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DoEasyライブラリでのその他のクラス(第71部): チャットオブジェクトコレクションイベント

DoEasyライブラリでのその他のクラス(第71部): チャットオブジェクトコレクションイベント

MetaTrader 5 | 10 9月 2021, 07:59
763 0
Artyom Trishkin
Artyom Trishkin








   MSG_CHART_OBJ_TEMPLATE_SAVED,                      // Chart template saved
   MSG_CHART_OBJ_TEMPLATE_APPLIED,                    // Template applied to chart
   MSG_CHART_OBJ_INDICATOR_ADDED,                     // Indicator added
   MSG_CHART_OBJ_INDICATOR_REMOVED,                   // Indicator removed
   MSG_CHART_OBJ_INDICATOR_CHANGED,                   // Indicator changed
   MSG_CHART_OBJ_WINDOW_ADDED,                        // Subwindow added
   MSG_CHART_OBJ_WINDOW_REMOVED,                      // Subwindow removed

//--- CChartObjCollection
   MSG_CHART_COLLECTION_ERR_FAILED_CREATE_CHART_OBJ,  // Failed to create a new chart object
   MSG_CHART_COLLECTION_ERR_FAILED_ADD_CHART,         // Failed to add a chart object to the collection
   MSG_CHART_COLLECTION_ERR_CHARTS_MAX,               // Cannot open new chart. Number of open charts at maximum
   MSG_CHART_COLLECTION_CHART_OPENED,                 // Chart opened
   MSG_CHART_COLLECTION_CHART_CLOSED,                 // Chart closed


   {"Шаблон графика сохранён","Chart template saved"},
   {"Шаблон применён к графику","Template applied to the chart"},
   {"Добавлен индикатор","Added indicator"},
   {"Удалён индикатор","Removed indicator"},
   {"Изменён индикатор","Changed indicator"},
   {"Добавлено подокно","Added subwindow"},
   {"Удалено подокно","Removed subwindow"},
//--- CChartObjCollection
   {"Коллекция чартов","Chart collection"},
   {"Не удалось создать новый объект-чарт","Failed to create new chart object"},
   {"Не удалось добавить объект-чарт в коллекцию","Failed to add chart object to collection"},
   {"Нельзя открыть новый график, так как количество открытых графиков уже максимальное","You cannot open a new chart, since the number of open charts is already maximum"},
   {"Открыт график","Open chart"},
   {"Закрыт график","Closed chart"},


//| Data for working with charts                                     |
//| List of possible chart events                                    |
   CHART_OBJ_EVENT_CHART_OPEN,                        // "New chart opening" event
   CHART_OBJ_EVENT_CHART_CLOSE,                       // "Chart closure" event
   CHART_OBJ_EVENT_CHART_WND_ADD,                     // "Adding a new window on the chart" event
   CHART_OBJ_EVENT_CHART_WND_DEL,                     // "Removing a window from the chart" event
   CHART_OBJ_EVENT_CHART_WND_IND_ADD,                 // "Adding a new indicator to the chart window" event
   CHART_OBJ_EVENT_CHART_WND_IND_DEL,                 // "Removing an indicator from the chart window" event
   CHART_OBJ_EVENT_CHART_WND_IND_CHANGE,              // "Changing indicator parameters in the chart window" event
#define CHART_OBJ_EVENTS_NEXT_CODE  (CHART_OBJ_EVENT_CHART_WND_IND_CHANGE+1)  // The code of the next event after the last chart event code





//| Chart integer property                                           |
   CHART_PROP_ID = 0,                                 // Chart ID
   CHART_PROP_TIMEFRAME,                              // Chart timeframe
   CHART_PROP_SHOW,                                   // Price chart drawing
   CHART_PROP_IS_OBJECT,                              // Chart object (OBJ_CHART) identification attribute
   CHART_PROP_BRING_TO_TOP,                           // Show chart above all others
   CHART_PROP_CONTEXT_MENU,                           // Enable/disable access to the context menu using the right click 
   CHART_PROP_CROSSHAIR_TOOL,                         // Enable/disable access to the Crosshair tool using the middle click
   CHART_PROP_MOUSE_SCROLL,                           // Scroll the chart horizontally using the left mouse button
   CHART_PROP_EVENT_MOUSE_WHEEL,                      // Send messages about mouse wheel events (CHARTEVENT_MOUSE_WHEEL) to all MQL5 programs on a chart
   CHART_PROP_EVENT_MOUSE_MOVE,                       // Send messages about mouse button click and movement events (CHARTEVENT_MOUSE_MOVE) to all MQL5 programs on a chart
   CHART_PROP_EVENT_OBJECT_CREATE,                    // Send messages about the graphical object creation event (CHARTEVENT_OBJECT_CREATE) to all MQL5 programs on a chart
   CHART_PROP_EVENT_OBJECT_DELETE,                    // Send messages about the graphical object destruction event (CHARTEVENT_OBJECT_DELETE) to all MQL5 programs on a chart
   CHART_PROP_MODE,                                   // Type of the chart (candlesticks, bars or line (ENUM_CHART_MODE))
   CHART_PROP_FOREGROUND,                             // Price chart in the foreground
   CHART_PROP_SHIFT,                                  // Mode of shift of the price chart from the right border
   CHART_PROP_AUTOSCROLL,                             // The mode of automatic shift to the right border of the chart
   CHART_PROP_KEYBOARD_CONTROL,                       // Allow managing the chart using a keyboard
   CHART_PROP_QUICK_NAVIGATION,                       // Allow the chart to intercept Space and Enter key strokes to activate the quick navigation bar
   CHART_PROP_SCALE,                                  // Scale
   CHART_PROP_SCALEFIX,                               // Fixed scale mode
   CHART_PROP_SCALEFIX_11,                            // 1:1 scale mode
   CHART_PROP_SCALE_PT_PER_BAR,                       // The mode of specifying the scale in points per bar
   CHART_PROP_SHOW_TICKER,                            // Display a symbol ticker in the upper left corner
   CHART_PROP_SHOW_OHLC,                              // Display OHLC values in the upper left corner
   CHART_PROP_SHOW_BID_LINE,                          // Display Bid value as a horizontal line on the chart
   CHART_PROP_SHOW_ASK_LINE,                          // Display Ask value as a horizontal line on a chart
   CHART_PROP_SHOW_LAST_LINE,                         // Display Last value as a horizontal line on a chart
   CHART_PROP_SHOW_PERIOD_SEP,                        // Display vertical separators between adjacent periods
   CHART_PROP_SHOW_GRID,                              // Display a grid on the chart
   CHART_PROP_SHOW_VOLUMES,                           // Display volumes on a chart
   CHART_PROP_SHOW_OBJECT_DESCR,                      // Display text descriptions of objects
   CHART_PROP_VISIBLE_BARS,                           // Number of bars on a chart that are available for display
   CHART_PROP_WINDOWS_TOTAL,                          // The total number of chart windows including indicator subwindows
   CHART_PROP_WINDOW_HANDLE,                          // Chart window handle
   CHART_PROP_WINDOW_YDISTANCE,                       // Distance in Y axis pixels between the upper frame of the indicator subwindow and the upper frame of the chart main window
   CHART_PROP_FIRST_VISIBLE_BAR,                      // Number of the first visible bar on the chart
   CHART_PROP_WIDTH_IN_BARS,                          // Width of the chart in bars
   CHART_PROP_WIDTH_IN_PIXELS,                        // Width of the chart in pixels
   CHART_PROP_HEIGHT_IN_PIXELS,                       // Height of the chart in pixels
   CHART_PROP_COLOR_BACKGROUND,                       // Color of background of the chart
   CHART_PROP_COLOR_FOREGROUND,                       // Color of axes, scale and OHLC line
   CHART_PROP_COLOR_GRID,                             // Grid color
   CHART_PROP_COLOR_VOLUME,                           // Color of volumes and position opening levels
   CHART_PROP_COLOR_CHART_UP,                         // Color for the up bar, shadows and body borders of bull candlesticks
   CHART_PROP_COLOR_CHART_DOWN,                       // Color of down bar, its shadow and border of body of the bullish candlestick
   CHART_PROP_COLOR_CHART_LINE,                       // Color of the chart line and the Doji candlesticks
   CHART_PROP_COLOR_CANDLE_BULL,                      // Color of body of a bullish candlestick
   CHART_PROP_COLOR_CANDLE_BEAR,                      // Color of body of a bearish candlestick
   CHART_PROP_COLOR_BID,                              // Color of the Bid price line
   CHART_PROP_COLOR_ASK,                              // Color of the Ask price line
   CHART_PROP_COLOR_LAST,                             // Color of the last performed deal's price line (Last)
   CHART_PROP_COLOR_STOP_LEVEL,                       // Color of stop order levels (Stop Loss and Take Profit)
   CHART_PROP_SHOW_TRADE_LEVELS,                      // Display trade levels on the chart (levels of open positions, Stop Loss, Take Profit and pending orders)
   CHART_PROP_DRAG_TRADE_LEVELS,                      // Enable the ability to drag trading levels on a chart using mouse
   CHART_PROP_SHOW_DATE_SCALE,                        // Display the time scale on a chart
   CHART_PROP_SHOW_PRICE_SCALE,                       // Display a price scale on a chart
   CHART_PROP_SHOW_ONE_CLICK,                         // Display the quick trading panel on the chart
   CHART_PROP_IS_MAXIMIZED,                           // Chart window maximized
   CHART_PROP_IS_MINIMIZED,                           // Chart window minimized
   CHART_PROP_IS_DOCKED,                              // Chart window docked
   CHART_PROP_FLOAT_LEFT,                             // Left coordinate of the undocked chart window relative to the virtual screen
   CHART_PROP_FLOAT_TOP,                              // Upper coordinate of the undocked chart window relative to the virtual screen
   CHART_PROP_FLOAT_RIGHT,                            // Right coordinate of the undocked chart window relative to the virtual screen
   CHART_PROP_FLOAT_BOTTOM,                           // Bottom coordinate of the undocked chart window relative to the virtual screen
   //--- CWndInd
   CHART_PROP_WINDOW_IND_HANDLE,                      // Indicator handle in the chart window
   CHART_PROP_WINDOW_IND_INDEX,                       // Indicator index in the chart window
   CHART_PROP_WINDOW_NUM,                             // Chart window index
#define CHART_PROP_INTEGER_TOTAL (67)                 // Total number of integer properties
#define CHART_PROP_INTEGER_SKIP  (0)                  // Number of integer DOM properties not used in sorting



