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Fertige Vorlagen für die Aufnahme von Indikatoren in Expert Advisors (Teil 3): Trendindikatoren

Fertige Vorlagen für die Aufnahme von Indikatoren in Expert Advisors (Teil 3): Trendindikatoren

MetaTrader 5Beispiele | 19 Februar 2024, 11:17
471 0
Artyom Trishkin
Artyom Trishkin



Der Artikel setzt das Thema der vorgefertigten Vorlagen für die Verwendung von Indikatoren in EAs fort. Wir haben bereits die Vorlagen für die Verbindung von Oszillatoren und Volumen- und Bill Williams-Indikatoren mit EAs besprochen.
Hier werden wir uns mit der Verbindung zu EAs und der Verwendung von Trendindikatoren befassen. Wie in den vorangegangenen Artikeln werden wir die von den Indikatoren erhaltenen Daten auf dem im ersten Artikel dieser Reihe erstellten Dashboard anzeigen.

Der Artikel wird sich in der Präsentation nicht von den vorherigen unterscheiden - ein kurzer Hintergrundüberblick über jeden Trendindikator und prägnante Codes für die Verbindung und Verwendung von Indikatoren in EAs.

In diesem Artikel werden für jeden Indikator vorgefertigte Vorlagen zur Verwendung in nutzerdefinierten Programmen vorgestellt:

  • Eingabe und globale Variablen.
  • Initialisierung von Variablen und Erstellung eines Indikator-Handles.
  • Deinitialisierung.
  • Empfang von Daten im EA aus dem Indikator.
  • Ein Beispiel für die Anzeige der erhaltenen Daten auf dem Dashboard.

Der Artikel erlaubt die Verwendung der Codes für ein Copy & Paste.

Adaptiver gleitender Durchschnitt

Der technische Indikator Adaptive Moving Average (AMA) wird zur Konstruktion eines gleitenden Durchschnitts mit einer geringen Empfindlichkeit gegenüber dem Rauschen in den Preisen verwendet und zeichnet sich durch eine minimale Verzögerung bei der Trenderkennung aus. Dieser Indikator wurde entwickelt und beschrieben von Perry Kaufman in seinem Buch „Smarter Trading“.

Einer der Nachteile verschiedener Glättungsalgorithmen ist, dass die plötzliche Preissprünge die Verfälschung von Signalen oder sogar Fehlsignalen bedeuten können. Auf der anderen Seite führt Glättung in der Regel zu Lag (Verzögerung) von Signalen. Dieser Indikator wurde entwickelt um diese beiden Nachteile zu eliminieren.


Die Funktion iAMA() wird verwendet, um das Indikator-Handle zu erstellen:

Gibt das Handle des Indikators Adaptive Moving Average zurück. Es gibt nur einen Puffer.

int  iAMA(
   string              symbol,             // symbol name
   ENUM_TIMEFRAMES     period,             // period
   int                 ama_period,         // AMA period
   int                 fast_ma_period,     // fast Moving Average period
   int                 slow_ma_period,     // slow Moving Average period
   int                 ama_shift,          // horizontal shift of the indicator
   ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE  applied_price       // price type or handle


[in] Der Symbolname des Finanzinstruments, dessen Daten zur Berechnung des Indikators verwendet werden sollen. NULL bedeutet das aktuelle Symbol.


[in] Der Zeitrahmen, es ist ein Wert aus der Enumeration ENUM_TIMEFRAMES, 0 bedeutet den aktuellen Zeitrahmen.


[in] Periodenlänge für die Berechnung des Wirkungsverhältnisses.


[in] Schnelle Periodenlänge für die Berechnung des Glättungsrate, wenn sich der Markt schnell bewegt.


[in] Langsame Periodenlänge für die Berechnung der Glättungsrate, wenn es keinen Trend gibt.


[in] Verschiebung des Indikators im Verhältnis zum Preischart.


[in] Verwendeter Preis. Ein Wert aus der Enumeration ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE oder ein anderes Indikator-Handle.

Gibt das Handle des angegebenen technischen Indikators zurück. Falls fehlgeschlagen, wird INVALID_HANDLE zurückgegeben. Um den Computerspeicher eines nicht mehr verwendeten Indikators freizugeben, verwenden Sie IndicatorRelease(), dem das Indikator-Handle übergeben wird.

Deklarieren der Eingabe- und der globalen Variablen im EA, um den Indikator zu erstellen:

//|                                                 TestTrendAMA.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
//--- enums
   LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
   LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
   LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
   LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
   LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
   LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
   LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
   LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
   LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
   LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
//--- input parameters
input uint                 InpPeriod      =  9;             /* Period         */
input uint                 InpPeriodFast  =  2;             /* Fast EMA Period*/
input uint                 InpPeriodSlow  =  30;            /* Slow EMA Period*/
input int                  InpShift       =  0;             /* AMA Shift      */
input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   InpPrice       =  PRICE_CLOSE;   /* Applied Price  */
//--- global variables
int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
int      period=0;               // AMA calculation period
int      period_fast=0;          // Fast EMA calculation period
int      period_slow=0;          // Slow EMA calculation period
int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
string   ind_title;              // Indicator description

Die Enumeration ENUM_LINE_STATE wurde geschaffen, um die Ermittlung des Zustands einer Indikatorlinie zu vereinfachen - ihre Form und Lage im Verhältnis zur Linie eines anderen Indikators oder einer beliebigen Ebene.
Mehr über die Enumeration erfahren Sie im Artikel über Oszillatoren im Abschnitt ATR-Indikatorparameter.

Wenn Sie das Dashboard im EA verwenden, deklarieren Sie die globalen Variablen und binden Sie die Klassendatei des Panels ein:

//|                                                 TestTrendAMA.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
//--- includes
#include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
//--- enums
   LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
   LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
   LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
   LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
   LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
   LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
   LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
   LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
   LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
   LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
//--- input parameters
input uint                 InpPeriod      =  9;             /* Period         */
input uint                 InpPeriodFast  =  2;             /* Fast EMA Period*/
input uint                 InpPeriodSlow  =  30;            /* Slow EMA Period*/
input int                  InpShift       =  0;             /* AMA Shift      */
input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   InpPrice       =  PRICE_CLOSE;   /* Applied Price  */
//--- global variables
int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
int      period=0;               // AMA calculation period
int      period_fast=0;          // Fast EMA calculation period
int      period_slow=0;          // Slow EMA calculation period
int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
string   ind_title;              // Indicator description
//--- variables for the panel
int      mouse_bar_index;        // Index of the bar the data is taken from
CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object


Einstellung der Werte der globalen Variablen für den Indikator und die Erstellung seines Handles:

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- create timer

//--- Indicator
//--- Set and adjust the calculation period and levels if necessary
   period=int(InpPeriod<1 ? 9 : InpPeriod);
   period_fast=int(InpPeriodFast<1 ? 2 : InpPeriodFast);
   period_slow=int(InpPeriodSlow<1 ? 30 : InpPeriodSlow);
//--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
//--- Create indicator handle
      PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
      return INIT_FAILED;

//--- Successful initialization

Wenn der EA die Verwendung des Dashboards beinhaltet, sollten wir es erstellen:

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- create timer

//--- Indicator
//--- Set and adjust the calculation period and levels if necessary
   period=int(InpPeriod<1 ? 9 : InpPeriod);
   period_fast=int(InpPeriodFast<1 ? 2 : InpPeriodFast);
   period_slow=int(InpPeriodSlow<1 ? 30 : InpPeriodSlow);
//--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
//--- Create indicator handle
      PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
      return INIT_FAILED;

//--- Dashboard
//--- Create the panel
   panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,197,225);
      Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set font parameters
//--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
   panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));
//--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
//--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 1 to display indicator data in it
//--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
   int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
//--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background
//--- Display tabular data in the journal
//--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
//--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel

//--- Successful initialization


Freigabe des Indikator-Handles in OnDeinit() des EAs:

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- destroy timer
//--- Release handle of the indicator
      PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
//--- Clear all comments on the chart

Das erstellte Dashboard-Objekt wird bei der Verwendung des Dashboards entfernt:

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- destroy timer
//--- Release handle of the indicator
      PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
//--- Clear all comments on the chart
//--- If the panel object exists, delete it
      delete panel;

Abrufen von Daten

Im Folgenden werden die allgemeinen Funktionen zum Abrufen von Daten über das Indikator-Handle beschrieben. Die Funktionen wurden in dem Artikel über die Verbindung von Oszillatoren mit EAs beschrieben. Die vorgestellten Funktionen können in nutzerdefinierten Programmen im Prinzip unverändert verwendet werden:

//| Return the indicator data on the specified bar                   |
double IndicatorValue(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
   double array[1]={0};
      PrintFormat("%s: CopyBuffer failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
      return EMPTY_VALUE;
   return array[0];
//| Return the state of the indicator line                           |
ENUM_LINE_STATE LineState(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
//--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1,2) relative to the passed index
   const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
   const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
   const double value2=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+2,buffer_num);
//--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
   if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE || value2==EMPTY_VALUE)
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Line upward reversal (value2>value1 && value0>value1)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_TURN_UP;
//--- Line upward direction (value2<=value1 && value0>value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_UP;
//--- Line upward stop (value2<=value1 && value0==value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_STOP_UP;
//--- Line downward reversal (value2<value1 && value0<value1)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN;
//--- Line downward direction (value2>=value1 && value0<value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_DOWN;
//--- Line downward stop (value2>=value1 && value0==value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN;
//--- Undefined state
   return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//| Return the state of the line relative to the specified level     |
ENUM_LINE_STATE LineStateRelative(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num,const double level0,const double level1=EMPTY_VALUE)
//--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1) relative to the passed index
   const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
   const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
//--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
   if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE)
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Define the second level to compare
   double level=(level1==EMPTY_VALUE ? level0 : level1);
//--- The line is below the level (value1<level && value0<level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_UNDER;
//--- The line is above the level (value1>level && value0>level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_ABOVE;
//--- The line crossed the level upwards (value1<=level && value0>level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP;
//--- The line crossed the level downwards (value1>=level && value0<level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
//--- The line touched the level from below (value1<level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
//--- The line touched the level from above (value1>level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
//--- Line is equal to the level value (value1==level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)==0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_EQUALS;
//--- Undefined state
   return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//| Return the indicator line state description                      |
string LineStateDescription(const ENUM_LINE_STATE state)
      case LINE_STATE_UP         :  return "Up";
      case LINE_STATE_STOP_UP    :  return "Stop Up";
      case LINE_STATE_TURN_UP    :  return "Turn Up";
      case LINE_STATE_DOWN       :  return "Down";
      case LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN  :  return "Stop Down";
      case LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN  :  return "Turn Down";
      case LINE_STATE_ABOVE      :  return "Above level";
      case LINE_STATE_UNDER      :  return "Under level";
      case LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   :  return "Crossing Up";
      case LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN :  return "Crossing Down";
      case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW:  return "Touch from Below";
      case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE:  return "Touch from Above";
      case LINE_STATE_EQUALS     :  return "Equals";
      default                    :  return "Unknown";

Wenn wir das Dashboard verwenden, werden die Daten mit Hilfe der Funktion auf dem Panel angezeigt:

//| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
//--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
   MqlTick  tick={0};
   MqlRates rates[1];

//--- Exit if unable to get the current prices
//--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index

//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
   int  size=0;
   uint flags=0;
   uint angle=0;
   string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
   panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
   panel.DrawText("Indicator data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data

//--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
   panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);

//--- Display the indicator data from the specified bar on the panel in table 1
   panel.DrawText(ind_title, panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
   double value=IndicatorValue(handle,index,0);
   string value_str=(value!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value,ind_digits) : "");
//--- Display a description of the indicator line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state=LineState(handle,index,0);
//--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

Außerdem wird bei der Verwendung des Dashboards das Handle für die Panel-Ereignisse in der Ereignisbehandlung des EAs OnChartEvent() aufgerufen, und die Ereignisse für den Erhalt des Balkenindex unter dem Cursor werden behandelt:

//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Handling the panel
//--- Call the panel event handler

//--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
      //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
      datetime time=0;
      double price=0;
      int wnd=0;
      //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
         //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
         //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 

//--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
      //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
      PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);

Nachdem wir den EA kompiliert und auf dem Chart gestartet haben, können wir den Status des Indikatorwertes und der Linie auf dem Panel einsehen:

Sie können sich den TestTrendAMA.mq5 Test EA in den an den Artikel angehängten Dateien ansehen.

Durchschnittlicher direktionaler Bewegungsindex

Directional Movement Index (ADX) hilft bei der Feststellung, ob ein Preistrend vorliegt. Er wurde von Welles Wilder im Buch „New concepts in technical trading systems“ entwickelt und beschrieben.

Die einfachste Handelsmethode basiert auf dem System der direktionalen Bewegung und wird durch den Vergleich zweier Richtungsindikatoren dargestellt: Ein 14-periodisches +DI und ein 14-periodisches -DI. Entweder werden dabei die Charts der Indikatoren übereinander gelegt oder +DI von -DI subtrahiert. W. Wilder empfiehlt zu kaufen, wenn +DI größer als -DI ist und zu verkaufen wenn +DI kleiner als -DI ist.

Zu dieser einfachen Regel ergänzt Welles Wilder „eine Regel der extremen Punkte“. Dies wird genutzt um falsche Signale auszuschließen und die Anzahl an Deals zu verringern. Die Extrempunkte werden durch die Kreuzung von +DI und -DI beschrieben. Wenn +DI über -DI steigt, ist dies der Hochpunkt des Tages, wenn sich beide Linien kreuzen. Wenn +DI unter -DI fällt, ist dies der Tiefpunkt des Tages, wenn sich beide Linien kreuzen.

Die Extrempunkte werden als Einstieg genutzt. Also, nach dem Kaufsignal (+DI größer -DI) muss gewartet werden, bis der Preis den Hochpunkt überschreitet und nur dann darf gekauft werden. Wenn der Preis jedoch das Überschreiten des Extrempunkts verfehlt, kann dies als Verkaufssignal gesehen werden.


Die Funktion iADX() wird zur Erstellung des Indikator-Handles verwendet:

Rückgabe des Indikatorhandles von Average Directional Movement.

int  iADX(
   string           symbol,         // symbol name
   ENUM_TIMEFRAMES  period,         // period
   int              adx_period      // averaging period


[in] Der Symbolname des Finanzinstruments, dessen Daten zur Berechnung des Indikators verwendet werden sollen. NULL bedeutet das aktuelle Symbol.


[in] Der Zeitrahmen, es ist ein Wert aus der Enumeration ENUM_TIMEFRAMES, 0 bedeutet den aktuellen Zeitrahmen.


[in] Indexberechnungszeitraum.

Puffer-Indizes: 0 — MAIN_LINE, 1 — PLUSDI_LINE, 2 — MINUSDI_LINE.

Gibt das Handle des angegebenen technischen Indikators zurück. Falls fehlgeschlagen, wird INVALID_HANDLE zurückgegeben. Um den Computerspeicher eines nicht mehr verwendeten Indikators freizugeben, verwenden Sie IndicatorRelease(), dem das Indikator-Handle übergeben wird.

