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Modelos prontos para integrar indicadores nos Expert Advisors (Parte 3): Indicadores de tendência

Modelos prontos para integrar indicadores nos Expert Advisors (Parte 3): Indicadores de tendência

MetaTrader 5Exemplos | 7 março 2024, 13:46
523 0
Artyom Trishkin
Artyom Trishkin



Este artigo é uma continuação do tópico sobre modelos prontos para usar indicadores em Expert Advisors. Já analisamos modelos para integrar indicadores osciladores e indicadores de volume e de Bill Williams aos Expert Advisors.
Hoje, vamos dar uma olhada na integração com EAs e no uso de indicadores de tendência. Os dados recuperados dos indicadores serão exibidos, como exemplo, no painel informativo, que criamos no primeiro artigo desta série.

A apresentação das informações neste artigo não será diferente da dos artigos anteriores: ele conterá uma breve visão geral de referência de cada indicador de tendência e códigos concisos para integrar e usar indicadores em Expert Advisors.

Para cada indicador, o artigo apresentará modelos prontos para serem usados em seus próprios programas:

  • Variáveis de entrada e globais.
  • Inicialização das variáveis e criação do handle do indicador.
  • Desinicialização.
  • Recuperação de dados no EA a partir do indicador.
  • Exemplo de exibição dos dados obtidos no painel informativo.

O artigo é de uso prático, pois permite copiar os códigos e colar em nossos próprios projetos.

Adaptive Moving Average

O indicador técnico média móvel adaptativa (Adaptive Moving Average, AMA) é usado para construir uma média móvel com baixa sensibilidade aos ruídos nas séries de preços e é caracterizado por um mínimo de atraso na deteçã da tendência. Este indicador foi desenvolvido e descrito por Perry Kaufman em seu livro "Smarter Trading".

Um dos defeitos de vários dos algoritmos de suavização de séries de preços é que picos aleatórios de preço podem resultar no aparecimento de sinais falsos de uma nova tendência. Por outro lado, a suavização leva a um inevitável atraso no sinal de parada ou reversão da tendência. Este indicador foi desenvolvido para superar esses dois defeitos.


Para criar um handle do indicador, é utilizada a função iAMA():

Retorna o identificador do indicador Adaptive Moving Average. Apenas um buffer.

int  iAMA(
   string              symbol,             // symbol name
   ENUM_TIMEFRAMES     period,             // period
   int                 ama_period,         // AMA period
   int                 fast_ma_period,     // fast Moving Average period
   int                 slow_ma_period,     // slow Moving Average period
   int                 ama_shift,          // horizontal shift of the indicator
   ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE  applied_price       // price type or handle


[in] Nome simbólico do instrumento cujos dados serão usados para calcular o indicador. NULL representa o símbolo atual.


[in] O valor do período pode ser um dos valores da enumeração ENUM_TIMEFRAMES, 0 representa o timeframe atual.


[in]  Período de cálculo durante o qual o fator de eficiência é calculado.


[in]  Período rápido para calcular o coeficiente de suavização em momentos de mercado rápido.


[in]  Período lento para calcular o coeficiente de suavização na ausência de uma tendência.


[in]  Deslocamento do indicador em relação ao gráfico de preços.


[in]  Preço aplicado. Pode ser qualquer uma das constantes de preço de ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE ou o identificador de outro indicador.

Retorna o handle do indicador técnico especificado, em caso de falha retorna INVALID_HANDLE. A função IndicatorRelease() é usada para liberar a memória do computador do indicador que não é mais usado; o handle desse indicador é passado para ela.

Para criar o indicador em um EA, declararemos variáveis de entrada e variáveis globais:

//|                                                 TestTrendAMA.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
//--- enums
   LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
   LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
   LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
   LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
   LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
   LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
   LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
   LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
   LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
   LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
//--- input parameters
input uint                 InpPeriod      =  9;             /* Period         */
input uint                 InpPeriodFast  =  2;             /* Fast EMA Period*/
input uint                 InpPeriodSlow  =  30;            /* Slow EMA Period*/
input int                  InpShift       =  0;             /* AMA Shift      */
input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   InpPrice       =  PRICE_CLOSE;   /* Applied Price  */
//--- global variables
int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
int      period=0;               // AMA calculation period
int      period_fast=0;          // Fast EMA calculation period
int      period_slow=0;          // Slow EMA calculation period
int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
string   ind_title;              // Indicator description

A enumeração ENUM_LINE_STATE foi criada para facilitar a obtenção do estado da linha do indicador — sua forma (figura) e localização em relação à linha de outro indicador, ou a algum nível.
Você pode ler mais sobre enumeração no na seção de parâmetros do indicador ATR incluída no artigo sobre indicadores osciladores.

Ao usar o painel informativo em um EA, também é necessário declarar variáveis globais e incluir o arquivo de classes do painel:

//|                                                 TestTrendAMA.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
//--- includes
#include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
//--- enums
   LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
   LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
   LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
   LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
   LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
   LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
   LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
   LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
   LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
   LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
//--- input parameters
input uint                 InpPeriod      =  9;             /* Period         */
input uint                 InpPeriodFast  =  2;             /* Fast EMA Period*/
input uint                 InpPeriodSlow  =  30;            /* Slow EMA Period*/
input int                  InpShift       =  0;             /* AMA Shift      */
input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   InpPrice       =  PRICE_CLOSE;   /* Applied Price  */
//--- global variables
int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
int      period=0;               // AMA calculation period
int      period_fast=0;          // Fast EMA calculation period
int      period_slow=0;          // Slow EMA calculation period
int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
string   ind_title;              // Indicator description
//--- variables for the panel
int      mouse_bar_index;        // Index of the bar the data is taken from
CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object


Configuramos os valores das variáveis globais para o indicador e criamos seu handle:

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- create timer

//--- Indicator
//--- Set and adjust the calculation period and levels if necessary
   period=int(InpPeriod<1 ? 9 : InpPeriod);
   period_fast=int(InpPeriodFast<1 ? 2 : InpPeriodFast);
   period_slow=int(InpPeriodSlow<1 ? 30 : InpPeriodSlow);
//--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
//--- Create indicator handle
      PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
      return INIT_FAILED;

//--- Successful initialization

Ao usar o painel informativo no EA, criamos o painel:

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- create timer

//--- Indicator
//--- Set and adjust the calculation period and levels if necessary
   period=int(InpPeriod<1 ? 9 : InpPeriod);
   period_fast=int(InpPeriodFast<1 ? 2 : InpPeriodFast);
   period_slow=int(InpPeriodSlow<1 ? 30 : InpPeriodSlow);
//--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
//--- Create indicator handle
      PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
      return INIT_FAILED;

//--- Dashboard
//--- Create the panel
   panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,197,225);
      Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set font parameters
//--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
   panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));
//--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
//--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 1 to display indicator data in it
//--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
   int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
//--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background
//--- Display tabular data in the journal
//--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
//--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel

//--- Successful initialization


No manipulador OnDeinit() do EA, liberamos o handle do indicador:

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- destroy timer
//--- Release handle of the indicator
      PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
//--- Clear all comments on the chart

Ao usar o painel informativo, removemos o objeto do painel criado:

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- destroy timer
//--- Release handle of the indicator
      PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
//--- Clear all comments on the chart
//--- If the panel object exists, delete it
      delete panel;

Recuperação de dados

A seguir, são apresentadas funções gerais para acessar dados pelo handle do indicador. As funções foram discutidas no artigo sobre a integração de osciladores aos EAs. As funções apresentadas podem ser usadas "como estão" em seus programas:

//| Return the indicator data on the specified bar                   |
double IndicatorValue(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
   double array[1]={0};
      PrintFormat("%s: CopyBuffer failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
      return EMPTY_VALUE;
   return array[0];
//| Return the state of the indicator line                           |
ENUM_LINE_STATE LineState(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
//--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1,2) relative to the passed index
   const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
   const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
   const double value2=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+2,buffer_num);
//--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
   if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE || value2==EMPTY_VALUE)
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Line upward reversal (value2>value1 && value0>value1)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_TURN_UP;
//--- Line upward direction (value2<=value1 && value0>value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_UP;
//--- Line upward stop (value2<=value1 && value0==value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_STOP_UP;
//--- Line downward reversal (value2<value1 && value0<value1)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN;
//--- Line downward direction (value2>=value1 && value0<value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_DOWN;
//--- Line downward stop (value2>=value1 && value0==value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN;
//--- Undefined state
   return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//| Return the state of the line relative to the specified level     |
ENUM_LINE_STATE LineStateRelative(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num,const double level0,const double level1=EMPTY_VALUE)
//--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1) relative to the passed index
   const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
   const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
//--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
   if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE)
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Define the second level to compare
   double level=(level1==EMPTY_VALUE ? level0 : level1);
//--- The line is below the level (value1<level && value0<level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_UNDER;
//--- The line is above the level (value1>level && value0>level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_ABOVE;
//--- The line crossed the level upwards (value1<=level && value0>level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP;
//--- The line crossed the level downwards (value1>=level && value0<level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
//--- The line touched the level from below (value1<level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
//--- The line touched the level from above (value1>level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
//--- Line is equal to the level value (value1==level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)==0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_EQUALS;
//--- Undefined state
   return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//| Return the indicator line state description                      |
string LineStateDescription(const ENUM_LINE_STATE state)
      case LINE_STATE_UP         :  return "Up";
      case LINE_STATE_STOP_UP    :  return "Stop Up";
      case LINE_STATE_TURN_UP    :  return "Turn Up";
      case LINE_STATE_DOWN       :  return "Down";
      case LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN  :  return "Stop Down";
      case LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN  :  return "Turn Down";
      case LINE_STATE_ABOVE      :  return "Above level";
      case LINE_STATE_UNDER      :  return "Under level";
      case LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   :  return "Crossing Up";
      case LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN :  return "Crossing Down";
      case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW:  return "Touch from Below";
      case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE:  return "Touch from Above";
      case LINE_STATE_EQUALS     :  return "Equals";
      default                    :  return "Unknown";

Ao usar o painel informativo, os dados são exibidos por meio da função:

//| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
//--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
   MqlTick  tick={0};
   MqlRates rates[1];

//--- Exit if unable to get the current prices
//--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index

//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
   int  size=0;
   uint flags=0;
   uint angle=0;
   string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
   panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
   panel.DrawText("Indicator data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data

//--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
   panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);

//--- Display the indicator data from the specified bar on the panel in table 1
   panel.DrawText(ind_title, panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
   double value=IndicatorValue(handle,index,0);
   string value_str=(value!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value,ind_digits) : "");
//--- Display a description of the indicator line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state=LineState(handle,index,0);
//--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

Além disso, ao usar o painel informativo no manipulador de eventos OnChartEvent() do EA, o manipulador de eventos do painel é chamado, e os eventos são processados para obter o índice da barra sob o cursor:

//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Handling the panel
//--- Call the panel event handler

//--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
      //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
      datetime time=0;
      double price=0;
      int wnd=0;
      //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
         //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
         //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 

//--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
      //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
      PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);

Após a compilação e execução do EA no gráfico, podemos monitorar o valor e o estado da linha do indicador no painel informativo:

O arquivo do EA de teste "TestVolumeAD.mq5" pode ser consultado nos arquivos anexados ao artigo.

Average Directional Movement Index

O indicador técnico índice médio de movimento direcional (Average Directional Movement Index, ADX) ajuda a determinar a presença de uma tendência de preços. Ele foi desenvolvido e descrito em detalhes por Welles Wilder em seu livro "New concepts in technical trading systems".

O método mais simples de negociação com base no sistema de movimento direcional implica na comparação de dois indicadores de direção: o +DI de período 14 e o -DI de período 14. Para isso, ou os gráficos dos indicadores são sobrepostos, ou o +DI é subtraído do -DI. W. Wilder recomenda comprar quando o +DI é superior ao -DI, e vender quando +DI é inferior ao -DI.

W. Wilder também complementa estas simples regras de negociação com o "princípio de pontos extremos". Ela é usada para eliminar sinais falsos e diminuir o número de transações realizadas. De acordo com o princípio de pontos extremow, o "ponto extremo" é o ponto quando +DI e -DI se cruzam. Se o +DI é maior que o -DI, este ponto será o preço máximo do dia, quando eles se cruzarem. Se o +DI é inferior ao -DI, este ponto será o preço mínimo do dia quando eles se cruzarem.

O ponto de extremo é usado então como referência de entrada no mercado. Assim, após o sinal de compra (+DI é maior do que -DI), deve-se esperar até o preço exceder o ponto extremo antes de comprar. No entanto, se o preço não ultrapassar o nível do ponto de extremo, deve-se manter a posição curta.


Para criar o handle do indicador, é utilizada a função iADX():

Retorna o handle do indicador Average Directional Movement Index.

int  iADX(
   string           symbol,         // symbol name
   ENUM_TIMEFRAMES  period,         // period
   int              adx_period      // averaging period


[in] Nome simbólico do instrumento cujos dados serão usados para calcular o indicador. NULL representa o símbolo atual.


[in] O valor do período pode ser um dos valores da enumeração ENUM_TIMEFRAMES, 0 representa o timeframe atual.


[in]  Período para cálculo do índice.

Números dos buffers: 0 — MAIN_LINE, 1 — PLUSDI_LINE, 2 — MINUSDI_LINE.

Retorna o handle do indicador técnico especificado, em caso de falha retorna INVALID_HANDLE. A função IndicatorRelease() é usada para liberar a memória do computador do indicador que não é mais usado; o handle desse indicador é passado para ela.

Para criar o indicador em um EA, declararemos variáveis de entrada e variáveis globais:

//|                                                 TestTrendADX.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
//--- enums
   LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
   LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
   LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
   LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
   LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
   LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
   LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
   LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
   LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
   LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
//--- input parameters
input uint  InpPeriod   =  14;   /* Period   */
//--- global variables
int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
int      period=0;               // ADX calculation period
int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
string   ind_title;              // Indicator description

Ao usar o painel informativo em um EA, também é necessário declarar variáveis globais e incluir o arquivo de classes do painel:

//|                                                 TestTrendADX.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
//--- includes
#include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
//--- enums
   LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
   LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
   LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
   LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
   LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
   LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
   LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
   LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
   LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
   LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
//--- input parameters
input uint  InpPeriod   =  14;   /* Period   */
//--- global variables
int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
int      period=0;               // ADX calculation period
int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
string   ind_title;              // Indicator description
//--- variables for the panel
int      mouse_bar_index;        // Index of the bar the data is taken from
CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object


Configuramos os valores das variáveis globais para o indicador e criamos seu handle:

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- create timer

//--- Indicator
//--- Set and adjust the calculation period and levels if necessary
   period=int(InpPeriod<1 ? 14 : InpPeriod);
//--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
//--- Create indicator handle
      PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
      return INIT_FAILED;

//--- Successful initialization

Ao usar o painel informativo no EA, criamos o painel:

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- create timer

//--- Indicator
//--- Set and adjust the calculation period and levels if necessary
   period=int(InpPeriod<1 ? 14 : InpPeriod);
//--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
//--- Create indicator handle
      PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
      return INIT_FAILED;

//--- Dashboard
//--- Create the panel
   panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,197,243);
      Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set font parameters
//--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
   panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));
//--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
//--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 1 to display indicator data in it
//--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
   int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
//--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background
//--- Display tabular data in the journal
//--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
//--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel

//--- Successful initialization


No manipulador OnDeinit() do EA, liberamos o handle do indicador:

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- destroy timer
//--- Release handle of the indicator
      PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
//--- Clear all comments on the chart

Ao usar o painel informativo, removemos o objeto do painel criado:

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- destroy timer
//--- Release handle of the indicator
      PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
//--- Clear all comments on the chart
//--- If the panel object exists, delete it
      delete panel;

Recuperação de dados

Funções comuns para recuperar dados através do handle do indicador:

//| Return the indicator data on the specified bar                   |
double IndicatorValue(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
   double array[1]={0};
      PrintFormat("%s: CopyBuffer failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
      return EMPTY_VALUE;
   return array[0];
//| Return the state of the indicator line                           |
ENUM_LINE_STATE LineState(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
//--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1,2) relative to the passed index
   const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
   const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
   const double value2=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+2,buffer_num);
//--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
   if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE || value2==EMPTY_VALUE)
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Line upward reversal (value2>value1 && value0>value1)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_TURN_UP;
//--- Line upward direction (value2<=value1 && value0>value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_UP;
//--- Line upward stop (value2<=value1 && value0==value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_STOP_UP;
//--- Line downward reversal (value2<value1 && value0<value1)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN;
//--- Line downward direction (value2>=value1 && value0<value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_DOWN;
//--- Line downward stop (value2>=value1 && value0==value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN;
//--- Undefined state
   return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//| Return the state of the line relative to the specified level     |
ENUM_LINE_STATE LineStateRelative(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num,const double level0,const double level1=EMPTY_VALUE)
//--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1) relative to the passed index
   const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
   const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
//--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
   if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE)
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Define the second level to compare
   double level=(level1==EMPTY_VALUE ? level0 : level1);
//--- The line is below the level (value1<level && value0<level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_UNDER;
//--- The line is above the level (value1>level && value0>level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_ABOVE;
//--- The line crossed the level upwards (value1<=level && value0>level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP;
//--- The line crossed the level downwards (value1>=level && value0<level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
//--- The line touched the level from below (value1<level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
//--- The line touched the level from above (value1>level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
//--- Line is equal to the level value (value1==level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)==0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_EQUALS;
//--- Undefined state
   return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//| Return the indicator line state description                      |
string LineStateDescription(const ENUM_LINE_STATE state)
      case LINE_STATE_UP         :  return "Up";
      case LINE_STATE_STOP_UP    :  return "Stop Up";
      case LINE_STATE_TURN_UP    :  return "Turn Up";
      case LINE_STATE_DOWN       :  return "Down";
      case LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN  :  return "Stop Down";
      case LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN  :  return "Turn Down";
      case LINE_STATE_ABOVE      :  return "Above level";
      case LINE_STATE_UNDER      :  return "Under level";
      case LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   :  return "Crossing Up";
      case LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN :  return "Crossing Down";
      case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW:  return "Touch from Below";
      case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE:  return "Touch from Above";
      case LINE_STATE_EQUALS     :  return "Equals";
      default                    :  return "Unknown";

Ao usar o painel informativo, os dados são exibidos por meio da função:

//| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
//--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
   MqlTick  tick={0};
   MqlRates rates[1];

//--- Exit if unable to get the current prices
//--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index

//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
   int  size=0;
   uint flags=0;
   uint angle=0;
   string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
   panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
   panel.DrawText("Indicator data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data

//--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
   panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);

//--- Display the ADX line data from the specified bar on the panel in table 1
   panel.DrawText(ind_title, panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
   double value=IndicatorValue(handle,index,MAIN_LINE);
   string value_str=(value!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value,ind_digits) : "");

//--- Display the +DI line data from the specified bar on the panel in table 1
   panel.DrawText("+DI", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
   double value_dip=IndicatorValue(handle,index,PLUSDI_LINE);
   string value_dip_str=(value_dip!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value_dip,ind_digits) : "");

//--- Display the -DI line data from the specified bar on the panel in table 1
   panel.DrawText("-DI", panel.CellX(1,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,2,0)+2);
   double value_dim=IndicatorValue(handle,index,MINUSDI_LINE);
   string value_dim_str=(value_dim!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value_dim,ind_digits) : "");
//--- Display a description of +DI and -DI lines ratio
   panel.DrawText("+DI vs -DI", panel.CellX(1,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,3,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state=LineStateRelative(handle,index,1,value_dim,IndicatorValue(handle,index+1,2));
   string state_di_str=LineStateDescription(state);
   color clr=clrNONE;
      state_di_str="+DI > -DI";
      state_di_str="+DI < -DI";
//--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

Além dessas linhas do indicador, o painel exibe uma descrição da proporção das linhas +DI e -DI, que são, de fato, as linhas de sinal do indicador.

Além disso, ao usar o painel informativo no manipulador de eventos OnChartEvent() do EA, o manipulador de eventos do painel é chamado, e os eventos são processados para obter o índice da barra sob o cursor:

//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Handling the panel
//--- Call the panel event handler

//--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
      //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
      datetime time=0;
      double price=0;
      int wnd=0;
      //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
         //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
         //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 

//--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
      //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
      PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);

Após a compilação e execução do EA no gráfico, podemos monitorar o valor e o estado da linha do indicador no painel informativo:

O arquivo do EA de teste "TestTrendADX.mq5" pode ser consultado nos arquivos anexados ao artigo.

Average Directional Movement Index Wilder

O indicador técnico índice médio de movimento direcional Wilder (Average Directional Movement Index Wilder, ADX Wilder) ajuda a determinar a presença de uma tendência de preços. Este indicador técnico é construído com uma rígida correspondência com o algoritmo descrito por Welles Wilder em seu livro "New concepts in technical trading systems".

As regras de negociação para esse indicador estão descritas na seção Average Directional Movement Index".


Para criar o handle do indicador, é utilizada a função iADXWilder():

Return the handle of the Average Directional Movement Index by Welles Wilder.

int  iADXWilder(
   string           symbol,         // symbol name
   ENUM_TIMEFRAMES  period,         // period
   int              adx_period      // averaging period


[in] Nome simbólico do instrumento cujos dados serão usados para calcular o indicador. NULL representa o símbolo atual.


[in] O valor do período pode ser um dos valores da enumeração ENUM_TIMEFRAMES, 0 representa o timeframe atual.


[in]  Período para cálculo do índice.

Números dos buffers: 0 — MAIN_LINE, 1 — PLUSDI_LINE, 2 — MINUSDI_LINE.

Retorna o handle do indicador técnico especificado, em caso de falha retorna INVALID_HANDLE. A função IndicatorRelease() é usada para liberar a memória do computador do indicador que não é mais usado; o handle desse indicador é passado para ela.

Para criar o indicador em um EA, declararemos variáveis de entrada e variáveis globais:

//|                                           TestTrendADXWilder.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
//--- enums
   LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
   LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
   LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
   LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
   LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
   LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
   LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
   LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
   LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
   LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
//--- input parameters
input uint  InpPeriod   =  14;   /* Period   */
//--- global variables
int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
int      period=0;               // ADX Wilder calculation period
int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
string   ind_title;              // Indicator description

Ao usar o painel informativo em um EA, também é necessário declarar variáveis globais e incluir o arquivo de classes do painel:

//|                                           TestTrendADXWilder.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
//--- includes
#include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
//--- enums
   LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
   LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
   LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
   LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
   LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
   LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
   LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
   LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
   LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
   LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
//--- input parameters
input uint  InpPeriod   =  14;   /* Period   */
//--- global variables
int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
int      period=0;               // ADX Wilder calculation period
int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
string   ind_title;              // Indicator description
//--- variables for the panel
int      mouse_bar_index;        // Index of the bar the data is taken from
CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object


Configuramos os valores das variáveis globais para o indicador e criamos seu handle:

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- create timer

//--- Indicator
//--- Set and adjust the calculation period and levels if necessary
   period=int(InpPeriod<1 ? 14 : InpPeriod);
//--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
   ind_title=StringFormat("ADX Wilder(%lu)",period);
//--- Create indicator handle
      PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
      return INIT_FAILED;

//--- Successful initialization

Ao usar o painel informativo no EA, criamos o painel:

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- create timer

//--- Indicator
//--- Set and adjust the calculation period and levels if necessary
   period=int(InpPeriod<1 ? 14 : InpPeriod);
//--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
   ind_title=StringFormat("ADX Wilder(%lu)",period);
//--- Create indicator handle
      PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
      return INIT_FAILED;

//--- Dashboard
//--- Create the panel
   panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,197,243);
      Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set font parameters
//--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
   panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));
//--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
//--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 1 to display indicator data in it
//--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
   int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
//--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background
//--- Display tabular data in the journal
//--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
//--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel

//--- Successful initialization


No manipulador OnDeinit() do EA, liberamos o handle do indicador:

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- destroy timer
//--- Release handle of the indicator
      PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
//--- Clear all comments on the chart

Ao usar o painel informativo, removemos o objeto do painel criado:

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- destroy timer
//--- Release handle of the indicator
      PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
//--- Clear all comments on the chart
//--- If the panel object exists, delete it
      delete panel;

Recuperação de dados

Funções comuns para recuperar dados através do handle do indicador:

//| Return the indicator data on the specified bar                   |
double IndicatorValue(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
   double array[1]={0};
      PrintFormat("%s: CopyBuffer failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
      return EMPTY_VALUE;
   return array[0];
//| Return the state of the indicator line                           |
ENUM_LINE_STATE LineState(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
//--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1,2) relative to the passed index
   const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
   const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
   const double value2=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+2,buffer_num);
//--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
   if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE || value2==EMPTY_VALUE)
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Line upward reversal (value2>value1 && value0>value1)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_TURN_UP;
//--- Line upward direction (value2<=value1 && value0>value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_UP;
//--- Line upward stop (value2<=value1 && value0==value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_STOP_UP;
//--- Line downward reversal (value2<value1 && value0<value1)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN;
//--- Line downward direction (value2>=value1 && value0<value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_DOWN;
//--- Line downward stop (value2>=value1 && value0==value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN;
//--- Undefined state
   return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//| Return the state of the line relative to the specified level     |
ENUM_LINE_STATE LineStateRelative(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num,const double level0,const double level1=EMPTY_VALUE)
//--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1) relative to the passed index
   const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
   const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
//--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
   if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE)
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Define the second level to compare
   double level=(level1==EMPTY_VALUE ? level0 : level1);
//--- The line is below the level (value1<level && value0<level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_UNDER;
//--- The line is above the level (value1>level && value0>level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_ABOVE;
//--- The line crossed the level upwards (value1<=level && value0>level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP;
//--- The line crossed the level downwards (value1>=level && value0<level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
//--- The line touched the level from below (value1<level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
//--- The line touched the level from above (value1>level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
//--- Line is equal to the level value (value1==level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)==0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_EQUALS;
//--- Undefined state
   return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//| Return the indicator line state description                      |
string LineStateDescription(const ENUM_LINE_STATE state)
      case LINE_STATE_UP         :  return "Up";
      case LINE_STATE_STOP_UP    :  return "Stop Up";
      case LINE_STATE_TURN_UP    :  return "Turn Up";
      case LINE_STATE_DOWN       :  return "Down";
      case LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN  :  return "Stop Down";
      case LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN  :  return "Turn Down";
      case LINE_STATE_ABOVE      :  return "Above level";
      case LINE_STATE_UNDER      :  return "Under level";
      case LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   :  return "Crossing Up";
      case LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN :  return "Crossing Down";
      case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW:  return "Touch from Below";
      case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE:  return "Touch from Above";
      case LINE_STATE_EQUALS     :  return "Equals";
      default                    :  return "Unknown";

Ao usar o painel informativo, os dados são exibidos por meio da função:

//| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
//--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
   MqlTick  tick={0};
   MqlRates rates[1];

//--- Exit if unable to get the current prices
//--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index

//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
   int  size=0;
   uint flags=0;
   uint angle=0;
   string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
   panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
   panel.DrawText("Indicator data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data

//--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
   panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);

//--- Display the ADX line data from the specified bar on the panel in table 1
   panel.DrawText(ind_title, panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
   double value=IndicatorValue(handle,index,MAIN_LINE);
   string value_str=(value!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value,ind_digits) : "");

//--- Display the +DI line data from the specified bar on the panel in table 1
   panel.DrawText("+DI", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
   double value_dip=IndicatorValue(handle,index,PLUSDI_LINE);
   string value_dip_str=(value_dip!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value_dip,ind_digits) : "");

//--- Display the -DI line data from the specified bar on the panel in table 1
   panel.DrawText("-DI", panel.CellX(1,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,2,0)+2);
   double value_dim=IndicatorValue(handle,index,MINUSDI_LINE);
   string value_dim_str=(value_dim!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value_dim,ind_digits) : "");
//--- Display a description of +DI and -DI lines ratio
   panel.DrawText("+DI vs -DI", panel.CellX(1,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,3,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state=LineStateRelative(handle,index,1,value_dim,IndicatorValue(handle,index+1,2));
   string state_di_str=LineStateDescription(state);
   color clr=clrNONE;
      state_di_str="+DI > -DI";
      state_di_str="+DI < -DI";
//--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

O painel exibe os dados das linhas do indicador e a descrição da proporção das linhas +DI e -DI, que são, de fato, as linhas de sinal do indicador.

Além disso, ao usar o painel informativo no manipulador de eventos OnChartEvent() do EA, o manipulador de eventos do painel é chamado, e os eventos são processados para obter o índice da barra sob o cursor:

//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Handling the panel
//--- Call the panel event handler

//--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
      //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
      datetime time=0;
      double price=0;
      int wnd=0;
      //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
         //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
         //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 

//--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
      //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
      PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);

Após a compilação e execução do EA no gráfico, podemos monitorar o valor e o estado da linha do indicador no painel informativo:

O arquivo do EA de teste "TestTrendADXWilder.mq5" pode ser consultado nos arquivos anexados ao artigo.

Bollinger Bands®

Bandas de Bollinger (Bollinger Bands, BB) são semelhantes aos Envelopes. A diferença entre elas reside no fato de que os limites dos Envelopes estão localizadas acima e abaixo da curva da média móvel a uma distância fixa, expressa em porcentagem, enquanto os limites das Bandas de Bollinger são construídos a distâncias iguais a um certo número de desvios padrão. Como o valor do desvio padrão depende da volatilidade, as bandas ajustam sua largura: ela aumenta quando o mercado é instável e diminui em períodos mais estáveis.

As Bandas de Bollinger são geralmente aplicadas ao gráfico de preços, mas também podem ser aplicadas ao gráfico de um indicador. Assim como com os Envelopes, a interpretação das Bandas de Bollinger é baseada na tendência de os preços permanecerem dentro dos limites das bandas superior e inferior. Uma característica distintiva das Bandas de Bollinger é sua largura variável, que é determinada pela volatilidade dos preços. Em períodos de mudanças significativas de preços (ou seja, alta volatilidade), as bandas se expandem, dando espaço aos preços. Em períodos de estagnação (ou seja, baixa volatilidade), as bandas se estreitam, mantendo os preços dentro de seus limites.

Entre as características deste indicador, podemos incluir:

  1. mudanças abruptas nos preços, que geralmente ocorrem após o estreitamento da banda, correspondendo a uma diminuição da volatilidade;
  2. se os preços ultrapassarem os limites da banda, espera-se a continuação da tendência atual;
  3. se picos e vales fora das bandas são seguidos por picos e vales dentro das bandas, pode-se prever uma reversão da tendência;
  4. o movimento dos preços, que começa de um dos limites da banda, geralmente atinge o limite oposto.

Essa última observação é útil para prever metas de preço.


Para criar o handle do indicador, é usada a função iBands():

Retorna o identificador do indicador Bollinger Bands®.

int  iBands(
   string              symbol,            // symbol name
   ENUM_TIMEFRAMES     period,            // period
   int                 bands_period,      // central line calculation period
   int                 bands_shift,       // horizontal shift of the indicator
   double              deviation,         // number of standard deviations
   ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE  applied_price      // price type or handle


[in] Nome simbólico do instrumento cujos dados serão usados para calcular o indicador. NULL representa o símbolo atual.


[in] O valor do período pode ser um dos valores da enumeração ENUM_TIMEFRAMES, 0 representa o timeframe atual.


[in]  Período de média da linha principal do indicador.


[in]  Deslocamento do indicador em relação ao gráfico de preços.


[in]  Desvio da linha principal.


[in]  Preço aplicado. Pode ser qualquer uma das constantes de preço de ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE ou o identificador de outro indicador.

Retorna o handle do indicador técnico especificado, em caso de falha retorna INVALID_HANDLE. A função IndicatorRelease() é usada para liberar a memória do computador do indicador que não é mais usado; o handle desse indicador é passado para ela.