//| Possible chart sorting criteria                                  |
//--- Sort by integer properties
   SORT_BY_CHART_ID = 0,                              // Sort by chart ID
   SORT_BY_CHART_TIMEFRAME,                           // Sort by chart timeframe
   SORT_BY_CHART_SHOW,                                // Sort by the price chart drawing attribute
   SORT_BY_CHART_IS_OBJECT,                           // Sort by chart object (OBJ_CHART) identification attribute
   SORT_BY_CHART_BRING_TO_TOP,                        // Sort by the flag of displaying a chart above all others
   SORT_BY_CHART_CONTEXT_MENU,                        // Sort by the flag of enabling/disabling access to the context menu using the right click
   SORT_BY_CHART_CROSSHAIR_TOO,                       // Sort by the flag of enabling/disabling access to the Crosshair tool using the middle click
   SORT_BY_CHART_MOUSE_SCROLL,                        // Sort by the flag of scrolling the chart horizontally using the left mouse button
   SORT_BY_CHART_EVENT_MOUSE_WHEEL,                   // Sort by the flag of sending messages about mouse wheel events to all MQL5 programs on a chart
   SORT_BY_CHART_EVENT_MOUSE_MOVE,                    // Sort by the flag of sending messages about mouse button click and movement events to all MQL5 programs on a chart
   SORT_BY_CHART_EVENT_OBJECT_CREATE,                 // Sort by the flag of sending messages about the graphical object creation event to all MQL5 programs on a chart
   SORT_BY_CHART_EVENT_OBJECT_DELETE,                 // Sort by the flag of sending messages about the graphical object destruction event to all MQL5 programs on a chart
   SORT_BY_CHART_MODE,                                // Sort by chart type
   SORT_BY_CHART_FOREGROUND,                          // Sort by the "Price chart in the foreground" flag
   SORT_BY_CHART_SHIFT,                               // Sort by the "Mode of shift of the price chart from the right border" flag
   SORT_BY_CHART_AUTOSCROLL,                          // Sort by the "The mode of automatic shift to the right border of the chart" flag
   SORT_BY_CHART_KEYBOARD_CONTROL,                    // Sort by the flag allowing the chart management using a keyboard
   SORT_BY_CHART_QUICK_NAVIGATION,                    // Sort by the flag allowing the chart to intercept Space and Enter key strokes to activate the quick navigation bar
   SORT_BY_CHART_SCALE,                               // Sort by scale
   SORT_BY_CHART_SCALEFIX,                            // Sort by the fixed scale flag
   SORT_BY_CHART_SCALEFIX_11,                         // Sort by the 1:1 scale flag
   SORT_BY_CHART_SCALE_PT_PER_BAR,                    // Sort by the flag of specifying the scale in points per bar
   SORT_BY_CHART_SHOW_TICKER,                         // Sort by the flag displaying a symbol ticker in the upper left corner
   SORT_BY_CHART_SHOW_OHLC,                           // Sort by the flag displaying OHLC values in the upper left corner
   SORT_BY_CHART_SHOW_BID_LINE,                       // Sort by the flag displaying Bid value as a horizontal line on the chart
   SORT_BY_CHART_SHOW_ASK_LINE,                       // Sort by the flag displaying Ask value as a horizontal line on the chart
   SORT_BY_CHART_SHOW_LAST_LINE,                      // Sort by the flag displaying Last value as a horizontal line on the chart
   SORT_BY_CHART_SHOW_PERIOD_SEP,                     // Sort by the flag displaying vertical separators between adjacent periods
   SORT_BY_CHART_SHOW_GRID,                           // Sort by the flag of displaying a grid on the chart
   SORT_BY_CHART_SHOW_VOLUMES,                        // Sort by the mode of displaying volumes on a chart
   SORT_BY_CHART_SHOW_OBJECT_DESCR,                   // Sort by the flag of displaying object text descriptions
   SORT_BY_CHART_VISIBLE_BARS,                        // Sort by the number of bars on a chart that are available for display
   SORT_BY_CHART_WINDOWS_TOTAL,                       // Sort by the total number of chart windows including indicator subwindows
   SORT_BY_CHART_WINDOW_HANDLE,                       // Sort by the chart handle
   SORT_BY_CHART_WINDOW_YDISTANCE,                    // Sort by the distance in Y axis pixels between the upper frame of the indicator subwindow and the upper frame of the chart main window
   SORT_BY_CHART_FIRST_VISIBLE_BAR,                   // Sort by the number of the first visible bar on the chart
   SORT_BY_CHART_WIDTH_IN_BARS,                       // Sort by the width of the chart in bars
   SORT_BY_CHART_WIDTH_IN_PIXELS,                     // Sort by the width of the chart in pixels
   SORT_BY_CHART_HEIGHT_IN_PIXELS,                    // Sort by the height of the chart in pixels
   SORT_BY_CHART_COLOR_BACKGROUND,                    // Sort by the color of the chart background
   SORT_BY_CHART_COLOR_FOREGROUND,                    // Sort by color of axes, scale and OHLC line
   SORT_BY_CHART_COLOR_GRID,                          // Sort by grid color
   SORT_BY_CHART_COLOR_VOLUME,                        // Sort by the color of volumes and position opening levels
   SORT_BY_CHART_COLOR_CHART_UP,                      // Sort by the color for the up bar, shadows and body borders of bull candlesticks
   SORT_BY_CHART_COLOR_CHART_DOWN,                    // Sort by the color of down bar, its shadow and border of body of the bullish candlestick
   SORT_BY_CHART_COLOR_CHART_LINE,                    // Sort by the color of the chart line and the Doji candlesticks
   SORT_BY_CHART_COLOR_CANDLE_BULL,                   // Sort by the color of a bullish candlestick body
   SORT_BY_CHART_COLOR_CANDLE_BEAR,                   // Sort by the color of a bearish candlestick body
   SORT_BY_CHART_COLOR_BID,                           // Sort by the color of the Bid price line
   SORT_BY_CHART_COLOR_ASK,                           // Sort by the color of the Ask price line
   SORT_BY_CHART_COLOR_LAST,                          // Sort by the color of the last performed deal's price line (Last)
   SORT_BY_CHART_COLOR_STOP_LEVEL,                    // Sort by the color of stop order levels (Stop Loss and Take Profit)
   SORT_BY_CHART_SHOW_TRADE_LEVELS,                   // Sort by the flag of displaying trading levels on the chart
   SORT_BY_CHART_DRAG_TRADE_LEVELS,                   // Sort by the flag enabling the ability to drag trading levels on a chart using mouse
   SORT_BY_CHART_SHOW_DATE_SCALE,                     // Sort by the flag of displaying the time scale on the chart
   SORT_BY_CHART_SHOW_PRICE_SCALE,                    // Sort by the flag of displaying the price scale on the chart
   SORT_BY_CHART_SHOW_ONE_CLICK,                      // Sort by the flag of displaying the quick trading panel on the chart
   SORT_BY_CHART_IS_MAXIMIZED,                        // Sort by the "Chart window maximized" flag
   SORT_BY_CHART_IS_MINIMIZED,                        // Sort by the "Chart window minimized" flag
   SORT_BY_CHART_IS_DOCKED,                           // Sort by the "Chart window docked" flag
   SORT_BY_CHART_FLOAT_LEFT,                          // Sort by the left coordinate of the undocked chart window relative to the virtual screen
   SORT_BY_CHART_FLOAT_TOP,                           // Sort by the upper coordinate of the undocked chart window relative to the virtual screen
   SORT_BY_CHART_FLOAT_RIGHT,                         // Sort by the right coordinate of the undocked chart window relative to the virtual screen
   SORT_BY_CHART_FLOAT_BOTTOM,                        // Sort by the bottom coordinate of the undocked chart window relative to the virtual screen
   SORT_BY_CHART_WINDOW_IND_HANDLE,                   // Sort by the indicator handle in the chart window
   SORT_BY_CHART_WINDOW_IND_INDEX,                    // Sort by the indicator index in the chart window
   SORT_BY_CHART_WINDOW_NUM,                          // Sort by chart window index
//--- Sort by real properties
   SORT_BY_CHART_SHIFT_SIZE = FIRST_CHART_DBL_PROP,   // Sort by the shift size of the zero bar from the right border in %
   SORT_BY_CHART_FIXED_POSITION,                      // Sort by the chart fixed position from the left border in %
   SORT_BY_CHART_FIXED_MAX,                           // Sort by the fixed chart maximum
   SORT_BY_CHART_FIXED_MIN,                           // Sort by the fixed chart minimum
   SORT_BY_CHART_POINTS_PER_BAR,                      // Sort by the scale value in points per bar
   SORT_BY_CHART_PRICE_MIN,                           // Sort by the chart minimum
   SORT_BY_CHART_PRICE_MAX,                           // Sort by the chart maximum
//--- Sort by string properties
   SORT_BY_CHART_COMMENT = FIRST_CHART_STR_PROP,      // Sort by a comment text on the chart
   SORT_BY_CHART_EXPERT_NAME,                         // Sort by a name of an EA launched on the chart
   SORT_BY_CHART_SCRIPT_NAME,                         // Sort by a name of a script launched on the chart
   SORT_BY_CHART_WINDOW_IND_NAME,                     // Sort by a name of an indicator launched in the chart window
   SORT_BY_CHART_SYMBOL,                              // Sort by chart symbol

