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MetaTrader 5示例 | 23 七月 2024, 10:03
829 0
Artyom Trishkin
Artyom Trishkin




单色指标缓冲区是常规的双精度型数组,在计算指标时填充数据。我们可以使用 CopyBuffer() 函数从该数组中获取数据,并将其显示在图表上,前提是接收数组将是一个设置为指标绘制缓冲区的双精度型数组 (SetIndexBuffer())。当将数据从指标计算部分的缓冲区复制到其绘制部分的缓冲区时,数据会以一种颜色显示在图表上,该颜色是由为绘制部分准备的缓冲区数组设置的。对于多色缓冲区,情况略有不同。除了数据数组之外,颜色缓冲区还有一个颜色索引数组。

对于一条绘制的彩色指标线,我们可以设置最多 64 种不同的颜色来显示它。您可以使用编译器指令 indicator_colorN 设置线条的颜色,例如:

#property indicator_color1  clrGreen,clrRed

或者通过 PlotIndexSetInteger() 函数,例如:


在这两个例子中,指标的第一条绘制线都设置了两种颜色:绿色和红色。绿色索引为0,而红色索引为1。这些颜色索引存储在指标颜色缓冲区中的特殊颜色索引数组中。对于指标计算的时间序列中的每个柱形,您都可以设置其自己的颜色。在这种情况下,要为每个柱形设置单独的颜色索引。在本例中,它要么是 0,要么是 1。指标线用分配给该指数的颜色绘制。


对于每个颜色缓冲区,您应该分配一个颜色索引数组,并且颜色索引数组的索引必须比正在绘制的数组的索引大 1。对于需要多个数组的绘图样式,颜色数组的索引始终比分配用于绘制线的最后一个数组的索引大 1。



  1. 指标绘图缓冲区可以使用一个或多个数组进行绘图,具体取决于绘图样式。
  2. 对于任何颜色数组,都会使用一个附加数组,它是绘图缓冲区的颜色索引数组,其索引比分配给绘图缓冲区的最后一个数组的索引大 1。



//|                                                         Test.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 17                     // 17 arrays for indicator calculations in total
#property indicator_plots   6                      // Out of 17  arrays, 6 graphic series are plotting buffers
//--- plot Label1
#property indicator_label1  "Label1"
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_LINE              // Plot buffer with index 0 is a simple line, requires one array to plot
#property indicator_color1  clrRed                 // Color line: Red
#property indicator_style1  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width1  1
//--- plot Label2
#property indicator_label2  "Label2"
#property indicator_type2   DRAW_FILLING           // Plot buffer with index 1 is a colored area drawn between two indicator lines, requires two arrays to plot
#property indicator_color2  clrRed,clrDeepSkyBlue  // Area color: wither Red or DeepSkyBlue depending on which line is higher
#property indicator_style2  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width2  1
//--- plot Label3
#property indicator_label3  "Label3"
#property indicator_type3   DRAW_CANDLES           // Plot buffer with index 2, display as single-color candlesticks, requires 4 arrays of OHLC data to plot
#property indicator_color3  clrDarkSalmon          // Color: DarkSalmon
#property indicator_style3  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width3  1
//--- plot Label4
#property indicator_label4  "Label4"
#property indicator_type4   DRAW_COLOR_LINE        // Plot buffer with index 3, color line, requires two arrays to plot: data array + color index array
#property indicator_color4  clrRed,clrRoyalBlue    // Two colors: Red and RoyalBlue. Can have up to 64 colors
#property indicator_style4  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width4  1
//--- plot Label5
#property indicator_label5  "Label5"
#property indicator_type5   DRAW_COLOR_HISTOGRAM2  // Plot buffer with index 4, color histogram between two lines, requires three arrays: 2 data arrays + color index array
#property indicator_color5  clrRed,clrForestGreen,clrBurlyWood // Three colors: Red, ForestGreen and BurlyWood. Can have up to 64 colors
#property indicator_style5  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width5  1
//--- plot Label6
#property indicator_label6  "Label6"               // Plot buffer with index 5, color histogram between two lines, requires 5 arrays: 4 OHLC data arrays + color index array
#property indicator_type6   DRAW_COLOR_CANDLES     // Three colors: Red, Blue and Gray. Can have up to 64 colors
#property indicator_color6  clrRed,clrBlue,clrGray
#property indicator_style6  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width6  1
//--- input variables
input uchar    InpHidePlotIndex  =  0;             // Hide Plot Index
//--- indicator buffers
double         Label1Buffer[];                     // Plot buffer with index 0
double         Label2Buffer1[];                    // Plot buffer with index 1, array 1
double         Label2Buffer2[];                    // Plot buffer with index 1, array 2
double         Label3Buffer1[];                    // Plot buffer with index 2, array 1
double         Label3Buffer2[];                    // Plot buffer with index 2, array 2
double         Label3Buffer3[];                    // Plot buffer with index 2, array 3
double         Label3Buffer4[];                    // Plot buffer with index 2, array 4
double         Label4Buffer[];                     // Plot buffer with index 3
double         Label4Colors[];                     // Color index array for plot buffer with index 3
double         Label5Buffer1[];                    // Plot buffer with index 4, array 1
double         Label5Buffer2[];                    // Plot buffer with index 4, array 2
double         Label5Colors[];                     // Color index array for plot buffer with index 4
double         Label6Buffer1[];                    // Plot buffer with index 5, array 1
double         Label6Buffer2[];                    // Plot buffer with index 5, array 2
double         Label6Buffer3[];                    // Plot buffer with index 5, array 3
double         Label6Buffer4[];                    // Plot buffer with index 5, array 4
double         Label6Colors[];                     // Color index array for plot buffer with index 5

//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
//--- indicator buffers mapping
//--- Plot buffer 0. One array to plot
   SetIndexBuffer(0,Label1Buffer,INDICATOR_DATA);        // Data buffer
//--- Plot buffer 1. Two arrays for construction
   SetIndexBuffer(1,Label2Buffer1,INDICATOR_DATA);       // Line 1 data buffer
   SetIndexBuffer(2,Label2Buffer2,INDICATOR_DATA);       // Line 2 data buffer
//--- Plot buffer 2. Four arrays for construction
   SetIndexBuffer(3,Label3Buffer1,INDICATOR_DATA);       // Data buffer for line 1 Open
   SetIndexBuffer(4,Label3Buffer2,INDICATOR_DATA);       // Data buffer for line 2 High
   SetIndexBuffer(5,Label3Buffer3,INDICATOR_DATA);       // Data buffer for line 3 Low
   SetIndexBuffer(6,Label3Buffer4,INDICATOR_DATA);       // Data buffer for line 4 Close
//--- Plot buffer 3. Two arrays for construction
   SetIndexBuffer(7,Label4Buffer,INDICATOR_DATA);        // Data buffer
   SetIndexBuffer(8,Label4Colors,INDICATOR_COLOR_INDEX); // Buffer of color indexes
//--- Plot buffer 4. Three arrays for construction
   SetIndexBuffer(9,Label5Buffer1,INDICATOR_DATA);       // Data buffer for line 1
   SetIndexBuffer(10,Label5Buffer2,INDICATOR_DATA);      // Data buffer for line 2
   SetIndexBuffer(11,Label5Colors,INDICATOR_COLOR_INDEX);// Buffer of color indexes
//--- Plot buffer 5. Five arrays for construction
   SetIndexBuffer(12,Label6Buffer1,INDICATOR_DATA);      // Data buffer for line 1 Open
   SetIndexBuffer(13,Label6Buffer2,INDICATOR_DATA);      // Data buffer for line 2 High
   SetIndexBuffer(14,Label6Buffer3,INDICATOR_DATA);      // Data buffer for line 3 Low
   SetIndexBuffer(15,Label6Buffer4,INDICATOR_DATA);      // Data buffer for line 4 Close
   SetIndexBuffer(16,Label6Colors,INDICATOR_COLOR_INDEX);// Buffer of color indexes
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])

//--- return value of prev_calculated for the next call

注释描述了哪些数组被分配给了特定的图形系列。如果您创建指标而不更改图形系列的默认名称,则向导会为指标缓冲区创建相当合乎逻辑且易于理解的名称,其中“LabelX”是使用数字 X 绘制的缓冲区的名称,“Buffer”是用于构建图形系列的数组的编号(一个或多个)。


  • Label5Buffer1 是第五个绘图缓冲区的第一个数组(它的索引实际上是 4,因为它从零开始),用于构建两条线之间的彩色直方图。
  • Label5Buffer2 是第五个绘图缓冲区的第二个数组,用于构建在两条线之间绘制的彩色直方图。
  • Label5Colors 是第五个绘图缓冲区的颜色索引数组,用于构建两条线之间的彩色直方图。

对于上面讨论的例子,图形系列(绘图缓冲区)的索引是 4,尽管索引为 9、10 和 11 的数组已分配给它。因此,为了将任何属性分配给该图形系列,您需要设置的不是用于构建图形系列的数组的索引,而是绘图缓冲区的索引(在本例中共有六个 - 从 0 到 5)。

为了直观地观察如何将属性分配给图形系列, 您可以添加一个输入变量,在其中指出不应在数据窗口中显示的绘图缓冲区的索引,并将 给定的绘图缓冲区设置为 false

//|                                                         Test.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 17                     // 17 arrays for indicator calculations in total
#property indicator_plots   6                      // Out of 17  arrays, 6 graphic series are plotting buffers
//--- plot Label1
#property indicator_label1  "Label1"
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_LINE              // Plot buffer with index 0 is a simple line, requires one array to plot
#property indicator_color1  clrRed                 // Color line: Red
#property indicator_style1  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width1  1
//--- plot Label2
#property indicator_label2  "Label2"
#property indicator_type2   DRAW_FILLING           // Plot buffer with index 1 is a colored area drawn between two indicator lines, requires two arrays to plot
#property indicator_color2  clrRed,clrDeepSkyBlue  // Area color: wither Red or DeepSkyBlue depending on which line is higher
#property indicator_style2  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width2  1
//--- plot Label3
#property indicator_label3  "Label3"
#property indicator_type3   DRAW_CANDLES           // Plot buffer with index 2, display as single-color candlesticks, requires 4 arrays of OHLC data to plot
#property indicator_color3  clrDarkSalmon          // Color: DarkSalmon
#property indicator_style3  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width3  1
//--- plot Label4
#property indicator_label4  "Label4"
#property indicator_type4   DRAW_COLOR_LINE        // Plot buffer with index 3, color line, requires two arrays to plot: data array + color index array
#property indicator_color4  clrRed,clrRoyalBlue    // Two colors: Red and RoyalBlue. Can have up to 64 colors
#property indicator_style4  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width4  1
//--- plot Label5
#property indicator_label5  "Label5"
#property indicator_type5   DRAW_COLOR_HISTOGRAM2  // Plot buffer with index 4, color histogram between two lines, requires three arrays: 2 data arrays + color index array
#property indicator_color5  clrRed,clrForestGreen,clrBurlyWood // Three colors: Red, ForestGreen and BurlyWood. Can have up to 64 colors
#property indicator_style5  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width5  1
//--- plot Label6
#property indicator_label6  "Label6"               // Plot buffer with index 5, color histogram between two lines, requires 5 arrays: 4 OHLC data arrays + color index array
#property indicator_type6   DRAW_COLOR_CANDLES     // Three colors: Red, Blue and Gray. Can have up to 64 colors
#property indicator_color6  clrRed,clrBlue,clrGray
#property indicator_style6  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width6  1
//--- input variables
input uchar    InpHidePlotIndex  =  0;             // Hide Plot Index
//--- indicator buffers
double         Label1Buffer[];                     // Plot buffer with index 0
double         Label2Buffer1[];                    // Plot buffer with index 1, array 1
double         Label2Buffer2[];                    // Plot buffer with index 1, array 2
double         Label3Buffer1[];                    // Plot buffer with index 2, array 1
double         Label3Buffer2[];                    // Plot buffer with index 2, array 2
double         Label3Buffer3[];                    // Plot buffer with index 2, array 3
double         Label3Buffer4[];                    // Plot buffer with index 2, array 4
double         Label4Buffer[];                     // Plot buffer with index 3
double         Label4Colors[];                     // Color index array for plot buffer with index 3
double         Label5Buffer1[];                    // Plot buffer with index 4, array 1
double         Label5Buffer2[];                    // Plot buffer with index 4, array 2
double         Label5Colors[];                     // Color index array for plot buffer with index 4
double         Label6Buffer1[];                    // Plot buffer with index 5, array 1
double         Label6Buffer2[];                    // Plot buffer with index 5, array 2
double         Label6Buffer3[];                    // Plot buffer with index 5, array 3
double         Label6Buffer4[];                    // Plot buffer with index 5, array 4
double         Label6Colors[];                     // Color index array for plot buffer with index 5
//--- global variables
int   hide_index=(InpHidePlotIndex>5 ? 5 : InpHidePlotIndex);
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
//--- indicator buffers mapping
//--- Plot buffer 0. One array to plot
   SetIndexBuffer(0,Label1Buffer,INDICATOR_DATA);        // Data buffer
//--- Plot buffer 1. Two arrays for construction
   SetIndexBuffer(1,Label2Buffer1,INDICATOR_DATA);       // Line 1 data buffer
   SetIndexBuffer(2,Label2Buffer2,INDICATOR_DATA);       // Line 2 data buffer
//--- Plot buffer 2. Four arrays for construction
   SetIndexBuffer(3,Label3Buffer1,INDICATOR_DATA);       // Data buffer for line 1 Open
   SetIndexBuffer(4,Label3Buffer2,INDICATOR_DATA);       // Data buffer for line 2 High
   SetIndexBuffer(5,Label3Buffer3,INDICATOR_DATA);       // Data buffer for line 3 Low
   SetIndexBuffer(6,Label3Buffer4,INDICATOR_DATA);       // Data buffer for line 4 Close
//--- Plot buffer 3. Two arrays for construction
   SetIndexBuffer(7,Label4Buffer,INDICATOR_DATA);        // Data buffer
   SetIndexBuffer(8,Label4Colors,INDICATOR_COLOR_INDEX); // Buffer of color indexes
//--- Plot buffer 4. Three arrays for construction
   SetIndexBuffer(9,Label5Buffer1,INDICATOR_DATA);       // Data buffer for line 1
   SetIndexBuffer(10,Label5Buffer2,INDICATOR_DATA);      // Data buffer for line 2
   SetIndexBuffer(11,Label5Colors,INDICATOR_COLOR_INDEX);// Buffer of color indexes
//--- Plot buffer 5. Five arrays for construction
   SetIndexBuffer(12,Label6Buffer1,INDICATOR_DATA);      // Data buffer for line 1 Open
   SetIndexBuffer(13,Label6Buffer2,INDICATOR_DATA);      // Data buffer for line 2 High
   SetIndexBuffer(14,Label6Buffer3,INDICATOR_DATA);      // Data buffer for line 3 Low
   SetIndexBuffer(15,Label6Buffer4,INDICATOR_DATA);      // Data buffer for line 4 Close
   SetIndexBuffer(16,Label6Colors,INDICATOR_COLOR_INDEX);// Buffer of color indexes

//--- Hode  the specified plot buffer in the data window
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])

//--- return value of prev_calculated for the next call

如果你在设置中设置了缓冲区 0,它对应着名为 Label1 的图形系列,那么这个缓冲区将不会显示在数据窗口中:

您可以看到数据列表以名为 Label2 的缓冲区开始。

如果在指标设置中输入 5,则名为 Label6 的缓冲区将从数据窗口中隐藏:


  • 要特别更改图形系列的属性,您需要访问所需绘图缓冲区的索引,而不是构建这些系列所分配的数组的索引。
  • 要构建具有不同绘图样式的缓冲区,您需要将一到五个数组分配为指标缓冲区。
  • 属于一个绘图缓冲区的所有数组必须严格按照顺序一个接一个地出现。它们不能与用于构建其他图形系列的其他数组混合。
  • 分配给一个绘图缓冲区的数组列表中的颜色索引数组是最后一个。



为了消除跟踪指标的绘图缓冲区构建所需的数组数量的需要,我们将实现从图形系列接收数据,使其仅在绘图缓冲区的索引和所需数组的索引处访问。也就是说,如果绘制缓冲区 0 需要两个数据数组和一个颜色索引数组,那么要从第一个数组请求数据,您只需指定绘图缓冲区的索引和所需数组的索引,例如 0 和 0。如果我们需要第二个数组中的数据,就请指出 0 和 1。为了从颜色缓冲区请求数据,我们将创建相应的方法,并且仅指示绘图缓冲区的索引 (0)。


所有更改都将在库文件 \MQL5\Include\IndMSTF\IndMSTF.mqh 中进行。


//--- struct
struct SBuffer                // Structure of the indicator buffer
   double            init_value;                            // Initializing value
   uchar             init_color_idx;                        // Initializing value of the color index
   int               shift;                                 // Horizontal shift of the buffer
   uint              source;                                // Buffer number of the source indicator
   bool              colored;                               // Flag of the color buffer
   ENUM_DRAW_TYPE    draw_type;                             // Buffer drawing style
//--- Changes the size of all arrays
   bool              ResizeArrays(const int new_size)
                        bool res=true;
                           //--- One buffer
                           case DRAW_LINE             :
                           case DRAW_HISTOGRAM        :
                           case DRAW_ARROW            :
                           case DRAW_SECTION          :
                              return ArrayResize(array0,new_size)==new_size;
                           //--- Two buffers
                           case DRAW_HISTOGRAM2       :
                           case DRAW_ZIGZAG           :
                           case DRAW_FILLING          :
                              res  =(ArrayResize(array0,new_size)==new_size);
                              res &=(ArrayResize(array1,new_size)==new_size);
                              return res;
                           //--- Four buffers
                           case DRAW_BARS             :
                           case DRAW_CANDLES          :
                              res  =(ArrayResize(array0,new_size)==new_size);
                              res &=(ArrayResize(array1,new_size)==new_size);
                              res &=(ArrayResize(array2,new_size)==new_size);
                              res &=(ArrayResize(array3,new_size)==new_size);
                              return res;
                           //--- One buffer + color buffer
                           case DRAW_COLOR_LINE       :
                           case DRAW_COLOR_HISTOGRAM  :
                           case DRAW_COLOR_ARROW      :
                           case DRAW_COLOR_SECTION    :
                              res  =(ArrayResize(array0,new_size)==new_size);
                              res &=(ArrayResize(color_indexes,new_size)==new_size);
                              return res;
                           //--- Two buffers + color buffer
                           case DRAW_COLOR_HISTOGRAM2 :
                           case DRAW_COLOR_ZIGZAG     :
                              res  =(ArrayResize(array0,new_size)==new_size);
                              res &=(ArrayResize(array1,new_size)==new_size);
                              res &=(ArrayResize(color_indexes,new_size)==new_size);
                              return res;
                           //--- Four buffers + color buffer
                           case DRAW_COLOR_BARS       :
                           case DRAW_COLOR_CANDLES    :
                              res  =(ArrayResize(array0,new_size)==new_size);
                              res &=(ArrayResize(array1,new_size)==new_size);
                              res &=(ArrayResize(array2,new_size)==new_size);
                              res &=(ArrayResize(array3,new_size)==new_size);
                              res &=(ArrayResize(color_indexes,new_size)==new_size);
                              return res;
                        return false;
//--- Initializes all arrays
   int               InitArrays(void)
                        bool res=0;
                           //--- One buffer
                           case DRAW_LINE             :
                           case DRAW_HISTOGRAM        :
                           case DRAW_ARROW            :
                           case DRAW_SECTION          :
                              return ArrayInitialize(array0,init_value);
                           //--- Two buffers
                           case DRAW_HISTOGRAM2       :
                           case DRAW_ZIGZAG           :
                           case DRAW_FILLING          :
                              return res/2;
                           //--- Four buffers
                           case DRAW_BARS             :
                           case DRAW_CANDLES          :
                              return res/4;
                           //--- One buffer + color buffer
                           case DRAW_COLOR_LINE       :
                           case DRAW_COLOR_HISTOGRAM  :
                           case DRAW_COLOR_ARROW      :
                           case DRAW_COLOR_SECTION    :
                              return res/2;
                           //--- Two buffers + color buffer
                           case DRAW_COLOR_HISTOGRAM2 :
                           case DRAW_COLOR_ZIGZAG     :
                              return res/3;
                           //--- Four buffers + color buffer
                           case DRAW_COLOR_BARS       :
                           case DRAW_COLOR_CANDLES    :
                              return res/5;
                        return false;
   double            array0[];                              // Indicator's buffer-array0
   double            array1[];                              // Indicator's buffer-array1 (2nd array for calculation)
   double            array2[];                              // Indicator's buffer-array2 (3rd array for calculation)
   double            array3[];                              // Indicator's buffer-array3 (4th array for calculation)
   double            color_indexes[];                       // Buffer array of indicator color indexes
   color             clrs[];                                // Array of colors assigned to the buffer
   string            descript;                              // Buffer description
//--- Returns the color buffer flag
   bool              IsColoredBuffer(void)                        { return colored;                }
//--- (1) Sets, (2) returns the buffer drawing style, (3) the number of the corresponding buffer of the source indicator
   void              SetBufferDrawType(const ENUM_DRAW_TYPE type,const uint buff_source)
                           case DRAW_COLOR_LINE       :
                           case DRAW_COLOR_SECTION    :
                           case DRAW_COLOR_HISTOGRAM  :
                           case DRAW_COLOR_HISTOGRAM2 :
                           case DRAW_COLOR_ARROW      :
                           case DRAW_COLOR_ZIGZAG     :
                           case DRAW_COLOR_BARS       :
                           case DRAW_COLOR_CANDLES    :  colored=true;  break;
                           default                    :  colored=false; break;
   ENUM_DRAW_TYPE    DrawType(void)                               { return draw_type;              }
   uint              BufferFrom(void)                             { return source;                 }
//--- (1) Sets, (2) returns the initializing value
   void              SetInitValue(const double value)             { init_value=value;              }
   double            InitValue(void)                              { return init_value;             }
//--- (1) Sets, (2) returns the initializing value of the color index
   void              SetInitColorIdx(const uchar idx)             { init_color_idx=idx;            }
   uchar             InitColorIdx(void)                           { return init_color_idx;         }
//--- (1) Sets, (2) returns the buffer offset
   void              SetShift(const int value)                    { shift=value;                   }
   int               Shift(void)                                  { return shift;                  }
//--- (1) Returns the size of the buffer array, (2) changes the size of the buffer array,
//--- (3) initializes the array with the set "empty" value
   uint              BufferSize(void)                             { return array0.Size();          }
   bool              BuffResize(const int new_size)               { return ResizeArrays(new_size); }
   int               InitBuffer(void)                             { return InitArrays();           }
//--- (1) Returns the size of the color index buffer array,
   uint              BufferColorIdxSize(void)                     { return color_indexes.Size();   }
   //--- (1) Sets, (2) returns the color value by index
   void              SetColorToIdx(const uchar idx,const color clr)
                              PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize 'clrs' failed. Error %lu",__FUNCTION__,GetLastError());
   color             ColorByIdx(const uchar idx){ return(idx<clrs.Size() ? clrs[idx] : clrNONE);   }

此前,数组是在 Calculate() 指标计算方法中复制的。现在,由于需要复制多个数组,因此已经创建了新的方法来返回复制用于计算的所有数组的结果。在多指标类中,我们声明新的方法 ,并将所需数组的索引添加到数据检索方法中

//| Base class of the multi-symbol multi-period indicator            |
class CIndMSTF : public CObject
   ENUM_PROGRAM_TYPE m_program;           // Program type
   ENUM_INDICATOR    m_type;              // Indicator type
   ENUM_TIMEFRAMES   m_timeframe;         // Chart timeframe
   string            m_symbol;            // Chart symbol
   int               m_handle;            // Indicator handle
   int               m_id;                // Identifier
   bool              m_success;           // Successful calculation flag
   ENUM_ERR_TYPE     m_type_err;          // Calculation error type
   string            m_description;       // Custom description of the indicator
   string            m_name;              // Indicator name
   string            m_parameters;        // Description of indicator parameters

   ENUM_IND_CATEGORY m_category;          // Indicator category
   MqlParam          m_param[];           // Array of indicator parameters
   string            m_title;             // Title (indicator name + description of parameters)
   SBuffer           m_buffers[];         // Indicator buffers
   int               m_digits;            // Digits in indicator values
   int               m_limit;             // Number of bars required to calculate the indicator on the current tick
   int               m_rates_total;       // Number of available bars for indicator calculation
   int               m_prev_calculated;   // Number of calculated bars on the previous indicator call
//--- (1) Sets indicator name, (2) description of parameters
   void              SetName(const string name)                      { this.m_name=name;           }
   void              SetParameters(const string str)                 { this.m_parameters=str;      }
//--- Resizes the (1) specified, (2) all indicator buffers
   bool              BufferResize(const uint buffer_num,const int new_buff_size);
   bool              BuffersResize(const int new_buff_size);
//--- Initializes the (1) specified, (2) all indicator buffers
   bool              BufferInitialize(const uint buffer_num,const int new_buff_size);
   bool              BuffersInitialize(const int new_buff_size);
//--- Returns the flag indicating equality of the structure of one parameter of two objects
   bool              IsEqualParameters(const MqlParam &this_param,const MqlParam &compared_param) const
                        if(this_param.type==compared_param.type                     && 
                           this_param.integer_value==compared_param.integer_value   && 
                           this_param.string_value==compared_param.string_value     && 
                          ) return true;
                        return false;
//--- Return the result of comparison on one parameter of two objects
   int               CompareParams(const MqlParam &this_param,const MqlParam &compared_param)
                           return 0;
                        else if(this_param.type>compared_param.type                 || 
                           this_param.integer_value>compared_param.integer_value    || 
                           this_param.string_value>compared_param.string_value      || 
                          ) return 1;
                        else if(this_param.type<compared_param.type                 || 
                           this_param.integer_value<compared_param.integer_value    || 
                           this_param.string_value<compared_param.string_value      || 
                          ) return -1;
                           return -1;
//--- Copies data of the specified array of the specified buffer
   bool              CopyArray(const uint buff_num,const uint array_num,const int to_copy,double &array[]);
//--- Copies data of all arrays of the specified buffer
   bool              CopyArrays(const uint buff_num,const int to_copy);
//--- Creates the calculation part of the indicator, returns the handle
   int               CreateIndicator(void);
//--- (1) Calculates the indicator, fills the passed (2) plot buffer array, (3) buffer array of color indexes (taking into account the symbol-period of the chart) with data from the buffer of the calculation part of the indicator of this class
   bool              Calculate(void);
   bool              DataToBuffer(const string symbol_to,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe_to,const uint buffer_num,const uint array_num,const int limit,double &buffer[]);
   bool              DataToColorBuffer(const string symbol_to,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe_to,const uint buffer_num,const uint array_num,const int limit,double &plot_buffer[],double &color_buffer[]);

//--- (1) Sets (2) returns the initializing value for the specified buffer
   void              SetBufferInitValue(const uint buffer_num,const double value);
   double            BufferInitValue(const uint buffer_num) const;
//--- (1) Sets (2) returns the initializing value of the color index for the specified buffer
   void              SetBufferInitColorIndex(const uint buffer_num,const uchar index);
   uchar             BufferInitColorIndex(const uint buffer_num) const;
//--- (1) Sets, (2) returns the color value by index for the specified buffer
   void              SetBufferColorToIndex(const uint buffer_num,const uchar color_idx,const color clr);
   color             BufferColorByIndex(const uint buffer_num,const uchar color_idx);
   //--- Returns the color buffer flag
   bool              IsColoredBuffer(const uint buffer_num) const;

//--- (1) Sets (2) returns the offset value for the specified buffer
   void              SetBufferShift(const uint buffer_num,const int value);
   double            BufferShift(const uint buffer_num) const;

   //--- (1) Sets, (2) returns the drawing style of the specified buffer, (3) the number of the corresponding buffer of the source indicator
   void              SetBufferDrawType(const uint buffer_num,const ENUM_DRAW_TYPE type,const uint buff_source);
   ENUM_DRAW_TYPE    BufferDrawType(const uint buffer_num);
   uint              BufferFrom(const uint buffer_num);

//--- Returns data of the specified buffer and array (1) as is, (2) relative to the specified symbol/timeframe,
//--- data of the specified color buffer (3) as is, (4) relative to the specified symbol/timeframe,
//--- (5) amount of data in the specified buffer, (6) number of colors set for the buffer, (7) the state of the indicator line as it is in the calculation part buffer,
//--- (8) state of the indicator line for the chart symbol/period, description of the line state (9) as is in the buffer (10) for the specific chart symbol/period
   double            GetData(const uint buffer_num,const uint array_num,const int index)  const;
   double            GetDataTo(const string symbol_to,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe_to,const uint buffer_num,const uint array_num,const int index) const;
   double            GetColorData(const uint buffer_num,const int index)      const;
   double            GetColorDataTo(const string symbol_to,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe_to,const uint buffer_num,const int index) const;
   uint              DataTotal(const uint buffer_num,const uint array_num)    const;
   uint              ColorsTotal(const uint buffer_num)                       const;
   ENUM_LINE_STATE   BufferLineState(const uint buffer_num,const uint array_num,const int index)   const;
   ENUM_LINE_STATE   BufferLineState(const string symbol_from,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframes_from,const uint buffer_num,const uint array_num,const int index) const;
   ENUM_LINE_STATE   BufferLineStateRelative(const int buffer_num,const uint array_num,const int index,const double level0,const double level1=EMPTY_VALUE);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE   BufferLineStateRelative(const string symbol_from,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframes_from,const int buffer_num,const uint array_num,const int index,const double level0,const double level1=EMPTY_VALUE);

//--- Returns (1) success flag, (2) calculation error type
   bool              IsSuccess(void)                           const { return this.m_success;               }
   ENUM_ERR_TYPE     TypeError(void)                           const { return this.m_type_err;              }
//--- Sets (1) identifier, (2) Digits, (3) custom description, (4) description of the specified buffer
   void              SetID(const int id)                             { this.m_id=id;                        }
   void              SetDigits(const uint digits)                    { this.m_digits=(int)digits;           }
   void              SetDescription(const string descr)              { this.m_description=descr;            }
   void              SetBufferDescription(const uint buffer_num,const string descr);

//--- Sets the indexing of buffer arrays of the calculation part not as in the timeseries
   void              SetAsSeriesOff(void);
//--- Returns flag of whether the buffer is set as series, (2) historical data for symbol/period is synchronized
   bool              IsSeries(const uint buffer_num,const uint array_num) const;
   bool              IsSynchronized(void) const
                        return (bool)::SeriesInfoInteger(this.m_symbol,this.m_timeframe,SERIES_SYNCHRONIZED);
//--- Returns (1) timeframe, (2) symbol, (3) name, (4) list of parameters, (5) handle, (6) Digits
//--- number of (7) buffers, (8) bars, (9) identifier, (10) description, (11) title, (12) category,
//--- (13) number of parameters, (14) program type, description of (15) category, (16) indicator buffer
   ENUM_TIMEFRAMES   Timeframe(void)                           const { return this.m_timeframe;             }
   string            Symbol(void)                              const { return this.m_symbol;                }
   string            Name(void)                                const { return this.m_name;                  }
   string            Parameters(void)                          const { return this.m_parameters;            }
   int               Handle(void)                              const { return this.m_handle;                }
   int               Digits(void)                              const { return this.m_digits;                }
   uint              BuffersTotal(void)                        const { return this.m_buffers.Size();        }
   uint              RatesTotal(void)                          const { return this.m_rates_total;           }
   int               ID(void)                                  const { return this.m_id;                    }
   string            Description(void)                         const { return this.m_description;           }
   string            Title(void)                               const { return this.m_title;                 }
   ENUM_IND_CATEGORY Category(void)                            const { return this.m_category;              }
   uint              ParamsTotal(void)                         const { return this.m_param.Size();          }
   ENUM_PROGRAM_TYPE Program(void)                             const { return this.m_program;               }
   string            CategoryDescription(void);
   string            BufferDescription(const uint buffer_num);

//--- Returns (1) structure of parameters by index from array, (2) flag of indicator program, (3) timeframe description
   MqlParam          GetMqlParam(const int index)              const { return this.m_param[index];          }
   bool              IsIndicator()                 const { return(this.Program()==PROGRAM_INDICATOR);       }
   string            TimeframeDescription(void)    const
                        return ::StringSubstr(::EnumToString(this.m_timeframe),7);
//--- Returns amount of calculated data
   int               Calculated(void)                          const { return ::BarsCalculated(this.m_handle); }
//--- Virtual method returning the type of object (indicator)
   virtual int       Type(void)                                const { return this.m_type;                  }
//--- Virtual method for comparing two objects
   virtual int       Compare(const CObject *node,const int mode=0) const
                        const CIndMSTF *compared=node;
                           case COMPARE_MODE_ID          : return(this.ID()>compared.ID()                   ? 1 : this.ID()<compared.ID()                   ? -1 : 0);
                           case COMPARE_MODE_HANDLE      : return(this.Handle()>compared.Handle()           ? 1 : this.Handle()<compared.Handle()           ? -1 : 0);
                           case COMPARE_MODE_CATEGORY    : return(this.Category()>compared.Category()       ? 1 : this.Category()<compared.Category()       ? -1 : 0);
                           case COMPARE_MODE_SYMBOL      : return(this.Symbol()>compared.Symbol()           ? 1 : this.Symbol()<compared.Symbol()           ? -1 : 0);
                           case COMPARE_MODE_TIMEFRAME   : return(this.Timeframe()>compared.Timeframe()     ? 1 : this.Timeframe()<compared.Timeframe()     ? -1 : 0);
                           case COMPARE_MODE_DESCRIPTION : return(this.Description()>compared.Description() ? 1 : this.Description()<compared.Description() ? -1 : 0);
                           //--- Equality of all object parameters
                           default                       : return(this.IsEqualIndicators(compared) ? 0 : -1);
//--- Returns the flag of equality of parameters of two indicator objects
   bool              IsEqualIndicators(const CIndMSTF *compared) const
                        if(this.Type()!=compared.Type() || this.ParamsTotal()!=compared.ParamsTotal())
                           return false;
                        bool res=true;
                        int total=(int)this.ParamsTotal();
                        for(int i=0;i<total;i++)
                           res &=this.IsEqualParameters(this.m_param[i],compared.GetMqlParam(i));
                        res &=(this.Timeframe()==compared.Timeframe());
                        res &=(this.Symbol()==compared.Symbol());
                        return res;
//--- Timer
   void OnTimer(void);
//--- Constructor/destructor
                     CIndMSTF(const ENUM_INDICATOR type,const uint buffers,const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe);


//| Destructor                                                       |
//--- Delete timer
//--- Release handle of the indicator
   if(this.m_handle!=INVALID_HANDLE && !::IndicatorRelease(this.m_handle))
      ::PrintFormat("%s: %s, handle %ld IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,this.Title(),m_handle,::GetLastError());
//--- Free up the memory of buffer arrays
   for(int i=0;i<(int)this.BuffersTotal();i++)