Deklarieren der Eingabe- und der globalen Variablen im EA, um den Indikator zu erstellen:

//|                                                 TestTrendADX.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
//--- enums
   LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
   LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
   LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
   LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
   LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
   LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
   LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
   LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
   LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
   LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
//--- input parameters
input uint  InpPeriod   =  14;   /* Period   */
//--- global variables
int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
int      period=0;               // ADX calculation period
int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
string   ind_title;              // Indicator description

Wenn Sie das Dashboard im EA verwenden, deklarieren Sie die globalen Variablen und binden Sie die Klassendatei des Panels ein:

//|                                                 TestTrendADX.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
//--- includes
#include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
//--- enums
   LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
   LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
   LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
   LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
   LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
   LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
   LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
   LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
   LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
   LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
//--- input parameters
input uint  InpPeriod   =  14;   /* Period   */
//--- global variables
int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
int      period=0;               // ADX calculation period
int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
string   ind_title;              // Indicator description
//--- variables for the panel
int      mouse_bar_index;        // Index of the bar the data is taken from
CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object


Einstellung der Werte der globalen Variablen für den Indikator und die Erstellung seines Handles:

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- create timer

//--- Indicator
//--- Set and adjust the calculation period and levels if necessary
   period=int(InpPeriod<1 ? 14 : InpPeriod);
//--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
//--- Create indicator handle
      PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
      return INIT_FAILED;

//--- Successful initialization

Wenn der EA die Verwendung des Dashboards beinhaltet, sollten wir es erstellen:

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- create timer

//--- Indicator
//--- Set and adjust the calculation period and levels if necessary
   period=int(InpPeriod<1 ? 14 : InpPeriod);
//--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
//--- Create indicator handle
      PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
      return INIT_FAILED;

//--- Dashboard
//--- Create the panel
   panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,197,243);
      Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set font parameters
//--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
   panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));
//--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
//--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 1 to display indicator data in it
//--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
   int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
//--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background
//--- Display tabular data in the journal
//--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
//--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel

//--- Successful initialization


Freigabe des Indikator-Handles in OnDeinit() des EAs:

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- destroy timer
//--- Release handle of the indicator
      PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
//--- Clear all comments on the chart

Das erstellte Dashboard-Objekt wird bei der Verwendung des Dashboards entfernt:

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- destroy timer
//--- Release handle of the indicator
      PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
//--- Clear all comments on the chart
//--- If the panel object exists, delete it
      delete panel;

Abrufen von Daten

Allgemeine Funktionen zum Abrufen von Daten über das Indikator-Handle:

//| Return the indicator data on the specified bar                   |
double IndicatorValue(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
   double array[1]={0};
      PrintFormat("%s: CopyBuffer failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
      return EMPTY_VALUE;
   return array[0];
//| Return the state of the indicator line                           |
ENUM_LINE_STATE LineState(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
//--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1,2) relative to the passed index
   const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
   const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
   const double value2=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+2,buffer_num);
//--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
   if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE || value2==EMPTY_VALUE)
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Line upward reversal (value2>value1 && value0>value1)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_TURN_UP;
//--- Line upward direction (value2<=value1 && value0>value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_UP;
//--- Line upward stop (value2<=value1 && value0==value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_STOP_UP;
//--- Line downward reversal (value2<value1 && value0<value1)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN;
//--- Line downward direction (value2>=value1 && value0<value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_DOWN;
//--- Line downward stop (value2>=value1 && value0==value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN;
//--- Undefined state
   return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//| Return the state of the line relative to the specified level     |
ENUM_LINE_STATE LineStateRelative(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num,const double level0,const double level1=EMPTY_VALUE)
//--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1) relative to the passed index
   const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
   const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
//--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
   if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE)
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Define the second level to compare
   double level=(level1==EMPTY_VALUE ? level0 : level1);
//--- The line is below the level (value1<level && value0<level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_UNDER;
//--- The line is above the level (value1>level && value0>level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_ABOVE;
//--- The line crossed the level upwards (value1<=level && value0>level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP;
//--- The line crossed the level downwards (value1>=level && value0<level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
//--- The line touched the level from below (value1<level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
//--- The line touched the level from above (value1>level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
//--- Line is equal to the level value (value1==level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)==0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_EQUALS;
//--- Undefined state
   return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//| Return the indicator line state description                      |
string LineStateDescription(const ENUM_LINE_STATE state)
      case LINE_STATE_UP         :  return "Up";
      case LINE_STATE_STOP_UP    :  return "Stop Up";
      case LINE_STATE_TURN_UP    :  return "Turn Up";
      case LINE_STATE_DOWN       :  return "Down";
      case LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN  :  return "Stop Down";
      case LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN  :  return "Turn Down";
      case LINE_STATE_ABOVE      :  return "Above level";
      case LINE_STATE_UNDER      :  return "Under level";
      case LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   :  return "Crossing Up";
      case LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN :  return "Crossing Down";
      case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW:  return "Touch from Below";
      case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE:  return "Touch from Above";
      case LINE_STATE_EQUALS     :  return "Equals";
      default                    :  return "Unknown";

Wenn wir das Dashboard verwenden, werden die Daten mit Hilfe der Funktion auf dem Panel angezeigt:

//| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
//--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
   MqlTick  tick={0};
   MqlRates rates[1];

//--- Exit if unable to get the current prices
//--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index

//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
   int  size=0;
   uint flags=0;
   uint angle=0;
   string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
   panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
   panel.DrawText("Indicator data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data

//--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
   panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);

//--- Display the ADX line data from the specified bar on the panel in table 1
   panel.DrawText(ind_title, panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
   double value=IndicatorValue(handle,index,MAIN_LINE);
   string value_str=(value!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value,ind_digits) : "");

//--- Display the +DI line data from the specified bar on the panel in table 1
   panel.DrawText("+DI", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
   double value_dip=IndicatorValue(handle,index,PLUSDI_LINE);
   string value_dip_str=(value_dip!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value_dip,ind_digits) : "");

//--- Display the -DI line data from the specified bar on the panel in table 1
   panel.DrawText("-DI", panel.CellX(1,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,2,0)+2);
   double value_dim=IndicatorValue(handle,index,MINUSDI_LINE);
   string value_dim_str=(value_dim!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value_dim,ind_digits) : "");
//--- Display a description of +DI and -DI lines ratio
   panel.DrawText("+DI vs -DI", panel.CellX(1,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,3,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state=LineStateRelative(handle,index,1,value_dim,IndicatorValue(handle,index+1,2));
   string state_di_str=LineStateDescription(state);
   color clr=clrNONE;
      state_di_str="+DI > -DI";
      state_di_str="+DI < -DI";
//--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

Zusätzlich zu diesen Indikatorlinien zeigt das Panel eine Beschreibung des Verhältnisses zwischen den +DI- und -DI-Linien an, die im Wesentlichen Signalleitungen des Indikators sind.

Außerdem wird bei der Verwendung des Dashboards das Handle für die Panel-Ereignisse in der Ereignisbehandlung des EAs OnChartEvent() aufgerufen, und die Ereignisse für den Erhalt des Balkenindex unter dem Cursor werden behandelt:

//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Handling the panel
//--- Call the panel event handler

//--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
      //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
      datetime time=0;
      double price=0;
      int wnd=0;
      //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
         //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
         //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 

//--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
      //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
      PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);

Nachdem wir den EA kompiliert und auf dem Chart gestartet haben, können wir den Status des Indikatorwertes und der Linie auf dem Panel einsehen:

Sie können sich den TestTrendADX.mq5 Test-EA in den an den Artikel angehängten Dateien ansehen.

Durchschnittlicher direktionaler Bewegungsindex Wilder

Der Directional Movement Index Wilder (ADX Wilder) hilft festzustellen, ob es einen Preistrend gibt. Er wurde von Welles Wilder im Buch „New concepts in technical trading systems“ entwickelt und strikt nach dem beschriebenen Algorithmus umgesetzt.

Die Handelsregeln für diesen Indikator werden im Abschnitt Average Directional Movement Index beschrieben.


Die Funktion iADXWilder() wird zur Erstellung des Indikator-Handles verwendet:

// Return the handle of the Average Directional Movement Index by Welles Wilder.

int  iADXWilder(
   string           symbol,         // symbol name
   ENUM_TIMEFRAMES  period,         // period
   int              adx_period      // averaging period


[in] Der Symbolname des Finanzinstruments, dessen Daten zur Berechnung des Indikators verwendet werden sollen. NULL bedeutet das aktuelle Symbol.


[in] Der Zeitrahmen, es ist ein Wert aus der Enumeration ENUM_TIMEFRAMES, 0 bedeutet den aktuellen Zeitrahmen.


[in] Indexberechnungszeitraum.

Puffer-Indizes: 0 — MAIN_LINE, 1 — PLUSDI_LINE, 2 — MINUSDI_LINE.

Gibt das Handle des angegebenen technischen Indikators zurück. Falls fehlgeschlagen, wird INVALID_HANDLE zurückgegeben. Um den Computerspeicher eines nicht mehr verwendeten Indikators freizugeben, verwenden Sie IndicatorRelease(), dem das Indikator-Handle übergeben wird.

Deklarieren der Eingabe- und der globalen Variablen im EA, um den Indikator zu erstellen:

//|                                           TestTrendADXWilder.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
//--- enums
   LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
   LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
   LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
   LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
   LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
   LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
   LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
   LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
   LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
   LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
//--- input parameters
input uint  InpPeriod   =  14;   /* Period   */
//--- global variables
int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
int      period=0;               // ADX Wilder calculation period
int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
string   ind_title;              // Indicator description

Wenn Sie das Dashboard im EA verwenden, deklarieren Sie die globalen Variablen und binden Sie die Klassendatei des Panels ein:

//|                                           TestTrendADXWilder.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
//--- includes
#include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
//--- enums
   LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
   LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
   LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
   LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
   LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
   LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
   LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
   LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
   LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
   LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
//--- input parameters
input uint  InpPeriod   =  14;   /* Period   */
//--- global variables
int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
int      period=0;               // ADX Wilder calculation period
int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
string   ind_title;              // Indicator description
//--- variables for the panel
int      mouse_bar_index;        // Index of the bar the data is taken from
CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object


Einstellung der Werte der globalen Variablen für den Indikator und die Erstellung seines Handles:

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- create timer

//--- Indicator
//--- Set and adjust the calculation period and levels if necessary
   period=int(InpPeriod<1 ? 14 : InpPeriod);
//--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
   ind_title=StringFormat("ADX Wilder(%lu)",period);
//--- Create indicator handle
      PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
      return INIT_FAILED;

//--- Successful initialization

Wenn der EA die Verwendung des Dashboards beinhaltet, sollten wir es erstellen:

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- create timer

//--- Indicator
//--- Set and adjust the calculation period and levels if necessary
   period=int(InpPeriod<1 ? 14 : InpPeriod);
//--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
   ind_title=StringFormat("ADX Wilder(%lu)",period);
//--- Create indicator handle
      PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
      return INIT_FAILED;

//--- Dashboard
//--- Create the panel
   panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,197,243);
      Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set font parameters
//--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
   panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));
//--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
//--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 1 to display indicator data in it
//--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
   int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
//--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background
//--- Display tabular data in the journal
//--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
//--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel

//--- Successful initialization


Freigabe des Indikator-Handles in OnDeinit() des EAs:

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- destroy timer
//--- Release handle of the indicator
      PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
//--- Clear all comments on the chart

Das erstellte Dashboard-Objekt wird bei der Verwendung des Dashboards entfernt:

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- destroy timer
//--- Release handle of the indicator
      PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
//--- Clear all comments on the chart
//--- If the panel object exists, delete it
      delete panel;

Abrufen von Daten

Allgemeine Funktionen zum Abrufen von Daten über das Indikator-Handle:

//| Return the indicator data on the specified bar                   |
double IndicatorValue(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
   double array[1]={0};
      PrintFormat("%s: CopyBuffer failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
      return EMPTY_VALUE;
   return array[0];
//| Return the state of the indicator line                           |
ENUM_LINE_STATE LineState(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
//--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1,2) relative to the passed index
   const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
   const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
   const double value2=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+2,buffer_num);
//--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
   if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE || value2==EMPTY_VALUE)
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Line upward reversal (value2>value1 && value0>value1)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_TURN_UP;
//--- Line upward direction (value2<=value1 && value0>value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_UP;
//--- Line upward stop (value2<=value1 && value0==value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_STOP_UP;
//--- Line downward reversal (value2<value1 && value0<value1)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN;
//--- Line downward direction (value2>=value1 && value0<value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_DOWN;
//--- Line downward stop (value2>=value1 && value0==value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN;
//--- Undefined state
   return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//| Return the state of the line relative to the specified level     |
ENUM_LINE_STATE LineStateRelative(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num,const double level0,const double level1=EMPTY_VALUE)
//--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1) relative to the passed index
   const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
   const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
//--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
   if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE)
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Define the second level to compare
   double level=(level1==EMPTY_VALUE ? level0 : level1);
//--- The line is below the level (value1<level && value0<level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_UNDER;
//--- The line is above the level (value1>level && value0>level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_ABOVE;
//--- The line crossed the level upwards (value1<=level && value0>level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP;
//--- The line crossed the level downwards (value1>=level && value0<level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
//--- The line touched the level from below (value1<level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
//--- The line touched the level from above (value1>level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
//--- Line is equal to the level value (value1==level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)==0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_EQUALS;
//--- Undefined state
   return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//| Return the indicator line state description                      |
string LineStateDescription(const ENUM_LINE_STATE state)
      case LINE_STATE_UP         :  return "Up";
      case LINE_STATE_STOP_UP    :  return "Stop Up";
      case LINE_STATE_TURN_UP    :  return "Turn Up";
      case LINE_STATE_DOWN       :  return "Down";
      case LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN  :  return "Stop Down";
      case LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN  :  return "Turn Down";
      case LINE_STATE_ABOVE      :  return "Above level";
      case LINE_STATE_UNDER      :  return "Under level";
      case LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   :  return "Crossing Up";
      case LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN :  return "Crossing Down";
      case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW:  return "Touch from Below";
      case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE:  return "Touch from Above";
      case LINE_STATE_EQUALS     :  return "Equals";
      default                    :  return "Unknown";

Wenn wir das Dashboard verwenden, werden die Daten mit Hilfe der Funktion auf dem Panel angezeigt:

//| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
//--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
   MqlTick  tick={0};
   MqlRates rates[1];

//--- Exit if unable to get the current prices
//--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index

//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
   int  size=0;
   uint flags=0;
   uint angle=0;
   string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
   panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
   panel.DrawText("Indicator data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data

//--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
   panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);

//--- Display the ADX line data from the specified bar on the panel in table 1
   panel.DrawText(ind_title, panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
   double value=IndicatorValue(handle,index,MAIN_LINE);
   string value_str=(value!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value,ind_digits) : "");

//--- Display the +DI line data from the specified bar on the panel in table 1
   panel.DrawText("+DI", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
   double value_dip=IndicatorValue(handle,index,PLUSDI_LINE);
   string value_dip_str=(value_dip!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value_dip,ind_digits) : "");

//--- Display the -DI line data from the specified bar on the panel in table 1
   panel.DrawText("-DI", panel.CellX(1,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,2,0)+2);
   double value_dim=IndicatorValue(handle,index,MINUSDI_LINE);
   string value_dim_str=(value_dim!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value_dim,ind_digits) : "");
//--- Display a description of +DI and -DI lines ratio
   panel.DrawText("+DI vs -DI", panel.CellX(1,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,3,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state=LineStateRelative(handle,index,1,value_dim,IndicatorValue(handle,index+1,2));
   string state_di_str=LineStateDescription(state);
   color clr=clrNONE;
      state_di_str="+DI > -DI";
      state_di_str="+DI < -DI";
//--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

Die Tafel zeigt die Daten der Indikatorlinien und die Beschreibung des Verhältnisses zwischen den +DI- und -DI-Linien, die im Wesentlichen Signalleitungen des Indikators sind.

Außerdem wird bei der Verwendung des Dashboards das Handle für die Panel-Ereignisse in der Ereignisbehandlung des EAs OnChartEvent() aufgerufen, und die Ereignisse für den Erhalt des Balkenindex unter dem Cursor werden behandelt:

//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Handling the panel
//--- Call the panel event handler

//--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
      //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
      datetime time=0;
      double price=0;
      int wnd=0;
      //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
         //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
         //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 

//--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
      //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
      PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);

Nachdem wir den EA kompiliert und auf dem Chart gestartet haben, können wir den Status des Indikatorwertes und der Linie auf dem Panel einsehen:

Sie können sich den TestTrendADXWilder.mq5 Test-EA in den an den Artikel angehängten Dateien ansehen.


Bollinger Bänder (BB) sind ähnlich den Envelopes. Der einzige Unterschied besteht darin, dass die Bänder der Envelopes in einem festen Abstand (%) vom gleitenden Durchschnitt gezeichnet werden, während die Bollinger-Bänder eine bestimmte Anzahl von Standardabweichungen davon entfernt gezeichnet werden. Die Standardabweichung ist ein Maß für die Volatilität, die Bollinger Bänder passen sich daher die Marktbedingungen an. Wenn die Volatilität zunimmt, weiten sich die Bänder und sie ziehen sich zusammen in weniger volatilen Perioden.

Bollinger Bands werden normalerweise auf dem Preis-Chart genutzt, können aber auch auf einem Indikator-Chart gezeichnet werden. Genau wie bei den Envelopes basiert die Interpretation der Bollinger Bänder auf der Tatsache, dass die Kurse dazu neigen, zwischen der oberen und der unteren Linie der Bänder zu bleiben. Ein wichtiges Feature der Bollinger Bands ist die Variabilität der Weite, durch die Volatilität des Preises. In Zeiten heftiger Markt-Bewegungen (also hohe Volatilität) weiten sich die Bänder aus um dem Preis Platz zur Bewegung zu geben. Während Phasen geringer Volatilität, ziehen sich die Bänder zusammen mit dem Preis zwischen den Limits.

Die folgenden Eigenschaften sind typisch für Bollinger Bands:

  1. abrupte Änderungen im Preis passieren nach dem Zusammenziehen häufig durch den Abfall an Volatilität;
  2. wenn Preise durch das obere Band stoßen, ist eine Fortsetzung des Trends möglich;
  3. wenn der Docht der Kerze außerhalb des Bandes liegt, gefolgt werden von einem Docht innerhalb des Bandes, ist eine Trend-Umkehr wahrscheinlich;
  4. eine Preisbewegung, die an der einen Seite der Bänder startete, erreicht in der Regel auch die andere Seite.

Die letzte Eigenschaft ist nützlich um Preispunkte zu progostizieren.


Die Funktion iBands() wird zur Erstellung des Indikator-Handles verwendet:

Rückgabe des Indikator-Handles der Bollinger Bänder®.

int  iBands(
   string              symbol,            // symbol name
   ENUM_TIMEFRAMES     period,            // period
   int                 bands_period,      // central line calculation period
   int                 bands_shift,       // horizontal shift of the indicator
   double              deviation,         // number of standard deviations
   ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE  applied_price      // price type or handle


[in] Der Symbolname des Finanzinstruments, dessen Daten zur Berechnung des Indikators verwendet werden sollen. NULL bedeutet das aktuelle Symbol.


[in] Der Zeitrahmen, es ist ein Wert aus der Enumeration ENUM_TIMEFRAMES, 0 bedeutet den aktuellen Zeitrahmen.


[in] Der Periodenlänge der Hauptlinie des Indikators.


[in] Verschiebung des Indikators im Verhältnis zum Preischart.


[in] Abweichung(Abstand von der Hauptlinie.


[in] Verwendeter Preis. Ein Wert aus der Enumeration ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE oder ein anderes Indikator-Handle.