上記のように、削除された指標、ウィンドウ、チャートのオブジェクトコピーを保存するために、特別なリストを使用します。これらのリストには、各チャートオブジェクト、そのウィンドウ、およびウィンドウに属する指標でアクセスする必要があります。各オブジェクトクラスにカスタムリストが保存されないようにし、特定の削除されたオブジェクトのデータを必要とする他のオブジェクトからのアクセスを調整するには、チャートオブジェクトコレクションクラスでこれらすべてのリストを宣言します(クラスはすべてのチャートオブジェクトへのアクセスを提供します)。 リストは他のオブジェクト(チャート、チャートウィンドウ、チャートウィンドウの指標)に渡されます。したがって、コレクションに格納されている各オブジェクトは、すべてのリストにアクセスできます。




//| Chart window indicator object class                              |
class CWndInd : public CObject
   long              m_chart_id;                         // Chart ID
   string            m_name;                             // Indicator short name
   int               m_index;                            // indicator index in the list
   int               m_window_num;                       // Indicator subwindow index
   int               m_handle;                           // Indicator handle
//--- Return itself
   CWndInd          *GetObject(void)                     { return &this;               }
//--- Return (1) indicator name, (2) index in the list, (3) indicator handle and (4) subwindow index
   string            Name(void)                    const { return this.m_name;         }
   int               Index(void)                   const { return this.m_index;        }
   int               Handle(void)                  const { return this.m_handle;       }
   int               WindowNum(void)               const { return this.m_window_num;   }
//--- Set (1) subwindow name, (2) window index on the chart, (3) handle, (4) index
   void              SetName(const string name)          { this.m_name=name;           }
   void              SetIndex(const int index)           { this.m_index=index;         }
   void              SetHandle(const int handle)         { this.m_handle=handle;       }
   void              SetWindowNum(const int win_num)     { this.m_window_num=win_num;  }
//--- Display the description of object properties in the journal (dash=true - hyphen before the description, false - description only)
   void              Print(const bool dash=false)        { ::Print((dash ? "- " : "")+this.Header());                      }
//--- Return the object short name
   string            Header(void)                  const { return CMessage::Text(MSG_CHART_OBJ_INDICATOR)+" "+this.Name(); }
//--- Compare CWndInd objects with each other by the specified property
   virtual int       Compare(const CObject *node,const int mode=0) const;
//--- Constructors
                     CWndInd(const int handle,const string name,const int index,const int win_num) : m_handle(handle),
                                                                                                     m_window_num(win_num) {}




//| Chart window object class                                        |
class CChartWnd : public CBaseObjExt
   CArrayObj         m_list_ind;                                        // Indicator list
   CArrayObj        *m_list_ind_del;                                    // Pointer to the list of indicators removed from the indicator window
   CArrayObj        *m_list_ind_param;                                  // Pointer to the list of changed indicators
   int               m_window_num;                                      // Subwindow index
   int               m_wnd_coord_x;                                     // The X coordinate for the time on the chart in the window
   int               m_wnd_coord_y;                                     // The Y coordinate for the price on the chart in the window
   string            m_symbol;                                          // Symbol of a chart the window belongs to
//--- Return the flag indicating the presence of an indicator (1) from the list in the window and (2) from the window in the list
   bool              IsPresentInWindow(const CWndInd *ind);
   bool              IsPresentInList(const string name);
//--- Return the indicator object present in the list but not present on the chart
   CWndInd          *GetMissingInd(void);
//--- Remove indicators not present in the window from the list
   void              IndicatorsDelete(void);
//--- Add new indicators to the list
   void              IndicatorsAdd(void);
//--- Check the changes of the parameters of existing indicators
   void              IndicatorsChangeCheck(void);

これで、クラスはすべてのライブラリオブジェクトの拡張された基本クラスから継承され 、そのようなオブジェクトごとに簡単に実行できるイベント機能を備えるようになりました。


//--- Return itself
   CChartWnd        *GetObject(void)                                    { return &this;            }

//--- Return the flag of the object supporting this property
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_CHART_PROP_INTEGER property)  { return(property==CHART_PROP_WINDOW_YDISTANCE || property==CHART_PROP_HEIGHT_IN_PIXELS ? true : false); }
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_CHART_PROP_DOUBLE property)   { return false; }
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_CHART_PROP_STRING property)   { return (property==CHART_PROP_WINDOW_IND_NAME || property==CHART_PROP_SYMBOL ? true : false);  }

//--- Get description of (1) integer, (2) real and (3) string properties
   string            GetPropertyDescription(ENUM_CHART_PROP_INTEGER property);
   string            GetPropertyDescription(ENUM_CHART_PROP_DOUBLE property)  { return CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED);        }
   string            GetPropertyDescription(ENUM_CHART_PROP_STRING property);


//--- Return the object short name
   virtual string    Header(void);
//--- Create and send the chart event to the control program chart
   void              SendEvent(ENUM_CHART_OBJ_EVENT event);
//--- Compare CChartWnd objects by a specified property (to sort the list by an MQL5 signal object)
   virtual int       Compare(const CObject *node,const int mode=0) const;
//--- Compare CChartWnd objects by all properties (to search for equal MQL5 signal objects)
   bool              IsEqual(CChartWnd* compared_obj) const;
//--- Constructors
                     CChartWnd(const long chart_id,const int wnd_num,const string symbol,CArrayObj *list_ind_del,CArrayObj *list_ind_param);
//--- Destructor


//--- Return (1) the subwindow index, (2) the number of indicators attached to the window and (3) the name of a symbol chart
   int               WindowNum(void)                              const { return this.m_window_num;                                       }
   int               IndicatorsTotal(void)                        const { return this.m_list_ind.Total();                                 }
   string            Symbol(void)                                 const { return m_symbol;}
//--- Set (1) the subwindow index and (2) the chart symbol
   void              SetWindowNum(const int num)                        { this.m_window_num=num;                                          }
   void              SetSymbol(const string symbol)                     { this.m_symbol=symbol;                                           }
//--- Return (1) the indicator list, the window indicator object from the list by (2) index in the list and (3) by handle
   CArrayObj        *GetIndicatorsList(void)                            { return &this.m_list_ind;                                        }
   CWndInd          *GetIndicatorByIndex(const int index);
   CWndInd          *GetIndicatorByHandle(const int handle);
//--- Return (1) the last one added to the window, (2) the last one removed from the window and (3) the changed indicator
   CWndInd          *GetLastAddedIndicator(void)                        { return this.m_list_ind.At(this.m_list_ind.Total()-1);           }
   CWndInd          *GetLastDeletedIndicator(void)                      { return this.m_list_ind_del.At(this.m_list_ind_del.Total()-1);   }
   CWndInd          *GetLastChangedIndicator(void)                      { return this.m_list_ind_param.At(this.m_list_ind_param.Total()-1);}



//| Parametric constructor                                           |
CChartWnd::CChartWnd(const long chart_id,const int wnd_num,const string symbol,CArrayObj *list_ind_del,CArrayObj *list_ind_param) : m_window_num(wnd_num),

前回の記事(つまり、ウィンドウに取り付けられた指標に関するデータを提供するメソッド)では、指標ハンドルは指標リストから取得されました。指標データを読み取った後、ハンドルはすぐに解放されました。その結果、同じ指標に対して毎回新しいハンドルが作成されました(ヘルプ情報の理解が間違っていたため、指標ハンドルは、本当に必要がなくなったとき、つまりプログラムの操作が完了したときにのみ解放する必要があります。 ハンドルでデータを受信した直後ではなく、指標はプログラムでさらに使用されます)。これは本稿で修正し、すべての指標のハンドルがクラスデストラクタで解放されるようにします。


//| Destructor                                                       |
   int total=this.m_list_ind.Total();
   for(int i=total-1;i>WRONG_VALUE;i--)
      CWndInd *ind=this.m_list_ind.At(i);