//| Set the initializing value of the color index                    |
//| for the specified buffer                                         |
void CIndMSTF::SetBufferInitColorIndex(const uint buffer_num,const uchar index)
//--- Validate the buffer number passed to the method and, if the number is incorrect, print a message to the log and exit
      string buff_limit=(this.BuffersTotal()==1 ? "0" : "0 - "+string(this.BuffersTotal()-1));
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Invalid buffer number passed (%lu). Value must be %s",__FUNCTION__,buffer_num,buff_limit);
//--- Set a new initializing color index value for the specified buffer
//| Return the initializing value of the color index                 |
//| for the specified buffer                                         |
uchar CIndMSTF::BufferInitColorIndex(const uint buffer_num) const
//--- Validate the buffer number passed to the method and, if the number is incorrect, print a message to log
      string buff_limit=(this.BuffersTotal()==1 ? "0" : "0 - "+string(this.BuffersTotal()-1));
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Invalid buffer number passed (%lu). Value must be %s",__FUNCTION__,buffer_num,buff_limit);
      //--- If the indicator has buffers, return the initializing value of the color index of the very first one, otherwise 0
      return uchar(this.BuffersTotal()>0 ? this.m_buffers[0].InitColorIdx() : 0);
//--- Return the initializing value of the color index of the requested buffer
   return this.m_buffers[buffer_num].InitColorIdx();
//| Set the color value by index for the specified buffer            |
void CIndMSTF::SetBufferColorToIndex(const uint buffer_num,const uchar color_idx,const color clr)
//--- Validate the buffer number passed to the method and, if the number is incorrect, print a message to the log and exit
      string buff_limit=(this.BuffersTotal()==1 ? "0" : "0 - "+string(this.BuffersTotal()-1));
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Invalid buffer number passed (%lu). Value must be %s",__FUNCTION__,buffer_num,buff_limit);
//--- Set a new color value by index for the specified buffer
//| Return the color value by index for the specified buffer         |
color CIndMSTF::BufferColorByIndex(const uint buffer_num,const uchar color_idx)
//--- Validate the buffer number passed to the method and, if the number is incorrect, print a message to log
      string buff_limit=(this.BuffersTotal()==1 ? "0" : "0 - "+string(this.BuffersTotal()-1));
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Invalid buffer number passed (%lu). Value must be %s",__FUNCTION__,buffer_num,buff_limit);
      //--- If the indicator has buffers, return the initializing value of the color index of the very first one, otherwise 0
      return clrNONE;
//--- Return the color value by index for the requested buffer
   return this.m_buffers[buffer_num].ColorByIdx(color_idx);
//| Return the color buffer flag                                     |
bool CIndMSTF::IsColoredBuffer(const uint buffer_num) const
//--- Validate the buffer number passed to the method and, if the number is incorrect, print a message to log
      string buff_limit=(this.BuffersTotal()==1 ? "0" : "0 - "+string(this.BuffersTotal()-1));
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Invalid buffer number passed (%lu). Value must be %s",__FUNCTION__,buffer_num,buff_limit);
      //--- Return false
      return false;
//--- Return the color flag for the specified buffer
   return this.m_buffers[buffer_num].IsColoredBuffer();

//| Set the drawing style for the specified buffer                   |
void CIndMSTF::SetBufferDrawType(const uint buffer_num,const ENUM_DRAW_TYPE type,const uint buff_source)
//--- Validate the buffer number passed to the method and, if the number is incorrect, print a message to the log and exit
      string buff_limit=(this.BuffersTotal()==1 ? "0" : "0 - "+string(this.BuffersTotal()-1));
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Invalid buffer number passed (%lu). Value must be %s",__FUNCTION__,buffer_num,buff_limit);
//--- Set the drawing style for the buffer
//| Return the drawing style for the specified buffer                |
ENUM_DRAW_TYPE CIndMSTF::BufferDrawType(const uint buffer_num)
//--- Validate the buffer number passed to the method and, if the number is incorrect, print a message to log
      string buff_limit=(this.BuffersTotal()==1 ? "0" : "0 - "+string(this.BuffersTotal()-1));
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Invalid buffer number passed (%lu). Value must be %s",__FUNCTION__,buffer_num,buff_limit);
      //--- If the indicator has buffers, return the shift value of the very first one, otherwise 0
      return(this.BuffersTotal()>0 ? this.m_buffers[0].DrawType() : DRAW_NONE);
//--- Return the drawing style of the requested buffer
   return this.m_buffers[buffer_num].DrawType();
//| Return number of corresponding buffer of the source indicator    |
uint CIndMSTF::BufferFrom(const uint buffer_num)
//--- Validate the buffer number passed to the method and, if the number is incorrect, print a message to log
      string buff_limit=(this.BuffersTotal()==1 ? "0" : "0 - "+string(this.BuffersTotal()-1));
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Invalid buffer number passed (%lu). Value must be %s",__FUNCTION__,buffer_num,buff_limit);
      //--- If the indicator has buffers, return the shift value of the very first one, otherwise 0
      return(this.BuffersTotal()>0 ? this.m_buffers[0].Shift() : 0);
//--- Return the number of the corresponding buffer of the source indicator for the requested buffer
   return this.m_buffers[buffer_num].BufferFrom();
//| Copy data of the specified array of the specified buffer         |
bool CIndMSTF::CopyArray(const uint buff_num,const uint array_num,const int to_copy,double &array[])
//--- Copy either the last two bars to 'array' or all available historical data from indicator's calculation part array to buffer array of indicator object
   int copied=0;
         case 0   :  case 1 : case 2 :
         case 3   :  copied=::CopyBuffer(this.m_handle,this.m_buffers[buff_num].BufferFrom(),  -this.m_buffers[buff_num].Shift(),to_copy,array);   break;
         case 4   :  copied=::CopyBuffer(this.m_handle,this.m_buffers[buff_num].BufferFrom()+1,-this.m_buffers[buff_num].Shift(),to_copy,array);   break;
         default  :  break;
         case 0   :  copied=::CopyBuffer(this.m_handle,this.m_buffers[buff_num].BufferFrom(),  -this.m_buffers[buff_num].Shift(),to_copy,this.m_buffers[buff_num].array0);          break;
         case 1   :  copied=::CopyBuffer(this.m_handle,this.m_buffers[buff_num].BufferFrom(),  -this.m_buffers[buff_num].Shift(),to_copy,this.m_buffers[buff_num].array1);          break;
         case 2   :  copied=::CopyBuffer(this.m_handle,this.m_buffers[buff_num].BufferFrom(),  -this.m_buffers[buff_num].Shift(),to_copy,this.m_buffers[buff_num].array2);          break;
         case 3   :  copied=::CopyBuffer(this.m_handle,this.m_buffers[buff_num].BufferFrom(),  -this.m_buffers[buff_num].Shift(),to_copy,this.m_buffers[buff_num].array3);          break;
         case 4   :  copied=::CopyBuffer(this.m_handle,this.m_buffers[buff_num].BufferFrom()+1,-this.m_buffers[buff_num].Shift(),to_copy,this.m_buffers[buff_num].color_indexes);   break;
         default  :  break;
//--- If copied successfully
      return true;
//--- If not all data is copied
//--- If CopyBuffer returned -1, this means the start of historical data downloading
//--- print a message about this to the log
      ::PrintFormat("%s::%s: Start downloading data by %s/%s. Waiting for the next tick...",__FUNCTION__,this.Title(),this.m_symbol,this.TimeframeDescription());
//--- In any other case, not all data has been copied yet
//--- print a message about this to the log
      ::PrintFormat("%s::%s: Not all data was copied. Data available: %lu, total copied: %ld",__FUNCTION__,this.Title(),this.m_rates_total,copied);
   return false;
//| Copy data of all arrays of the specified buffer                  |
bool CIndMSTF::CopyArrays(const uint buff_num,const int to_copy)
   bool res=true;
   double array[2];
         //--- One buffer
         case DRAW_LINE             :
         case DRAW_HISTOGRAM        :
         case DRAW_ARROW            :
         case DRAW_SECTION          :
            return res;
         //--- Two buffers
         case DRAW_HISTOGRAM2       :
         case DRAW_ZIGZAG           :
         case DRAW_FILLING          :
            res &=this.CopyArray(buff_num,1,to_copy,array);
            return res;
         //--- Four buffers
         case DRAW_BARS             :
         case DRAW_CANDLES          :
            res &=this.CopyArray(buff_num,1,to_copy,array);
            res &=this.CopyArray(buff_num,2,to_copy,array);
            res &=this.CopyArray(buff_num,3,to_copy,array);
            return res;
         //--- One buffer + color buffer
         case DRAW_COLOR_LINE       :
         case DRAW_COLOR_HISTOGRAM  :
         case DRAW_COLOR_ARROW      :
         case DRAW_COLOR_SECTION    :
            res &=this.CopyArray(buff_num,4,to_copy,array);
            return res;
         //--- Two buffers + color buffer
         case DRAW_COLOR_HISTOGRAM2 :
         case DRAW_COLOR_ZIGZAG     :
            res &=this.CopyArray(buff_num,1,to_copy,array);
            res &=this.CopyArray(buff_num,4,to_copy,array);
            return res;
         //--- Four buffers + color buffer
         case DRAW_COLOR_BARS       :
         case DRAW_COLOR_CANDLES    :
            res &=this.CopyArray(buff_num,1,to_copy,array);
            res &=this.CopyArray(buff_num,2,to_copy,array);
            res &=this.CopyArray(buff_num,3,to_copy,array);
            res &=this.CopyArray(buff_num,4,to_copy,array);
            return res;
         //--- One buffer
         case DRAW_LINE             :
         case DRAW_HISTOGRAM        :
         case DRAW_ARROW            :
         case DRAW_SECTION          :
            return this.CopyArray(buff_num,0,to_copy,array);
         //--- Two buffers
         case DRAW_HISTOGRAM2       :
         case DRAW_ZIGZAG           :
         case DRAW_FILLING          :
            res  =this.CopyArray(buff_num,0,to_copy,array);
            res &=this.CopyArray(buff_num,1,to_copy,array);
            return res;
         //--- Four buffers
         case DRAW_BARS             :
         case DRAW_CANDLES          :
            res  =this.CopyArray(buff_num,0,to_copy,array);
            res &=this.CopyArray(buff_num,1,to_copy,array);
            res &=this.CopyArray(buff_num,2,to_copy,array);
            res &=this.CopyArray(buff_num,3,to_copy,array);
            return res;
         //--- One buffer + color buffer
         case DRAW_COLOR_LINE       :
         case DRAW_COLOR_HISTOGRAM  :
         case DRAW_COLOR_ARROW      :
         case DRAW_COLOR_SECTION    :
            res  =this.CopyArray(buff_num,0,to_copy,array);
            res &=this.CopyArray(buff_num,4,to_copy,array);
            return res;
         //--- Two buffers + color buffer
         case DRAW_COLOR_HISTOGRAM2 :
         case DRAW_COLOR_ZIGZAG     :
            res  =this.CopyArray(buff_num,0,to_copy,array);
            res &=this.CopyArray(buff_num,1,to_copy,array);
            res &=this.CopyArray(buff_num,4,to_copy,array);
            return res;
         //--- Four buffers + color buffer
         case DRAW_COLOR_BARS       :
         case DRAW_COLOR_CANDLES    :
            res  =this.CopyArray(buff_num,0,to_copy,array);
            res &=this.CopyArray(buff_num,1,to_copy,array);
            res &=this.CopyArray(buff_num,2,to_copy,array);
            res &=this.CopyArray(buff_num,3,to_copy,array);
            res &=this.CopyArray(buff_num,4,to_copy,array);
            return res;
   return false;


//| Fill object buffers with data from the calculation part buffer   |
bool CIndMSTF::Calculate(void)
//--- Set the success flag to true, and the error type to no error
//--- If the data is not yet synchronized with the trade server,
      //--- Log a message about non-synchronized data,
      ::PrintFormat("%s::%s: Waiting for data to sync...",__FUNCTION__,this.Title());
      //--- set the error type, add 'false' to the error flag and return 'false'
      return false;
//--- If the Calculated method returned -1, this means the start of data downloading
      //--- Log a message about the start of data downloading,
      ::PrintFormat("%s::%s: Start downloading data by %s/%s. Waiting for the next tick...",__FUNCTION__,this.Title(),this.m_symbol,this.TimeframeDescription());
      //--- set the error type, add 'false' to the error flag and return 'false'
      return false;
//--- If the Calculated method returned 0, this means that the indicator has not yet been calculated
      //--- Log a message about waiting for the indicator to be calculated,
      ::PrintFormat("%s::%s: Waiting for a new tick and when the indicator will be calculated...",__FUNCTION__,this.Title());
      //--- set the error type, add 'false' to the error flag and return 'false'
      return false;
//--- Get the number of data bars for the indicator symbol/period
   int bars=::Bars(this.m_symbol,this.m_timeframe);
//--- If the Bars function returned a zero value, which often happens on weekends, calculate the available number of bars
      //--- Get the date of the very first available bar in history for the symbol/period
      datetime firstdate=(datetime)::SeriesInfoInteger(this.m_symbol,this.m_timeframe,SERIES_FIRSTDATE);
      //--- Get the date of the last (current) bar in history for the symbol/period
      datetime lastdate=(datetime)::SeriesInfoInteger(this.m_symbol,this.m_timeframe,SERIES_LASTBAR_DATE);
      //--- Calculate the number of bars between the first and last dates of history
      int sec=::PeriodSeconds(this.m_timeframe);
      ulong date_bars=(((ulong)lastdate-(ulong)firstdate)/(sec>0 ? sec : 1))+1;
      //--- Write to the 'bars' variable the smaller value of the calculated number of bars and the maximum number of bars available in the terminal
//--- Write the resulting number of available bars to m_rates_total
//--- If the number of available bars is received, and it is 2 or less,
   if(this.m_rates_total>=0 && this.m_rates_total<3)
      //--- Log a message about the number of available bars being too small
      ::PrintFormat("%s::%s: Not enough data for calculation: %ld bars. Waiting for the next tick...",__FUNCTION__,this.Title(),this.m_rates_total);
      //--- set the error type, add 'false' to the error flag and return 'false'
      return false;

//--- Calculate the number of bars required to calculate the indicator
//--- Either the entire available history, or 1 when a new bar opens, or 0 on the current tick

//--- Declare an array of size 2 to receive data into it from the indicator's calculation part buffer
//--- We always get two bars: previous and current
   double array[2];
//--- Get the number of indicator buffers
   int total=(int)this.BuffersTotal();
//--- If the calculated m_limit is greater than 1, it means either the first launch or changes in historical data
//--- In this case, a complete recalculation of the indicator is necessary
      //--- In a loop over the number of indicator buffers
      for(int i=0;i<total;i++)
         //--- resize the indicator buffer array and initialize it to the "empty" value set for this buffer
         //--- Determine the amount of data to copy
         int to_copy=(this.m_prev_calculated>this.m_rates_total ? this.m_rates_total : this.m_prev_calculated);
         //--- If not all arrays were successfully copied, write false to m_success
            this.m_success &=false;
      //--- If there are errors after the error, return false
         return false;
      //--- Everything is successful - return true
      return true;
//--- If calculated m_limit is less than or equal to 1, this means either opening of a new bar (m_limit==1) or current tick (m_limit==0)
//--- In this case, it is necessary to calculate two bars - the first and the current
      //--- In a loop over the number of indicator buffers
      for(int i=0;i<total;i++)
         //--- If this is the opening of a new bar and resizing the indicator buffer failed,
         if(this.m_limit==1 && !this.BufferResize(i,this.m_rates_total))
            //--- add 'false' to the m_success variable and return 'false'
            //--- Here, an error message will be printed to log from the BufferResize method
            return false;
         //--- If failed to copy two bars from the indicator's calculation part buffer,
            //--- report this via the log, add 'false' to the m_success variable and return 'false'
            ::PrintFormat("%s::%s: CopyBuffer(%lu) failed. Error %lu",__FUNCTION__,this.Title(),i,::GetLastError());
            this.m_success &=false;
      //--- If there are errors after the error, return false
         return false;
      //--- Success
      return true;
//--- Undefined 'limit' option - return 'false'
   return false;


//| Fill the plot array and the color index array                    |
//|  passed to the method with data from the class buffer            |
bool CIndMSTF::DataToColorBuffer(const string symbol_to,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe_to,const uint buffer_num,const uint array_num,const int limit,double &plot_buffer[],double &color_buffer[])
//--- Set the success flag
//--- Get the indexing direction of the buffer array passed to the method and,
//--- if non-timeseries indexing, set timeseries indexing
   bool as_series_plot=::ArrayGetAsSeries(plot_buffer);
   bool as_series_color=::ArrayGetAsSeries(color_buffer);
//--- Set the symbol name and timeframe value passed to the method
   string symbol=(symbol_to=="" || symbol_to==NULL ? ::Symbol() : symbol_to);
   ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe=(timeframe_to==PERIOD_CURRENT ? ::Period() : timeframe_to);
   datetime array[2];
//--- If this is the first launch or history changes, initialize the buffer array passed to the method
   if(limit>1 && this.m_limit>1)
      ::PrintFormat("%s::%s First start, or historical data has been changed. Initialize Buffer(%lu)",__FUNCTION__,this.Title(),buffer_num);
//--- Set the value of the loop counter (no more than the maximum number of bars in the terminal on the chart)
   int count=(limit<=1 ? 2 : ::fmin(::TerminalInfoInteger(TERMINAL_MAXBARS),limit));
//--- In a loop from the zero bar to the value of the loop counter
   for(int i=0;i<count;i++)
      //--- If the chart timeframe matches the class object timeframe, fill the buffer directly from the class object array
      if(timeframe==::Period() && this.m_timeframe==::Period())
      //--- Otherwise, if the chart timeframe is not equal to the timeframe of the class object
         //--- Find out which time of this class the bar of the current chart timeframe, corresponding to the loop index, belongs to
            //--- If there is no data in the terminal, move on
            //--- Error in obtaining existing data - return false
            this.m_success &=false;
            return false;
         //--- Using time of bar of current chart timeframe, find corresponding index of bar of class object's chart period
         int bar=::iBarShift(this.m_symbol,this.m_timeframe,array[0]);
            this.m_success &=false;
         //--- If this is historical data (not the first or zero bar) -
         //--- in the indicator buffer at the loop index, write the value obtained from the calculation part buffer
         //--- If this is the current (zero) or previous (first) bar
            //--- Get the time of bars 0 and 1 by symbol/timeframe of the class object
               this.m_success &=false;
               return false;
            //--- Using time, get indexes of current and previous bars on the chart whose symbol/period was passed to method
            int bar0=::iBarShift(symbol,timeframe,array[1]);
            int bar1=::iBarShift(symbol,timeframe,array[0]);
            if(bar0==WRONG_VALUE || bar1==WRONG_VALUE)
               this.m_success &=false;
               return false;
            //--- If the chart timeframe is lower than the timeframe of the class object,
               //--- in a loop from bar with smaller time to current chart bar, fill the buffer with data from the last 2 cells of the indicator buffer array
               for(int j=bar1;j>=0;j--)
                  plot_buffer[j]=this.GetData(buffer_num,array_num,(j>bar0 ? 1 : 0));
                  color_buffer[j]=this.GetColorData(buffer_num,(j>bar0 ? 1 : 0));
            //--- If the chart timeframe is higher than the timeframe of the class object,
               //--- Get the time of the current and previous bars by symbol/timeframe of the current chart
                  this.m_success &=false;
                  return false;
               //--- Using time, get indexes of bars in indicator's calculation part buffer, corresponding to time of current and previous bars on the chart
               int bar0=::iBarShift(this.m_symbol,this.m_timeframe,array[1]);
               int bar1=::iBarShift(this.m_symbol,this.m_timeframe,array[0]);
               //--- Write into indicator buffer, at indexes 1 and 0, values from corresponding indexes of calculation part buffer
//--- Set initial indexing of the buffer array passed to the method
//--- Successful
   return true;



//| Fills the passed plot array with data from the class buffer      |
bool CIndMSTF::DataToBuffer(const string symbol_to,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe_to,const uint buffer_num,const uint array_num,const int limit,double &buffer[])
//--- Set the success flag
//--- Get the indexing direction of the buffer array passed to the method and,
//--- if non-timeseries indexing, set timeseries indexing
   bool as_series=::ArrayGetAsSeries(buffer);
//--- Set the symbol name and timeframe value passed to the method
   string symbol=(symbol_to=="" || symbol_to==NULL ? ::Symbol() : symbol_to);
   ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe=(timeframe_to==PERIOD_CURRENT ? ::Period() : timeframe_to);
   datetime array[2];
//--- If this is the first launch or history changes, initialize the buffer array passed to the method
   if(limit>1 && this.m_limit>1)
      ::PrintFormat("%s::%s First start, or historical data has been changed. Initialize Buffer(%lu)",__FUNCTION__,this.Title(),buffer_num);
//--- Set the value of the loop counter (no more than the maximum number of bars in the terminal on the chart)
   int count=(limit<=1 ? 2 : ::fmin(::TerminalInfoInteger(TERMINAL_MAXBARS),limit));
//--- In a loop from the zero bar to the value of the loop counter
   for(int i=0;i<count;i++)
      //--- If the chart timeframe matches the class object timeframe, fill the buffer directly from the class object array
      if(timeframe==::Period() && this.m_timeframe==::Period())
      //--- Otherwise, if the chart timeframe is not equal to the timeframe of the class object
         //--- Find out which time of this class the bar of the current chart timeframe, corresponding to the loop index, belongs to
            //--- If there is no data in the terminal, move on
            //--- Error in obtaining existing data - return false
            this.m_success &=false;
            return false;
         //--- Using time of bar of current chart timeframe, find corresponding index of bar of class object's chart period
         int bar=::iBarShift(this.m_symbol,this.m_timeframe,array[0]);
            this.m_success &=false;
         //--- If this is historical data (not the first or zero bar) -
         //--- in the indicator buffer at the loop index, write the value obtained from the calculation part buffer
         //--- If this is the current (zero) or previous (first) bar
            //--- Get the time of bars 0 and 1 by symbol/timeframe of the class object
               this.m_success &=false;
               return false;
            //--- Using time, get indexes of current and previous bars on the chart whose symbol/period was passed to method
            int bar0=::iBarShift(symbol,timeframe,array[1]);
            int bar1=::iBarShift(symbol,timeframe,array[0]);
            if(bar0==WRONG_VALUE || bar1==WRONG_VALUE)
               this.m_success &=false;
               return false;
            //--- If the chart timeframe is lower than the timeframe of the class object,
               //--- in a loop from bar with smaller time to current chart bar, fill the buffer with data from the last 2 cells of the indicator buffer array
               for(int j=bar1;j>=0;j--)
                  buffer[j]=this.GetData(buffer_num,array_num,(j>bar0 ? 1 : 0));
            //--- If the chart timeframe is higher than the timeframe of the class object,
               //--- Get the time of the current and previous bars by symbol/timeframe of the current chart
                  this.m_success &=false;
                  return false;
               //--- Using time, get indexes of bars in indicator's calculation part buffer, corresponding to time of current and previous bars on the chart
               int bar0=::iBarShift(this.m_symbol,this.m_timeframe,array[1]);
               int bar1=::iBarShift(this.m_symbol,this.m_timeframe,array[0]);
               //--- Write into indicator buffer, at indexes 1 and 0, values from corresponding indexes of calculation part buffer
//--- Set initial indexing of the buffer array passed to the method
//--- Successful
   return true;

//| Return the data of the specified buffer as is                    |
double CIndMSTF::GetData(const uint buffer_num,const uint array_num,const int index) const
//--- Validate the buffer number passed to the method and, if the number is incorrect, print a message to log
      string buff_limit=(this.BuffersTotal()==1 ? "0" : "0 - "+string(this.BuffersTotal()-1));
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Invalid buffer number passed (%lu). Value must be %s",__FUNCTION__,buffer_num,buff_limit);
      //--- If the indicator has buffers, return "empty" value of the first one, otherwise EMPTY_VALUE
      return(this.BuffersTotal()>0 ? this.BufferInitValue(0) : EMPTY_VALUE);
//--- If an incorrect index is specified, return the "empty" value of the specified buffer
   if(index<0 || index>(int)this.DataTotal(buffer_num,array_num)-1)
      return this.BufferInitValue(buffer_num);
//--- Calculate the real index in the buffer array and return the value at this index
   int n=int(this.DataTotal(buffer_num,array_num)-1-index);
      case 0 : return this.m_buffers[buffer_num].array0[n];
      case 1 : return this.m_buffers[buffer_num].array1[n];
      case 2 : return this.m_buffers[buffer_num].array2[n];
      case 3 : return this.m_buffers[buffer_num].array3[n];
      case 4 : return this.m_buffers[buffer_num].color_indexes[n];
      default: break;
   return EMPTY_VALUE;
//| Returns data from specified buffer for specified symbol/timeframe |
double CIndMSTF::GetDataTo(const string symbol_to,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe_to,const uint buffer_num,const uint array_num,const int index) const
//--- If current symbol/period of the chart is specified
   if(timeframe_to==::Period() && this.m_timeframe==::Period() && symbol_to==::Symbol() && this.m_symbol==::Symbol())
      return this.GetData(buffer_num,array_num,index);
//--- Validate the buffer number passed to the method and, if the number is incorrect, print a message to log
      string buff_limit=(this.BuffersTotal()==1 ? "0" : "0 - "+string(this.BuffersTotal()-1));
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Invalid buffer number passed (%lu). Value must be %s",__FUNCTION__,buffer_num,buff_limit);
      //--- If the indicator has buffers, return "empty" value of the first one, otherwise EMPTY_VALUE
      return(this.BuffersTotal()>0 ? this.BufferInitValue(0) : EMPTY_VALUE);
//--- Find out which time of this class the current chart timeframe's bar, corresponding to the loop index, belongs to
   datetime array[];
      return this.BufferInitValue(buffer_num);
//--- Using time of bar of current chart timeframe, find corresponding bar index of bar this class chart period
   int bar=iBarShift(this.m_symbol,this.m_timeframe,array[0]);
//--- If the bar is not found, return the "empty" value set for the buffer
      return this.BufferInitValue(buffer_num);
//--- Return value from the indicator object buffer at the found index
   return this.GetData(buffer_num,array_num,bar);

//| Return the state of the indicator line as is                     |
ENUM_LINE_STATE CIndMSTF::BufferLineState(const uint buffer_num,const uint array_num,const int index) const
//--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1,2) relative to the passed index
   const double value0=this.GetData(buffer_num,array_num,index);
   const double value1=this.GetData(buffer_num,array_num,index+1);
   const double value2=this.GetData(buffer_num,array_num,index+2);
//--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
   if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE || value2==EMPTY_VALUE)
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Line upward reversal (value2>value1 && value0>value1)
   if(::NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,this.m_digits)>0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,this.m_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_TURN_UP;
//--- Line upward direction (value2<=value1 && value0>value1)
   else if(::NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,this.m_digits)<=0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,this.m_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_UP;
//--- Line upward stop (value2<=value1 && value0==value1)
   else if(::NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,this.m_digits)<=0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,this.m_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_STOP_UP;
//--- Line downward reversal (value2<value1 && value0<value1)
   if(::NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,this.m_digits)<0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,this.m_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN;
//--- Line downward direction (value2>=value1 && value0<value1)
   else if(::NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,this.m_digits)>=0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,this.m_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_DOWN;
//--- Line downward stop (value2>=value1 && value0==value1)
   else if(::NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,this.m_digits)>=0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,this.m_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN;
//--- Undefined state
   return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//| Return indicator line state for the specific symbol/period       |
ENUM_LINE_STATE CIndMSTF::BufferLineState(const string symbol_from,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframes_from,const uint buffer_num,const uint array_num,const int index) const
//--- Determine the chart symbol/period passed to the method
   string symbol=(symbol_from=="" || symbol_from==NULL ? ::Symbol() : symbol_from);
   ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe=(timeframes_from==PERIOD_CURRENT ? ::Period() : timeframes_from);
//--- If we get data from symbol/period equal to current chart, return state from the buffer "as is"
   if(symbol==::Symbol() && symbol==this.m_symbol && timeframe==::Period() && timeframe==this.m_timeframe)
      return this.BufferLineState(buffer_num,array_num,index);
//--- Declare variables to search for the required bars on the current chart
   datetime array[1];
   int      bar0=WRONG_VALUE;
   int      bar1=WRONG_VALUE;
   int      bar2=WRONG_VALUE;

//--- Get the time of the first bar on the chart
      ::PrintFormat("%s: CopyTime for %s/%s, bar %ld failed. Error %lu",__FUNCTION__,symbol,::StringSubstr(::EnumToString(timeframe),7),index,::GetLastError());
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Get index of the first bar in indicator object buffer based on bar opening time on the chart
      ::PrintFormat("%s: iBarShift for %s/%s, time %s failed. Error %lu",__FUNCTION__,this.m_symbol,this.TimeframeDescription(),string(array[0]),::GetLastError());
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Get the time of the second bar on the chart
      ::PrintFormat("%s: CopyTime for %s/%s, bar %ld failed. Error %lu",__FUNCTION__,symbol,::StringSubstr(::EnumToString(timeframe),7),index+1,::GetLastError());
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Get index of the second bar in indicator object buffer based on bar opening time on the chart
      ::PrintFormat("%s: iBarShift for %s/%s, time %s failed. Error %lu",__FUNCTION__,this.m_symbol,this.TimeframeDescription(),string(array[0]),::GetLastError());
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Get the time of the third bar on the chart
      ::PrintFormat("%s: CopyTime for %s/%s, bar %ld failed. Error %lu",__FUNCTION__,symbol,::StringSubstr(::EnumToString(timeframe),7),index+2,::GetLastError());
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Get index of the third bar in indicator object buffer based on bar opening time on the chart
      ::PrintFormat("%s: iBarShift for %s/%s, time %s failed. Error %lu",__FUNCTION__,this.m_symbol,this.TimeframeDescription(),string(array[0]),::GetLastError());
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1,2) relative to the passed index
   const double value0=this.GetData(buffer_num,array_num,bar0);
   const double value1=this.GetData(buffer_num,array_num,bar1);
   const double value2=this.GetData(buffer_num,array_num,bar2);
//--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
   if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE || value2==EMPTY_VALUE)
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Line upward reversal (value2>value1 && value0>value1)
   if(::NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,this.m_digits)>0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,this.m_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_TURN_UP;
//--- Line upward direction (value2<=value1 && value0>value1)
   else if(::NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,this.m_digits)<=0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,this.m_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_UP;
//--- Line upward stop (value2<=value1 && value0==value1)
   else if(::NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,this.m_digits)<=0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,this.m_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_STOP_UP;
//--- Line downward reversal (value2<value1 && value0<value1)
   if(::NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,this.m_digits)<0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,this.m_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN;
//--- Line downward direction (value2>=value1 && value0<value1)
   else if(::NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,this.m_digits)>=0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,this.m_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_DOWN;
//--- Line downward stop (value2>=value1 && value0==value1)
   else if(::NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,this.m_digits)>=0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,this.m_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN;
//--- Undefined state
   return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//| Return the state of the line relative to the specified level     |
ENUM_LINE_STATE CIndMSTF::BufferLineStateRelative(const int buffer_num,const uint array_num,const int index,const double level0,const double level1=EMPTY_VALUE)
//--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1) relative to the passed index
   const double value0=this.GetData(buffer_num,array_num,index);
   const double value1=this.GetData(buffer_num,array_num,index+1);
//--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
   if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE)
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Define the second level to compare
   double level=(level1==EMPTY_VALUE ? level0 : level1);
//--- The line is below the level (value1<level && value0<level0)
   if(::NormalizeDouble(value1-level,this.m_digits)<0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,this.m_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_BELOW;
//--- The line is above the level (value1>level && value0>level0)
   if(::NormalizeDouble(value1-level,this.m_digits)>0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,this.m_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_ABOVE;
//--- The line crossed the level upwards (value1<=level && value0>level0)
   if(::NormalizeDouble(value1-level,this.m_digits)<=0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,this.m_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP;
//--- The line crossed the level downwards (value1>=level && value0<level0)
   if(::NormalizeDouble(value1-level,this.m_digits)>=0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,this.m_digits)<0)
//--- The line touched the level from below (value1<level0 && value0==level0)
   if(::NormalizeDouble(value1-level,this.m_digits)<0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,this.m_digits)==0)
//--- The line touched the level from above (value1>level0 && value0==level0)
   if(::NormalizeDouble(value1-level,this.m_digits)>0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,this.m_digits)==0)
//--- Line is equal to the level value (value1==level0 && value0==level0)
   if(::NormalizeDouble(value1-level,this.m_digits)==0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,this.m_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_EQUALS;
//--- Undefined state
   return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//| Return the state of the line relative to the specified level     |
//| on the specified chart symbol/period                             |
ENUM_LINE_STATE CIndMSTF::BufferLineStateRelative(const string symbol_from,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframes_from,const int buffer_num,const uint array_num,const int index,const double level0,const double level1=EMPTY_VALUE)
//--- Determine the chart symbol/period passed to the method
   string symbol=(symbol_from=="" || symbol_from==NULL ? ::Symbol() : symbol_from);
   ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe=(timeframes_from==PERIOD_CURRENT ? ::Period() : timeframes_from);
//--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1) relative to the passed index
   const double value0=this.GetDataTo(symbol,timeframe,buffer_num,array_num,index);
   const double value1=this.GetDataTo(symbol,timeframe,buffer_num,array_num,index+1);
//--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
   if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE)
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Define the second level to compare
   double level=(level1==EMPTY_VALUE ? level0 : level1);
//--- The line is below the level (value1<level && value0<level0)
   if(::NormalizeDouble(value1-level,this.m_digits)<0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,this.m_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_BELOW;
//--- The line is above the level (value1>level && value0>level0)
   if(::NormalizeDouble(value1-level,this.m_digits)>0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,this.m_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_ABOVE;
//--- The line crossed the level upwards (value1<=level && value0>level0)
   if(::NormalizeDouble(value1-level,this.m_digits)<=0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,this.m_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP;
//--- The line crossed the level downwards (value1>=level && value0<level0)
   if(::NormalizeDouble(value1-level,this.m_digits)>=0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,this.m_digits)<0)
//--- The line touched the level from below (value1<level0 && value0==level0)
   if(::NormalizeDouble(value1-level,this.m_digits)<0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,this.m_digits)==0)
//--- The line touched the level from above (value1>level0 && value0==level0)
   if(::NormalizeDouble(value1-level,this.m_digits)>0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,this.m_digits)==0)
//--- Line is equal to the level value (value1==level0 && value0==level0)
   if(::NormalizeDouble(value1-level,this.m_digits)==0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,this.m_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_EQUALS;
//--- Undefined state
   return LINE_STATE_NONE;


//| Return data of the specified buffer of color indexes as is       |
double CIndMSTF::GetColorData(const uint buffer_num,const int index) const
//--- Validate the buffer number passed to method and, if number is incorrect, print a message to log and return 0
      string buff_limit=(this.BuffersTotal()==1 ? "0" : "0 - "+string(this.BuffersTotal()-1));
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Invalid buffer number passed (%lu). Value must be %s",__FUNCTION__,buffer_num,buff_limit);
      return 0;
//--- If this is not a color buffer, report this to the log and return 0
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Buffer %lu is not a color buffer",__FUNCTION__,buffer_num);
      return 0;
//--- If an incorrect index is specified, return "empty" value of the specified color buffer
   if(index<0 || index>(int)this.DataTotal(buffer_num,4)-1)
      return this.BufferInitColorIndex(buffer_num);
//--- Calculate the real index in the color buffer array and return the value at this index
   int n=int(this.DataTotal(buffer_num,4)-1-index);
   return this.m_buffers[buffer_num].color_indexes[n];
//| Return data of the specified color index buffer                  |
//| for the specified symbol/timeframe                               |
double CIndMSTF::GetColorDataTo(const string symbol_to,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe_to,const uint buffer_num,const int index) const
//--- If current symbol/period of the chart is specified
   if(timeframe_to==::Period() && this.m_timeframe==::Period() && symbol_to==::Symbol() && this.m_symbol==::Symbol())
      return this.GetColorData(buffer_num,index);
//--- Validate the buffer number passed to method and, if number is incorrect, print a message to log and return 0
      string buff_limit=(this.BuffersTotal()==1 ? "0" : "0 - "+string(this.BuffersTotal()-1));
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Invalid buffer number passed (%lu). Value must be %s",__FUNCTION__,buffer_num,buff_limit);
      return 0;
//--- If this is not a color buffer, report this to the log and return 0
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Buffer %lu is not a color buffer",__FUNCTION__,buffer_num);
      return 0;
//--- Find out which time of this class the current chart timeframe's bar, corresponding to the loop index, belongs to
   datetime array[];
      return this.BufferInitColorIndex(buffer_num);
//--- Using time of bar of current chart timeframe, find corresponding bar index of bar this class chart period
   int bar=iBarShift(this.m_symbol,this.m_timeframe,array[0]);
//--- If the bar is not found, return "empty" value set for the color buffer
      return this.BufferInitColorIndex(buffer_num);
//--- Return a value from the color buffer of the indicator object at the found index
   return this.GetColorData(buffer_num,bar);
//--- Calculate the real index in the color buffer array and return the value at this index
   int n=int(this.DataTotal(buffer_num,4)-1-bar);
   return this.m_buffers[buffer_num].color_indexes[n];