Gibt das Handle des angegebenen technischen Indikators zurück. Falls fehlgeschlagen, wird INVALID_HANDLE zurückgegeben. Um den Computerspeicher eines nicht mehr verwendeten Indikators freizugeben, verwenden Sie IndicatorRelease(), dem das Indikator-Handle übergeben wird.

Puffer-Indizes: 0 — BASE_LINE, 1 — UPPER_BAND, 2 — LOWER_BAND

Deklarieren der Eingabe- und der globalen Variablen im EA, um den Indikator zu erstellen:

//|                                               TestTrendBands.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
//--- enums
   LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
   LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
   LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
   LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
   LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
   LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
   LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
   LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
   LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
   LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
//--- input parameters
input uint                 InpPeriod   =  20;            /* Period         */
input double               InpDeviation=  2.0;           /* Deviation      */
input int                  InpShift    =  0;             /* Shift          */
input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   InpPrice    =  PRICE_CLOSE;   /* Applied Price  */
//--- global variables
int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
int      period=0;               // Bollinger Bands calculation period
int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
string   ind_title;              // Indicator description

Wenn Sie das Dashboard im EA verwenden, deklarieren Sie die globalen Variablen und binden Sie die Klassendatei des Panels ein:

//|                                               TestTrendBands.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
//--- includes
#include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
//--- enums
   LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
   LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
   LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
   LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
   LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
   LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
   LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
   LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
   LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
   LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
//--- input parameters
input uint                 InpPeriod   =  20;            /* Period         */
input double               InpDeviation=  2.0;           /* Deviation      */
input int                  InpShift    =  0;             /* Shift          */
input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   InpPrice    =  PRICE_CLOSE;   /* Applied Price  */
//--- global variables
int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
int      period=0;               // Bollinger Bands calculation period
int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
string   ind_title;              // Indicator description
//--- variables for the panel
int      mouse_bar_index;        // Index of the bar the data is taken from
CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object


Einstellung der Werte der globalen Variablen für den Indikator und die Erstellung seines Handles:

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- create timer

//--- Indicator
//--- Set and adjust the calculation period and levels if necessary
   period=int(InpPeriod<1 ? 20 : InpPeriod);
//--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
//--- Create indicator handle
      PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
      return INIT_FAILED;

//--- Successful initialization

Wenn der EA die Verwendung des Dashboards beinhaltet, sollten wir es erstellen:

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- create timer

//--- Indicator
//--- Set and adjust the calculation period and levels if necessary
   period=int(InpPeriod<1 ? 20 : InpPeriod);
//--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
//--- Create indicator handle
      PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
      return INIT_FAILED;

//--- Dashboard
//--- Create the panel
   panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,225,243);
      Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set font parameters
//--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
   panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));
//--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
//--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 1 to display indicator data in it
//--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
   int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
//--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background
//--- Display tabular data in the journal
//--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
//--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel

//--- Successful initialization


Freigabe des Indikator-Handles in OnDeinit() des EAs:

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- destroy timer
//--- Release handle of the indicator
      PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
//--- Clear all comments on the chart

Das erstellte Dashboard-Objekt wird bei der Verwendung des Dashboards entfernt:

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- destroy timer
//--- Release handle of the indicator
      PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
//--- Clear all comments on the chart
//--- If the panel object exists, delete it
      delete panel;

Abrufen von Daten

Allgemeine Funktionen zum Abrufen von Daten über das Indikator-Handle:

//| Return the indicator data on the specified bar                   |
double IndicatorValue(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
   double array[1]={0};
      PrintFormat("%s: CopyBuffer failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
      return EMPTY_VALUE;
   return array[0];
//| Return the state of the indicator line                           |
ENUM_LINE_STATE LineState(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
//--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1,2) relative to the passed index
   const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
   const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
   const double value2=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+2,buffer_num);
//--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
   if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE || value2==EMPTY_VALUE)
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Line upward reversal (value2>value1 && value0>value1)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_TURN_UP;
//--- Line upward direction (value2<=value1 && value0>value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_UP;
//--- Line upward stop (value2<=value1 && value0==value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_STOP_UP;
//--- Line downward reversal (value2<value1 && value0<value1)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN;
//--- Line downward direction (value2>=value1 && value0<value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_DOWN;
//--- Line downward stop (value2>=value1 && value0==value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN;
//--- Undefined state
   return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//| Return the state of the line relative to the specified level     |
ENUM_LINE_STATE LineStateRelative(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num,const double level0,const double level1=EMPTY_VALUE)
//--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1) relative to the passed index
   const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
   const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
//--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
   if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE)
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Define the second level to compare
   double level=(level1==EMPTY_VALUE ? level0 : level1);
//--- The line is below the level (value1<level && value0<level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_UNDER;
//--- The line is above the level (value1>level && value0>level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_ABOVE;
//--- The line crossed the level upwards (value1<=level && value0>level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP;
//--- The line crossed the level downwards (value1>=level && value0<level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
//--- The line touched the level from below (value1<level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
//--- The line touched the level from above (value1>level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
//--- Line is equal to the level value (value1==level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)==0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_EQUALS;
//--- Undefined state
   return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//| Return the indicator line state description                      |
string LineStateDescription(const ENUM_LINE_STATE state)
      case LINE_STATE_UP         :  return "Up";
      case LINE_STATE_STOP_UP    :  return "Stop Up";
      case LINE_STATE_TURN_UP    :  return "Turn Up";
      case LINE_STATE_DOWN       :  return "Down";
      case LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN  :  return "Stop Down";
      case LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN  :  return "Turn Down";
      case LINE_STATE_ABOVE      :  return "Above level";
      case LINE_STATE_UNDER      :  return "Under level";
      case LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   :  return "Crossing Up";
      case LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN :  return "Crossing Down";
      case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW:  return "Touch from Below";
      case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE:  return "Touch from Above";
      case LINE_STATE_EQUALS     :  return "Equals";
      default                    :  return "Unknown";

Wenn wir das Dashboard verwenden, werden die Daten mit Hilfe der Funktion auf dem Panel angezeigt:

//| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
//--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
   MqlTick  tick={0};
   MqlRates rates[1];

//--- Exit if unable to get the current prices
//--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index

//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
   int  size=0;
   uint flags=0;
   uint angle=0;
   string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
   panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
   panel.DrawText("Indicator data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data

//--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
   panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);

//--- Display the Bands Upper line data from the specified bar on the panel in table 1
   panel.DrawText(ind_title+" Upper", panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
   double value=IndicatorValue(handle,index,UPPER_BAND);
   string value_str=(value!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value,ind_digits) : "");

//--- Display the Bands Lower line data from the specified bar on the panel in table 1
   panel.DrawText(ind_title+" Lower", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
   double value_dip=IndicatorValue(handle,index,LOWER_BAND);
   string value_dip_str=(value_dip!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value_dip,ind_digits) : "");

//--- Display the Bands Middle line data from the specified bar on the panel in table 1
   panel.DrawText(ind_title+" Middle", panel.CellX(1,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,2,0)+2);
   double value_dim=IndicatorValue(handle,index,BASE_LINE);
   string value_dim_str=(value_dim!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value_dim,ind_digits) : "");
//--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

Außerdem wird bei der Verwendung des Dashboards das Handle für die Panel-Ereignisse in der Ereignisbehandlung des EAs OnChartEvent() aufgerufen, und die Ereignisse für den Erhalt des Balkenindex unter dem Cursor werden behandelt:

//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Handling the panel
//--- Call the panel event handler

//--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
      //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
      datetime time=0;
      double price=0;
      int wnd=0;
      //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
         //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
         //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 

//--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
      //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
      PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);

Nachdem wir den EA kompiliert und auf dem Chart gestartet haben, können wir den Status des Indikatorwertes und der Linie auf dem Panel einsehen:

Sie können sich den TestTrendBands.mq5 Test-EA in den an den Artikel angehängten Dateien ansehen.

Doppelter exponentieller gleitender Durchschnitt

Der doppelte exponentielle gleitende Durchschnitt (DEMA) wurde von Patrick Mulloy entwickelt und im Februar 1994 in der Zeitschrift „Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities“ veröffentlicht. Es wird zur Glättung von Preis-Serien genutzt und wird direkt auf dem Chart angewendet. Es kann jedoch auch zur Glättung anderer Indikatoren genutzt werden.

Der Vorteil ist, dass dieser Indikator falsche Signale eliminiert und eine Position bei starken Trend-Bewegung so länger mitgenommen werden kann.


Die Funktion iDEMA() wird verwendet, um das Indikator-Handle zu erstellen:

Gibt das Handle des Indikators des doppelt exponentiellen gleitenden Durchschnitts zurück. Es gibt nur einen Puffer.

int  iDEMA(
   string              symbol,            // symbol name
   ENUM_TIMEFRAMES     period,            // period
   int                 ma_period,         // averaging period
   int                 ma_shift,          // horizontal shift of the indicator
   ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE  applied_price      // price type or handle


[in] Der Symbolname des Finanzinstruments, dessen Daten zur Berechnung des Indikators verwendet werden sollen. NULL bedeutet das aktuelle Symbol.


[in] Der Zeitrahmen, es ist ein Wert aus der Enumeration ENUM_TIMEFRAMES, 0 bedeutet den aktuellen Zeitrahmen.


[in] Periodenlänge (Anzahl der Balken) für die Berechnung des Indikators.


[in] Verschiebung des Indikators im Verhältnis zum Preischart.


[in] Verwendeter Preis. Ein Wert aus der Enumeration ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE oder ein anderes Indikator-Handle.

Gibt das Handle des angegebenen technischen Indikators zurück. Falls fehlgeschlagen, wird INVALID_HANDLE zurückgegeben. Um den Computerspeicher eines nicht mehr verwendeten Indikators freizugeben, verwenden Sie IndicatorRelease(), dem das Indikator-Handle übergeben wird.

Deklarieren der Eingabe- und der globalen Variablen im EA, um den Indikator zu erstellen:

//|                                                TestTrendDEMA.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
//--- enums
   LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
   LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
   LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
   LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
   LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
   LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
   LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
   LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
   LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
   LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
//--- input parameters
input uint                 InpPeriod      =  14;            /* Period         */
input int                  InpShift       =  0;             /* DEMA Shift     */
input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   InpPrice       =  PRICE_CLOSE;   /* Applied Price  */
//--- global variables
int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
int      period=0;               // DEMA calculation period
int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
string   ind_title;              // Indicator description

Wenn Sie das Dashboard im EA verwenden, deklarieren Sie die globalen Variablen und binden Sie die Klassendatei des Panels ein:

//|                                                TestTrendDEMA.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
//--- includes
#include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
//--- enums
   LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
   LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
   LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
   LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
   LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
   LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
   LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
   LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
   LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
   LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
//--- input parameters
input uint                 InpPeriod      =  14;            /* Period         */
input int                  InpShift       =  0;             /* DEMA Shift     */
input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   InpPrice       =  PRICE_CLOSE;   /* Applied Price  */
//--- global variables
int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
int      period=0;               // DEMA calculation period
int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
string   ind_title;              // Indicator description
//--- variables for the panel
int      mouse_bar_index;        // Index of the bar the data is taken from
CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object


Einstellung der Werte der globalen Variablen für den Indikator und die Erstellung seines Handles:

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- create timer

//--- Indicator
//--- Set and adjust the calculation period and levels if necessary
   period=int(InpPeriod<1 ? 14 : InpPeriod);
//--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
//--- Create indicator handle
      PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
      return INIT_FAILED;

//--- Successful initialization

Wenn der EA die Verwendung des Dashboards beinhaltet, sollten wir es erstellen:

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- create timer

//--- Indicator
//--- Set and adjust the calculation period and levels if necessary
   period=int(InpPeriod<1 ? 14 : InpPeriod);
//--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
//--- Create indicator handle
      PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
      return INIT_FAILED;

//--- Dashboard
//--- Create the panel
   panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,197,225);
      Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set font parameters
//--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
   panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));
//--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
//--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 1 to display indicator data in it
//--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
   int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
//--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background
//--- Display tabular data in the journal
//--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
//--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel

//--- Successful initialization


Freigabe des Indikator-Handles in OnDeinit() des EAs:

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- destroy timer
//--- Release handle of the indicator
      PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
//--- Clear all comments on the chart

Das erstellte Dashboard-Objekt wird bei der Verwendung des Dashboards entfernt:

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- destroy timer
//--- Release handle of the indicator
      PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
//--- Clear all comments on the chart
//--- If the panel object exists, delete it
      delete panel;

Abrufen von Daten

Allgemeine Funktionen zum Abrufen von Daten über das Indikator-Handle:

//| Return the indicator data on the specified bar                   |
double IndicatorValue(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
   double array[1]={0};
      PrintFormat("%s: CopyBuffer failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
      return EMPTY_VALUE;
   return array[0];
//| Return the state of the indicator line                           |
ENUM_LINE_STATE LineState(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
//--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1,2) relative to the passed index
   const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
   const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
   const double value2=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+2,buffer_num);
//--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
   if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE || value2==EMPTY_VALUE)
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Line upward reversal (value2>value1 && value0>value1)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_TURN_UP;
//--- Line upward direction (value2<=value1 && value0>value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_UP;
//--- Line upward stop (value2<=value1 && value0==value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_STOP_UP;
//--- Line downward reversal (value2<value1 && value0<value1)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN;
//--- Line downward direction (value2>=value1 && value0<value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_DOWN;
//--- Line downward stop (value2>=value1 && value0==value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN;
//--- Undefined state
   return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//| Return the state of the line relative to the specified level     |
ENUM_LINE_STATE LineStateRelative(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num,const double level0,const double level1=EMPTY_VALUE)
//--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1) relative to the passed index
   const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
   const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
//--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
   if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE)
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Define the second level to compare
   double level=(level1==EMPTY_VALUE ? level0 : level1);
//--- The line is below the level (value1<level && value0<level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_UNDER;
//--- The line is above the level (value1>level && value0>level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_ABOVE;
//--- The line crossed the level upwards (value1<=level && value0>level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP;
//--- The line crossed the level downwards (value1>=level && value0<level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
//--- The line touched the level from below (value1<level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
//--- The line touched the level from above (value1>level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
//--- Line is equal to the level value (value1==level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)==0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_EQUALS;
//--- Undefined state
   return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//| Return the indicator line state description                      |
string LineStateDescription(const ENUM_LINE_STATE state)
      case LINE_STATE_UP         :  return "Up";
      case LINE_STATE_STOP_UP    :  return "Stop Up";
      case LINE_STATE_TURN_UP    :  return "Turn Up";
      case LINE_STATE_DOWN       :  return "Down";
      case LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN  :  return "Stop Down";
      case LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN  :  return "Turn Down";
      case LINE_STATE_ABOVE      :  return "Above level";
      case LINE_STATE_UNDER      :  return "Under level";
      case LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   :  return "Crossing Up";
      case LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN :  return "Crossing Down";
      case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW:  return "Touch from Below";
      case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE:  return "Touch from Above";
      case LINE_STATE_EQUALS     :  return "Equals";
      default                    :  return "Unknown";

Wenn wir das Dashboard verwenden, werden die Daten mit Hilfe der Funktion auf dem Panel angezeigt:

//| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
//--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
   MqlTick  tick={0};
   MqlRates rates[1];

//--- Exit if unable to get the current prices
//--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index

//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
   int  size=0;
   uint flags=0;
   uint angle=0;
   string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
   panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
   panel.DrawText("Indicator data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data

//--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
   panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);

//--- Display the indicator data from the specified bar on the panel in table 1
   panel.DrawText(ind_title, panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
   double value=IndicatorValue(handle,index,0);
   string value_str=(value!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value,ind_digits) : "");
//--- Display a description of the indicator line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state=LineState(handle,index,0);
//--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

Außerdem wird bei der Verwendung des Dashboards das Handle für die Panel-Ereignisse in der Ereignisbehandlung des EAs OnChartEvent() aufgerufen, und die Ereignisse für den Erhalt des Balkenindex unter dem Cursor werden behandelt:

//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Handling the panel
//--- Call the panel event handler

//--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
      //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
      datetime time=0;
      double price=0;
      int wnd=0;
      //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
         //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
         //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 

//--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
      //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
      PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);

Nachdem wir den EA kompiliert und auf dem Chart gestartet haben, können wir den Status des Indikatorwertes und der Linie auf dem Panel einsehen:

Sie können sich den TestTrendDEMA.mq5 Test EA in den an den Artikel angehängten Dateien ansehen


Der technische Indikator Envelopes (Umschläge) wird aus zwei gleitenden Durchschnitten gebildet, von denen einer nach oben und der andere nach unten verschoben ist. Die Auswahl der optimalen relativen Verschiebung wird durch die Markt-Volatilität bestimmt, je höher die Volatilität, desto höher die Verschiebung.

Envelopes definieren die obere und untere Grenze der Preis-Range. Ein Verkaufssignal erscheint, wenn der Preis die obere Grenze erreicht; ein Kaufsignal, wenn der Preis die untere Grenze erreicht.

Die Logik hinter den Envelopes ist, dass übereifrige Käufer und Verkäufer den Preis zu Extrempunkten (bspw. die obere und untere Grenze treiben), sodass der Preis sich mit einer Korrektur wieder stabilisiert. Dies ist vergleichbar mit der Interpretation von den Bollinger Bands® (BB).