//| Compare CChartWnd objects with each other by a specified property|
int CChartWnd::Compare(const CObject *node,const int mode=0) const
   const CChartWnd *obj_compared=node;
      return(this.YDistance()>obj_compared.YDistance() ? 1 : this.YDistance()<obj_compared.YDistance() ? -1 : 0);
      return(this.HeightInPixels()>obj_compared.HeightInPixels() ? 1 : this.HeightInPixels()<obj_compared.HeightInPixels() ? -1 : 0);
   else if(mode==CHART_PROP_WINDOW_NUM)
      return(this.WindowNum()>obj_compared.WindowNum() ? 1 : this.WindowNum()<obj_compared.WindowNum() ? -1 : 0);
   else if(mode==CHART_PROP_SYMBOL)
      return(this.Symbol()==obj_compared.Symbol() ? 0 : this.Symbol()>obj_compared.Symbol() ? 1 : -1);
   return -1;



//| Return description of object's string property                   |
string CChartWnd::GetPropertyDescription(ENUM_CHART_PROP_STRING property)
      property==CHART_PROP_SYMBOL  ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_SYMBOL)+
         (!this.SupportProperty(property) ?  ": "+CMessage::Text(MSG_LIB_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED) :
          ": "+this.Symbol()
         )  :



      //--- get and save the indicator handle by its short name
      int handle=::ChartIndicatorGet(this.m_chart_id,this.m_window_num,name);
      //--- Free the indicator handle
      //--- Create the new indicator object in the chart window


//| Create the list of indicators attached to the window             |
void CChartWnd::IndicatorsListCreate(void)
   //--- Clear the indicator lists
   //--- Get the total number of indicators in the window
   int total=::ChartIndicatorsTotal(this.m_chart_id,this.m_window_num);
   //--- In the loop by the number of indicators,
   for(int i=0;i<total;i++)
      //--- obtain and save the short indicator name,
      string name=::ChartIndicatorName(this.m_chart_id,this.m_window_num,i);
      //--- get and save the indicator handle by its short name
      int handle=::ChartIndicatorGet(this.m_chart_id,this.m_window_num,name);
      //--- Create the new indicator object in the chart window
      CWndInd *ind=new CWndInd(handle,name,i,this.WindowNum());
      //--- set the sorted list flag to the list
      //--- If failed to add the object to the list, remove it
         delete ind;




      int handle=::ChartIndicatorGet(this.m_chart_id,this.m_window_num,name);
      //--- Free the indicator handle
      //--- Create the new indicator object in the chart window


//| Add new indicators to the list                                   |
void CChartWnd::IndicatorsAdd(void)
   //--- Get the total number of indicators in the window
   int total=::ChartIndicatorsTotal(this.m_chart_id,this.m_window_num);
   //--- In the loop by the number of indicators,
   for(int i=0;i<total;i++)
      //--- obtain and save the short indicator name,
      string name=::ChartIndicatorName(this.m_chart_id,this.m_window_num,i);
      //--- get and save the indicator handle by its short name
      int handle=::ChartIndicatorGet(this.m_chart_id,this.m_window_num,name);
      //--- Create the new indicator object in the chart window
      CWndInd *ind=new CWndInd(handle,name,i,this.WindowNum());
      //--- set the sorted list flag to the list
      //--- If the object is already in the list or an attempt to add it to the list failed, remove it
      if(this.m_list_ind.Search(ind)>WRONG_VALUE || !this.m_list_ind.Add(ind))
         delete ind;


      int handle=::ChartIndicatorGet(this.m_chart_id,this.m_window_num,name);


//| Return the flag indicating the presence of an indicator from the list in the window  |
bool CChartWnd::IsPresentInWindow(const CWndInd *ind)
   int total=::ChartIndicatorsTotal(this.m_chart_id,this.m_window_num);
   for(int i=0;i<total;i++)
      string name=::ChartIndicatorName(this.m_chart_id,this.m_window_num,i);
      int handle=::ChartIndicatorGet(this.m_chart_id,this.m_window_num,name);
      if(ind.Name()==name && ind.Handle()==handle)
         return true;
   return false;


//| Check the changes of the parameters of existing indicators       |
void CChartWnd::IndicatorsChangeCheck(void)
   //--- Get the total number of indicators in the window
   int total=::ChartIndicatorsTotal(this.m_chart_id,this.m_window_num);
   //--- In the loop by all window indicators,
   for(int i=0;i<total;i++)
      //--- get the indicator name and get its handle by a name
      string name=::ChartIndicatorName(this.m_chart_id,this.m_window_num,i);
      int handle=::ChartIndicatorGet(this.m_chart_id,this.m_window_num,name);
      //--- If the indicator with such a name is present in the object indicator list, move on to the next one
      //--- Get the indicator object present in the list but not present in the window
      CWndInd *ind=this.GetMissingInd();
      //--- If the indicator and the detected object have the same index, this is the indicator with changed parameters
         //--- Create a new indicator object based on the detected indicator object,
         CWndInd *changed=new CWndInd(ind.Handle(),ind.Name(),ind.Index(),ind.WindowNum());
         //--- set the sorted list flag to the list of changed indicators
         //--- If failed to add a newly created indicator object to the list of changed indicators,
         //--- remove the created object and move on to the next indicator in the window
            delete changed;
         //--- Set the new parameters for the detected "lost" indicator - short name and handle
         //--- and call the method of sending a custom event to the control program chart



//| Remove indicators not present in the window from the list        |
void CChartWnd::IndicatorsDelete(void)
   //--- In the loop by the list of window indicator objects,
   int total=this.m_list_ind.Total();
   for(int i=total-1;i>WRONG_VALUE;i--)
      //--- get the next indicator object
      CWndInd *ind=this.m_list_ind.At(i);
      //--- If such an indicator is present in the chart window, move on to the next object in the list
      //--- Create a copy of a removed indicator
      CWndInd *ind_del=new CWndInd(ind.Handle(),ind.Name(),ind.Index(),ind.WindowNum());
      //--- If failed to place a created object to the list of indicators removed from the window,
      //--- remove it and go to the next object in the list
         delete ind_del;
      //--- Remove the indicator, which was deleted from the window, from the list



//| Return the flag of the presence of an indicator from the window in the list |
bool CChartWnd::IsPresentInList(const string name)
   CWndInd *ind=new CWndInd();
      return false;
   int index=this.m_list_ind.Search(ind);
   delete ind;

ここでは、一時的な指標オブジェクトを作成し、メソッドに渡される短縮名を割り当てます指標名で並べ替えるフラグを指標オブジェクトのリストに設定しリストにそのような名前の指標インデックスを取得します。必ず一時オブジェクトを削除し、リストで検出された指標のインデックスが-1を超えることを示すフラグを返します(そのような名前の指標が見つかった場合は、 そのインデックスは-1を超えています)。


//| Return the indicator object present in the list                  |
//| but not on the chart                                             |
CWndInd *CChartWnd::GetMissingInd(void)
   for(int i=0;i<this.m_list_ind.Total();i++)
      CWndInd *ind=this.m_list_ind.At(i);
         return ind;
   return NULL;

ここで、リスト内のすべての指標オブジェクトを反復処理して、次の指標オブジェクトを取得します。チャートにそのような指標がない場合は、検出された指標オブジェクトへのポインタを返しますそれ以外の場合は、 NULLを返します


//| Return the indicator object by the index in the window list      |
CWndInd *CChartWnd::GetIndicatorByIndex(const int index)
   CWndInd *ind=new CWndInd();
      return NULL;
   int n=this.m_list_ind.Search(ind);
   delete ind;
   return this.m_list_ind.At(n);

ここでは、一時的な指標オブジェクトを作成し、メソッドに渡されたインデックスを割り当てますチャートの指標インデックスによる並べ替えのフラグを指標オブジェクトのリストに設定しチャートウィンドウリストにそのようなインデックスがあるウィンドウオブジェクトリストの指標インデックスを取得します 。必ず一時オブジェクトを削除し、 指標オブジェクトのリストで指定されたインデックスによってオブジェクトへのポインタを返します
オブジェクトが見つからなかった場合、Search()メソッドは-1を返し、At()メソッドはそのようなインデックス値の場合は NULLを返します。したがって、このメソッドは、リストで検出されたオブジェクトへのポインタを返すか、チャートウィンドウで指定されたインデックスを持つ指標オブジェクトがリストに存在しない場合は NULLを返します。


//| Return the window indicator object from the list by handle       |
CWndInd *CChartWnd::GetIndicatorByHandle(const int handle)
   CWndInd *ind=new CWndInd();
      return NULL;
   int index=this.m_list_ind.Search(ind);
   delete ind;
   return this.m_list_ind.At(index);



//| Update data on attached indicators                               |
void CChartWnd::Refresh(void)
   //--- Calculate the change of the indicator number in the "now and during the previous check" window
   int change=::ChartIndicatorsTotal(this.m_chart_id,this.m_window_num)-this.m_list_ind.Total();
   //--- If there is no change in the number of indicators in the window,
      //--- check the change of parameters of all indicators and exit
   //--- If indicators are added
      //--- Call the method of adding new indicators to the list
      //--- In the loop by the number of indicators added to the window,
      for(int i=0;i<change;i++)
         //--- get the new indicator in the list by the index calculated from the end of the list
         int index=this.m_list_ind.Total()-(1+i);
         //--- and if failed to obtain the object, move on to the next one
         CWndInd *ind=this.m_list_ind.At(index);
         //--- call the method of sending an event to the control program chart
   //--- If there are removed indicators
      //--- Call the method of removing unnecessary indicators from the list
      //--- In the loop by the number of indicators removed from the window,
      for(int i=0;i<-change;i++)
         //--- get a new removed indicator in the list of removed indicators by index calculated from the end of the list
         int index=this.m_list_ind_del.Total()-(1+i);
         //--- and if failed to obtain the object, move on to the next one
         CWndInd *ind=this.m_list_ind_del.At(index);
         //--- call the method of sending an event to the control program chart



