_id);
   bool                    IsPresentChart(const long chart_id);
   //--- Create a new chart object and add it to the list
   bool                    CreateNewChartObj(const long chart_id,const string source);
   //--- Find the missing chart object, create it and add it to the collection list
   bool                    FindAndCreateMissingChartObj(void);
   //--- Find a chart object not present in the terminal and remove it from the list
   void                    FindAndDeleteExcessChartObj(void);

Fügen wir im öffentlichen Abschnitt der Klasse drei Methoden für die Arbeit mit der Ereignisfunktionalität des erweiterten Basisobjekts hinzu und deklarieren die Methode, die das Fensterobjekt (angegeben durch Index) des Charts (angegeben durch ID) angibt:

//--- Return (1) the flag event, (2) an event of one of the charts and (3) the last event
   bool                    IsEvent(void)                             const { return this.m_is_event;                                   }
   int                     GetLastEventsCode(void)                   const { return this.m_event_code;                                 }
   int                     GetLastEvent(void)                        const { return this.m_last_event;                                 }
//--- Constructor

//--- Return the list of chart objects by (1) symbol and (2) timeframe
   CArrayObj              *GetChartsList(const string symbol)              { return this.GetList(CHART_PROP_SYMBOL,symbol,EQUAL);      }
   CArrayObj              *GetChartsList(const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe)  { return this.GetList(CHART_PROP_TIMEFRAME,timeframe,EQUAL);}
//--- Return the pointer to the chart object (1) by ID and (2) by an index in the list
   CChartObj              *GetChart(const long id);
   CChartObj              *GetChart(const int index)                       { return this.m_list.At(index);                             }
//--- Return (1) the last added chart and (2) the last removed chart
   CChartObj              *GetLastAddedChart(void)                         { return this.m_list.At(this.m_list.Total()-1);             }
   CChartObj              *GetLastDeletedChart(void)                       { return this.m_list_del.At(this.m_list_del.Total()-1);     }
//--- Return (1) the last added window on the chart by chart ID and (2) the last removed chart window
   CChartWnd              *GetLastAddedChartWindow(const long chart_id); 
   CChartWnd              *GetLastDeletedChartWindow(void)                 { return this.m_list_wnd_del.At(this.m_list_wnd_del.Total()-1);}
//--- Return the window object (specified by index) of the chart (specified by ID)
   CChartWnd              *GetChartWindow(const long chart_id,const int wnd_num);

Die Methode aktualisiert die Liste der Kollektionen der Chart-Objekte empfängt die Behandlung von Chart-Objekt-Ereignissen:

//| Update the collection list of chart objects                      |
void CChartObjCollection::Refresh(void)
//--- Initialize event data
   //--- In the loop by the number of chart objects in the collection list
   for(int i=0;i<this.m_list.Total();i++)
      //--- get the next chart object and
      CChartObj *chart=this.m_list.At(i);
      //--- update it
      //--- If there is no chart event, move on to the next one
      //--- Get the list of events of a selected chart
      CArrayObj *list=chart.GetListEvents();
      //--- Set the event flag in the chart collection and get the last event code
      //--- In the loop by the chart event list,
      int n=list.Total();
      for(int j=0; j<n; j++)
         //--- get the base event object from the chart event list
         CEventBaseObj *event=list.At(j);
         //--- Create the chart event parameters using the base event
         ushort event_id=event.ID();
         string sparam=(string)this.GetChartID();
         //--- and, if the chart event is added to the chart event list,
            //--- send the newly created chart event to the control program chart
   //--- Get the number of open charts in the terminal and
   int charts_total=this.ChartsTotal();
   //--- calculate the difference between the number of open charts in the terminal
   //--- and chart objects in the collection list. These values are displayed in the chart comment
   int change=charts_total-this.m_list.Total();
   //--- If there are no changes, leave
   //--- If a chart is added in the terminal
      //--- Find the missing chart object, create and add it to the collection list
      //--- Get the current chart and return to it since
      //--- adding a new chart switches the focus to it
      CChartObj *chart=this.GetChart(GetMainChartID());
      for(int i=0;i<change;i++)
   //--- If a chart is removed in the terminal
   else if(change<0)
      //--- Find an extra chart object in the collection list and remove it from the list
      for(int i=0;i<-change;i++)
         CChartObj *chart=this.m_list_del.At(this.m_list_del.Total()-(1+i));

Hier ist die Logik ähnlich wie bei den zuvor betrachteten Methoden zur Aktualisierung von Chartobjekten und Chartfensterobjekten. Alles ist hier im Detail kommentiert.