Die Funktion iEnvelopes() wird verwendet, um das Indikator-Handle zu erstellen:

Rückgabe des Indikator-Handle der Envelopes.

int  iEnvelopes(
   string              symbol,            // symbol name
   ENUM_TIMEFRAMES     period,            // period
   int                 ma_period,         // central line calculation period
   int                 ma_shift,          // horizontal shift of the indicator
   ENUM_MA_METHOD      ma_method,         // smoothing type
   ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE  applied_price,     // price type or handle
   double              deviation          // deviation of channel borders from the central line

[in] Der Symbolname des Finanzinstruments, dessen Daten zur Berechnung des Indikators verwendet werden sollen. NULL bedeutet das aktuelle Symbol.


[in] Der Zeitrahmen, es ist ein Wert aus der Enumeration ENUM_TIMEFRAMES, 0 bedeutet den aktuellen Zeitrahmen.


[in] Der Periodenlänge der Hauptlinie des Indikators.


[in] Verschiebung des Indikators im Verhältnis zum Preischart.


[in] Mittelungsmethode. Eine aus der Enumeration ENUM_MA_METHOD.


[in] Verwendeter Preis. Ein Wert aus der Enumeration ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE oder ein anderes Indikator-Handle.


[in] Prozentuale Abweichung von der Hauptlinie.

Gibt das Handle des angegebenen technischen Indikators zurück. Falls fehlgeschlagen, wird INVALID_HANDLE zurückgegeben. Um den Computerspeicher eines nicht mehr verwendeten Indikators freizugeben, verwenden Sie IndicatorRelease(), dem das Indikator-Handle übergeben wird.

Puffer-Indizes: 0 — UPPER_LINE, 1 — LOWER_LINE.

Deklarieren der Eingabe- und der globalen Variablen im EA, um den Indikator zu erstellen:

//|                                           TestTrendEnvelopes.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
//--- enums
   LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
   LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
   LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
   LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
   LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
   LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
   LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
   LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
   LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
   LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
//--- input parameters
input uint                 InpPeriod   =  14;            /* Period         */
input double               InpDeviation=  0.1;           /* Deviation      */
input int                  InpShift    =  0;             /* Shift          */
input ENUM_MA_METHOD       InpMethod   =  MODE_SMA;      /* Method         */
input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   InpPrice    =  PRICE_CLOSE;   /* Applied Price  */
//--- global variables
int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
int      period=0;               // Envelopes calculation period
int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
string   ind_title;              // Indicator description

Wenn Sie das Dashboard im EA verwenden, deklarieren Sie die globalen Variablen und binden Sie die Klassendatei des Panels ein:

//|                                           TestTrendEnvelopes.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
//--- includes
#include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
//--- enums
   LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
   LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
   LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
   LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
   LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
   LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
   LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
   LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
   LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
   LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
//--- input parameters
input uint                 InpPeriod   =  14;            /* Period         */
input double               InpDeviation=  0.1;           /* Deviation      */
input int                  InpShift    =  0;             /* Shift          */
input ENUM_MA_METHOD       InpMethod   =  MODE_SMA;      /* Method         */
input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   InpPrice    =  PRICE_CLOSE;   /* Applied Price  */
//--- global variables
int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
int      period=0;               // Envelopes calculation period
int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
string   ind_title;              // Indicator description
//--- variables for the panel
int      mouse_bar_index;        // Index of the bar the data is taken from
CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object


Einstellung der Werte der globalen Variablen für den Indikator und die Erstellung seines Handles:

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- create timer

//--- Indicator
//--- Set and adjust the calculation period and levels if necessary
   period=int(InpPeriod<1 ? 14 : InpPeriod);
//--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
//--- Create indicator handle
      PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
      return INIT_FAILED;

//--- Successful initialization

Wenn der EA die Verwendung des Dashboards beinhaltet, sollten wir es erstellen:

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- create timer

//--- Indicator
//--- Set and adjust the calculation period and levels if necessary
   period=int(InpPeriod<1 ? 14 : InpPeriod);
//--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
//--- Create indicator handle
      PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
      return INIT_FAILED;

//--- Dashboard
//--- Create the panel
   panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,257,225);
      Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set font parameters
//--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
   panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));
//--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
//--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 1 to display indicator data in it
//--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
   int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
//--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background
//--- Display tabular data in the journal
//--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
//--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel

//--- Successful initialization


Freigabe des Indikator-Handles in OnDeinit() des EAs:

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- destroy timer
//--- Release handle of the indicator
      PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
//--- Clear all comments on the chart

Das erstellte Dashboard-Objekt wird bei der Verwendung des Dashboards entfernt:

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- destroy timer
//--- Release handle of the indicator
      PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
//--- Clear all comments on the chart
//--- If the panel object exists, delete it
      delete panel;

Abrufen von Daten

Allgemeine Funktionen zum Abrufen von Daten über das Indikator-Handle:

//| Return the indicator data on the specified bar                   |
double IndicatorValue(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
   double array[1]={0};
      PrintFormat("%s: CopyBuffer failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
      return EMPTY_VALUE;
   return array[0];
//| Return the state of the indicator line                           |
ENUM_LINE_STATE LineState(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
//--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1,2) relative to the passed index
   const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
   const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
   const double value2=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+2,buffer_num);
//--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
   if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE || value2==EMPTY_VALUE)
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Line upward reversal (value2>value1 && value0>value1)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_TURN_UP;
//--- Line upward direction (value2<=value1 && value0>value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_UP;
//--- Line upward stop (value2<=value1 && value0==value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_STOP_UP;
//--- Line downward reversal (value2<value1 && value0<value1)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN;
//--- Line downward direction (value2>=value1 && value0<value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_DOWN;
//--- Line downward stop (value2>=value1 && value0==value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN;
//--- Undefined state
   return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//| Return the state of the line relative to the specified level     |
ENUM_LINE_STATE LineStateRelative(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num,const double level0,const double level1=EMPTY_VALUE)
//--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1) relative to the passed index
   const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
   const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
//--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
   if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE)
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Define the second level to compare
   double level=(level1==EMPTY_VALUE ? level0 : level1);
//--- The line is below the level (value1<level && value0<level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_UNDER;
//--- The line is above the level (value1>level && value0>level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_ABOVE;
//--- The line crossed the level upwards (value1<=level && value0>level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP;
//--- The line crossed the level downwards (value1>=level && value0<level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
//--- The line touched the level from below (value1<level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
//--- The line touched the level from above (value1>level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
//--- Line is equal to the level value (value1==level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)==0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_EQUALS;
//--- Undefined state
   return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//| Return the indicator line state description                      |
string LineStateDescription(const ENUM_LINE_STATE state)
      case LINE_STATE_UP         :  return "Up";
      case LINE_STATE_STOP_UP    :  return "Stop Up";
      case LINE_STATE_TURN_UP    :  return "Turn Up";
      case LINE_STATE_DOWN       :  return "Down";
      case LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN  :  return "Stop Down";
      case LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN  :  return "Turn Down";
      case LINE_STATE_ABOVE      :  return "Above level";
      case LINE_STATE_UNDER      :  return "Under level";
      case LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   :  return "Crossing Up";
      case LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN :  return "Crossing Down";
      case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW:  return "Touch from Below";
      case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE:  return "Touch from Above";
      case LINE_STATE_EQUALS     :  return "Equals";
      default                    :  return "Unknown";

Wenn wir das Dashboard verwenden, werden die Daten mit Hilfe der Funktion auf dem Panel angezeigt:

//| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
//--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
   MqlTick  tick={0};
   MqlRates rates[1];

//--- Exit if unable to get the current prices
//--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index

//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
   int  size=0;
   uint flags=0;
   uint angle=0;
   string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
   panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
   panel.DrawText("Indicator data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data

//--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
   panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);

//--- Display the Envelopes Upper line data from the specified bar on the panel in table 1
   panel.DrawText(ind_title+" Upper", panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
   double value=IndicatorValue(handle,index,UPPER_LINE);
   string value_str=(value!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value,ind_digits) : "");

//--- Display the Envelopes Lower line data from the specified bar on the panel in table 1
   panel.DrawText(ind_title+" Lower", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
   double value_dip=IndicatorValue(handle,index,LOWER_LINE);
   string value_dip_str=(value_dip!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value_dip,ind_digits) : "");

//--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

Außerdem wird bei der Verwendung des Dashboards das Handle für die Panel-Ereignisse in der Ereignisbehandlung des EAs OnChartEvent() aufgerufen, und die Ereignisse für den Erhalt des Balkenindex unter dem Cursor werden behandelt:

//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Handling the panel
//--- Call the panel event handler

//--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
      //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
      datetime time=0;
      double price=0;
      int wnd=0;
      //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
         //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
         //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 

//--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
      //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
      PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);

Nachdem wir den EA kompiliert und auf dem Chart gestartet haben, können wir den Status des Indikatorwertes und der Linie auf dem Panel einsehen:

Sie können sich den Test EA TestTrendEnvelopes.mq5 in den an den Artikel angehängten Dateien ansehen.

Fraktaler adaptiver gleitender Durchschnitt

Der Fractal Adaptive Moving Average (FRAMA) wurde von John Ehlers entwickelt. Dieser Indikator basiert auf dem exponentiellen gleitenden Durchschnitt, wobei der Glättungsfaktor auf der Grundlage der aktuellen fraktalen Dimension der Preisspanne berechnet wird. Der FRAMA-Indikator folgt starken Trendbewegungen und verlangsamt sich während einer Kurskonsolidierung deutlich.

Alle Analysemethoden, die für die Arbeit mit dem gleitenden Durchschnitt verwendet werden, können auch auf diesen Indikator angewendet werden.


Die Funktion iFrAMA() wird zur Erstellung des Indikator-Handles verwendet:

Gibt das Handle des Indikators Fractal Adaptive Moving Average zurück. Es gibt nur einen Puffer.

int  iFrAMA(
   string              symbol,            // symbol name
   ENUM_TIMEFRAMES     period,            // period
   int                 ma_period,         // averaging period
   int                 ma_shift,          // horizontal shift of the indicator
   ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE  applied_price      // price type or handle

[in] Der Symbolname des Finanzinstruments, dessen Daten zur Berechnung des Indikators verwendet werden sollen. NULL bedeutet das aktuelle Symbol.


[in] Der Zeitrahmen, es ist ein Wert aus der Enumeration ENUM_TIMEFRAMES, 0 bedeutet den aktuellen Zeitrahmen.


[in] Periodenlänge (Anzahl der Balken) für die Berechnung des Indikators.


[in] Verschiebung des Indikators im Verhältnis zum Preischart.


[in] Verwendeter Preis. Ein Wert aus der Enumeration ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE oder ein anderes Indikator-Handle.

Gibt das Handle des angegebenen technischen Indikators zurück. Falls fehlgeschlagen, wird INVALID_HANDLE zurückgegeben. Um den Computerspeicher eines nicht mehr verwendeten Indikators freizugeben, verwenden Sie IndicatorRelease(), dem das Indikator-Handle übergeben wird.

Deklarieren der Eingabe- und der globalen Variablen im EA, um den Indikator zu erstellen:

//|                                               TestTrendFRAMA.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
//--- enums
   LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
   LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
   LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
   LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
   LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
   LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
   LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
   LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
   LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
   LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
//--- input parameters
input uint                 InpPeriod      =  14;            /* Period         */
input int                  InpShift       =  0;             /* FRAMA Shift    */
input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   InpPrice       =  PRICE_CLOSE;   /* Applied Price  */
//--- global variables
int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
int      period=0;               // FRAMA calculation period
int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
string   ind_title;              // Indicator description

Wenn Sie das Dashboard im EA verwenden, deklarieren Sie die globalen Variablen und binden Sie die Klassendatei des Panels ein:

//|                                               TestTrendFRAMA.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
//--- includes
#include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
//--- enums
   LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
   LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
   LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
   LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
   LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
   LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
   LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
   LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
   LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
   LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
//--- input parameters
input uint                 InpPeriod      =  14;            /* Period         */
input int                  InpShift       =  0;             /* FRAMA Shift    */
input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   InpPrice       =  PRICE_CLOSE;   /* Applied Price  */
//--- global variables
int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
int      period=0;               // FRAMA calculation period
int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
string   ind_title;              // Indicator description
//--- variables for the panel
int      mouse_bar_index;        // Index of the bar the data is taken from
CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object


Einstellung der Werte der globalen Variablen für den Indikator und die Erstellung seines Handles:

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- create timer

//--- Indicator
//--- Set and adjust the calculation period and levels if necessary
   period=int(InpPeriod<1 ? 14 : InpPeriod);
//--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
//--- Create indicator handle
      PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
      return INIT_FAILED;

//--- Successful initialization

Wenn der EA die Verwendung des Dashboards beinhaltet, sollten wir es erstellen:

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- create timer

//--- Indicator
//--- Set and adjust the calculation period and levels if necessary
   period=int(InpPeriod<1 ? 14 : InpPeriod);
//--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
//--- Create indicator handle
      PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
      return INIT_FAILED;

//--- Dashboard
//--- Create the panel
   panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,197,225);
      Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set font parameters
//--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
   panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));
//--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
//--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 1 to display indicator data in it
//--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
   int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
//--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background
//--- Display tabular data in the journal
//--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
//--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel

//--- Successful initialization


Freigabe des Indikator-Handles in OnDeinit() des EAs:

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- destroy timer
//--- Release handle of the indicator
      PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
//--- Clear all comments on the chart

Das erstellte Dashboard-Objekt wird bei der Verwendung des Dashboards entfernt:

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- destroy timer
//--- Release handle of the indicator
      PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
//--- Clear all comments on the chart
//--- If the panel object exists, delete it
      delete panel;

Abrufen von Daten

Allgemeine Funktionen zum Abrufen von Daten über das Indikator-Handle:

//| Return the indicator data on the specified bar                   |
double IndicatorValue(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
   double array[1]={0};
      PrintFormat("%s: CopyBuffer failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
      return EMPTY_VALUE;
   return array[0];
//| Return the state of the indicator line                           |
ENUM_LINE_STATE LineState(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
//--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1,2) relative to the passed index
   const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
   const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
   const double value2=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+2,buffer_num);
//--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
   if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE || value2==EMPTY_VALUE)
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Line upward reversal (value2>value1 && value0>value1)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_TURN_UP;
//--- Line upward direction (value2<=value1 && value0>value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_UP;
//--- Line upward stop (value2<=value1 && value0==value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_STOP_UP;
//--- Line downward reversal (value2<value1 && value0<value1)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN;
//--- Line downward direction (value2>=value1 && value0<value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_DOWN;
//--- Line downward stop (value2>=value1 && value0==value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN;
//--- Undefined state
   return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//| Return the state of the line relative to the specified level     |
ENUM_LINE_STATE LineStateRelative(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num,const double level0,const double level1=EMPTY_VALUE)
//--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1) relative to the passed index
   const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
   const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
//--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
   if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE)
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Define the second level to compare
   double level=(level1==EMPTY_VALUE ? level0 : level1);
//--- The line is below the level (value1<level && value0<level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_UNDER;
//--- The line is above the level (value1>level && value0>level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_ABOVE;
//--- The line crossed the level upwards (value1<=level && value0>level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP;
//--- The line crossed the level downwards (value1>=level && value0<level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
//--- The line touched the level from below (value1<level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
//--- The line touched the level from above (value1>level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
//--- Line is equal to the level value (value1==level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)==0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_EQUALS;
//--- Undefined state
   return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//| Return the indicator line state description                      |
string LineStateDescription(const ENUM_LINE_STATE state)
      case LINE_STATE_UP         :  return "Up";
      case LINE_STATE_STOP_UP    :  return "Stop Up";
      case LINE_STATE_TURN_UP    :  return "Turn Up";
      case LINE_STATE_DOWN       :  return "Down";
      case LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN  :  return "Stop Down";
      case LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN  :  return "Turn Down";
      case LINE_STATE_ABOVE      :  return "Above level";
      case LINE_STATE_UNDER      :  return "Under level";
      case LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   :  return "Crossing Up";
      case LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN :  return "Crossing Down";
      case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW:  return "Touch from Below";
      case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE:  return "Touch from Above";
      case LINE_STATE_EQUALS     :  return "Equals";
      default                    :  return "Unknown";

Wenn wir das Dashboard verwenden, werden die Daten mit Hilfe der Funktion auf dem Panel angezeigt:

//| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
//--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
   MqlTick  tick={0};
   MqlRates rates[1];

//--- Exit if unable to get the current prices
//--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index

//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
   int  size=0;
   uint flags=0;
   uint angle=0;
   string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
   panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
   panel.DrawText("Indicator data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data

//--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
   panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);

//--- Display the indicator data from the specified bar on the panel in table 1
   panel.DrawText(ind_title, panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
   double value=IndicatorValue(handle,index,0);
   string value_str=(value!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value,ind_digits) : "");
//--- Display a description of the indicator line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state=LineState(handle,index,0);
//--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

Außerdem wird bei der Verwendung des Dashboards das Handle für die Panel-Ereignisse in der Ereignisbehandlung des EAs OnChartEvent() aufgerufen, und die Ereignisse für den Erhalt des Balkenindex unter dem Cursor werden behandelt:

//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Handling the panel
//--- Call the panel event handler

//--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
      //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
      datetime time=0;
      double price=0;
      int wnd=0;
      //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
         //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
         //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 

//--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
      //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
      PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);

Nachdem wir den EA kompiliert und auf dem Chart gestartet haben, können wir den Status des Indikatorwertes und der Linie auf dem Panel einsehen:

Sie können sich den TestTrendFRAMA.mq5 Test EA in den an den Artikel angehängten Dateien ansehen.