//| Create and send a chart window event                             |
//| to the control program chart                                     |
void CChartWnd::SendEvent(ENUM_CHART_OBJ_EVENT event)
   //--- If an indicator is added
      //--- Get the last indicator object added to the list
      CWndInd *ind=this.GetLastAddedIndicator();
      //--- Send the CHART_OBJ_EVENT_CHART_WND_IND_ADD event to the control program chart
      //--- pass the chart ID to lparam,
      //--- pass the chart window index to dparam,
      //--- pass the short name of the added indicator to sparam
   //--- If the indicator is removed
      //--- Get the last indicator object added to the list of removed indicators
      CWndInd *ind=this.GetLastDeletedIndicator();
      //--- Send the CHART_OBJ_EVENT_CHART_WND_IND_DEL event to the control program chart
      //--- pass the chart ID to lparam,
      //--- pass the chart window index to dparam,
      //--- pass the short name of a deleted indicator to sparam
   //--- If the indicator has changed
      //--- Get the last indicator object added to the list of changed indicators
      CWndInd *ind=this.GetLastChangedIndicator();
      //--- Send the CHART_OBJ_EVENT_CHART_WND_IND_CHANGE event to the control program chart
      //--- pass the chart ID to lparam,
      //--- pass the chart window index to dparam,
      //--- pass the short name of a changed indicator to sparam




//| Chart object class                                               |
class CChartObj : public CBaseObjExt
   CArrayObj         m_list_wnd;                                  // List of chart window objects
   CArrayObj        *m_list_wnd_del;                              // Pointer to the list of chart window objects
   CArrayObj        *m_list_ind_del;                              // Pointer to the list of indicators removed from the indicator window
   CArrayObj        *m_list_ind_param;                            // Pointer to the list of changed indicators
   long              m_long_prop[CHART_PROP_INTEGER_TOTAL];       // Integer properties
   double            m_double_prop[CHART_PROP_DOUBLE_TOTAL];      // Real properties
   string            m_string_prop[CHART_PROP_STRING_TOTAL];      // String properties
   int               m_digits;                                    // Symbol's Digits()
   datetime          m_wnd_time_x;                                // Time for X coordinate on the windowed chart
   double            m_wnd_price_y;                               // Price for Y coordinate on the windowed chart
//--- Return the index of the array the (1) double and (2) string properties are actually located at
   int               IndexProp(ENUM_CHART_PROP_DOUBLE property)   const { return(int)property-CHART_PROP_INTEGER_TOTAL;                         }
   int               IndexProp(ENUM_CHART_PROP_STRING property)   const { return(int)property-CHART_PROP_INTEGER_TOTAL-CHART_PROP_DOUBLE_TOTAL; }

//--- The methods of setting parameter flags 
   bool              SetShowFlag(const string source,const bool flag,const bool redraw=false);
   bool              SetBringToTopFlag(const string source,const bool flag,const bool redraw=false);
   bool              SetContextMenuFlag(const string source,const bool flag,const bool redraw=false);
   bool              SetCrosshairToolFlag(const string source,const bool flag,const bool redraw=false);
   bool              SetMouseScrollFlag(const string source,const bool flag,const bool redraw=false);
   bool              SetEventMouseWhellFlag(const string source,const bool flag,const bool redraw=false);
   bool              SetEventMouseMoveFlag(const string source,const bool flag,const bool redraw=false);
   bool              SetEventObjectCreateFlag(const string source,const bool flag,const bool redraw=false);
   bool              SetEventObjectDeleteFlag(const string source,const bool flag,const bool redraw=false);
   bool              SetForegroundFlag(const string source,const bool flag,const bool redraw=false);
   bool              SetShiftFlag(const string source,const bool flag,const bool redraw=false);
   bool              SetAutoscrollFlag(const string source,const bool flag,const bool redraw=false);
   bool              SetKeyboardControlFlag(const string source,const bool flag,const bool redraw=false);
   bool              SetQuickNavigationFlag(const string source,const bool flag,const bool redraw=false);
   bool              SetScaleFixFlag(const string source,const bool flag,const bool redraw=false);
   bool              SetScaleFix11Flag(const string source,const bool flag,const bool redraw=false);
   bool              SetScalePTPerBarFlag(const string source,const bool flag,const bool redraw=false);
   bool              SetShowTickerFlag(const string source,const bool flag,const bool redraw=false);
   bool              SetShowOHLCFlag(const string source,const bool flag,const bool redraw=false);
   bool              SetShowBidLineFlag(const string source,const bool flag,const bool redraw=false);
   bool              SetShowAskLineFlag(const string source,const bool flag,const bool redraw=false);
   bool              SetShowLastLineFlag(const string source,const bool flag,const bool redraw=false);
   bool              SetShowPeriodSeparatorsFlag(const string source,const bool flag,const bool redraw=false);
   bool              SetShowGridFlag(const string source,const bool flag,const bool redraw=false);
   bool              SetShowObjectDescriptionsFlag(const string source,const bool flag,const bool redraw=false);
   bool              SetShowTradeLevelsFlag(const string source,const bool flag,const bool redraw=false);
   bool              SetDragTradeLevelsFlag(const string source,const bool flag,const bool redraw=false);
   bool              SetShowDateScaleFlag(const string source,const bool flag,const bool redraw=false);
   bool              SetShowPriceScaleFlag(const string source,const bool flag,const bool redraw=false);
   bool              SetShowOneClickPanelFlag(const string source,const bool flag,const bool redraw=false);
   bool              SetDockedFlag(const string source,const bool flag,const bool redraw=false);

//--- The methods of setting property values
   bool              SetMode(const string source,const ENUM_CHART_MODE mode,const bool redraw=false);
   bool              SetScale(const string source,const int scale,const bool redraw=false);
   bool              SetModeVolume(const string source,const ENUM_CHART_VOLUME_MODE mode,const bool redraw=false);
   void              SetVisibleBars(void);
   void              SetWindowsTotal(void);
   void              SetFirstVisibleBars(void);
   void              SetWidthInBars(void);
   void              SetWidthInPixels(void);
   void              SetMaximizedFlag(void);
   void              SetMinimizedFlag(void);
   void              SetExpertName(void);
   void              SetScriptName(void);
//--- (1) Create, (2) check and re-create the chart window list
   void              CreateWindowsList(void);
   void              RecreateWindowsList(const int change);
//--- Add an extension to the screenshot file if it is missing
   string            FileNameWithExtention(const string filename);

クラスのpublicセクションで、クラスイベントを操作するための新しいメソッドを実装および宣言 します。

//--- Set object's (1) integer, (2) real and (3) string properties
   void              SetProperty(ENUM_CHART_PROP_INTEGER property,long value)    { this.m_long_prop[property]=value;                      }
   void              SetProperty(ENUM_CHART_PROP_DOUBLE property,double value)   { this.m_double_prop[this.IndexProp(property)]=value;    }
   void              SetProperty(ENUM_CHART_PROP_STRING property,string value)   { this.m_string_prop[this.IndexProp(property)]=value;    }
//--- Return object’s (1) integer, (2) real and (3) string property from the properties array
   long              GetProperty(ENUM_CHART_PROP_INTEGER property)         const { return this.m_long_prop[property];                     }
   double            GetProperty(ENUM_CHART_PROP_DOUBLE property)          const { return this.m_double_prop[this.IndexProp(property)];   }
   string            GetProperty(ENUM_CHART_PROP_STRING property)          const { return this.m_string_prop[this.IndexProp(property)];   }
//--- Return (1) itself, (2) the window object list and (3) the list of removed window objects
   CChartObj        *GetObject(void)                                             { return &this;               }
   CArrayObj        *GetList(void)                                               { return &this.m_list_wnd;    }

//--- Return the last (1) added (removed) chart window
   CChartWnd        *GetLastAddedWindow(void)                                    { return this.m_list_wnd.At(this.m_list_wnd.Total()-1);           }
   CChartWnd        *GetLastDeletedWindow(void)                                  { return this.m_list_wnd_del.At(this.m_list_wnd_del.Total()-1);   }
//--- Return (1) the last one added to the window, (2) the last one removed from the window and (3) the changed indicator,
   CWndInd          *GetLastAddedIndicator(const int win_num);
   CWndInd          *GetLastDeletedIndicator(void)                               { return this.m_list_ind_del.At(this.m_list_ind_del.Total()-1);   }
   CWndInd          *GetLastChangedIndicator(void)                               { return this.m_list_ind_param.At(this.m_list_ind_param.Total()-1);}
//--- Return the indicator by index from the specified chart window
   CWndInd          *GetIndicator(const int win_num,const int ind_index);
//--- Return the flag of the object supporting this property
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_CHART_PROP_INTEGER property)           { return (property!=CHART_PROP_WINDOW_YDISTANCE ? true : false);  }
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_CHART_PROP_DOUBLE property)            { return true; }
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_CHART_PROP_STRING property)            { return true; }