Números dos buffers: 0 — BASE_LINE, 1 — UPPER_BAND, 2 — LOWER_BAND

Para criar o indicador em um EA, declararemos variáveis de entrada e variáveis globais:

//|                                               TestTrendBands.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
//--- enums
   LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
   LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
   LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
   LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
   LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
   LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
   LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
   LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
   LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
   LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
//--- input parameters
input uint                 InpPeriod   =  20;            /* Period         */
input double               InpDeviation=  2.0;           /* Deviation      */
input int                  InpShift    =  0;             /* Shift          */
input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   InpPrice    =  PRICE_CLOSE;   /* Applied Price  */
//--- global variables
int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
int      period=0;               // Bollinger Bands calculation period
int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
string   ind_title;              // Indicator description

Ao usar o painel informativo em um EA, também é necessário declarar variáveis globais e incluir o arquivo de classes do painel:

//|                                               TestTrendBands.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
//--- includes
#include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
//--- enums
   LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
   LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
   LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
   LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
   LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
   LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
   LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
   LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
   LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
   LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
//--- input parameters
input uint                 InpPeriod   =  20;            /* Period         */
input double               InpDeviation=  2.0;           /* Deviation      */
input int                  InpShift    =  0;             /* Shift          */
input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   InpPrice    =  PRICE_CLOSE;   /* Applied Price  */
//--- global variables
int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
int      period=0;               // Bollinger Bands calculation period
int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
string   ind_title;              // Indicator description
//--- variables for the panel
int      mouse_bar_index;        // Index of the bar the data is taken from
CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object


Configuramos os valores das variáveis globais para o indicador e criamos seu handle:

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- create timer

//--- Indicator
//--- Set and adjust the calculation period and levels if necessary
   period=int(InpPeriod<1 ? 20 : InpPeriod);
//--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
//--- Create indicator handle
      PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
      return INIT_FAILED;

//--- Successful initialization

Ao usar o painel informativo no EA, criamos o painel:

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- create timer

//--- Indicator
//--- Set and adjust the calculation period and levels if necessary
   period=int(InpPeriod<1 ? 20 : InpPeriod);
//--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
//--- Create indicator handle
      PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
      return INIT_FAILED;

//--- Dashboard
//--- Create the panel
   panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,225,243);
      Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set font parameters
//--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
   panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));
//--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
//--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 1 to display indicator data in it
//--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
   int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
//--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background
//--- Display tabular data in the journal
//--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
//--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel

//--- Successful initialization


No manipulador OnDeinit() do EA, liberamos o handle do indicador:

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- destroy timer
//--- Release handle of the indicator
      PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
//--- Clear all comments on the chart

Ao usar o painel informativo, removemos o objeto do painel criado:

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- destroy timer
//--- Release handle of the indicator
      PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
//--- Clear all comments on the chart
//--- If the panel object exists, delete it
      delete panel;

Recuperação de dados

Funções comuns para recuperar dados através do handle do indicador:

//| Return the indicator data on the specified bar                   |
double IndicatorValue(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
   double array[1]={0};
      PrintFormat("%s: CopyBuffer failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
      return EMPTY_VALUE;
   return array[0];
//| Return the state of the indicator line                           |
ENUM_LINE_STATE LineState(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
//--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1,2) relative to the passed index
   const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
   const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
   const double value2=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+2,buffer_num);
//--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
   if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE || value2==EMPTY_VALUE)
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Line upward reversal (value2>value1 && value0>value1)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_TURN_UP;
//--- Line upward direction (value2<=value1 && value0>value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_UP;
//--- Line upward stop (value2<=value1 && value0==value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_STOP_UP;
//--- Line downward reversal (value2<value1 && value0<value1)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN;
//--- Line downward direction (value2>=value1 && value0<value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_DOWN;
//--- Line downward stop (value2>=value1 && value0==value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN;
//--- Undefined state
   return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//| Return the state of the line relative to the specified level     |
ENUM_LINE_STATE LineStateRelative(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num,const double level0,const double level1=EMPTY_VALUE)
//--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1) relative to the passed index
   const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
   const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
//--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
   if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE)
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Define the second level to compare
   double level=(level1==EMPTY_VALUE ? level0 : level1);
//--- The line is below the level (value1<level && value0<level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_UNDER;
//--- The line is above the level (value1>level && value0>level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_ABOVE;
//--- The line crossed the level upwards (value1<=level && value0>level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP;
//--- The line crossed the level downwards (value1>=level && value0<level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
//--- The line touched the level from below (value1<level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
//--- The line touched the level from above (value1>level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
//--- Line is equal to the level value (value1==level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)==0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_EQUALS;
//--- Undefined state
   return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//| Return the indicator line state description                      |
string LineStateDescription(const ENUM_LINE_STATE state)
      case LINE_STATE_UP         :  return "Up";
      case LINE_STATE_STOP_UP    :  return "Stop Up";
      case LINE_STATE_TURN_UP    :  return "Turn Up";
      case LINE_STATE_DOWN       :  return "Down";
      case LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN  :  return "Stop Down";
      case LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN  :  return "Turn Down";
      case LINE_STATE_ABOVE      :  return "Above level";
      case LINE_STATE_UNDER      :  return "Under level";
      case LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   :  return "Crossing Up";
      case LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN :  return "Crossing Down";
      case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW:  return "Touch from Below";
      case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE:  return "Touch from Above";
      case LINE_STATE_EQUALS     :  return "Equals";
      default                    :  return "Unknown";

Ao usar o painel informativo, os dados são exibidos por meio da função:

//| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
//--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
   MqlTick  tick={0};
   MqlRates rates[1];

//--- Exit if unable to get the current prices
//--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index

//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
   int  size=0;
   uint flags=0;
   uint angle=0;
   string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
   panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
   panel.DrawText("Indicator data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data

//--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
   panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);

//--- Display the Bands Upper line data from the specified bar on the panel in table 1
   panel.DrawText(ind_title+" Upper", panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
   double value=IndicatorValue(handle,index,UPPER_BAND);
   string value_str=(value!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value,ind_digits) : "");

//--- Display the Bands Lower line data from the specified bar on the panel in table 1
   panel.DrawText(ind_title+" Lower", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
   double value_dip=IndicatorValue(handle,index,LOWER_BAND);
   string value_dip_str=(value_dip!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value_dip,ind_digits) : "");

//--- Display the Bands Middle line data from the specified bar on the panel in table 1
   panel.DrawText(ind_title+" Middle", panel.CellX(1,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,2,0)+2);
   double value_dim=IndicatorValue(handle,index,BASE_LINE);
   string value_dim_str=(value_dim!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value_dim,ind_digits) : "");
//--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

Além disso, ao usar o painel informativo no manipulador de eventos OnChartEvent() do EA, o manipulador de eventos do painel é chamado, e os eventos são processados para obter o índice da barra sob o cursor:

//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Handling the panel
//--- Call the panel event handler

//--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
      //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
      datetime time=0;
      double price=0;
      int wnd=0;
      //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
         //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
         //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 

//--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
      //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
      PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);

Após a compilação e execução do EA no gráfico, podemos monitorar o valor e o estado da linha do indicador no painel informativo:

O arquivo do EA de teste "TestTrendBands.mq5" pode ser consultado nos arquivos anexados ao artigo.

Double Exponential Moving Average

O indicador técnico média móvel exponencial dupla (Double Exponential Moving Average, DEMA) foi desenvolvido por Patrick Mulloy, e foi publicado em Fevereiro de 1994 na revista "Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities". Ele é usado para suavizar uma série de preços, e é inserido diretamente no gráfico de preços do ativo. Além disso, ele pode ser usado para suavizar os valores de outros indicadores.

A vantagem deste indicador é que ele elimina sinais falsos no movimento de preços que parecem dentes de serra, alem de permitir manter uma posição em uma forte tendência.


Para criar o handle do indicador, é utilizada a função iDEMA():

Retorna o identificador do indicador Double Exponential Moving Average. Apenas um buffer.

int  iDEMA(
   string              symbol,            // symbol name
   ENUM_TIMEFRAMES     period,            // period
   int                 ma_period,         // averaging period
   int                 ma_shift,          // horizontal shift of the indicator
   ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE  applied_price      // price type or handle


[in] Nome simbólico do instrumento cujos dados serão usados para calcular o indicador. NULL representa o símbolo atual.


[in] O valor do período pode ser um dos valores da enumeração ENUM_TIMEFRAMES, 0 representa o timeframe atual.


[in]  Período (número de barras) para o cálculo do indicador.


[in]  Deslocamento do indicador em relação ao gráfico de preços.


[in]  Preço aplicado. Pode ser qualquer uma das constantes de preço de ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE ou o identificador de outro indicador.

Retorna o handle do indicador técnico especificado, em caso de falha retorna INVALID_HANDLE. A função IndicatorRelease() é usada para liberar a memória do computador do indicador que não é mais usado; o handle desse indicador é passado para ela.

Para criar o indicador em um EA, declararemos variáveis de entrada e variáveis globais:

//|                                                TestTrendDEMA.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
//--- enums
   LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
   LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
   LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
   LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
   LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
   LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
   LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
   LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
   LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
   LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
//--- input parameters
input uint                 InpPeriod      =  14;            /* Period         */
input int                  InpShift       =  0;             /* DEMA Shift     */
input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   InpPrice       =  PRICE_CLOSE;   /* Applied Price  */
//--- global variables
int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
int      period=0;               // DEMA calculation period
int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
string   ind_title;              // Indicator description

Ao usar o painel informativo em um EA, também é necessário declarar variáveis globais e incluir o arquivo de classes do painel:

//|                                                TestTrendDEMA.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
//--- includes
#include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
//--- enums
   LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
   LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
   LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
   LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
   LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
   LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
   LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
   LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
   LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
   LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
//--- input parameters
input uint                 InpPeriod      =  14;            /* Period         */
input int                  InpShift       =  0;             /* DEMA Shift     */
input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   InpPrice       =  PRICE_CLOSE;   /* Applied Price  */
//--- global variables
int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
int      period=0;               // DEMA calculation period
int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
string   ind_title;              // Indicator description
//--- variables for the panel
int      mouse_bar_index;        // Index of the bar the data is taken from
CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object


Configuramos os valores das variáveis globais para o indicador e criamos seu handle:

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- create timer

//--- Indicator
//--- Set and adjust the calculation period and levels if necessary
   period=int(InpPeriod<1 ? 14 : InpPeriod);
//--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
//--- Create indicator handle
      PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
      return INIT_FAILED;

//--- Successful initialization

Ao usar o painel informativo no EA, criamos o painel:

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- create timer

//--- Indicator
//--- Set and adjust the calculation period and levels if necessary
   period=int(InpPeriod<1 ? 14 : InpPeriod);
//--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
//--- Create indicator handle
      PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
      return INIT_FAILED;

//--- Dashboard
//--- Create the panel
   panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,197,225);
      Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set font parameters
//--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
   panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));
//--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
//--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 1 to display indicator data in it
//--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
   int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
//--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background
//--- Display tabular data in the journal
//--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
//--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel

//--- Successful initialization


No manipulador OnDeinit() do EA, liberamos o handle do indicador:

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- destroy timer
//--- Release handle of the indicator
      PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
//--- Clear all comments on the chart

Ao usar o painel informativo, removemos o objeto do painel criado:

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- destroy timer
//--- Release handle of the indicator
      PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
//--- Clear all comments on the chart
//--- If the panel object exists, delete it
      delete panel;

Recuperação de dados

Funções comuns para recuperar dados através do handle do indicador:

//| Return the indicator data on the specified bar                   |
double IndicatorValue(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
   double array[1]={0};
      PrintFormat("%s: CopyBuffer failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
      return EMPTY_VALUE;
   return array[0];
//| Return the state of the indicator line                           |
ENUM_LINE_STATE LineState(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
//--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1,2) relative to the passed index
   const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
   const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
   const double value2=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+2,buffer_num);
//--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
   if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE || value2==EMPTY_VALUE)
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Line upward reversal (value2>value1 && value0>value1)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_TURN_UP;
//--- Line upward direction (value2<=value1 && value0>value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_UP;
//--- Line upward stop (value2<=value1 && value0==value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_STOP_UP;
//--- Line downward reversal (value2<value1 && value0<value1)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN;
//--- Line downward direction (value2>=value1 && value0<value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_DOWN;
//--- Line downward stop (value2>=value1 && value0==value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN;
//--- Undefined state
   return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//| Return the state of the line relative to the specified level     |
ENUM_LINE_STATE LineStateRelative(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num,const double level0,const double level1=EMPTY_VALUE)
//--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1) relative to the passed index
   const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
   const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
//--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
   if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE)
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Define the second level to compare
   double level=(level1==EMPTY_VALUE ? level0 : level1);
//--- The line is below the level (value1<level && value0<level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_UNDER;
//--- The line is above the level (value1>level && value0>level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_ABOVE;
//--- The line crossed the level upwards (value1<=level && value0>level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP;
//--- The line crossed the level downwards (value1>=level && value0<level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
//--- The line touched the level from below (value1<level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
//--- The line touched the level from above (value1>level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
//--- Line is equal to the level value (value1==level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)==0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_EQUALS;
//--- Undefined state
   return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//| Return the indicator line state description                      |
string LineStateDescription(const ENUM_LINE_STATE state)
      case LINE_STATE_UP         :  return "Up";
      case LINE_STATE_STOP_UP    :  return "Stop Up";
      case LINE_STATE_TURN_UP    :  return "Turn Up";
      case LINE_STATE_DOWN       :  return "Down";
      case LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN  :  return "Stop Down";
      case LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN  :  return "Turn Down";
      case LINE_STATE_ABOVE      :  return "Above level";
      case LINE_STATE_UNDER      :  return "Under level";
      case LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   :  return "Crossing Up";
      case LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN :  return "Crossing Down";
      case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW:  return "Touch from Below";
      case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE:  return "Touch from Above";
      case LINE_STATE_EQUALS     :  return "Equals";
      default                    :  return "Unknown";

Ao usar o painel informativo, os dados são exibidos por meio da função:

//| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
//--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
   MqlTick  tick={0};
   MqlRates rates[1];

//--- Exit if unable to get the current prices
//--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index

//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
   int  size=0;
   uint flags=0;
   uint angle=0;
   string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
   panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
   panel.DrawText("Indicator data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data

//--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
   panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);

//--- Display the indicator data from the specified bar on the panel in table 1
   panel.DrawText(ind_title, panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
   double value=IndicatorValue(handle,index,0);
   string value_str=(value!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value,ind_digits) : "");
//--- Display a description of the indicator line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state=LineState(handle,index,0);
//--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

Além disso, ao usar o painel informativo no manipulador de eventos OnChartEvent() do EA, o manipulador de eventos do painel é chamado, e os eventos são processados para obter o índice da barra sob o cursor:

//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Handling the panel
//--- Call the panel event handler

//--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
      //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
      datetime time=0;
      double price=0;
      int wnd=0;
      //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
         //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
         //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 

//--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
      //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
      PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);

Após a compilação e execução do EA no gráfico, podemos monitorar o valor e o estado da linha do indicador no painel informativo:

O arquivo do EA de teste "TestTrendDEMA.mq5" pode ser consultado nos arquivos anexados ao artigo.


O indicador técnico Envelopes é formado por duas médias móveis, uma das quais é deslocada para cima, e a outra é deslocada para baixo. A escolha do tamanho ideal do deslocamento relativo das bordas da banda é determinada pela volatilidade do mercado: quanto maior ela for, maior será o deslocamento.

Um sinal de venda aparece quando o preço atinge o limite superior da banda; um sinal de compra aparece quando o preço atinge o limite inferior. O sinal de venda ocorre quando o preço atinge o limite superior da banda, e o sinal de compra ocorre quando ele atinge o limite inferior.

A lógica por trás dos envelopes é que os compradores e vendedores com excesso de zelo empurram o preço para os extremos (ou seja, os limites superior e inferior), altura em que os preços muitas vezes estabilizam, movendo-se para níveis mais realistas. O mesmo princípio é usado na interpretação do Bollinger Bands® (BB).


Para criar o handle do indicador, é utilizada a função iEnvelopes():

Retorna o identificador do indicador Envelopes.

int  iEnvelopes(
   string              symbol,            // symbol name
   ENUM_TIMEFRAMES     period,            // period
   int                 ma_period,         // central line calculation period
   int                 ma_shift,          // horizontal shift of the indicator
   ENUM_MA_METHOD      ma_method,         // smoothing type
   ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE  applied_price,     // price type or handle
   double              deviation          // deviation of channel borders from the central line

[in] Nome simbólico do instrumento cujos dados serão usados para calcular o indicador. NULL representa o símbolo atual.


[in] O valor do período pode ser um dos valores da enumeração ENUM_TIMEFRAMES, 0 representa o timeframe atual.


[in]  Período de média da linha principal do indicador.