Ichimoku Kinko Hyo

Der technische Indicator Ichimoku Kinko Hyo ist vordefiniert, um den Markttrend, Unterstützungs- und Widerstandsniveaus zu charakterisieren und Kauf- und Verkaufssignale zu generieren. Dieser Indikator arbeitet am besten im Wochen- oder Tageschart.

Vier verschiedene Perioden werden in den Parametern festgelegt. Die verschiedenen Linien basieren auf diesen Intervallen und sind wie folgt beschrieben:

  • Tenkan-sen zeigt den durchschnittlichen Preis während des ersten Intervalls definiert als die Summe der Maximal- und Minimalwerte innerhalb dieses Zeitrahmen, geteilt durch zwei;
  • Kijun-sen zeigt den durchschnittlichen Preis während des zweiten Zeit-Intervalls;
  • Senkou Span A zeigt den Mittelwert der Distanz der beiden vorherigen Linien und wird um den Wert des zweiten Intervalls nach vorne verschoben;
  • Senkou Span B zeigt den durchschnittlichen Preis während des dritten Intervalls und wird um den Wert des zweiten Intervalls nach vorne verschoben.

Chikou Span zeigt den Schlusspreis der aktuellen Kerze nach hinten verschoben um den Wert des zweiten Intervalls. Die Distanz zwischen den Senkou Linien wird mit einer anderen Farbe verbunden und als die „Ichimoku-Wolke“ bezeichnet. Wenn der Preis zwischen diesen Linien, wird der Markt in einem Zustand des nicht vorhandenen Trends gesehen und die Wolken-Grenzen gelten als Unterstützungs- und Widerstandszonen.

  • Wenn der Preis über der Wolke ist, formt die erste obere Linie die erste Unterstützungszone und die zweite die zweite Unterstützungszone;
  • Wenn der Preis unter der Wolke ist, formt die erste untere Linie die erste Widerstandszone und die zweite Linie die zweite Widerstandszone
  • Wenn die Chikou Span Linie den Preis von unten nach oben kreuzt, ist dies ein Kauf-Signal. Wenn die Chikou Span Linie den Preis von oben nach unten kreuzt, ist dies ein Verkauf-Signal.

Kijun-sen wird als Indikator für die Marktbewegung genutzt. Wenn der Preis höher ist als der Indikator, steigt der Preis vermutlich weiter. Wenn der Preis diese Linie kreuzt, ist eine Trend-Umkehr wahrscheinlich. Eine andere Art zur Nutzung der Kijun-sen ist das Finden von Signalen. Ein Kaufsignal wird erzeugt, wenn die Tenkan-sen-Linie Kijun-sen von unten kreuzt. Von oben nach unten ist dies ein Verkaufssignal. Tenkan-sen wird genutzt als Indikator für den Markttrend. Wenn die Linie steigt oder sinkt, existiert ein Trend. Wenn die Linie horizontal verläuft, befindet sich der Markt in einem Kanal.


Die Funktion iIchimoku() wird zur Erstellung des Indikator-Handles verwendet:

Gibt das Handle des Ichimoku Kinko Hyo Indikators zurück.

int  iIchimoku(
   string           symbol,            // symbol name
   ENUM_TIMEFRAMES  period,            // period
   int              tenkan_sen,        // Tenkan-sen period
   int              kijun_sen,         // Kijun-sen period
   int              senkou_span_b      // Senkou Span B period

[in] Der Symbolname des Finanzinstruments, dessen Daten zur Berechnung des Indikators verwendet werden sollen. NULL bedeutet das aktuelle Symbol.


[in] Der Zeitrahmen, es ist ein Wert aus der Enumeration ENUM_TIMEFRAMES, 0 bedeutet den aktuellen Zeitrahmen.


[in] Tenkan Sen-Mittelungszeitraum.


[in] Kijun-Sen-Mittelungszeitraum.


[in] Senkou Span B Mittelungszeitraum.

Gibt das Handle des angegebenen technischen Indikators zurück. Falls fehlgeschlagen, wird INVALID_HANDLE zurückgegeben. Um den Computerspeicher eines nicht mehr verwendeten Indikators freizugeben, verwenden Sie IndicatorRelease(), dem das Indikator-Handle übergeben wird.


Deklarieren der Eingabe- und der globalen Variablen im EA, um den Indikator zu erstellen:

//|                                            TestTrendIchimoku.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
//--- enums
   LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
   LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
   LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
   LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
   LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
   LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
   LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
   LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
   LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
   LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
//--- input parameters
input uint                 InpPeriodTenkan=  9;    /* Tenkan-sen     */
input uint                 InpPeriodKijun =  26;   /* Kijun-sen      */
input uint                 InpPeriodSpanB =  52;   /* Senkou Span B  */
//--- global variables
int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
int      period_tenkan=0;        // Tenkan-sen line calculation period
int      period_kijun=0;         // Kijun-sen line calculation period
int      period_spanb=0;         // Senkou Span B line calculation period
int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
string   ind_title;              // Indicator description

Wenn Sie das Dashboard im EA verwenden, deklarieren Sie die globalen Variablen und binden Sie die Klassendatei des Panels ein:

//|                                            TestTrendIchimoku.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
//--- includes
#include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
//--- enums
   LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
   LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
   LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
   LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
   LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
   LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
   LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
   LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
   LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
   LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
//--- input parameters
input uint                 InpPeriodTenkan=  9;    /* Tenkan-sen     */
input uint                 InpPeriodKijun =  26;   /* Kijun-sen      */
input uint                 InpPeriodSpanB =  52;   /* Senkou Span B  */
//--- global variables
int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
int      period_tenkan=0;        // Tenkan-sen line calculation period
int      period_kijun=0;         // Kijun-sen line calculation period
int      period_spanb=0;         // Senkou Span B line calculation period
int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
string   ind_title;              // Indicator description
//--- variables for the panel
int      mouse_bar_index;        // Index of the bar the data is taken from
CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object


Einstellung der Werte der globalen Variablen für den Indikator und die Erstellung seines Handles:

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- create timer

//--- Indicator
//--- Set and adjust the calculation period if necessary
   period_tenkan=int(InpPeriodTenkan<1 ? 9 : InpPeriodTenkan);
   period_kijun=int(InpPeriodKijun<1 ? 26 : InpPeriodKijun);
   period_spanb=int(InpPeriodSpanB<1 ? 52 : InpPeriodSpanB);
//--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
   ind_title=StringFormat("Ichimoku Kinko Hyo (%lu,%lu,%lu)",period_tenkan,period_kijun,period_spanb);
//--- Create indicator handle
      PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
      return INIT_FAILED;

//--- Successful initialization

Wenn der EA die Verwendung des Dashboards beinhaltet, sollten wir es erstellen:

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- create timer

//--- Indicator
//--- Set and adjust the calculation period if necessary
   period_tenkan=int(InpPeriodTenkan<1 ? 9 : InpPeriodTenkan);
   period_kijun=int(InpPeriodKijun<1 ? 26 : InpPeriodKijun);
   period_spanb=int(InpPeriodSpanB<1 ? 52 : InpPeriodSpanB);
//--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
   ind_title=StringFormat("Ichimoku Kinko Hyo (%lu,%lu,%lu)",period_tenkan,period_kijun,period_spanb);
//--- Create indicator handle
      PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
      return INIT_FAILED;

//--- Dashboard
//--- Create the panel
   panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,229,261);
      Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set font parameters
//--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
   panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));
//--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
//--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 1 to display indicator data in it
//--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
   int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
//--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background
//--- Display tabular data in the journal
//--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
//--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel

//--- Successful initialization


Freigabe des Indikator-Handles in OnDeinit() des EAs:

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- destroy timer
//--- Release handle of the indicator
      PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
//--- Clear all comments on the chart

Das erstellte Dashboard-Objekt wird bei der Verwendung des Dashboards entfernt:

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- destroy timer
//--- Release handle of the indicator
      PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
//--- Clear all comments on the chart
//--- If the panel object exists, delete it
      delete panel;

Abrufen von Daten

Allgemeine Funktionen zum Abrufen von Daten über das Indikator-Handle:

//| Return the indicator data on the specified bar                   |
double IndicatorValue(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
   double array[1]={0};
      PrintFormat("%s: CopyBuffer failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
      return EMPTY_VALUE;
   return array[0];
//| Return the state of the indicator line                           |
ENUM_LINE_STATE LineState(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
//--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1,2) relative to the passed index
   const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
   const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
   const double value2=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+2,buffer_num);
//--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
   if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE || value2==EMPTY_VALUE)
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Line upward reversal (value2>value1 && value0>value1)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_TURN_UP;
//--- Line upward direction (value2<=value1 && value0>value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_UP;
//--- Line upward stop (value2<=value1 && value0==value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_STOP_UP;
//--- Line downward reversal (value2<value1 && value0<value1)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN;
//--- Line downward direction (value2>=value1 && value0<value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_DOWN;
//--- Line downward stop (value2>=value1 && value0==value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN;
//--- Undefined state
   return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//| Return the state of the line relative to the specified level     |
ENUM_LINE_STATE LineStateRelative(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num,const double level0,const double level1=EMPTY_VALUE)
//--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1) relative to the passed index
   const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
   const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
//--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
   if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE)
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Define the second level to compare
   double level=(level1==EMPTY_VALUE ? level0 : level1);
//--- The line is below the level (value1<level && value0<level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_UNDER;
//--- The line is above the level (value1>level && value0>level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_ABOVE;
//--- The line crossed the level upwards (value1<=level && value0>level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP;
//--- The line crossed the level downwards (value1>=level && value0<level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
//--- The line touched the level from below (value1<level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
//--- The line touched the level from above (value1>level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
//--- Line is equal to the level value (value1==level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)==0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_EQUALS;
//--- Undefined state
   return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//| Return the indicator line state description                      |
string LineStateDescription(const ENUM_LINE_STATE state)
      case LINE_STATE_UP         :  return "Up";
      case LINE_STATE_STOP_UP    :  return "Stop Up";
      case LINE_STATE_TURN_UP    :  return "Turn Up";
      case LINE_STATE_DOWN       :  return "Down";
      case LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN  :  return "Stop Down";
      case LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN  :  return "Turn Down";
      case LINE_STATE_ABOVE      :  return "Above level";
      case LINE_STATE_UNDER      :  return "Under level";
      case LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   :  return "Crossing Up";
      case LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN :  return "Crossing Down";
      case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW:  return "Touch from Below";
      case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE:  return "Touch from Above";
      case LINE_STATE_EQUALS     :  return "Equals";
      default                    :  return "Unknown";

Wenn wir das Dashboard verwenden, werden die Daten mit Hilfe der Funktion auf dem Panel angezeigt:

//| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
//--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
   MqlTick  tick={0};
   MqlRates rates[1];

//--- Exit if unable to get the current prices
//--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index

//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
   int  size=0;
   uint flags=0;
   uint angle=0;
   string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
   panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
   panel.DrawText("Indicator data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data

//--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
   panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);

//--- Get the indicator buffers data
   double tenkan=IndicatorValue(handle,index,TENKANSEN_LINE);     // Tenkan Sen line
   double kijun =IndicatorValue(handle,index,KIJUNSEN_LINE);      // Kijun Sen line
   double spana =IndicatorValue(handle,index,SENKOUSPANA_LINE);   // Senkou Span A line
   double spanb =IndicatorValue(handle,index,SENKOUSPANB_LINE);   // Senkou Span B line
   double chikou=IndicatorValue(handle,index,CHIKOUSPAN_LINE);    // Chikou Span line
   color clr=clrNONE;

//--- Display the Tenkan Sen line data from the specified bar on the panel in table 1
   string tenkan_str=StringFormat("Tenkan-sen(%lu)",period_tenkan);
   panel.DrawText(tenkan_str, panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
   string value_str=(tenkan!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(tenkan,ind_digits) : " ");
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state_tenkan=LineStateRelative(handle,index,TENKANSEN_LINE,kijun,IndicatorValue(handle,index+1,KIJUNSEN_LINE));
   clr=(state_tenkan==LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP ? clrBlue : state_tenkan==LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN ? clrRed : clrNONE);
//--- Display the Kijun Sen line data from the specified bar on the panel in table 1
   string kijun_str=StringFormat("Kijun-sen(%lu)",period_kijun);
   panel.DrawText(kijun_str, panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
   value_str=(kijun!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(kijun,ind_digits) : " ");
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state_kijun=LineState(handle,index,KIJUNSEN_LINE);
      state_kijun==LINE_STATE_UP || state_kijun==LINE_STATE_TURN_UP ? clrBlue : 
      state_kijun==LINE_STATE_DOWN || state_kijun==LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN ? clrRed : clrNONE

//--- Display the Senkou Span A line data from the specified bar on the panel in table 1
   panel.DrawText("Senkou Span A", panel.CellX(1,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,2,0)+2);
   value_str=(spana!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(spana,ind_digits) : " ");
//--- Display the Senkou Span B line data from the specified bar on the panel in table 1
   string spanb_str=StringFormat("Senkou Span B(%lu)",period_spanb);
   panel.DrawText(spanb_str, panel.CellX(1,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,3,0)+2);
   value_str=(spanb!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(spanb,ind_digits) : " ");
//--- Display the Chikou Span line data from the specified bar on the panel in table 1
   panel.DrawText("Chikou Span", panel.CellX(1,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,4,0)+2);
   value_str=(chikou!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(chikou,ind_digits) : " ");
//--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

Die Farbe der Tenkan-sen- und Kijun-sen-Linienwerte hängt von ihrer relativen Position und Richtung ab.

Außerdem wird bei der Verwendung des Dashboards das Handle für die Panel-Ereignisse in der Ereignisbehandlung des EAs OnChartEvent() aufgerufen, und die Ereignisse für den Erhalt des Balkenindex unter dem Cursor werden behandelt:

//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Handling the panel
//--- Call the panel event handler

//--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
      //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
      datetime time=0;
      double price=0;
      int wnd=0;
      //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
         //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
         //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 

//--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
      //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
      PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);

Nachdem wir den EA kompiliert und auf dem Chart gestartet haben, können wir den Status des Indikatorwertes und der Linie auf dem Panel einsehen:

Sie können sich den TestTrendIchimoku.mq5 Test-EA in den an den Artikel angehängten Dateien ansehen.

Gleitender Durchschnitt

Der gleitende Durchschnitt (MA) zeigt den durchschnittlichen Preiswert des Instruments für einen bestimmten Zeitraum an. Wenn man den gleitenden Durchschnitt berechnet, werden die Preise eines Symbols über diesen Zeitraum gemittelt. Wie sich der Preis ändert, wird der Durchschnittswert entweder erhöht oder verringert.

Es gibt vier verschiedene Arten vom gleitenden Durchschnitt: einfach (auch bezeichnet als arithmetisches Mittel), exponentiell, geglättet (moothed) und gewichtet (weighted). Der gleitende Durchschnitt kann für jeden Datensatz berechnet werden, inkl. dem Eröffnungs- und Schluss-, Hoch- und Tief-Kursen, dem Volumen oder sogar anderen Indikatoren. Dies ist oft der Fall, wenn es ein doppelten gleitenden Durchschnitt gibt.

Wenn Moving Averages durch verschieden genutzte Daten stark abweichen, ist dies eigentlich nur der Fall, wenn die Gewichtung die genutzt wird abweicht. Im Falle des einfachen gleitenden Durchschnitts sind alle Preise des betreffenden Zeitraums gleich gewichtet. Beim exponentiellen gleitenden Durchschnitt und dem linear gewichteten gleitenden Durchschnitt werden den letzten Preisen mehr Gewicht zugewiesen.

Normalerweise wird der gleitende Durchschnitts ähnlich der Dynamik von Preisaktionen interpretiert. Wenn das Handelsinstrument über einen gleitenden Durchschnitt steigt, gilt dies als Kauf-Signal und andersherum als Verkaufssignal.

Das Handelssystem mit gleitenden Durchschnitten ist nicht dafür geschaffen Ein- und Ausstiege an den höchsten bzw. niedrigsten Punkten zu finden. Es erlaubt das Reagieren auf folgende Weise: Kaufen nah am letzten Tief und verkaufen nah am letzten Hoch.

Gleitende Durchschnitte können auch auf Indikatoren genutzt werden. Die Interpretation bleibt dabei eigentlich gleich: Wenn der Indikator über den gleitenden Durchschnitt steigt, bedeutet dies, dass die Richtung des Indikators nach oben eingehalten wird (in der Regel ein Kauf-Signal) und andersherum.

Es gibt die folgenden Typen von MA auf dem Chart:

  • Einfacher gleitender Durchschnitt (Simple Moving Average, SMA)
  • Exponentieller gleitender Durchschnitt (Exponential Moving Average, EMA)
  • Geglätteter gleitender Durchschnitt (Smoothed Moving Average, SMMA)
  • Linear gewichteter gleitender Durchschnitt (Linear Weighted Moving Average, LWMA)


Die Funktion iMA() wird verwendet, um das Indikator-Handle zu erstellen:

// Return moving average indicator handle. Only one buffer.

int  iMA(
   string               symbol,            // symbol name
   ENUM_TIMEFRAMES      period,            // period
   int                  ma_period,         // averaging period
   int                  ma_shift,          // horizontal shift of the indicator
   ENUM_MA_METHOD       ma_method,         // smoothing type
   ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   applied_price      // price type or handle

[in] Der Symbolname des Finanzinstruments, dessen Daten zur Berechnung des Indikators verwendet werden sollen. NULL bedeutet das aktuelle Symbol.