//--- Get description of (1) integer, (2) real and (3) string properties
   string            GetPropertyDescription(ENUM_CHART_PROP_INTEGER property);
   string            GetPropertyDescription(ENUM_CHART_PROP_DOUBLE property);
   string            GetPropertyDescription(ENUM_CHART_PROP_STRING property);

//--- Display the description of object properties in the journal (full_prop=true - all properties, false - supported ones only)
   void              Print(const bool full_prop=false);
//--- Display a short description of the object in the journal
   virtual void      PrintShort(const bool dash=false);
//--- Return the object short name
   virtual string    Header(void);
//--- Create and send the chart event to the control program chart
   void              SendEvent(ENUM_CHART_OBJ_EVENT event);
//--- Compare CChartObj objects by a specified property (to sort the list by a specified chart object property)
   virtual int       Compare(const CObject *node,const int mode=0) const;
//--- Compare CChartObj objects by all properties (to search for equal chart objects)
   bool              IsEqual(CChartObj* compared_obj) const;
//--- Update the chart object and its list of indicator windows
   void              Refresh(void);
//--- Constructors
                     CChartObj(const long chart_id,CArrayObj *list_wnd_del,CArrayObj *list_ind_del,CArrayObj *list_ind_param);



//| Parametric constructor                                           |
CChartObj::CChartObj(const long chart_id,CArrayObj *list_wnd_del,CArrayObj *list_ind_del,CArrayObj *list_ind_param) : m_wnd_time_x(0),m_wnd_price_y(0)
//--- Set chart ID to the base object




//| Return the last indicator added to the window                    |
CWndInd *CChartObj::GetLastAddedIndicator(const int win_num)
   CChartWnd *wnd=this.GetWindowByNum(win_num);
   return(wnd!=NULL ? wnd.GetLastAddedIndicator() : NULL);



//| Return the indicator by index from the specified chart window    |
CWndInd *CChartObj::GetIndicator(const int win_num,const int ind_index)
   CChartWnd *wnd=this.GetWindowByNum(win_num);
   return(wnd!=NULL ? wnd.GetIndicatorByIndex(ind_index) : NULL);

GetWindowByNum()メソッドを使用して、必要なチャートウィンドウを取得して、指標をチャートウィンドウのインデックスによって取得します。チャートウィンドウオブジェクトの取得に失敗した場合は、NULLを返します。GetIndicatorByIndex()チャートウィンドウオブジェクトメソッドも NULLを返す可能性があることに注意してください。


//| Update the chart object and its window list                      |
void CChartObj::Refresh(void)
   for(int i=0;i<this.m_list_wnd.Total();i++)
      CChartWnd *wnd=this.m_list_wnd.At(i);
   int change=(int)::ChartGetInteger(this.m_chart_id,CHART_WINDOWS_TOTAL)-this.WindowsTotal();



//| Create the list of chart windows                                 |
void CChartObj::CreateWindowsList(void)
   //--- Clear the chart window list
   //--- Get the total number of chart windows from the environment
   int total=(int)::ChartGetInteger(this.m_chart_id,CHART_WINDOWS_TOTAL);
   //--- In the loop by the total number of windows
   for(int i=0;i<total;i++)
      //--- Create a new chart window object
      CChartWnd *wnd=new CChartWnd(this.m_chart_id,i,this.Symbol(),this.m_list_ind_del,this.m_list_ind_param);
      //--- If the window index exceeds 0 (not the main chart window) and it still has no indicator,
      //--- remove the newly created chart window object and go to the next loop iteration
      if(wnd.WindowNum()!=0 && wnd.IndicatorsTotal()==0)
         delete wnd;
      //--- If the object was not added to the list, remove that object
         delete wnd;
   //--- If the number of objects in the list corresponds to the number of windows on the chart,
   //--- write that value to the chart object property
   //--- If the number of objects in the list does not correspond to the number of windows on the chart,
   //--- write the number of objects in the list to the chart object property.
   int value=int(this.m_list_wnd.Total()==total ? total : this.m_list_wnd.Total());


//| Check and re-create the chart window list                        |
void CChartObj::RecreateWindowsList(const int change)
//--- If the window is removed
      //--- If the chart has only one window, this means we have only the main chart with no subwindows,
      //--- while the change in the number of chart windows indicates the removal of a symbol chart in the terminal.
      //--- This situation is handled in the collection class of chart objects - leave the method
      //--- Get the last removed indicator from the list of removed indicators
      CWndInd *ind=this.m_list_ind_del.At(this.m_list_ind_del.Total()-1);
      //--- If managed to get the indicator,
         //--- create a new chart window object
         CChartWnd *wnd=new CChartWnd();
            //--- Set the subwindow index from the last removed indicator object,
            //--- ID and the chart object symbol name for a new object
            //--- If failed to add the created object to the list of removed chart window objects, remove it
               delete wnd;
      //--- Call the method of sending an event to the control program chart and re-create the chart window list
//--- If there are no changes, leave
   else if(change==0)

//--- If a window is added
   //--- Get the total number of chart windows from the environment
   int total=(int)::ChartGetInteger(this.m_chart_id,CHART_WINDOWS_TOTAL);
   //--- In the loop by the total number of windows
   for(int i=0;i<total;i++)
      //--- Create a new chart window object
      CChartWnd *wnd=new CChartWnd(this.m_chart_id,i,this.Symbol(),this.m_list_ind_del,this.m_list_ind_param);
      //--- If the window index exceeds 0 (not the main chart window) and it still has no indicator,
      //--- or such a window is already present in the list or the window object is not added to the list
      //--- remove the newly created chart window object and go to the next loop iteration
      if((wnd.WindowNum()!=0 && wnd.IndicatorsTotal()==0) || this.m_list_wnd.Search(wnd)>WRONG_VALUE || !this.m_list_wnd.Add(wnd))
         delete wnd;
      //--- If added the window, call the method of sending an event to the control program chart
   //--- If the number of objects in the list corresponds to the number of windows on the chart,
   //--- write that value to the chart object property
   //--- If the number of objects in the list does not correspond to the number of windows on the chart,
   //--- write the number of objects in the list to the chart object property.
   int value=int(this.m_list_wnd.Total()==total ? total : this.m_list_wnd.Total());


//| Create and send a chart event                                    |
//| to the control program chart                                     |
void CChartObj::SendEvent(ENUM_CHART_OBJ_EVENT event)
   //--- If a window is added
      //--- Get the last chart window object added to the list
      CChartWnd *wnd=this.GetLastAddedWindow();
      //--- Send the CHART_OBJ_EVENT_CHART_WND_ADD event to the control program chart
      //--- pass the chart ID to lparam,
      //--- pass the chart window index to dparam,
      //--- pass the chart symbol to sparam
   //--- If the window is removed
   else if(event==CHART_OBJ_EVENT_CHART_WND_DEL)
      //--- Get the last chart window object added to the list of removed windows
      CChartWnd *wnd=this.GetLastDeletedWindow();
      //--- Send the CHART_OBJ_EVENT_CHART_WND_DEL event to the control program chart
      //--- pass the chart ID to lparam,
      //--- pass the chart window index to dparam,
      //--- pass the chart symbol to sparam





//| MQL5 signal object collection                                    |
class CChartObjCollection : public CBaseObj
   CListObj                m_list;                                   // List of chart objects
   CListObj                m_list_del;                               // List of deleted chart objects
   CArrayObj               m_list_wnd_del;                           // List of deleted chart window objects
   CArrayObj               m_list_ind_del;                           // List of indicators removed from the indicator window
   CArrayObj               m_list_ind_param;                         // List of changed indicators
   int                     m_charts_total_prev;                      // Previous number of charts in the terminal
   //--- Return the number of charts in the terminal
   int                     ChartsTotal(void) const;
   //--- Return the flag indicating the existence of (1) a chart object and (2) a chart
   bool                    IsPresentChartObj(const long chart_id);
   bool                    IsPresentChart(const long chart_id);
   //--- Create a new chart object and add it to the list
   bool                    CreateNewChartObj(const long chart_id,const string source);
   //--- Find the missing chart object, create it and add it to the collection list
   bool                    FindAndCreateMissingChartObj(void);
   //--- Find a chart object not present in the terminal and remove it from the list
   void                    FindAndDeleteExcessChartObj(void);



//--- Return (1) itself, (2) chart object collection list, (3) the list of deleted chart objects, 
//--- the list (4) of deleted window objects, (5) deleted and (6) changed indicators
   CChartObjCollection    *GetObject(void)                                 { return &this;                  }
   CArrayObj              *GetList(void)                                   { return &this.m_list;           }
   CArrayObj              *GetListDeletedCharts(void)                      { return &this.m_list_del;       }
   CArrayObj              *GetListDeletedWindows(void)                     { return &this.m_list_wnd_del;   }
   CArrayObj              *GetListDeletedIndicators(void)                  { return &this.m_list_ind_del;   }
   CArrayObj              *GetListChangedIndicators(void)                  { return &this.m_list_ind_param; }
   //--- Return the list by selected (1) integer, (2) real and (3) string properties meeting the compared criterion
   CArrayObj              *GetList(ENUM_CHART_PROP_INTEGER property,long value,ENUM_COMPARER_TYPE mode=EQUAL)  { return CSelect::ByChartProperty(this.GetList(),property,value,mode);  }
   CArrayObj              *GetList(ENUM_CHART_PROP_DOUBLE property,double value,ENUM_COMPARER_TYPE mode=EQUAL) { return CSelect::ByChartProperty(this.GetList(),property,value,mode);  }
   CArrayObj              *GetList(ENUM_CHART_PROP_STRING property,string value,ENUM_COMPARER_TYPE mode=EQUAL) { return CSelect::ByChartProperty(this.GetList(),property,value,mode);  }
//--- Return the number of chart objects in the list
   int                     DataTotal(void)                           const { return this.m_list.Total();    }
//--- Display (1) the complete and (2) short collection description in the journal
   void                    Print(void);
   void                    PrintShort(void);
//--- Constructor