//| Disable timeseries indexing of buffer arrays                     |
void CIndMSTF::SetAsSeriesOff(void)
//--- In a loop through all indicator buffers, disable the array as timeseries flag
   for(int i=0;i<(int)this.BuffersTotal();i++)
//| Returns the timeseries flag of the given buffer                  |
bool CIndMSTF::IsSeries(const uint buffer_num,const uint array_num) const
//--- Validate the buffer number passed to the method and, if the number is incorrect, print a message to the log and return 'false'
      string buff_limit=(this.BuffersTotal()==1 ? "0" : "0 - "+string(this.BuffersTotal()-1));
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Invalid buffer number passed (%lu). Value must be %s",__FUNCTION__,buffer_num,buff_limit);
      return false;
//--- Return the timeseries flag of the array of the specified buffer
      case 0 : return (bool)::ArrayGetAsSeries(this.m_buffers[buffer_num].array0);
      case 1 : return (bool)::ArrayGetAsSeries(this.m_buffers[buffer_num].array1);
      case 2 : return (bool)::ArrayGetAsSeries(this.m_buffers[buffer_num].array2);
      case 3 : return (bool)::ArrayGetAsSeries(this.m_buffers[buffer_num].array3);
      case 4 : return (bool)::ArrayGetAsSeries(this.m_buffers[buffer_num].color_indexes);
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Returns the amount of data in the specified buffer               |
uint CIndMSTF::DataTotal(const uint buffer_num,const uint array_num) const
//--- Validate the buffer number passed to method and, if number is incorrect, print a message to log and return zero
      string buff_limit=(this.BuffersTotal()==1 ? "0" : "0 - "+string(this.BuffersTotal()-1));
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Invalid buffer number passed (%lu). Value must be %s",__FUNCTION__,buffer_num,buff_limit);
      return 0;
//--- Return the array size of the specified buffer
      case 0 : return this.m_buffers[buffer_num].array0.Size();
      case 1 : return this.m_buffers[buffer_num].array1.Size();
      case 2 : return this.m_buffers[buffer_num].array2.Size();
      case 3 : return this.m_buffers[buffer_num].array3.Size();
      case 4 : return this.m_buffers[buffer_num].color_indexes.Size();
      default: break;
   return 0;


//| Return the number of colors set for the buffer                   |
uint CIndMSTF::ColorsTotal(const uint buffer_num) const
//--- Validate the buffer number passed to method and, if number is incorrect, print a message to log and return zero
      string buff_limit=(this.BuffersTotal()==1 ? "0" : "0 - "+string(this.BuffersTotal()-1));
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Invalid buffer number passed (%lu). Value must be %s",__FUNCTION__,buffer_num,buff_limit);
      return 0;
//--- Return the size of the color array of the specified buffer
   return this.m_buffers[buffer_num].clrs.Size();


//| Accelerator Oscillator indicator class                           |
class CIndAC : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndAC(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe) : CIndMSTF(IND_AC,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=(current ? "" : StringFormat("(%s)",symbol_period));
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title and category
      this.SetDescription("Accelerator Oscillator");
      //--- Write description of line buffers
      //--- Set drawing style for buffer 0 and number of the calculation part data buffer
      //--- Set two default colors for the color buffer 0
      //--- Set the default initializing color index

对于颜色缓冲区,我们还设置了默认线条颜色 ,如相应的标准指标和初始化缓冲区的颜色索引


//| Accumulation/Distribution indicator class                        |
class CIndAD : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndAD(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
          const ENUM_APPLIED_VOLUME applied_volume // used volume
         ) : CIndMSTF(IND_AD,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=(current ? "" : StringFormat("(%s)",symbol_period));
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      //--- Write description of line buffers
      //--- Set drawing style for buffer 0 and the data buffer number of the calculation part
      //--- Set the default color for buffer 0
//| Average Directional Movement Index indicator class               |
class CIndADX : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndADX(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
           const int adx_period                    // averaging period
          ) : CIndMSTF(IND_ADX,3,symbol,timeframe)
      // Buffer numbers: 0 - MAIN_LINE, 1 - PLUSDI_LINE, 2 - MINUSDI_LINE
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(adx_period<1 ? 14 : adx_period);
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),adx_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      this.SetDescription("Average Directional Movement Index");
      //--- write descriptions of MAIN_LINE, PLUSDI_LINE and MINUSDI_LINE line buffers
      //--- Set drawing style for buffers 0, 1, 2 and the numbers of calculation part data buffers
      //--- Set default colors for buffers 0, 1 and 2
//| Average Directional Movement Index Wilder indicator class        |
class CIndADXW : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndADXW(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
            const int adx_period                      // averaging period
           ) : CIndMSTF(IND_ADXW,3,symbol,timeframe)
      // Buffer numbers: 0 - MAIN_LINE, 1 - PLUSDI_LINE, 2 - MINUSDI_LINE
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(adx_period<1 ? 14 : adx_period);
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),adx_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      this.SetName("ADX Wilder");
      this.SetDescription("Average Directional Movement Index Wilder");
      //--- write descriptions of MAIN_LINE, PLUSDI_LINE and MINUSDI_LINE line buffers
      //--- Set drawing style for buffers 0, 1, 2 and the numbers of calculation part data buffers
      //--- Set default colors for buffers 0, 1 and 2
//| Alligator indicator class                                        |
class CIndAlligator : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndAlligator(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
                 const int jaw_period,                   // period for calculating jaws
                 const int jaw_shift,                    // horizontal shift of jaws
                 const int teeth_period,                 // period for calculating teeth
                 const int teeth_shift,                  // horizontal shift of teeth
                 const int lips_period,                  // period for calculating lips
                 const int lips_shift,                   // horizontal shift of lips
                 const ENUM_MA_METHOD ma_method,         // smoothing type
                 const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price  // price type or handle
                ) : CIndMSTF(IND_ALLIGATOR,3,symbol,timeframe)
      // Buffer indexes: 0 - GATORJAW_LINE, 1 - GATORTEETH_LINE, 2 - GATORLIPS_LINE
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- period for jaw line calculation
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(jaw_period<1 ? 13 : jaw_period);
         //--- horizontal shift of the jaw line
         //--- period for teeth line calculation
         this.m_param[2].integer_value=(teeth_period<1 ? 8 : teeth_period);
         //--- horizontal shift of teeth line
         //--- period for lip line calculation
         this.m_param[4].integer_value=(lips_period<1 ? 5 : lips_period);
         //--- horizontal shift of lips line
         //--- smoothing type
         //--- price type or handle
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu,%lu,%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),jaw_period,teeth_period,lips_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title and category
      //--- Write descriptions of GATORJAW_LINE, GATORTEETH_LINE and GATORLIPS_LINE line buffers
      this.SetBufferDescription(GATORJAW_LINE,::StringFormat("Jaws(%s%lu)", (current ? "" : symbol_period+":"),jaw_period));
      this.SetBufferDescription(GATORTEETH_LINE,::StringFormat("Teeth(%s%lu)",(current ? "" : symbol_period+":"),teeth_period));
      this.SetBufferDescription(GATORLIPS_LINE,::StringFormat("Lips(%s%lu)", (current ? "" : symbol_period+":"),lips_period));
      //--- Write offsets to buffers GATORJAW_LINE, GATORTEETH_LINE and GATORLIPS_LINE
      //--- Set drawing style for buffers 0, 1, 2 and the numbers of calculation part data buffers
      //--- Set default colors for buffers 0, 1 and 2
//| Adaptive Moving Average indicator class                          |
class CIndAMA : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndAMA(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
           const int ama_period,                   // AMA period
           const int fast_ma_period,               // fast MA period
           const int slow_ma_period,               // slow MA period
           const int ama_shift,                    // horizontal shift of the indicator
           const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price  // price type or handle
          ) : CIndMSTF(IND_AMA,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- AMA period
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(ama_period<1 ? 9 : ama_period);
         //--- fast MA period
         this.m_param[1].integer_value=(fast_ma_period<1 ? 2 : fast_ma_period);
         //--- slow MA period
         this.m_param[2].integer_value=(slow_ma_period<1 ? 30 : slow_ma_period);
         //--- horizontal shift of the indicator
         //--- price type or handle
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu,%lu,%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),ama_period,fast_ma_period,slow_ma_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      this.SetDescription("Adaptive Moving Average");
      //--- Write description of line buffers
      //--- Write shift to buffer 0
      //--- Set drawing style for buffer 0 and the data buffer number of the calculation part
      //--- Set the default color for buffer 0
//| Awesome Oscillator indicator class                               |
class CIndAO : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndAO(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe) : CIndMSTF(IND_AO,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=(current ? "" : StringFormat("(%s)",symbol_period));
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      this.SetDescription("Awesome Oscillator");
      //--- Write description of line buffers
      //--- Set drawing style for buffer 0 and the data buffer number of the calculation part
      //--- Set two default colors for the color buffer 0
      //--- Set the default initializing color index
//| Average True Range indicator class                               |
class CIndATR : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndATR(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
           const int ma_period                     // averaging period
          ) : CIndMSTF(IND_ATR,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(ma_period<1 ? 14 : ma_period);
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),ma_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title and category
      this.SetDescription("Average True Range");
      //--- Write description of line buffers
      //--- Set drawing style for buffer 0 and the data buffer number of the calculation part
      //--- Set the default color for buffer 0
//| Bears Power indicator class                                      |
class CIndBears : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndBears(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
             const int ma_period                      // averaging period
            ) : CIndMSTF(IND_BEARS,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(ma_period<1 ? 13 : ma_period);
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),ma_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      this.SetDescription("Bears Power");
      //--- Write description of line buffers
      //--- Set drawing style for buffer 0 and the data buffer number of the calculation part
      //--- Set the default color for buffer 0
//| Bulls Power indicator class                                      |
class CIndBulls : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndBulls(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
             const int ma_period                      // averaging period
            ) : CIndMSTF(IND_BULLS,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(ma_period<1 ? 13 : ma_period);
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),ma_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      this.SetDescription("Bulls Power");
      //--- Write description of line buffers
      //--- Set drawing style for buffer 0 and the data buffer number of the calculation part
      //--- Set the default color for buffer 0
//| Bollinger Bands® indicator class                                 |
class CIndBands : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndBands(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
             const int bands_period,                  // central line calculation period
             const int bands_shift,                   // horizontal shift of the indicator
             const double deviation,                  // number of standard deviations
             const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price   // price type or handle
            ) : CIndMSTF(IND_BANDS,3,symbol,timeframe)
      // Buffer indexes: 0 - BASE_LINE, 1 - UPPER_BAND, 2 - LOWER_BAND
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- central line calculation period
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(bands_period<1 ? 20 : bands_period);
         //--- horizontal shift of the indicator
         //--- number of standard deviations
         //--- price type or handle
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),bands_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      this.SetDescription("Bollinger Bands");
      //--- Description of line buffers BASE_LINE, UPPER_BAND and LOWER_BAND
      this.SetBufferDescription(BASE_LINE,this.m_title+" Middle");
      this.SetBufferDescription(UPPER_BAND,this.m_title+" Upper");
      this.SetBufferDescription(LOWER_BAND,this.m_title+" Lower");
      //--- Write offsets to the BASE_LINE, UPPER_BAND and LOWER_BAND buffers
      //--- Set drawing style for buffers 0, 1, 2 and the numbers of calculation part data buffers
      //--- Set default colors for buffers 0, 1 and 2
//| Commodity Channel Index indicator class                          |
class CIndCCI : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndCCI(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
           const int ma_period,                    // averaging period
           const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price  // price type or handle
          ) : CIndMSTF(IND_CCI,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- averaging period
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(ma_period<1 ? 14 : ma_period<2 ? 2 : ma_period);
         //--- price type or handle
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),ma_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      this.SetDescription("Commodity Channel Index");
      //--- Write description of line buffers
      //--- Set drawing style for buffer 0 and the data buffer number of the calculation part
      //--- Set the default color for buffer 0
//| Chaikin Oscillator indicator class                               |
class CIndCHO : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndCHO(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
           const int fast_ma_period,                  // fast period
           const int slow_ma_period,                  // slow period
           const ENUM_MA_METHOD ma_method,            // smoothing type
           const ENUM_APPLIED_VOLUME applied_volume   // used volume
          ) : CIndMSTF(IND_CHAIKIN,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- fast period
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(fast_ma_period<1 ? 3 : fast_ma_period);
         //--- slow period
         this.m_param[1].integer_value=(slow_ma_period<1 ? 10 : slow_ma_period);
         //--- smoothing type
         //--- used volume
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu,%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),slow_ma_period,fast_ma_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      this.SetDescription("Chaikin Oscillator");
      //--- Write description of line buffers
      //--- Set drawing style for buffer 0 and the data buffer number of the calculation part
      //--- Set the default color for buffer 0
//| Double Exponential Moving Average indicator class                |
class CIndDEMA : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndDEMA(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
            const int ma_period,                      // averaging period
            const int ma_shift,                       // horizontal indicator shift
            const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price    // price type or handle
          ) : CIndMSTF(IND_DEMA,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- averaging period
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(ma_period<1 ? 14 : ma_period);
         //--- horizontal shift of the indicator
         //--- price type or handle
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),ma_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      this.SetDescription("Double Exponential Moving Average");
      //--- Write description of line buffers
      //--- Write shift to buffer 0
      //--- Set drawing style for buffer 0 and the data buffer number of the calculation part
      //--- Set the default color for buffer 0
//| DeMarker indicator class                                         |
class CIndDeM : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndDeM(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
           const int ma_period                     // averaging period
          ) : CIndMSTF(IND_DEMARKER,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- averaging period
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(ma_period<1 ? 14 : ma_period);
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),ma_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      //--- Write description of line buffers
      //--- Set drawing style for buffer 0 and the data buffer number of the calculation part
      //--- Set the default color for buffer 0
//| Envelopes indicator class                                        |
class CIndEnvelopes : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndEnvelopes(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
                 const int ma_period,                    // middle line calculation period
                 const int ma_shift,                     // horizontal shift of the indicator
                 const ENUM_MA_METHOD ma_method,         // smoothing type
                 const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price, // price type or handle
                 const double deviation                  // deviation of envelope borders from the middle line
          ) : CIndMSTF(IND_ENVELOPES,2,symbol,timeframe)
      // Buffer indexes: 0 - UPPER_LINE, 1 - LOWER_LINE
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- central line calculation period
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(ma_period<1 ? 14 : ma_period);
         //--- horizontal shift of the indicator
         //--- smoothing type
         //--- price type or handle
         //--- deviation of envelope borders from the muddle line
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),ma_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      //--- Description of UPPER_LINE and LOWER_LINE line buffers
      this.SetBufferDescription(UPPER_LINE,this.m_title+" Upper");
      this.SetBufferDescription(LOWER_LINE,this.m_title+" Lower");
      //--- Write shift to buffers
      //--- Set drawing style for buffers 0 and 1 and the numbers of calculation part data buffers
      //--- Set default colors for buffers 0 and 1
//| Force Index indicator class                                      |
class CIndForce : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndForce(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
             const int                 ma_period,     // averaging period
             const ENUM_MA_METHOD      ma_method,     // smoothing type
             const ENUM_APPLIED_VOLUME applied_volume // volume type for calculation
            ) : CIndMSTF(IND_FORCE,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- averaging period
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(ma_period<1 ? 13 : ma_period);
         //--- smoothing type
         //--- volume type for calculation
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),ma_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      this.SetDescription("Force Index");
      //--- Write description of line buffers
      //--- Set drawing style for buffer 0 and the data buffer number of the calculation part
      //--- Set the default color for buffer 0
//| Fractals indicator class                                         |
class CIndFractals : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndFractals(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe) : CIndMSTF(IND_FRACTALS,2,symbol,timeframe)
      // Buffer indexes: 0 - UPPER_LINE, 1 - LOWER_LINE
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=(current ? "" : StringFormat("(%s)",symbol_period));
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title and category
      //--- Description of UPPER_LINE and LOWER_LINE line buffers
      this.SetBufferDescription(UPPER_LINE,this.m_title+" Up");
      this.SetBufferDescription(LOWER_LINE,this.m_title+" Down");
      //--- Set drawing style for buffers 0 and 1 and the numbers of calculation part data buffers
      //--- Set default colors for buffers 0 and 1
//| Fractal Adaptive Moving Average indicator class                  |
class CIndFrAMA : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndFrAMA(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
             const int ma_period,                     // averaging period
             const int ma_shift,                      // horizontal shift of the indicator
             const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price   // price type or handle
            ) : CIndMSTF(IND_FRAMA,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- averaging period
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(ma_period<1 ? 14 : ma_period);
         //--- horizontal shift of the indicator
         //--- price type or handle
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),ma_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      this.SetDescription("Fractal Adaptive Moving Average");
      //--- Write description of line buffers
      //--- Write shift to buffer 0
      //--- Set drawing style for buffer 0 and the data buffer number of the calculation part
      //--- Set the default color for buffer 0
//| Gator Oscillator indicator class                                 |
class CIndGator : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndGator(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
             const int jaw_period,                    // period for jaw line calculation
             const int jaw_shift,                     // horizontal shift of jaw line
             const int teeth_period,                  // period for calculating teeth line
             const int teeth_shift,                   // horizontal shift of teeth line
             const int lips_period,                   // period for calculating lip line
             const int lips_shift,                    // horizontal shift of lip line
             const ENUM_MA_METHOD ma_method,          // smoothing type
             const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price   // price type or handle
            ) : CIndMSTF(IND_GATOR,2,symbol,timeframe)
      // Buffer indexes: 0 - UPPER_HISTOGRAM, 1 - color buffer of the upper histogram, 2 - LOWER_HISTOGRAM, 3 - color buffer of the lower histogram
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- period for jaw line calculation
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(jaw_period<1 ? 13 : jaw_period);
         //--- horizontal shift of the jaw line
         //--- period for teeth line calculation
         this.m_param[2].integer_value=(teeth_period<1 ? 8 : teeth_period);
         //--- horizontal shift of teeth line
         //--- period for lip line calculation
         this.m_param[4].integer_value=(lips_period<1 ? 5 : lips_period);
         //--- horizontal shift of lips line
         //--- smoothing type
         //--- price type or handle
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu,%lu,%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),jaw_period,teeth_period,lips_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      this.SetDescription("Gator Oscillator");
      //--- Description of line buffers UPPER_HISTOGRAM, upper histogram color buffer, LOWER_HISTOGRAM and lower histogram color buffer
      this.SetBufferDescription(0,this.m_title+" Up");
      this.SetBufferDescription(1,this.m_title+" Down");
      //--- Write shift to buffers UPPER_HISTOGRAM, 1, LOWER_HISTOGRAM and 2
      //--- Set drawing style for buffers 0 and 1 and the numbers of calculation part data buffers

      //--- Set default colors for color buffers
      //--- Set the default initializing color index
//| Ichimoku Kinko Hyo indicator class                               |
class CIndIchimoku : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndIchimoku(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
                const int tenkan_sen,                    // period of Tenkan-sen
                const int kijun_sen,                     // period of Kijun-sen
                const int senkou_span_b                  // period of Senkou Span B
               ) : CIndMSTF(IND_ICHIMOKU,5,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- period of Tenkan-sen
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(tenkan_sen<1 ? 9 : tenkan_sen);
         //--- period of Kijun-sen
         this.m_param[1].integer_value=(kijun_sen<1 ? 26 : kijun_sen);
         //--- period of Senkou Span B
         this.m_param[2].integer_value=(senkou_span_b<1 ? 52 : senkou_span_b);
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu,%lu,%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),tenkan_sen,kijun_sen,senkou_span_b);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      this.SetDescription("Ichimoku Kinko Hyo");
      this.SetBufferDescription(SENKOUSPANA_LINE,"Senkou Span A");
      this.SetBufferDescription(SENKOUSPANB_LINE,::StringFormat("Senkou Span B(%lu)",senkou_span_b));
      this.SetBufferDescription(CHIKOUSPAN_LINE,"Chikou Span");
      //--- Write shifts to buffers SENKOUSPANA_LINE, SENKOUSPANB_LINE and CHIKOUSPAN_LINE
//| Market Facilitation Index indicator class                        |
class CIndBWMFI : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndBWMFI(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
             const ENUM_APPLIED_VOLUME applied_volume // volume type for calculation
            ) : CIndMSTF(IND_BWMFI,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- volume type for calculation
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=(current ? "" : StringFormat("(%s)",symbol_period));
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title and category
      this.SetName("BW MFI");
      this.SetDescription("Market Facilitation Index");
      //--- Write description of line buffers
      //--- Set drawing style for buffer 0 and the data buffer number of the calculation part
      //--- Set four default colors for the color buffer 0
      //--- Set the default initializing color index
//| Momentum indicator class                                         |
class CIndMomentum : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndMomentum(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
                const int                 mom_period,    // averaging period
                const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE  applied_price  // price type or handle
               ) : CIndMSTF(IND_MOMENTUM,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- averaging period
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(mom_period<1 ? 14 : mom_period);
         //--- price type or handle
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),mom_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      //--- Write description of line buffers
      //--- Set drawing style for buffer 0 and the data buffer number of the calculation part
      //--- Set the default color for buffer 0
//| Money Flow Index indicator class                                 |
class CIndMFI : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndMFI(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
           const int                 ma_period,       // averaging period
           const ENUM_APPLIED_VOLUME applied_volume   // volume type for calculation
          ) : CIndMSTF(IND_MFI,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- averaging period
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(ma_period<1 ? 14 : ma_period);
         //--- volume type for calculation
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),ma_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title and category
      this.SetDescription("Money Flow Index");
      //--- Write description of line buffers
      //--- Set drawing style for buffer 0 and the data buffer number of the calculation part
      //--- Set the default color for buffer 0
//| Moving Average indicator class                                   |
class CIndMA : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndMA(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
          const int                 ma_period,     // averaging period
          const int                 ma_shift,      // horizontal shift of the indicator
          const ENUM_MA_METHOD      ma_method,     // smoothing type
          const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE  applied_price  // price type or handle
         ) : CIndMSTF(IND_MA,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- averaging period
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(ma_period<1 ? 10 : ma_period);
         //--- horizontal shift of the indicator
         //--- smoothing type
         //--- price type or handle
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),ma_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      this.SetDescription("Moving Average");
      //--- Write description of line buffers
      //--- Write shift to buffer 0
      //--- Set drawing style for buffer 0 and the data buffer number of the calculation part
      //--- Set the default color for buffer 0
//| Moving Average of Oscillator indicator class                     |
class CIndOsMA : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndOsMA(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
            const int                fast_ema_period, // fast MA period
            const int                slow_ema_period, // slow MA period
            const int                signal_period,   // difference averaging period
            const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price    // price type or handle
           ) : CIndMSTF(IND_OSMA,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- fast MA period
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(fast_ema_period<1 ? 12 : fast_ema_period);
         //--- slow MA period
         this.m_param[1].integer_value=(slow_ema_period<1 ? 26 : slow_ema_period);
         //--- difference averaging period
         this.m_param[2].integer_value=(signal_period<1 ? 9 : signal_period<2 ? 2 : signal_period);
         //--- price type or handle
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu,%lu,%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),fast_ema_period,slow_ema_period,signal_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      this.SetDescription("Moving Average of Oscillator");
      //--- Write description of line buffers
      //--- Set drawing style for buffer 0 and the data buffer number of the calculation part
      //--- Set the default color for buffer 0
//| Moving Averages Convergence/Divergence indicator class           |
class CIndMACD : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndMACD(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
            const int                fast_ema_period, // fast MA period
            const int                slow_ema_period, // slow MA period
            const int                signal_period,   // difference averaging period
            const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price    // price type or handle
           ) : CIndMSTF(IND_MACD,2,symbol,timeframe)
      // Buffer indexes: 0 - MAIN_LINE, 1 - SIGNAL_LINE
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- fast MA period
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(fast_ema_period<1 ? 12 : fast_ema_period);
         //--- slow MA period
         this.m_param[1].integer_value=(slow_ema_period<1 ? 26 : slow_ema_period);
         //--- difference averaging period
         this.m_param[2].integer_value=(signal_period<1 ? 9 : signal_period);
         //--- price type or handle
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu,%lu,%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),fast_ema_period,slow_ema_period,signal_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      this.SetDescription("Moving Averages Convergence/Divergence");
      //--- Description of MAIN_LINE and SIGNAL_LINE line buffers
      //--- Set drawing style for buffers 0 and 1 and the numbers of calculation part data buffers
      //--- Set default colors for buffers 0 and 1
//| On Balance Volume indicator class                                |
class CIndOBV : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndOBV(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
           const ENUM_APPLIED_VOLUME applied_volume   // volume type for calculation
          ) : CIndMSTF(IND_OBV,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- volume type for calculation
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=(current ? "" : StringFormat("(%s)",symbol_period));
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      this.SetDescription("On Balance Volume");
      //--- Write description of line buffers
      //--- Set drawing style for buffer 0 and the data buffer number of the calculation part
      //--- Set the default color for buffer 0
//| Parabolic Stop and Reverse system indicator class                |
class CIndSAR : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndSAR(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
           const double step,                      // price change step — acceleration factor
           const double maximum                    // maximum step
          ) : CIndMSTF(IND_SAR,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- price change step — acceleration factor
         //--- maximum step
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%.2f,%.2f)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),step,maximum);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title and category
      this.SetDescription("Parabolic SAR");
      //--- Write description of line buffers
      //--- Set drawing style for buffer 0 and the data buffer number of the calculation part
      //--- Set the default color for buffer 0
//| Relative Strength Index indicator class                          |
class CIndRSI : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndRSI(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
           const int                ma_period,     // averaging period
           const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price  // price type or handle
          ) : CIndMSTF(IND_RSI,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- averaging period
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(ma_period<1 ? 14 : ma_period<2 ? 2 : ma_period);
         //--- price type or handle
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),ma_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      this.SetDescription("Relative Strength Index");
      //--- Write description of line buffers
      //--- Set drawing style for buffer 0 and the data buffer number of the calculation part
      //--- Set the default color for buffer 0
//| Relative Vigor Index indicator class                             |
class CIndRVI : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndRVI(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
           const int ma_period                     // averaging period
          ) : CIndMSTF(IND_RVI,2,symbol,timeframe)
      // Buffer indexes: 0 - MAIN_LINE, 1 - SIGNAL_LINE
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- averaging period
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(ma_period<1 ? 10 : ma_period);
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),ma_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      this.SetDescription("Relative Vigor Index");
      //--- Description of MAIN_LINE and SIGNAL_LINE line buffers
      //--- Set drawing style for buffers 0 and 1 and the numbers of calculation part data buffers
      //--- Set default colors for buffers 0 and 1
//| Standard Deviation indicator class                               |
class CIndStdDev : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndStdDev(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
              const int                ma_period,        // averaging period
              const int                ma_shift,         // horizontal shift of the indicator
              const ENUM_MA_METHOD     ma_method,        // smoothing type
              const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price     // price type or handle
             ) : CIndMSTF(IND_STDDEV,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- averaging period
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(ma_period<1 ? 20 : ma_period<2 ? 2 : ma_period);
         //--- horizontal shift of the indicator
         //--- smoothing type
         //--- price type or handle
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),ma_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      this.SetDescription("Standard Deviation");
      //--- Write description of line buffers
      //--- Write shift to buffer 0
      //--- Set drawing style for buffer 0 and the data buffer number of the calculation part
      //--- Set the default color for buffer 0
//| Stochastic Oscillator indicator class                            |
class CIndStoch : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndStoch(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
             const int              Kperiod,          // K-period (number of bars for calculations)
             const int              Dperiod,          // D-period (primary smoothing period)
             const int              slowing,          // final smoothing
             const ENUM_MA_METHOD   ma_method,        // smoothing type
             const ENUM_STO_PRICE   price_field       // Stochastic calculation method
            ) : CIndMSTF(IND_STOCHASTIC,2,symbol,timeframe)
      // Buffer indexes: 0 - MAIN_LINE, 1 - SIGNAL_LINE
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- K period (number of bars for calculation)
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(Kperiod<1 ? 5 : Kperiod);
         //--- D period (primary smoothing period)
         this.m_param[1].integer_value=(Dperiod<1 ? 3 : Dperiod);
         //--- final smoothing
         this.m_param[2].integer_value=(slowing<1 ? 3 : slowing);
         //--- smoothing type
         //--- Stochastic calculation method
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu,%lu,%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),Kperiod,Dperiod,slowing);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      this.SetDescription("Stochastic Oscillator");
      //--- Description of MAIN_LINE and SIGNAL_LINE line buffers
      //--- Set drawing style for buffers 0 and 1 and the numbers of calculation part data buffers
      //--- Set default colors for buffers 0 and 1
//| Triple Exponential Moving Average indicator class                |
class CIndTEMA : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndTEMA(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
            const int                  ma_period,     // averaging period
            const int                  ma_shift,      // horizontal shift of the indicator
            const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   applied_price  // price type or handle
           ) : CIndMSTF(IND_TEMA,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- averaging period
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(ma_period<1 ? 14 : ma_period);
         //--- horizontal shift of the indicator
         //--- price type or handle
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),ma_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      this.SetDescription("Triple Exponential Moving Average");
      //--- Write description of line buffers
      //--- Write shift to buffer 0
      //--- Set drawing style for buffer 0 and the data buffer number of the calculation part
      //--- Set the default color for buffer 0
//| Triple Exponential Moving Averages Oscillator indicator class    |
class CIndTriX : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndTriX(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
            const int                ma_period,       // averaging period
            const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price    // price type or handle
           ) : CIndMSTF(IND_TRIX,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- averaging period
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(ma_period<1 ? 14 : ma_period<2 ? 2 : ma_period);
         //--- price type or handle
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),ma_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title and category
      this.SetDescription("Triple Exponential Average");
      //--- Write description of line buffers
      //--- Set drawing style for buffer 0 and the data buffer number of the calculation part
      //--- Set the default color for buffer 0
//| Larry Williams' Percent Range indicator class                    |
class CIndWPR : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndWPR(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
           const int calc_period                   // averaging period
          ) : CIndMSTF(IND_WPR,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- averaging period
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(calc_period<1 ? 14 : calc_period);
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),calc_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      this.SetDescription("Williams' Percent Range");
      //--- Write description of line buffers
      //--- Set drawing style for buffer 0 and the data buffer number of the calculation part
      //--- Set the default color for buffer 0
//| Variable Index Dynamic Average indicator class                   |
class CIndVIDyA : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndVIDyA(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
             const int                 cmo_period,    // the Chande Momentum period
             const int                 ema_period,    // period of the smoothing factor
             const int                 ma_shift,      // horizontal shift of the indicator
             const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE  applied_price  // price type or handle
            ) : CIndMSTF(IND_VIDYA,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- Chande Momentum period
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(cmo_period<1 ? 9 : cmo_period);
         //--- smoothing factor period
         this.m_param[1].integer_value=(ema_period<1 ? 12 : ema_period);
         //--- horizontal shift of the indicator
         //--- price type or handle
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu,%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),cmo_period,ema_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      this.SetDescription("Variable Index Dynamic Average");
      //--- Write description of line buffers
      //--- Write shift to buffer 0
      //--- Set drawing style for buffer 0 and the data buffer number of the calculation part
      //--- Set the default color for buffer 0
//| Volumes indicator class                                          |
class CIndVolumes : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndVolumes(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
               const ENUM_APPLIED_VOLUME applied_volume  // volume type
              ) : CIndMSTF(IND_VOLUMES,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- volume type
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=(current ? "" : StringFormat("(%s)",symbol_period));
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      //--- Write description of line buffers
      //--- Set drawing style for buffer 0 and the data buffer number of the calculation part
      //--- Set two default colors for the color buffer 0
      //--- Set the default initializing color index
//| Custom indicator class                                           |
class CIndCustom : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndCustom(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
              const string path,                      // path to the indicator (for example, "Examples\\MACD.ex5")
              const string name,                      // name of the custom indicator
              const uint   buffers,                   // number of indicator buffers
              const MqlParam &param[]                 // array of custom indicator parameters
             ) : CIndMSTF(IND_CUSTOM,buffers,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- If an empty array of parameters is passed, print this to log
      int total=(int)param.Size();
         ::PrintFormat("%s Error. Passed an empty array",__FUNCTION__);
      //--- If the array is not empty and its size is increased by 1 (the first string parameter must contain the indicator name)
      if(total>0 && ::ArrayResize(this.m_param,total+1)==total+1)
         //--- Reset data in the array and enter name (path to file and name of .ex5 file)
         //--- name of the custom indicator
         //--- fill the array of indicator parameters
         for(int i=0;i<total;i++)
         //--- Create description of parameters
         //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
         bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
         string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
         string param=(current ? "" : StringFormat("(%s)",symbol_period));
         //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title and category
         //--- Write a description of the first line buffer

根据缓冲区设置的绘制风格,我们可以判断缓冲区是否是彩色的,并据此使用对应的方法来绘制缓冲区。由于我们指定了计算部分的缓冲区索引并将其写入指标类缓冲区,因此可以轻松确定应该从计算部分的哪个缓冲区复制数据。此外,如果这是一个颜色缓冲区,那么请记住,颜色缓冲区始终位于计算部分的数据缓冲区之后,我们可以准确地知道应该从哪个缓冲区接收线条颜色数据 - 只需将计算部分缓冲区的索引加 1,我们就可以获得所需的索引颜色。所有这些数据都已写入指标类缓冲区,非常方便。


//| Indicator collection class                                       |
#include <Arrays\ArrayObj.mqh>
class CMSTFIndicators
   CArrayObj         m_list;
//--- Creates an indicator for the passed object
   bool              CreateIndicator(CIndMSTF *ind_obj);
//--- Adds the specified indicator to the collection
   int               AddNewIndicator(CIndMSTF *ind_obj,const string source);

//--- Returns (1) indicator object by handle, (2) number of indicators in the collection
   CIndMSTF         *GetIndicatorObj(const int ind_handle,const string source) const;
   uint              IndicatorsTotal(void)                  const { return this.m_list.Total(); }

//--- Populates buffers of (1) the indicator by handle, (2) all indicators in the collection
   bool              Calculate(const int ind_handle);
   bool              Calculate(void);
//--- Sets (1) the specified, (2) default description, (3) color of the indicator buffer line
   void              SetPlotLabel(const uint plot_index,const string descript);
   void              SetPlotLabelFromBuffer(const uint plot_index,const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num);
   void              SetPlotColorsFromBuffer(const uint plot_index,const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num);
//--- Sets the shift to the specified plotting buffer
   void              SetPlotShift(const uint plot_index,const int shift);
//--- (1) Sets (2) returns the initializing value of the given buffer specified by the indicator handle
   void              SetBufferInitValue(const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num,const double value);
   double            BufferInitValue(const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num) const;

//--- (1) Sets (2) returns the initializing value of the color index for the specified buffer
   void              SetBufferInitColorIndex(const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num,const uchar index);
   uchar             BufferInitColorIndex(const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num) const;
//--- (1) Sets, (2) returns the color value by index for the specified buffer
   void              SetBufferColorToIndex(const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num,const uchar color_idx,const color clr);
   color             BufferColorByIndex(const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num,const uchar color_idx) const;
   //--- Returns the color buffer flag
   bool              IsColoredBuffer(const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num) const;

//--- Returns indicator data by handle from the specified buffer at index (1) as is, (2) for the specified symbol/timeframe
   double            GetData(const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num,const uint array_num,const uint index);
   double            GetDataTo(const string symbol_to,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe_to,const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num,const uint array_num,const uint index);
//--- Returns indicator color index data by handle from the specified buffer at index (1) as is, (2) for the specified symbol/timeframe
   double            GetColorData(const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num,const uint index);
   double            GetColorDataTo(const string symbol_to,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe_to,const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num,const uint index);

//--- (1) Copies data of the specified calculation part buffer of the indicator by handle into the indicator buffer, taking into account chart symbol/period,
//--- (2) Copies the data of the specified color buffer of the indicator calculation part by handle into the color buffer of the indicator, taking into account the chart symbol/period,
//--- (2) returns the amount of data in the specified buffer of the indicator by handle
   bool              DataToBuffer(const string symbol_to,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe_to,const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num,const uint array_num,const int limit,double &buffer[]);
   bool              DataToColorBuffer(const string symbol_to,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe_to,const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num,const uint array_num,const int limit,double &plot_buffer[],double &color_buffer[]);
   uint              DataTotal(const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num) const;

   //--- Returns (1) buffer description, (2) state of the line data of given buffer of indicator specified by handle on the specified bar
   //--- (3) indicator line state for the specific chart symbol/period, (4) indicator line state relation to the specified level,
   //--- (5)  state of relation of indicator line with specified level for certain chart symbol/period, (6) indicator category description
   string            BufferDescription(const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE   BufferLineState(const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num,const uint array_num,const int index);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE   BufferLineState(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num,const uint array_num,const int index);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE   BufferLineStateRelative(const int ind_handle,const int buffer_num,const uint array_num,const int index,const double level0,const double level1=EMPTY_VALUE);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE   BufferLineStateRelative(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const int ind_handle,const int buffer_num,const uint array_num,const int index,const double level0,const double level1=EMPTY_VALUE);
   string            CategoryDescription(const int ind_handle);
//--- Sets (1) identifier, (2) Digits, (3) user description, (4) buffer description
   void              SetID(const int ind_handle,const int id);
   void              SetDigits(const int ind_handle,const int digits);
   void              SetDescription(const int ind_handle,const string descr);
   void              SetBufferDescription(const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num,const string descr);

//--- Returns flag of whether the buffer is set as series, (2) historical data for symbol/period is synchronized
   bool              IsSeries(const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num,const uint array_num) const;
   bool              IsSynchronized(const int ind_handle) const;
//--- ...
//--- ...
//--- ...