[in]  Deslocamento do indicador em relação ao gráfico de preços.


[in]  Método de média. Pode ser qualquer um dos valores da enumeração ENUM_MA_METHOD.


[in]  Preço aplicado. Pode ser qualquer uma das constantes de preço de ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE ou o identificador de outro indicador.


[in]  Desvio da linha principal em porcentagem.

Retorna o handle do indicador técnico especificado, em caso de falha retorna INVALID_HANDLE. A função IndicatorRelease() é usada para liberar a memória do computador do indicador que não é mais usado; o handle desse indicador é passado para ela.

Números dos buffers: 0 — UPPER_LINE, 1 — LOWER_LINE.

Para criar o indicador em um EA, declararemos variáveis de entrada e variáveis globais:

//|                                           TestTrendEnvelopes.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
//--- enums
   LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
   LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
   LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
   LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
   LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
   LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
   LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
   LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
   LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
   LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
//--- input parameters
input uint                 InpPeriod   =  14;            /* Period         */
input double               InpDeviation=  0.1;           /* Deviation      */
input int                  InpShift    =  0;             /* Shift          */
input ENUM_MA_METHOD       InpMethod   =  MODE_SMA;      /* Method         */
input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   InpPrice    =  PRICE_CLOSE;   /* Applied Price  */
//--- global variables
int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
int      period=0;               // Envelopes calculation period
int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
string   ind_title;              // Indicator description

Ao usar o painel informativo em um EA, também é necessário declarar variáveis globais e incluir o arquivo de classes do painel:

//|                                           TestTrendEnvelopes.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
//--- includes
#include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
//--- enums
   LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
   LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
   LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
   LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
   LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
   LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
   LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
   LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
   LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
   LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
//--- input parameters
input uint                 InpPeriod   =  14;            /* Period         */
input double               InpDeviation=  0.1;           /* Deviation      */
input int                  InpShift    =  0;             /* Shift          */
input ENUM_MA_METHOD       InpMethod   =  MODE_SMA;      /* Method         */
input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   InpPrice    =  PRICE_CLOSE;   /* Applied Price  */
//--- global variables
int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
int      period=0;               // Envelopes calculation period
int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
string   ind_title;              // Indicator description
//--- variables for the panel
int      mouse_bar_index;        // Index of the bar the data is taken from
CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object


Configuramos os valores das variáveis globais para o indicador e criamos seu handle:

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- create timer

//--- Indicator
//--- Set and adjust the calculation period and levels if necessary
   period=int(InpPeriod<1 ? 14 : InpPeriod);
//--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
//--- Create indicator handle
      PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
      return INIT_FAILED;

//--- Successful initialization

Ao usar o painel informativo no EA, criamos o painel:

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- create timer

//--- Indicator
//--- Set and adjust the calculation period and levels if necessary
   period=int(InpPeriod<1 ? 14 : InpPeriod);
//--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
//--- Create indicator handle
      PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
      return INIT_FAILED;

//--- Dashboard
//--- Create the panel
   panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,257,225);
      Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set font parameters
//--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
   panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));
//--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
//--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 1 to display indicator data in it
//--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
   int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
//--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background
//--- Display tabular data in the journal
//--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
//--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel

//--- Successful initialization


No manipulador OnDeinit() do EA, liberamos o handle do indicador:

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- destroy timer
//--- Release handle of the indicator
      PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
//--- Clear all comments on the chart

Ao usar o painel informativo, removemos o objeto do painel criado:

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- destroy timer
//--- Release handle of the indicator
      PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
//--- Clear all comments on the chart
//--- If the panel object exists, delete it
      delete panel;

Recuperação de dados

Funções comuns para recuperar dados através do handle do indicador:

//| Return the indicator data on the specified bar                   |
double IndicatorValue(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
   double array[1]={0};
      PrintFormat("%s: CopyBuffer failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
      return EMPTY_VALUE;
   return array[0];
//| Return the state of the indicator line                           |
ENUM_LINE_STATE LineState(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
//--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1,2) relative to the passed index
   const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
   const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
   const double value2=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+2,buffer_num);
//--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
   if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE || value2==EMPTY_VALUE)
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Line upward reversal (value2>value1 && value0>value1)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_TURN_UP;
//--- Line upward direction (value2<=value1 && value0>value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_UP;
//--- Line upward stop (value2<=value1 && value0==value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_STOP_UP;
//--- Line downward reversal (value2<value1 && value0<value1)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN;
//--- Line downward direction (value2>=value1 && value0<value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_DOWN;
//--- Line downward stop (value2>=value1 && value0==value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN;
//--- Undefined state
   return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//| Return the state of the line relative to the specified level     |
ENUM_LINE_STATE LineStateRelative(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num,const double level0,const double level1=EMPTY_VALUE)
//--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1) relative to the passed index
   const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
   const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
//--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
   if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE)
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Define the second level to compare
   double level=(level1==EMPTY_VALUE ? level0 : level1);
//--- The line is below the level (value1<level && value0<level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_UNDER;
//--- The line is above the level (value1>level && value0>level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_ABOVE;
//--- The line crossed the level upwards (value1<=level && value0>level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP;
//--- The line crossed the level downwards (value1>=level && value0<level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
//--- The line touched the level from below (value1<level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
//--- The line touched the level from above (value1>level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
//--- Line is equal to the level value (value1==level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)==0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_EQUALS;
//--- Undefined state
   return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//| Return the indicator line state description                      |
string LineStateDescription(const ENUM_LINE_STATE state)
      case LINE_STATE_UP         :  return "Up";
      case LINE_STATE_STOP_UP    :  return "Stop Up";
      case LINE_STATE_TURN_UP    :  return "Turn Up";
      case LINE_STATE_DOWN       :  return "Down";
      case LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN  :  return "Stop Down";
      case LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN  :  return "Turn Down";
      case LINE_STATE_ABOVE      :  return "Above level";
      case LINE_STATE_UNDER      :  return "Under level";
      case LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   :  return "Crossing Up";
      case LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN :  return "Crossing Down";
      case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW:  return "Touch from Below";
      case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE:  return "Touch from Above";
      case LINE_STATE_EQUALS     :  return "Equals";
      default                    :  return "Unknown";

Ao usar o painel informativo, os dados são exibidos por meio da função:

//| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
//--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
   MqlTick  tick={0};
   MqlRates rates[1];

//--- Exit if unable to get the current prices
//--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index

//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
   int  size=0;
   uint flags=0;
   uint angle=0;
   string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
   panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
   panel.DrawText("Indicator data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data

//--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
   panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);

//--- Display the Envelopes Upper line data from the specified bar on the panel in table 1
   panel.DrawText(ind_title+" Upper", panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
   double value=IndicatorValue(handle,index,UPPER_LINE);
   string value_str=(value!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value,ind_digits) : "");

//--- Display the Envelopes Lower line data from the specified bar on the panel in table 1
   panel.DrawText(ind_title+" Lower", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
   double value_dip=IndicatorValue(handle,index,LOWER_LINE);
   string value_dip_str=(value_dip!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value_dip,ind_digits) : "");

//--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

Além disso, ao usar o painel informativo no manipulador de eventos OnChartEvent() do EA, o manipulador de eventos do painel é chamado, e os eventos são processados para obter o índice da barra sob o cursor:

//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Handling the panel
//--- Call the panel event handler

//--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
      //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
      datetime time=0;
      double price=0;
      int wnd=0;
      //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
         //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
         //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 

//--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
      //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
      PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);

Após a compilação e execução do EA no gráfico, podemos monitorar o valor e o estado da linha do indicador no painel informativo:

O arquivo do EA de teste "TestTrendEnvelopes.mq5" pode ser consultado nos arquivos anexados ao artigo.

Fractal Adaptive Moving Average

O Indicador Técnico Fractal Adaptive Moving Average (FRAMA) foi desenvolvido por John Ehlers. Este indicador é construído baseado no algoritmo do Exponential Moving Average, em que o fator de suavização é calculado com base na dimensão fractal atual da série de preços. A vantagem do indicador FRAMA é sua capacidade de acompanhar movimentos de tendências fortes e de desacelerar muito fortemente em momentos de consolidação de preços.

Todos os tipos de análises usados para médias são aplicáveis a esse indicador.


Para criar o handle do indicador, é utilizada a função iFrAMA():

Retorna o identificador do indicador Fractal Adaptive Moving Average. Apenas um buffer.

int  iFrAMA(
   string              symbol,            // symbol name
   ENUM_TIMEFRAMES     period,            // period
   int                 ma_period,         // averaging period
   int                 ma_shift,          // horizontal shift of the indicator
   ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE  applied_price      // price type or handle

[in] Nome simbólico do instrumento cujos dados serão usados para calcular o indicador. NULL representa o símbolo atual.


[in] O valor do período pode ser um dos valores da enumeração ENUM_TIMEFRAMES, 0 representa o timeframe atual.


[in]  Período (número de barras) para o cálculo do indicador.


[in]  Deslocamento do indicador em relação ao gráfico de preços.


[in]  Preço aplicado. Pode ser qualquer uma das constantes de preço de ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE ou o identificador de outro indicador.

Retorna o handle do indicador técnico especificado, em caso de falha retorna INVALID_HANDLE. A função IndicatorRelease() é usada para liberar a memória do computador do indicador que não é mais usado; o handle desse indicador é passado para ela.

Para criar o indicador em um EA, declararemos variáveis de entrada e variáveis globais:

//|                                               TestTrendFRAMA.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
//--- enums
   LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
   LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
   LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
   LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
   LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
   LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
   LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
   LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
   LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
   LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
//--- input parameters
input uint                 InpPeriod      =  14;            /* Period         */
input int                  InpShift       =  0;             /* FRAMA Shift    */
input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   InpPrice       =  PRICE_CLOSE;   /* Applied Price  */
//--- global variables
int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
int      period=0;               // FRAMA calculation period
int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
string   ind_title;              // Indicator description

Ao usar o painel informativo em um EA, também é necessário declarar variáveis globais e incluir o arquivo de classes do painel:

//|                                               TestTrendFRAMA.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
//--- includes
#include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
//--- enums
   LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
   LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
   LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
   LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
   LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
   LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
   LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
   LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
   LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
   LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
//--- input parameters
input uint                 InpPeriod      =  14;            /* Period         */
input int                  InpShift       =  0;             /* FRAMA Shift    */
input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   InpPrice       =  PRICE_CLOSE;   /* Applied Price  */
//--- global variables
int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
int      period=0;               // FRAMA calculation period
int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
string   ind_title;              // Indicator description
//--- variables for the panel
int      mouse_bar_index;        // Index of the bar the data is taken from
CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object


Configuramos os valores das variáveis globais para o indicador e criamos seu handle:

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- create timer

//--- Indicator
//--- Set and adjust the calculation period and levels if necessary
   period=int(InpPeriod<1 ? 14 : InpPeriod);
//--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
//--- Create indicator handle
      PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
      return INIT_FAILED;

//--- Successful initialization

Ao usar o painel informativo no EA, criamos o painel:

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- create timer

//--- Indicator
//--- Set and adjust the calculation period and levels if necessary
   period=int(InpPeriod<1 ? 14 : InpPeriod);
//--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
//--- Create indicator handle
      PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
      return INIT_FAILED;

//--- Dashboard
//--- Create the panel
   panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,197,225);
      Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set font parameters
//--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
   panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));
//--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
//--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 1 to display indicator data in it
//--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
   int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
//--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background
//--- Display tabular data in the journal
//--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
//--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel

//--- Successful initialization


No manipulador OnDeinit() do EA, liberamos o handle do indicador:

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- destroy timer
//--- Release handle of the indicator
      PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
//--- Clear all comments on the chart

Ao usar o painel informativo, removemos o objeto do painel criado:

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- destroy timer
//--- Release handle of the indicator
      PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
//--- Clear all comments on the chart
//--- If the panel object exists, delete it
      delete panel;

Recuperação de dados

Funções comuns para recuperar dados através do handle do indicador:

//| Return the indicator data on the specified bar                   |
double IndicatorValue(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
   double array[1]={0};
      PrintFormat("%s: CopyBuffer failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
      return EMPTY_VALUE;
   return array[0];
//| Return the state of the indicator line                           |
ENUM_LINE_STATE LineState(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
//--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1,2) relative to the passed index
   const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
   const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
   const double value2=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+2,buffer_num);
//--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
   if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE || value2==EMPTY_VALUE)
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Line upward reversal (value2>value1 && value0>value1)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_TURN_UP;
//--- Line upward direction (value2<=value1 && value0>value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_UP;
//--- Line upward stop (value2<=value1 && value0==value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_STOP_UP;
//--- Line downward reversal (value2<value1 && value0<value1)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN;
//--- Line downward direction (value2>=value1 && value0<value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_DOWN;
//--- Line downward stop (value2>=value1 && value0==value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN;
//--- Undefined state
   return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//| Return the state of the line relative to the specified level     |
ENUM_LINE_STATE LineStateRelative(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num,const double level0,const double level1=EMPTY_VALUE)
//--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1) relative to the passed index
   const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
   const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
//--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
   if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE)
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Define the second level to compare
   double level=(level1==EMPTY_VALUE ? level0 : level1);
//--- The line is below the level (value1<level && value0<level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_UNDER;
//--- The line is above the level (value1>level && value0>level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_ABOVE;
//--- The line crossed the level upwards (value1<=level && value0>level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP;
//--- The line crossed the level downwards (value1>=level && value0<level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
//--- The line touched the level from below (value1<level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
//--- The line touched the level from above (value1>level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
//--- Line is equal to the level value (value1==level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)==0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_EQUALS;
//--- Undefined state
   return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//| Return the indicator line state description                      |
string LineStateDescription(const ENUM_LINE_STATE state)
      case LINE_STATE_UP         :  return "Up";
      case LINE_STATE_STOP_UP    :  return "Stop Up";
      case LINE_STATE_TURN_UP    :  return "Turn Up";
      case LINE_STATE_DOWN       :  return "Down";
      case LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN  :  return "Stop Down";
      case LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN  :  return "Turn Down";
      case LINE_STATE_ABOVE      :  return "Above level";
      case LINE_STATE_UNDER      :  return "Under level";
      case LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   :  return "Crossing Up";
      case LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN :  return "Crossing Down";
      case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW:  return "Touch from Below";
      case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE:  return "Touch from Above";
      case LINE_STATE_EQUALS     :  return "Equals";
      default                    :  return "Unknown";

Ao usar o painel informativo, os dados são exibidos por meio da função:

//| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
//--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
   MqlTick  tick={0};
   MqlRates rates[1];

//--- Exit if unable to get the current prices
//--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index

//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
   int  size=0;
   uint flags=0;
   uint angle=0;
   string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
   panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
   panel.DrawText("Indicator data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data

//--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
   panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);

//--- Display the indicator data from the specified bar on the panel in table 1
   panel.DrawText(ind_title, panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
   double value=IndicatorValue(handle,index,0);
   string value_str=(value!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value,ind_digits) : "");
//--- Display a description of the indicator line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state=LineState(handle,index,0);
//--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

Além disso, ao usar o painel informativo no manipulador de eventos OnChartEvent() do EA, o manipulador de eventos do painel é chamado, e os eventos são processados para obter o índice da barra sob o cursor:

//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Handling the panel
//--- Call the panel event handler

//--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
      //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
      datetime time=0;
      double price=0;
      int wnd=0;
      //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
         //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
         //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 

//--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
      //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
      PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);

Após a compilação e execução do EA no gráfico, podemos monitorar o valor e o estado da linha do indicador no painel informativo:

O arquivo do EA de teste "TestTrendFRAMA.mq5" pode ser consultado nos arquivos anexados ao artigo.

Ichimoku Kinko Hyo

O indicador técnico Ichimoku Kinko Hyo é pré-definido para caracterizar a tendência do mercado, os níveis de resistência e suporte, e para gerar sinais de compra e venda. Este indicador funciona melhor em gráficos semanais e diários.

Quatro intervalos de tempo de diferentes durações são usados para determinar a dimensionalidade dos parâmetros. Os valores das linhas individuais que compõem este indicador são baseados nestes intervalos:

  • Tenkan-sen mostra o valor médio do preço durante o primeiro intervalo de tempo, definido como a soma do máximo e do mínimo dentro deste intervalo, dividido por dois;
  • Kijun-sen mostra o valor médio do preço durante o segundo intervalo de tempo;
  • Senkou Span A mostra a média da distância entre as duas linhas anteriores, deslocado para a frente pelo valor do segundo intervalo de tempo;
  • Senkou Span B mostra o valor médio do preço durante o terceiro intervalo de tempo, deslocado para a frente com base no valor do segundo intervalo de tempo.