//--- Return the list of chart objects by (1) symbol and (2) timeframe
   CArrayObj              *GetChartsList(const string symbol)              { return this.GetList(CHART_PROP_SYMBOL,symbol,EQUAL);      }
   CArrayObj              *GetChartsList(const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe)  { return this.GetList(CHART_PROP_TIMEFRAME,timeframe,EQUAL);}
//--- Return the pointer to the chart object (1) by ID and (2) by an index in the list
   CChartObj              *GetChart(const long id);
   CChartObj              *GetChart(const int index)                       { return this.m_list.At(index);                             }
//--- Return (1) the last added chart and (2) the last removed chart
   CChartObj              *GetLastAddedChart(void)                         { return this.m_list.At(this.m_list.Total()-1);             }
   CChartObj              *GetLastDeletedChart(void)                       { return this.m_list_del.At(this.m_list_del.Total()-1);     }
//--- Return (1) the last added window on the chart by chart ID and (2) the last removed chart window
   CChartWnd              *GetLastAddedChartWindow(const long chart_id); 
   CChartWnd              *GetLastDeletedChartWindow(void)                 { return this.m_list_wnd_del.At(this.m_list_wnd_del.Total()-1);}
//--- Return (1) the last one added to the specified window of the specified chart, (2) the last one removed from the window and (3) the changed indicator
   CWndInd                *GetLastAddedIndicator(const long chart_id,const int win_num);
   CWndInd                *GetLastDeletedIndicator(void)                   { return this.m_list_ind_del.At(this.m_list_ind_del.Total()-1);   }
   CWndInd                *GetLastChangedIndicator(void)                   { return this.m_list_ind_param.At(this.m_list_ind_param.Total()-1);}
//--- Return the indicator by index from the specified window of the specified chart
   CWndInd                *GetIndicator(const long chart_id,const int win_num,const int ind_index);

//--- Return the chart ID with the program
   long                    GetMainChartID(void)                      const { return CBaseObj::GetMainChartID();                        }
//--- Create the collection list of chart objects
   bool                    CreateCollection(void);
//--- Update (1) the chart object collection list and (2) the specified chart object
   void                    Refresh(void);
   void                    Refresh(const long chart_id);

//--- (1) Open a new chart with the specified symbol and period, (2) close the specified chart
   bool                    Open(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe);
   bool                    Close(const long chart_id);
//--- Create and send the chart event to the control program chart
   void                    SendEvent(ENUM_CHART_OBJ_EVENT event);



//| Constructor                                                      |


//| Update the collection list of chart objects                      |
void CChartObjCollection::Refresh(void)
   //--- In the loop by the number of chart objects in the list,
   for(int i=0;i<this.m_list.Total();i++)
      //--- get the next chart object and
      CChartObj *chart=this.m_list.At(i);
      //--- update it
   //--- Get the number of open charts in the terminal and
   int charts_total=this.ChartsTotal();
   //--- calculate the difference between the number of open charts in the terminal
   //--- and chart objects in the collection list
   int change=charts_total-this.m_list.Total();
   //--- If there are no changes, leave
   //--- If a chart is added in the terminal
      //--- Find the missing chart object, create and add it to the collection list
      //--- Get the current chart and return to it since
      //--- adding a new chart switches the focus to it
      CChartObj *chart=this.GetChart(GetMainChartID());
      for(int i=0;i<change;i++)
   //--- If a chart is removed in the terminal
   else if(change<0)
      //--- Find an extra chart object in the collection list and remove it from the list
      for(int i=0;i<-change;i++)
         CChartObj *chart=this.m_list_del.At(this.m_list_del.Total()-(1+i));



//| Create a new chart object and add it to the list                 |
bool CChartObjCollection::CreateNewChartObj(const long chart_id,const string source)
   CChartObj *chart_obj=new CChartObj(chart_id,this.GetListDeletedWindows(),this.GetListDeletedIndicators(),this.GetListChangedIndicators());
      return false;
      delete chart_obj;
      return false;
   return true;


//| Return the last added window to the chart by ID                  |
CChartWnd* CChartObjCollection::GetLastAddedChartWindow(const long chart_id)
   CChartObj *chart=this.GetChart(chart_id);
      return NULL;
   CArrayObj *list=chart.GetList();
   return(list!=NULL ? list.At(list.Total()-1) : NULL);

最後に追加されたウィンドウは常にリストの最後にありますチャートウィンドウのリストの最後にあるオブジェクトまたはそれができなかった場合は NULL を返します。


//| Return the last indicator added                                  |
//| to the specified window of the specified chart                   |
CWndInd* CChartObjCollection::GetLastAddedIndicator(const long chart_id,const int win_num)
   CChartObj *chart=this.GetChart(chart_id);
   return(chart!=NULL ? chart.GetLastAddedIndicator(win_num) : NULL);

このメソッドは、チャートID 最後に追加された指標を取得するサブウィンドウの番号を受け取ります。
メソッドに渡されたIDでチャートオブジェクトを取得し、GetLastAddedIndicator()チャートオブジェクトメソッドを使用して、指定されたチャートウィンドウに追加された最後の指標へのポインタを返します。失敗した場合は NULLを返します。


//| Return the indicator by index                                    |
//| from the specified window of the specified chart                 |
CWndInd* CChartObjCollection::GetIndicator(const long chart_id,const int win_num,const int ind_index)
   CChartObj *chart=this.GetChart(chart_id);
   return(chart!=NULL ? chart.GetIndicator(win_num,ind_index) : NULL);

して、GetIndicator()チャートオブジェクトメソッドを使用して指定されたチャートウィンドウから指標へのポインタを返します 。失敗した場合は、 NULLを返します。


//|Find a chart object not present in the terminal and remove it from the list  |
void CChartObjCollection::FindAndDeleteExcessChartObj(void)
   for(int i=this.m_list.Total()-1;i>WRONG_VALUE;i--)
      CChartObj *chart=this.m_list.At(i);



//| Create and send a chart event                                    |
//| to the control program chart                                     |
void CChartObjCollection::SendEvent(ENUM_CHART_OBJ_EVENT event)
   //--- If a chart is added
      //--- Get the last chart object added to the list
      CChartObj *chart=this.GetLastAddedChart();
      //--- Send the CHART_OBJ_EVENT_CHART_OPEN event to the control program chart
      //--- pass the chart ID to lparam,
      //--- pass the chart timeframe to dparam,
      //--- pass the chart symbol to sparam
   //--- If a chart is removed
   else if(event==CHART_OBJ_EVENT_CHART_CLOSE)
      //--- Get the last chart object added to the list of removed charts
      CChartObj *chart=this.GetLastDeletedChart();
      //--- Send the CHART_OBJ_EVENT_CHART_CLOSE event to the control program chart
      //--- pass the chart ID to lparam,
      //--- pass the chart timeframe to dparam,
      //--- pass the chart symbol to sparam




ライブラリは、すべてのチャートプロパティ、それらのウィンドウ、および指標の変更をまだ追跡できません。ただし、すべてのオブジェクトはすでにすべてのライブラリオブジェクトの基本オブジェクトの拡張クラスの子孫であるため(子孫にイベント機能を自動的に付与します)、オブジェクトのプロパティを管理するためのメソッドを追加するだけです。 これは次の記事に残しておきます。それでは、新しい機能を「外の世界」に接続して、現在の記事で実装したすべてをテストしてみましょう。


//--- Return the list of chart objects by (1) symbol and (2) timeframe
   CArrayObj           *GetListCharts(const string symbol)                             { return this.m_charts.GetChartsList(symbol);         }
   CArrayObj           *GetListCharts(const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe)                 { return this.m_charts.GetChartsList(timeframe);      }
//--- Return the list of removed (1) chart objects, (2) chart windows, (3) indicators in the chart window and (4) changed indicators in the chart window
   CArrayObj           *GetListChartsClosed(void)                                      { return this.m_charts.GetListDeletedCharts();        }
   CArrayObj           *GetListChartWindowsDeleted(void)                               { return this.m_charts.GetListDeletedWindows();       }
   CArrayObj           *GetListChartWindowsIndicatorsDeleted(void)                     { return this.m_charts.GetListDeletedIndicators();    }
   CArrayObj           *GetListChartWindowsIndicatorsChanged(void)                     { return this.m_charts.GetListChangedIndicators();    }

//--- Return (1) the specified chart object and (2) the chart object with the program
   CChartObj           *ChartGetChartObj(const long chart_id)                          { return this.m_charts.GetChart(chart_id);            }
   CChartObj           *ChartGetMainChart(void)                                        { return this.m_charts.GetChart(this.m_charts.GetMainChartID());}
//--- Reutrn the chart object of the last (1) open and (2) closed chart
   CChartObj           *ChartGetLastOpenedChart(void)                                  { return this.m_charts.GetLastAddedChart();           }
   CChartObj           *ChartGetLastClosedChart(void)                                  { return this.m_charts.GetLastDeletedChart();         }