Die Methode gibt das Fensterobjekt (angegeben durch Index) des Charts (angegeben durch ID) zurück:

//| Return the window object (specified by index)                    |
//| of the chart (specified by ID)                                   |
CChartWnd* CChartObjCollection::GetChartWindow(const long chart_id,const int wnd_num)
   CChartObj *chart=this.GetChart(chart_id);
      return NULL;
   return chart.GetWindowByNum(wnd_num);

Hier holen wir das Chartobjekt über seine ID und geben das zum Chart gehörende Fenster zurück, das wir über den angegebenen Fensterindex erhalten.
Wenn keines der Objekte empfangen wird, gibt die Methode NULL zurück.

Als Nächstes fügen wir die gleiche Methode in die Hauptklasse von \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Engine.mqh ein:

//--- Return the object (1) of the last added window of the specified chart and (2) the last removed chart window
   CChartWnd           *ChartGetLastAddedChartWindow(const long chart_id)              { return this.m_charts.GetLastAddedChartWindow(chart_id);}
   CChartWnd           *ChartGetLastDeletedChartWindow(void)                           { return this.m_charts.GetLastDeletedChartWindow();   }
//--- Return the window object (specified by index) of the chart (specified by ID)
   CChartWnd           *ChartGetChartWindow(const long chart_id,const int wnd_num)     { return this.m_charts.GetChartWindow(chart_id,wnd_num);}

Die Methode gibt einfach das Ergebnis des Aufrufs der Methode GetChartWindow() der oben betrachteten Klasse eines Chartobjekts Kollektion zurück.

Damit sind alle Änderungen und Verbesserungen abgeschlossen. Lassen Sie uns einen Test durchführen.


Um den Test durchzuführen, verwende ich den EA aus dem vorherigen Artikel und speichere ihn in \MQL5\Experts\TestDoEasy\Part72\ als TestDoEasyPart72.mq5.

Wir müssen einige Eigenschaften des Chart-Fensterobjekts kontrollieren und die Behandlung aller eingehenden neuen Ereignisse aus der Kollektion der Chart-Objekte hinzufügen.

Ganz am Ende der EA-Funktion OnInitDoEasy() fügen wir den Code-Block für die Einstellung der zu kontrollierenden Eigenschaften des Chart-Fensters ein (der gesamte Funktionscode ist recht umfangreich, daher werde ich ihn hier nicht ausbreiten):

//--- Set controlled values for the current account
   CAccount* account=engine.GetAccountCurrent();
      //--- Set control of the profit increase to 10
      //--- Set control of the funds increase to 15
      //--- Set profit control level to 20
//--- Set controlled values for charts
   //--- Get the list of all collection charts
   CArrayObj *list_charts=engine.GetListCharts();
   if(list_charts!=NULL && list_charts.Total()>0)
      //--- In a loop by the list, set the necessary values for tracked chart properties
      //--- By default, the LONG_MAX value is set to all properties, which means "Do not track this property" 
      //--- It can be enabled or disabled (by setting the value less than LONG_MAX or vice versa - set the LONG_MAX value) at any time and anywhere in the program
      for(int i=0;i<list_charts.Total();i++)
         CChartObj* chart=list_charts.At(i);
         //--- Set reference values for the selected chart windows
         int total_wnd=chart.WindowsTotal();
         for(int j=0;j<total_wnd;j++)
            CChartWnd *wnd=engine.ChartGetChartWindow(chart.ID(),j);
            //--- Set control of the chart window height increase by 20 pixels
            //--- Set control of the chart window height decrease by 20 pixels
            //--- Set the control height of the chart window to 50 pixels

//--- Get the end of the library initialization time counting and display it in the journal
   ulong end=GetTickCount();
   Print(TextByLanguage("Время инициализации библиотеки: ","Library initialization time: "),TimeMSCtoString(end-begin,TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS));

Hier stellen wir die Parameter ein, bei denen das entsprechende Ereignis generiert wird:

  • wenn die Fensterhöhe um mehr als 20 Pixel vergrößert wird,
  • wenn die Fensterhöhe um mehr als 20 Pixel verringert wird,
  • wenn die Fensterhöhe größer, kleiner oder gleich 50 Pixel wird.