//--- Timer
   void OnTimer(void)
      //--- In a loop through all indicators form the collection
      int total=this.m_list.Total();
      for(int i=0;i<total;i++)
         //--- get a pointer to the next indicator object
         //--- and call its timer
         CIndMSTF *obj=this.m_list.At(i);
//--- Constructor/destructor
                     CMSTFIndicators(void){ this.m_list.Clear(); }


//| Returns data of the indicator at the handle                      |
//| from the specified buffers by index as is                        |
double CMSTFIndicators::GetData(const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num,const uint array_num,const uint index)
//--- Get a pointer to the indicator object using the handle passed to the method
   CIndMSTF *obj=this.GetIndicatorObj(ind_handle,__FUNCTION__);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Failed to get indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return EMPTY_VALUE;
//--- Return data from the specified indicator buffer at the index passed to the method
   return obj.GetData(buffer_num,array_num,index);


//| Return color index data of the indicator by handle               |
//| from the specified buffers by index as is                        |
double CMSTFIndicators::GetColorData(const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num,const uint index)
//--- Get a pointer to the indicator object using the handle passed to the method
   CIndMSTF *obj=this.GetIndicatorObj(ind_handle,__FUNCTION__);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Failed to get indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return EMPTY_VALUE;
//--- Return color index data from the specified indicator buffer at the index passed to the method
   return obj.GetColorData(buffer_num,index);
//| Return color index data of the indicator by handle               |
//| from the specified buffer at index for this symbol/timeframe     |
double CMSTFIndicators::GetColorDataTo(const string symbol_to,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe_to,const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num,const uint index)
//--- Get a pointer to the indicator object using the handle passed to the method
   CIndMSTF *obj=this.GetIndicatorObj(ind_handle,__FUNCTION__);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Failed to get indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return EMPTY_VALUE;
//--- Return color index data from the specified indicator buffer at the index passed to the method
   return obj.GetColorDataTo(symbol_to,timeframe_to,buffer_num,index);

//| Fill the passed color buffer of the indicator with data          |
bool CMSTFIndicators::DataToColorBuffer(const string symbol_to,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe_to,const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num,const uint array_num,const int limit,double &plot_buffer[],double &color_buffer[])
//--- Get a pointer to the indicator object using the handle passed to the method
   CIndMSTF *obj=this.GetIndicatorObj(ind_handle,__FUNCTION__);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Failed to get indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return false;
//--- Fill the color array-buffer passed to the method from the specified color buffer of the indicator
   return obj.DataToColorBuffer(symbol_to,timeframe_to,buffer_num,array_num,limit,plot_buffer,color_buffer);

//| Set the line color for the indicator buffer                      |
void CMSTFIndicators::SetPlotColorsFromBuffer(const uint plot_index,const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num)
//--- Get a pointer to the indicator object using the handle passed to the method
   CIndMSTF *obj=this.GetIndicatorObj(ind_handle,__FUNCTION__);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Failed to get indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
//--- Set colors from the specified indicator color buffer for the specified plot buffer
   uint colors=obj.ColorsTotal(buffer_num);
   for(int i=0;i<(int)colors;i++)

//| Set the initializing value of the color index                    |
//| for the specified buffer of indicator specified by handle        |
void CMSTFIndicators::SetBufferInitColorIndex(const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num,const uchar index)
//--- Get a pointer to the indicator object using the handle passed to the method
   CIndMSTF *obj=this.GetIndicatorObj(ind_handle,__FUNCTION__);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Failed to get indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
//--- Set the initializing color index value for the specified buffer
//| Return the initializing value of the color index                 |
//| for the specified buffer of indicator specified by handle        |
uchar CMSTFIndicators::BufferInitColorIndex(const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num) const
//--- Get a pointer to the indicator object using the handle passed to the method
   CIndMSTF *obj=this.GetIndicatorObj(ind_handle,__FUNCTION__);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Failed to get indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return WRONG_VALUE;
//--- Return the initializing value of the color index set for the specified buffer
   return obj.BufferInitColorIndex(buffer_num);
//| Set the color value by index for the specified buffer            |
//| of the indicator specified by handle                             |
void CMSTFIndicators::SetBufferColorToIndex(const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num,const uchar color_idx,const color clr)
//--- Get a pointer to the indicator object using the handle passed to the method
   CIndMSTF *obj=this.GetIndicatorObj(ind_handle,__FUNCTION__);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Failed to get indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
//--- Set the color value for the specified buffer by index
//| Return the color value by index for the specified buffer         |
//| of the indicator specified by handle                             |
color CMSTFIndicators::BufferColorByIndex(const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num,const uchar color_idx) const
//--- Get a pointer to the indicator object using the handle passed to the method
   CIndMSTF *obj=this.GetIndicatorObj(ind_handle,__FUNCTION__);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Failed to get indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return WRONG_VALUE;
//--- Return the color value, set for the specified buffer, by index
   return obj.BufferColorByIndex(buffer_num,color_idx);
//| Return the color flag for the specified buffer                   |
//| of the indicator specified by handle                             |
bool CMSTFIndicators::IsColoredBuffer(const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num) const
//--- Get a pointer to the indicator object using the handle passed to the method
   CIndMSTF *obj=this.GetIndicatorObj(ind_handle,__FUNCTION__);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Failed to get indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return false;
//--- Return value of the color flag set for the specified buffer
   return obj.IsColoredBuffer(buffer_num);


//| Add the Accelerator Oscillator indicator to the collection       |
int CMSTFIndicators::AddNewAC(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe)
//--- Create a new indicator object. If there is an error, add a journal message and return INVALID_HANDLE
   CIndAC *ind_obj=new CIndAC(symbol,timeframe);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Error. Failed to create AC indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return INVALID_HANDLE;
//--- Get the result of adding the created indicator object to the collection list
   int handle=this.AddNewIndicator(ind_obj,__FUNCTION__);
//--- If the indicator is successfully created and added to the collection, set the parameters for its display
   if(handle!=INVALID_HANDLE && ::CheckPointer(ind_obj)!=POINTER_INVALID)
//--- Return the handle of the created indicator or INVALID_HANDLE
   return handle;


//| Add the Commodity Channel Index indicator to the collection      |
int CMSTFIndicators::AddNewCCI(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
                               const int ma_period=14,
                               const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price=PRICE_TYPICAL)
//--- Create a new indicator object. If there is an error, add a journal message and return INVALID_HANDLE
   CIndCCI *ind_obj=new CIndCCI(symbol,timeframe,ma_period,applied_price);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Error. Failed to create CCI indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return INVALID_HANDLE;
//--- Get the result of adding the created indicator object to the collection list
   int handle=this.AddNewIndicator(ind_obj,__FUNCTION__);
//--- If the indicator is successfully created and added to the collection, set the parameters for its display
   if(handle!=INVALID_HANDLE && ::CheckPointer(ind_obj)!=POINTER_INVALID)
      ::IndicatorSetDouble(INDICATOR_LEVELVALUE,1, 100.0);
//--- Return the handle of the created indicator or INVALID_HANDLE
   return handle;

所有类似的方法都进行了这样的修改。您可以在文章所附的文件中找到它们。以前,方法只是返回创建并将指标对象添加到集合列表的结果。这要么是所创建指标的句柄,要么是失败时的 INVALID_HANDLE。现在,如果指标对象已成功创建,且指向列表中对象的指针有效,我们将在图表上设置指标的小数位数和水平,并将其缓冲区的“空值”设置为创建的指标对象。

对多交易品种、多周期指标库进行了全部修改。所有修改均可在文章所附的 IndMSTF.mqh 文件中完整查看。


在测试指标中,我们将使用专为测试多指标而创建的仪表板类 Dashboard.mqh

仪表板类文件已经附加到文章中。它应位于路径 \MQL5\Include\Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh。


在一个窗口中显示不同时间框架的数据时,某些指标看起来不正确。例如,一些成交量指标显示选定图表周期内的成交量。在较高的时间范围内,报价成交量肯定高于较低的时间范围内的报价成交量,并且较低时间范围内的线将几乎与较高时间范围内的线成直线。因此,在这样的指标中只会显示一条线 — 即指标设置中选择的交易品种和周期的线。


//|                                      TestMSTFAccDistribution.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 1
#property indicator_plots   1
//--- enums

//--- plot MSTF A/D
#property indicator_label1  "MSTF A/D"
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color1  clrDodgerBlue
#property indicator_style1  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width1  1

//--- includes
#include <IndMSTF\IndMSTF.mqh>
#include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
//--- input parameters
input string               InpSymbol      =  NULL;             /* Symbol                     */ // Symbol
input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES      InpTimeframe   =  PERIOD_CURRENT;   /* Timeframe                  */ // Timeframe
input ENUM_APPLIED_VOLUME  InpVolume      =  VOLUME_TICK;      /* Applied Volume             */ // Volume used for calculation
input uchar                InpLineWidth1  =  2;                /* Senior period Line Width   */ // Line width for higher period
input uchar                InpLineWidth2  =  1;                /* Junior period Line Width   */ // Line width for lower period
input bool                 InpAsSeries    =  true;             /* As Series flag             */ // Timeseries flag of indicator buffer arrays

//--- indicator buffers
double         BufferAD[];
//--- global variables
int handle_ad;
CMSTFIndicators indicators;      // An instance of the indicator collection object
//--- variables for the panel
CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object
int         mouse_bar_index;     // Index of the bar the data is taken from
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
//--- Set a timer with an interval of 1 second
//--- Assign the BufferMA1 and BufferMA2 arrays to the plot buffers 0 and 1, respectively
//--- Set the line width
   int w1=0,w2=0;
//--- sets indicator shift

//--- Set the timeseries flags for the indicator buffer arrays (for testing, to see that there is no difference)
//--- Create two indicators of the same type
//--- The first one is calculated on the current chart symbol/period, the second - on those specified in the settings

//--- If failed to create indicator handles, return initialization error
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set descriptions for indicator lines from buffer descriptions of calculation part of created indicators
//--- Dashboard
//--- Create the panel
   int width=220;
   panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,width,264,0);
      Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set font parameters
//--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
   panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));

//--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
//--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 1 to display the data of indicator 1
//--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
   int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
//--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 2 to display the data of indicator 2
//--- Get the Y2 coordinate of the table with ID 1 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 2
   int y2=panel.TableY2(1)+3;
//--- Draw a table with ID 2 on the background of the dashboard
//--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
//--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel

//--- Successful initialization
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- Delete the timer
//--- If the panel object exists, delete it
      delete panel;
//--- Delete all comments
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])
//--- Number of bars for calculation
   int limit=rates_total-prev_calculated;
//--- If limit > 1, then this is the first calculation or change in the history
      //--- specify all the available history for calculation
      // If the indicator has any buffers that display other calculations (not multi-indicators),
      // initialize them here with the "empty" value set for these buffers
//--- Calculate all created multi-symbol multi-period indicators
      return 0;

//--- Display the bar data under cursor (or current bar if cursor is outside the chart) on the dashboard

//--- From buffers of calculated indicators, output data to indicator buffers
      return 0;

//--- return value of prev_calculated for the next call
//| Timer function                                                   | 
void OnTimer()
//--- Call the indicator collection timer
//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Handling the panel
//--- Call the panel event handler

//--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
      //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
      datetime time=0;
      double price=0;
      int wnd=0;
      //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
         //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
         //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 

//--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
      //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
      PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);
//| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
//--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
   MqlRates rates[1];

//--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index

//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
   int  size=0;
   uint flags=0;
   uint angle=0;
   string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
   panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
   panel.DrawText("Indicators data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data

//--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
   panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);

//--- Output the data of indicator 1 from the specified bar into table 1
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_ad), panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
   double value1=indicators.GetData(handle_ad,0,0,index);
   string value_str1=(value1!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value1,indicators.Digits(handle_ad)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 1 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state1=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_ad,0,0,index);
//--- Output the data of indicator 2 from the specified bar into table 2
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_ad), panel.CellX(2,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,0,0)+2);
   double value2=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_ad,0,0,index);
   string value_str2=(value2!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value2,indicators.Digits(handle_ad)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 2 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(2,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state2=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_ad,0,0,index);
//--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

在 M1 图表上编译并启动指标并选择 M5 进行计算后,我们看到:

加速振荡指标(Accelerator Oscillator):

//|                                TestMSTFAcceleratorOscillator.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 4
#property indicator_plots   2
//--- enums

//--- plot AC1
#property indicator_label1  "AC1"
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_COLOR_HISTOGRAM
#property indicator_color1  clrGreen,clrRed
#property indicator_style1  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width1  1

//--- plot AC2
#property indicator_label2  "AC2"
#property indicator_type2   DRAW_COLOR_HISTOGRAM
#property indicator_color2  clrGreen,clrRed
#property indicator_style2  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width2  1

//--- includes
#include <IndMSTF\IndMSTF.mqh>
#include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
//--- input parameters
input string               InpSymbol      =  NULL;             /* Symbol                     */ // Symbol
input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES      InpTimeframe   =  PERIOD_CURRENT;   /* Timeframe                  */ // Timeframe
input uchar                InpLineWidth1  =  2;                /* Senior period Line Width   */ // Line width for higher period
input uchar                InpLineWidth2  =  1;                /* Junior period Line Width   */ // Line width for lower period
input bool                 InpAsSeries    =  true;             /* As Series flag             */ // Timeseries flag of indicator buffer arrays

//--- indicator buffers
double         BufferAC1[];
double         BufferClrAC1[];
double         BufferAC2[];
double         BufferClrAC2[];
//--- global variables
int handle_ac1;
int handle_ac2;
CMSTFIndicators indicators;      // An instance of the indicator collection object
//--- variables for the panel
CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object
int         mouse_bar_index;     // Index of the bar the data is taken from
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
//--- Set a timer with an interval of 1 second
//--- Assign arrays BufferAC1 and BufferAC2 to plot buffers 0 and 2, respectively,
//--- and color arrays BufferClrAC1 and BufferClrAC2 to buffers 1 and 3
//--- Set the line width
   int w1=0,w2=0;
//--- sets indicator shift

//--- Set the timeseries flags for the indicator buffer arrays (for testing, to see that there is no difference)
//--- Create two indicators of the same type
//--- The first one is calculated on the current chart symbol/period, the second - on those specified in the settings

//--- If failed to create indicator handles, return initialization error
   if(handle_ac1==INVALID_HANDLE || handle_ac2==INVALID_HANDLE)
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set descriptions for indicator lines from buffer descriptions of calculation part of created indicators
//--- Dashboard
//--- Create the panel
   int width=247;
   panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,width,264,0);
      Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set font parameters
//--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
   panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));

//--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
//--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 1 to display the data of indicator 1
//--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
   int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
//--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 2 to display the data of indicator 2
//--- Get the Y2 coordinate of the table with ID 1 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 2
   int y2=panel.TableY2(1)+3;
//--- Draw a table with ID 2 on the background of the dashboard
//--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
//--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel

//--- Successful initialization
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- Delete the timer
//--- If the panel object exists, delete it
      delete panel;
//--- Delete all comments
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])
//--- Number of bars for calculation
   int limit=rates_total-prev_calculated;
//--- If limit > 1, then this is the first calculation or change in the history
      //--- specify all the available history for calculation
      // If the indicator has any buffers that display other calculations (not multi-indicators),
      // initialize them here with the "empty" value set for these buffers
//--- Calculate all created multi-symbol multi-period indicators
      return 0;

//--- Display the bar data under cursor (or current bar if cursor is outside the chart) on the dashboard

//--- From buffers of calculated indicators, output data to indicator buffers
      return 0;
      return 0;

//--- return value of prev_calculated for the next call
//| Timer function                                                   | 
void OnTimer()
//--- Call the indicator collection timer
//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Handling the panel
//--- Call the panel event handler

//--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
      //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
      datetime time=0;
      double price=0;
      int wnd=0;
      //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
         //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
         //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 

//--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
      //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
      PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);
//| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
//--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
   MqlRates rates[1];

//--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index

//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
   int  size=0;
   uint flags=0;
   uint angle=0;
   string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
   panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
   panel.DrawText("Indicators data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data

//--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
   panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);

//--- Output the data of indicator 1 from the specified bar into table 1
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_ac1), panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
   double value1=indicators.GetData(handle_ac1,0,0,index);
   string value_str1=(value1!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value1,indicators.Digits(handle_ac1)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 1 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state1=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_ac1,0,0,index);
//--- Output the data of indicator 2 from the specified bar into table 2
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_ac2), panel.CellX(2,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,0,0)+2);
   double value2=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_ac2,0,0,index);
   string value_str2=(value2!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value2,indicators.Digits(handle_ac2)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 2 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(2,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state2=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_ac2,0,0,index);
//--- Display description of relationship between indicator 1 line relative to indicator 2 line
   double value21=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_ac2,0,0,index+1);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE stateR=indicators.BufferLineStateRelative(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_ac1,0,0,index,value2,value21);
   string ma1=indicators.Name(handle_ac1);
   string ma2=indicators.Name(handle_ac2);
   string state_relative=
      stateR==LINE_STATE_ABOVE      ? StringFormat("%s1 > %s2",ma1,ma2)   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_BELOW      ? StringFormat("%s1 < %s2",ma1,ma2)           :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN ? "Top-down crossing"   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   ? "Bottom-up crossing"  :
   panel.DrawText(StringFormat("%s1 vs %s2",ma1,ma2), panel.CellX(2,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,0)+2);
   panel.DrawText(state_relative, panel.CellX(2,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,1)+2,clrNONE,110);
//--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

在 M1 图表上编译并启动指标并选择 M5 进行计算后,我们看到:


//|                                        TestMSTFAlligator.mq5.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 6
#property indicator_plots   6
//--- enums

//--- plot Jaws1
#property indicator_label1  "Jaws1"
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color1  clrDodgerBlue
#property indicator_width1  1

//--- plot Teeth1
#property indicator_label2  "Teeth1"
#property indicator_type2   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color2  clrOrangeRed
#property indicator_width2  1

//--- plot Lips1
#property indicator_label3  "Lips1"
#property indicator_type3   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color3  clrLime
#property indicator_width3  1

//--- plot Jaws2
#property indicator_label4  "Jaws2"
#property indicator_type4  DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color4  clrBlue
#property indicator_width4  1

//--- plot Teeth2
#property indicator_label5  "Teeth"
#property indicator_type5   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color5  clrRed
#property indicator_width5  1

//--- plot Lips2
#property indicator_label6  "Lips"
#property indicator_type6   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color6  clrLimeGreen
#property indicator_width6  1

//--- includes
#include <IndMSTF\IndMSTF.mqh>
#include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
//--- input parameters
input string               InpSymbol      =  NULL;             /* Symbol                     */ // Moving average symbol
input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES      InpTimeframe   =  PERIOD_CURRENT;   /* Timeframe                  */ // Moving average timeframe
input int                  InpJawsPeriod  =  13;               /* Jaws Period                */ // Jaws calculation period
input int                  InpJawsShift   =  8;                /* Jaws Shift                 */ // Jaws shift
input int                  InpTeethPeriod =  8;                /* Teeth Period               */ // Teeth calculation period
input int                  InpTeethShift  =  5;                /* Teeth Shift                */ // Teeth shift
input int                  InpLipsPeriod  =  5;                /* Lips Period                */ // Lips calculation period
input int                  InpLipsShift   =  3;                /* Lips Shift                 */ // Lips shift
input ENUM_MA_METHOD       InpMethod      =  MODE_SMMA;        /* Method                     */ // Calculation method
input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   InpPrice       =  PRICE_MEDIAN;     /* Applied Price              */ // Price used for calculations
input uchar                InpLineWidth1  =  2;                /* Senior period Line Width   */ // Line width for higher period
input uchar                InpLineWidth2  =  1;                /* Junior period Line Width   */ // Line width for lower period
input bool                 InpAsSeries    =  true;             /* As Series flag             */ // Timeseries flag of indicator buffer arrays

//--- indicator buffers
double         BufferJaws1[];
double         BufferTeeth1[];
double         BufferLips1[];
double         BufferJaws2[];
double         BufferTeeth2[];
double         BufferLips2[];
//--- global variables
int handle_alligator1;
int handle_alligator2;
CMSTFIndicators indicators;      // An instance of the indicator collection object
//--- variables for the panel
CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object
int         mouse_bar_index;     // Index of the bar the data is taken from
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
//--- Set a timer with an interval of 1 second
//--- Assign arrays BufferBandsUp1, BufferBandsDn1 and BufferBandsMd1 to plot buffers 0, 1 and 2, respectively
//--- Set arrays BufferBandsUp2, BufferBandsDn2 and BufferBandsMd2 to buffers 3, 4 and 5, respectively
//--- Set the line width
   int w1=0,w2=0;
//--- Set the timeseries flags for the indicator buffer arrays (for testing, to see that there is no difference)
//--- Create two indicators of the same type
//--- The first one is calculated on the current chart symbol/period, the second - on those specified in the settings

//--- If failed to create indicator handles, return initialization error
   if(handle_alligator1==INVALID_HANDLE || handle_alligator2==INVALID_HANDLE)
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set descriptions for indicator lines from buffer descriptions of calculation part of created indicators
//--- Set shifts for indicator lines

//--- Dashboard
//--- Create the panel
   int width=321;
   panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,width,264);
      Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set font parameters
//--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
   panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));

//--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
//--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 1 to display the data of indicator 1
//--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
   int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
//--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 2 to display the data of indicator 2
//--- Get the Y2 coordinate of the table with ID 1 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 2
   int y2=panel.TableY2(1)+3;
//--- Draw a table with ID 2 on the background of the dashboard
//--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
//--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel

//--- Successful initialization
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- Delete the timer
//--- If the panel object exists, delete it
      delete panel;
//--- Delete all comments
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])
//--- Number of bars for calculation
   int limit=rates_total-prev_calculated;
//--- If limit > 1, then this is the first calculation or change in the history
      //--- specify all the available history for calculation
      // If the indicator has any buffers that display other calculations (not multi-indicators),
      // initialize them here with the "empty" value set for these buffers
//--- Calculate all created multi-symbol multi-period indicators
      return 0;

//--- Display the bar data under cursor (or current bar if cursor is outside the chart) on the dashboard

//--- From buffers of calculated indicators, output data to indicator buffers
      return 0;
      return 0;
      return 0;
      return 0;
      return 0;
      return 0;

//--- return value of prev_calculated for the next call
//| Timer function                                                   | 
void OnTimer()
//--- Call the indicator collection timer
//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Handling the panel
//--- Call the panel event handler

//--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
      //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
      datetime time=0;
      double price=0;
      int wnd=0;
      //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
         //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
         //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 

//--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
      //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
      PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);
//| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
//--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
   MqlRates rates[1];

//--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index

//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
   int  size=0;
   uint flags=0;
   uint angle=0;
   string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
   panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
   panel.DrawText("Indicators data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data

//--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
   panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);

//--- Output the data of indicator 1 from the specified bar into table 1
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_alligator1), panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
   double value1=indicators.GetData(handle_alligator1,0,0,index+InpJawsShift);
   string value_str1=(value1!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value1,indicators.Digits(handle_alligator1)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 1 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state1=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_alligator1,0,0,index);
//--- Output the data of indicator 2 from the specified bar into table 2
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_alligator2), panel.CellX(2,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,0,0)+2);
   double value2=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_alligator2,0,0,index);
   string value_str2=(value2!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value2,indicators.Digits(handle_alligator2)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 2 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(2,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state2=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_alligator2,0,0,index);
//--- Display description of relationship between indicator 1 line relative to indicator 2 line
   double value21=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_alligator2,0,0,index+1);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE stateR=indicators.BufferLineStateRelative(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_alligator1,0,0,index,value2,value21);
   string ma1=indicators.Name(handle_alligator1);
   string ma2=indicators.Name(handle_alligator2);
   string state_relative=
      stateR==LINE_STATE_ABOVE      ? StringFormat("%s1 > %s2",ma1,ma2)   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_BELOW      ? StringFormat("%s1 < %s2",ma1,ma2)           :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN ? "Top-down crossing"   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   ? "Bottom-up crossing"  :
   panel.DrawText(StringFormat("%s1 vs %s2",ma1,ma2), panel.CellX(2,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,0)+2);
   panel.DrawText(state_relative, panel.CellX(2,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,1)+2,clrNONE,150);
//--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

在 M1 图表上编译并启动指标并选择 M5 进行计算后,我们看到:

平均方向运动指数指标(Average Directional Movement Index):

//|                      TestMSTFAverageDirectionalMovementIndex.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 6
#property indicator_plots   6
//--- enums

//--- plot ADX1
#property indicator_label1  "ADX1"
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color1  clrDodgerBlue
#property indicator_style1  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width1  1

//--- plot +DI1
#property indicator_label2  "+DI1"
#property indicator_type2   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color2  clrGreen
#property indicator_style2  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width2  1

//--- plot -DI1
#property indicator_label3  "-DI1"
#property indicator_type3   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color3  clrRed
#property indicator_style3  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width3  1

//--- plot ADX2
#property indicator_label4  "ADX2"
#property indicator_type4   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color4  clrBlue
#property indicator_style4  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width4  1

//--- plot +DI2
#property indicator_label5  "+DI2"
#property indicator_type5   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color5  clrGreen
#property indicator_style5  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width5  1

//--- plot -DI2
#property indicator_label6  "-DI2"
#property indicator_type6   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color6  clrRed
#property indicator_style6  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width6  1

//--- includes
#include <IndMSTF\IndMSTF.mqh>
#include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
//--- input parameters
input string               InpSymbol      =  NULL;             /* Symbol                     */ // Symbol
input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES      InpTimeframe   =  PERIOD_CURRENT;   /* Timeframe                  */ // Timeframe
input int                  InpPeriod      =  14;               /* Period                     */ // Calculation period
input uchar                InpLineWidth1  =  2;                /* Senior period Line Width   */ // Line width for higher period
input uchar                InpLineWidth2  =  1;                /* Junior period Line Width   */ // Line width for lower period
input bool                 InpAsSeries    =  true;             /* As Series flag             */ // Timeseries flag of indicator buffer arrays

//--- indicator buffers
double         BufferADX1[];
double         BufferDIPlus1[];
double         BufferDIMinus1[];
double         BufferADX2[];
double         BufferDIPlus2[];
double         BufferDIMinus2[];
//--- global variables
int handle_adx1;
int handle_adx2;
CMSTFIndicators indicators;      // An instance of the indicator collection object
//--- variables for the panel
CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object
int         mouse_bar_index;     // Index of the bar the data is taken from
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
//--- Set a timer with an interval of 1 second
//--- Assign the BufferMA1 and BufferMA2 arrays to the plot buffers 0 and 1, respectively
//--- Set the line width
   int w1=0,w2=0;
//--- sets indicator shift

//--- Set the timeseries flags for the indicator buffer arrays (for testing, to see that there is no difference)
//--- Create two indicators of the same type
//--- The first one is calculated on the current chart symbol/period, the second - on those specified in the settings

//--- If failed to create indicator handles, return initialization error
   if(handle_adx1==INVALID_HANDLE || handle_adx2==INVALID_HANDLE)
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set descriptions for indicator lines from buffer descriptions of calculation part of created indicators
//--- Dashboard
//--- Create the panel
   int width=301;
   panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,width,264,0);
      Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set font parameters
//--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
   panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));

//--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
//--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 1 to display the data of indicator 1
//--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
   int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
//--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 2 to display the data of indicator 2
//--- Get the Y2 coordinate of the table with ID 1 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 2
   int y2=panel.TableY2(1)+3;
//--- Draw a table with ID 2 on the background of the dashboard
//--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
//--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel

//--- Successful initialization
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- Delete the timer
//--- If the panel object exists, delete it
      delete panel;
//--- Delete all comments
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])
//--- Number of bars for calculation
   int limit=rates_total-prev_calculated;
//--- If limit > 1, then this is the first calculation or change in the history
      //--- specify all the available history for calculation
      // If the indicator has any buffers that display other calculations (not multi-indicators),
      // initialize them here with the "empty" value set for these buffers
//--- Calculate all created multi-symbol multi-period indicators
      return 0;

//--- Display the bar data under cursor (or current bar if cursor is outside the chart) on the dashboard

//--- From buffers of calculated indicators, output data to indicator buffers
      return 0;
      return 0;
      return 0;
      return 0;
      return 0;
      return 0;
//--- return value of prev_calculated for the next call
//| Timer function                                                   | 
void OnTimer()
//--- Call the indicator collection timer
//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Handling the panel
//--- Call the panel event handler

//--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
      //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
      datetime time=0;
      double price=0;
      int wnd=0;
      //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
         //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
         //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 

//--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
      //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
      PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);
//| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
//--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
   MqlRates rates[1];

//--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index

//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
   int  size=0;
   uint flags=0;
   uint angle=0;
   string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
   panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
   panel.DrawText("Indicators data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data

//--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
   panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);

//--- Output the data of indicator 1 from the specified bar into table 1
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_adx1), panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
   double value1=indicators.GetData(handle_adx1,0,0,index);
   string value_str1=(value1!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value1,indicators.Digits(handle_adx1)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 1 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state1=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_adx1,0,0,index);
//--- Output the data of indicator 2 from the specified bar into table 2
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_adx2), panel.CellX(2,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,0,0)+2);
   double value2=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_adx2,0,0,index);
   string value_str2=(value2!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value2,indicators.Digits(handle_adx2)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 2 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(2,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state2=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_adx2,0,0,index);
//--- Display description of relationship between indicator 1 line relative to indicator 2 line
   double value21=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_adx2,0,0,index+1);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE stateR=indicators.BufferLineStateRelative(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_adx1,0,0,index,value2,value21);
   string ma1=indicators.Name(handle_adx1);
   string ma2=indicators.Name(handle_adx2);
   string state_relative=
      stateR==LINE_STATE_ABOVE      ? StringFormat("%s1 > %s2",ma1,ma2)   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_BELOW      ? StringFormat("%s1 < %s2",ma1,ma2)           :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN ? "Top-down crossing"   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   ? "Bottom-up crossing"  :
   panel.DrawText(StringFormat("%s1 vs %s2",ma1,ma2), panel.CellX(2,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,0)+2);
   panel.DrawText(state_relative, panel.CellX(2,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,1)+2,clrNONE,190);
//--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

在 M1 图表上编译并启动指标并选择 M5 进行计算后,我们看到:

平均方向运动指数 Wilder 指标(Average Directional Movement Index Wilder):

//|                TestMSTFAverageDirectionalMovementIndexWilder.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 6
#property indicator_plots   6
//--- enums

//--- plot ADXW1
#property indicator_label1  "ADXW1"
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color1  clrDodgerBlue
#property indicator_style1  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width1  1

//--- plot +DI1
#property indicator_label2  "+DI1"
#property indicator_type2   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color2  clrGreen
#property indicator_style2  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width2  1

//--- plot -DI1
#property indicator_label3  "-DI1"
#property indicator_type3   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color3  clrRed
#property indicator_style3  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width3  1

//--- plot ADXW2
#property indicator_label4  "ADXW2"
#property indicator_type4   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color4  clrBlue
#property indicator_style4  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width4  1

//--- plot +DI2
#property indicator_label5  "+DI2"
#property indicator_type5   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color5  clrGreen
#property indicator_style5  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width5  1

//--- plot -DI2
#property indicator_label6  "-DI2"
#property indicator_type6   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color6  clrRed
#property indicator_style6  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width6  1

//--- includes
#include <IndMSTF\IndMSTF.mqh>
#include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
//--- input parameters
input string               InpSymbol      =  NULL;             /* Symbol                     */ // Symbol
input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES      InpTimeframe   =  PERIOD_CURRENT;   /* Timeframe                  */ // Timeframe
input int                  InpPeriod      =  14;               /* Period                     */ // Calculation period
input uchar                InpLineWidth1  =  2;                /* Senior period Line Width   */ // Line width for higher period
input uchar                InpLineWidth2  =  1;                /* Junior period Line Width   */ // Line width for lower period
input bool                 InpAsSeries    =  true;             /* As Series flag             */ // Timeseries flag of indicator buffer arrays

//--- indicator buffers
double         BufferADXW1[];
double         BufferDIPlus1[];
double         BufferDIMinus1[];
double         BufferADXW2[];
double         BufferDIPlus2[];
double         BufferDIMinus2[];
//--- global variables
int handle_adxw1;
int handle_adxw2;
CMSTFIndicators indicators;      // An instance of the indicator collection object
//--- variables for the panel
CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object
int         mouse_bar_index;     // Index of the bar the data is taken from
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
//--- Set a timer with an interval of 1 second
//--- Assign the BufferMA1 and BufferMA2 arrays to the plot buffers 0 and 1, respectively
//--- Set the line width
   int w1=0,w2=0;
//--- sets indicator shift