Chikou Span mostra o preço de fechamento da vela atual deslocado para trás com base no valor do segundo intervalo de tempo. A distância entre as linhas Senkou é tracejada com uma outra cor, e esta distância é chamada de "nuvem" ("cloud"). Se o preço estiver entre estas linhas, o mercado deve ser considerado como fora de tendência, e assim as margens da nuvem formam os níveis de suporte e resistência.

  • Se o preço estiver acima da nuvem, a sua linha superior forma o primeiro nível de suporte, e a segunda linha forma o segundo nível de suporte;
  • Se o preço estiver abaixo da nuvem, a sua linha inferior forma o primeiro nível de resistência, e a segunda linha forma o segundo nível de resistência;
  • Se a linha de Chikou Span atravessa o gráfico de preços no sentido de baixo para cima, significa um sinal de compra. Se a linha de Chikou Span atravessa o gráfico de preços no sentido de cima para baixo, significa um sinal de venda.

Kijun-sen é utilizado como um indicador do movimento do mercado. Se o preço for superior a este indicador, os preços provavelmente continuarão a subir. Quando os preços atravessam esta linha, é possível acontecer uma mudança adiante na tendência. Kijun-sen também é usado para dar sinais. Um sinal de compra é gerado quando as linhas de Tenkan-sen atravessam o Kijun-sen no sentido de baixo para cima. O cruzamento de cima para baixo é um sinal de venda. Tenkan-sen é utilizado como um indicador da tendência do mercado. Se essa linha aumenta ou diminui, então, existe uma tendência. Quando segue horizontalmente, significa que o mercado entrou no canal.


Para criar o handle do indicador, é utilizada a função iIchimoku():

Retorna o identificador do indicador Ichimoku Kinko Hyo.

int  iIchimoku(
   string           symbol,            // symbol name
   ENUM_TIMEFRAMES  period,            // period
   int              tenkan_sen,        // Tenkan-sen period
   int              kijun_sen,         // Kijun-sen period
   int              senkou_span_b      // Senkou Span B period

[in] Nome simbólico do instrumento cujos dados serão usados para calcular o indicador. NULL representa o símbolo atual.


[in] O valor do período pode ser um dos valores da enumeração ENUM_TIMEFRAMES, 0 representa o timeframe atual.


[in]  Período médio Tenkan Sen.


[in]  Período médio de Kijun Sen.


[in]  Período médio Senkou Span B.

Retorna o handle do indicador técnico especificado, em caso de falha retorna INVALID_HANDLE. A função IndicatorRelease() é usada para liberar a memória do computador do indicador que não é mais usado; o handle desse indicador é passado para ela.


Para criar o indicador em um EA, declararemos variáveis de entrada e variáveis globais:

//|                                            TestTrendIchimoku.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
//--- enums
   LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
   LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
   LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
   LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
   LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
   LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
   LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
   LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
   LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
   LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
//--- input parameters
input uint                 InpPeriodTenkan=  9;    /* Tenkan-sen     */
input uint                 InpPeriodKijun =  26;   /* Kijun-sen      */
input uint                 InpPeriodSpanB =  52;   /* Senkou Span B  */
//--- global variables
int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
int      period_tenkan=0;        // Tenkan-sen line calculation period
int      period_kijun=0;         // Kijun-sen line calculation period
int      period_spanb=0;         // Senkou Span B line calculation period
int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
string   ind_title;              // Indicator description

Ao usar o painel informativo em um EA, também é necessário declarar variáveis globais e incluir o arquivo de classes do painel:

//|                                            TestTrendIchimoku.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
//--- includes
#include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
//--- enums
   LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
   LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
   LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
   LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
   LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
   LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
   LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
   LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
   LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
   LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
//--- input parameters
input uint                 InpPeriodTenkan=  9;    /* Tenkan-sen     */
input uint                 InpPeriodKijun =  26;   /* Kijun-sen      */
input uint                 InpPeriodSpanB =  52;   /* Senkou Span B  */
//--- global variables
int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
int      period_tenkan=0;        // Tenkan-sen line calculation period
int      period_kijun=0;         // Kijun-sen line calculation period
int      period_spanb=0;         // Senkou Span B line calculation period
int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
string   ind_title;              // Indicator description
//--- variables for the panel
int      mouse_bar_index;        // Index of the bar the data is taken from
CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object


Configuramos os valores das variáveis globais para o indicador e criamos seu handle:

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- create timer

//--- Indicator
//--- Set and adjust the calculation period if necessary
   period_tenkan=int(InpPeriodTenkan<1 ? 9 : InpPeriodTenkan);
   period_kijun=int(InpPeriodKijun<1 ? 26 : InpPeriodKijun);
   period_spanb=int(InpPeriodSpanB<1 ? 52 : InpPeriodSpanB);
//--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
   ind_title=StringFormat("Ichimoku Kinko Hyo (%lu,%lu,%lu)",period_tenkan,period_kijun,period_spanb);
//--- Create indicator handle
      PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
      return INIT_FAILED;

//--- Successful initialization

Ao usar o painel informativo no EA, criamos o painel:

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- create timer

//--- Indicator
//--- Set and adjust the calculation period if necessary
   period_tenkan=int(InpPeriodTenkan<1 ? 9 : InpPeriodTenkan);
   period_kijun=int(InpPeriodKijun<1 ? 26 : InpPeriodKijun);
   period_spanb=int(InpPeriodSpanB<1 ? 52 : InpPeriodSpanB);
//--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
   ind_title=StringFormat("Ichimoku Kinko Hyo (%lu,%lu,%lu)",period_tenkan,period_kijun,period_spanb);
//--- Create indicator handle
      PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
      return INIT_FAILED;

//--- Dashboard
//--- Create the panel
   panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,229,261);
      Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set font parameters
//--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
   panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));
//--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
//--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 1 to display indicator data in it
//--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
   int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
//--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background
//--- Display tabular data in the journal
//--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
//--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel

//--- Successful initialization


No manipulador OnDeinit() do EA, liberamos o handle do indicador:

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- destroy timer
//--- Release handle of the indicator
      PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
//--- Clear all comments on the chart

Ao usar o painel informativo, removemos o objeto do painel criado:

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- destroy timer
//--- Release handle of the indicator
      PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
//--- Clear all comments on the chart
//--- If the panel object exists, delete it
      delete panel;

Recuperação de dados

Funções comuns para recuperar dados através do handle do indicador:

//| Return the indicator data on the specified bar                   |
double IndicatorValue(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
   double array[1]={0};
      PrintFormat("%s: CopyBuffer failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
      return EMPTY_VALUE;
   return array[0];
//| Return the state of the indicator line                           |
ENUM_LINE_STATE LineState(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
//--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1,2) relative to the passed index
   const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
   const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
   const double value2=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+2,buffer_num);
//--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
   if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE || value2==EMPTY_VALUE)
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Line upward reversal (value2>value1 && value0>value1)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_TURN_UP;
//--- Line upward direction (value2<=value1 && value0>value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_UP;
//--- Line upward stop (value2<=value1 && value0==value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_STOP_UP;
//--- Line downward reversal (value2<value1 && value0<value1)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN;
//--- Line downward direction (value2>=value1 && value0<value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_DOWN;
//--- Line downward stop (value2>=value1 && value0==value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN;
//--- Undefined state
   return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//| Return the state of the line relative to the specified level     |
ENUM_LINE_STATE LineStateRelative(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num,const double level0,const double level1=EMPTY_VALUE)
//--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1) relative to the passed index
   const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
   const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
//--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
   if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE)
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Define the second level to compare
   double level=(level1==EMPTY_VALUE ? level0 : level1);
//--- The line is below the level (value1<level && value0<level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_UNDER;
//--- The line is above the level (value1>level && value0>level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_ABOVE;
//--- The line crossed the level upwards (value1<=level && value0>level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP;
//--- The line crossed the level downwards (value1>=level && value0<level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
//--- The line touched the level from below (value1<level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
//--- The line touched the level from above (value1>level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
//--- Line is equal to the level value (value1==level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)==0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_EQUALS;
//--- Undefined state
   return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//| Return the indicator line state description                      |
string LineStateDescription(const ENUM_LINE_STATE state)
      case LINE_STATE_UP         :  return "Up";
      case LINE_STATE_STOP_UP    :  return "Stop Up";
      case LINE_STATE_TURN_UP    :  return "Turn Up";
      case LINE_STATE_DOWN       :  return "Down";
      case LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN  :  return "Stop Down";
      case LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN  :  return "Turn Down";
      case LINE_STATE_ABOVE      :  return "Above level";
      case LINE_STATE_UNDER      :  return "Under level";
      case LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   :  return "Crossing Up";
      case LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN :  return "Crossing Down";
      case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW:  return "Touch from Below";
      case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE:  return "Touch from Above";
      case LINE_STATE_EQUALS     :  return "Equals";
      default                    :  return "Unknown";

Ao usar o painel informativo, os dados são exibidos por meio da função:

//| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
//--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
   MqlTick  tick={0};
   MqlRates rates[1];

//--- Exit if unable to get the current prices
//--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index

//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
   int  size=0;
   uint flags=0;
   uint angle=0;
   string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
   panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
   panel.DrawText("Indicator data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data

//--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
   panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);

//--- Get the indicator buffers data
   double tenkan=IndicatorValue(handle,index,TENKANSEN_LINE);     // Tenkan Sen line
   double kijun =IndicatorValue(handle,index,KIJUNSEN_LINE);      // Kijun Sen line
   double spana =IndicatorValue(handle,index,SENKOUSPANA_LINE);   // Senkou Span A line
   double spanb =IndicatorValue(handle,index,SENKOUSPANB_LINE);   // Senkou Span B line
   double chikou=IndicatorValue(handle,index,CHIKOUSPAN_LINE);    // Chikou Span line
   color clr=clrNONE;

//--- Display the Tenkan Sen line data from the specified bar on the panel in table 1
   string tenkan_str=StringFormat("Tenkan-sen(%lu)",period_tenkan);
   panel.DrawText(tenkan_str, panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
   string value_str=(tenkan!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(tenkan,ind_digits) : " ");
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state_tenkan=LineStateRelative(handle,index,TENKANSEN_LINE,kijun,IndicatorValue(handle,index+1,KIJUNSEN_LINE));
   clr=(state_tenkan==LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP ? clrBlue : state_tenkan==LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN ? clrRed : clrNONE);
//--- Display the Kijun Sen line data from the specified bar on the panel in table 1
   string kijun_str=StringFormat("Kijun-sen(%lu)",period_kijun);
   panel.DrawText(kijun_str, panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
   value_str=(kijun!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(kijun,ind_digits) : " ");
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state_kijun=LineState(handle,index,KIJUNSEN_LINE);
      state_kijun==LINE_STATE_UP || state_kijun==LINE_STATE_TURN_UP ? clrBlue : 
      state_kijun==LINE_STATE_DOWN || state_kijun==LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN ? clrRed : clrNONE

//--- Display the Senkou Span A line data from the specified bar on the panel in table 1
   panel.DrawText("Senkou Span A", panel.CellX(1,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,2,0)+2);
   value_str=(spana!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(spana,ind_digits) : " ");
//--- Display the Senkou Span B line data from the specified bar on the panel in table 1
   string spanb_str=StringFormat("Senkou Span B(%lu)",period_spanb);
   panel.DrawText(spanb_str, panel.CellX(1,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,3,0)+2);
   value_str=(spanb!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(spanb,ind_digits) : " ");
//--- Display the Chikou Span line data from the specified bar on the panel in table 1
   panel.DrawText("Chikou Span", panel.CellX(1,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,4,0)+2);
   value_str=(chikou!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(chikou,ind_digits) : " ");
//--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

A cor dos valores das linhas Tenkan-sen e Kijun-sen depende de sua localização e direção mútuas.

Além disso, ao usar o painel informativo no manipulador de eventos OnChartEvent() do EA, o manipulador de eventos do painel é chamado, e os eventos são processados para obter o índice da barra sob o cursor:

//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Handling the panel
//--- Call the panel event handler

//--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
      //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
      datetime time=0;
      double price=0;
      int wnd=0;
      //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
         //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
         //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 

//--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
      //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
      PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);

Após a compilação e execução do EA no gráfico, podemos monitorar o valor e o estado da linha do indicador no painel informativo:

O arquivo do EA de teste "TestTrendIchimoku.mq5" pode ser consultado nos arquivos anexados ao artigo.

Moving Average

O indicador técnico média móvel (Moving Average, MA) mostra o valor médio do preço de um instrumento por um determinado período de tempo. Ao calcular a média móvel, é realizada a média matemática do preço do instrumento em um determinado período. À medida que o preço muda, seu valor médio pode aumentar ou diminuir.

Existem vários tipos de médias móveis: simples (também chamada de aritmética), exponencial, suavizada e ponderada. A média móvel pode ser calculada para qualquer conjunto sequencial de dados, incluindo preços de abertura e fechamento, preços máximos e mínimos, volume de negociação ou valores de outros indicadores. Muitas vezes, são utilizadas médias móveis das próprias médias móveis.

A única diferença significativa entre os diferentes tipos de média móvel é a atribuição de diferentes coeficientes de peso aos dados mais recentes. No caso da média móvel simples (Simple Moving Average), todos os preços do período considerado têm o mesmo peso. As médias móveis exponencial e ponderada (Exponential Moving Average e Linear Weighted Moving Average) dão mais importância aos preços mais recentes.

A forma mais comum de interpretar a média móvel de preços consiste em comparar sua dinâmica com a dinâmica do próprio preço. Quando o preço de um instrumento sobe acima do valor da média móvel, surge um sinal de compra; quando cai abaixo da linha do indicador, um sinal de venda.

Este sistema de negociação com a média móvel não visa garantir a entrada no mercado exatamente no seu ponto mais baixo e a saída no ponto mais alto. Ele permite agir de acordo com a tendência atual: comprar logo após os preços atingirem o fundo e vender logo após a formação do pico.

As médias móveis também podem ser aplicadas aos indicadores. Neste caso, a interpretação das médias móveis dos indicadores é semelhante à interpretação das médias móveis dos preços: se um indicador sobe acima de sua média móvel, isso significa que a tendência ascendente do indicador continuará; se cai abaixo da média móvel, indica a continuação de sua tendência de queda.

Aqui estão os tipos de médias móveis:

  • Simple Moving Average (SMA) — média móvel simples
  • Exponential Moving Average (EMA) — média móvel exponencial
  • Smoothed Moving Average (SMMA) — média móvel suavizada
  • Linear Weighted Moving Average (LWMA) — média móvel ponderada linear


Para criar o handle do indicador, é utilizada a função iMA():

Return moving average indicator handle. Only one buffer.

int  iMA(
   string               symbol,            // symbol name
   ENUM_TIMEFRAMES      period,            // period
   int                  ma_period,         // averaging period
   int                  ma_shift,          // horizontal shift of the indicator
   ENUM_MA_METHOD       ma_method,         // smoothing type
   ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   applied_price      // price type or handle

[in] Nome simbólico do instrumento cujos dados serão usados para calcular o indicador. NULL representa o símbolo atual.


[in] O valor do período pode ser um dos valores da enumeração ENUM_TIMEFRAMES, 0 representa o timeframe atual.


[in]  Período de cálculo da média para calcular a média móvel.


[in]  Deslocamento do indicador em relação ao gráfico de preços.


[in]  Método de média. Pode ser qualquer um dos valores de ENUM_MA_METHOD.


[in]  Preço aplicado. Pode ser qualquer uma das constantes de preço de ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE ou o identificador de outro indicador.

Retorna o handle do indicador técnico especificado, em caso de falha retorna INVALID_HANDLE. A função IndicatorRelease() é usada para liberar a memória do computador do indicador que não é mais usado; o handle desse indicador é passado para ela.