Die Funktion OnDoEasyEvent() des EA erhält die Behandlung aller neuen Bibliotheksereignisse (der gesamte Code-Block der Behandlung aller Ereignisse der Chart Kollektion, einschließlich der neuen, wird hier bereitgestellt):

//--- Handling timeseries events
      //--- "New bar" event
         Print(TextByLanguage("Новый бар на ","New Bar on "),sparam," ",TimeframeDescription((ENUM_TIMEFRAMES)dparam),": ",TimeToString(lparam));
//--- Handle chart auto events
//--- Handle chart and window events
      int pos=StringFind(sparam,"_");
      long chart_id=StringToInteger(StringSubstr(sparam,0,pos));
      int wnd_num=(int)StringToInteger(StringSubstr(sparam,pos+1));
      CChartObj *chart=engine.ChartGetChartObj(chart_id); 
      CSymbol *symbol=engine.GetSymbolObjByName(chart.Symbol());
      CChartWnd *wnd=chart.GetWindowByNum(wnd_num);
      //--- Number of decimal places in the event value - in case of a 'long' event, it is 0, otherwise - Digits() of a symbol
      int digits=(idx<CHART_WINDOW_PROP_INTEGER_TOTAL ? 0 : symbol.Digits());
      //--- Event text description
      string id_descr=(idx<CHART_WINDOW_PROP_INTEGER_TOTAL ? wnd.GetPropertyDescription((ENUM_CHART_WINDOW_PROP_INTEGER)idx) : wnd.GetPropertyDescription((ENUM_CHART_WINDOW_PROP_DOUBLE)idx));
      //--- Property change text value
      string value=DoubleToString(dparam,digits);

      //--- Check event reasons and display its description in the journal
//--- Handle chart auto events
      long chart_id=StringToInteger(sparam);
      CChartObj *chart=engine.ChartGetChartObj(chart_id); 
      Print(DFUN,"chart_id=",chart_id,", chart.Symbol()=",chart.Symbol());
      //--- Number of decimal places in the event value - in case of a 'long' event, it is 0, otherwise - Digits() of a symbol
      int digits=int(idx<CHART_PROP_INTEGER_TOTAL ? 0 : SymbolInfoInteger(chart.Symbol(),SYMBOL_DIGITS));
      //--- Event text description
      string id_descr=(idx<CHART_PROP_INTEGER_TOTAL ? chart.GetPropertyDescription((ENUM_CHART_PROP_INTEGER)idx) : chart.GetPropertyDescription((ENUM_CHART_PROP_DOUBLE)idx));
      //--- Property change text value
      string value=DoubleToString(dparam,digits);