//--- Set the timeseries flags for the indicator buffer arrays (for testing, to see that there is no difference)
//--- Create two indicators of the same type
//--- The first one is calculated on the current chart symbol/period, the second - on those specified in the settings

//--- If failed to create indicator handles, return initialization error
   if(handle_adxw1==INVALID_HANDLE || handle_adxw2==INVALID_HANDLE)
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set descriptions for indicator lines from buffer descriptions of calculation part of created indicators
//--- Dashboard
//--- Create the panel
   int width=301;
   panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,width,264,0);
      Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set font parameters
//--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
   panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));

//--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
//--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 1 to display the data of indicator 1
//--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
   int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
//--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 2 to display the data of indicator 2
//--- Get the Y2 coordinate of the table with ID 1 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 2
   int y2=panel.TableY2(1)+3;
//--- Draw a table with ID 2 on the background of the dashboard
//--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
//--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel

//--- Successful initialization
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- Delete the timer
//--- If the panel object exists, delete it
      delete panel;
//--- Delete all comments
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])
//--- Number of bars for calculation
   int limit=rates_total-prev_calculated;
//--- If limit > 1, then this is the first calculation or change in the history
      //--- specify all the available history for calculation
      // If the indicator has any buffers that display other calculations (not multi-indicators),
      // initialize them here with the "empty" value set for these buffers
//--- Calculate all created multi-symbol multi-period indicators
      return 0;

//--- Display the bar data under cursor (or current bar if cursor is outside the chart) on the dashboard

//--- From buffers of calculated indicators, output data to indicator buffers
      return 0;
      return 0;
      return 0;
      return 0;
      return 0;
      return 0;
//--- return value of prev_calculated for the next call
//| Timer function                                                   | 
void OnTimer()
//--- Call the indicator collection timer
//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Handling the panel
//--- Call the panel event handler

//--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
      //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
      datetime time=0;
      double price=0;
      int wnd=0;
      //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
         //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
         //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 

//--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
      //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
      PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);
//| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
//--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
   MqlRates rates[1];

//--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index

//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
   int  size=0;
   uint flags=0;
   uint angle=0;
   string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
   panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
   panel.DrawText("Indicators data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data

//--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
   panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);

//--- Output the data of indicator 1 from the specified bar into table 1
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_adxw1), panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
   double value1=indicators.GetData(handle_adxw1,0,0,index);
   string value_str1=(value1!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value1,indicators.Digits(handle_adxw1)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 1 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state1=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_adxw1,0,0,index);
//--- Output the data of indicator 2 from the specified bar into table 2
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_adxw2), panel.CellX(2,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,0,0)+2);
   double value2=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_adxw2,0,0,index);
   string value_str2=(value2!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value2,indicators.Digits(handle_adxw2)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 2 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(2,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state2=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_adxw2,0,0,index);
//--- Display description of relationship between indicator 1 line relative to indicator 2 line
   double value21=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_adxw2,0,0,index+1);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE stateR=indicators.BufferLineStateRelative(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_adxw1,0,0,index,value2,value21);
   string ma1=indicators.Name(handle_adxw1);
   string ma2=indicators.Name(handle_adxw2);
   string state_relative=
      stateR==LINE_STATE_ABOVE      ? StringFormat("%s1 > %s2",ma1,ma2)   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_BELOW      ? StringFormat("%s1 < %s2",ma1,ma2)           :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN ? "Top-down crossing"   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   ? "Bottom-up crossing"  :
   panel.DrawText(StringFormat("%s1 vs %s2",ma1,ma2), panel.CellX(2,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,0)+2);
   panel.DrawText(state_relative, panel.CellX(2,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,1)+2,clrNONE,190);
//--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

在 M1 图表上编译并启动指标并选择 M5 进行计算后,我们看到:

平均真实范围指标(Average True Range):

//|                                     TestMSTFAverageTrueRange.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_plots   2
//--- enums

//--- plot ATR1
#property indicator_label1  "ATR1"
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color1  clrDodgerBlue
#property indicator_style1  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width1  1

//--- plot ATR2
#property indicator_label2  "ATR2"
#property indicator_type2   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color2  clrRed
#property indicator_style2  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width2  1

//--- includes
#include <IndMSTF\IndMSTF.mqh>
#include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
//--- input parameters
input string               InpSymbol      =  NULL;             /* Symbol                     */ // Symbol
input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES      InpTimeframe   =  PERIOD_CURRENT;   /* Timeframe                  */ // Timeframe
input int                  InpPeriod      =  14;               /* Period                     */ // Calculation period
input uchar                InpLineWidth1  =  2;                /* Senior period Line Width   */ // Line width for higher period
input uchar                InpLineWidth2  =  1;                /* Junior period Line Width   */ // Line width for lower period
input bool                 InpAsSeries    =  true;             /* As Series flag             */ // Timeseries flag of indicator buffer arrays

//--- indicator buffers
double         BufferATR1[];
double         BufferATR2[];
//--- global variables
int handle_atr1;
int handle_atr2;
CMSTFIndicators indicators;      // An instance of the indicator collection object
//--- variables for the panel
CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object
int         mouse_bar_index;     // Index of the bar the data is taken from
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
//--- Set a timer with an interval of 1 second
//--- Assign the BufferMA1 and BufferMA2 arrays to the plot buffers 0 and 1, respectively
//--- Set the line width
   int w1=0,w2=0;
//--- sets indicator shift

//--- Set the timeseries flags for the indicator buffer arrays (for testing, to see that there is no difference)
//--- Create two indicators of the same type
//--- The first one is calculated on the current chart symbol/period, the second - on those specified in the settings

//--- If failed to create indicator handles, return initialization error
   if(handle_atr1==INVALID_HANDLE || handle_atr2==INVALID_HANDLE)
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set descriptions for indicator lines from buffer descriptions of calculation part of created indicators
//--- Dashboard
//--- Create the panel
   int width=237;
   panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,width,264,0);
      Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set font parameters
//--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
   panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));

//--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
//--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 1 to display the data of indicator 1
//--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
   int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
//--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 2 to display the data of indicator 2
//--- Get the Y2 coordinate of the table with ID 1 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 2
   int y2=panel.TableY2(1)+3;
//--- Draw a table with ID 2 on the background of the dashboard
//--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
//--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel

//--- Successful initialization
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- Delete the timer
//--- If the panel object exists, delete it
      delete panel;
//--- Delete all comments
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])
//--- Number of bars for calculation
   int limit=rates_total-prev_calculated;
//--- If limit > 1, then this is the first calculation or change in the history
      //--- specify all the available history for calculation
      // If the indicator has any buffers that display other calculations (not multi-indicators),
      // initialize them here with the "empty" value set for these buffers
//--- Calculate all created multi-symbol multi-period indicators
      return 0;

//--- Display the bar data under cursor (or current bar if cursor is outside the chart) on the dashboard

//--- From buffers of calculated indicators, output data to indicator buffers
      return 0;
      return 0;

//--- return value of prev_calculated for the next call
//| Timer function                                                   | 
void OnTimer()
//--- Call the indicator collection timer
//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Handling the panel
//--- Call the panel event handler

//--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
      //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
      datetime time=0;
      double price=0;
      int wnd=0;
      //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
         //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
         //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 

//--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
      //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
      PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);
//| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
//--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
   MqlRates rates[1];

//--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index

//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
   int  size=0;
   uint flags=0;
   uint angle=0;
   string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
   panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
   panel.DrawText("Indicators data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data

//--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
   panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);

//--- Output the data of indicator 1 from the specified bar into table 1
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_atr1), panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
   double value1=indicators.GetData(handle_atr1,0,0,index);
   string value_str1=(value1!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value1,indicators.Digits(handle_atr1)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 1 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state1=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_atr1,0,0,index);
//--- Output the data of indicator 2 from the specified bar into table 2
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_atr2), panel.CellX(2,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,0,0)+2);
   double value2=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_atr2,0,0,index);
   string value_str2=(value2!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value2,indicators.Digits(handle_atr2)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 2 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(2,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state2=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_atr2,0,0,index);
//--- Display description of relationship between indicator 1 line relative to indicator 2 line
   double value21=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_atr2,0,0,index+1);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE stateR=indicators.BufferLineStateRelative(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_atr1,0,0,index,value2,value21);
   string ma1=indicators.Name(handle_atr1);
   string ma2=indicators.Name(handle_atr2);
   string state_relative=
      stateR==LINE_STATE_ABOVE      ? StringFormat("%s1 > %s2",ma1,ma2)   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_BELOW      ? StringFormat("%s1 < %s2",ma1,ma2)           :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN ? "Top-down crossing"   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   ? "Bottom-up crossing"  :
   panel.DrawText(StringFormat("%s1 vs %s2",ma1,ma2), panel.CellX(2,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,0)+2);
   panel.DrawText(state_relative, panel.CellX(2,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,1)+2,clrNONE,110);
//--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

在 M1 图表上编译并启动指标并选择 M5 进行计算后,我们看到:


动量振荡指标(Awesome Oscillator):

//|                                    TestMSTFAwesomeOscillator.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 4
#property indicator_plots   2
//--- enums

//--- plot AC1
#property indicator_label1  "AO1"
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_COLOR_HISTOGRAM
#property indicator_color1  clrGreen,clrRed
#property indicator_style1  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width1  1

//--- plot AC2
#property indicator_label2  "AO2"
#property indicator_type2   DRAW_COLOR_HISTOGRAM
#property indicator_color2  clrGreen,clrRed
#property indicator_style2  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width2  1

//--- includes
#include <IndMSTF\IndMSTF.mqh>
#include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
//--- input parameters
input string               InpSymbol      =  NULL;             /* Symbol                     */ // Symbol
input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES      InpTimeframe   =  PERIOD_CURRENT;   /* Timeframe                  */ // Timeframe
input uchar                InpLineWidth1  =  2;                /* Senior period Line Width   */ // Line width for higher period
input uchar                InpLineWidth2  =  1;                /* Junior period Line Width   */ // Line width for lower period
input bool                 InpAsSeries    =  true;             /* As Series flag             */ // Timeseries flag of indicator buffer arrays

//--- indicator buffers
double         BufferAO1[];
double         BufferClrAO1[];
double         BufferAO2[];
double         BufferClrAO2[];
//--- global variables
int handle_ao1;
int handle_ao2;
CMSTFIndicators indicators;      // An instance of the indicator collection object
//--- variables for the panel
CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object
int         mouse_bar_index;     // Index of the bar the data is taken from
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
//--- Set a timer with an interval of 1 second
//--- Assign arrays BufferAO1 and BufferAO2 to plot buffers 0 and 2, respectively,
//--- and color arrays BufferClrAO1 and BufferClrAO2 to buffers 1 and 3
//--- Set the line width
   int w1=0,w2=0;
//--- sets indicator shift

//--- Set the timeseries flags for the indicator buffer arrays (for testing, to see that there is no difference)
//--- Create two indicators of the same type
//--- The first one is calculated on the current chart symbol/period, the second - on those specified in the settings

//--- If failed to create indicator handles, return initialization error
   if(handle_ao1==INVALID_HANDLE || handle_ao2==INVALID_HANDLE)
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set descriptions for indicator lines from buffer descriptions of calculation part of created indicators
//--- Dashboard
//--- Create the panel
   int width=247;
   panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,width,264,0);
      Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set font parameters
//--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
   panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));

//--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
//--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 1 to display the data of indicator 1
//--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
   int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
//--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 2 to display the data of indicator 2
//--- Get the Y2 coordinate of the table with ID 1 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 2
   int y2=panel.TableY2(1)+3;
//--- Draw a table with ID 2 on the background of the dashboard
//--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
//--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel

//--- Successful initialization
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- Delete the timer
//--- If the panel object exists, delete it
      delete panel;
//--- Delete all comments
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])
//--- Number of bars for calculation
   int limit=rates_total-prev_calculated;
//--- If limit > 1, then this is the first calculation or change in the history
      //--- specify all the available history for calculation
      // If the indicator has any buffers that display other calculations (not multi-indicators),
      // initialize them here with the "empty" value set for these buffers
//--- Calculate all created multi-symbol multi-period indicators
      return 0;

//--- Display the bar data under cursor (or current bar if cursor is outside the chart) on the dashboard

//--- From buffers of calculated indicators, output data to indicator buffers
      return 0;
      return 0;

//--- return value of prev_calculated for the next call
//| Timer function                                                   | 
void OnTimer()
//--- Call the indicator collection timer
//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Handling the panel
//--- Call the panel event handler

//--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
      //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
      datetime time=0;
      double price=0;
      int wnd=0;
      //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
         //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
         //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 

//--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
      //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
      PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);
//| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
//--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
   MqlRates rates[1];

//--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index

//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
   int  size=0;
   uint flags=0;
   uint angle=0;
   string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
   panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
   panel.DrawText("Indicators data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data

//--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
   panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);

//--- Output the data of indicator 1 from the specified bar into table 1
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_ao1), panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
   double value1=indicators.GetData(handle_ao1,0,0,index);
   string value_str1=(value1!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value1,indicators.Digits(handle_ao1)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 1 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state1=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_ao1,0,0,index);
//--- Output the data of indicator 2 from the specified bar into table 2
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_ao2), panel.CellX(2,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,0,0)+2);
   double value2=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_ao2,0,0,index);
   string value_str2=(value2!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value2,indicators.Digits(handle_ao2)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 2 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(2,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state2=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_ao2,0,0,index);
//--- Display description of relationship between indicator 1 line relative to indicator 2 line
   double value21=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_ao2,0,0,index+1);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE stateR=indicators.BufferLineStateRelative(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_ao1,0,0,index,value2,value21);
   string ma1=indicators.Name(handle_ao1);
   string ma2=indicators.Name(handle_ao2);
   string state_relative=
      stateR==LINE_STATE_ABOVE      ? StringFormat("%s1 > %s2",ma1,ma2)   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_BELOW      ? StringFormat("%s1 < %s2",ma1,ma2)           :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN ? "Top-down crossing"   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   ? "Bottom-up crossing"  :
   panel.DrawText(StringFormat("%s1 vs %s2",ma1,ma2), panel.CellX(2,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,0)+2);
   panel.DrawText(state_relative, panel.CellX(2,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,1)+2,clrNONE,110);
//--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

在 M1 图表上编译并启动指标并选择 M5 进行计算后,我们看到:

空头力度指标(Bears Power):

//|                                           TestMSTFBearsPower.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_plots   2
//--- enums

//--- plot Bears1
#property indicator_label1  "Bears1"
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_HISTOGRAM
#property indicator_color1  clrGray
#property indicator_style1  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width1  1

//--- plot Bears2
#property indicator_label2  "Bears2"
#property indicator_type2   DRAW_HISTOGRAM
#property indicator_color2  clrDodgerBlue
#property indicator_style2  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width2  1

//--- includes
#include <IndMSTF\IndMSTF.mqh>
#include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
//--- input parameters
input string               InpSymbol      =  NULL;             /* Symbol                     */ // Symbol
input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES      InpTimeframe   =  PERIOD_CURRENT;   /* Timeframe                  */ // Timeframe
input int                  InpPeriod      =  13;               /* Period                     */ // Calculation period
input uchar                InpLineWidth1  =  2;                /* Senior period Line Width   */ // Line width for higher period
input uchar                InpLineWidth2  =  1;                /* Junior period Line Width   */ // Line width for lower period
input bool                 InpAsSeries    =  true;             /* As Series flag             */ // Timeseries flag of indicator buffer arrays

//--- indicator buffers
double         BufferBears1[];
double         BufferBears2[];
//--- global variables
int handle_bears1;
int handle_bears2;
CMSTFIndicators indicators;      // An instance of the indicator collection object
//--- variables for the panel
CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object
int         mouse_bar_index;     // Index of the bar the data is taken from
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
//--- Set a timer with an interval of 1 second
//--- Assign the BufferMA1 and BufferMA2 arrays to the plot buffers 0 and 1, respectively
//--- Set the line width
   int w1=0,w2=0;
//--- sets indicator shift

//--- Set the timeseries flags for the indicator buffer arrays (for testing, to see that there is no difference)
//--- Create two indicators of the same type
//--- The first one is calculated on the current chart symbol/period, the second - on those specified in the settings

//--- If failed to create indicator handles, return initialization error
   if(handle_bears1==INVALID_HANDLE || handle_bears2==INVALID_HANDLE)
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set descriptions for indicator lines from buffer descriptions of calculation part of created indicators
//--- Dashboard
//--- Create the panel
   int width=247;
   panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,width,264,0);
      Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set font parameters
//--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
   panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));

//--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
//--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 1 to display the data of indicator 1
//--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
   int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
//--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 2 to display the data of indicator 2
//--- Get the Y2 coordinate of the table with ID 1 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 2
   int y2=panel.TableY2(1)+3;
//--- Draw a table with ID 2 on the background of the dashboard
//--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
//--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel

//--- Successful initialization
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- Delete the timer
//--- If the panel object exists, delete it
      delete panel;
//--- Delete all comments
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])
//--- Number of bars for calculation
   int limit=rates_total-prev_calculated;
//--- If limit > 1, then this is the first calculation or change in the history
      //--- specify all the available history for calculation
      // If the indicator has any buffers that display other calculations (not multi-indicators),
      // initialize them here with the "empty" value set for these buffers
//--- Calculate all created multi-symbol multi-period indicators
      return 0;

//--- Display the bar data under cursor (or current bar if cursor is outside the chart) on the dashboard

//--- From buffers of calculated indicators, output data to indicator buffers
      return 0;
      return 0;

//--- return value of prev_calculated for the next call
//| Timer function                                                   | 
void OnTimer()
//--- Call the indicator collection timer
//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Handling the panel
//--- Call the panel event handler

//--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
      //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
      datetime time=0;
      double price=0;
      int wnd=0;
      //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
         //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
         //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 

//--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
      //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
      PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);
//| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
//--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
   MqlRates rates[1];

//--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index

//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
   int  size=0;
   uint flags=0;
   uint angle=0;
   string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
   panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
   panel.DrawText("Indicators data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data

//--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
   panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);

//--- Output the data of indicator 1 from the specified bar into table 1
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_bears1), panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
   double value1=indicators.GetData(handle_bears1,0,0,index);
   string value_str1=(value1!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value1,indicators.Digits(handle_bears1)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 1 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state1=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_bears1,0,0,index);
//--- Output the data of indicator 2 from the specified bar into table 2
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_bears2), panel.CellX(2,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,0,0)+2);
   double value2=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_bears2,0,0,index);
   string value_str2=(value2!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value2,indicators.Digits(handle_bears2)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 2 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(2,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state2=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_bears2,0,0,index);
//--- Display description of relationship between indicator 1 line relative to indicator 2 line
   double value21=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_bears2,0,0,index+1);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE stateR=indicators.BufferLineStateRelative(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_bears1,0,0,index,value2,value21);
   string ma1=indicators.Name(handle_bears1);
   string ma2=indicators.Name(handle_bears2);
   string state_relative=
      stateR==LINE_STATE_ABOVE      ? StringFormat("%s1 > %s2",ma1,ma2)   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_BELOW      ? StringFormat("%s1 < %s2",ma1,ma2)           :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN ? "Top-down crossing"   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   ? "Bottom-up crossing"  :
   panel.DrawText(StringFormat("%s1 vs %s2",ma1,ma2), panel.CellX(2,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,0)+2);
   panel.DrawText(state_relative, panel.CellX(2,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,1)+2,clrNONE,110);
//--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

在 M1 图表上编译并启动指标并选择 M5 进行计算后,我们看到:

布林带指标(Bollinger Bands):

//|                                   TestMSTFBollingerBands.mq5.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 6
#property indicator_plots   6
//--- enums

//--- plot BandsUpper1
#property indicator_label1  "BandsUpper1"
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color1  clrGreen
#property indicator_width1  1

//--- plot BandsLower1
#property indicator_label2  "BandsLower1"
#property indicator_type2   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color2  clrGreen
#property indicator_width2  1

//--- plot BandsMiddle1
#property indicator_label3  "BandsMiddle1"
#property indicator_type3   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color3  clrGreen
#property indicator_width3  1

//--- plot BandsUpper2
#property indicator_label4  "BandsUpper2"
#property indicator_type4  DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color4  clrDodgerBlue
#property indicator_width4  1

//--- plot BandsLower2
#property indicator_label5  "BandsLower2"
#property indicator_type5   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color5  clrDodgerBlue
#property indicator_width5  1

//--- plot BandsMiddle2
#property indicator_label6  "BandsMiddle2"
#property indicator_type6   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color6  clrDodgerBlue
#property indicator_width6  1

//--- includes
#include <IndMSTF\IndMSTF.mqh>
#include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
//--- input parameters
input string               InpSymbol      =  NULL;             /* Symbol                     */ // Moving average symbol
input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES      InpTimeframe   =  PERIOD_CURRENT;   /* Timeframe                  */ // Moving average timeframe
input int                  InpPeriod      =  20;               /* Period                     */ // Calculation period
input int                  InpShift       =  0;                /* Shift                      */ // Moving average shift
input double               InpDeviation   =  2.0;              /* Deviation                  */ // Deviation
input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   InpPrice       =  PRICE_CLOSE;      /* Applied Price              */ // Price used for calculations
input uchar                InpLineWidth1  =  2;                /* Senior period Line Width   */ // Line width for higher period
input uchar                InpLineWidth2  =  1;                /* Junior period Line Width   */ // Line width for lower period
input bool                 InpAsSeries    =  true;             /* As Series flag             */ // Timeseries flag of indicator buffer arrays

//--- indicator buffers
double         BufferBandsUp1[];
double         BufferBandsDn1[];
double         BufferBandsMd1[];
double         BufferBandsUp2[];
double         BufferBandsDn2[];
double         BufferBandsMd2[];
//--- global variables
int handle_bands1;
int handle_bands2;
CMSTFIndicators indicators;      // An instance of the indicator collection object
//--- variables for the panel
CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object
int         mouse_bar_index;     // Index of the bar the data is taken from
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
//--- Set a timer with an interval of 1 second
//--- Assign arrays BufferBandsUp1, BufferBandsDn1 and BufferBandsMd1 to plot buffers 0, 1 and 2, respectively
//--- Set arrays BufferBandsUp2, BufferBandsDn2 and BufferBandsMd2 to buffers 3, 4 and 5, respectively
//--- Set the line width
   int w1=0,w2=0;
//--- Set the timeseries flags for the indicator buffer arrays (for testing, to see that there is no difference)
//--- Create two indicators of the same type
//--- The first one is calculated on the current chart symbol/period, the second - on those specified in the settings

//--- If failed to create indicator handles, return initialization error
   if(handle_bands1==INVALID_HANDLE || handle_bands2==INVALID_HANDLE)
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set descriptions for indicator lines from buffer descriptions of calculation part of created indicators
//--- Set shifts for indicator lines

//--- Dashboard
//--- Create the panel
   int width=301;
   panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,width,264);
      Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set font parameters
//--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
   panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));

//--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
//--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 1 to display the data of indicator 1
//--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
   int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
//--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 2 to display the data of indicator 2
//--- Get the Y2 coordinate of the table with ID 1 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 2
   int y2=panel.TableY2(1)+3;
//--- Draw a table with ID 2 on the background of the dashboard
//--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
//--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel

//--- Successful initialization
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- Delete the timer
//--- If the panel object exists, delete it
      delete panel;
//--- Delete all comments
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])
//--- Number of bars for calculation
   int limit=rates_total-prev_calculated;
//--- If limit > 1, then this is the first calculation or change in the history
      //--- specify all the available history for calculation
      // If the indicator has any buffers that display other calculations (not multi-indicators),
      // initialize them here with the "empty" value set for these buffers
//--- Calculate all created multi-symbol multi-period indicators
      return 0;

//--- Display the bar data under cursor (or current bar if cursor is outside the chart) on the dashboard

//--- From buffers of calculated indicators, output data to indicator buffers
      return 0;
      return 0;
      return 0;
      return 0;
      return 0;
      return 0;

//--- return value of prev_calculated for the next call
//| Timer function                                                   | 
void OnTimer()
//--- Call the indicator collection timer
//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Handling the panel
//--- Call the panel event handler

//--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
      //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
      datetime time=0;
      double price=0;
      int wnd=0;
      //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
         //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
         //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 

//--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
      //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
      PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);
//| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
//--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
   MqlRates rates[1];

//--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index

//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
   int  size=0;
   uint flags=0;
   uint angle=0;
   string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
   panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
   panel.DrawText("Indicators data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data

//--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
   panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);

//--- Output the data of indicator 1 from the specified bar into table 1
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_bands1), panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
   double value1=indicators.GetData(handle_bands1,0,0,index);
   string value_str1=(value1!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value1,indicators.Digits(handle_bands1)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 1 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state1=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_bands1,0,0,index);
//--- Output the data of indicator 2 from the specified bar into table 2
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_bands2), panel.CellX(2,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,0,0)+2);
   double value2=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_bands2,0,0,index);
   string value_str2=(value2!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value2,indicators.Digits(handle_bands2)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 2 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(2,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state2=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_bands2,0,0,index);
//--- Display description of relationship between indicator 1 line relative to indicator 2 line
   double value21=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_bands2,0,0,index+1);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE stateR=indicators.BufferLineStateRelative(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_bands1,0,0,index,value2,value21);
   string ma1=indicators.Name(handle_bands1);
   string ma2=indicators.Name(handle_bands2);
   string state_relative=
      stateR==LINE_STATE_ABOVE      ? StringFormat("%s1 > %s2",ma1,ma2)   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_BELOW      ? StringFormat("%s1 < %s2",ma1,ma2)           :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN ? "Top-down crossing"   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   ? "Bottom-up crossing"  :
   panel.DrawText(StringFormat("%s1 vs %s2",ma1,ma2), panel.CellX(2,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,0)+2);
   panel.DrawText(state_relative, panel.CellX(2,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,1)+2,clrNONE,150);
//--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

在 M1 图表上编译并启动指标并选择 M5 进行计算后,我们看到:

多头力度指标(Bulls Power):

//|                                           TestMSTFBullsPower.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_plots   2
//--- enums

//--- plot Bulls1
#property indicator_label1  "Bulls1"
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_HISTOGRAM
#property indicator_color1  clrGray
#property indicator_style1  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width1  1

//--- plot Bulls2
#property indicator_label2  "Bulls2"
#property indicator_type2   DRAW_HISTOGRAM
#property indicator_color2  clrDodgerBlue
#property indicator_style2  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width2  1

//--- includes
#include <IndMSTF\IndMSTF.mqh>
#include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
//--- input parameters
input string               InpSymbol      =  NULL;             /* Symbol                     */ // Symbol
input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES      InpTimeframe   =  PERIOD_CURRENT;   /* Timeframe                  */ // Timeframe
input int                  InpPeriod      =  13;               /* Period                     */ // Calculation period
input uchar                InpLineWidth1  =  2;                /* Senior period Line Width   */ // Line width for higher period
input uchar                InpLineWidth2  =  1;                /* Junior period Line Width   */ // Line width for lower period
input bool                 InpAsSeries    =  true;             /* As Series flag             */ // Timeseries flag of indicator buffer arrays

//--- indicator buffers
double         BufferBulls1[];
double         BufferBulls2[];
//--- global variables
int handle_bulls1;
int handle_bulls2;
CMSTFIndicators indicators;      // An instance of the indicator collection object
//--- variables for the panel
CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object
int         mouse_bar_index;     // Index of the bar the data is taken from
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
//--- Set a timer with an interval of 1 second
//--- Assign the BufferMA1 and BufferMA2 arrays to the plot buffers 0 and 1, respectively
//--- Set the line width
   int w1=0,w2=0;
//--- sets indicator shift

//--- Set the timeseries flags for the indicator buffer arrays (for testing, to see that there is no difference)
//--- Create two indicators of the same type
//--- The first one is calculated on the current chart symbol/period, the second - on those specified in the settings

//--- If failed to create indicator handles, return initialization error
   if(handle_bulls1==INVALID_HANDLE || handle_bulls2==INVALID_HANDLE)
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set descriptions for indicator lines from buffer descriptions of calculation part of created indicators
//--- Dashboard
//--- Create the panel
   int width=247;
   panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,width,264,0);
      Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set font parameters
//--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
   panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));

//--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
//--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 1 to display the data of indicator 1
//--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
   int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
//--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 2 to display the data of indicator 2
//--- Get the Y2 coordinate of the table with ID 1 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 2
   int y2=panel.TableY2(1)+3;
//--- Draw a table with ID 2 on the background of the dashboard
//--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
//--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel

//--- Successful initialization
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- Delete the timer
//--- If the panel object exists, delete it
      delete panel;
//--- Delete all comments
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])
//--- Number of bars for calculation
   int limit=rates_total-prev_calculated;
//--- If limit > 1, then this is the first calculation or change in the history
      //--- specify all the available history for calculation
      // If the indicator has any buffers that display other calculations (not multi-indicators),
      // initialize them here with the "empty" value set for these buffers
//--- Calculate all created multi-symbol multi-period indicators
      return 0;

//--- Display the bar data under cursor (or current bar if cursor is outside the chart) on the dashboard

//--- From buffers of calculated indicators, output data to indicator buffers
      return 0;
      return 0;

//--- return value of prev_calculated for the next call
//| Timer function                                                   | 
void OnTimer()
//--- Call the indicator collection timer
//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Handling the panel
//--- Call the panel event handler

//--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
      //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
      datetime time=0;
      double price=0;
      int wnd=0;
      //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
         //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
         //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 

//--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
      //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
      PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);
//| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
//--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
   MqlRates rates[1];

//--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index

//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
   int  size=0;
   uint flags=0;
   uint angle=0;
   string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
   panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
   panel.DrawText("Indicators data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data

//--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
   panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);

//--- Output the data of indicator 1 from the specified bar into table 1
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_bulls1), panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
   double value1=indicators.GetData(handle_bulls1,0,0,index);
   string value_str1=(value1!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value1,indicators.Digits(handle_bulls1)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 1 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state1=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_bulls1,0,0,index);
//--- Output the data of indicator 2 from the specified bar into table 2
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_bulls2), panel.CellX(2,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,0,0)+2);
   double value2=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_bulls2,0,0,index);
   string value_str2=(value2!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value2,indicators.Digits(handle_bulls2)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 2 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(2,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state2=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_bulls2,0,0,index);
//--- Display description of relationship between indicator 1 line relative to indicator 2 line
   double value21=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_bulls2,0,0,index+1);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE stateR=indicators.BufferLineStateRelative(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_bulls1,0,0,index,value2,value21);
   string ma1=indicators.Name(handle_bulls1);
   string ma2=indicators.Name(handle_bulls2);
   string state_relative=
      stateR==LINE_STATE_ABOVE      ? StringFormat("%s1 > %s2",ma1,ma2)   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_BELOW      ? StringFormat("%s1 < %s2",ma1,ma2)           :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN ? "Top-down crossing"   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   ? "Bottom-up crossing"  :
   panel.DrawText(StringFormat("%s1 vs %s2",ma1,ma2), panel.CellX(2,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,0)+2);
   panel.DrawText(state_relative, panel.CellX(2,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,1)+2,clrNONE,110);
//--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

在 M1 图表上编译并启动指标并选择 M5 进行计算后,我们看到:


佳庆指标(Chaikin Oscillator):

//|                                    TestMSTFChaikinOscillator.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_plots   2
//--- enums

//--- plot CHO1
#property indicator_label1  "CHO1"
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color1  clrSeaGreen
#property indicator_style1  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width1  1

//--- plot CHO2
#property indicator_label2  "CHO2"
#property indicator_type2   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color2  clrDodgerBlue
#property indicator_style2  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width2  1

//--- includes
#include <IndMSTF\IndMSTF.mqh>
#include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
//--- input parameters
input string               InpSymbol      =  NULL;             /* Symbol                     */ // Symbol
input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES      InpTimeframe   =  PERIOD_CURRENT;   /* Timeframe                  */ // Timeframe
input int                  InpFastMAPeriod=  3;                /* Fast MA Period             */ // Fast MA period
input int                  InpSlowMAPeriod=  10;               /* Slow MA Period             */ // Slow MA period
input ENUM_MA_METHOD       InpMethod      =  MODE_EMA;         /* Method                     */ // Calculation method
input ENUM_APPLIED_VOLUME  InpVolume      =  VOLUME_TICK;      /* Applied Volume             */ // Volumes
input uchar                InpLineWidth1  =  2;                /* Senior period Line Width   */ // Line width for higher period
input uchar                InpLineWidth2  =  1;                /* Junior period Line Width   */ // Line width for lower period
input bool                 InpAsSeries    =  true;             /* As Series flag             */ // Timeseries flag of indicator buffer arrays

//--- indicator buffers
double         BufferCHO1[];
double         BufferCHO2[];
//--- global variables
int handle_cho1;
int handle_cho2;
CMSTFIndicators indicators;      // An instance of the indicator collection object
//--- variables for the panel
CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object
int         mouse_bar_index;     // Index of the bar the data is taken from
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
//--- Set a timer with an interval of 1 second
//--- Assign the BufferMA1 and BufferMA2 arrays to the plot buffers 0 and 1, respectively
//--- Set the line width
   int w1=0,w2=0;
//--- sets indicator shift

//--- Set the timeseries flags for the indicator buffer arrays (for testing, to see that there is no difference)
//--- Create two indicators of the same type
//--- The first one is calculated on the current chart symbol/period, the second - on those specified in the settings

//--- If failed to create indicator handles, return initialization error
   if(handle_cho1==INVALID_HANDLE || handle_cho2==INVALID_HANDLE)
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set descriptions for indicator lines from buffer descriptions of calculation part of created indicators
//--- Dashboard
//--- Create the panel
   int width=247;
   panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,width,264,0);
      Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set font parameters
//--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
   panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));

//--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
//--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 1 to display the data of indicator 1
//--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
   int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
//--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 2 to display the data of indicator 2
//--- Get the Y2 coordinate of the table with ID 1 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 2
   int y2=panel.TableY2(1)+3;
//--- Draw a table with ID 2 on the background of the dashboard
//--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
//--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel

//--- Successful initialization
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- Delete the timer
//--- If the panel object exists, delete it
      delete panel;
//--- Delete all comments
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])
//--- Number of bars for calculation
   int limit=rates_total-prev_calculated;
//--- If limit > 1, then this is the first calculation or change in the history
      //--- specify all the available history for calculation
      // If the indicator has any buffers that display other calculations (not multi-indicators),
      // initialize them here with the "empty" value set for these buffers
//--- Calculate all created multi-symbol multi-period indicators
      return 0;

//--- Display the bar data under cursor (or current bar if cursor is outside the chart) on the dashboard

//--- From buffers of calculated indicators, output data to indicator buffers
      return 0;
      return 0;

//--- return value of prev_calculated for the next call
//| Timer function                                                   | 
void OnTimer()
//--- Call the indicator collection timer
//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Handling the panel
//--- Call the panel event handler

//--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
      //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
      datetime time=0;
      double price=0;
      int wnd=0;
      //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
         //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
         //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 

//--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
      //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
      PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);
//| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
//--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
   MqlRates rates[1];

//--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index

//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
   int  size=0;
   uint flags=0;
   uint angle=0;
   string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
   panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
   panel.DrawText("Indicators data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data

//--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
   panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);