Para criar o indicador em um EA, declararemos variáveis de entrada e variáveis globais:

//|                                                  TestTrendMA.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
//--- enums
   LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
   LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
   LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
   LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
   LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
   LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
   LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
   LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
   LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
   LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
//--- input parameters
input uint                 InpPeriod=  10;            /* Period         */ 
input int                  InpShift =  0;             /* MA Shift       */ 
input ENUM_MA_METHOD       InpMethod=  MODE_SMA;      /* Method         */ 
input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   InpPrice =  PRICE_CLOSE;   /* Applied Price  */ 
//--- global variables
int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
int      period=0;               // MA calculation period
int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
string   ind_title;              // Indicator description

Ao usar o painel informativo em um EA, também é necessário declarar variáveis globais e incluir o arquivo de classes do painel:

//|                                                  TestTrendMA.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
//--- includes
#include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
//--- enums
   LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
   LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
   LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
   LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
   LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
   LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
   LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
   LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
   LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
   LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
//--- input parameters
input uint                 InpPeriod=  10;            /* Period         */ 
input int                  InpShift =  0;             /* MA Shift       */ 
input ENUM_MA_METHOD       InpMethod=  MODE_SMA;      /* Method         */ 
input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   InpPrice =  PRICE_CLOSE;   /* Applied Price  */ 
//--- global variables
int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
int      period=0;               // MA calculation period
int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
string   ind_title;              // Indicator description
//--- variables for the panel
int      mouse_bar_index;        // Index of the bar the data is taken from
CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object


Configuramos os valores das variáveis globais para o indicador e criamos seu handle:

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- create timer

//--- Indicator
//--- Set and adjust the calculation period and levels if necessary
   period=int(InpPeriod<1 ? 10 : InpPeriod);
//--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
//--- Create indicator handle
      PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
      return INIT_FAILED;

//--- Successful initialization

Ao usar o painel informativo no EA, criamos o painel:

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- create timer

//--- Indicator
//--- Set and adjust the calculation period and levels if necessary
   period=int(InpPeriod<1 ? 10 : InpPeriod);
//--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
//--- Create indicator handle
      PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
      return INIT_FAILED;

//--- Dashboard
//--- Create the panel
   panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,197,225);
      Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set font parameters
//--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
   panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));
//--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
//--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 1 to display indicator data in it
//--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
   int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
//--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background
//--- Display tabular data in the journal
//--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
//--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel

//--- Successful initialization


No manipulador OnDeinit() do EA, liberamos o handle do indicador:

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- destroy timer
//--- Release handle of the indicator
      PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
//--- Clear all comments on the chart

Ao usar o painel informativo, removemos o objeto do painel criado:

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- destroy timer
//--- Release handle of the indicator
      PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
//--- Clear all comments on the chart
//--- If the panel object exists, delete it
      delete panel;

Recuperação de dados

Funções comuns para recuperar dados através do handle do indicador:

//| Return the indicator data on the specified bar                   |
double IndicatorValue(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
   double array[1]={0};
      PrintFormat("%s: CopyBuffer failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
      return EMPTY_VALUE;
   return array[0];
//| Return the state of the indicator line                           |
ENUM_LINE_STATE LineState(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
//--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1,2) relative to the passed index
   const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
   const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
   const double value2=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+2,buffer_num);
//--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
   if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE || value2==EMPTY_VALUE)
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Line upward reversal (value2>value1 && value0>value1)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_TURN_UP;
//--- Line upward direction (value2<=value1 && value0>value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_UP;
//--- Line upward stop (value2<=value1 && value0==value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_STOP_UP;
//--- Line downward reversal (value2<value1 && value0<value1)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN;
//--- Line downward direction (value2>=value1 && value0<value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_DOWN;
//--- Line downward stop (value2>=value1 && value0==value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN;
//--- Undefined state
   return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//| Return the state of the line relative to the specified level     |
ENUM_LINE_STATE LineStateRelative(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num,const double level0,const double level1=EMPTY_VALUE)
//--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1) relative to the passed index
   const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
   const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
//--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
   if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE)
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Define the second level to compare
   double level=(level1==EMPTY_VALUE ? level0 : level1);
//--- The line is below the level (value1<level && value0<level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_UNDER;
//--- The line is above the level (value1>level && value0>level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_ABOVE;
//--- The line crossed the level upwards (value1<=level && value0>level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP;
//--- The line crossed the level downwards (value1>=level && value0<level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
//--- The line touched the level from below (value1<level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
//--- The line touched the level from above (value1>level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
//--- Line is equal to the level value (value1==level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)==0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_EQUALS;
//--- Undefined state
   return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//| Return the indicator line state description                      |
string LineStateDescription(const ENUM_LINE_STATE state)
      case LINE_STATE_UP         :  return "Up";
      case LINE_STATE_STOP_UP    :  return "Stop Up";
      case LINE_STATE_TURN_UP    :  return "Turn Up";
      case LINE_STATE_DOWN       :  return "Down";
      case LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN  :  return "Stop Down";
      case LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN  :  return "Turn Down";
      case LINE_STATE_ABOVE      :  return "Above level";
      case LINE_STATE_UNDER      :  return "Under level";
      case LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   :  return "Crossing Up";
      case LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN :  return "Crossing Down";
      case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW:  return "Touch from Below";
      case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE:  return "Touch from Above";
      case LINE_STATE_EQUALS     :  return "Equals";
      default                    :  return "Unknown";

Ao usar o painel informativo, os dados são exibidos por meio da função:

//| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
//--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
   MqlTick  tick={0};
   MqlRates rates[1];

//--- Exit if unable to get the current prices
//--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index

//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
   int  size=0;
   uint flags=0;
   uint angle=0;
   string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
   panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
   panel.DrawText("Indicator data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data

//--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
   panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);

//--- Display the indicator data from the specified bar on the panel in table 1
   panel.DrawText(ind_title, panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
   double value=IndicatorValue(handle,index,0);
   string value_str=(value!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value,ind_digits) : "");
//--- Display a description of the indicator line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state=LineState(handle,index,0);
//--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

O painel exibe os valores do indicador e o status de sua linha.

Além disso, ao usar o painel informativo no manipulador de eventos OnChartEvent() do EA, o manipulador de eventos do painel é chamado, e os eventos são processados para obter o índice da barra sob o cursor:

//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Handling the panel
//--- Call the panel event handler

//--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
      //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
      datetime time=0;
      double price=0;
      int wnd=0;
      //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
         //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
         //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 

//--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
      //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
      PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);

Após a compilação e execução do EA no gráfico, podemos monitorar o valor e o estado da linha do indicador no painel informativo:

O arquivo do EA de teste "TestTrendMA.mq5" pode ser consultado nos arquivos anexados ao artigo.

Parabolic SAR Setting

O indicador técnico sistema parabólico SAR (Parabolic SAR) foi desenvolvido para analisar mercados em tendência. O indicador é construído no gráfico de preços. Em sua essência, este indicador é semelhante à média móvel, com a diferença de que o Parabolic SAR se move com maior aceleração e pode mudar sua posição em relação ao preço. Em uma "tendência de alta" (Up Trend), o indicador se situa abaixo dos preços; em uma "tendência de baixa" (Down Trend), fica acima.

Se o preço cruzar a linha do Parabolic SAR, ocorre uma reversão do indicador, e seus valores subsequentes são posicionados do outro lado do preço. Nessa "reversão" do indicador, o ponto de partida será o preço máximo ou mínimo do período anterior. A reversão do indicador é um sinal de que a tendência pode estar terminando (entrando em correção ou lateralização) ou se revertendo.

O Parabolic SAR é excelente para determinar pontos de saída do mercado. Posições longas devem ser fechadas quando o preço cai abaixo da linha do indicador técnico, e posições curtas, quando o preço sobe acima da linha do Parabolic SAR. Ou seja, é necessário acompanhar a direção do movimento do Parabolic SAR e manter posições abertas no mercado apenas na direção desse movimento. Este indicador é frequentemente usado como uma linha de stop móvel (trailing stop).

Se uma posição longa está aberta (ou seja, o preço está acima da linha do Parabolic SAR), a linha do indicador moverá para cima, independentemente da direção em que os preços estão se movendo. A magnitude do movimento da linha do Parabolic SAR depende da magnitude do movimento do preço.


Para criar o handle do indicador, é utilizada a função iSAR():

Retorna o identificador do indicador do sistema Parabolic Stop and Reverse. Apenas um buffer.

int  iSAR(
   string           symbol,      // symbol name
   ENUM_TIMEFRAMES  period,      // period
   double           step,        // price change step — acceleration factor
   double           maximum      // maximum step

[in] Nome simbólico do instrumento cujos dados serão usados para calcular o indicador. NULL representa o símbolo atual.


[in] O valor do período pode ser um dos valores da enumeração ENUM_TIMEFRAMES, 0 representa o timeframe atual.


[in]  Passo da mudança de preço, geralmente 0,02.


[in]  Passo máximo, geralmente 0,2.

Retorna o handle do indicador técnico especificado, em caso de falha retorna INVALID_HANDLE. A função IndicatorRelease() é usada para liberar a memória do computador do indicador que não é mais usado; o handle desse indicador é passado para ela.

Para criar o indicador em um EA, declararemos variáveis de entrada e variáveis globais:

//|                                                 TestTrendSAR.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
//--- enums
   LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
   LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
   LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
   LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
   LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
   LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
   LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
   LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
   LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
   LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
//--- input parameters
input double   InpStep  =  0.02; /* Step     */ 
input double   InpMax   =  0.2;  /* Maximum  */ 
//--- global variables
int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
int      period=0;               // MA calculation period
int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
string   ind_title;              // Indicator description

Ao usar o painel informativo em um EA, também é necessário declarar variáveis globais e incluir o arquivo de classes do painel:

//|                                                 TestTrendSAR.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
//--- includes
#include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
//--- enums
   LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
   LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
   LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
   LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
   LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
   LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
   LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
   LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
   LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
   LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
//--- input parameters
input double   InpStep  =  0.02; /* Step     */ 
input double   InpMax   =  0.2;  /* Maximum  */ 
//--- global variables
int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
int      period=0;               // MA calculation period
int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
string   ind_title;              // Indicator description
//--- variables for the panel
int      mouse_bar_index;        // Index of the bar the data is taken from
CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object


Configuramos os valores das variáveis globais para o indicador e criamos seu handle:

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- create timer

//--- Indicator
//--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
//--- Create indicator handle
      PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
      return INIT_FAILED;

//--- Successful initialization

Ao usar o painel informativo no EA, criamos o painel:

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- create timer

//--- Indicator
//--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
//--- Create indicator handle
      PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
      return INIT_FAILED;

//--- Dashboard
//--- Create the panel
   panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,197,225);
      Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set font parameters
//--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
   panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));
//--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
//--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 1 to display indicator data in it
//--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
   int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
//--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background
//--- Display tabular data in the journal
//--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
//--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel

//--- Successful initialization


No manipulador OnDeinit() do EA, liberamos o handle do indicador:

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- destroy timer
//--- Release handle of the indicator
      PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
//--- Clear all comments on the chart

Ao usar o painel informativo, removemos o objeto do painel criado:

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- destroy timer
//--- Release handle of the indicator
      PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
//--- Clear all comments on the chart
//--- If the panel object exists, delete it
      delete panel;

Recuperação de dados

Funções comuns para recuperar dados através do handle do indicador:

//| Return the indicator data on the specified bar                   |
double IndicatorValue(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
   double array[1]={0};
      PrintFormat("%s: CopyBuffer failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
      return EMPTY_VALUE;
   return array[0];
//| Return the state of the indicator line                           |
ENUM_LINE_STATE LineState(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
//--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1,2) relative to the passed index
   const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
   const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
   const double value2=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+2,buffer_num);
//--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
   if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE || value2==EMPTY_VALUE)
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Line upward reversal (value2>value1 && value0>value1)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_TURN_UP;
//--- Line upward direction (value2<=value1 && value0>value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_UP;
//--- Line upward stop (value2<=value1 && value0==value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_STOP_UP;
//--- Line downward reversal (value2<value1 && value0<value1)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN;
//--- Line downward direction (value2>=value1 && value0<value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_DOWN;
//--- Line downward stop (value2>=value1 && value0==value1)
   else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN;
//--- Undefined state
   return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//| Return the state of the line relative to the specified level     |
ENUM_LINE_STATE LineStateRelative(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num,const double level0,const double level1=EMPTY_VALUE)
//--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1) relative to the passed index
   const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
   const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
//--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
   if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE)
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Define the second level to compare
   double level=(level1==EMPTY_VALUE ? level0 : level1);
//--- The line is below the level (value1<level && value0<level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_UNDER;
//--- The line is above the level (value1>level && value0>level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_ABOVE;
//--- The line crossed the level upwards (value1<=level && value0>level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP;
//--- The line crossed the level downwards (value1>=level && value0<level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
//--- The line touched the level from below (value1<level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
//--- The line touched the level from above (value1>level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
//--- Line is equal to the level value (value1==level0 && value0==level0)
   if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)==0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_EQUALS;
//--- Undefined state
   return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//| Return the indicator line state description                      |
string LineStateDescription(const ENUM_LINE_STATE state)
      case LINE_STATE_UP         :  return "Up";
      case LINE_STATE_STOP_UP    :  return "Stop Up";
      case LINE_STATE_TURN_UP    :  return "Turn Up";
      case LINE_STATE_DOWN       :  return "Down";
      case LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN  :  return "Stop Down";
      case LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN  :  return "Turn Down";
      case LINE_STATE_ABOVE      :  return "Above level";
      case LINE_STATE_UNDER      :  return "Under level";
      case LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   :  return "Crossing Up";
      case LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN :  return "Crossing Down";
      case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW:  return "Touch from Below";
      case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE:  return "Touch from Above";
      case LINE_STATE_EQUALS     :  return "Equals";
      default                    :  return "Unknown";

Ao usar o painel informativo, os dados são exibidos por meio da função:

//| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
//--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
   MqlTick  tick={0};
   MqlRates rates[1];

//--- Exit if unable to get the current prices
//--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index

//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
   int  size=0;
   uint flags=0;
   uint angle=0;
   string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
   panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
   panel.DrawText("Indicator data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data

//--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
   panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);

//--- Display the indicator data from the specified bar on the panel in table 1
   panel.DrawText(ind_title, panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
   double value=IndicatorValue(handle,index,0);
   string value_str=(value!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value,ind_digits) : "");
//--- Display the header of the indicator line state description
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
//--- Save Close value on 'index' bar to the variable
   double close0=rates[0].close;
//--- If failed to get bar data by index+1, leave
//--- Save Close value on 'index+1' bar to the variable and get the indicator value on 'index+1' bar
   double close1=rates[0].close;
   double value1=IndicatorValue(handle,index+1,0);
//--- Get and adjust the state of the indicator line
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state=LineState(handle,index,0);
   if(value<close0 && value1>close1)
   if(value>close0 && value1<close1)
//--- Display a description of the indicator line state
//--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

Além disso, ao usar o painel informativo no manipulador de eventos OnChartEvent() do EA, o manipulador de eventos do painel é chamado, e os eventos são processados para obter o índice da barra sob o cursor:

//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Handling the panel
//--- Call the panel event handler

//--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
      //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
      datetime time=0;
      double price=0;
      int wnd=0;
      //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
         //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
         //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 

//--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
      //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
      PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);

Após a compilação e execução do EA no gráfico, podemos monitorar o valor e o estado da linha do indicador no painel informativo:

O arquivo do EA de teste "TestTrendSAR.mq5" pode ser consultado nos arquivos anexados ao artigo.

Standard Deviation

O indicador técnico desvio padrão (Standard Deviation, StdDev) mede a volatilidade do mercado. Este indicador caracteriza o tamanho das flutuações do preço em relação à média móvel. Assim, se o valor do indicador é grande, então o mercado é volátil e os preços das barras estão bastante dispersos em relação à média móvel. Se o valor do indicador é pequeno, o mercado é caracterizado por baixa volatilidade e os preços das barras estão bastante próximos à média móvel.

Normalmente, este indicador é usado como parte de outros indicadores. Por exemplo, no cálculo das Bandas de Bollinger, o valor do desvio padrão do instrumento é adicionado à sua média móvel.

A dinâmica do mercado consiste na alternância sequencial de períodos de calma e surtos de atividade, por isso a abordagem a este indicador é simples:

  • se o valor do indicador é muito baixo, ou seja, o mercado está completamente em repouso, então faz sentido esperar por um próximo surto de atividade;
  • por outro lado, se o indicador é extremamente alto, significa que, provavelmente, essa atividade em breve diminuirá.