      //--- Check event reasons and display its description in the journal

//--- Handle non-auto chart events
      //--- "New chart opening" event
         CChartObj *chart=engine.ChartGetLastOpenedChart();
            string symbol=sparam;
            long chart_id=lparam;
            ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe=(ENUM_TIMEFRAMES)dparam;
            string header=symbol+" "+TimeframeDescription(timeframe)+", ID "+(string)chart_id;
            Print(DFUN,CMessage::Text(MSG_CHART_COLLECTION_CHART_OPENED),": ",header);
      //--- "Chart closure" event
         CChartObj *chart=engine.ChartGetLastClosedChart();
            string symbol=sparam;
            long   chart_id=lparam;
            ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe=(ENUM_TIMEFRAMES)dparam;
            string header=symbol+" "+TimeframeDescription(timeframe)+", ID "+(string)chart_id;
            Print(DFUN,CMessage::Text(MSG_CHART_COLLECTION_CHART_CLOSED),": ",header);
      //--- "Chart symbol changed" event
         long chart_id=lparam;
         ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe=(ENUM_TIMEFRAMES)dparam;
         string symbol_prev=sparam;
         CChartObj *chart=engine.ChartGetChartObj(chart_id);
            string header=chart.Symbol()+" "+TimeframeDescription(timeframe)+", ID "+(string)chart_id;
            Print(DFUN,CMessage::Text(MSG_CHART_COLLECTION_CHART_SYMB_CHANGED),": ",header,": ",symbol_prev," >>> ",chart.Symbol());
      //--- "Chart timeframe changed" event
         long chart_id=lparam;
         ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe_prev=(ENUM_TIMEFRAMES)dparam;
         string symbol=sparam;
         CChartObj *chart=engine.ChartGetChartObj(chart_id);
            string header=chart.Symbol()+" "+TimeframeDescription(chart.Timeframe())+", ID "+(string)chart_id;
               DFUN,CMessage::Text(MSG_CHART_COLLECTION_CHART_TF_CHANGED),": ",header,": ",
               TimeframeDescription(timeframe_prev)," >>> ",TimeframeDescription(chart.Timeframe())
      //--- "Chart symbol and timeframe changed" event
         long chart_id=lparam;
         ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe_prev=(ENUM_TIMEFRAMES)dparam;
         string symbol_prev=sparam;
         CChartObj *chart=engine.ChartGetChartObj(chart_id);
            string header=chart.Symbol()+" "+TimeframeDescription(chart.Timeframe())+", ID "+(string)chart_id;
               DFUN,CMessage::Text(MSG_CHART_COLLECTION_CHART_SYMB_TF_CHANGED),": ",header,": ",
               symbol_prev," >>> ",chart.Symbol(),", ",TimeframeDescription(timeframe_prev)," >>> ",TimeframeDescription(chart.Timeframe())
      //--- "Adding a new window on the chart" event
         string ind_name="";
         string symbol=sparam;
         long   chart_id=lparam;
         int    win_num=(int)dparam;
         string header=symbol+" "+TimeframeDescription(timeframe)+", ID "+(string)chart_id+": ";
         CChartObj *chart=engine.ChartGetLastOpenedChart();
            CChartWnd *wnd=engine.ChartGetLastAddedChartWindow(chart.ID());
               CWndInd *ind=wnd.GetLastAddedIndicator();
         Print(DFUN,header,CMessage::Text(MSG_CHART_OBJ_WINDOW_ADDED)," ",(string)win_num," ",ind_name);
      //--- "Removing a window from the chart" event
         CChartWnd *wnd=engine.ChartGetLastDeletedChartWindow();
         string symbol=sparam;
         long   chart_id=lparam;
         int    win_num=(int)dparam;
         string header=symbol+" "+TimeframeDescription(timeframe)+", ID "+(string)chart_id+": ";
         Print(DFUN,header,CMessage::Text(MSG_CHART_OBJ_WINDOW_REMOVED)," ",(string)win_num);
      //--- "Adding a new indicator to the chart window" event
         string ind_name=sparam;
         string symbol=NULL;
         long   chart_id=lparam;
         int    win_num=(int)dparam;
         string header=NULL;
         CWndInd *ind=engine.ChartGetLastAddedIndicator(chart_id,win_num);
            CChartObj *chart=engine.ChartGetChartObj(chart_id);
               CChartWnd *wnd=chart.GetWindowByNum(win_num);
         Print(DFUN,symbol," ",TimeframeDescription(timeframe),", ID ",chart_id,", ",header,": ",CMessage::Text(MSG_CHART_OBJ_INDICATOR_ADDED)," ",ind_name);
      //--- "Removing an indicator from the chart window" event
         string ind_name=sparam;
         string symbol=NULL;
         long   chart_id=lparam;
         int    win_num=(int)dparam;
         string header=NULL;
         CWndInd *ind=engine.ChartGetLastDeletedIndicator();
            CChartObj *chart=engine.ChartGetChartObj(chart_id);
               CChartWnd *wnd=chart.GetWindowByNum(win_num);
         Print(DFUN,symbol," ",TimeframeDescription(timeframe),", ID ",chart_id,", ",header,": ",CMessage::Text(MSG_CHART_OBJ_INDICATOR_REMOVED)," ",ind_name);
      //--- "Changing indicator parameters in the chart window" event
         string ind_name=sparam;
         string symbol=NULL;
         long   chart_id=lparam;
         int    win_num=(int)dparam;
         string header=NULL;
         CWndInd *ind=NULL;
         CWndInd *ind_changed=engine.ChartGetLastChangedIndicator();
               CChartObj *chart=engine.ChartGetChartObj(chart_id);
                  CChartWnd *wnd=chart.GetWindowByNum(win_num);
         Print(DFUN,symbol," ",TimeframeDescription(timeframe),", ID ",chart_id,", ",header,": ",CMessage::Text(MSG_CHART_OBJ_INDICATOR_CHANGED)," ",ind_name," >>> ",ind.Name());
//--- Handling trading events