//--- Output the data of indicator 1 from the specified bar into table 1
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_cho1), panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
   double value1=indicators.GetData(handle_cho1,0,0,index);
   string value_str1=(value1!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value1,indicators.Digits(handle_cho1)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 1 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state1=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_cho1,0,0,index);
//--- Output the data of indicator 2 from the specified bar into table 2
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_cho2), panel.CellX(2,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,0,0)+2);
   double value2=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_cho2,0,0,index);
   string value_str2=(value2!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value2,indicators.Digits(handle_cho2)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 2 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(2,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state2=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_cho2,0,0,index);
//--- Display description of relationship between indicator 1 line relative to indicator 2 line
   double value21=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_cho2,0,0,index+1);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE stateR=indicators.BufferLineStateRelative(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_cho1,0,0,index,value2,value21);
   string ma1=indicators.Name(handle_cho1);
   string ma2=indicators.Name(handle_cho2);
   string state_relative=
      stateR==LINE_STATE_ABOVE      ? StringFormat("%s1 > %s2",ma1,ma2)   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_BELOW      ? StringFormat("%s1 < %s2",ma1,ma2)           :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN ? "Top-down crossing"   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   ? "Bottom-up crossing"  :
   panel.DrawText(StringFormat("%s1 vs %s2",ma1,ma2), panel.CellX(2,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,0)+2);
   panel.DrawText(state_relative, panel.CellX(2,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,1)+2,clrNONE,110);
//--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

在 M1 图表上编译并启动指标并选择 M5 进行计算后,我们看到:

商品通道指数(Commodity Channel Index):

//|                                TestMSTFCommodityChannelIndex.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_plots   2
//--- enums

//--- plot CCI1
#property indicator_label1  "CCI1"
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color1  clrSeaGreen
#property indicator_style1  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width1  1

//--- plot CCI2
#property indicator_label2  "CCI2"
#property indicator_type2   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color2  clrDodgerBlue
#property indicator_style2  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width2  1

//--- includes
#include <IndMSTF\IndMSTF.mqh>
#include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
//--- input parameters
input string               InpSymbol      =  NULL;             /* Symbol                     */ // Symbol
input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES      InpTimeframe   =  PERIOD_CURRENT;   /* Timeframe                  */ // Timeframe
input int                  InpPeriod      =  14;               /* Period                     */ // Calculation period
input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   InpPrice       =  PRICE_TYPICAL;    /* Applied Price              */ // Calculation price
input uchar                InpLineWidth1  =  2;                /* Senior period Line Width   */ // Line width for higher period
input uchar                InpLineWidth2  =  1;                /* Junior period Line Width   */ // Line width for lower period
input bool                 InpAsSeries    =  true;             /* As Series flag             */ // Timeseries flag of indicator buffer arrays

//--- indicator buffers
double         BufferCCI1[];
double         BufferCCI2[];
//--- global variables
int handle_cci1;
int handle_cci2;
CMSTFIndicators indicators;      // An instance of the indicator collection object
//--- variables for the panel
CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object
int         mouse_bar_index;     // Index of the bar the data is taken from
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
//--- Set a timer with an interval of 1 second
//--- Assign the BufferMA1 and BufferMA2 arrays to the plot buffers 0 and 1, respectively
//--- Set the line width
   int w1=0,w2=0;
//--- sets indicator shift

//--- Set the timeseries flags for the indicator buffer arrays (for testing, to see that there is no difference)
//--- Create two indicators of the same type
//--- The first one is calculated on the current chart symbol/period, the second - on those specified in the settings

//--- If failed to create indicator handles, return initialization error
   if(handle_cci1==INVALID_HANDLE || handle_cci2==INVALID_HANDLE)
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set descriptions for indicator lines from buffer descriptions of calculation part of created indicators
//--- Dashboard
//--- Create the panel
   int width=247;
   panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,width,264,0);
      Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set font parameters
//--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
   panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));

//--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
//--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 1 to display the data of indicator 1
//--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
   int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
//--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 2 to display the data of indicator 2
//--- Get the Y2 coordinate of the table with ID 1 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 2
   int y2=panel.TableY2(1)+3;
//--- Draw a table with ID 2 on the background of the dashboard
//--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
//--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel

//--- Successful initialization
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- Delete the timer
//--- If the panel object exists, delete it
      delete panel;
//--- Delete all comments
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])
//--- Number of bars for calculation
   int limit=rates_total-prev_calculated;
//--- If limit > 1, then this is the first calculation or change in the history
      //--- specify all the available history for calculation
      // If the indicator has any buffers that display other calculations (not multi-indicators),
      // initialize them here with the "empty" value set for these buffers
//--- Calculate all created multi-symbol multi-period indicators
      return 0;

//--- Display the bar data under cursor (or current bar if cursor is outside the chart) on the dashboard

//--- From buffers of calculated indicators, output data to indicator buffers
      return 0;
      return 0;

//--- return value of prev_calculated for the next call
//| Timer function                                                   | 
void OnTimer()
//--- Call the indicator collection timer
//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Handling the panel
//--- Call the panel event handler

//--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
      //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
      datetime time=0;
      double price=0;
      int wnd=0;
      //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
         //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
         //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 

//--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
      //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
      PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);
//| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
//--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
   MqlRates rates[1];

//--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index

//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
   int  size=0;
   uint flags=0;
   uint angle=0;
   string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
   panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
   panel.DrawText("Indicators data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data

//--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
   panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);

//--- Output the data of indicator 1 from the specified bar into table 1
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_cci1), panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
   double value1=indicators.GetData(handle_cci1,0,0,index);
   string value_str1=(value1!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value1,indicators.Digits(handle_cci1)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 1 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state1=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_cci1,0,0,index);
//--- Output the data of indicator 2 from the specified bar into table 2
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_cci2), panel.CellX(2,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,0,0)+2);
   double value2=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_cci2,0,0,index);
   string value_str2=(value2!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value2,indicators.Digits(handle_cci2)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 2 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(2,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state2=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_cci2,0,0,index);
//--- Display description of relationship between indicator 1 line relative to indicator 2 line
   double value21=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_cci2,0,0,index+1);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE stateR=indicators.BufferLineStateRelative(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_cci1,0,0,index,value2,value21);
   string ma1=indicators.Name(handle_cci1);
   string ma2=indicators.Name(handle_cci2);
   string state_relative=
      stateR==LINE_STATE_ABOVE      ? StringFormat("%s1 > %s2",ma1,ma2)   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_BELOW      ? StringFormat("%s1 < %s2",ma1,ma2)           :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN ? "Top-down crossing"   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   ? "Bottom-up crossing"  :
   panel.DrawText(StringFormat("%s1 vs %s2",ma1,ma2), panel.CellX(2,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,0)+2);
   panel.DrawText(state_relative, panel.CellX(2,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,1)+2,clrNONE,110);
//--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

在 M1 图表上编译并启动指标并选择 M5 进行计算后,我们看到:

DeMarker 指标:

//|                                             TestMSTFDeMarker.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_plots   2
//--- enums

//--- plot DeM1
#property indicator_label1  "DeM1"
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color1  clrSeaGreen
#property indicator_style1  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width1  1

//--- plot DeM2
#property indicator_label2  "DeM2"
#property indicator_type2   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color2  clrDodgerBlue
#property indicator_style2  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width2  1

//--- includes
#include <IndMSTF\IndMSTF.mqh>
#include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
//--- input parameters
input string               InpSymbol      =  NULL;             /* Symbol                     */ // Symbol
input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES      InpTimeframe   =  PERIOD_CURRENT;   /* Timeframe                  */ // Timeframe
input int                  InpPeriod      =  14;               /* Period                     */ // Calculation period
input uchar                InpLineWidth1  =  2;                /* Senior period Line Width   */ // Line width for higher period
input uchar                InpLineWidth2  =  1;                /* Junior period Line Width   */ // Line width for lower period
input bool                 InpAsSeries    =  true;             /* As Series flag             */ // Timeseries flag of indicator buffer arrays

//--- indicator buffers
double         BufferDeM1[];
double         BufferDeM2[];
//--- global variables
int handle_dem1;
int handle_dem2;
CMSTFIndicators indicators;      // An instance of the indicator collection object
//--- variables for the panel
CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object
int         mouse_bar_index;     // Index of the bar the data is taken from
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
//--- Set a timer with an interval of 1 second
//--- Assign the BufferMA1 and BufferMA2 arrays to the plot buffers 0 and 1, respectively
//--- Set the line width
   int w1=0,w2=0;
//--- sets indicator shift

//--- Set the timeseries flags for the indicator buffer arrays (for testing, to see that there is no difference)
//--- Create two indicators of the same type
//--- The first one is calculated on the current chart symbol/period, the second - on those specified in the settings

//--- If failed to create indicator handles, return initialization error
   if(handle_dem1==INVALID_HANDLE || handle_dem2==INVALID_HANDLE)
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set descriptions for indicator lines from buffer descriptions of calculation part of created indicators
//--- Dashboard
//--- Create the panel
   int width=247;
   panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,width,264,0);
      Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set font parameters
//--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
   panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));

//--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
//--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 1 to display the data of indicator 1
//--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
   int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
//--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 2 to display the data of indicator 2
//--- Get the Y2 coordinate of the table with ID 1 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 2
   int y2=panel.TableY2(1)+3;
//--- Draw a table with ID 2 on the background of the dashboard
//--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
//--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel

//--- Successful initialization
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- Delete the timer
//--- If the panel object exists, delete it
      delete panel;
//--- Delete all comments
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])
//--- Number of bars for calculation
   int limit=rates_total-prev_calculated;
//--- If limit > 1, then this is the first calculation or change in the history
      //--- specify all the available history for calculation
      // If the indicator has any buffers that display other calculations (not multi-indicators),
      // initialize them here with the "empty" value set for these buffers
//--- Calculate all created multi-symbol multi-period indicators
      return 0;

//--- Display the bar data under cursor (or current bar if cursor is outside the chart) on the dashboard

//--- From buffers of calculated indicators, output data to indicator buffers
      return 0;
      return 0;

//--- return value of prev_calculated for the next call
//| Timer function                                                   | 
void OnTimer()
//--- Call the indicator collection timer
//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Handling the panel
//--- Call the panel event handler

//--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
      //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
      datetime time=0;
      double price=0;
      int wnd=0;
      //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
         //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
         //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 

//--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
      //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
      PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);
//| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
//--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
   MqlRates rates[1];

//--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index

//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
   int  size=0;
   uint flags=0;
   uint angle=0;
   string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
   panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
   panel.DrawText("Indicators data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data

//--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
   panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);

//--- Output the data of indicator 1 from the specified bar into table 1
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_dem1), panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
   double value1=indicators.GetData(handle_dem1,0,0,index);
   string value_str1=(value1!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value1,indicators.Digits(handle_dem1)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 1 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state1=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_dem1,0,0,index);
//--- Output the data of indicator 2 from the specified bar into table 2
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_dem2), panel.CellX(2,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,0,0)+2);
   double value2=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_dem2,0,0,index);
   string value_str2=(value2!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value2,indicators.Digits(handle_dem2)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 2 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(2,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state2=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_dem2,0,0,index);
//--- Display description of relationship between indicator 1 line relative to indicator 2 line
   double value21=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_dem2,0,0,index+1);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE stateR=indicators.BufferLineStateRelative(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_dem1,0,0,index,value2,value21);
   string ma1=indicators.Name(handle_dem1);
   string ma2=indicators.Name(handle_dem2);
   string state_relative=
      stateR==LINE_STATE_ABOVE      ? StringFormat("%s1 > %s2",ma1,ma2)   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_BELOW      ? StringFormat("%s1 < %s2",ma1,ma2)           :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN ? "Top-down crossing"   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   ? "Bottom-up crossing"  :
   panel.DrawText(StringFormat("%s1 vs %s2",ma1,ma2), panel.CellX(2,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,0)+2);
   panel.DrawText(state_relative, panel.CellX(2,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,1)+2,clrNONE,110);
//--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

在 M1 图表上编译并启动指标并选择 M5 进行计算后,我们看到:


//|                                        TestMSTFEnvelopes.mq5.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 4
#property indicator_plots   4
//--- enums

//--- plot EnvelopesUp1
#property indicator_label1  "EnvelopesUp1"
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color1  clrDodgerBlue
#property indicator_width1  1

//--- plot EnvelopesDown1
#property indicator_label2  "EnvelopesDown1"
#property indicator_type2   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color2  clrRed
#property indicator_width2  1

//--- plot EnvelopesUp2
#property indicator_label3  "EnvelopesUp2"
#property indicator_type3   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color3  clrDodgerBlue
#property indicator_width3  1

//--- plot EnvelopesDown2
#property indicator_label4  "EnvelopesDown2"
#property indicator_type4   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color4  clrRed
#property indicator_width4  1

//--- includes
#include <IndMSTF\IndMSTF.mqh>
#include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
//--- input parameters
input string               InpSymbol      =  NULL;             /* Symbol                     */ // Moving average symbol
input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES      InpTimeframe   =  PERIOD_CURRENT;   /* Timeframe                  */ // Moving average timeframe
input int                  InpPeriod      =  14;               /* Period                     */ // Calculation period
input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   InpPrice       =  PRICE_CLOSE;      /* Applied Price              */ // Price used for calculations
input ENUM_MA_METHOD       InpMethod      =  MODE_SMA;         /* Method                     */ // Moving Average calculation method
input int                  InpShift       =  0;                /* Shift                      */ // Moving average shift
input double               InpDeviation   =  0.1;              /* Deviation                  */ // Deviation
input uchar                InpLineWidth1  =  2;                /* Senior period Line Width   */ // Line width for higher period
input uchar                InpLineWidth2  =  1;                /* Junior period Line Width   */ // Line width for lower period
input bool                 InpAsSeries    =  true;             /* As Series flag             */ // Timeseries flag of indicator buffer arrays

//--- indicator buffers
double         BufferEnvelopesUp1[];
double         BufferEnvelopesDn1[];
double         BufferEnvelopesUp2[];
double         BufferEnvelopesDn2[];
//--- global variables
int handle_envelopes1;
int handle_envelopes2;
CMSTFIndicators indicators;      // An instance of the indicator collection object
//--- variables for the panel
CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object
int         mouse_bar_index;     // Index of the bar the data is taken from
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
//--- Set a timer with an interval of 1 second
//--- Assign the BufferEnvelopesUp1 and BufferEnvelopesDn1 arrays to the plot buffers 0 and 1, respectively
//--- Assign the BufferEnvelopesUp2 and BufferEnvelopesDn2 arrays to the plot buffers 2 and 3, respectively
//--- Set the line width
   int w1=0,w2=0;
//--- Set the timeseries flags for the indicator buffer arrays (for testing, to see that there is no difference)
//--- Create two indicators of the same type
//--- The first one is calculated on the current chart symbol/period, the second - on those specified in the settings

//--- If failed to create indicator handles, return initialization error
   if(handle_envelopes1==INVALID_HANDLE || handle_envelopes2==INVALID_HANDLE)
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set descriptions for indicator lines from buffer descriptions of calculation part of created indicators
//--- Set shifts for indicator lines

//--- Dashboard
//--- Create the panel
   int width=301;
   panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,width,264);
      Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set font parameters
//--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
   panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));

//--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
//--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 1 to display the data of indicator 1
//--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
   int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
//--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 2 to display the data of indicator 2
//--- Get the Y2 coordinate of the table with ID 1 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 2
   int y2=panel.TableY2(1)+3;
//--- Draw a table with ID 2 on the background of the dashboard
//--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
//--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel

//--- Successful initialization
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- Delete the timer
//--- If the panel object exists, delete it
      delete panel;
//--- Delete all comments
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])
//--- Number of bars for calculation
   int limit=rates_total-prev_calculated;
//--- If limit > 1, then this is the first calculation or change in the history
      //--- specify all the available history for calculation
      // If the indicator has any buffers that display other calculations (not multi-indicators),
      // initialize them here with the "empty" value set for these buffers
//--- Calculate all created multi-symbol multi-period indicators
      return 0;

//--- Display the bar data under cursor (or current bar if cursor is outside the chart) on the dashboard

//--- From buffers of calculated indicators, output data to indicator buffers
      return 0;
      return 0;
      return 0;
      return 0;

//--- return value of prev_calculated for the next call
//| Timer function                                                   | 
void OnTimer()
//--- Call the indicator collection timer
//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Handling the panel
//--- Call the panel event handler

//--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
      //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
      datetime time=0;
      double price=0;
      int wnd=0;
      //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
         //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
         //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 

//--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
      //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
      PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);
//| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
//--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
   MqlRates rates[1];

//--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index

//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
   int  size=0;
   uint flags=0;
   uint angle=0;
   string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
   panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
   panel.DrawText("Indicators data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data

//--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
   panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);

//--- Output the data of indicator 1 from the specified bar into table 1
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_envelopes1), panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
   double value1=indicators.GetData(handle_envelopes1,0,0,index);
   string value_str1=(value1!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value1,indicators.Digits(handle_envelopes1)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 1 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state1=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_envelopes1,0,0,index);
//--- Output the data of indicator 2 from the specified bar into table 2
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_envelopes2), panel.CellX(2,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,0,0)+2);
   double value2=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_envelopes2,0,0,index);
   string value_str2=(value2!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value2,indicators.Digits(handle_envelopes2)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 2 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(2,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state2=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_envelopes2,0,0,index);
//--- Display description of relationship between indicator 1 line relative to indicator 2 line
   double value21=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_envelopes2,0,0,index+1);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE stateR=indicators.BufferLineStateRelative(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_envelopes1,0,0,index,value2,value21);
   string ma1=indicators.Name(handle_envelopes1);
   string ma2=indicators.Name(handle_envelopes2);
   string state_relative=
      stateR==LINE_STATE_ABOVE      ? StringFormat("%s1 > %s2",ma1,ma2)   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_BELOW      ? StringFormat("%s1 < %s2",ma1,ma2)           :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN ? "Top-down crossing"   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   ? "Bottom-up crossing"  :
   panel.DrawText(StringFormat("%s1 vs %s2",ma1,ma2), panel.CellX(2,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,0)+2);
   panel.DrawText(state_relative, panel.CellX(2,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,1)+2,clrNONE,150);
//--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

在 M1 图表上编译并启动指标并选择 M5 进行计算后,我们看到:

强力指数指标(Force Index):

//|                                           TestMSTFForceIndex.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_plots   2
//--- enums

//--- plot Force1
#property indicator_label1  "Force1"
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color1  clrSeaGreen
#property indicator_style1  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width1  1

//--- plot Force2
#property indicator_label2  "Force2"
#property indicator_type2   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color2  clrDodgerBlue
#property indicator_style2  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width2  1

//--- includes
#include <IndMSTF\IndMSTF.mqh>
#include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
//--- input parameters
input string               InpSymbol      =  NULL;             /* Symbol                     */ // Symbol
input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES      InpTimeframe   =  PERIOD_CURRENT;   /* Timeframe                  */ // Timeframe
input int                  InpPeriod      =  13;               /* Period                     */ // Calculation period
input ENUM_MA_METHOD       InpMethod      =  MODE_SMA;         /* Method                     */ // Calculation method
input ENUM_APPLIED_VOLUME  InpVolume      =  VOLUME_TICK;      /* Applied Volume             */ // Volumes
input uchar                InpLineWidth1  =  2;                /* Senior period Line Width   */ // Line width for higher period
input uchar                InpLineWidth2  =  1;                /* Junior period Line Width   */ // Line width for lower period
input bool                 InpAsSeries    =  true;             /* As Series flag             */ // Timeseries flag of indicator buffer arrays

//--- indicator buffers
double         BufferForce1[];
double         BufferForce2[];
//--- global variables
int handle_force1;
int handle_force2;
CMSTFIndicators indicators;      // An instance of the indicator collection object
//--- variables for the panel
CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object
int         mouse_bar_index;     // Index of the bar the data is taken from
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
//--- Set a timer with an interval of 1 second
//--- Assign the BufferMA1 and BufferMA2 arrays to the plot buffers 0 and 1, respectively
//--- Set the line width
   int w1=0,w2=0;
//--- sets indicator shift

//--- Set the timeseries flags for the indicator buffer arrays (for testing, to see that there is no difference)
//--- Create two indicators of the same type
//--- The first one is calculated on the current chart symbol/period, the second - on those specified in the settings

//--- If failed to create indicator handles, return initialization error
   if(handle_force1==INVALID_HANDLE || handle_force2==INVALID_HANDLE)
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set descriptions for indicator lines from buffer descriptions of calculation part of created indicators
//--- Dashboard
//--- Create the panel
   int width=247;
   panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,width,264,0);
      Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set font parameters
//--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
   panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));

//--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
//--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 1 to display the data of indicator 1
//--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
   int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
//--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 2 to display the data of indicator 2
//--- Get the Y2 coordinate of the table with ID 1 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 2
   int y2=panel.TableY2(1)+3;
//--- Draw a table with ID 2 on the background of the dashboard
//--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
//--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel

//--- Successful initialization
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- Delete the timer
//--- If the panel object exists, delete it
      delete panel;
//--- Delete all comments
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])
//--- Number of bars for calculation
   int limit=rates_total-prev_calculated;
//--- If limit > 1, then this is the first calculation or change in the history
      //--- specify all the available history for calculation
      // If the indicator has any buffers that display other calculations (not multi-indicators),
      // initialize them here with the "empty" value set for these buffers
//--- Calculate all created multi-symbol multi-period indicators
      return 0;

//--- Display the bar data under cursor (or current bar if cursor is outside the chart) on the dashboard

//--- From buffers of calculated indicators, output data to indicator buffers
      return 0;
      return 0;

//--- return value of prev_calculated for the next call
//| Timer function                                                   | 
void OnTimer()
//--- Call the indicator collection timer
//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Handling the panel
//--- Call the panel event handler

//--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
      //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
      datetime time=0;
      double price=0;
      int wnd=0;
      //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
         //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
         //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 

//--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
      //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
      PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);
//| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
//--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
   MqlRates rates[1];

//--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index

//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
   int  size=0;
   uint flags=0;
   uint angle=0;
   string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
   panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
   panel.DrawText("Indicators data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data

//--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
   panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);

//--- Output the data of indicator 1 from the specified bar into table 1
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_force1), panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
   double value1=indicators.GetData(handle_force1,0,0,index);
   string value_str1=(value1!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value1,indicators.Digits(handle_force1)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 1 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state1=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_force1,0,0,index);
//--- Output the data of indicator 2 from the specified bar into table 2
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_force2), panel.CellX(2,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,0,0)+2);
   double value2=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_force2,0,0,index);
   string value_str2=(value2!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value2,indicators.Digits(handle_force2)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 2 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(2,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state2=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_force2,0,0,index);
//--- Display description of relationship between indicator 1 line relative to indicator 2 line
   double value21=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_force2,0,0,index+1);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE stateR=indicators.BufferLineStateRelative(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_force1,0,0,index,value2,value21);
   string ma1=indicators.Name(handle_force1);
   string ma2=indicators.Name(handle_force2);
   string state_relative=
      stateR==LINE_STATE_ABOVE      ? StringFormat("%s1 > %s2",ma1,ma2)   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_BELOW      ? StringFormat("%s1 < %s2",ma1,ma2)           :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN ? "Top-down crossing"   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   ? "Bottom-up crossing"  :
   panel.DrawText(StringFormat("%s1 vs %s2",ma1,ma2), panel.CellX(2,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,0)+2);
   panel.DrawText(state_relative, panel.CellX(2,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,1)+2,clrNONE,110);
//--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

在 M1 图表上编译并启动指标并选择 M5 进行计算后,我们看到:

MACD 指标:

//|                                                 TestMSTFMACD.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 4
#property indicator_plots   4
//--- enums

//--- plot MACD1
#property indicator_label1  "MACD1"
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_HISTOGRAM
#property indicator_color1  clrGreen
#property indicator_style1  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width1  1

//--- plot Signal1
#property indicator_label2  "Signal1"
#property indicator_type2   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color2  clrRed
#property indicator_style2  STYLE_DOT
#property indicator_width2  1

//--- plot MACD2
#property indicator_label3  "MACD2"
#property indicator_type3   DRAW_HISTOGRAM
#property indicator_color3  clrPaleGreen
#property indicator_style3  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width3  1

//--- plot Signal2
#property indicator_label4  "Signal2"
#property indicator_type4   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color4  clrOrange
#property indicator_style4  STYLE_DOT
#property indicator_width4  1

//--- includes
#include <IndMSTF\IndMSTF.mqh>
#include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
//--- input parameters
input string               InpSymbol      =  NULL;             /* Symbol                     */ // Symbol
input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES      InpTimeframe   =  PERIOD_CURRENT;   /* Timeframe                  */ // Timeframe
input int                  InpFastPeriod  =  12;               /* Fast EMA Period            */ 
input int                  InpSlowPeriod  =  26;               /* Slow EMA Period            */ 
input int                  InpSignal      =  9;                /* MACD SMA                   */ // Signal line period
input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   InpPrice       =  PRICE_CLOSE;      /* Applied Price              */ 
input uchar                InpLineWidth1  =  2;                /* Senior period Line Width   */ // Line width for higher period
input uchar                InpLineWidth2  =  1;                /* Junior period Line Width   */ // Line width for lower period
input bool                 InpAsSeries    =  true;             /* As Series flag             */ // Timeseries flag of indicator buffer arrays

//--- indicator buffers
double         BufferMACD1[];
double         BufferSig1[];
double         BufferMACD2[];
double         BufferSig2[];
//--- global variables
int macd1;
int macd2;
CMSTFIndicators indicators;      // An instance of the indicator collection object
//--- variables for the panel
CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object
int         mouse_bar_index;     // Index of the bar the data is taken from
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
//--- Set a timer with an interval of 1 second
//--- Assign the BufferMA1 and BufferMA2 arrays to the plot buffers 0 and 1, respectively
//--- Set the line width
   int w1=0,w2=0;
//--- sets indicator shift

//--- Set the timeseries flags for the indicator buffer arrays (for testing, to see that there is no difference)
//--- Create two indicators of the same type
//--- The first one is calculated on the current chart symbol/period, the second - on those specified in the settings

//--- If failed to create indicator handles, return initialization error
   if(macd1==INVALID_HANDLE || macd2==INVALID_HANDLE)
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set descriptions for indicator lines from buffer descriptions of calculation part of created indicators
//--- Dashboard
//--- Create the panel
   int width=301;
   panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,width,264,0);
      Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set font parameters
//--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
   panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));

//--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
//--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 1 to display the data of indicator 1
//--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
   int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
//--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 2 to display the data of indicator 2
//--- Get the Y2 coordinate of the table with ID 1 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 2
   int y2=panel.TableY2(1)+3;
//--- Draw a table with ID 2 on the background of the dashboard
//--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
//--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel

//--- Successful initialization
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- Delete the timer
//--- If the panel object exists, delete it
      delete panel;
//--- Delete all comments
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])
//--- Number of bars for calculation
   int limit=rates_total-prev_calculated;
//--- If limit > 1, then this is the first calculation or change in the history
      //--- specify all the available history for calculation
      // If the indicator has any buffers that display other calculations (not multi-indicators),
      // initialize them here with the "empty" value set for these buffers
//--- Calculate all created multi-symbol multi-period indicators
      return 0;

//--- Display the bar data under cursor (or current bar if cursor is outside the chart) on the dashboard

//--- From buffers of calculated indicators, output data to indicator buffers
      return 0;
      return 0;
      return 0;
      return 0;
//--- return value of prev_calculated for the next call
//| Timer function                                                   | 
void OnTimer()
//--- Call the indicator collection timer
//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Handling the panel
//--- Call the panel event handler

//--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
      //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
      datetime time=0;
      double price=0;
      int wnd=0;
      //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
         //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
         //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 

//--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
      //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
      PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);
//| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
//--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
   MqlRates rates[1];

//--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index

//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
   int  size=0;
   uint flags=0;
   uint angle=0;
   string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
   panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
   panel.DrawText("Indicators data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data

//--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
   panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);

//--- Output the data of indicator 1 from the specified bar into table 1
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(macd1), panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
   double value1=indicators.GetData(macd1,0,0,index);
   string value_str1=(value1!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value1,indicators.Digits(macd1)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 1 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state1=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,macd1,0,0,index);
//--- Output the data of indicator 2 from the specified bar into table 2
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(macd2), panel.CellX(2,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,0,0)+2);
   double value2=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,macd2,0,0,index);
   string value_str2=(value2!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value2,indicators.Digits(macd2)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 2 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(2,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state2=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,macd2,0,0,index);
//--- Display description of relationship between indicator 1 line relative to indicator 2 line
   double value21=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,macd2,0,0,index+1);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE stateR=indicators.BufferLineStateRelative(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,macd1,0,0,index,value2,value21);
   string ma1=indicators.Name(macd1);
   string ma2=indicators.Name(macd2);
   string state_relative=
      stateR==LINE_STATE_ABOVE      ? StringFormat("%s1 > %s2",ma1,ma2)   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_BELOW      ? StringFormat("%s1 < %s2",ma1,ma2)           :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN ? "Top-down crossing"   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   ? "Bottom-up crossing"  :
   panel.DrawText(StringFormat("%s1 vs %s2",ma1,ma2), panel.CellX(2,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,0)+2);
   panel.DrawText(state_relative, panel.CellX(2,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,1)+2,clrNONE,190);
//--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

在 M1 图表上编译并启动指标并选择 M5 进行计算后,我们看到:

移动平均振荡指标(MA of Oscillator):

//|                                       TestMSTFMAofOscillator.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_plots   2
//--- enums

//--- plot OsMA1
#property indicator_label1  "OsMA1"
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_HISTOGRAM
#property indicator_color1  clrSeaGreen
#property indicator_style1  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width1  1

//--- plot OsMA2
#property indicator_label2  "OsMA2"
#property indicator_type2   DRAW_HISTOGRAM
#property indicator_color2  clrDodgerBlue
#property indicator_style2  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width2  1

//--- includes
#include <IndMSTF\IndMSTF.mqh>
#include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
//--- input parameters
input string               InpSymbol      =  NULL;             /* Symbol                     */ // Symbol
input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES      InpTimeframe   =  PERIOD_CURRENT;   /* Timeframe                  */ // Timeframe
input int                  InpFastPeriod  =  12;               /* Fast MA Period             */ // Fast EMA period
input int                  InpSlowPeriod  =  26;               /* Fast MA Period             */ // Slow EMA period
input int                  InpSignalPeriod=  9;                /* Signal Period              */ // Signal MA period
input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   InpPrice       =  PRICE_CLOSE;      /* Applied Price              */ 
input uchar                InpLineWidth1  =  2;                /* Senior period Line Width   */ // Line width for higher period
input uchar                InpLineWidth2  =  1;                /* Junior period Line Width   */ // Line width for lower period
input bool                 InpAsSeries    =  true;             /* As Series flag             */ // Timeseries flag of indicator buffer arrays

//--- indicator buffers
double         BufferOsMA1[];
double         BufferOsMA2[];
//--- global variables
int handle_osma1;
int handle_osma2;
CMSTFIndicators indicators;      // An instance of the indicator collection object
//--- variables for the panel
CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object
int         mouse_bar_index;     // Index of the bar the data is taken from
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
//--- Set a timer with an interval of 1 second
//--- Assign the BufferMA1 and BufferMA2 arrays to the plot buffers 0 and 1, respectively
//--- Set the line width
   int w1=0,w2=0;
//--- sets indicator shift

//--- Set the timeseries flags for the indicator buffer arrays (for testing, to see that there is no difference)
//--- Create two indicators of the same type
//--- The first one is calculated on the current chart symbol/period, the second - on those specified in the settings

//--- If failed to create indicator handles, return initialization error
   if(handle_osma1==INVALID_HANDLE || handle_osma2==INVALID_HANDLE)
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set descriptions for indicator lines from buffer descriptions of calculation part of created indicators
//--- Dashboard
//--- Create the panel
   int width=301;
   panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,width,264,0);
      Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set font parameters
//--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
   panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));

//--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
//--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 1 to display the data of indicator 1
//--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
   int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
//--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 2 to display the data of indicator 2
//--- Get the Y2 coordinate of the table with ID 1 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 2
   int y2=panel.TableY2(1)+3;
//--- Draw a table with ID 2 on the background of the dashboard
//--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
//--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel

//--- Successful initialization
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- Delete the timer
//--- If the panel object exists, delete it
      delete panel;
//--- Delete all comments
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])
//--- Number of bars for calculation
   int limit=rates_total-prev_calculated;
//--- If limit > 1, then this is the first calculation or change in the history
      //--- specify all the available history for calculation
      // If the indicator has any buffers that display other calculations (not multi-indicators),
      // initialize them here with the "empty" value set for these buffers
//--- Calculate all created multi-symbol multi-period indicators
      return 0;

//--- Display the bar data under cursor (or current bar if cursor is outside the chart) on the dashboard

//--- From buffers of calculated indicators, output data to indicator buffers
      return 0;
      return 0;

//--- return value of prev_calculated for the next call
//| Timer function                                                   | 
void OnTimer()
//--- Call the indicator collection timer
//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Handling the panel
//--- Call the panel event handler

//--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
      //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
      datetime time=0;
      double price=0;
      int wnd=0;
      //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
         //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
         //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 

//--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
      //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
      PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);
//| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
//--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
   MqlRates rates[1];

//--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index

//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
   int  size=0;
   uint flags=0;
   uint angle=0;
   string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
   panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
   panel.DrawText("Indicators data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data

//--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
   panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);

//--- Output the data of indicator 1 from the specified bar into table 1
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_osma1), panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
   double value1=indicators.GetData(handle_osma1,0,0,index);
   string value_str1=(value1!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value1,indicators.Digits(handle_osma1)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 1 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state1=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_osma1,0,0,index);
//--- Output the data of indicator 2 from the specified bar into table 2
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_osma2), panel.CellX(2,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,0,0)+2);
   double value2=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_osma2,0,0,index);
   string value_str2=(value2!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value2,indicators.Digits(handle_osma2)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 2 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(2,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state2=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_osma2,0,0,index);
//--- Display description of relationship between indicator 1 line relative to indicator 2 line
   double value21=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_osma2,0,0,index+1);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE stateR=indicators.BufferLineStateRelative(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_osma1,0,0,index,value2,value21);
   string ma1=indicators.Name(handle_osma1);
   string ma2=indicators.Name(handle_osma2);
   string state_relative=
      stateR==LINE_STATE_ABOVE      ? StringFormat("%s1 > %s2",ma1,ma2)   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_BELOW      ? StringFormat("%s1 < %s2",ma1,ma2)           :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN ? "Top-down crossing"   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   ? "Bottom-up crossing"  :
   panel.DrawText(StringFormat("%s1 vs %s2",ma1,ma2), panel.CellX(2,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,0)+2);
   panel.DrawText(state_relative, panel.CellX(2,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,1)+2,clrNONE,190);
//--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

在 M1 图表上编译并启动指标并选择 M5 进行计算后,我们看到:

市场促进指数(Market Facilitation Index):

//|                              TestMSTFMarketFacilitationIndex.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 4
#property indicator_plots   2
//--- enums

//--- plot AC1
#property indicator_label1  "BWMFI1"
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_COLOR_HISTOGRAM
//#property indicator_color1  clrLime,clrSaddleBrown,clrBlue,clrPink // analog in line 98
#property indicator_style1  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width1  1

//--- plot AC2
#property indicator_label2  "BWMFI2"
#property indicator_type2   DRAW_COLOR_HISTOGRAM
//#property indicator_color2  clrLime,clrSaddleBrown,clrBlue,clrPink // analog in line 99
#property indicator_style2  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width2  1

//--- includes
#include <IndMSTF\IndMSTF.mqh>
#include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
//--- input parameters
input string               InpSymbol      =  NULL;             /* Symbol                     */ // Symbol
input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES      InpTimeframe   =  PERIOD_CURRENT;   /* Timeframe                  */ // Timeframe
input ENUM_APPLIED_VOLUME  InpVolume      =  VOLUME_TICK;      /* Applied Volume             */ // Used volume
input uchar                InpLineWidth1  =  2;                /* Senior period Line Width   */ // Line width for higher period
input uchar                InpLineWidth2  =  1;                /* Junior period Line Width   */ // Line width for lower period
input bool                 InpAsSeries    =  true;             /* As Series flag             */ // Timeseries flag of indicator buffer arrays