[in] Der Zeitrahmen, es ist ein Wert aus der Enumeration ENUM_TIMEFRAMES, 0 bedeutet den aktuellen Zeitrahmen.


[in] Der Zeitraum der Mittelwertbildung für die Berechnung des gleitenden Durchschnitts.


[in] Verschiebung des Indikators im Verhältnis zum Preischart.


[in] Mittelungsmethode. Einer der Werte aus der Enumeration ENUM_MA_METHOD.


[in] Verwendeter Preis. Ein Wert aus der Enumeration ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE oder ein anderes Indikator-Handle.

Gibt das Handle des angegebenen technischen Indikators zurück. Falls fehlgeschlagen, wird INVALID_HANDLE zurückgegeben. Um den Computerspeicher eines nicht mehr verwendeten Indikators freizugeben, verwenden Sie IndicatorRelease(), dem das Indikator-Handle übergeben wird.

Deklarieren der Eingabe- und der globalen Variablen im EA, um den Indikator zu erstellen:

//|                                                  TestTrendMA.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
//--- enums
   LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
   LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
   LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
   LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
   LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
   LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
   LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
   LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
   LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
   LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
//--- input parameters
input uint                 InpPeriod=  10;            /* Period         */ 
input int                  InpShift =  0;             /* MA Shift       */ 
input ENUM_MA_METHOD       InpMethod=  MODE_SMA;      /* Method         */ 
input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   InpPrice =  PRICE_CLOSE;   /* Applied Price  */ 
//--- global variables
int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
int      period=0;               // MA calculation period
int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
string   ind_title;              // Indicator description

Wenn Sie das Dashboard im EA verwenden, deklarieren Sie die globalen Variablen und binden Sie die Klassendatei des Panels ein:

//|                                                  TestTrendMA.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
//--- includes
#include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
//--- enums
   LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
   LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
   LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
   LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
   LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
   LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
   LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
   LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
   LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
   LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
//--- input parameters
input uint                 InpPeriod=  10;            /* Period         */ 
input int                  InpShift =  0;             /* MA Shift       */ 
input ENUM_MA_METHOD       InpMethod=  MODE_SMA;      /* Method         */ 
input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   InpPrice =  PRICE_CLOSE;   /* Applied Price  */ 
//--- global variables
int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
int      period=0;               // MA calculation period
int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
string   ind_title;              // Indicator description
//--- variables for the panel
int      mouse_bar_index;        // Index of the bar the data is taken from
CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object


Einstellung der Werte der globalen Variablen für den Indikator und die Erstellung seines Handles:

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- create timer

//--- Indicator
//--- Set and adjust the calculation period and levels if necessary
   period=int(InpPeriod<1 ? 10 : InpPeriod);
//--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
//--- Create indicator handle
      PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
      return INIT_FAILED;

//--- Successful initialization

Wenn der EA die Verwendung des Dashboards beinhaltet, sollten wir es erstellen:

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- create timer

//--- Indicator
//--- Set and adjust the calculation period and levels if necessary
   period=int(InpPeriod<1 ? 10 : InpPeriod);
//--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
//--- Create indicator handle
      PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
      return INIT_FAILED;

//--- Dashboard
//--- Create the panel
   panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,197,225);
      Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set font parameters
//--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
   panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));
//--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
//--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 1 to display indicator data in it
//--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
   int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
//--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background
//--- Display tabular data in the journal
//--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
//--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel

//--- Successful initialization


Freigabe des Indikator-Handles in OnDeinit() des EAs:

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- destroy timer
//--- Release handle of the indicator
      PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
//--- Clear all comments on the chart

Das erstellte Dashboard-Objekt wird bei der Verwendung des Dashboards entfernt:

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- destroy timer
//--- Release handle of the indicator
      PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
//--- Clear all comments on the chart
//--- If the panel object exists, delete it
      delete panel;

Abrufen von Daten

Allgemeine Funktionen zum Abrufen von Daten über das Indikator-Handle:

//| Return the indicator data on the specified bar                   |
double IndicatorValue(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
   double array[1]={0};
      PrintFormat("%s: CopyBuffer failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
      return EMPTY_VALUE;
   return array[0];
//| Return the state of the indicator line                           |
ENUM_LINE_STATE LineState(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
//--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1,2) relative to the passed index
   const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
   const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
   const double value2=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+2,buffer_num);
//--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
   if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE || value2==EMPTY_VALUE)
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Line upward reversal (value2>value1 && value0>value1)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_TURN_UP;
//--- Line upward direction (value2<=value1 && value0>value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_UP;
//--- Line upward stop (value2<=value1 && value0==value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_STOP_UP;
//--- Line downward reversal (value2<value1 && value0<value1)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN;
//--- Line downward direction (value2>=value1 && value0<value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_DOWN;
//--- Line downward stop (value2>=value1 && value0==value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN;
//--- Undefined state
   return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//| Return the state of the line relative to the specified level     |
ENUM_LINE_STATE LineStateRelative(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num,const double level0,const double level1=EMPTY_VALUE)
//--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1) relative to the passed index
   const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
   const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
//--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
   if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE)
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Define the second level to compare
   double level=(level1==EMPTY_VALUE ? level0 : level1);
//--- The line is below the level (value1<level && value0<level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_UNDER;
//--- The line is above the level (value1>level && value0>level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_ABOVE;
//--- The line crossed the level upwards (value1<=level && value0>level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP;
//--- The line crossed the level downwards (value1>=level && value0<level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
//--- The line touched the level from below (value1<level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
//--- The line touched the level from above (value1>level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
//--- Line is equal to the level value (value1==level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)==0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_EQUALS;
//--- Undefined state
   return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//| Return the indicator line state description                      |
string LineStateDescription(const ENUM_LINE_STATE state)
      case LINE_STATE_UP         :  return "Up";
      case LINE_STATE_STOP_UP    :  return "Stop Up";
      case LINE_STATE_TURN_UP    :  return "Turn Up";
      case LINE_STATE_DOWN       :  return "Down";
      case LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN  :  return "Stop Down";
      case LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN  :  return "Turn Down";
      case LINE_STATE_ABOVE      :  return "Above level";
      case LINE_STATE_UNDER      :  return "Under level";
      case LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   :  return "Crossing Up";
      case LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN :  return "Crossing Down";
      case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW:  return "Touch from Below";
      case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE:  return "Touch from Above";
      case LINE_STATE_EQUALS     :  return "Equals";
      default                    :  return "Unknown";

Wenn wir das Dashboard verwenden, werden die Daten mit Hilfe der Funktion auf dem Panel angezeigt:

//| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
//--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
   MqlTick  tick={0};
   MqlRates rates[1];

//--- Exit if unable to get the current prices
//--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index

//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
   int  size=0;
   uint flags=0;
   uint angle=0;
   string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
   panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
   panel.DrawText("Indicator data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data

//--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
   panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);

//--- Display the indicator data from the specified bar on the panel in table 1
   panel.DrawText(ind_title, panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
   double value=IndicatorValue(handle,index,0);
   string value_str=(value!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value,ind_digits) : "");
//--- Display a description of the indicator line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state=LineState(handle,index,0);
//--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

Die Tafel zeigt die Indikatorwerte und den Zustand der jeweiligen Zeile an.

Außerdem wird bei der Verwendung des Dashboards das Handle für die Panel-Ereignisse in der Ereignisbehandlung des EAs OnChartEvent() aufgerufen, und die Ereignisse für den Erhalt des Balkenindex unter dem Cursor werden behandelt:

//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Handling the panel
//--- Call the panel event handler

//--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
      //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
      datetime time=0;
      double price=0;
      int wnd=0;
      //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
         //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
         //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 

//--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
      //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
      PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);

Nachdem wir den EA kompiliert und auf dem Chart gestartet haben, können wir den Status des Indikatorwertes und der Linie auf dem Panel einsehen:

Sie können sich den TestTrendMA.mq5 Test EA in den an den Artikel angehängten Dateien ansehen.

Parabolische SAR-Einstellung

Der Parabolic SAR wurde für die Analyse von Trendmärkten entwickelt. Der Indikator wird direkt auf dem Chart gezeichnet. Dieser Indikator ist dem gleitenden Durchschnitt ähnlich, mit dem einzigen Unterschied, dass sich der Parabolic SAR mit höherer Beschleunigung bewegt und seine Position in Bezug auf den Preis ändern kann. Der Indikator verläuft unter dem Preis in einem Aufwärtstrend und über dem Preis in einem Abwärtstrend.

Wenn der Kurs die Parabolic SAR-Linie überschreitet, kehrt sich der Indikator um, und seine weiteren Werte befinden sich auf der anderen Seite des Kurses. Wenn diese Änderung eintritt, sollte das Hoch oder Tief der vorherigen Periode als Startwert genutzt werden. Wenn der Indikator dreht, ist dies das Signal für ein Ende des Trends, eine Korrektur oder einem nicht vorhandenen Trend.

Der Parabolic SAR ist ein sehr guter Indikator für Punkte zum Ausstieg aus einer Position. Long-Positionen sollten geschlossen werden, wenn der Preis unter den SAR Wert fällt und andersherum. Daher ist es notwendig, Richtung des Parabolic SAR zu berücksichtigen und Positionen nur in seiner Richtung zu eröffnen. Der Indikator wird häufig für als Trailing-Stop verwendet.

Wenn es eine offene Kaufposition gibt, der Preis also über der SAR-Linie liegt, wird die SAR-Linie weiter nach oben gehen, egal welche Richtung der Preis nimmt. Das Ausmaß der Veränderung der Linie des Parabolic SAR hängt von der Größe der Preisbewegung ab.


Die Funktion iSAR() wird verwendet, um das Indikator-Handle zu erstellen:

Rückgabe des Indikator-Handles für das Parabolic Stop und Reverse System. Es gibt nur einen Puffer.

int  iSAR(
   string           symbol,      // symbol name
   ENUM_TIMEFRAMES  period,      // period
   double           step,        // price change step — acceleration factor
   double           maximum      // maximum step

[in] Der Symbolname des Finanzinstruments, dessen Daten zur Berechnung des Indikators verwendet werden sollen. NULL bedeutet das aktuelle Symbol.


[in] Der Zeitrahmen, es ist ein Wert aus der Enumeration ENUM_TIMEFRAMES, 0 bedeutet den aktuellen Zeitrahmen.


[in] Preisänderungsschritt, normalerweise 0,02.


[in] Maximaler Schritt, normalerweise 0,2.

Gibt das Handle des angegebenen technischen Indikators zurück. Falls fehlgeschlagen, wird INVALID_HANDLE zurückgegeben. Um den Computerspeicher eines nicht mehr verwendeten Indikators freizugeben, verwenden Sie IndicatorRelease(), dem das Indikator-Handle übergeben wird.

Deklarieren der Eingabe- und der globalen Variablen im EA, um den Indikator zu erstellen:

//|                                                 TestTrendSAR.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
//--- enums
   LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
   LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
   LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
   LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
   LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
   LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
   LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
   LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
   LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
   LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
//--- input parameters
input double   InpStep  =  0.02; /* Step     */ 
input double   InpMax   =  0.2;  /* Maximum  */ 
//--- global variables
int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
int      period=0;               // MA calculation period
int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
string   ind_title;              // Indicator description

Wenn Sie das Dashboard im EA verwenden, deklarieren Sie die globalen Variablen und binden Sie die Klassendatei des Panels ein:

//|                                                 TestTrendSAR.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
//--- includes
#include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
//--- enums
   LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
   LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
   LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
   LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
   LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
   LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
   LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
   LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
   LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
   LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
//--- input parameters
input double   InpStep  =  0.02; /* Step     */ 
input double   InpMax   =  0.2;  /* Maximum  */ 
//--- global variables
int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
int      period=0;               // MA calculation period
int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
string   ind_title;              // Indicator description
//--- variables for the panel
int      mouse_bar_index;        // Index of the bar the data is taken from
CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object


Einstellung der Werte der globalen Variablen für den Indikator und die Erstellung seines Handles:

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- create timer

//--- Indicator
//--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
//--- Create indicator handle
      PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
      return INIT_FAILED;

//--- Successful initialization

Wenn der EA die Verwendung des Dashboards beinhaltet, sollten wir es erstellen:

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- create timer

//--- Indicator
//--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
//--- Create indicator handle
      PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
      return INIT_FAILED;

//--- Dashboard
//--- Create the panel
   panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,197,225);
      Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set font parameters
//--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
   panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));
//--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
//--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 1 to display indicator data in it
//--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
   int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
//--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background
//--- Display tabular data in the journal
//--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
//--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel

//--- Successful initialization


Freigabe des Indikator-Handles in OnDeinit() des EAs:

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- destroy timer
//--- Release handle of the indicator
      PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
//--- Clear all comments on the chart

Das erstellte Dashboard-Objekt wird bei der Verwendung des Dashboards entfernt:

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- destroy timer
//--- Release handle of the indicator
      PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
//--- Clear all comments on the chart
//--- If the panel object exists, delete it
      delete panel;

Abrufen von Daten

Allgemeine Funktionen zum Abrufen von Daten über das Indikator-Handle:

//| Return the indicator data on the specified bar                   |
double IndicatorValue(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
   double array[1]={0};
      PrintFormat("%s: CopyBuffer failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
      return EMPTY_VALUE;
   return array[0];
//| Return the state of the indicator line                           |
ENUM_LINE_STATE LineState(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
//--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1,2) relative to the passed index
   const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
   const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
   const double value2=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+2,buffer_num);
//--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
   if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE || value2==EMPTY_VALUE)
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Line upward reversal (value2>value1 && value0>value1)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_TURN_UP;
//--- Line upward direction (value2<=value1 && value0>value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_UP;
//--- Line upward stop (value2<=value1 && value0==value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_STOP_UP;
//--- Line downward reversal (value2<value1 && value0<value1)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN;
//--- Line downward direction (value2>=value1 && value0<value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_DOWN;
//--- Line downward stop (value2>=value1 && value0==value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN;
//--- Undefined state
   return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//| Return the state of the line relative to the specified level     |
ENUM_LINE_STATE LineStateRelative(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num,const double level0,const double level1=EMPTY_VALUE)
//--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1) relative to the passed index
   const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
   const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
//--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
   if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE)
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Define the second level to compare
   double level=(level1==EMPTY_VALUE ? level0 : level1);
//--- The line is below the level (value1<level && value0<level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_UNDER;
//--- The line is above the level (value1>level && value0>level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_ABOVE;
//--- The line crossed the level upwards (value1<=level && value0>level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP;
//--- The line crossed the level downwards (value1>=level && value0<level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
//--- The line touched the level from below (value1<level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
//--- The line touched the level from above (value1>level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
//--- Line is equal to the level value (value1==level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)==0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_EQUALS;
//--- Undefined state
   return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//| Return the indicator line state description                      |
string LineStateDescription(const ENUM_LINE_STATE state)
      case LINE_STATE_UP         :  return "Up";
      case LINE_STATE_STOP_UP    :  return "Stop Up";
      case LINE_STATE_TURN_UP    :  return "Turn Up";
      case LINE_STATE_DOWN       :  return "Down";
      case LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN  :  return "Stop Down";
      case LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN  :  return "Turn Down";
      case LINE_STATE_ABOVE      :  return "Above level";
      case LINE_STATE_UNDER      :  return "Under level";
      case LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   :  return "Crossing Up";
      case LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN :  return "Crossing Down";
      case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW:  return "Touch from Below";
      case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE:  return "Touch from Above";
      case LINE_STATE_EQUALS     :  return "Equals";
      default                    :  return "Unknown";

Wenn wir das Dashboard verwenden, werden die Daten mit Hilfe der Funktion auf dem Panel angezeigt:

//| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
//--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
   MqlTick  tick={0};
   MqlRates rates[1];

//--- Exit if unable to get the current prices
//--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index

//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
   int  size=0;
   uint flags=0;
   uint angle=0;
   string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
   panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
   panel.DrawText("Indicator data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data

//--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
   panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);

//--- Display the indicator data from the specified bar on the panel in table 1
   panel.DrawText(ind_title, panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
   double value=IndicatorValue(handle,index,0);
   string value_str=(value!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value,ind_digits) : "");
//--- Display the header of the indicator line state description
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
//--- Save Close value on 'index' bar to the variable
   double close0=rates[0].close;
//--- If failed to get bar data by index+1, leave
//--- Save Close value on 'index+1' bar to the variable and get the indicator value on 'index+1' bar
   double close1=rates[0].close;
   double value1=IndicatorValue(handle,index+1,0);
//--- Get and adjust the state of the indicator line
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state=LineState(handle,index,0);
   if(value<close0 && value1>close1)
   if(value>close0 && value1<close1)
//--- Display a description of the indicator line state
//--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

Außerdem wird bei der Verwendung des Dashboards das Handle für die Panel-Ereignisse in der Ereignisbehandlung des EAs OnChartEvent() aufgerufen, und die Ereignisse für den Erhalt des Balkenindex unter dem Cursor werden behandelt:

//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Handling the panel
//--- Call the panel event handler

//--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
      //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
      datetime time=0;
      double price=0;
      int wnd=0;
      //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
         //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
         //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 

//--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
      //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
      PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);

Nachdem wir den EA kompiliert und auf dem Chart gestartet haben, können wir den Status des Indikatorwertes und der Linie auf dem Panel einsehen:

Sie können sich den TestTrendSAR.mq5 Test EA in den an den Artikel angehängten Dateien ansehen.