//--- Return the object (1) of the last added window of the specified chart and (2) the last removed chart window
   CChartWnd           *ChartGetLastAddedChartWindow(const long chart_id)              { return this.m_charts.GetLastAddedChartWindow(chart_id);}
   CChartWnd           *ChartGetLastDeletedChartWindow(void)                           { return this.m_charts.GetLastDeletedChartWindow();   }
//--- Return (1) the last one added to the specified window of the specified chart, (2) the last one removed from the window and (3) the changed indicator
   CWndInd             *ChartGetLastAddedIndicator(const long id,const int win)        { return m_charts.GetLastAddedIndicator(id,win);      }
   CWndInd             *ChartGetLastDeletedIndicator(void)                             { return this.m_charts.GetLastDeletedIndicator();     }
   CWndInd             *ChartGetLastChangedIndicator(void)                             { return this.m_charts.GetLastChangedIndicator();     }
//--- Return the indicator by index from the specified window of the specified chart
   CWndInd             *ChartGetIndicator(const long chart_id,const int win_num,const int ind_index)
                           return m_charts.GetIndicator(chart_id,win_num,ind_index);

//--- Return the number of charts in the collection list
   int                  ChartsTotal(void)                                              { return this.m_charts.DataTotal();                   }





//--- Handling timeseries events
      //--- "New bar" event
         Print(TextByLanguage("Новый бар на ","New Bar on "),sparam," ",TimeframeDescription((ENUM_TIMEFRAMES)dparam),": ",TimeToString(lparam));
//--- Handle chart events
      //--- "New chart opening" event
         CChartObj *chart=engine.ChartGetLastOpenedChart();
            string symbol=sparam;
            long chart_id=lparam;
            ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe=(ENUM_TIMEFRAMES)dparam;
            string header=symbol+" "+TimeframeDescription(timeframe)+", ID "+(string)chart_id;
            Print(DFUN,CMessage::Text(MSG_CHART_COLLECTION_CHART_OPENED),": ",header);
      //--- "Chart closure" event
         CChartObj *chart=engine.ChartGetLastClosedChart();
            string symbol=sparam;
            long   chart_id=lparam;
            ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe=(ENUM_TIMEFRAMES)dparam;
            string header=symbol+" "+TimeframeDescription(timeframe)+", ID "+(string)chart_id;
            Print(DFUN,CMessage::Text(MSG_CHART_COLLECTION_CHART_CLOSED),": ",header);
      //--- "Adding a new window on the chart" event
         string ind_name="";
         string symbol=sparam;
         long   chart_id=lparam;
         int    win_num=(int)dparam;
         string header=symbol+" "+TimeframeDescription(timeframe)+", ID "+(string)chart_id+": ";
         CChartObj *chart=engine.ChartGetLastOpenedChart();
            CChartWnd *wnd=engine.ChartGetLastAddedChartWindow(chart.ID());
               CWndInd *ind=wnd.GetLastAddedIndicator();
         Print(DFUN,header,CMessage::Text(MSG_CHART_OBJ_WINDOW_ADDED)," ",(string)win_num," ",ind_name);
      //--- "Removing a window from the chart" event
         CChartWnd *wnd=engine.ChartGetLastDeletedChartWindow();
         string symbol=sparam;
         long   chart_id=lparam;
         int    win_num=(int)dparam;
         string header=symbol+" "+TimeframeDescription(timeframe)+", ID "+(string)chart_id+": ";
         Print(DFUN,header,CMessage::Text(MSG_CHART_OBJ_WINDOW_REMOVED)," ",(string)win_num);
      //--- "Adding a new indicator to the chart window" event
         string ind_name=sparam;
         string symbol=NULL;
         long   chart_id=lparam;
         int    win_num=(int)dparam;
         string header=NULL;
         CWndInd *ind=engine.ChartGetLastAddedIndicator(chart_id,win_num);
            CChartObj *chart=engine.ChartGetChartObj(chart_id);
               CChartWnd *wnd=chart.GetWindowByNum(win_num);
         Print(DFUN,symbol," ",TimeframeDescription(timeframe),", ID ",chart_id,", ",header,": ",CMessage::Text(MSG_CHART_OBJ_INDICATOR_ADDED)," ",ind_name);
      //--- "Removing an indicator from the chart window" event
         string ind_name=sparam;
         string symbol=NULL;
         long   chart_id=lparam;
         int    win_num=(int)dparam;
         string header=NULL;
         CWndInd *ind=engine.ChartGetLastDeletedIndicator();
            CChartObj *chart=engine.ChartGetChartObj(chart_id);
               CChartWnd *wnd=chart.GetWindowByNum(win_num);
         Print(DFUN,symbol," ",TimeframeDescription(timeframe),", ID ",chart_id,", ",header,": ",CMessage::Text(MSG_CHART_OBJ_INDICATOR_REMOVED)," ",ind_name);
      //--- "Changing indicator parameters in the chart window" event
         string ind_name=sparam;
         string symbol=NULL;
         long   chart_id=lparam;
         int    win_num=(int)dparam;
         string header=NULL;
         CWndInd *ind=NULL;
         CWndInd *ind_changed=engine.ChartGetLastChangedIndicator();
               CChartObj *chart=engine.ChartGetChartObj(chart_id);
                  CChartWnd *wnd=chart.GetWindowByNum(win_num);
         Print(DFUN,symbol," ",TimeframeDescription(timeframe),", ID ",chart_id,", ",header,": ",CMessage::Text(MSG_CHART_OBJ_INDICATOR_CHANGED)," ",ind_name," >>> ",ind.Name());
//--- Handling trading events



新しい銘柄チャートを開く - OnDoEasyEvent()ハンドラから次の操作ログメッセージが発生します。

OnDoEasyEvent: Open chart: AUDNZD H4, ID 131733844391938634

開いているチャートに任意のオシレータの新しいウィンドウを追加 - OnDoEasyEvent()ハンドラーから次の操作ログメッセージが発生します。

OnDoEasyEvent: AUDNZD H1, ID 131733844391938634: Added subwindow 1 Momentum(14)

メインウィンドウに描画された指標を開いているチャートに追加 - OnDoEasyEvent()ハンドラから次の操作ログメッセージが発生します。

OnDoEasyEvent: AUDNZD H4, ID 131733844391938634, Main chart window: Added indicator AMA(14,2,30)

オシレータパラメータを変更 - OnDoEasyEvent()ハンドラから次の操作ログメッセージが発生します。

OnDoEasyEvent: AUDNZD H4, ID 131733844391938634, Chart subwindow 1: Changed indicator Momentum(14) >>> Momentum(20)

メインウィンドウの指標パラメータを変更 - OnDoEasyEvent()ハンドラから次の操作ログメッセージが発生します。

OnDoEasyEvent: AUDNZD H4, ID 131733844391938634, Main chart window: Changed indicator AMA(14,2,30) >>> AMA(20,2,30)

オシレータウィンドウを削除 - OnDoEasyEvent()ハンドラから次の2つの操作ログメッセージが発生します。

OnDoEasyEvent: AUDNZD H4, ID 131733844391938634: Removed indicator Momentum(20)
OnDoEasyEvent: AUDNZD H1, ID 131733844391938634: Removed subwindow 1

メインウィンドウから指標を削除 - OnDoEasyEvent()ハンドラから次の操作ログメッセージが発生します。

OnDoEasyEvent: AUDNZD H4, ID 131733844391938634, Main chart window: Removed indicator AMA(20,2,30)

以前に開いたチャートウィンドウを閉じる - OnDoEasyEvent()ハンドラから次の操作ログメッセージが発生します。

OnDoEasyEvent: Closed chart: AUDNZD H4, ID 131733844391938634







DoEasyライブラリでのその他のクラス(第67部): チャットオブジェクトクラス
DoEasyライブラリでのその他のクラス(第68部): チャットウィンドウオブジェクトクラスとチャートでの指標オブジェクトクラス
DoEasyライブラリでのその他のクラス(第69部): チャットオブジェクトコレクションクラス
DoEasyライブラリでのその他のクラス(第70部): チャットオブジェクトコレクショの機能拡張と自動更新

MetaQuotes Ltdによってロシア語から翻訳されました。
元の記事: https://www.mql5.com/ru/articles/9360

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プロのプログラマーからのヒント(第2部): パラメータの保存とエキスパートアドバイザー、スクリプト、外部プログラム間での交換 プロのプログラマーからのヒント(第2部): パラメータの保存とエキスパートアドバイザー、スクリプト、外部プログラム間での交換
DoEasyライブラリでのその他のクラス(第70部): チャットオブジェクトコレクショの機能拡張と自動更新 DoEasyライブラリでのその他のクラス(第70部): チャットオブジェクトコレクショの機能拡張と自動更新
DoEasyライブラリでのその他のクラス(第72部): コレクション内のチャートオブジェクトパラメータの追跡と記録 DoEasyライブラリでのその他のクラス(第72部): コレクション内のチャートオブジェクトパラメータの追跡と記録
スワップ(第I部):ロックと合成ポジション スワップ(第I部):ロックと合成ポジション