//--- indicator buffers
double         BufferBWMFI1[];
double         BufferClrBWMFI1[];
double         BufferBWMFI2[];
double         BufferClrBWMFI2[];
//--- global variables
int handle_bwmfi1;
int handle_bwmfi2;
CMSTFIndicators indicators;      // An instance of the indicator collection object
//--- variables for the panel
CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object
int         mouse_bar_index;     // Index of the bar the data is taken from
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
//--- Set a timer with an interval of 1 second
//--- Assign arrays BufferBWMFI1 and BufferBWMFI2 to plot buffers 0 and 2, respectively,
//--- and color arrays BufferClrBWMFI1 and BufferClrBWMFI2 to buffers 1 and 3
//--- Set the line width
   int w1=0,w2=0;
//--- sets indicator shift

//--- Set the timeseries flags for the indicator buffer arrays (for testing, to see that there is no difference)
//--- Create two indicators of the same type
//--- The first one is calculated on the current chart symbol/period, the second - on those specified in the settings

//--- If failed to create indicator handles, return initialization error
   if(handle_bwmfi1==INVALID_HANDLE || handle_bwmfi2==INVALID_HANDLE)
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set indicator line descriptions from buffer descriptions of calculation part of created indicators
//--- Set colors for indicator lines from the buffer color set of calculation part of created indicators
//--- Dashboard
//--- Create the panel
   int width=247;
   panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,width,264,0);
      Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set font parameters
//--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
   panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));

//--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
//--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 1 to display the data of indicator 1
//--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
   int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
//--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 2 to display the data of indicator 2
//--- Get the Y2 coordinate of the table with ID 1 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 2
   int y2=panel.TableY2(1)+3;
//--- Draw a table with ID 2 on the background of the dashboard
//--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
//--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel

//--- Successful initialization
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- Delete the timer
//--- If the panel object exists, delete it
      delete panel;
//--- Delete all comments
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])
//--- Number of bars for calculation
   int limit=rates_total-prev_calculated;
//--- If limit > 1, then this is the first calculation or change in the history
      //--- specify all the available history for calculation
      // If the indicator has any buffers that display other calculations (not multi-indicators),
      // initialize them here with the "empty" value set for these buffers
//--- Calculate all created multi-symbol multi-period indicators
      return 0;

//--- Display the bar data under cursor (or current bar if cursor is outside the chart) on the dashboard

//--- From buffers of calculated indicators, output data to indicator buffers
      return 0;
      return 0;

//--- return value of prev_calculated for the next call
//| Timer function                                                   | 
void OnTimer()
//--- Call the indicator collection timer
//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Handling the panel
//--- Call the panel event handler

//--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
      //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
      datetime time=0;
      double price=0;
      int wnd=0;
      //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
         //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
         //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 

//--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
      //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
      PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);
//| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
//--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
   MqlRates rates[1];

//--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index

//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
   int  size=0;
   uint flags=0;
   uint angle=0;
   string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
   panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
   panel.DrawText("Indicators data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data

//--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
   panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);

//--- Output the data of indicator 1 from the specified bar into table 1
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_bwmfi1), panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
   double value1=indicators.GetData(handle_bwmfi1,0,0,index);
   string value_str1=(value1!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value1,indicators.Digits(handle_bwmfi1)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 1 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state1=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_bwmfi1,0,0,index);
//--- Output the data of indicator 2 from the specified bar into table 2
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_bwmfi2), panel.CellX(2,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,0,0)+2);
   double value2=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_bwmfi2,0,0,index);
   string value_str2=(value2!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value2,indicators.Digits(handle_bwmfi2)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 2 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(2,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state2=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_bwmfi2,0,0,index);
//--- Display description of relationship between indicator 1 line relative to indicator 2 line
   double value21=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_bwmfi2,0,0,index+1);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE stateR=indicators.BufferLineStateRelative(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_bwmfi1,0,0,index,value2,value21);
   string ma1=indicators.Name(handle_bwmfi1);
   string ma2=indicators.Name(handle_bwmfi2);
   string state_relative=
      stateR==LINE_STATE_ABOVE      ? StringFormat("%s1 > %s2",ma1,ma2)   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_BELOW      ? StringFormat("%s1 < %s2",ma1,ma2)           :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN ? "Top-down crossing"   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   ? "Bottom-up crossing"  :
   panel.DrawText(StringFormat("%s1 vs %s2",ma1,ma2), panel.CellX(2,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,0)+2);
   panel.DrawText(state_relative, panel.CellX(2,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,1)+2,clrNONE,110);
//--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

在 M1 图表上编译并启动指标并选择 M5 进行计算后,我们看到:


//|                                             TestMSTFMomentum.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_plots   2
//--- enums

//--- plot Momentum1
#property indicator_label1  "Momentum1"
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color1  clrSeaGreen
#property indicator_style1  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width1  1

//--- plot Momentum2
#property indicator_label2  "Momentum2"
#property indicator_type2   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color2  clrDodgerBlue
#property indicator_style2  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width2  1

//--- includes
#include <IndMSTF\IndMSTF.mqh>
#include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
//--- input parameters
input string               InpSymbol      =  NULL;             /* Symbol                     */ // Symbol
input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES      InpTimeframe   =  PERIOD_CURRENT;   /* Timeframe                  */ // Timeframe
input int                  InpPeriod      =  14;               /* Period                     */ // Calculation period
input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   InpPrice       =  PRICE_CLOSE;      /* Applied Price              */ 
input uchar                InpLineWidth1  =  2;                /* Senior period Line Width   */ // Line width for higher period
input uchar                InpLineWidth2  =  1;                /* Junior period Line Width   */ // Line width for lower period
input bool                 InpAsSeries    =  true;             /* As Series flag             */ // Timeseries flag of indicator buffer arrays

//--- indicator buffers
double         BufferMomentum1[];
double         BufferMomentum2[];
//--- global variables
int handle_mom1;
int handle_mom2;
CMSTFIndicators indicators;      // An instance of the indicator collection object
//--- variables for the panel
CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object
int         mouse_bar_index;     // Index of the bar the data is taken from
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
//--- Set a timer with an interval of 1 second
//--- Assign the BufferMA1 and BufferMA2 arrays to the plot buffers 0 and 1, respectively
//--- Set the line width
   int w1=0,w2=0;
//--- sets indicator shift

//--- Set the timeseries flags for the indicator buffer arrays (for testing, to see that there is no difference)
//--- Create two indicators of the same type
//--- The first one is calculated on the current chart symbol/period, the second - on those specified in the settings

//--- If failed to create indicator handles, return initialization error
   if(handle_mom1==INVALID_HANDLE || handle_mom2==INVALID_HANDLE)
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set descriptions for indicator lines from buffer descriptions of calculation part of created indicators
//--- Dashboard
//--- Create the panel
   int width=317;
   panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,width,264,0);
      Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set font parameters
//--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
   panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));

//--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
//--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 1 to display the data of indicator 1
//--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
   int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
//--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 2 to display the data of indicator 2
//--- Get the Y2 coordinate of the table with ID 1 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 2
   int y2=panel.TableY2(1)+3;
//--- Draw a table with ID 2 on the background of the dashboard
//--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
//--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel

//--- Successful initialization
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- Delete the timer
//--- If the panel object exists, delete it
      delete panel;
//--- Delete all comments
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])
//--- Number of bars for calculation
   int limit=rates_total-prev_calculated;
//--- If limit > 1, then this is the first calculation or change in the history
      //--- specify all the available history for calculation
      // If the indicator has any buffers that display other calculations (not multi-indicators),
      // initialize them here with the "empty" value set for these buffers
//--- Calculate all created multi-symbol multi-period indicators
      return 0;

//--- Display the bar data under cursor (or current bar if cursor is outside the chart) on the dashboard

//--- From buffers of calculated indicators, output data to indicator buffers
      return 0;
      return 0;

//--- return value of prev_calculated for the next call
//| Timer function                                                   | 
void OnTimer()
//--- Call the indicator collection timer
//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Handling the panel
//--- Call the panel event handler

//--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
      //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
      datetime time=0;
      double price=0;
      int wnd=0;
      //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
         //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
         //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 

//--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
      //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
      PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);
//| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
//--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
   MqlRates rates[1];

//--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index

//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
   int  size=0;
   uint flags=0;
   uint angle=0;
   string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
   panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
   panel.DrawText("Indicators data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data

//--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
   panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);

//--- Output the data of indicator 1 from the specified bar into table 1
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_mom1), panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
   double value1=indicators.GetData(handle_mom1,0,0,index);
   string value_str1=(value1!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value1,indicators.Digits(handle_mom1)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 1 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state1=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_mom1,0,0,index);
//--- Output the data of indicator 2 from the specified bar into table 2
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_mom2), panel.CellX(2,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,0,0)+2);
   double value2=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_mom2,0,0,index);
   string value_str2=(value2!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value2,indicators.Digits(handle_mom2)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 2 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(2,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state2=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_mom2,0,0,index);
//--- Display description of relationship between indicator 1 line relative to indicator 2 line
   double value21=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_mom2,0,0,index+1);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE stateR=indicators.BufferLineStateRelative(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_mom1,0,0,index,value2,value21);
   string ma1=indicators.Name(handle_mom1);
   string ma2=indicators.Name(handle_mom2);
   string state_relative=
      stateR==LINE_STATE_ABOVE      ? StringFormat("%s1 > %s2",ma1,ma2)   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_BELOW      ? StringFormat("%s1 < %s2",ma1,ma2)           :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN ? "Top-down crossing"   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   ? "Bottom-up crossing"  :
   panel.DrawText(StringFormat("%s1 vs %s2",ma1,ma2), panel.CellX(2,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,0)+2);
   panel.DrawText(state_relative, panel.CellX(2,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,1)+2,clrNONE,190);
//--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

在 M1 图表上编译并启动指标并选择 M5 进行计算后,我们看到:

资金流量指数指标(Money Flow Index):

//|                                       TestMSTFMoneyFlowIndex.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_plots   2
//--- enums

//--- plot MFI1
#property indicator_label1  "MFI1"
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color1  clrDodgerBlue
#property indicator_style1  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width1  1

//--- plot MFI2
#property indicator_label2  "MFI2"
#property indicator_type2   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color2  clrRed
#property indicator_style2  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width2  1

//--- includes
#include <IndMSTF\IndMSTF.mqh>
#include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
//--- input parameters
input string               InpSymbol      =  NULL;             /* Symbol                     */ // Symbol
input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES      InpTimeframe   =  PERIOD_CURRENT;   /* Timeframe                  */ // Timeframe
input int                  InpPeriod      =  14;               /* Period                     */ // Calculation period
input ENUM_APPLIED_VOLUME  InpVolume      =  VOLUME_TICK;      /* Applied Volume             */ // Volume used for calculations
input uchar                InpLineWidth1  =  2;                /* Senior period Line Width   */ // Line width for higher period
input uchar                InpLineWidth2  =  1;                /* Junior period Line Width   */ // Line width for lower period
input bool                 InpAsSeries    =  true;             /* As Series flag             */ // Timeseries flag of indicator buffer arrays

//--- indicator buffers
double         BufferMFI1[];
double         BufferMFI2[];
//--- global variables
int handle_mfi1;
int handle_mfi2;
CMSTFIndicators indicators;      // An instance of the indicator collection object
//--- variables for the panel
CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object
int         mouse_bar_index;     // Index of the bar the data is taken from
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
//--- Set a timer with an interval of 1 second
//--- Assign the BufferMA1 and BufferMA2 arrays to the plot buffers 0 and 1, respectively
//--- Set the line width
   int w1=0,w2=0;
//--- sets indicator shift

//--- Set the timeseries flags for the indicator buffer arrays (for testing, to see that there is no difference)
//--- Create two indicators of the same type
//--- The first one is calculated on the current chart symbol/period, the second - on those specified in the settings

//--- If failed to create indicator handles, return initialization error
   if(handle_mfi1==INVALID_HANDLE || handle_mfi2==INVALID_HANDLE)
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set descriptions for indicator lines from buffer descriptions of calculation part of created indicators
//--- Dashboard
//--- Create the panel
   int width=237;
   panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,width,264,0);
      Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set font parameters
//--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
   panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));

//--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
//--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 1 to display the data of indicator 1
//--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
   int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
//--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 2 to display the data of indicator 2
//--- Get the Y2 coordinate of the table with ID 1 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 2
   int y2=panel.TableY2(1)+3;
//--- Draw a table with ID 2 on the background of the dashboard
//--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
//--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel

//--- Successful initialization
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- Delete the timer
//--- If the panel object exists, delete it
      delete panel;
//--- Delete all comments
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])
//--- Number of bars for calculation
   int limit=rates_total-prev_calculated;
//--- If limit > 1, then this is the first calculation or change in the history
      //--- specify all the available history for calculation
      // If the indicator has any buffers that display other calculations (not multi-indicators),
      // initialize them here with the "empty" value set for these buffers
//--- Calculate all created multi-symbol multi-period indicators
      return 0;

//--- Display the bar data under cursor (or current bar if cursor is outside the chart) on the dashboard

//--- From buffers of calculated indicators, output data to indicator buffers
      return 0;
      return 0;

//--- return value of prev_calculated for the next call
//| Timer function                                                   | 
void OnTimer()
//--- Call the indicator collection timer
//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Handling the panel
//--- Call the panel event handler

//--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
      //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
      datetime time=0;
      double price=0;
      int wnd=0;
      //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
         //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
         //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 

//--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
      //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
      PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);
//| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
//--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
   MqlRates rates[1];

//--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index

//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
   int  size=0;
   uint flags=0;
   uint angle=0;
   string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
   panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
   panel.DrawText("Indicators data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data

//--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
   panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);

//--- Output the data of indicator 1 from the specified bar into table 1
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_mfi1), panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
   double value1=indicators.GetData(handle_mfi1,0,0,index);
   string value_str1=(value1!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value1,indicators.Digits(handle_mfi1)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 1 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state1=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_mfi1,0,0,index);
//--- Output the data of indicator 2 from the specified bar into table 2
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_mfi2), panel.CellX(2,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,0,0)+2);
   double value2=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_mfi2,0,0,index);
   string value_str2=(value2!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value2,indicators.Digits(handle_mfi2)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 2 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(2,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state2=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_mfi2,0,0,index);
//--- Display description of relationship between indicator 1 line relative to indicator 2 line
   double value21=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_mfi2,0,0,index+1);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE stateR=indicators.BufferLineStateRelative(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_mfi1,0,0,index,value2,value21);
   string ma1=indicators.Name(handle_mfi1);
   string ma2=indicators.Name(handle_mfi2);
   string state_relative=
      stateR==LINE_STATE_ABOVE      ? StringFormat("%s1 > %s2",ma1,ma2)   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_BELOW      ? StringFormat("%s1 < %s2",ma1,ma2)           :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN ? "Top-down crossing"   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   ? "Bottom-up crossing"  :
   panel.DrawText(StringFormat("%s1 vs %s2",ma1,ma2), panel.CellX(2,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,0)+2);
   panel.DrawText(state_relative, panel.CellX(2,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,1)+2,clrNONE,110);
//--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

在 M1 图表上编译并启动指标并选择 M5 进行计算后,我们看到:

移动平均线(Moving Averages):

//|                                       TestMSTFMovingAverages.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_plots   2
//--- enums
   USED_MA_AMA    =  IND_AMA,    // Adaptive Moving Average
   USED_MA_DEMA   =  IND_DEMA,   // Double Exponential Moving Average
   USED_MA_FRAMA  =  IND_FRAMA,  // Fractal Adaptive Moving Average
   USED_MA_MA     =  IND_MA,     // Moving Average
   USED_MA_TEMA   =  IND_TEMA,   // Triple Exponential Moving Average
   USED_MA_VIDYA  =  IND_VIDYA,  // Variable Index Dynamic Average
//--- plot MA1
#property indicator_label1  "MA1"
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color1  clrDodgerBlue
#property indicator_style1  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width1  1

//--- plot MA2
#property indicator_label2  "MA2"
#property indicator_type2   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color2  clrRed
#property indicator_style2  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width2  1

//--- includes
#include <IndMSTF\IndMSTF.mqh>
#include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
//--- input parameters
input ENUM_USED_MA         InpIndicator   =  USED_MA_MA;       /* Used MA        */ // Type of moving average to use
input string               InpSymbol      =  NULL;             /* Symbol         */ // Moving average symbol
input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES      InpTimeframe   =  PERIOD_CURRENT;   /* Timeframe      */ // Moving average timeframe
input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   InpPrice       =  PRICE_CLOSE;      /* Applied Price  */ // Price used for MA calculation
input ENUM_MA_METHOD       InpMethod      =  MODE_SMA;         /* MA Method      */ // Moving Average calculation method
input int                  InpShift       =  0;                /* MA Shift       */ // Moving average shift
input bool                 InpAsSeries    =  true;             /* As Series flag */ // Timeseries flag of indicator buffer arrays

//--- indicator buffers
double         BufferMA1[];
double         BufferMA2[];
//--- global variables
int handle_ma1;
int handle_ma2;
CMSTFIndicators indicators;      // An instance of the indicator collection object
//--- variables for the panel
CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object
int         mouse_bar_index;     // Index of the bar the data is taken from
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
//--- Set a timer with an interval of 1 second
//--- Assign the BufferMA1 and BufferMA2 arrays to the plot buffers 0 and 1, respectively
//--- sets indicator shift
   //PlotIndexSetInteger(0,PLOT_SHIFT,InpShift);   // analog in line 116
   //PlotIndexSetInteger(1,PLOT_SHIFT,InpShift);   // analog in line 117
//--- Set the timeseries flags for the indicator buffer arrays (for testing, to see that there is no difference)
//--- For different indicators, the dashboard width will be individual (due to the number of parameters in the description)
   int width=0;
//--- According on the indicator selected in the settings, create two indicators of the same type
//--- The first one is calculated on the current chart symbol/period, the second - on those specified in the settings
      case USED_MA_AMA     :
      case USED_MA_DEMA    :
      case USED_MA_FRAMA   :
      case USED_MA_TEMA    :
      case USED_MA_VIDYA   :
//--- If failed to create indicator handles, return initialization error
   if(handle_ma1==INVALID_HANDLE || handle_ma2==INVALID_HANDLE)
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set descriptions for indicator lines from buffer descriptions of calculation part of created indicators
//--- Set shifts for indicator lines
//--- Dashboard
//--- Create the panel
   panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,width,264);
      Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set font parameters
//--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
   panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));

//--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
//--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 1 to display the data of indicator 1
//--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
   int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
//--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 2 to display the data of indicator 2
//--- Get the Y2 coordinate of the table with ID 1 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 2
   int y2=panel.TableY2(1)+3;
//--- Draw a table with ID 2 on the background of the dashboard
//--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
//--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel

//--- Successful initialization
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- Delete the timer
//--- If the panel object exists, delete it
      delete panel;
//--- Delete all comments
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])
//--- Number of bars for calculation
   int limit=rates_total-prev_calculated;
//--- If limit > 1, then this is the first calculation or change in the history
      //--- specify all the available history for calculation
      // If the indicator has any buffers that display other calculations (not multi-indicators),
      // initialize them here with the "empty" value set for these buffers
//--- Calculate all created multi-symbol multi-period indicators
      return 0;

//--- Display the bar data under cursor (or current bar if cursor is outside the chart) on the dashboard
   if(mouse_bar_index>WRONG_VALUE && mouse_bar_index<rates_total)

//--- From buffers of calculated indicators, output data to indicator buffers
      return 0;
      return 0;

//--- return value of prev_calculated for the next call
//| Timer function                                                   | 
void OnTimer()
//--- Call the indicator collection timer
//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Handling the panel
//--- Call the panel event handler

//--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
      //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
      datetime time=0;
      double price=0;
      int wnd=0;
      //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
         //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
         //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 

//--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
      //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
      PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);
//| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
//--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
   MqlRates rates[1];

//--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index

//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
   int  size=0;
   uint flags=0;
   uint angle=0;
   string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
   panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
   panel.DrawText("Indicators data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data

//--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
   panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);

//--- Output the data of indicator 1 from the specified bar into table 1
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_ma1), panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
   double value1=indicators.GetData(handle_ma1,0,0,index);
   string value_str1=(value1!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value1,indicators.Digits(handle_ma1)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 1 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state1=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_ma1,0,0,index);
//--- Output the data of indicator 2 from the specified bar into table 2
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_ma2), panel.CellX(2,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,0,0)+2);
   double value2=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_ma2,0,0,index);
   string value_str2=(value2!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value2,indicators.Digits(handle_ma2)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 2 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(2,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state2=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_ma2,0,0,index);
//--- Display description of relationship between indicator 1 line relative to indicator 2 line
   double value21=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_ma2,0,0,index+1);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE stateR=indicators.BufferLineStateRelative(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_ma1,0,0,index,value2,value21);
   string ma1=indicators.Name(handle_ma1);
   string ma2=indicators.Name(handle_ma2);
   string state_relative=
      stateR==LINE_STATE_ABOVE      ? StringFormat("%s1 > %s2",ma1,ma2)   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_BELOW      ? StringFormat("%s1 < %s2",ma1,ma2)           :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN ? "Top-down crossing"   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   ? "Bottom-up crossing"  :
   panel.DrawText(StringFormat("%s1 vs %s2",ma1,ma2), panel.CellX(2,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,0)+2);
   panel.DrawText(state_relative, panel.CellX(2,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,1)+2,clrNONE,110);
//--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

在 M1 图表上编译并启动指标并选择 M5 进行计算后,我们看到:

平衡交易量指标(On Balance Volume):

//|                                      TestMSTFOnBalanceVolume.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 1
#property indicator_plots   1
//--- enums

//--- plot OBV1
#property indicator_label1  "OBV1"
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color1  clrDodgerBlue
#property indicator_style1  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width1  1

//--- includes
#include <IndMSTF\IndMSTF.mqh>
#include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
//--- input parameters
input string               InpSymbol      =  NULL;             /* Symbol                     */ // Symbol
input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES      InpTimeframe   =  PERIOD_CURRENT;   /* Timeframe                  */ // Timeframe
input ENUM_APPLIED_VOLUME  InpVolume      =  VOLUME_TICK;      /* Applied Volume             */ // Volume used for calculations
input uchar                InpLineWidth1  =  2;                /* Senior period Line Width   */ // Line width for higher period
input uchar                InpLineWidth2  =  1;                /* Junior period Line Width   */ // Line width for lower period
input bool                 InpAsSeries    =  true;             /* As Series flag             */ // Timeseries flag of indicator buffer arrays

//--- indicator buffers
double         BufferOBV[];
//--- global variables
int handle_obv;
CMSTFIndicators indicators;      // An instance of the indicator collection object
//--- variables for the panel
CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object
int         mouse_bar_index;     // Index of the bar the data is taken from
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
//--- Set a timer with an interval of 1 second
//--- Assign the BufferMA1 and BufferMA2 arrays to the plot buffers 0 and 1, respectively
//--- Set the line width
   int w1=0,w2=0;
//--- sets indicator shift

//--- Set the timeseries flags for the indicator buffer arrays (for testing, to see that there is no difference)
//--- Create two indicators of the same type
//--- The first one is calculated on the current chart symbol/period, the second - on those specified in the settings

//--- If failed to create indicator handles, return initialization error
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set descriptions for indicator lines from buffer descriptions of calculation part of created indicators
//--- Dashboard
//--- Create the panel
   int width=237;
   panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,width,264,0);
      Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set font parameters
//--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
   panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));

//--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
//--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 1 to display the data of indicator 1
//--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
   int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
//--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 2 to display the data of indicator 2
//--- Get the Y2 coordinate of the table with ID 1 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 2
   int y2=panel.TableY2(1)+3;
//--- Draw a table with ID 2 on the background of the dashboard
//--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
//--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel

//--- Successful initialization
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- Delete the timer
//--- If the panel object exists, delete it
      delete panel;
//--- Delete all comments
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])
//--- Number of bars for calculation
   int limit=rates_total-prev_calculated;
//--- If limit > 1, then this is the first calculation or change in the history
      //--- specify all the available history for calculation
      // If the indicator has any buffers that display other calculations (not multi-indicators),
      // initialize them here with the "empty" value set for these buffers
//--- Calculate all created multi-symbol multi-period indicators
      return 0;

//--- Display the bar data under cursor (or current bar if cursor is outside the chart) on the dashboard

//--- From buffers of calculated indicators, output data to indicator buffers
      return 0;

//--- return value of prev_calculated for the next call
//| Timer function                                                   | 
void OnTimer()
//--- Call the indicator collection timer
//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Handling the panel
//--- Call the panel event handler

//--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
      //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
      datetime time=0;
      double price=0;
      int wnd=0;
      //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
         //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
         //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 

//--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
      //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
      PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);
//| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
//--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
   MqlRates rates[1];

//--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index

//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
   int  size=0;
   uint flags=0;
   uint angle=0;
   string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
   panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
   panel.DrawText("Indicators data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data

//--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
   panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);

//--- Output the data of indicator 1 from the specified bar into table 1
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_obv), panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
   double value1=indicators.GetData(handle_obv,0,0,index);
   string value_str1=(value1!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value1,indicators.Digits(handle_obv)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 1 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state1=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_obv,0,0,index);
//--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

在 M1 图表上编译并启动指标并选择 M5 进行计算后,我们看到:

抛物线 SAR 指标(Parabolic SAR):

//|                                         TestMSTFParabolicSAR.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_plots   2
//--- enums

//--- plot PSAR1
#property indicator_label1  "PSAR1"
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_ARROW
#property indicator_color1  clrDodgerBlue
#property indicator_style1  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width1  1

//--- plot MA2
#property indicator_label2  "PSAR2"
#property indicator_type2   DRAW_ARROW
#property indicator_color2  clrRed
#property indicator_style2  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width2  1

//--- includes
#include <IndMSTF\IndMSTF.mqh>
#include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
//--- input parameters
input string               InpSymbol      =  NULL;             /* Symbol                        */ // Moving Average symbol
input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES      InpTimeframe   =  PERIOD_CURRENT;   /* Timeframe                     */ // Moving Average timeframe
input uchar                InpArrowCode1  =  158;              /* SAR Senior period Arrow Code  */ // Arrow code for Parabolic SAR 1
input uchar                InpArrowCode2  =  159;              /* SAR Junior period Arrow Code  */ // Arrow code for Parabolic SAR 2
input bool                 InpAsSeries    =  true;             /* As Series flag                */ // Timeseries flag of indicator buffer arrays

//--- indicator buffers
double         BufferPSAR1[];
double         BufferPSAR2[];
//--- global variables
int handle_psar1;
int handle_psar2;
CMSTFIndicators indicators;      // An instance of the indicator collection object
//--- variables for the panel
CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object
int         mouse_bar_index;     // Index of the bar the data is taken from
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
//--- Set a timer with an interval of 1 second
//--- Assign the BufferMA1 and BufferMA2 arrays to the plot buffers 0 and 1, respectively
//--- Define the symbol code from the Wingdings font to draw in PLOT_ARROW
//--- Higher period is drawn with the first arrow code, the lower one with the second
   uchar code1=InpArrowCode1;
   uchar code2=InpArrowCode2;
//--- sets indicator shift

//--- Set the timeseries flags for the indicator buffer arrays (for testing, to see that there is no difference)
//--- Create two indicators of the same type
//--- The first one is calculated on the current chart symbol/period, the second - on those specified in the settings

//--- If failed to create indicator handles, return initialization error
   if(handle_psar1==INVALID_HANDLE || handle_psar2==INVALID_HANDLE)
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set descriptions for indicator lines from buffer descriptions of calculation part of created indicators
//--- Dashboard
//--- Create the panel
   int width=290;
   panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,width,264);
      Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set font parameters
//--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
   panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));

//--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
//--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 1 to display the data of indicator 1
//--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
   int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
//--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 2 to display the data of indicator 2
//--- Get the Y2 coordinate of the table with ID 1 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 2
   int y2=panel.TableY2(1)+3;
//--- Draw a table with ID 2 on the background of the dashboard
//--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
//--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel

//--- Successful initialization
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- Delete the timer
//--- If the panel object exists, delete it
      delete panel;
//--- Delete all comments
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])
//--- Number of bars for calculation
   int limit=rates_total-prev_calculated;
//--- If limit > 1, then this is the first calculation or change in the history
      //--- specify all the available history for calculation
      // If the indicator has any buffers that display other calculations (not multi-indicators),
      // initialize them here with the "empty" value set for these buffers
//--- Calculate all created multi-symbol multi-period indicators
      return 0;

//--- Display the bar data under cursor (or current bar if cursor is outside the chart) on the dashboard

//--- From buffers of calculated indicators, output data to indicator buffers
      return 0;
      return 0;

//--- return value of prev_calculated for the next call
//| Timer function                                                   | 
void OnTimer()
//--- Call the indicator collection timer
//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Handling the panel
//--- Call the panel event handler

//--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
      //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
      datetime time=0;
      double price=0;
      int wnd=0;
      //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
         //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
         //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 

//--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
      //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
      PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);
//| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
//--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
   MqlRates rates[1];

//--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index

//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
   int  size=0;
   uint flags=0;
   uint angle=0;
   string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
   panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
   panel.DrawText("Indicators data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data

//--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
   panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);

//--- Output the data of indicator 1 from the specified bar into table 1
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_psar1), panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
   double value1=indicators.GetData(handle_psar1,0,0,index);
   string value_str1=(value1!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value1,indicators.Digits(handle_psar1)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 1 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state1=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_psar1,0,0,index);
//--- Output the data of indicator 2 from the specified bar into table 2
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_psar2), panel.CellX(2,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,0,0)+2);
   double value2=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_psar2,0,0,index);
   string value_str2=(value2!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value2,indicators.Digits(handle_psar2)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 2 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(2,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state2=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_psar2,0,0,index);
//--- Display description of relationship between indicator 1 line relative to indicator 2 line
   double value21=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_psar2,0,0,index+1);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE stateR=indicators.BufferLineStateRelative(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_psar1,0,0,index,value2,value21);
   string ma1=indicators.Name(handle_psar1);
   string ma2=indicators.Name(handle_psar2);
   string state_relative=
      stateR==LINE_STATE_ABOVE      ? StringFormat("%s1 > %s2",ma1,ma2)   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_BELOW      ? StringFormat("%s1 < %s2",ma1,ma2)           :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN ? "Top-down crossing"   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   ? "Bottom-up crossing"  :
   panel.DrawText(StringFormat("%s1 vs %s2",ma1,ma2), panel.CellX(2,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,0)+2);
   panel.DrawText(state_relative, panel.CellX(2,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,1)+2,clrNONE,110);
//--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

在 M1 图表上编译并启动指标并选择 M5 进行计算后,我们看到:

相对强弱指数(Relative Strength Index):

//|                                TestMSTFRelativeStrengthIndex.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_plots   2
//--- enums

//--- plot RSI1
#property indicator_label1  "RSI1"
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color1  clrSeaGreen
#property indicator_style1  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width1  1

//--- plot RSI2
#property indicator_label2  "RSI2"
#property indicator_type2   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color2  clrDodgerBlue
#property indicator_style2  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width2  1

//--- includes
#include <IndMSTF\IndMSTF.mqh>
#include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
//--- input parameters
input string               InpSymbol      =  NULL;             /* Symbol                     */ // Symbol
input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES      InpTimeframe   =  PERIOD_CURRENT;   /* Timeframe                  */ // Timeframe
input int                  InpPeriod      =  14;               /* Period                     */ // Calculation period
input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   InpPrice       =  PRICE_CLOSE;      /* Applied Price              */ 
input uchar                InpLineWidth1  =  2;                /* Senior period Line Width   */ // Line width for higher period
input uchar                InpLineWidth2  =  1;                /* Junior period Line Width   */ // Line width for lower period
input bool                 InpAsSeries    =  true;             /* As Series flag             */ // Timeseries flag of indicator buffer arrays

//--- indicator buffers
double         BufferRSI1[];
double         BufferRSI2[];
//--- global variables
int handle_rsi1;
int handle_rsi2;
CMSTFIndicators indicators;      // An instance of the indicator collection object
//--- variables for the panel
CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object
int         mouse_bar_index;     // Index of the bar the data is taken from
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
//--- Set a timer with an interval of 1 second
//--- Assign the BufferMA1 and BufferMA2 arrays to the plot buffers 0 and 1, respectively
//--- Set the line width
   int w1=0,w2=0;
//--- sets indicator shift

//--- Set the timeseries flags for the indicator buffer arrays (for testing, to see that there is no difference)
//--- Create two indicators of the same type
//--- The first one is calculated on the current chart symbol/period, the second - on those specified in the settings

//--- If failed to create indicator handles, return initialization error
   if(handle_rsi1==INVALID_HANDLE || handle_rsi2==INVALID_HANDLE)
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set descriptions for indicator lines from buffer descriptions of calculation part of created indicators
//--- Dashboard
//--- Create the panel
   int width=231;
   panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,width,264,0);
      Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set font parameters
//--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
   panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));

//--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
//--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 1 to display the data of indicator 1
//--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
   int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
//--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 2 to display the data of indicator 2
//--- Get the Y2 coordinate of the table with ID 1 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 2
   int y2=panel.TableY2(1)+3;
//--- Draw a table with ID 2 on the background of the dashboard
//--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
//--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel

//--- Successful initialization
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- Delete the timer
//--- If the panel object exists, delete it
      delete panel;
//--- Delete all comments
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])
//--- Number of bars for calculation
   int limit=rates_total-prev_calculated;
//--- If limit > 1, then this is the first calculation or change in the history
      //--- specify all the available history for calculation
      // If the indicator has any buffers that display other calculations (not multi-indicators),
      // initialize them here with the "empty" value set for these buffers
//--- Calculate all created multi-symbol multi-period indicators
      return 0;

//--- Display the bar data under cursor (or current bar if cursor is outside the chart) on the dashboard

//--- From buffers of calculated indicators, output data to indicator buffers
      return 0;
      return 0;

//--- return value of prev_calculated for the next call
//| Timer function                                                   | 
void OnTimer()
//--- Call the indicator collection timer
//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Handling the panel
//--- Call the panel event handler

//--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
      //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
      datetime time=0;
      double price=0;
      int wnd=0;
      //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
         //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
         //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 

//--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
      //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
      PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);
//| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
//--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
   MqlRates rates[1];

//--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index

//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
   int  size=0;
   uint flags=0;
   uint angle=0;
   string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
   panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
   panel.DrawText("Indicators data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data

//--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
   panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);

//--- Output the data of indicator 1 from the specified bar into table 1
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_rsi1), panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
   double value1=indicators.GetData(handle_rsi1,0,0,index);
   string value_str1=(value1!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value1,indicators.Digits(handle_rsi1)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 1 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state1=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_rsi1,0,0,index);
//--- Output the data of indicator 2 from the specified bar into table 2
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_rsi2), panel.CellX(2,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,0,0)+2);
   double value2=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_rsi2,0,0,index);
   string value_str2=(value2!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value2,indicators.Digits(handle_rsi2)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 2 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(2,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state2=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_rsi2,0,0,index);
//--- Display description of relationship between indicator 1 line relative to indicator 2 line
   double value21=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_rsi2,0,0,index+1);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE stateR=indicators.BufferLineStateRelative(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_rsi1,0,0,index,value2,value21);
   string ma1=indicators.Name(handle_rsi1);
   string ma2=indicators.Name(handle_rsi2);
   string state_relative=
      stateR==LINE_STATE_ABOVE      ? StringFormat("%s1 > %s2",ma1,ma2)   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_BELOW      ? StringFormat("%s1 < %s2",ma1,ma2)           :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN ? "Top-down crossing"   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   ? "Bottom-up crossing"  :
   panel.DrawText(StringFormat("%s1 vs %s2",ma1,ma2), panel.CellX(2,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,0)+2);
   panel.DrawText(state_relative, panel.CellX(2,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,1)+2,clrNONE,190);
//--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