Die standard Abweichung (Standard Deviation, StdDev) misst die Marktvolatilität. Dieser Indikator beschreibt die Schwankungsbreite der Preise im Vergleich zu einem gleitenden Durchschnitt. Wenn der Wert dieses Indikators hoch ist, ist der Markt volatil und die Preise der Kerzen sind weiter verteilt vom gleitenden Durchschnitt. Wenn der Wert gering ist, ist der Markt weniger volatil und die Kerzen sind nahe am gleitenden Durchschnitt.

Normalerweise wird dieser Indikator zur Unterstützung anderer Indikatoren genutzt. So wird beispielsweise bei der Berechnung der Bollinger Bänder® der Wert der Standardabweichung des Symbols zu seinem gleitenden Durchschnitt addiert.

Die Marktdynamik wird durch den Wechsel von Phasen geringer und hoher Aktivität dargestellt, sodass der Ansatz für diesen Indikator einfach ist:

  • Wenn der Wert zu niedrig ist, der Markt also inaktiv ist, könnte dem ein Volatilitätausbruch folgen;
  • andersherum, wenn der Markt gerade sehr aktiv ist, ist eine Konsolidierung in nächster Zeit wahrscheinlich.


    Die Funktion iStdDev() wird zur Erstellung des Indikator-Handles verwendet:

    Gibt das Handle des Indikators Standardabweichung zurück. Es gibt nur einen Puffer.

    int  iStdDev(
       string              symbol,            // symbol name
       ENUM_TIMEFRAMES     period,            // period
       int                 ma_period,         // averaging period
       int                 ma_shift,          // horizontal shift of the indicator
       ENUM_MA_METHOD      ma_method,         // smoothing type
       ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE  applied_price      // price type or handle

    [in] Der Symbolname des Finanzinstruments, dessen Daten zur Berechnung des Indikators verwendet werden sollen. NULL bedeutet das aktuelle Symbol.


    [in] Der Zeitrahmen, es ist ein Wert aus der Enumeration ENUM_TIMEFRAMES, 0 bedeutet den aktuellen Zeitrahmen.


    [in] Zeitraum der Mittelwertbildung für die Berechnung des Indikators.


    [in] Verschiebung des Indikators im Verhältnis zum Preischart.


    [in] Mittelungsmethode. Einer der Werte aus der Enumeration ENUM_MA_METHOD.


    [in] Verwendeter Preis. Ein Wert aus der Enumeration ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE oder ein anderes Indikator-Handle.

    Gibt das Handle des angegebenen technischen Indikators zurück. Falls fehlgeschlagen, wird INVALID_HANDLE zurückgegeben. Um den Computerspeicher eines nicht mehr verwendeten Indikators freizugeben, verwenden Sie IndicatorRelease(), dem das Indikator-Handle übergeben wird.

    Deklarieren der Eingabe- und der globalen Variablen im EA, um den Indikator zu erstellen:

    //|                                              TestTrendStdDev.mq5 |
    //|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
    //|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
    #property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
    #property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
    #property version   "1.00"
    //--- enums
       LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
       LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
       LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
       LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
       LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
       LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
       LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
       LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
       LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
       LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
       LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
       LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
       LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
       LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
    //--- input parameters
    input uint                 InpPeriod=  20;            /* Period         */
    input int                  InpShift =  0;             /* StdDev Shift   */
    input ENUM_MA_METHOD       InpMethod=  MODE_SMA;      /* Method         */
    input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   InpPrice =  PRICE_CLOSE;   /* Applied Price  */
    //--- global variables
    int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
    int      period=0;               // Standard Deviation calculation period
    int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
    string   ind_title;              // Indicator description

    Wenn Sie das Dashboard im EA verwenden, deklarieren Sie die globalen Variablen und binden Sie die Klassendatei des Panels ein:

    //|                                              TestTrendStdDev.mq5 |
    //|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
    //|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
    #property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
    #property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
    #property version   "1.00"
    //--- includes
    #include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
    //--- enums
       LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
       LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
       LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
       LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
       LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
       LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
       LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
       LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
       LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
       LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
       LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
       LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
       LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
       LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
    //--- input parameters
    input uint                 InpPeriod=  20;            /* Period         */
    input int                  InpShift =  0;             /* StdDev Shift   */
    input ENUM_MA_METHOD       InpMethod=  MODE_SMA;      /* Method         */
    input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   InpPrice =  PRICE_CLOSE;   /* Applied Price  */
    //--- global variables
    int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
    int      period=0;               // Standard Deviation calculation period
    int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
    string   ind_title;              // Indicator description
    //--- variables for the panel
    int      mouse_bar_index;        // Index of the bar the data is taken from
    CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object


    Einstellung der Werte der globalen Variablen für den Indikator und die Erstellung seines Handles:

    //| Expert initialization function                                   |
    int OnInit()
    //--- create timer
    //--- Indicator
    //--- Set and adjust the calculation period and levels if necessary
       period=int(InpPeriod<1 ? 20 : InpPeriod<2 ? 2 : InpPeriod);
    //--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
    //--- Create indicator handle
          PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
          return INIT_FAILED;
    //--- Successful initialization

    Wenn der EA die Verwendung des Dashboards beinhaltet, sollten wir es erstellen:

    //| Expert initialization function                                   |
    int OnInit()
    //--- create timer
    //--- Indicator
    //--- Set and adjust the calculation period and levels if necessary
       period=int(InpPeriod<1 ? 20 : InpPeriod<2 ? 2 : InpPeriod);
    //--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
    //--- Create indicator handle
          PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
          return INIT_FAILED;
    //--- Dashboard
    //--- Create the panel
       panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,197,225);
          Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
          return INIT_FAILED;
    //--- Set font parameters
    //--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
       panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));
    //--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
    //--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background
    //--- Create a table with ID 1 to display indicator data in it
    //--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
    //--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
       int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
    //--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background
    //--- Display tabular data in the journal
    //--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
    //--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel
    //--- Successful initialization


    Freigabe des Indikator-Handles in OnDeinit() des EAs:

    //| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
    void OnDeinit(const int reason)
    //--- destroy timer
    //--- Release handle of the indicator
          PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
    //--- Clear all comments on the chart

    Das erstellte Dashboard-Objekt wird bei der Verwendung des Dashboards entfernt:

    //| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
    void OnDeinit(const int reason)
    //--- destroy timer
    //--- Release handle of the indicator
          PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
    //--- Clear all comments on the chart
    //--- If the panel object exists, delete it
          delete panel;

    Abrufen von Daten

    Allgemeine Funktionen zum Abrufen von Daten über das Indikator-Handle:

    //| Return the indicator data on the specified bar                   |
    double IndicatorValue(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
       double array[1]={0};
          PrintFormat("%s: CopyBuffer failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
          return EMPTY_VALUE;
       return array[0];
    //| Return the state of the indicator line                           |
    ENUM_LINE_STATE LineState(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
    //--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1,2) relative to the passed index
       const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
       const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
       const double value2=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+2,buffer_num);
    //--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
       if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE || value2==EMPTY_VALUE)
          return LINE_STATE_NONE;
    //--- Line upward reversal (value2>value1 && value0>value1)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
          return LINE_STATE_TURN_UP;
    //--- Line upward direction (value2<=value1 && value0>value1)
       else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
          return LINE_STATE_UP;
    //--- Line upward stop (value2<=value1 && value0==value1)
       else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
          return LINE_STATE_STOP_UP;
    //--- Line downward reversal (value2<value1 && value0<value1)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
          return LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN;
    //--- Line downward direction (value2>=value1 && value0<value1)
       else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
          return LINE_STATE_DOWN;
    //--- Line downward stop (value2>=value1 && value0==value1)
       else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
          return LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN;
    //--- Undefined state
       return LINE_STATE_NONE;
    //| Return the state of the line relative to the specified level     |
    ENUM_LINE_STATE LineStateRelative(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num,const double level0,const double level1=EMPTY_VALUE)
    //--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1) relative to the passed index
       const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
       const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
    //--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
       if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE)
          return LINE_STATE_NONE;
    //--- Define the second level to compare
       double level=(level1==EMPTY_VALUE ? level0 : level1);
    //--- The line is below the level (value1<level && value0<level0)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
          return LINE_STATE_UNDER;
    //--- The line is above the level (value1>level && value0>level0)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
          return LINE_STATE_ABOVE;
    //--- The line crossed the level upwards (value1<=level && value0>level0)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
          return LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP;
    //--- The line crossed the level downwards (value1>=level && value0<level0)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
          return LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN;
    //--- The line touched the level from below (value1<level0 && value0==level0)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
          return LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW;
    //--- The line touched the level from above (value1>level0 && value0==level0)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
          return LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW;
    //--- Line is equal to the level value (value1==level0 && value0==level0)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)==0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
          return LINE_STATE_EQUALS;
    //--- Undefined state
       return LINE_STATE_NONE;
    //| Return the indicator line state description                      |
    string LineStateDescription(const ENUM_LINE_STATE state)
          case LINE_STATE_UP         :  return "Up";
          case LINE_STATE_STOP_UP    :  return "Stop Up";
          case LINE_STATE_TURN_UP    :  return "Turn Up";
          case LINE_STATE_DOWN       :  return "Down";
          case LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN  :  return "Stop Down";
          case LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN  :  return "Turn Down";
          case LINE_STATE_ABOVE      :  return "Above level";
          case LINE_STATE_UNDER      :  return "Under level";
          case LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   :  return "Crossing Up";
          case LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN :  return "Crossing Down";
          case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW:  return "Touch from Below";
          case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE:  return "Touch from Above";
          case LINE_STATE_EQUALS     :  return "Equals";
          default                    :  return "Unknown";

    Wenn wir das Dashboard verwenden, werden die Daten mit Hilfe der Funktion auf dem Panel angezeigt:

    //| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
    void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
    //--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
       MqlTick  tick={0};
       MqlRates rates[1];
    //--- Exit if unable to get the current prices
    //--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index
    //--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
       int  size=0;
       uint flags=0;
       uint angle=0;
       string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
       panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
       panel.DrawText("Indicator data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
    //--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data
    //--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
       panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
       panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
       panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
       panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
       panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
       panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
    //--- Display the indicator data from the specified bar on the panel in table 1
       panel.DrawText(ind_title, panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
       double value=IndicatorValue(handle,index,0);
       string value_str=(value!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value,ind_digits) : "");
    //--- Display a description of the indicator line state
       panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
       ENUM_LINE_STATE state=LineState(handle,index,0);
    //--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

    Die Tafel zeigt den Wert der Indikatorlinie und ihren Status an.

    Außerdem wird bei der Verwendung des Dashboards das Handle für die Panel-Ereignisse in der Ereignisbehandlung des EAs OnChartEvent() aufgerufen, und die Ereignisse für den Erhalt des Balkenindex unter dem Cursor werden behandelt:

    //| ChartEvent function                                              |
    void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                      const long &lparam,
                      const double &dparam,
                      const string &sparam)
    //--- Handling the panel
    //--- Call the panel event handler
    //--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
          //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
          datetime time=0;
          double price=0;
          int wnd=0;
          //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
             //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
             //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 
    //--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
          //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
          PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);

    Nachdem wir den EA kompiliert und auf dem Chart gestartet haben, können wir den Status des Indikatorwertes und der Linie auf dem Panel einsehen:

    Sie können sich den Test EA TestTrendStdDev.mq5 in den an den Artikel angehängten Dateien ansehen.

    Dreifacher exponentieller gleitender Durchschnitt

    Der dreifache exponentielle gleitende Durchschnitt (Triple Exponential Moving Average, TEMA) wurde von Patrick Mulloy entwickelt und in der Zeitschrift „Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities“ veröffentlicht. Seine Berechnungsprinzipien sind ähnlich wie die des doppelten exponentiellen gleitenden Durchschnitts (Double Exponential Moving Average, DEMA). Der Name „dreifacher exponentieller gleitender Durchschnitt“ reflektiert nicht zwangsläufig die Funktionsweise des Algorithmus. Es handelt sich um eine einzigartige Mischung aus einfachen, doppelten und dreifachen exponentiellen gleitenden Durchschnitten, die eine geringere Latenz aufweisen als jeder einzelne.

    Der TEMA kann anstatt anderer Moving Averages genutzt werden. Dies kann genutzt werden für geglättete Preisdaten, sowie für die Glättung anderer Indikatoren.


    Die Funktion iTEMA() wird verwendet, um das Indikator-Handle zu erstellen:

    Gibt das Handle des Triple Exponential Moving Average Indikators zurück. Es gibt nur einen Puffer.

    int  iTEMA(
       string              symbol,            // symbol name
       ENUM_TIMEFRAMES     period,            // period
       int                 ma_period,         // averaging period
       int                 ma_shift,          // horizontal shift of the indicator
       ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE  applied_price      // price type or handle


    [in] Der Symbolname des Finanzinstruments, dessen Daten zur Berechnung des Indikators verwendet werden sollen. NULL bedeutet das aktuelle Symbol.


    [in] Der Zeitrahmen, es ist ein Wert aus der Enumeration ENUM_TIMEFRAMES, 0 bedeutet den aktuellen Zeitrahmen.


    [in] Periodenlänge (Anzahl der Balken) für die Berechnung des Indikators.


    [in] Verschiebung des Indikators im Verhältnis zum Preischart.


    [in] Verwendeter Preis. Ein Wert aus der Enumeration ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE oder ein anderes Indikator-Handle.

    Gibt das Handle des angegebenen technischen Indikators zurück. Falls fehlgeschlagen, wird INVALID_HANDLE zurückgegeben. Um den Computerspeicher eines nicht mehr verwendeten Indikators freizugeben, verwenden Sie IndicatorRelease(), dem das Indikator-Handle übergeben wird.

    Deklarieren der Eingabe- und der globalen Variablen im EA, um den Indikator zu erstellen:

    //|                                                TestTrendTEMA.mq5 |
    //|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
    //|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
    #property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
    #property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
    #property version   "1.00"
    //--- enums
       LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
       LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
       LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
       LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
       LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
       LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
       LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
       LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
       LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
       LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
       LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
       LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
       LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
       LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
    //--- input parameters
    input uint                 InpPeriod=  14;            /* Period         */
    input int                  InpShift =  0;             /* TEMA Shift     */
    input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   InpPrice =  PRICE_CLOSE;   /* Applied Price  */
    //--- global variables
    int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
    int      period=0;               // Triple Exponential Moving Average calculation period
    int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
    string   ind_title;              // Indicator description

    Wenn Sie das Dashboard im EA verwenden, deklarieren Sie die globalen Variablen und binden Sie die Klassendatei des Panels ein:

    //|                                                TestTrendTEMA.mq5 |
    //|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
    //|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
    #property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
    #property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
    #property version   "1.00"
    //--- includes
    #include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
    //--- enums
       LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
       LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
       LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
       LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
       LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
       LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
       LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
       LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
       LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
       LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
       LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
       LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
       LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
       LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
    //--- input parameters
    input uint                 InpPeriod=  14;            /* Period         */
    input int                  InpShift =  0;             /* StdDev Shift   */
    input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   InpPrice =  PRICE_CLOSE;   /* Applied Price  */
    //--- global variables
    int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
    int      period=0;               // Triple Exponential Moving Average calculation period
    int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
    string   ind_title;              // Indicator description
    //--- variables for the panel
    int      mouse_bar_index;        // Index of the bar the data is taken from
    CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object


    Einstellung der Werte der globalen Variablen für den Indikator und die Erstellung seines Handles:

    //| Expert initialization function                                   |
    int OnInit()
    //--- create timer
    //--- Indicator
    //--- Set and adjust the calculation period and levels if necessary
       period=int(InpPeriod<1 ? 14 : InpPeriod);
    //--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
    //--- Create indicator handle
          PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
          return INIT_FAILED;
    //--- Successful initialization

    Wenn der EA die Verwendung des Dashboards beinhaltet, sollten wir es erstellen:

    //| Expert initialization function                                   |
    int OnInit()
    //--- create timer
    //--- Indicator
    //--- Set and adjust the calculation period and levels if necessary
       period=int(InpPeriod<1 ? 14 : InpPeriod);
    //--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
    //--- Create indicator handle
          PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
          return INIT_FAILED;
    //--- Dashboard
    //--- Create the panel
       panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,197,225);
          Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
          return INIT_FAILED;
    //--- Set font parameters
    //--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
       panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));
    //--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
    //--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background
    //--- Create a table with ID 1 to display indicator data in it
    //--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
    //--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
       int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
    //--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background
    //--- Display tabular data in the journal
    //--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
    //--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel
    //--- Successful initialization


    Freigabe des Indikator-Handles in OnDeinit() des EAs:

    //| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
    void OnDeinit(const int reason)
    //--- destroy timer
    //--- Release handle of the indicator
          PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
    //--- Clear all comments on the chart

    Das erstellte Dashboard-Objekt wird bei der Verwendung des Dashboards entfernt:

    //| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
    void OnDeinit(const int reason)
    //--- destroy timer
    //--- Release handle of the indicator
          PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
    //--- Clear all comments on the chart
    //--- If the panel object exists, delete it
          delete panel;

    Abrufen von Daten

    Allgemeine Funktionen zum Abrufen von Daten über das Indikator-Handle:

    //| Return the indicator data on the specified bar                   |
    double IndicatorValue(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
       double array[1]={0};
          PrintFormat("%s: CopyBuffer failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
          return EMPTY_VALUE;
       return array[0];
    //| Return the state of the indicator line                           |
    ENUM_LINE_STATE LineState(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
    //--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1,2) relative to the passed index
       const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
       const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
       const double value2=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+2,buffer_num);
    //--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
       if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE || value2==EMPTY_VALUE)
          return LINE_STATE_NONE;
    //--- Line upward reversal (value2>value1 && value0>value1)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
          return LINE_STATE_TURN_UP;
    //--- Line upward direction (value2<=value1 && value0>value1)
       else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
          return LINE_STATE_UP;
    //--- Line upward stop (value2<=value1 && value0==value1)
       else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
          return LINE_STATE_STOP_UP;
    //--- Line downward reversal (value2<value1 && value0<value1)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
          return LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN;
    //--- Line downward direction (value2>=value1 && value0<value1)
       else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
          return LINE_STATE_DOWN;
    //--- Line downward stop (value2>=value1 && value0==value1)
       else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
          return LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN;
    //--- Undefined state
       return LINE_STATE_NONE;
    //| Return the state of the line relative to the specified level     |
    ENUM_LINE_STATE LineStateRelative(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num,const double level0,const double level1=EMPTY_VALUE)
    //--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1) relative to the passed index
       const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
       const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
    //--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
       if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE)
          return LINE_STATE_NONE;
    //--- Define the second level to compare
       double level=(level1==EMPTY_VALUE ? level0 : level1);
    //--- The line is below the level (value1<level && value0<level0)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
          return LINE_STATE_UNDER;
    //--- The line is above the level (value1>level && value0>level0)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
          return LINE_STATE_ABOVE;
    //--- The line crossed the level upwards (value1<=level && value0>level0)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
          return LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP;
    //--- The line crossed the level downwards (value1>=level && value0<level0)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
          return LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN;
    //--- The line touched the level from below (value1<level0 && value0==level0)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
          return LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW;
    //--- The line touched the level from above (value1>level0 && value0==level0)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
          return LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW;
    //--- Line is equal to the level value (value1==level0 && value0==level0)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)==0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
          return LINE_STATE_EQUALS;
    //--- Undefined state
       return LINE_STATE_NONE;
    //| Return the indicator line state description                      |
    string LineStateDescription(const ENUM_LINE_STATE state)
          case LINE_STATE_UP         :  return "Up";
          case LINE_STATE_STOP_UP    :  return "Stop Up";
          case LINE_STATE_TURN_UP    :  return "Turn Up";
          case LINE_STATE_DOWN       :  return "Down";
          case LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN  :  return "Stop Down";
          case LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN  :  return "Turn Down";
          case LINE_STATE_ABOVE      :  return "Above level";
          case LINE_STATE_UNDER      :  return "Under level";
          case LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   :  return "Crossing Up";
          case LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN :  return "Crossing Down";
          case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW:  return "Touch from Below";
          case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE:  return "Touch from Above";
          case LINE_STATE_EQUALS     :  return "Equals";
          default                    :  return "Unknown";

    Wenn wir das Dashboard verwenden, werden die Daten mit Hilfe der Funktion auf dem Panel angezeigt:

    //| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
    void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
    //--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
       MqlTick  tick={0};
       MqlRates rates[1];
    //--- Exit if unable to get the current prices
    //--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index
    //--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
       int  size=0;
       uint flags=0;
       uint angle=0;
       string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
       panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
       panel.DrawText("Indicator data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
    //--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data
    //--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
       panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
       panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
       panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
       panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
       panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
       panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
    //--- Display the indicator data from the specified bar on the panel in table 1
       panel.DrawText(ind_title, panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
       double value=IndicatorValue(handle,index,0);
       string value_str=(value!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value,ind_digits) : "");
    //--- Display a description of the indicator line state
       panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
       ENUM_LINE_STATE state=LineState(handle,index,0);
    //--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

    Das Panel zeigt die Werte der Indikatorlinien und deren Status an.

    Außerdem wird bei der Verwendung des Dashboards das Handle für die Panel-Ereignisse in der Ereignisbehandlung des EAs OnChartEvent() aufgerufen, und die Ereignisse für den Erhalt des Balkenindex unter dem Cursor werden behandelt:

    //| ChartEvent function                                              |
    void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                      const long &lparam,
                      const double &dparam,
                      const string &sparam)
    //--- Handling the panel
    //--- Call the panel event handler
    //--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
          //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
          datetime time=0;
          double price=0;
          int wnd=0;
          //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
             //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
             //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 
    //--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
          //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
          PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);

    Nachdem wir den EA kompiliert und auf dem Chart gestartet haben, können wir den Status des Indikatorwertes und der Linie auf dem Panel einsehen:

    Sie können sich den TestTrendTEMA.mq5 Test EA in den an den Artikel angehängten Dateien ansehen.

    Variabler Index Dynamischer Durchschnitt

    Der Variable Index Dynamic Average (VIDYA) wurde von Tushar Chande entwickelt. Es handelt sich um eine originelle Methode zur Berechnung des exponetiellen gleitenden Durchschnitt (EMA) mit dynamisch wechselnder Mittelungsperiode. Zeitraum der Mittelung hängt von der Volatilität des Marktes; als Maß für die Volatilität wurde der Chande Momentum Oszillator (CMO) gewählt. Dieser Oszillator misst die Rate zwischen positiven und negativen Veränderungen für eine bestimmte Periode (CMO Periodenlänge). Der CMO-Wert wird als Koeffizient des EMAs verwendet. Der VIDYA-Indikator verfügt also über zwei Einstellungen: die Periodenlänge des CMO-Oszillators und die Periodenlänge für die Glättung des exponentiellen gleitenden Durchschnitts (EMA-Periode).


    Die Funktion iVIDyA() wird zur Erstellung des Indikator-Handles verwendet:

    Liefert das Handle des Indikators Variabler Index Dynamischer Durchschnitt zurück. Es gibt nur einen Puffer.

    int  iVIDyA(
       string              symbol,            // symbol name
       ENUM_TIMEFRAMES     period,            // period
       int                 cmo_period,        // Chande Momentum period
       int                 ema_period,        // smoothing factor period
       int                 ma_shift,          // horizontal shift of the indicator
       ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE  applied_price      // price type or handle


    [in] Der Symbolname des Finanzinstruments, dessen Daten zur Berechnung des Indikators verwendet werden sollen. NULL bedeutet das aktuelle Symbol.


    [in] Der Zeitrahmen, es ist ein Wert aus der Enumeration ENUM_TIMEFRAMES, 0 bedeutet den aktuellen Zeitrahmen.


    [in] Periodenlänge (Anzahl der Balken) für die Berechnung des Chande Momentum Oscillator.


    [in] Periodenlänge (Anzahl der Balken) des EMA für die Berechnung des Glättungsfaktors.


    [in] Verschiebung des Indikators im Verhältnis zum Preischart.


    [in] Verwendeter Preis. Ein Wert aus der Enumeration ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE oder ein anderes Indikator-Handle.

    Gibt das Handle des angegebenen technischen Indikators zurück. Falls fehlgeschlagen, wird INVALID_HANDLE zurückgegeben. Um den Computerspeicher eines nicht mehr verwendeten Indikators freizugeben, verwenden Sie IndicatorRelease(), dem das Indikator-Handle übergeben wird.

    Deklarieren der Eingabe- und der globalen Variablen im EA, um den Indikator zu erstellen:

    //|                                               TestTrendVIDYA.mq5 |
    //|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
    //|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
    #property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
    #property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
    #property version   "1.00"
    //--- enums
       LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
       LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
       LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
       LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
       LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
       LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
       LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
       LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
       LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
       LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
       LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
       LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
       LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
       LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
    //--- input parameters
    input uint                 InpPeriodCMO=  9;             /* CMO Period     */
    input int                  InpShift    =  0;             /* VIDYA Shift    */
    input uint                 InpPeriodEMA=  12;            /* EMA Period     */
    input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   InpPrice    =  PRICE_CLOSE;   /* Applied Price  */
    //--- global variables
    int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
    int      period_cmo=0;           // CMO calculation period
    int      period_ema=0;           // EMA calculation period
    int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
    string   ind_title;              // Indicator description

    Wenn Sie das Dashboard im EA verwenden, deklarieren Sie die globalen Variablen und binden Sie die Klassendatei des Panels ein:

    //|                                               TestTrendVIDYA.mq5 |
    //|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
    //|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
    #property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
    #property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
    #property version   "1.00"
    //--- includes
    #include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
    //--- enums
       LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
       LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
       LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
       LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
       LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
       LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
       LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
       LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
       LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
       LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
       LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
       LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
       LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
       LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
    //--- input parameters
    input uint                 InpPeriodCMO=  9;             /* CMO Period     */
    input int                  InpShift    =  0;             /* VIDYA Shift    */
    input uint                 InpPeriodEMA=  12;            /* EMA Period     */
    input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   InpPrice    =  PRICE_CLOSE;   /* Applied Price  */
    //--- global variables
    int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
    int      period_cmo=0;           // CMO calculation period
    int      period_ema=0;           // EMA calculation period
    int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
    string   ind_title;              // Indicator description
    //--- variables for the panel
    int      mouse_bar_index;        // Index of the bar the data is taken from
    CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object


    Einstellung der Werte der globalen Variablen für den Indikator und die Erstellung seines Handles:

    //| Expert initialization function                                   |
    int OnInit()
    //--- create timer
    //--- Indicator
    //--- Set and adjust the calculation period and levels if necessary
       period_cmo=int(InpPeriodCMO<1 ? 9 : InpPeriodCMO);
       period_ema=int(InpPeriodEMA<1 ? 12 : InpPeriodEMA);
    //--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
    //--- Create indicator handle
          PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
          return INIT_FAILED;
    //--- Successful initialization

    Wenn der EA die Verwendung des Dashboards beinhaltet, sollten wir es erstellen:

    //| Expert initialization function                                   |
    int OnInit()
    //--- create timer
    //--- Indicator
    //--- Set and adjust the calculation period and levels if necessary
       period_cmo=int(InpPeriodCMO<1 ? 9 : InpPeriodCMO);
       period_ema=int(InpPeriodEMA<1 ? 12 : InpPeriodEMA);
    //--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
    //--- Create indicator handle
          PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
          return INIT_FAILED;
    //--- Dashboard
    //--- Create the panel
       panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,197,225);
          Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
          return INIT_FAILED;
    //--- Set font parameters
    //--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
       panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));
    //--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
    //--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background
    //--- Create a table with ID 1 to display indicator data in it
    //--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
    //--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
       int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
    //--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background
    //--- Display tabular data in the journal
    //--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
    //--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel
    //--- Successful initialization


    Freigabe des Indikator-Handles in OnDeinit() des EAs:

    //| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
    void OnDeinit(const int reason)
    //--- destroy timer
    //--- Release handle of the indicator
          PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
    //--- Clear all comments on the chart

    Das erstellte Dashboard-Objekt wird bei der Verwendung des Dashboards entfernt:

    //| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
    void OnDeinit(const int reason)
    //--- destroy timer
    //--- Release handle of the indicator
          PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
    //--- Clear all comments on the chart
    //--- If the panel object exists, delete it
          delete panel;

    Abrufen von Daten

    Allgemeine Funktionen zum Abrufen von Daten über das Indikator-Handle:

    //| Return the indicator data on the specified bar                   |
    double IndicatorValue(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
       double array[1]={0};
          PrintFormat("%s: CopyBuffer failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
          return EMPTY_VALUE;
       return array[0];
    //| Return the state of the indicator line                           |
    ENUM_LINE_STATE LineState(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
    //--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1,2) relative to the passed index
       const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
       const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
       const double value2=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+2,buffer_num);
    //--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
       if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE || value2==EMPTY_VALUE)
          return LINE_STATE_NONE;
    //--- Line upward reversal (value2>value1 && value0>value1)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
          return LINE_STATE_TURN_UP;
    //--- Line upward direction (value2<=value1 && value0>value1)
       else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
          return LINE_STATE_UP;
    //--- Line upward stop (value2<=value1 && value0==value1)
       else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
          return LINE_STATE_STOP_UP;
    //--- Line downward reversal (value2<value1 && value0<value1)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
          return LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN;
    //--- Line downward direction (value2>=value1 && value0<value1)
       else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
          return LINE_STATE_DOWN;
    //--- Line downward stop (value2>=value1 && value0==value1)
       else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
          return LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN;
    //--- Undefined state
       return LINE_STATE_NONE;
    //| Return the state of the line relative to the specified level     |
    ENUM_LINE_STATE LineStateRelative(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num,const double level0,const double level1=EMPTY_VALUE)
    //--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1) relative to the passed index
       const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
       const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
    //--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
       if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE)
          return LINE_STATE_NONE;
    //--- Define the second level to compare
       double level=(level1==EMPTY_VALUE ? level0 : level1);
    //--- The line is below the level (value1<level && value0<level0)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
          return LINE_STATE_UNDER;
    //--- The line is above the level (value1>level && value0>level0)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
          return LINE_STATE_ABOVE;
    //--- The line crossed the level upwards (value1<=level && value0>level0)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
          return LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP;
    //--- The line crossed the level downwards (value1>=level && value0<level0)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
          return LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN;
    //--- The line touched the level from below (value1<level0 && value0==level0)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
          return LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW;
    //--- The line touched the level from above (value1>level0 && value0==level0)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
          return LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW;
    //--- Line is equal to the level value (value1==level0 && value0==level0)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)==0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
          return LINE_STATE_EQUALS;
    //--- Undefined state
       return LINE_STATE_NONE;
    //| Return the indicator line state description                      |
    string LineStateDescription(const ENUM_LINE_STATE state)
          case LINE_STATE_UP         :  return "Up";
          case LINE_STATE_STOP_UP    :  return "Stop Up";
          case LINE_STATE_TURN_UP    :  return "Turn Up";
          case LINE_STATE_DOWN       :  return "Down";
          case LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN  :  return "Stop Down";
          case LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN  :  return "Turn Down";
          case LINE_STATE_ABOVE      :  return "Above level";
          case LINE_STATE_UNDER      :  return "Under level";
          case LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   :  return "Crossing Up";
          case LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN :  return "Crossing Down";
          case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW:  return "Touch from Below";
          case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE:  return "Touch from Above";
          case LINE_STATE_EQUALS     :  return "Equals";
          default                    :  return "Unknown";

    Wenn wir das Dashboard verwenden, werden die Daten mit Hilfe der Funktion auf dem Panel angezeigt:

    //| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
    void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
    //--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
       MqlTick  tick={0};
       MqlRates rates[1];
    //--- Exit if unable to get the current prices
    //--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index
    //--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
       int  size=0;
       uint flags=0;
       uint angle=0;
       string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
       panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
       panel.DrawText("Indicator data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
    //--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data
    //--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
       panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
       panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
       panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
       panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
       panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
       panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
    //--- Display the indicator data from the specified bar on the panel in table 1
       panel.DrawText(ind_title, panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
       double value=IndicatorValue(handle,index,0);
       string value_str=(value!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value,ind_digits) : "");
    //--- Display a description of the indicator line state
       panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
       ENUM_LINE_STATE state=LineState(handle,index,0);
    //--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

    Das Panel zeigt die Werte der Indikatorlinien und deren Status an.

    Außerdem wird bei der Verwendung des Dashboards das Handle für die Panel-Ereignisse in der Ereignisbehandlung des EAs OnChartEvent() aufgerufen, und die Ereignisse für den Erhalt des Balkenindex unter dem Cursor werden behandelt:

    //| ChartEvent function                                              |
    void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                      const long &lparam,
                      const double &dparam,
                      const string &sparam)
    //--- Handling the panel
    //--- Call the panel event handler
    //--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
          //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
          datetime time=0;
          double price=0;
          int wnd=0;
          //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
             //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
             //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 
    //--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
          //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
          PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);

    Nachdem wir den EA kompiliert und auf dem Chart gestartet haben, können wir den Status des Indikatorwertes und der Linie auf dem Panel einsehen:

    Sie können sich den TestTrendVIDYA.mq5 Test EA in den an den Artikel angehängten Dateien ansehen.


    Wir haben uns alle Arten von technischen Indikatoren angeschaut, die im MetaTrader 5-Terminal verfügbar sind, sowie ihre Verbindung zu Indikatoren und EAs und die Datenabfrage. Die Frage der Verwendung von Multi-Symbol- und Multi-Perioden-Indikatoren in EAs und Indikatoren bleibt offen. Der nächste Artikel wird sich mit der Erstellung von Tools für die Verbindung von Multi-Symbol- und Multi-Perioden-Indikatoren mit EAs und Indikatoren sowie mit dem Empfang von Daten und Signalen von ihnen befassen.

    Sie können alle obigen Codes unverändert kopieren und in Ihren Entwicklungen verwenden. Alle in Betracht gezogenen Test-EAs sind unten beigefügt.

    Übersetzt aus dem Russischen von MetaQuotes Ltd.
    Originalartikel: https://www.mql5.com/ru/articles/13406

    Beigefügte Dateien |
    TestTrendADX.mq5 (33.4 KB)
    TestTrendAMA.mq5 (32.34 KB)
    TestTrendBands.mq5 (32.75 KB)
    TestTrendDEMA.mq5 (31.44 KB)
    TestTrendFRAMA.mq5 (31.45 KB)
    TestTrendMA.mq5 (31.57 KB)
    TestTrendSAR.mq5 (32.49 KB)
    TestTrendStdDev.mq5 (31.65 KB)
    TestTrendTEMA.mq5 (31.47 KB)
    TestTrendVIDYA.mq5 (31.89 KB)
    Dashboard.mqh (217.85 KB)
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