    Para criar o handle do indicador, é utilizada a função iStdDev():

    Retorna o identificador do indicador Standard Deviation. Apenas um buffer.

    int  iStdDev(
       string              symbol,            // symbol name
       ENUM_TIMEFRAMES     period,            // period
       int                 ma_period,         // averaging period
       int                 ma_shift,          // horizontal shift of the indicator
       ENUM_MA_METHOD      ma_method,         // smoothing type
       ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE  applied_price      // price type or handle

    [in] Nome simbólico do instrumento cujos dados serão usados para calcular o indicador. NULL representa o símbolo atual.


    [in] O valor do período pode ser um dos valores da enumeração ENUM_TIMEFRAMES, 0 representa o timeframe atual.


    [in]  Período de média para calcular o indicador.


    [in]  Deslocamento do indicador em relação ao gráfico de preços.


    [in]  Método de média. Pode ser qualquer um dos valores de ENUM_MA_METHOD.


    [in]  Preço aplicado. Pode ser qualquer uma das constantes de preço de ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE ou o identificador de outro indicador.

    Retorna o handle do indicador técnico especificado, em caso de falha retorna INVALID_HANDLE. A função IndicatorRelease() é usada para liberar a memória do computador do indicador que não é mais usado; o handle desse indicador é passado para ela.

    Para criar o indicador em um EA, declararemos variáveis de entrada e variáveis globais:

    //|                                              TestTrendStdDev.mq5 |
    //|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
    //|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
    #property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
    #property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
    #property version   "1.00"
    //--- enums
       LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
       LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
       LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
       LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
       LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
       LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
       LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
       LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
       LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
       LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
       LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
       LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
       LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
       LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
    //--- input parameters
    input uint                 InpPeriod=  20;            /* Period         */
    input int                  InpShift =  0;             /* StdDev Shift   */
    input ENUM_MA_METHOD       InpMethod=  MODE_SMA;      /* Method         */
    input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   InpPrice =  PRICE_CLOSE;   /* Applied Price  */
    //--- global variables
    int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
    int      period=0;               // Standard Deviation calculation period
    int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
    string   ind_title;              // Indicator description

    Ao usar o painel informativo em um EA, também é necessário declarar variáveis globais e incluir o arquivo de classes do painel:

    //|                                              TestTrendStdDev.mq5 |
    //|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
    //|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
    #property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
    #property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
    #property version   "1.00"
    //--- includes
    #include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
    //--- enums
       LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
       LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
       LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
       LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
       LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
       LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
       LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
       LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
       LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
       LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
       LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
       LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
       LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
       LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
    //--- input parameters
    input uint                 InpPeriod=  20;            /* Period         */
    input int                  InpShift =  0;             /* StdDev Shift   */
    input ENUM_MA_METHOD       InpMethod=  MODE_SMA;      /* Method         */
    input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   InpPrice =  PRICE_CLOSE;   /* Applied Price  */
    //--- global variables
    int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
    int      period=0;               // Standard Deviation calculation period
    int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
    string   ind_title;              // Indicator description
    //--- variables for the panel
    int      mouse_bar_index;        // Index of the bar the data is taken from
    CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object


    Configuramos os valores das variáveis globais para o indicador e criamos seu handle:

    //| Expert initialization function                                   |
    int OnInit()
    //--- create timer
    //--- Indicator
    //--- Set and adjust the calculation period and levels if necessary
       period=int(InpPeriod<1 ? 20 : InpPeriod<2 ? 2 : InpPeriod);
    //--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
    //--- Create indicator handle
          PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
          return INIT_FAILED;
    //--- Successful initialization

    Ao usar o painel informativo no EA, criamos o painel:

    //| Expert initialization function                                   |
    int OnInit()
    //--- create timer
    //--- Indicator
    //--- Set and adjust the calculation period and levels if necessary
       period=int(InpPeriod<1 ? 20 : InpPeriod<2 ? 2 : InpPeriod);
    //--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
    //--- Create indicator handle
          PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
          return INIT_FAILED;
    //--- Dashboard
    //--- Create the panel
       panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,197,225);
          Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
          return INIT_FAILED;
    //--- Set font parameters
    //--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
       panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));
    //--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
    //--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background
    //--- Create a table with ID 1 to display indicator data in it
    //--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
    //--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
       int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
    //--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background
    //--- Display tabular data in the journal
    //--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
    //--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel
    //--- Successful initialization


    No manipulador OnDeinit() do EA, liberamos o handle do indicador:

    //| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
    void OnDeinit(const int reason)
    //--- destroy timer
    //--- Release handle of the indicator
          PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
    //--- Clear all comments on the chart

    Ao usar o painel informativo, removemos o objeto do painel criado:

    //| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
    void OnDeinit(const int reason)
    //--- destroy timer
    //--- Release handle of the indicator
          PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
    //--- Clear all comments on the chart
    //--- If the panel object exists, delete it
          delete panel;

    Recuperação de dados

    Funções comuns para recuperar dados através do handle do indicador:

    //| Return the indicator data on the specified bar                   |
    double IndicatorValue(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
       double array[1]={0};
          PrintFormat("%s: CopyBuffer failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
          return EMPTY_VALUE;
       return array[0];
    //| Return the state of the indicator line                           |
    ENUM_LINE_STATE LineState(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
    //--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1,2) relative to the passed index
       const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
       const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
       const double value2=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+2,buffer_num);
    //--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
       if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE || value2==EMPTY_VALUE)
          return LINE_STATE_NONE;
    //--- Line upward reversal (value2>value1 && value0>value1)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
          return LINE_STATE_TURN_UP;
    //--- Line upward direction (value2<=value1 && value0>value1)
       else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
          return LINE_STATE_UP;
    //--- Line upward stop (value2<=value1 && value0==value1)
       else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
          return LINE_STATE_STOP_UP;
    //--- Line downward reversal (value2<value1 && value0<value1)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
          return LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN;
    //--- Line downward direction (value2>=value1 && value0<value1)
       else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
          return LINE_STATE_DOWN;
    //--- Line downward stop (value2>=value1 && value0==value1)
       else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
          return LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN;
    //--- Undefined state
       return LINE_STATE_NONE;
    //| Return the state of the line relative to the specified level     |
    ENUM_LINE_STATE LineStateRelative(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num,const double level0,const double level1=EMPTY_VALUE)
    //--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1) relative to the passed index
       const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
       const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
    //--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
       if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE)
          return LINE_STATE_NONE;
    //--- Define the second level to compare
       double level=(level1==EMPTY_VALUE ? level0 : level1);
    //--- The line is below the level (value1<level && value0<level0)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
          return LINE_STATE_UNDER;
    //--- The line is above the level (value1>level && value0>level0)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
          return LINE_STATE_ABOVE;
    //--- The line crossed the level upwards (value1<=level && value0>level0)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
          return LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP;
    //--- The line crossed the level downwards (value1>=level && value0<level0)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
          return LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN;
    //--- The line touched the level from below (value1<level0 && value0==level0)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
          return LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW;
    //--- The line touched the level from above (value1>level0 && value0==level0)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
          return LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW;
    //--- Line is equal to the level value (value1==level0 && value0==level0)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)==0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
          return LINE_STATE_EQUALS;
    //--- Undefined state
       return LINE_STATE_NONE;
    //| Return the indicator line state description                      |
    string LineStateDescription(const ENUM_LINE_STATE state)
          case LINE_STATE_UP         :  return "Up";
          case LINE_STATE_STOP_UP    :  return "Stop Up";
          case LINE_STATE_TURN_UP    :  return "Turn Up";
          case LINE_STATE_DOWN       :  return "Down";
          case LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN  :  return "Stop Down";
          case LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN  :  return "Turn Down";
          case LINE_STATE_ABOVE      :  return "Above level";
          case LINE_STATE_UNDER      :  return "Under level";
          case LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   :  return "Crossing Up";
          case LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN :  return "Crossing Down";
          case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW:  return "Touch from Below";
          case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE:  return "Touch from Above";
          case LINE_STATE_EQUALS     :  return "Equals";
          default                    :  return "Unknown";

    Ao usar o painel informativo, os dados são exibidos por meio da função:

    //| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
    void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
    //--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
       MqlTick  tick={0};
       MqlRates rates[1];
    //--- Exit if unable to get the current prices
    //--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index
    //--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
       int  size=0;
       uint flags=0;
       uint angle=0;
       string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
       panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
       panel.DrawText("Indicator data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
    //--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data
    //--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
       panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
       panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
       panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
       panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
       panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
       panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
    //--- Display the indicator data from the specified bar on the panel in table 1
       panel.DrawText(ind_title, panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
       double value=IndicatorValue(handle,index,0);
       string value_str=(value!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value,ind_digits) : "");
    //--- Display a description of the indicator line state
       panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
       ENUM_LINE_STATE state=LineState(handle,index,0);
    //--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

    O painel exibe o valor da linha do indicador e seu status.

    Além disso, ao usar o painel informativo no manipulador de eventos OnChartEvent() do EA, o manipulador de eventos do painel é chamado, e os eventos são processados para obter o índice da barra sob o cursor:

    //| ChartEvent function                                              |
    void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                      const long &lparam,
                      const double &dparam,
                      const string &sparam)
    //--- Handling the panel
    //--- Call the panel event handler
    //--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
          //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
          datetime time=0;
          double price=0;
          int wnd=0;
          //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
             //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
             //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 
    //--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
          //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
          PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);

    Após a compilação e execução do EA no gráfico, podemos monitorar o valor e o estado da linha do indicador no painel informativo:

    O arquivo do EA de teste "TestTrendStdDev.mq5" pode ser consultado nos arquivos anexados ao artigo.

    Triple Exponential Moving Average

    O indicador técnico média móvel exponencial tripla (TEMA) foi desenvolvido por Patrick Mulloy e publicado na revista Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities. O princípio do seu cálculo é o mesmo do indicador DEMA (média móvel exponencial dupla). O nome "suavização exponencial tripla" não reflete inteiramente o algoritmo embutido nela. É uma combinação única de uma, dupla e tripla média móvel exponencial, proporcionando menos atraso do que cada uma delas individualmente.

    O indicador TEMA pode ser usado no lugar das médias móveis tradicionais. Ele pode ser utilizado para suavizar os dados de preços e também para suavizar outros indicadores.


    Para criar o handle do indicador, é utilizada a função iTEMA():

    Retorna o identificador do indicador Triple Exponential Moving Average. Apenas um buffer.

    int  iTEMA(
       string              symbol,            // symbol name
       ENUM_TIMEFRAMES     period,            // period
       int                 ma_period,         // averaging period
       int                 ma_shift,          // horizontal shift of the indicator
       ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE  applied_price      // price type or handle


    [in] Nome simbólico do instrumento cujos dados serão usados para calcular o indicador. NULL representa o símbolo atual.


    [in] O valor do período pode ser um dos valores da enumeração ENUM_TIMEFRAMES, 0 representa o timeframe atual.


    [in]  Período (número de barras) para o cálculo do indicador.


    [in]  Deslocamento do indicador em relação ao gráfico de preços.


    [in]  Preço aplicado. Pode ser qualquer uma das constantes de preço de ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE ou o identificador de outro indicador.

    Retorna o handle do indicador técnico especificado, em caso de falha retorna INVALID_HANDLE. A função IndicatorRelease() é usada para liberar a memória do computador do indicador que não é mais usado; o handle desse indicador é passado para ela.

    Para criar o indicador em um EA, declararemos variáveis de entrada e variáveis globais:

    //|                                                TestTrendTEMA.mq5 |
    //|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
    //|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
    #property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
    #property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
    #property version   "1.00"
    //--- enums
       LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
       LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
       LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
       LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
       LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
       LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
       LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
       LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
       LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
       LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
       LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
       LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
       LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
       LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
    //--- input parameters
    input uint                 InpPeriod=  14;            /* Period         */
    input int                  InpShift =  0;             /* TEMA Shift     */
    input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   InpPrice =  PRICE_CLOSE;   /* Applied Price  */
    //--- global variables
    int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
    int      period=0;               // Triple Exponential Moving Average calculation period
    int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
    string   ind_title;              // Indicator description

    Ao usar o painel informativo em um EA, também é necessário declarar variáveis globais e incluir o arquivo de classes do painel:

    //|                                                TestTrendTEMA.mq5 |
    //|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
    //|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
    #property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
    #property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
    #property version   "1.00"
    //--- includes
    #include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
    //--- enums
       LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
       LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
       LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
       LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
       LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
       LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
       LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
       LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
       LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
       LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
       LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
       LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
       LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
       LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
    //--- input parameters
    input uint                 InpPeriod=  14;            /* Period         */
    input int                  InpShift =  0;             /* StdDev Shift   */
    input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   InpPrice =  PRICE_CLOSE;   /* Applied Price  */
    //--- global variables
    int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
    int      period=0;               // Triple Exponential Moving Average calculation period
    int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
    string   ind_title;              // Indicator description
    //--- variables for the panel
    int      mouse_bar_index;        // Index of the bar the data is taken from
    CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object


    Configuramos os valores das variáveis globais para o indicador e criamos seu handle:

    //| Expert initialization function                                   |
    int OnInit()
    //--- create timer
    //--- Indicator
    //--- Set and adjust the calculation period and levels if necessary
       period=int(InpPeriod<1 ? 14 : InpPeriod);
    //--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
    //--- Create indicator handle
          PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
          return INIT_FAILED;
    //--- Successful initialization

    Ao usar o painel informativo no EA, criamos o painel:

    //| Expert initialization function                                   |
    int OnInit()
    //--- create timer
    //--- Indicator
    //--- Set and adjust the calculation period and levels if necessary
       period=int(InpPeriod<1 ? 14 : InpPeriod);
    //--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
    //--- Create indicator handle
          PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
          return INIT_FAILED;
    //--- Dashboard
    //--- Create the panel
       panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,197,225);
          Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
          return INIT_FAILED;
    //--- Set font parameters
    //--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
       panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));
    //--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
    //--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background
    //--- Create a table with ID 1 to display indicator data in it
    //--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
    //--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
       int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
    //--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background
    //--- Display tabular data in the journal
    //--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
    //--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel
    //--- Successful initialization


    No manipulador OnDeinit() do EA, liberamos o handle do indicador:

    //| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
    void OnDeinit(const int reason)
    //--- destroy timer
    //--- Release handle of the indicator
          PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
    //--- Clear all comments on the chart

    Ao usar o painel informativo, removemos o objeto do painel criado:

    //| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
    void OnDeinit(const int reason)
    //--- destroy timer
    //--- Release handle of the indicator
          PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
    //--- Clear all comments on the chart
    //--- If the panel object exists, delete it
          delete panel;

    Recuperação de dados

    Funções comuns para recuperar dados através do handle do indicador:

    //| Return the indicator data on the specified bar                   |
    double IndicatorValue(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
       double array[1]={0};
          PrintFormat("%s: CopyBuffer failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
          return EMPTY_VALUE;
       return array[0];
    //| Return the state of the indicator line                           |
    ENUM_LINE_STATE LineState(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
    //--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1,2) relative to the passed index
       const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
       const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
       const double value2=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+2,buffer_num);
    //--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
       if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE || value2==EMPTY_VALUE)
          return LINE_STATE_NONE;
    //--- Line upward reversal (value2>value1 && value0>value1)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
          return LINE_STATE_TURN_UP;
    //--- Line upward direction (value2<=value1 && value0>value1)
       else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
          return LINE_STATE_UP;
    //--- Line upward stop (value2<=value1 && value0==value1)
       else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
          return LINE_STATE_STOP_UP;
    //--- Line downward reversal (value2<value1 && value0<value1)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
          return LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN;
    //--- Line downward direction (value2>=value1 && value0<value1)
       else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
          return LINE_STATE_DOWN;
    //--- Line downward stop (value2>=value1 && value0==value1)
       else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
          return LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN;
    //--- Undefined state
       return LINE_STATE_NONE;
    //| Return the state of the line relative to the specified level     |
    ENUM_LINE_STATE LineStateRelative(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num,const double level0,const double level1=EMPTY_VALUE)
    //--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1) relative to the passed index
       const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
       const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
    //--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
       if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE)
          return LINE_STATE_NONE;
    //--- Define the second level to compare
       double level=(level1==EMPTY_VALUE ? level0 : level1);
    //--- The line is below the level (value1<level && value0<level0)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
          return LINE_STATE_UNDER;
    //--- The line is above the level (value1>level && value0>level0)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
          return LINE_STATE_ABOVE;
    //--- The line crossed the level upwards (value1<=level && value0>level0)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
          return LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP;
    //--- The line crossed the level downwards (value1>=level && value0<level0)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
          return LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN;
    //--- The line touched the level from below (value1<level0 && value0==level0)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
          return LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW;
    //--- The line touched the level from above (value1>level0 && value0==level0)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
          return LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW;
    //--- Line is equal to the level value (value1==level0 && value0==level0)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)==0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
          return LINE_STATE_EQUALS;
    //--- Undefined state
       return LINE_STATE_NONE;
    //| Return the indicator line state description                      |
    string LineStateDescription(const ENUM_LINE_STATE state)
          case LINE_STATE_UP         :  return "Up";
          case LINE_STATE_STOP_UP    :  return "Stop Up";
          case LINE_STATE_TURN_UP    :  return "Turn Up";
          case LINE_STATE_DOWN       :  return "Down";
          case LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN  :  return "Stop Down";
          case LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN  :  return "Turn Down";
          case LINE_STATE_ABOVE      :  return "Above level";
          case LINE_STATE_UNDER      :  return "Under level";
          case LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   :  return "Crossing Up";
          case LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN :  return "Crossing Down";
          case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW:  return "Touch from Below";
          case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE:  return "Touch from Above";
          case LINE_STATE_EQUALS     :  return "Equals";
          default                    :  return "Unknown";

    Ao usar o painel informativo, os dados são exibidos por meio da função:

    //| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
    void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
    //--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
       MqlTick  tick={0};
       MqlRates rates[1];
    //--- Exit if unable to get the current prices
    //--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index
    //--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
       int  size=0;
       uint flags=0;
       uint angle=0;
       string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
       panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
       panel.DrawText("Indicator data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
    //--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data
    //--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
       panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
       panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
       panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
       panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
       panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
       panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
    //--- Display the indicator data from the specified bar on the panel in table 1
       panel.DrawText(ind_title, panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
       double value=IndicatorValue(handle,index,0);
       string value_str=(value!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value,ind_digits) : "");
    //--- Display a description of the indicator line state
       panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
       ENUM_LINE_STATE state=LineState(handle,index,0);
    //--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

    O painel exibe os valores da linha do indicador e seu status.

    Além disso, ao usar o painel informativo no manipulador de eventos OnChartEvent() do EA, o manipulador de eventos do painel é chamado, e os eventos são processados para obter o índice da barra sob o cursor:

    //| ChartEvent function                                              |
    void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                      const long &lparam,
                      const double &dparam,
                      const string &sparam)
    //--- Handling the panel
    //--- Call the panel event handler
    //--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
          //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
          datetime time=0;
          double price=0;
          int wnd=0;
          //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
             //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
             //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 
    //--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
          //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
          PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);

    Após a compilação e execução do EA no gráfico, podemos monitorar o valor e o estado da linha do indicador no painel informativo:

    O arquivo do EA de teste "TestTrendTEMA.mq5" pode ser consultado nos arquivos anexados ao artigo.

    Variable Index Dynamic Average

    O indicador técnico média móvel com período de média dinâmica variável (Variable Index Dynamic Average, VIDYA) foi desenvolvido por Tushar Chande e representa uma metodologia original de cálculo da média móvel exponencial (EMA) com um período de média que muda dinamicamente. O período de média depende da volatilidade do mercado, usando o oscilador Chande Momentum Oscillator (CMO) como medida de volatilidade. Este oscilador mede a relação entre a soma dos incrementos positivos e a soma dos incrementos negativos por um determinado período (período do CMO). O valor do CMO é usado como um coeficiente para o fator de suavização da EMA. Assim, o indicador VIDYA tem dois parâmetros de ajuste: o período do oscilador CMO e o período de suavização da média móvel exponencial (período EMA).


    Para criar o handle do indicador, é utilizada a função iVIDyA():

    Retorna o identificador do indicador Variable Index Dynamic Average. Apenas um buffer.

    int  iVIDyA(
       string              symbol,            // symbol name
       ENUM_TIMEFRAMES     period,            // period
       int                 cmo_period,        // Chande Momentum period
       int                 ema_period,        // smoothing factor period
       int                 ma_shift,          // horizontal shift of the indicator
       ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE  applied_price      // price type or handle


    [in] Nome simbólico do instrumento cujos dados serão usados para calcular o indicador. NULL representa o símbolo atual.


    [in] O valor do período pode ser um dos valores da enumeração ENUM_TIMEFRAMES, 0 representa o timeframe atual.


    [in]  Período (número de barras) para o cálculo do oscilador Chande Momentum.


    [in]  Período (número de barras) da EMA para calcular o fator de suavização.


    [in]  Deslocamento do indicador em relação ao gráfico de preços.


    [in]  Preço aplicado. Pode ser qualquer uma das constantes de preço de ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE ou o identificador de outro indicador.

    Retorna o handle do indicador técnico especificado, em caso de falha retorna INVALID_HANDLE. A função IndicatorRelease() é usada para liberar a memória do computador do indicador que não é mais usado; o handle desse indicador é passado para ela.

    Para criar o indicador em um EA, declararemos variáveis de entrada e variáveis globais:

    //|                                               TestTrendVIDYA.mq5 |
    //|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
    //|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
    #property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
    #property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
    #property version   "1.00"
    //--- enums
       LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
       LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
       LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
       LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
       LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
       LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
       LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
       LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
       LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
       LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
       LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
       LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
       LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
       LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
    //--- input parameters
    input uint                 InpPeriodCMO=  9;             /* CMO Period     */
    input int                  InpShift    =  0;             /* VIDYA Shift    */
    input uint                 InpPeriodEMA=  12;            /* EMA Period     */
    input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   InpPrice    =  PRICE_CLOSE;   /* Applied Price  */
    //--- global variables
    int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
    int      period_cmo=0;           // CMO calculation period
    int      period_ema=0;           // EMA calculation period
    int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
    string   ind_title;              // Indicator description

    Ao usar o painel informativo em um EA, também é necessário declarar variáveis globais e incluir o arquivo de classes do painel:

    //|                                               TestTrendVIDYA.mq5 |
    //|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
    //|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
    #property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
    #property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
    #property version   "1.00"
    //--- includes
    #include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
    //--- enums
       LINE_STATE_NONE,        // Undefined state
       LINE_STATE_UP,          // Upward
       LINE_STATE_DOWN,        // Downward
       LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,     // Upward reversal
       LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,   // Downward reversal
       LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,     // Upward stop
       LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,   // Downward stop
       LINE_STATE_ABOVE,       // Above value
       LINE_STATE_UNDER,       // Below value
       LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,    // Crossing value upwards
       LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,  // Crossing value downwards
       LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW, // Touching value from below 
       LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE, // Touch value from above
       LINE_STATE_EQUALS,      // Equal to value
    //--- input parameters
    input uint                 InpPeriodCMO=  9;             /* CMO Period     */
    input int                  InpShift    =  0;             /* VIDYA Shift    */
    input uint                 InpPeriodEMA=  12;            /* EMA Period     */
    input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   InpPrice    =  PRICE_CLOSE;   /* Applied Price  */
    //--- global variables
    int      handle=INVALID_HANDLE;  // Indicator handle
    int      period_cmo=0;           // CMO calculation period
    int      period_ema=0;           // EMA calculation period
    int      ind_digits=0;           // Number of decimal places in the indicator values
    string   ind_title;              // Indicator description
    //--- variables for the panel
    int      mouse_bar_index;        // Index of the bar the data is taken from
    CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object


    Configuramos os valores das variáveis globais para o indicador e criamos seu handle:

    //| Expert initialization function                                   |
    int OnInit()
    //--- create timer
    //--- Indicator
    //--- Set and adjust the calculation period and levels if necessary
       period_cmo=int(InpPeriodCMO<1 ? 9 : InpPeriodCMO);
       period_ema=int(InpPeriodEMA<1 ? 12 : InpPeriodEMA);
    //--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
    //--- Create indicator handle
          PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
          return INIT_FAILED;
    //--- Successful initialization

    Ao usar o painel informativo no EA, criamos o painel:

    //| Expert initialization function                                   |
    int OnInit()
    //--- create timer
    //--- Indicator
    //--- Set and adjust the calculation period and levels if necessary
       period_cmo=int(InpPeriodCMO<1 ? 9 : InpPeriodCMO);
       period_ema=int(InpPeriodEMA<1 ? 12 : InpPeriodEMA);
    //--- Set the indicator name and the number of decimal places
    //--- Create indicator handle
          PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,ind_title,GetLastError());
          return INIT_FAILED;
    //--- Dashboard
    //--- Create the panel
       panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,197,225);
          Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
          return INIT_FAILED;
    //--- Set font parameters
    //--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
       panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));
    //--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
    //--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background
    //--- Create a table with ID 1 to display indicator data in it
    //--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
    //--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
       int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
    //--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background
    //--- Display tabular data in the journal
    //--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
    //--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel
    //--- Successful initialization


    No manipulador OnDeinit() do EA, liberamos o handle do indicador:

    //| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
    void OnDeinit(const int reason)
    //--- destroy timer
    //--- Release handle of the indicator
          PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
    //--- Clear all comments on the chart

    Ao usar o painel informativo, removemos o objeto do painel criado:

    //| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
    void OnDeinit(const int reason)
    //--- destroy timer
    //--- Release handle of the indicator
          PrintFormat("%s: IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
    //--- Clear all comments on the chart
    //--- If the panel object exists, delete it
          delete panel;

    Recuperação de dados

    Funções comuns para recuperar dados através do handle do indicador:

    //| Return the indicator data on the specified bar                   |
    double IndicatorValue(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
       double array[1]={0};
          PrintFormat("%s: CopyBuffer failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
          return EMPTY_VALUE;
       return array[0];
    //| Return the state of the indicator line                           |
    ENUM_LINE_STATE LineState(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num)
    //--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1,2) relative to the passed index
       const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
       const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
       const double value2=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+2,buffer_num);
    //--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
       if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE || value2==EMPTY_VALUE)
          return LINE_STATE_NONE;
    //--- Line upward reversal (value2>value1 && value0>value1)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
          return LINE_STATE_TURN_UP;
    //--- Line upward direction (value2<=value1 && value0>value1)
       else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)>0)
          return LINE_STATE_UP;
    //--- Line upward stop (value2<=value1 && value0==value1)
       else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
          return LINE_STATE_STOP_UP;
    //--- Line downward reversal (value2<value1 && value0<value1)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
          return LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN;
    //--- Line downward direction (value2>=value1 && value0<value1)
       else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)<0)
          return LINE_STATE_DOWN;
    //--- Line downward stop (value2>=value1 && value0==value1)
       else if(NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,ind_digits)==0)
          return LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN;
    //--- Undefined state
       return LINE_STATE_NONE;
    //| Return the state of the line relative to the specified level     |
    ENUM_LINE_STATE LineStateRelative(const int ind_handle,const int index,const int buffer_num,const double level0,const double level1=EMPTY_VALUE)
    //--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1) relative to the passed index
       const double value0=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index,  buffer_num);
       const double value1=IndicatorValue(ind_handle,index+1,buffer_num);
    //--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
       if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE)
          return LINE_STATE_NONE;
    //--- Define the second level to compare
       double level=(level1==EMPTY_VALUE ? level0 : level1);
    //--- The line is below the level (value1<level && value0<level0)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
          return LINE_STATE_UNDER;
    //--- The line is above the level (value1>level && value0>level0)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
          return LINE_STATE_ABOVE;
    //--- The line crossed the level upwards (value1<=level && value0>level0)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)>0)
          return LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP;
    //--- The line crossed the level downwards (value1>=level && value0<level0)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>=0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)<0)
          return LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN;
    //--- The line touched the level from below (value1<level0 && value0==level0)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)<0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
          return LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW;
    //--- The line touched the level from above (value1>level0 && value0==level0)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)>0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
          return LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW;
    //--- Line is equal to the level value (value1==level0 && value0==level0)
       if(NormalizeDouble(value1-level,ind_digits)==0 && NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,ind_digits)==0)
          return LINE_STATE_EQUALS;
    //--- Undefined state
       return LINE_STATE_NONE;
    //| Return the indicator line state description                      |
    string LineStateDescription(const ENUM_LINE_STATE state)
          case LINE_STATE_UP         :  return "Up";
          case LINE_STATE_STOP_UP    :  return "Stop Up";
          case LINE_STATE_TURN_UP    :  return "Turn Up";
          case LINE_STATE_DOWN       :  return "Down";
          case LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN  :  return "Stop Down";
          case LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN  :  return "Turn Down";
          case LINE_STATE_ABOVE      :  return "Above level";
          case LINE_STATE_UNDER      :  return "Under level";
          case LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   :  return "Crossing Up";
          case LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN :  return "Crossing Down";
          case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW:  return "Touch from Below";
          case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE:  return "Touch from Above";
          case LINE_STATE_EQUALS     :  return "Equals";
          default                    :  return "Unknown";

    Ao usar o painel informativo, os dados são exibidos por meio da função:

    //| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
    void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
    //--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
       MqlTick  tick={0};
       MqlRates rates[1];
    //--- Exit if unable to get the current prices
    //--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index
    //--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
       int  size=0;
       uint flags=0;
       uint angle=0;
       string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
       panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
       panel.DrawText("Indicator data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
    //--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data
    //--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
       panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
       panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
       panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
       panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
       panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
       panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
    //--- Display the indicator data from the specified bar on the panel in table 1
       panel.DrawText(ind_title, panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
       double value=IndicatorValue(handle,index,0);
       string value_str=(value!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value,ind_digits) : "");
    //--- Display a description of the indicator line state
       panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
       ENUM_LINE_STATE state=LineState(handle,index,0);
    //--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

    O painel exibe os valores da linha do indicador e seu status.

    Além disso, ao usar o painel informativo no manipulador de eventos OnChartEvent() do EA, o manipulador de eventos do painel é chamado, e os eventos são processados para obter o índice da barra sob o cursor:

    //| ChartEvent function                                              |
    void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                      const long &lparam,
                      const double &dparam,
                      const string &sparam)
    //--- Handling the panel
    //--- Call the panel event handler
    //--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
          //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
          datetime time=0;
          double price=0;
          int wnd=0;
          //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
             //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
             //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 
    //--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
          //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
          PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);

    Após a compilação e execução do EA no gráfico, podemos monitorar o valor e o estado da linha do indicador no painel informativo:

    O arquivo do EA de teste "TestTrendVIDYA.mq5" pode ser consultado nos arquivos anexados ao artigo.

    Considerações finais

    Examinamos todos os tipos de indicadores técnicos disponíveis no terminal MetaTrader 5, sua integração com indicadores e Expert Advisors, bem como a recuperação de dados. Resta entrar na questão de como usar indicadores com vários símbolos/períodos em Expert Advisors e indicadores. Dedicaremos o próximo artigo à criação de um conjunto de ferramentas para integrar indicadores multissímbolos e multiperíodos a Expert Advisors e indicadores, recebendo dados e sinais deles.

    Todos os códigos apresentados acima podem ser simplesmente copiados por você mesmo "como estão" diretamente do artigo e usados em seus próprios projetos. Você pode encontrar todos os Expert Advisors de teste apresentados nos arquivos anexos.

    Traduzido do russo pela MetaQuotes Ltd.
    Artigo original: https://www.mql5.com/ru/articles/13406

    Arquivos anexados |
    TestTrendADX.mq5 (33.4 KB)
    TestTrendAMA.mq5 (32.34 KB)
    TestTrendBands.mq5 (32.75 KB)
    TestTrendDEMA.mq5 (31.44 KB)
    TestTrendFRAMA.mq5 (31.45 KB)
    TestTrendMA.mq5 (31.57 KB)
    TestTrendSAR.mq5 (32.49 KB)
    TestTrendStdDev.mq5 (31.65 KB)
    TestTrendTEMA.mq5 (31.47 KB)
    TestTrendVIDYA.mq5 (31.89 KB)
    Dashboard.mqh (217.85 KB)
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