在 M1 图表上编译并启动指标并选择 M5 进行计算后,我们看到:

相对活力指数(Relative Vigor Index):

//|                                   TestMSTFRelativeVigorIndex.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 4
#property indicator_plots   4
//--- enums

//--- plot RVI1
#property indicator_label1  "RVI1"
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color1  clrSeaGreen
#property indicator_style1  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width1  1

//--- plot Signal1
#property indicator_label2  "Signal1"
#property indicator_type2   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color2  clrOrangeRed
#property indicator_style2  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width2  1

//--- plot RVI2
#property indicator_label3  "RVI2"
#property indicator_type3   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color3  clrGreen
#property indicator_style3  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width3  1

//--- plot Signal2
#property indicator_label4  "Signal2"
#property indicator_type4   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color4  clrRed
#property indicator_style4  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width4  1

//--- includes
#include <IndMSTF\IndMSTF.mqh>
#include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
//--- input parameters
input string               InpSymbol      =  NULL;             /* Symbol                     */ // Symbol
input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES      InpTimeframe   =  PERIOD_CURRENT;   /* Timeframe                  */ // Timeframe
input int                  InpPeriod      =  10;               /* Period                     */ // Calculation period
input uchar                InpLineWidth1  =  2;                /* Senior period Line Width   */ // Line width for higher period
input uchar                InpLineWidth2  =  1;                /* Junior period Line Width   */ // Line width for lower period
input bool                 InpAsSeries    =  true;             /* As Series flag             */ // Timeseries flag of indicator buffer arrays

//--- indicator buffers
double         BufferRVI1[];
double         BufferSig1[];
double         BufferRVI2[];
double         BufferSig2[];
//--- global variables
int handle_rvi1;
int handle_rvi2;
CMSTFIndicators indicators;      // An instance of the indicator collection object
//--- variables for the panel
CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object
int         mouse_bar_index;     // Index of the bar the data is taken from
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
//--- Set a timer with an interval of 1 second
//--- Assign the BufferMA1 and BufferMA2 arrays to the plot buffers 0 and 1, respectively
//--- Set the line width
   int w1=0,w2=0;
//--- sets indicator shift

//--- Set the timeseries flags for the indicator buffer arrays (for testing, to see that there is no difference)
//--- Create two indicators of the same type
//--- The first one is calculated on the current chart symbol/period, the second - on those specified in the settings

//--- If failed to create indicator handles, return initialization error
   if(handle_rvi1==INVALID_HANDLE || handle_rvi2==INVALID_HANDLE)
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set descriptions for indicator lines from buffer descriptions of calculation part of created indicators
//--- Dashboard
//--- Create the panel
   int width=231;
   panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,width,264,0);
      Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set font parameters
//--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
   panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));

//--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
//--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 1 to display the data of indicator 1
//--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
   int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
//--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 2 to display the data of indicator 2
//--- Get the Y2 coordinate of the table with ID 1 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 2
   int y2=panel.TableY2(1)+3;
//--- Draw a table with ID 2 on the background of the dashboard
//--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
//--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel

//--- Successful initialization
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- Delete the timer
//--- If the panel object exists, delete it
      delete panel;
//--- Delete all comments
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])
//--- Number of bars for calculation
   int limit=rates_total-prev_calculated;
//--- If limit > 1, then this is the first calculation or change in the history
      //--- specify all the available history for calculation
      // If the indicator has any buffers that display other calculations (not multi-indicators),
      // initialize them here with the "empty" value set for these buffers
//--- Calculate all created multi-symbol multi-period indicators
      return 0;

//--- Display the bar data under cursor (or current bar if cursor is outside the chart) on the dashboard

//--- From buffers of calculated indicators, output data to indicator buffers
      return 0;
      return 0;
      return 0;
      return 0;
//--- return value of prev_calculated for the next call
//| Timer function                                                   | 
void OnTimer()
//--- Call the indicator collection timer
//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Handling the panel
//--- Call the panel event handler

//--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
      //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
      datetime time=0;
      double price=0;
      int wnd=0;
      //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
         //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
         //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 

//--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
      //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
      PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);
//| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
//--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
   MqlRates rates[1];

//--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index

//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
   int  size=0;
   uint flags=0;
   uint angle=0;
   string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
   panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
   panel.DrawText("Indicators data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data

//--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
   panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);

//--- Output the data of indicator 1 from the specified bar into table 1
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_rvi1), panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
   double value1=indicators.GetData(handle_rvi1,0,0,index);
   string value_str1=(value1!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value1,indicators.Digits(handle_rvi1)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 1 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state1=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_rvi1,0,0,index);
//--- Output the data of indicator 2 from the specified bar into table 2
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_rvi2), panel.CellX(2,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,0,0)+2);
   double value2=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_rvi2,0,0,index);
   string value_str2=(value2!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value2,indicators.Digits(handle_rvi2)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 2 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(2,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state2=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_rvi2,0,0,index);
//--- Display description of relationship between indicator 1 line relative to indicator 2 line
   double value21=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_rvi2,0,0,index+1);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE stateR=indicators.BufferLineStateRelative(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_rvi1,0,0,index,value2,value21);
   string ma1=indicators.Name(handle_rvi1);
   string ma2=indicators.Name(handle_rvi2);
   string state_relative=
      stateR==LINE_STATE_ABOVE      ? StringFormat("%s1 > %s2",ma1,ma2)   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_BELOW      ? StringFormat("%s1 < %s2",ma1,ma2)           :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN ? "Top-down crossing"   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   ? "Bottom-up crossing"  :
   panel.DrawText(StringFormat("%s1 vs %s2",ma1,ma2), panel.CellX(2,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,0)+2);
   panel.DrawText(state_relative, panel.CellX(2,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,1)+2,clrNONE,190);
//--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

在 M1 图表上编译并启动指标并选择 M5 进行计算后,我们看到:

标准偏差指标(Standard Deviation):

//|                                         TestMSTFStdDeviation.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_plots   2
//--- enums

//--- plot StdDev1
#property indicator_label1  "StdDev1"
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color1  clrDodgerBlue
#property indicator_style1  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width1  1

//--- plot StdDev2
#property indicator_label2  "StdDev2"
#property indicator_type2   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color2  clrRed
#property indicator_style2  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width2  1

//--- includes
#include <IndMSTF\IndMSTF.mqh>
#include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
//--- input parameters
input string               InpSymbol      =  NULL;             /* Symbol                     */ // Symbol
input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES      InpTimeframe   =  PERIOD_CURRENT;   /* Timeframe                  */ // Timeframe
input int                  InpPeriod      =  20;               /* Period                     */ // Calculation period
input int                  InpShift       =  0;                /* Shift                      */ // Horizontal shift
input ENUM_MA_METHOD       InpMethod      =  MODE_SMA;         /* Method                     */ // Deviation
input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   InpPrice       =  PRICE_CLOSE;      /* Applied Price              */ // Price used for calculations
input uchar                InpLineWidth1  =  2;                /* Senior period Line Width   */ // Line width for higher period
input uchar                InpLineWidth2  =  1;                /* Junior period Line Width   */ // Line width for lower period
input bool                 InpAsSeries    =  true;             /* As Series flag             */ // Timeseries flag of indicator buffer arrays

//--- indicator buffers
double         BufferStdDev1[];
double         BufferStdDev2[];
//--- global variables
int handle_stddev1;
int handle_stddev2;
CMSTFIndicators indicators;      // An instance of the indicator collection object
//--- variables for the panel
CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object
int         mouse_bar_index;     // Index of the bar the data is taken from
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
//--- Set a timer with an interval of 1 second
//--- Assign the BufferMA1 and BufferMA2 arrays to the plot buffers 0 and 1, respectively
//--- Set the line width
   int w1=0,w2=0;
//--- sets indicator shift

//--- Set the timeseries flags for the indicator buffer arrays (for testing, to see that there is no difference)
//--- Create two indicators of the same type
//--- The first one is calculated on the current chart symbol/period, the second - on those specified in the settings

//--- If failed to create indicator handles, return initialization error
   if(handle_stddev1==INVALID_HANDLE || handle_stddev2==INVALID_HANDLE)
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set descriptions for indicator lines from buffer descriptions of calculation part of created indicators
//--- Dashboard
//--- Create the panel
   int width=290;
   panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,width,264,0);
      Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set font parameters
//--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
   panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));

//--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
//--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 1 to display the data of indicator 1
//--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
   int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
//--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 2 to display the data of indicator 2
//--- Get the Y2 coordinate of the table with ID 1 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 2
   int y2=panel.TableY2(1)+3;
//--- Draw a table with ID 2 on the background of the dashboard
//--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
//--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel

//--- Successful initialization
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- Delete the timer
//--- If the panel object exists, delete it
      delete panel;
//--- Delete all comments
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])
//--- Number of bars for calculation
   int limit=rates_total-prev_calculated;
//--- If limit > 1, then this is the first calculation or change in the history
      //--- specify all the available history for calculation
      // If the indicator has any buffers that display other calculations (not multi-indicators),
      // initialize them here with the "empty" value set for these buffers
//--- Calculate all created multi-symbol multi-period indicators
      return 0;

//--- Display the bar data under cursor (or current bar if cursor is outside the chart) on the dashboard

//--- From buffers of calculated indicators, output data to indicator buffers
      return 0;
      return 0;

//--- return value of prev_calculated for the next call
//| Timer function                                                   | 
void OnTimer()
//--- Call the indicator collection timer
//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Handling the panel
//--- Call the panel event handler

//--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
      //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
      datetime time=0;
      double price=0;
      int wnd=0;
      //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
         //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
         //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 

//--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
      //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
      PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);
//| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
//--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
   MqlRates rates[1];

//--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index

//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
   int  size=0;
   uint flags=0;
   uint angle=0;
   string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
   panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
   panel.DrawText("Indicators data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data

//--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
   panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);

//--- Output the data of indicator 1 from the specified bar into table 1
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_stddev1), panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
   double value1=indicators.GetData(handle_stddev1,0,0,index);
   string value_str1=(value1!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value1,indicators.Digits(handle_stddev1)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 1 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state1=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_stddev1,0,0,index);
//--- Output the data of indicator 2 from the specified bar into table 2
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_stddev2), panel.CellX(2,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,0,0)+2);
   double value2=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_stddev2,0,0,index);
   string value_str2=(value2!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value2,indicators.Digits(handle_stddev2)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 2 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(2,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state2=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_stddev2,0,0,index);
//--- Display description of relationship between indicator 1 line relative to indicator 2 line
   double value21=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_stddev2,0,0,index+1);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE stateR=indicators.BufferLineStateRelative(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_stddev1,0,0,index,value2,value21);
   string ma1=indicators.Name(handle_stddev1);
   string ma2=indicators.Name(handle_stddev2);
   string state_relative=
      stateR==LINE_STATE_ABOVE      ? StringFormat("%s1 > %s2",ma1,ma2)   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_BELOW      ? StringFormat("%s1 < %s2",ma1,ma2)           :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN ? "Top-down crossing"   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   ? "Bottom-up crossing"  :
   panel.DrawText(StringFormat("%s1 vs %s2",ma1,ma2), panel.CellX(2,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,0)+2);
   panel.DrawText(state_relative, panel.CellX(2,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,1)+2,clrNONE,110);
//--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

在 M1 图表上编译并启动指标并选择 M5 进行计算后,我们看到:

随机震荡指标(Stochastic Oscillator):

//|                                 TestMSTFStochasticOdcillator.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 4
#property indicator_plots   4
//--- enums

//--- plot RVI1
#property indicator_label1  "RVI1"
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color1  clrSeaGreen
#property indicator_style1  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width1  1

//--- plot Signal1
#property indicator_label2  "Signal1"
#property indicator_type2   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color2  clrOrangeRed
#property indicator_style2  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width2  1

//--- plot RVI2
#property indicator_label3  "RVI2"
#property indicator_type3   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color3  clrGreen
#property indicator_style3  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width3  1

//--- plot Signal2
#property indicator_label4  "Signal2"
#property indicator_type4   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color4  clrRed
#property indicator_style4  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width4  1

//--- includes
#include <IndMSTF\IndMSTF.mqh>
#include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
//--- input parameters
input string               InpSymbol      =  NULL;             /* Symbol                     */ // Symbol
input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES      InpTimeframe   =  PERIOD_CURRENT;   /* Timeframe                  */ // Timeframe
input int                  InpKPeriod     =  5;                /* %K Period                  */ 
input int                  InpDPeriod     =  3;                /* %D Period                  */ 
input int                  InpSlowing     =  3;                /* Slowing                    */ 
input ENUM_STO_PRICE       InpPrice       =  STO_LOWHIGH;      /* Applied Price              */ 
input ENUM_MA_METHOD       InpMethod      =  MODE_SMA;         /* Method                     */ // Calculation method
input uchar                InpLineWidth1  =  2;                /* Senior period Line Width   */ // Line width for higher period
input uchar                InpLineWidth2  =  1;                /* Junior period Line Width   */ // Line width for lower period
input bool                 InpAsSeries    =  true;             /* As Series flag             */ // Timeseries flag of indicator buffer arrays

//--- indicator buffers
double         BufferStoch1[];
double         BufferSig1[];
double         BufferStoch2[];
double         BufferSig2[];
//--- global variables
int handle_stoch1;
int handle_stoch2;
CMSTFIndicators indicators;      // An instance of the indicator collection object
//--- variables for the panel
CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object
int         mouse_bar_index;     // Index of the bar the data is taken from
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
//--- Set a timer with an interval of 1 second
//--- Assign the BufferMA1 and BufferMA2 arrays to the plot buffers 0 and 1, respectively
//--- Set the line width
   int w1=0,w2=0;
//--- sets indicator shift

//--- Set the timeseries flags for the indicator buffer arrays (for testing, to see that there is no difference)
//--- Create two indicators of the same type
//--- The first one is calculated on the current chart symbol/period, the second - on those specified in the settings

//--- If failed to create indicator handles, return initialization error
   if(handle_stoch1==INVALID_HANDLE || handle_stoch2==INVALID_HANDLE)
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set descriptions for indicator lines from buffer descriptions of calculation part of created indicators
//--- Dashboard
//--- Create the panel
   int width=271;
   panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,width,264,0);
      Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set font parameters
//--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
   panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));

//--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
//--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 1 to display the data of indicator 1
//--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
   int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
//--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 2 to display the data of indicator 2
//--- Get the Y2 coordinate of the table with ID 1 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 2
   int y2=panel.TableY2(1)+3;
//--- Draw a table with ID 2 on the background of the dashboard
//--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
//--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel

//--- Successful initialization
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- Delete the timer
//--- If the panel object exists, delete it
      delete panel;
//--- Delete all comments
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])
//--- Number of bars for calculation
   int limit=rates_total-prev_calculated;
//--- If limit > 1, then this is the first calculation or change in the history
      //--- specify all the available history for calculation
      // If the indicator has any buffers that display other calculations (not multi-indicators),
      // initialize them here with the "empty" value set for these buffers
//--- Calculate all created multi-symbol multi-period indicators
      return 0;

//--- Display the bar data under cursor (or current bar if cursor is outside the chart) on the dashboard

//--- From buffers of calculated indicators, output data to indicator buffers
      return 0;
      return 0;
      return 0;
      return 0;
//--- return value of prev_calculated for the next call
//| Timer function                                                   | 
void OnTimer()
//--- Call the indicator collection timer
//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Handling the panel
//--- Call the panel event handler

//--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
      //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
      datetime time=0;
      double price=0;
      int wnd=0;
      //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
         //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
         //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 

//--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
      //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
      PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);
//| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
//--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
   MqlRates rates[1];

//--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index

//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
   int  size=0;
   uint flags=0;
   uint angle=0;
   string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
   panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
   panel.DrawText("Indicators data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data

//--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
   panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);

//--- Output the data of indicator 1 from the specified bar into table 1
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_stoch1), panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
   double value1=indicators.GetData(handle_stoch1,0,0,index);
   string value_str1=(value1!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value1,indicators.Digits(handle_stoch1)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 1 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state1=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_stoch1,0,0,index);
//--- Output the data of indicator 2 from the specified bar into table 2
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_stoch2), panel.CellX(2,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,0,0)+2);
   double value2=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_stoch2,0,0,index);
   string value_str2=(value2!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value2,indicators.Digits(handle_stoch2)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 2 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(2,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state2=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_stoch2,0,0,index);
//--- Display description of relationship between indicator 1 line relative to indicator 2 line
   double value21=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_stoch2,0,0,index+1);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE stateR=indicators.BufferLineStateRelative(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_stoch1,0,0,index,value2,value21);
   string ma1=indicators.Name(handle_stoch1);
   string ma2=indicators.Name(handle_stoch2);
   string state_relative=
      stateR==LINE_STATE_ABOVE      ? StringFormat("%s1 > %s2",ma1,ma2)   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_BELOW      ? StringFormat("%s1 < %s2",ma1,ma2)           :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN ? "Top-down crossing"   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   ? "Bottom-up crossing"  :
   panel.DrawText(StringFormat("%s1 vs %s2",ma1,ma2), panel.CellX(2,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,0)+2);
   panel.DrawText(state_relative, panel.CellX(2,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,1)+2,clrNONE,190);
//--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

在 M1 图表上编译并启动指标并选择 M5 进行计算后,我们看到:

三重指数平均线指标(Triple Exponential Average):

//|                             TestMSTFTripleExponentialAverage.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_plots   2
//--- enums

//--- plot TRIX1
#property indicator_label1  "TRIX1"
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color1  clrRed
#property indicator_style1  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width1  1

//--- plot TRIX2
#property indicator_label2  "TRIX2"
#property indicator_type2   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color2  clrDodgerBlue
#property indicator_style2  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width2  1

//--- includes
#include <IndMSTF\IndMSTF.mqh>
#include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
//--- input parameters
input string               InpSymbol      =  NULL;             /* Symbol                     */ // Symbol
input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES      InpTimeframe   =  PERIOD_CURRENT;   /* Timeframe                  */ // Timeframe
input int                  InpPeriod      =  13;               /* Period                     */ // Calculation period
input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   InpPrice       =  PRICE_CLOSE;      /* Applied Price              */ 
input uchar                InpLineWidth1  =  2;                /* Senior period Line Width   */ // Line width for higher period
input uchar                InpLineWidth2  =  1;                /* Junior period Line Width   */ // Line width for lower period
input bool                 InpAsSeries    =  true;             /* As Series flag             */ // Timeseries flag of indicator buffer arrays

//--- indicator buffers
double         BufferTRIX1[];
double         BufferTRIX2[];
//--- global variables
int handle_trix1;
int handle_trix2;
CMSTFIndicators indicators;      // An instance of the indicator collection object
//--- variables for the panel
CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object
int         mouse_bar_index;     // Index of the bar the data is taken from
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
//--- Set a timer with an interval of 1 second
//--- Assign the BufferMA1 and BufferMA2 arrays to the plot buffers 0 and 1, respectively
//--- Set the line width
   int w1=0,w2=0;
//--- sets indicator shift

//--- Set the timeseries flags for the indicator buffer arrays (for testing, to see that there is no difference)
//--- Create two indicators of the same type
//--- The first one is calculated on the current chart symbol/period, the second - on those specified in the settings

//--- If failed to create indicator handles, return initialization error
   if(handle_trix1==INVALID_HANDLE || handle_trix2==INVALID_HANDLE)
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set descriptions for indicator lines from buffer descriptions of calculation part of created indicators
//--- Dashboard
//--- Create the panel
   int width=247;
   panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,width,264,0);
      Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set font parameters
//--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
   panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));

//--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
//--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 1 to display the data of indicator 1
//--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
   int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
//--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 2 to display the data of indicator 2
//--- Get the Y2 coordinate of the table with ID 1 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 2
   int y2=panel.TableY2(1)+3;
//--- Draw a table with ID 2 on the background of the dashboard
//--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
//--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel

//--- Successful initialization
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- Delete the timer
//--- If the panel object exists, delete it
      delete panel;
//--- Delete all comments
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])
//--- Number of bars for calculation
   int limit=rates_total-prev_calculated;
//--- If limit > 1, then this is the first calculation or change in the history
      //--- specify all the available history for calculation
      // If the indicator has any buffers that display other calculations (not multi-indicators),
      // initialize them here with the "empty" value set for these buffers
//--- Calculate all created multi-symbol multi-period indicators
      return 0;

//--- Display the bar data under cursor (or current bar if cursor is outside the chart) on the dashboard

//--- From buffers of calculated indicators, output data to indicator buffers
      return 0;
      return 0;

//--- return value of prev_calculated for the next call
//| Timer function                                                   | 
void OnTimer()
//--- Call the indicator collection timer
//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Handling the panel
//--- Call the panel event handler

//--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
      //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
      datetime time=0;
      double price=0;
      int wnd=0;
      //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
         //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
         //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 

//--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
      //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
      PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);
//| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
//--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
   MqlRates rates[1];

//--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index

//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
   int  size=0;
   uint flags=0;
   uint angle=0;
   string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
   panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
   panel.DrawText("Indicators data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data

//--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
   panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);

//--- Output the data of indicator 1 from the specified bar into table 1
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_trix1), panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
   double value1=indicators.GetData(handle_trix1,0,0,index);
   string value_str1=(value1!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value1,indicators.Digits(handle_trix1)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 1 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state1=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_trix1,0,0,index);
//--- Output the data of indicator 2 from the specified bar into table 2
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_trix2), panel.CellX(2,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,0,0)+2);
   double value2=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_trix2,0,0,index);
   string value_str2=(value2!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value2,indicators.Digits(handle_trix2)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 2 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(2,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state2=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_trix2,0,0,index);
//--- Display description of relationship between indicator 1 line relative to indicator 2 line
   double value21=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_trix2,0,0,index+1);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE stateR=indicators.BufferLineStateRelative(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_trix1,0,0,index,value2,value21);
   string ma1=indicators.Name(handle_trix1);
   string ma2=indicators.Name(handle_trix2);
   string state_relative=
      stateR==LINE_STATE_ABOVE      ? StringFormat("%s1 > %s2",ma1,ma2)   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_BELOW      ? StringFormat("%s1 < %s2",ma1,ma2)           :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN ? "Top-down crossing"   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   ? "Bottom-up crossing"  :
   panel.DrawText(StringFormat("%s1 vs %s2",ma1,ma2), panel.CellX(2,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,0)+2);
   panel.DrawText(state_relative, panel.CellX(2,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,1)+2,clrNONE,110);
//--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

在 M1 图表上编译并启动指标并选择 M5 进行计算后,我们看到:


//|                                              TestMSTFVolumes.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 4
#property indicator_plots   2
//--- enums

//--- plot AC1
#property indicator_label1  "Volumes1"
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_COLOR_HISTOGRAM
//#property indicator_color1  clrGreen,clrRed // analog in line 98
#property indicator_style1  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width1  1

//--- plot AC2
#property indicator_label2  "Volumes2"
#property indicator_type2   DRAW_COLOR_HISTOGRAM
//#property indicator_color2  clrGreen,clrRed // analog in line 99
#property indicator_style2  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width2  1

//--- includes
#include <IndMSTF\IndMSTF.mqh>
#include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
//--- input parameters
input string               InpSymbol      =  NULL;             /* Symbol                     */ // Symbol
input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES      InpTimeframe   =  PERIOD_CURRENT;   /* Timeframe                  */ // Timeframe
input ENUM_APPLIED_VOLUME  InpVolume      =  VOLUME_TICK;      /* Applied Volume             */ // Used volume
input uchar                InpLineWidth1  =  2;                /* Senior period Line Width   */ // Line width for higher period
input uchar                InpLineWidth2  =  1;                /* Junior period Line Width   */ // Line width for lower period
input bool                 InpAsSeries    =  true;             /* As Series flag             */ // Timeseries flag of indicator buffer arrays

//--- indicator buffers
double         BufferVolumes1[];
double         BufferClrVolumes1[];
double         BufferVolumes2[];
double         BufferClrVolumes2[];
//--- global variables
int handle_volumes1;
int handle_volumes2;
CMSTFIndicators indicators;      // An instance of the indicator collection object
//--- variables for the panel
CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object
int         mouse_bar_index;     // Index of the bar the data is taken from
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
//--- Set a timer with an interval of 1 second
//--- Assign arrays BufferVolumes1 and BufferVolumes2 to plot buffers 0 and 2, respectively,
//--- and color arrays BufferClrVolumes1 and BufferClrVolumes2 to buffers 1 and 3
//--- Set the line width
   int w1=0,w2=0;
//--- sets indicator shift

//--- Set the timeseries flags for the indicator buffer arrays (for testing, to see that there is no difference)
//--- Create two indicators of the same type
//--- The first one is calculated on the current chart symbol/period, the second - on those specified in the settings

//--- If failed to create indicator handles, return initialization error
   if(handle_volumes1==INVALID_HANDLE || handle_volumes2==INVALID_HANDLE)
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set indicator line descriptions from buffer descriptions of calculation part of created indicators
//--- Set colors for indicator lines from the buffer color set of calculation part of created indicators
//--- Dashboard
//--- Create the panel
   int width=267;
   panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,width,264,0);
      Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set font parameters
//--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
   panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));

//--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
//--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 1 to display the data of indicator 1
//--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
   int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
//--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 2 to display the data of indicator 2
//--- Get the Y2 coordinate of the table with ID 1 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 2
   int y2=panel.TableY2(1)+3;
//--- Draw a table with ID 2 on the background of the dashboard
//--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
//--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel

//--- Successful initialization
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- Delete the timer
//--- If the panel object exists, delete it
      delete panel;
//--- Delete all comments
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])
//--- Number of bars for calculation
   int limit=rates_total-prev_calculated;
//--- If limit > 1, then this is the first calculation or change in the history
      //--- specify all the available history for calculation
      // If the indicator has any buffers that display other calculations (not multi-indicators),
      // initialize them here with the "empty" value set for these buffers
//--- Calculate all created multi-symbol multi-period indicators
      return 0;

//--- Display the bar data under cursor (or current bar if cursor is outside the chart) on the dashboard

//--- From buffers of calculated indicators, output data to indicator buffers
      return 0;
      return 0;

//--- return value of prev_calculated for the next call
//| Timer function                                                   | 
void OnTimer()
//--- Call the indicator collection timer
//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Handling the panel
//--- Call the panel event handler

//--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
      //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
      datetime time=0;
      double price=0;
      int wnd=0;
      //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
         //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
         //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 

//--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
      //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
      PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);
//| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
//--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
   MqlRates rates[1];

//--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index

//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
   int  size=0;
   uint flags=0;
   uint angle=0;
   string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
   panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
   panel.DrawText("Indicators data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data

//--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
   panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);

//--- Output the data of indicator 1 from the specified bar into table 1
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_volumes1), panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
   double value1=indicators.GetData(handle_volumes1,0,0,index);
   string value_str1=(value1!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value1,indicators.Digits(handle_volumes1)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 1 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state1=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_volumes1,0,0,index);
//--- Output the data of indicator 2 from the specified bar into table 2
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_volumes2), panel.CellX(2,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,0,0)+2);
   double value2=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_volumes2,0,0,index);
   string value_str2=(value2!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value2,indicators.Digits(handle_volumes2)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 2 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(2,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state2=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_volumes2,0,0,index);
//--- Display description of relationship between indicator 1 line relative to indicator 2 line
   double value21=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_volumes2,0,0,index+1);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE stateR=indicators.BufferLineStateRelative(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_volumes1,0,0,index,value2,value21);
   string ma1=indicators.Name(handle_volumes1);
   string ma2=indicators.Name(handle_volumes2);
   string state_relative=
      stateR==LINE_STATE_ABOVE      ? StringFormat("%s1 > %s2",ma1,ma2)   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_BELOW      ? StringFormat("%s1 < %s2",ma1,ma2)           :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN ? "Top-down crossing"   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   ? "Bottom-up crossing"  :
   panel.DrawText(StringFormat("%s1 vs %s2",ma1,ma2), panel.CellX(2,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,0)+2);
   panel.DrawText(state_relative, panel.CellX(2,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,1)+2,clrNONE,120);
//--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

在 M1 图表上编译并启动指标并选择 M5 进行计算后,我们看到:

威廉姆斯百分比范围指标(Williams Percent Range):

//|                                 TestMSTFWilliamsPercentRange.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_plots   2
//--- enums

//--- plot WPR1
#property indicator_label1  "WPR1"
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color1  clrRed
#property indicator_style1  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width1  1

//--- plot WPR2
#property indicator_label2  "WPR2"
#property indicator_type2   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color2  clrDodgerBlue
#property indicator_style2  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width2  1

//--- includes
#include <IndMSTF\IndMSTF.mqh>
#include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
//--- input parameters
input string               InpSymbol      =  NULL;             /* Symbol                     */ // Symbol
input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES      InpTimeframe   =  PERIOD_CURRENT;   /* Timeframe                  */ // Timeframe
input int                  InpPeriod      =  14;               /* Period                     */ // Calculation period
input uchar                InpLineWidth1  =  2;                /* Senior period Line Width   */ // Line width for higher period
input uchar                InpLineWidth2  =  1;                /* Junior period Line Width   */ // Line width for lower period
input bool                 InpAsSeries    =  true;             /* As Series flag             */ // Timeseries flag of indicator buffer arrays

//--- indicator buffers
double         BufferWPR1[];
double         BufferWPR2[];
//--- global variables
int handle_wpr1;
int handle_wpr2;
CMSTFIndicators indicators;      // An instance of the indicator collection object
//--- variables for the panel
CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object
int         mouse_bar_index;     // Index of the bar the data is taken from
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
//--- Set a timer with an interval of 1 second
//--- Assign the BufferMA1 and BufferMA2 arrays to the plot buffers 0 and 1, respectively
//--- Set the line width
   int w1=0,w2=0;
//--- sets indicator shift

//--- Set the timeseries flags for the indicator buffer arrays (for testing, to see that there is no difference)
//--- Create two indicators of the same type
//--- The first one is calculated on the current chart symbol/period, the second - on those specified in the settings

//--- If failed to create indicator handles, return initialization error
   if(handle_wpr1==INVALID_HANDLE || handle_wpr2==INVALID_HANDLE)
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set descriptions for indicator lines from buffer descriptions of calculation part of created indicators
//--- Dashboard
//--- Create the panel
   int width=231;
   panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,width,264,0);
      Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set font parameters
//--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
   panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));

//--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
//--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 1 to display the data of indicator 1
//--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
   int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
//--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the panel background

//--- Create a table with ID 2 to display the data of indicator 2
//--- Get the Y2 coordinate of the table with ID 1 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 2
   int y2=panel.TableY2(1)+3;
//--- Draw a table with ID 2 on the background of the dashboard
//--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
//--- Display the data of the current bar on the panel

//--- Successful initialization
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- Delete the timer
//--- If the panel object exists, delete it
      delete panel;
//--- Delete all comments
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])
//--- Number of bars for calculation
   int limit=rates_total-prev_calculated;
//--- If limit > 1, then this is the first calculation or change in the history
      //--- specify all the available history for calculation
      // If the indicator has any buffers that display other calculations (not multi-indicators),
      // initialize them here with the "empty" value set for these buffers
//--- Calculate all created multi-symbol multi-period indicators
      return 0;

//--- Display the bar data under cursor (or current bar if cursor is outside the chart) on the dashboard

//--- From buffers of calculated indicators, output data to indicator buffers
      return 0;
      return 0;

//--- return value of prev_calculated for the next call
//| Timer function                                                   | 
void OnTimer()
//--- Call the indicator collection timer
//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Handling the panel
//--- Call the panel event handler

//--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
      //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
      datetime time=0;
      double price=0;
      int wnd=0;
      //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
         //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
         //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 

//--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
      //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
      PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);
//| Display data from the specified timeseries index to the panel    |
void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
//--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
   MqlRates rates[1];

//--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index

//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
   int  size=0;
   uint flags=0;
   uint angle=0;
   string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
   panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
   panel.DrawText("Indicators data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data

//--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
   panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);

//--- Output the data of indicator 1 from the specified bar into table 1
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_wpr1), panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
   double value1=indicators.GetData(handle_wpr1,0,0,index);
   string value_str1=(value1!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value1,indicators.Digits(handle_wpr1)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 1 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state1=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_wpr1,0,0,index);
//--- Output the data of indicator 2 from the specified bar into table 2
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_wpr2), panel.CellX(2,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,0,0)+2);
   double value2=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_wpr2,0,0,index);
   string value_str2=(value2!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value2,indicators.Digits(handle_wpr2)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 2 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(2,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state2=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_wpr2,0,0,index);
//--- Display description of relationship between indicator 1 line relative to indicator 2 line
   double value21=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_wpr2,0,0,index+1);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE stateR=indicators.BufferLineStateRelative(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_wpr1,0,0,index,value2,value21);
   string ma1=indicators.Name(handle_wpr1);
   string ma2=indicators.Name(handle_wpr2);
   string state_relative=
      stateR==LINE_STATE_ABOVE      ? StringFormat("%s1 > %s2",ma1,ma2)   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_BELOW      ? StringFormat("%s1 < %s2",ma1,ma2)           :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN ? "Top-down crossing"   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   ? "Bottom-up crossing"  :
   panel.DrawText(StringFormat("%s1 vs %s2",ma1,ma2), panel.CellX(2,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,0)+2);
   panel.DrawText(state_relative, panel.CellX(2,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,1)+2,clrNONE,110);
//--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel

在 M1 图表上编译并启动指标并选择 M5 进行计算后,我们看到:


并非所有标准指标都已创建完成,并且此概念并不适用于所有绘图风格。接下来我们将实现其他绘制样式和其他指标。不幸的是,并不总是能够立即计算并绘制使用非当前交易品种和时间框架数据计算的指标。有时您必须切换图表时间框架。在这种情况下,指标本身及其计算部分已经为整个可用历史记录进行了计算,但 CopyBuffer() 会因缺失数据错误而返回 -1。之前没有发现过这种错误,到目前为止,这个问题还没有解决:唯一有帮助的就是切换图表周期,以便 CopyBuffer() 可以复制现有的和已经计算好的指标数据。

本文由MetaQuotes Ltd译自俄文
原文地址: https://www.mql5.com/ru/articles/13824

图表上的历史仓位及其盈利/亏损图指标 图表上的历史仓位及其盈利/亏损图指标
开发具有 RestAPI 集成的 MQL5 强化学习代理(第 3 部分):在 MQL5 中创建自动移动和测试脚本 开发具有 RestAPI 集成的 MQL5 强化学习代理(第 3 部分):在 MQL5 中创建自动移动和测试脚本
本文讨论在 Python 中实现井字游戏中的自动移动,并与 MQL5 函数和单元测试集成。目标是通过在 MQL5 中进行测试,提高游戏的互动性并确保系统的可靠性。本文内容包括游戏逻辑开发、集成和实际测试,最后将介绍动态游戏环境和强大集成系统的创建。
种群优化算法:模拟各向同性退火(SIA)算法。第 II 部分 种群优化算法:模拟各向同性退火(SIA)算法。第 II 部分
第一部分专注于众所周知、且流行的算法 — 模拟退火。我们已经通盘研究了它的利弊。本文的第二部分专注于算法的彻底变换,将其转变为一种新的优化算法 — 模拟各向同性退火(SIA)。
种群优化算法:模拟退火(SA)。第 1 部分 种群优化算法:模拟退火(SA)。第 1 部分