Dies sind alle Änderungen, die zum Testen der neu erstellten Auto-Event-Funktionalität der Chart-Kollektion und zum Testen der Änderungen der angegebenen Parameter des Chartobjekts erforderlich sind.

Kompilieren Sie den EA und starten Sie ihn auf EURUSD, nachdem Sie die Verwendung von EURUSD, GBPUSD und dem aktuellen Zeitrahmen eingestellt haben.

Beide Charts sollten vorher geöffnet werden. Starten Sie den EA auf EURUSD, während GBPUSD ein einzelnes Subfenster mit einem beliebigen Oszillator haben sollte. Wir werden das Unterfenster verwenden, um die Ereignisfunktionalität der Chart Kollektion Klasse zu verwalten.

Schauen wir uns das Ereignis für den Wechsel des Chart-Zeitrahmens an:

Nun wechseln wir das Symbol des Charts:

Prüfen wir auch die Verwaltung der Chart-Höhenänderung (die Änderungen werden auf zwei Charts angewendet — das Haupt-Chartfenster und das Unterfenster):

Wie wir sehen, sind hier mehrere Kriterien im Spiel: Die Fensterhöhe ist gleich der angegebenen Größe, die Fensterhöhe ist größer/kleiner als die angegebene Größe und die Höhe der Fenster wird um mehr als die angegebene Anzahl von Pixeln erhöht/verringert.

Was kommt als Nächstes?

Der nächste Artikel wird eine neue Phase in der Entwicklung der Bibliothek einleiten — die Arbeit mit grafischen Objekten und benutzerdefinierten Grafiken.

Alle Dateien der aktuellen Version der Bibliothek sind unten zusammen mit der Test-EA-Datei für MQL5 zum Testen und Herunterladen angehängt.
Stellen Sie Ihre Fragen, Kommentare und Vorschläge in den Kommentaren.

Zurück zum Inhalt

*Frühere Artikel dieser Serie:

Andere Klassen in der Bibliothek DoEasy (Teil 67): Objektklasse der Charts
Andere Klassen in der Bibliothek DoEasy (Teil 68): Die Chartfenster-Objektklasse und die Indikator-Objektklassen im Chartfenster
Andere Klassen in der Bibliothek DoEasy (Teil 69): Kollektionsklasse der Chart-Objekte
Andere Klassen in der Bibliothek DoEasy (Teil 70): Erweiterte Funktionalität und automatisches Aktualisieren der Kollektion der Chartobjekte
Andere Klassen in der Bibliothek DoEasy (Teil 71): Ereignisse der Kollektion von Chartobjekten

Übersetzt aus dem Russischen von MetaQuotes Ltd.
Originalartikel: https://www.mql5.com/ru/articles/9385

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MQL5.zip (3971.72 KB)
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Der Artikel erschließt einen neuen großen Bereich der Bibliothek für die Arbeit mit Grafiken. Im aktuellen Artikel werde ich das Mausstatusobjekt, das Basisobjekt aller grafischen Elemente und die Klasse des Formularobjekts der Bibliothek grafische Elemente erstellen.
Swaps (Teil I): Locking und synthetische Positionen Swaps (Teil I): Locking und synthetische Positionen
In diesem Artikel werde ich versuchen, das klassische Konzept der Swap-Handelsmethoden zu erweitern. Ich werde erklären, warum ich zu dem Schluss gekommen bin, dass dieses Konzept besondere Aufmerksamkeit verdient und unbedingt zum Studium empfohlen wird.